Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1using System;
2using NoiseSystem;
3using UnityEngine;
5public class BaseTileMap : EMono
7 public enum WallClipMode
8 {
9 ByRoom,
10 ByLot
11 }
13 public enum InnerMode
14 {
15 None,
17 Height,
19 }
21 public enum CardIconMode
22 {
23 None,
24 Inspect,
26 State,
28 }
30 public enum ScreenHighlight
31 {
32 None,
33 SunMap
34 }
36 public static bool forceShowHang;
38 public int count;
40 [Header("Mouse Hit")]
41 public Collider2D mouseCollider;
43 public Vector3 colliderFix;
45 public int maxColliderCheck;
47 [Header("Height")]
48 public float heightBlockSize;
50 public float slopeFixZ;
52 public float heightModDeco;
54 public float heightLimitDeco;
56 public Vector3 heightMod;
58 public Vector3 ugFix;
60 public Vector3 ugFixBridge;
62 public Vector3 ugFixBridgeBottom;
64 public Vector3 ugFixBridgeTop;
66 public Vector3 heightModRoofBlock;
68 [Header("Room")]
69 public float rightWallShade;
71 public Vector3 roofRampFix;
73 public Vector3 roofFix;
75 public Vector3 roofFix2;
77 public Vector3 roofFix3;
79 public float roofLightMod;
81 public float lotLight;
83 public float lotLight2;
85 public float roofLightSnow;
87 [Header("Other")]
92 public Vector3 edgeBlockFix;
94 public Vector3 bridgeFix;
96 public Vector3 cornerWallFix;
98 public Vector3 cornerWallFix2;
100 public Vector3 cornerWallFix3;
102 public Vector3 altitudeFix;
104 public Vector3 waterEdgeFix;
106 public Vector3 waterEdgeBridgeFix;
108 public Vector3 waterEdgeFixShore;
110 public Vector3 waterEdgeFixShoreSand;
112 public Vector3[] ambientShadowFix;
114 public Vector3[] transitionFix;
116 public Vector3[] wallHangFix;
118 public Vector3[] waterEdgeBlockFix;
120 public int fogTile;
122 public float floatSpeed;
124 public float shadowModStrength;
126 public int maxFloat;
128 public int[] seaAnimeIndexes;
130 [Header("References")]
131 public NoiseLayer layerGroundLights;
231 public Point TestPoint = new Point();
235 [NonSerialized]
236 public int Size;
238 [NonSerialized]
239 public int SizeXZ;
241 [NonSerialized]
242 public int mx;
244 [NonSerialized]
245 public int mz;
247 [NonSerialized]
248 public int x;
250 [NonSerialized]
251 public int z;
253 [NonSerialized]
254 public int cx;
256 [NonSerialized]
257 public int cz;
259 [NonSerialized]
260 public int activeCount;
262 [NonSerialized]
263 public int floatV = 1;
265 [NonSerialized]
266 public byte[] groundLights;
268 [NonSerialized]
269 public bool lowBlock;
271 [NonSerialized]
272 public bool lowObj;
274 [NonSerialized]
275 public bool highlightArea;
277 [NonSerialized]
280 [NonSerialized]
281 public bool hideRoomFog;
283 [NonSerialized]
284 public bool showRoof;
286 [NonSerialized]
287 public bool showFullWall;
289 [NonSerialized]
290 public bool hideHang;
292 [NonSerialized]
293 public bool usingHouseBoard;
295 [NonSerialized]
296 public bool noRoofMode;
298 [NonSerialized]
299 public bool fogged;
301 [NonSerialized]
302 public float[] lightLookUp;
304 [NonSerialized]
305 public float _lightMod;
307 [NonSerialized]
308 public float _baseBrightness;
310 [NonSerialized]
311 public float lowblockTimer;
313 [NonSerialized]
314 public float heightLightMod;
316 [NonSerialized]
317 public float _rightWallShade;
319 [NonSerialized]
320 public float roofLightLimitMod;
322 [NonSerialized]
323 public float floatY;
325 [NonSerialized]
328 [NonSerialized]
329 public Vector3 _heightMod;
