EA 23.81
January 24, 2025
14 files modified.
Important Changes
Possible breaking changes. Click the filename to view the chunk.
public void AddText(string text)
public void AddText(string text, FontColor col = FontColor.Warning)
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ bool IsIngValid(Thing t, int i)
return false;
Card rootCard = t.GetRootCard();
if (rootCard != null && rootCard.isChara && !rootCard.IsPC)
if (rootCard != null && rootCard.isChara && !rootCard.IsPCFaction)
return false;
@@ -216,7 +216,6 @@ void Attack(Card _tc, Point _tp, float mtp, bool subAttack)
Act.TC = _tc;
Act.TP = _tp;
Debug.Log(w.Name + "/" + chaser + "/" + Act.TC.Name);
AttackProcess.Current.Prepare(Act.CC, w, Act.TC, Act.TP, count);
int num6 = 1;
if (chaser > 0)
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public static bool TryPray(Chara c, bool passive = false)
Pray(c, passive && EClass._zone.IsRegion);
Pray(c, passive);
return true;
@@ -102,7 +102,10 @@ public override bool Perform()
bool hasHit = false;
int numFire = effectData.num;
int numFireWithoutDamageLoss = numFire;
int num = weapon.Evalue(602);
int num = GetWeaponEnc(602);
int drill = GetWeaponEnc(606);
int scatter = GetWeaponEnc(607);
int chaser = GetWeaponEnc(620);
if (num > 0)
numFire += num / 10 + ((num % 10 > EClass.rnd(10)) ? 1 : 0);
@@ -110,8 +113,6 @@ public override bool Perform()
numFire += Act.CC.Evalue(1652);
int num2 = numFire;
int num3 = 1 + weapon.material.hardness / 30 + EClass.rnd(3);
int drill = weapon.Evalue(606);
int scatter = weapon.Evalue(607);
int num4 = weapon.Evalue(604);
if (num4 > 0)
@@ -254,6 +255,10 @@ public override bool Perform()
return true;
int GetWeaponEnc(int ele)
return weapon.Evalue(ele) + EClass.pc.faction.charaElements.Value(ele);
void Shoot(Card _tc, Point _tp)
float dmgMulti = 1f;
@@ -295,11 +300,31 @@ void Shoot(Card _tc, Point _tp)
dmgMulti = Mathf.Clamp(1.2f - 0.2f * (float)Act.CC.Dist(Act.TP) - (Act.TP.Equals(orgTP) ? 0f : 0.4f), 0.2f, 1f);
for (int j = 0; j < numFire; j++)
int num5 = 1;
bool flag3 = false;
if (chaser > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
if (chaser > EClass.rnd(4 + (int)Mathf.Pow(4f, j + 2)))
for (int k = 0; k < numFire + num5; k++)
if (AttackProcess.Current.Perform(j, hasHit, dmgMulti))
if (k >= numFire)
if (flag3)
if (AttackProcess.Current.Perform(k, hasHit, dmgMulti))
hasHit = true;
flag3 = (hasHit = true);
if (Act.TC == null || !Act.TC.IsAliveInCurrentZone)
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ public void Prepare(Chara _CC, Thing _weapon, Card _TC = null, Point _TP = null,
attackType = AttackType.Blunt;
dBonus = CC.DMG + (CC.IsPCParty ? 3 : 7);
dNum = 2;
dDim = (((!CC.IsPCParty) ? CC.LV : 0) + CC.STR + CC.Evalue(108)) * num2 * num3 / 10000 / 2;
dDim = (((!CC.IsPCParty) ? CC.LV : 0) + CC.STR + CC.Evalue(108)) * num2 / 100 * num3 / 100 / 2;
dMulti = 1f;
toHitBase = EClass.curve(CC.DEX / 4 + CC.STR / 2 + weaponSkill.Value, 50, 25) + (CC.IsPCFaction ? 75 : 250);
toHitFix = CC.HIT + weapon.HIT;
@@ -122,27 +122,11 @@ public override void OnInstantiate(Chara a, ItemGeneral b)
public void AddSubButtonWork(ItemGeneral b, Chara a)
BaseArea roomWork = null;
BaseArea roomWork = a.GetRoomWork();
bool flag = true;
foreach (Hobby item in a.ListWorks())
