Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
Public Attributes | |
float | baseBrightness |
float | dynamicBrightnessSpeed |
float | dynamicBrightnessLightBonus |
float | lightMod |
float | lightPowerMod |
float | playerLightMod = 1f |
float | playerLightCustomMod |
AnimationCurve | lightLimit |
AnimationCurve | lightModCurve |
AnimationCurve | lightPower |
AnimationCurve | baseBrightnessCurve |
AnimationCurve | dynamicBrightnessCurve |
AnimationCurve | dynamicBrightnessCurve2 |
AnimationCurve | nightRatioCurve |
AnimationCurve | fovCurveChara |
AnimationCurve | fogBrightness |
AnimationCurve | vignetteCurve |
AnimationCurve | bloomCurve |
AnimationCurve | bloomCurve2 |
AnimationCurve | orbitAlphaCurve |
AnimationCurve | shadowCurve |
AnimationCurve | shadowCurveFloor |
bool | vignette |
Color | vignetteColor |
Definition at line 3 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
float SceneLightProfile.baseBrightness |
Definition at line 5 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
AnimationCurve SceneLightProfile.baseBrightnessCurve |
Definition at line 25 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.Draw(), and TileMapElona.Draw().
AnimationCurve SceneLightProfile.bloomCurve |
Definition at line 39 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseGameScreen.UpdateShaders().
AnimationCurve SceneLightProfile.bloomCurve2 |
Definition at line 41 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseGameScreen.UpdateShaders().
AnimationCurve SceneLightProfile.dynamicBrightnessCurve |
Definition at line 27 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.Draw().
AnimationCurve SceneLightProfile.dynamicBrightnessCurve2 |
Definition at line 29 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.Draw().
float SceneLightProfile.dynamicBrightnessLightBonus |
Definition at line 9 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.Draw().
float SceneLightProfile.dynamicBrightnessSpeed |
Definition at line 7 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.Draw().
AnimationCurve SceneLightProfile.fogBrightness |
Definition at line 35 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.Draw().
AnimationCurve SceneLightProfile.fovCurveChara |
Definition at line 33 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by Card.GetLightPower().
AnimationCurve SceneLightProfile.lightLimit |
Definition at line 19 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.Draw(), and TileMapElona.Draw().
float SceneLightProfile.lightMod |
Definition at line 11 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
AnimationCurve SceneLightProfile.lightModCurve |
Definition at line 21 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.Draw(), and TileMapElona.Draw().
AnimationCurve SceneLightProfile.lightPower |
Definition at line 23 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseGameScreen.UpdateShaders().
float SceneLightProfile.lightPowerMod |
Definition at line 13 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseGameScreen.UpdateShaders().
AnimationCurve SceneLightProfile.nightRatioCurve |
Definition at line 31 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.Draw(), TileMapElona.Draw(), BaseGameScreen.RefreshGrading(), and BaseGameScreen.UpdateShaders().
AnimationCurve SceneLightProfile.orbitAlphaCurve |
Definition at line 43 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by EloMapActor.OnChangeHour(), and PCOrbit.OnChangeMin().
float SceneLightProfile.playerLightCustomMod |
Definition at line 17 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by Card.CalculateFOV().
float SceneLightProfile.playerLightMod = 1f |
Definition at line 15 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
AnimationCurve SceneLightProfile.shadowCurve |
Definition at line 45 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.Draw(), and TileMapElona.Draw().
AnimationCurve SceneLightProfile.shadowCurveFloor |
Definition at line 47 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.Draw().
bool SceneLightProfile.vignette |
Definition at line 49 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseGameScreen.RefreshAll().
Color SceneLightProfile.vignetteColor |
Definition at line 51 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseGameScreen.RefreshAll().
AnimationCurve SceneLightProfile.vignetteCurve |
Definition at line 37 of file SceneLightProfile.cs.
Referenced by BaseGameScreen.UpdateShaders().