This is the complete list of members for FastString, including all inherited members.
Append(string value) | FastString | inline |
Append(object value) | FastString | inline |
Append(int value) | FastString | inline |
Append(float valueF) | FastString | inline |
Clear() | FastString | inline |
FastString(int initialCapacity=32) | FastString | inline |
IsEmpty() | FastString | inline |
IsModified(int newControlValue) | FastString | inline |
IsModified(object newControlValue) | FastString | inline |
m_buffer | FastString | private |
m_bufferPos | FastString | private |
m_charsCapacity | FastString | private |
m_isStringGenerated | FastString | private |
m_replacement | FastString | private |
m_stringGenerated | FastString | private |
m_valueControl | FastString | private |
m_valueControlInt | FastString | private |
ReallocateIFN(int nbCharsToAdd) | FastString | inlineprivate |
Replace(string oldStr, string newStr) | FastString | inline |
Set(string str) | FastString | inline |
Set(object str) | FastString | inline |
Set(params object[] str) | FastString | inline |
Set< T1, T2 >(T1 str1, T2 str2) | FastString | inline |
Set< T1, T2, T3 >(T1 str1, T2 str2, T3 str3) | FastString | inline |
Set< T1, T2, T3, T4 >(T1 str1, T2 str2, T3 str3, T4 str4) | FastString | inline |
ToString() | FastString | inline |