Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
This is the complete list of members for elona.MsgPlain, including all inherited members.
animeGroup | PopfabItem | |
animeTarget | PopfabItem | |
Awake() | PopfabItem | inlineprivate |
clamp | PopfabItem | |
ClampToScreen() | PopfabItem | inlineprivate |
destTime | PopfabItem | |
destX | PopfabItem | |
destY | PopfabItem | |
duration | PopfabItem | |
fitter | PopfabItem | |
fixPos | PopfabItem | |
followTarget | PopfabItem | |
ForceOutro() | PopfabItem | inline |
hasRect | PopfabItem | |
icon | PopfabItem | |
Init(Transform parent=null) | PopfabItem | inline |
intro | PopfabItem | |
Intro() | PopfabItem | inline |
isKilled | PopfabItem | private |
isOutro | PopfabItem | |
isUseDuration | PopfabItem | |
Kill() | PopfabItem | inline |
lastPosition | PopfabItem | private |
LateUpdate() | PopfabItem | inlineprivate |
loop | PopfabItem | |
outro | PopfabItem | |
Outro() | PopfabItem | inline |
outroForce | PopfabItem | |
pooling | PopfabItem | |
reciever | PopfabItem | |
rect | PopfabItem | |
screenSpace | PopfabItem | |
Set(string text) | PopfabItem | inline |
Set(BalloonData data) | PopfabItem | inline |
SetDuration(float duration) | PopfabItem | inline |
startTransparent | PopfabItem | |
stopFollow | PopfabItem | |
uiText | PopfabItem |