331 [NonSerialized]
334 protected RaycastHit2D[] rays = new RaycastHit2D[1];
338 protected bool isMining;
340 protected bool buildMode;
342 protected bool hasBridge;
344 protected bool _lowblock;
346 protected bool isIndoor;
350 protected Map map;
352 protected MeshPass pass;
360 protected int liquidLv;
362 protected int index;
364 protected int totalFire;
366 protected int snowColorToken;
368 protected int waterAnimeIndex;
370 protected int lowWallObjAltitude;
378 protected float blockLight;
380 protected float floorLight;
382 protected float floorLight2;
384 protected float light;
386 protected float pcMaxLight;
388 protected float orgX;
390 protected float orgY;
392 protected float orgZ;
394 protected float roomHeight;
396 protected float maxHeight;
398 protected float snowLight;
400 protected float waterAnimeTimer;
402 protected float floatTimer;
404 protected float destBrightness;
406 protected float lightLimit;
408 protected float modSublight1;
410 protected float modSublight2;
412 protected float shadowStrength;
414 protected float _shadowStrength;
416 protected float fogBrightness;
418 protected float defaultBlockHeight;
420 protected float snowLimit;
422 protected float snowColor;
424 protected float snowColor2;
426 protected float nightRatio;
428 protected RenderParam param = new RenderParam();
430 protected MeshBatch batch;
432 protected Vector3 _actorPos;
434 protected Vector3 freePos;
436 protected int tile;
438 protected int floorMatColor;
440 protected int height;
442 protected int currentHeight;
444 protected int pcX;
446 protected int pcZ;
448 protected int floorDir;
450 protected bool roof;
452 protected bool isSeen;
454 protected bool showAllCards;
456 protected bool fogBounds;
458 protected bool snowed;
460 protected bool isSnowCovered;
462 protected bool highlightCells;
464 protected bool cinemaMode;
466 protected bool alwaysLowblock;
468 protected bool showBorder;
470 protected Vector3 thingPos;
472 protected Vector3 orgPos;
474 protected Cell cell;
484 protected Room currentRoom;
486 protected Room lastRoom;
488 protected Room room;
490 protected Lot currentLot;
498 private bool noSlopMode;
502 public const int DefColor = 104025;
504 public const int BlocklightToken = 262144;
506 public const int BlocklightMTP = 50;
510 public void OnActivate(BaseGameScreen _screen)
511 {
512 screen = _screen;
513 if (lightLookUp == null)
514 {
515 lightLookUp = new float[256];
516 for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
517 {
518 lightLookUp[i] = EMono.scene.profile.global.lightLookupCurve.Evaluate((float)i / 255f);
519 }
520 }
523 zSetting = renderSetting.zSetting;
524 RenderObject.syncList = EMono.scene.syncList;
525 RenderObject.altitudeFix = altitudeFix.y;
526 if (Rand.bytes == null)
527 {
528 Rand.InitBytes(1);
529 }
531 }
533 public virtual void Draw()
534 {
535 Zone zone = EMono._zone;
536 map = zone.map;
537 Size = map.Size;
538 SizeXZ = map.SizeXZ;
540 count = 0;
541 totalFire = 0;
542 pcX = EMono.pc.pos.x;
543 pcZ = EMono.pc.pos.z;
546 lightSetting = profile.light;
549 {
550 buildMode = false;
551 }
553 isMining = EMono.scene.actionMode == ActionMode.Mine;
557 subtleHighlightArea = EMono.scene.actionMode.AreaHihlight != 0 && (EMono.scene.actionMode.AreaHihlight == AreaHighlightMode.Build || EMono.scene.actionMode.AreaHihlight != AreaHighlightMode.Edit);
