This is the complete list of members for ContentHomeReport, including all inherited members.
AddButton(string text, Action onClick) | UINote | inline |
AddButtonLink(string text, string url) | UINote | inline |
AddDropdown(string id="DropdownDefault") | UINote | inline |
AddExtra< T >(string path) | UINote | inline |
AddHeader(string text, Sprite sprite=null) | UINote | inline |
AddHeader(string id, string text, Sprite sprite=null) | UINote | inline |
AddHeaderCard(string text, Sprite sprite=null) | UINote | inline |
AddHeaderTopic(string text, Sprite sprite=null) | UINote | inline |
AddImage(Sprite sprite) | UINote | inline |
AddImage(string idFile) | UINote | inline |
AddItem(string id) | UINote | inline |
AddNote(string id) | UINote | inline |
AddPrefab(string path) | UINote | inline |
AddText(string text, FontColor color=FontColor.DontChange) | UINote | inline |
AddText(string id, string text, FontColor color=FontColor.DontChange) | UINote | inline |
AddText(string id, string text, Color color) | UINote | inline |
AddToggle(string idLang="", bool isOn=false, Action< bool > action=null) | UINote | inline |
AddTopic(string id, string text, string value=null) | UINote | inline |
AddTopic(string text, string value=null) | UINote | inline |
Awake() | UINote | inlineprivate |
branch | ContentHomeReport | |
Build() | UINote | inline |
buttonHappinessLivestock | ContentHomeReport | |
buttonHappinessResident | ContentHomeReport | |
Clear() | UINote | inline |
cur | UINote | |
extraRebuild | UINote | |
faction | ContentHomeReport | |
GetTextHappiness(List< Chara > list) | ContentHomeReport | inline |
idDefaultText | UINote | |
layout | UINote | |
listCurrencies | ContentHomeReport | |
listResources | ContentHomeReport | |
Load(string path) | UINote | inlineprivate |
Load< T >(string path) | UINote | inlineprivate |
oldTempSkin | UINote | private |
OnInstantiate() | UIContent | inlinevirtual |
OnSwitchContent(int idTab) | ContentHomeReport | inlinevirtual |
prof | UINote | |
RefreshInfo() | ContentHomeReport | inline |
RefreshResources() | ContentHomeReport | inline |
skinType | UINote | |
Space(int sizeY=0, int sizeX=1) | UINote | inline |
tabResearch | ContentHomeReport | |
target | UINote | |
textHeaderReport | ContentHomeReport | |
textHearth | ContentHomeReport | |
textInfluence | ContentHomeReport | |
textKarma | ContentHomeReport | |
textKnowledge | ContentHomeReport | |
textName | ContentHomeReport | |
textPopu | ContentHomeReport | |
textRank | ContentHomeReport | |
textReknown | ContentHomeReport | |
textWealth | ContentHomeReport | |
zone | ContentHomeReport | |