Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
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CoreExtension Member List

This is the complete list of members for CoreExtension, including all inherited members.

AttachCurrency(this Window window)CoreExtensioninlinestatic
GetFixedColor(Color c, bool dark)CoreExtensioninlinestatic
Sort(this List< Thing > things, UIList.SortMode m, bool ascending=false)CoreExtensioninlinestatic
TagColor(this string s, FontColor c, SkinColorProfile colors=null)CoreExtensioninlinestatic
TagColor(this string text, Func< bool > funcGood, SkinColorProfile colors=null)CoreExtensioninlinestatic
TagColor(this string text, Func< bool > funcGood, Func< bool > funcBad, SkinColorProfile colors=null)CoreExtensioninlinestatic
TagColorGoodBad(this string s, Func< bool > funcGood, bool dark=false)CoreExtensioninlinestatic
TagColorGoodBad(this string s, Func< bool > funcGood, Func< bool > funcBad, bool dark=false)CoreExtensioninlinestatic