558 highlightArea = EMono.scene.actionMode.AreaHihlight == AreaHighlightMode.Edit || subtleHighlightArea;
560 _rightWallShade = (int)(50f * rightWallShade) * 262144;
563 showBorder = (EMono.core.config.game.showBorder == 1 && EMono._zone is Zone_Field && !EMono._zone.IsPlayerFaction) || (EMono.core.config.game.showBorder == 2 && !EMono._zone.map.IsIndoor && !EMono._zone.IsSkyLevel && !EMono._zone.IsRegion);
564 snowLimit = profile.global.snowLimit.Evaluate(EMono.scene.timeRatio);
565 snowLight = profile.global.snowLight;
566 snowColor = profile.global.snowColor;
567 snowColor2 = profile.global.snowColor2;
568 snowColorToken = (int)((float)profile.global.snowRGB.x * nightRatio) * 4096 + (int)((float)profile.global.snowRGB.y * nightRatio) * 64 + (int)((float)profile.global.snowRGB.z * nightRatio);
571 {
573 }
574 roofLightLimitMod = profile.global.roofLightLimitMod.Evaluate(EMono.scene.timeRatio);
575 fogBounds = (EMono._map.config.forceHideOutbounds && (!EMono.debug.godBuild || !buildMode)) || (EMono.core.config.game.dontRenderOutsideMap && !buildMode);
576 heightLightMod = ((EMono._map.config.heightLightMod == 0f) ? 0.005f : EMono._map.config.heightLightMod);
577 modSublight1 = profile.global.modSublight1;
578 modSublight2 = profile.global.modSublight2 * nightRatio;
579 pcMaxLight = EMono.player.lightPower * 2f * (float)(EMono.player.lightRadius - 2);
582 _lightMod = lightSetting.lightMod * lightSetting.lightModCurve.Evaluate(EMono.scene.timeRatio);
583 destBrightness = lightSetting.baseBrightness * lightSetting.baseBrightnessCurve.Evaluate(EMono.scene.timeRatio);
584 float num = destBrightness;
585 destBrightness = destBrightness * lightSetting.dynamicBrightnessCurve2.Evaluate(EMono.scene.timeRatio) + lightSetting.dynamicBrightnessCurve.Evaluate(EMono.scene.timeRatio) * (float)(int)EMono.pc.pos.cell.light + ((EMono.pc.pos.cell.light == 0) ? 0f : lightSetting.dynamicBrightnessLightBonus);
586 if (destBrightness > num)
587 {
588 destBrightness = num;
589 }
590 if (!Mathf.Approximately(_baseBrightness, destBrightness))
591 {
593 }
594 if (activeCount == 0)
595 {
597 }
598 activeCount++;
600 {
601 _baseBrightness = 0.7f;
602 }
603 Fov.nonGradientMod = profile.global.fovModNonGradient;
606 float num2 = Core.delta * (float)EMono.game.config.animeSpeed * 0.01f;
607 floatTimer += num2;
609 {
611 floatY += floatV;
612 if (floatY >= (float)maxFloat)
613 {
614 floatV *= -1;
615 }
616 if (floatY < 0f)
617 {
618 floatV *= -1;
619 }
620 }
621 waterAnimeTimer += num2;
622 if (waterAnimeTimer > 0.5f)
623 {
624 waterAnimeTimer = 0f;
626 }
627 if (cinemaMode)
628 {
629 CinemaConfig cinemaConfig = EMono.player.cinemaConfig;
630 profile = ActionMode.Cinema.profile;
631 lightSetting = profile.light;
633 _lightMod += lightSetting.lightMod * lightSetting.lightModCurve.Evaluate(EMono.scene.timeRatio) * (0.01f * (float)cinemaConfig.light);
634 destBrightness += 0.01f * (float)cinemaConfig.brightness;
635 EMono.scene.camSupport.grading.cinemaBrightness = 0.01f * (float)cinemaConfig.brightness;
636 EMono.scene.camSupport.grading.SetGrading();
637 heightLightMod = 0f;
638 }
639 map.rooms.Refresh();
640 noSlopMode = EInput.isAltDown && EInput.isShiftDown;
644 {
647 }
648 else
649 {
650 currentHeight = 0;
651 currentRoom = null;
652 }
653 lowObj = false;
655 noRoofMode = false;
656 bool flag = !isIndoor || EMono._zone is Zone_Tent;
658 {
659 lowBlock = (hideRoomFog = (hideHang = false));
