Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
Static Public Attributes | |
const int | ActChat = 5044 |
const int | ActThrow = 5038 |
const int | AI_Fish = 5039 |
const int | ActRanged = 5040 |
const int | AI_Read = 5041 |
const int | ActKick = 5042 |
const int | AI_TendAnimal = 5043 |
const int | AI_Drink = 5045 |
const int | ActInstall = 5046 |
const int | ActPick = 5047 |
const int | ActItem = 5048 |
const int | AI_OpenLock = 5049 |
const int | AI_Sleep = 5050 |
const int | ActZap = 5051 |
const int | ActBash = 5052 |
const int | ActNoItem = 5037 |
const int | TaskHarvest = 5053 |
const int | ActRestrain = 5055 |
const int | AI_PlayMusic = 6001 |
const int | AI_Meditate = 6003 |
const int | AI_Steal = 6011 |
const int | ActQuickCraft = 6012 |
const int | AI_PassTime = 6013 |
const int | AI_SelfHarm = 6015 |
const int | ActRide = 6018 |
const int | ActParasite = 6019 |
const int | ActDreamBug = 6020 |
const int | ActPray = 6050 |
const int | ActEscape = 6400 |
const int | ActSuicide = 6410 |
const int | ActDuplicate = 6420 |
const int | AI_Bladder = 5054 |
const int | ActCrabBreathe = 6500 |
const int | TaskMoveInstalled = 5036 |
const int | GoalIdle = 5034 |
const int | Sleep = 5004 |
const int | Wait = 5005 |
const int | Shoot = 5006 |
const int | Use = 5007 |
const int | General = 5008 |
const int | TaskMine = 5009 |
const int | TaskDig = 5010 |
const int | TaskCut = 5011 |
const int | AI_Goto = 5012 |
const int | ActAttack = 5013 |
const int | TaskPlow = 5014 |
const int | TaskAttack = 5015 |
const int | TaskTame = 5016 |
const int | TaskTalk = 5017 |
const int | TaskBuild = 5035 |
const int | TaskPick = 5018 |
const int | TaskFarm = 5020 |
const int | TaskTrain = 5021 |
const int | TaskSleepOnBed = 5022 |
const int | TaskGoOut = 5023 |
const int | AI_Eat = 5024 |
const int | AI_Grab = 5025 |
const int | AI_Haul = 5026 |
const int | GoalSleep = 5027 |
const int | ActReleaseHeld = 5028 |
const int | AI_Offer = 5029 |
const int | AI_ReleaseHeld = 5030 |
const int | AI_Deconstruct = 5031 |
const int | AI_Equip = 5032 |
const int | ActCancelTask = 5033 |
const int | TaskReadBoard = 5019 |
const int | ActCurse = 6600 |
const int | ActRush = 6450 |
const int | ActDraw = 6602 |
const int | breathe_ = 7000 |
const int | breathe_Fire = 50200 |
const int | breathe_Cold = 50201 |
const int | breathe_Lightning = 50202 |
const int | breathe_Darkness = 50203 |
const int | breathe_Mind = 50204 |
const int | breathe_Poison = 50205 |
const int | ActEntangle = 6601 |
const int | breathe_Sound = 50207 |
const int | breathe_Nerve = 50208 |
const int | ActHeadpat = 6904 |
const int | breathe_Holy = 50209 |
const int | breathe_Magic = 50211 |
const int | breathe_Ether = 50212 |
const int | breathe_Acid = 50213 |
const int | breathe_Cut = 50214 |
const int | breathe_Impact = 50215 |
const int | breathe_Void = 50216 |
const int | ActWait = 5000 |
const int | ActMelee = 5001 |
const int | Melee = 5002 |
const int | Ranged = 5003 |
const int | breathe_Chaos = 50210 |
const int | ActKizuamiTrick = 6903 |
const int | breathe_Nether = 50206 |
const int | ActJureHeal = 6901 |
const int | ActWeaken = 6610 |
const int | ActLulwyTrick = 6902 |
const int | ActNTR = 6603 |
const int | ActTouchSleep = 6612 |
const int | ActTouchDrown = 6613 |
const int | ActGazeDim = 6620 |
const int | ActGazeInsane = 6621 |
const int | ActGazeMutation = 6622 |
const int | ActGazeMana = 6623 |
const int | ActFear = 6611 |
const int | ActInsult = 6630 |
const int | ActDrainBlood = 6626 |
const int | ActSteal = 6640 |
const int | ActStealFood = 6641 |
const int | ActStealMoney = 6642 |
const int | ActNeckHunt = 6650 |
const int | ActDropMine = 6660 |
const int | ActThrowPotion = 6661 |
const int | StTaunt = 6700 |
const int | StManaCost = 6720 |
const int | ActManaAbsorb = 6900 |
const int | ActScream = 6631 |
static readonly int[] | IDS |
Definition at line 3 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 93 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 33 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 133 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 5 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 69 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 137 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 217 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 141 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 57 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 227 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 65 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 157 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 61 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 213 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 205 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 207 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 211 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 209 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 163 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 21 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 215 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 25 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 193 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 15 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 189 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 197 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 235 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 181 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 225 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 35 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 199 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 55 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 23 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 59 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 47 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 11 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 123 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 39 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 53 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 139 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 237 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 219 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 221 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 223 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 63 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 7 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 229 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 203 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 201 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 179 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 195 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 31 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 67 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 129 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 19 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 115 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 131 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 9 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 91 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 117 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 119 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 43 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 125 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 27 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 49 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 41 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 13 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 127 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 51 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 29 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 45 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 17 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 143 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 171 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 187 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 147 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 173 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 151 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 169 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 145 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 165 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 175 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 149 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 167 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 153 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 161 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 191 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 155 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 159 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 177 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 83 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 73 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 121 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 239 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 183 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 185 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 79 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 75 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 233 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 231 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 97 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 103 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 89 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 87 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 107 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 113 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 37 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 85 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 71 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 105 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 95 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 135 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 111 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 101 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 99 of file ABILITY.cs.
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Definition at line 109 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 81 of file ABILITY.cs.
static |
Definition at line 77 of file ABILITY.cs.