AIWork aI = item.GetAI(a);
if (aI.SetDestination())
if (aI.destArea != null)
roomWork = aI.destArea;
else if (aI.destThing != null)
roomWork = aI.destThing.pos.cell.room;
foreach (Hobby item2 in a.ListWorks().Concat(a.ListHobbies()))
foreach (Hobby item in a.ListWorks().Concat(a.ListHobbies()))
if (item2.GetEfficiency(a) <= 0)
if (item.GetEfficiency(a) <= 0)
flag = false;
@@ -1900,7 +1900,7 @@ public int ChildrenWeight
public SourceCategory.Row category => _category ?? (_category = EClass.sources.categories.map[sourceCard.category]);
public SourceMaterial.Row material => _material ?? (_material = EClass.sources.materials.map[idMaterial]);
public SourceMaterial.Row material => _material ?? (_material = EClass.sources.materials.map.TryGetValue(idMaterial, 3));
public virtual string AliasMaterialOnCreate => DefaultMaterial.alias;
@@ -1331,20 +1331,24 @@ public override void OnCreate(int genLv)
if (source.mainElement.Length != 0)
int maxEleLv = Mathf.Min(genLv, 100);
int _genLv = Mathf.Min(genLv, 100);
if (EClass._zone != null && EClass._zone.ScaleMonsterLevel)
_genLv = ((genLv - 1) % 50 + 5) * 150 / 100;
List<Tuple<string, int, int>> list = new List<Tuple<string, int, int>>();
string[] mainElement = source.mainElement;
for (int i = 0; i < mainElement.Length; i++)
string[] array = mainElement[i].Split('/');
SourceElement.Row row = EClass.sources.elements.alias["ele" + array[0]];
int num2 = source.LV * row.eleP / 100 + base.LV - source.LV;
if (list.Count == 0 || num2 < maxEleLv || array[0] == bp.idEle)
int num2 = source.LV * row.eleP / 100;
if (list.Count == 0 || num2 < _genLv || array[0] == bp.idEle)
list.Add(new Tuple<string, int, int>(array[0], (array.Length > 1) ? int.Parse(array[1]) : 0, num2));
Tuple<string, int, int> tuple = list.RandomItemWeighted((Tuple<string, int, int> a) => 10000 / (100 + (maxEleLv - a.Item3) * 25));
Tuple<string, int, int> tuple = list.RandomItemWeighted((Tuple<string, int, int> a) => 10000 / (100 + (_genLv - a.Item3) * 25));
if (!bp.idEle.IsEmpty())
tuple = list.Where((Tuple<string, int, int> a) => a.Item1 == bp.idEle).FirstOrDefault() ?? tuple;
@@ -4651,18 +4655,17 @@ public void ApplyDeathPenalty()
int currency = GetCurrency();
if (currency <= 0)
int num = currency / 3 + EClass.rnd(currency / 3 + 1);
if (num <= 0)
if (currency > 0)
num = 1;
int num = currency / 3 + EClass.rnd(currency / 3 + 1);
if (num <= 0)
num = 1;
Msg.Say("panaltyMoney", this, Lang._currency(num));
EClass._zone.AddCard(ThingGen.CreateCurrency(num), EClass.pc.pos);
Msg.Say("panaltyMoney", this, Lang._currency(num));
EClass._zone.AddCard(ThingGen.CreateCurrency(num), EClass.pc.pos);
foreach (Element value in EClass.pc.elements.dict.Values)
if (EClass.rnd(5) == 0 && value.IsMainAttribute)
@@ -7322,7 +7325,7 @@ public void GiveGift(Chara c, Thing t)
Msg.Say("affinityNone", c, this);
if (t.IsCursed && t.IsEquipmentOrRanged && c.HasElement(1414))
if (!t.isCopy && t.IsCursed && t.IsEquipmentOrRanged && c.HasElement(1414))
bool num = t.blessedState == BlessedState.Doomed;
int num2 = 200 + t.LV * 3;
@@ -7922,6 +7925,28 @@ public void SetAIImmediate(AIAct g)
public BaseArea GetRoomWork()
BaseArea result = null;
foreach (Hobby item in ListWorks())
AIWork aI = item.GetAI(this);
if (aI.SetDestination())
if (aI.destArea != null)