660 showRoof = (showFullWall = flag);
662 {
663 fogBounds = false;
664 }
665 }
666 else if (buildMode)
667 {
669 if (HitPoint.IsValid)
670 {
672 }
673 hideRoomFog = true;
678 if (cinemaMode)
679 {
681 }
682 }
683 else if (ActionMode.IsAdv)
684 {
685 noRoofMode = EMono.game.config.noRoof || screen.focusOption != null;
687 {
688 if (!EMono.pc.IsMoving)
689 {
690 lowblockTimer = 0.1f;
691 }
692 }
693 else if (!EInput.rightMouse.pressing)
694 {
695 lowblockTimer = 0f;
696 }
697 x = EMono.pc.pos.x;
698 z = EMono.pc.pos.z;
699 Room room = null;
700 if (room != null)
701 {
703 }
704 if (currentRoom != null)
705 {
706 currentRoom.data.visited = true;
707 }
708 if (room != null)
709 {
710 room.data.visited = true;
711 }
712 lowBlock = lowblockTimer > 0f;
713 hideRoomFog = currentRoom != null && (currentRoom.HasRoof || isIndoor);
714 if (hideRoomFog)
715 {
716 lowBlock = true;
717 }
718 if (noRoofMode && (currentRoom == null || currentRoom.lot.idRoofStyle == 0))
719 {
720 hideRoomFog = true;
721 showRoof = (showFullWall = false);
722 }
723 else
724 {
725 showRoof = (showFullWall = flag && !lowBlock && !hideRoomFog);
726 }
728 EMono.game.config.showRoof = !hideRoomFog;
729 if (forceShowHang)
730 {
731 hideHang = false;
732 forceShowHang = false;
733 }
734 }
735 else
736 {
737 lowBlock = (hideRoomFog = (hideHang = false));
738 showRoof = (showFullWall = true);
739 }
740 currentLot = currentRoom?.lot ?? null;
741 Vector3 mposWorld = EInput.mposWorld;
742 mposWorld.z = 0f;
743 Vector3Int vector3Int = screen.grid.WorldToCell(mposWorld);
744 mx = -vector3Int.y;
745 mz = vector3Int.x - 1;
746 HitPoint.Set(mx, mz);
747 bool isAltDown = EInput.isAltDown;
748 for (int num3 = maxColliderCheck; num3 >= 0; num3--)
749 {
750 TestPoint.x = mx + num3;
751 TestPoint.z = mz - num3;
752 if (TestPoint.x >= 0 && TestPoint.x < Size && TestPoint.z >= 0 && TestPoint.z < Size)
753 {
754 mouseCollider.transform.position = (isAltDown ? TestPoint.Position(TestPoint.cell.height) : TestPoint.Position()) + colliderFix;
755 Physics2D.SyncTransforms();
756 if (Physics2D.RaycastNonAlloc(mposWorld, Vector2.zero, rays) > 0)
757 {
759 break;
760 }
761 }
762 TestPoint.x = mx + num3 - 1;
763 TestPoint.z = mz - num3;
764 if (TestPoint.x >= 0 && TestPoint.x < Size && TestPoint.z >= 0 && TestPoint.z < Size)
765 {
766 mouseCollider.transform.position = (isAltDown ? TestPoint.Position(TestPoint.cell.height) : TestPoint.Position()) + colliderFix;
767 Physics2D.SyncTransforms();
768 if (Physics2D.RaycastNonAlloc(mposWorld, Vector2.zero, rays) > 0)
769 {
771 break;
772 }
773 }
774 TestPoint.x = mx + num3;
775 TestPoint.z = mz - num3 + 1;
776 if (TestPoint.x >= 0 && TestPoint.x < Size && TestPoint.z >= 0 && TestPoint.z < Size)
777 {
778 mouseCollider.transform.position = (isAltDown ? TestPoint.Position(TestPoint.cell.height) : TestPoint.Position()) + colliderFix;
779 Physics2D.SyncTransforms();
780 if (Physics2D.RaycastNonAlloc(mposWorld, Vector2.zero, rays) > 0)
781 {
783 break;
784 }
785 }
786 }
787 HitPoint.Clamp();
788 bool flag2 = EMono._zone.UseFog && !EMono.scene.bg.wall;
789 for (z = 0; z < screen.height; z++)
790 {
791 for (x = 0; x < screen.width; x++)
792 {
793 cx = screen.scrollX - screen.scrollY + x - (z + 1) / 2;
794 cz = screen.scrollY + screen.scrollX + x + z / 2;
795 if (((cz < 0 && cx >= -cz && cx > 0 && cx < Size - cz) || (cx >= Size && cx < Size * 2 - cz - 1 && cz >= -cx && cz < Size - 1)) && EMono.scene.bg.wall)
