Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
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elona.MsgPlain Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for elona.MsgPlain:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from PopfabItem
void Set (string text)
void Set (BalloonData data)
void Init (Transform parent=null)
void Intro ()
void ForceOutro ()
void Outro ()
void Kill ()
void SetDuration (float duration)
- Public Attributes inherited from PopfabItem
Transform animeTarget
CanvasGroup animeGroup
Anime intro
Anime outro
Anime outroForce
Anime loop
float duration = 6f
bool pooling
Vector3 fixPos = Vector3.zero
bool startTransparent
bool clamp
Text uiText
bool screenSpace = true
ContentSizeFitter fitter
Image icon
bool stopFollow
float destX
float destY
RectTransform rect
Popfab reciever
float destTime
bool isOutro
Transform followTarget
bool isUseDuration = true
bool hasRect

Detailed Description

Definition at line 3 of file MsgPlain.cs.

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