Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
This is the complete list of members for GenRoomBig, including all inherited members.
_c | GenRoom | private |
_map | EClass | static |
_p | GenRoom | private |
_zone | EClass | static |
AdvMode | EClass | static |
Bigger(int a, int b) | EClass | inlinestatic |
Branch | EClass | static |
BranchOrHomeBranch | EClass | static |
Colors | EClass | static |
core | EClass | static |
Create(Zone z) | GenBounds | inlinestatic |
curve(int a, int start, int step, int rate=75) | EClass | inlinestatic |
debug | EClass | static |
editorSources | EClass | static |
Fill() | GenRoom | inline |
FuncCheckEmpty | GenBounds | |
game | EClass | static |
gamedata | EClass | static |
gen | GenRoom | |
GetBounds(int w, int h, bool ignoreBlock) | GenBounds | inline |
GetBounds(Map map, Zone zone, int x, int y, int width, int height, int dw, int dh, bool ignoreBlock) | GenBounds | inline |
group | GenRoom | |
height | GenBounds | |
Home | EClass | static |
Index | GenRoom | |
Init(Dungen.Room room) | GenRoom | inline |
Init(int _x, int _y, int w, int h) | GenRoom | inline |
IsBigRoom | GenRoomBig | |
IsEmpty() | GenBounds | inline |
IsSub(BiomeProfile.Tile g, int x, int y) | GenBounds | inlineprivate |
ListEmptyPoint() | GenBounds | inline |
ListWrecks | GenRoom | static |
map | GenBounds | |
marginPartial | GenBounds | |
OnPopulate() | GenRoom | inlinevirtual |
pc | EClass | static |
player | EClass | static |
Populate() | GenRoom | inline |
PopulateCluster | GenRoom | |
rnd(int a) | EClass | inlinestatic |
rndf(float a) | EClass | inlinestatic |
rndHalf(int a) | EClass | inlinestatic |
rndSqrt(int a) | EClass | inlinestatic |
scene | EClass | static |
screen | EClass | static |
SetBlock(BiomeProfile.Tile t, int x, int z, int idMat=-1) | GenBounds | inline |
SetBlock(int x, int z, int idMat, int idBlock, int direction=0) | GenBounds | inline |
SetFloor(BiomeProfile.Tile t, int x, int z) | GenBounds | inline |
SetFloor(int x, int z, int idMat, int idFloor, int direction=0) | GenBounds | inline |
SetRandomPoint(Action< Point > action) | GenRoom | inline |
SetRandomPointCentered(Action< Point > action) | GenRoom | inline |
setting | EClass | static |
Size | GenBounds | |
Smaller(int a, int b) | EClass | inlinestatic |
Sound | EClass | static |
sources | EClass | static |
SpawnMob(Point p) | GenRoom | inline |
TryAddMapPiece(MapPiece.Type type=MapPiece.Type.Any, float ruin=-1f, string tags=null, Action< PartialMap, GenBounds > onCreate=null) | GenBounds | inline |
ui | EClass | static |
Wait(float a, Card c) | EClass | inlinestatic |
Wait(float a, Point p) | EClass | inlinestatic |
width | GenBounds | |
Wilds | EClass | static |
world | EClass | static |
x | GenBounds | |
y | GenBounds | |
zone | GenBounds |