Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
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B83.Win32.WinAPI Class Reference

Public Member Functions

static IntPtr GetModuleHandle (string lpModuleName)
static uint GetCurrentThreadId ()
static IntPtr SetWindowsHookEx (HookType hookType, HookProc lpfn, IntPtr hMod, uint dwThreadId)
static bool UnhookWindowsHookEx (IntPtr hhk)
static IntPtr CallNextHookEx (IntPtr hhk, int nCode, IntPtr wParam, ref MSG lParam)
static void DragAcceptFiles (IntPtr hwnd, bool fAccept)
static uint DragQueryFile (IntPtr hDrop, uint iFile, StringBuilder lpszFile, uint cch)
static void DragFinish (IntPtr hDrop)
static void DragQueryPoint (IntPtr hDrop, out POINT pos)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file WinAPI.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CallNextHookEx()

static IntPtr B83.Win32.WinAPI.CallNextHookEx ( IntPtr  hhk,
int  nCode,
IntPtr  wParam,
ref MSG  lParam 

◆ DragAcceptFiles()

static void B83.Win32.WinAPI.DragAcceptFiles ( IntPtr  hwnd,
bool  fAccept 

◆ DragFinish()

static void B83.Win32.WinAPI.DragFinish ( IntPtr  hDrop)

◆ DragQueryFile()

static uint B83.Win32.WinAPI.DragQueryFile ( IntPtr  hDrop,
uint  iFile,
StringBuilder  lpszFile,
uint  cch 

◆ DragQueryPoint()

static void B83.Win32.WinAPI.DragQueryPoint ( IntPtr  hDrop,
out POINT  pos 

◆ GetCurrentThreadId()

static uint B83.Win32.WinAPI.GetCurrentThreadId ( )

◆ GetModuleHandle()

static IntPtr B83.Win32.WinAPI.GetModuleHandle ( string  lpModuleName)

◆ SetWindowsHookEx()

static IntPtr B83.Win32.WinAPI.SetWindowsHookEx ( HookType  hookType,
HookProc  lpfn,
IntPtr  hMod,
uint  dwThreadId 

◆ UnhookWindowsHookEx()

static bool B83.Win32.WinAPI.UnhookWindowsHookEx ( IntPtr  hhk)

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