Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
This is the complete list of members for PoolManager, including all inherited members.
_Spawn(string id, string path, Transform parent) | PoolManager | inlineprivate |
_Spawn(string id, Transform original, Transform parent) | PoolManager | inlineprivate |
_trans | PoolManager | static |
Awake() | PoolManager | inlineprivate |
CreateGroup(string id, Transform original) | PoolManager | inline |
CreateGroup(string id, string path) | PoolManager | inline |
current | PoolManager | static |
Despawn(Component c) | PoolManager | inlinestatic |
DespawnOrDestroy(Component c) | PoolManager | inlinestatic |
GetGroup(string id) | PoolManager | inlinestatic |
groups | PoolManager | |
ignorePool | PoolManager | static |
Spawn(string id, string path, Transform parent) | PoolManager | inlinestatic |
Spawn< T >(T original, Component parent=null) | PoolManager | inlinestatic |
Spawn< T >(string id, string path, Transform parent=null) | PoolManager | inlinestatic |
spawnedList | PoolManager | |
TryDespawn(Component c) | PoolManager | inlinestatic |