result = aI.destArea;
else if (aI.destThing != null)
result = aI.destThing.pos.cell.room;
return result;
public List<Hobby> ListWorks(bool useMemberType = true)
@@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ public void CheckFirst()
public void AddText(string text)
public void AddText(string text, FontColor col = FontColor.Warning)
n.AddText("_bullet".lang() + text, FontColor.Warning);
n.AddText("_bullet".lang() + text, col);
public void AddText(int v, string text, string textBad = null)
@@ -187,21 +187,33 @@ public void WriteNote()
if (id == 78 && c.IsPCFactionOrMinion)
int num2 = EClass.player.CountKeyItem("lucky_coin");
if (num2 > 0)
AddText(EClass.sources.keyItems.alias["lucky_coin"].GetName() + " (+" + num2 * 2 + ")", FontColor.Great);
if (EClass.pc.faction.charaElements.Has(663))
AddFix(100, EClass.sources.elements.map[663].GetName());
if (!c.race.IsMachine && !(c.id == "android"))
int num2 = c.Evalue(664);
if (num2 > 0)
int num3 = c.Evalue(664);
if (num3 > 0)
switch (id)
case 64:
case 65:
AddFix(num2 / 2, EClass.sources.elements.map[664].GetName());
AddFix(num3 / 2, EClass.sources.elements.map[664].GetName());
case 79:
AddFix(num2, EClass.sources.elements.map[664].GetName());
AddFix(num3, EClass.sources.elements.map[664].GetName());
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ public bool Process(ButtonGrid button)
return false;
ButtonGrid buttonGrid = LayerDragGrid.Instance.buttons[0];
if (buttonGrid.card != null)
ButtonGrid currentButton = LayerDragGrid.Instance.CurrentButton;
if (currentButton.card != null)
buttonGrid.card = null;
currentButton.card = null;
return new Transaction(new DragItemCard.DragInfo(button), new DragItemCard.DragInfo(buttonGrid)).Process(startTransaction: true);
return new Transaction(new DragItemCard.DragInfo(button), new DragItemCard.DragInfo(currentButton)).Process(startTransaction: true);
public override string GetAutoUseLang(ButtonGrid button)
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ public class InvOwnerCraft : InvOwnerDraglet
public TraitCrafter crafter;
public override bool CanTargetAlly => crafter is TraitToolTalisman;
public override bool ShowFuel => crafter.IsRequireFuel;
public override string langTransfer => crafter.CrafterTitle;
@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@ public override void OnInstantiate(Chara c, ItemGeneral i)
uIButton.icon.SetAlpha((c.FindBed() != null) ? 0.9f : 0.4f);
uIButton.tooltip.enable = false;
uIButton.SetTooltip(delegate(UITooltip t)
WriteHobbies(t, c, c.GetRoomWork());
public override void OnClick(Chara c, ItemGeneral i)
@@ -72,10 +72,6 @@ public void RefreshAll()
emo = owner.trait.GetRestockedIcon();
else if (EMono.player.currentHotItem.Thing != null && EMono.player.currentHotItem.Thing.trait.GetHeldEmo(owner) != 0)
emo = EMono.player.currentHotItem.Thing.trait.GetHeldEmo(owner);
bool flag = false;
@@ -122,6 +118,10 @@ public void RefreshAll()
if (EMono.player.currentHotItem.Thing != null && EMono.player.currentHotItem.Thing.trait.GetHeldEmo(owner) != 0)
emo = EMono.player.currentHotItem.Thing.trait.GetHeldEmo(owner);
showIcon = emo != Emo2.none;
if (showIcon)
@@ -887,6 +887,7 @@ public void Activate()
isStarted = true;
Map.isDirtySunMap = true;
if (events.listPreEnter.Count > 0)