This is the complete list of members for ItemGeneral, including all inherited members.
AddPrefab< T >(string id) | ItemGeneral | inline |
AddSubButton(Sprite sprite, Action action, string lang=null, Action< UITooltip > onTooltip=null) | ItemGeneral | inline |
Build() | ItemGeneral | inline |
button1 | UIItem | |
button2 | UIItem | |
button3 | UIItem | |
ButtonPaddingWhenIcon | ItemGeneral | privatestatic |
card | ItemGeneral | |
Clear() | ItemGeneral | inline |
count | ItemGeneral | private |
dd | UIItem | |
DisableIcon() | ItemGeneral | inline |
DisableMask() | ItemGeneral | inline |
GetRenderRow() | ItemGeneral | inline |
Hyphenate() | UIItem | inline |
IconPadding | ItemGeneral | privatestatic |
IconSize | ItemGeneral | privatestatic |
image1 | UIItem | |
image2 | UIItem | |
item | UIItem | |
layout | ItemGeneral | |
OnRefreshPref() | ItemGeneral | inline |
paddingSubText | ItemGeneral | |
refObj | UIItem | |
SetChara(Chara c) | ItemGeneral | inline |
SetMainText(string lang, Sprite sprite=null, bool disableMask=true) | ItemGeneral | inline |
SetSound(SoundData data=null) | ItemGeneral | inline |
SetSubText(string lang, int x, FontColor c=FontColor.Default, TextAnchor align=TextAnchor.MiddleLeft) | ItemGeneral | inline |
SetSubText2(string lang, FontColor c=FontColor.Default, TextAnchor align=TextAnchor.MiddleRight) | ItemGeneral | inline |
SetTopic(string lang1, string lang2) | UIItem | inline |
SetWidth(int w) | UIItem | inline |
text1 | UIItem | |
text2 | UIItem | |
text3 | UIItem | |
text4 | UIItem | |
toggle | UIItem | |