796 {
797 param.x = (float)(cx + cz) * screen.tileAlign.x + edgeBlockFix.x;
798 param.y = (float)(cz - cx) * screen.tileAlign.y + edgeBlockFix.y;
799 param.z = 1000f + param.x * screen.tileWeight.x + param.y * screen.tileWeight.z + (float)z * edgeBlockFix.z;
800 blockLight = 10485760f;
801 pass = passInner;
803 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m03 = param.x;
804 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m13 = param.y;
805 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m23 = param.z;
806 batch.tiles[pass.idx] = 4 + ((cx >= Size) ? 1 : 0);
808 batch.matColors[pass.idx] = 104025f;
809 pass.idx++;
810 if (pass.idx == pass.batchSize)
811 {
812 pass.NextBatch();
813 }
814 }
815 else if (cx < 0 || cz < 0 || cx >= Size || cz >= Size)
816 {
817 if (flag2)
818 {
819 param.x = (float)(cx + cz) * screen.tileAlign.x;
820 param.y = (float)(cz - cx) * screen.tileAlign.y + (float)height * _heightMod.y;
821 param.z = 1000f + param.x * screen.tileWeight.x + param.y * screen.tileWeight.z + (float)height * _heightMod.z;
822 param.tile = 0f;
824 }
825 }
826 else
827 {
828 DrawTile();
829 }
830 }
831 }
832 if (showRoof)
833 {
834 foreach (Lot item in map.rooms.listLot)
835 {
836 if (item.sync)
837 {
838 DrawRoof(item);
839 item.sync = false;
840 item.light = 0f;
841 }
842 }
843 }
844 else
845 {
846 foreach (Lot item2 in map.rooms.listLot)
847 {
848 item2.sync = false;
849 item2.light = 0f;
850 }
851 }
852 EMono.scene.sfxFire.SetVolume(Mathf.Clamp(0.1f * (float)totalFire + ((totalFire != 0) ? 0.2f : 0f), 0f, 1f));
853 this.room = EMono.pc.pos.cell.room;
854 int valueOrDefault = (this.room?.lot?.idBGM).GetValueOrDefault();
855 if (valueOrDefault == 0)
856 {
857 goto IL_1671;
858 }
859 if (!(EMono.Sound.currentPlaylist != EMono.Sound.plLot))
860 {
861 BGMData data = EMono.Sound.plLot.list[0].data;
862 if ((object)data != null && data.id == valueOrDefault)
863 {
864 goto IL_1671;
865 }
866 }
867 goto IL_1690;
868 IL_169a:
869 if (this.room != lastRoom)
870 {
872 lastRoom = this.room;
873 }
874 SoundManager.bgmVolumeMod = ((!LayerDrama.maxBGMVolume && !EMono._map.IsIndoor && this.room != null && !this.room.data.atrium && this.room.HasRoof) ? (-0.6f) : 0f);
876 return;
877 IL_1690:
879 goto IL_169a;
880 IL_1671:
881 if (valueOrDefault == 0 && EMono.Sound.currentPlaylist == EMono.Sound.plLot)
882 {
883 goto IL_1690;
884 }
885 goto IL_169a;
886 }
888 public void RefreshHeight()
889 {
890 if (EMono.game != null)
891 {
892 float num = (((buildMode && !EMono.game.config.slope) || noSlopMode) ? 0f : ((float)EMono.game.config.slopeMod * 0.01f));
894 _heightMod.x = num;
895 _heightMod.y *= num;
896 _heightMod.z *= num;
897 }
898 }
900 public virtual void DrawTile()
901 {
902 count++;
903 index = cx + cz * Size;
904 this.cell = (param.cell = map.cells[cx, cz]);
905 detail = this.cell.detail;
906 isSeen = this.cell.isSeen;
907 this.room = this.cell.room;
908 roof = this.cell.HasRoof;
909 matBlock = this.cell.matBlock;
910 sourceBlock = this.cell.sourceBlock;
911 bool flag = this.cell.isFloating;
912 snowed = isSnowCovered && !roof && !this.cell.isClearSnow && !this.cell.isDeck && !flag;
914 floorDir = this.cell.floorDir;
915 if (snowed && !this.cell.sourceFloor.ignoreSnow)
916 {
917 if (this.cell.IsFloorWater)
918 {
920 matFloor = this.cell.matFloor;
921 }
922 else
923 {
924 if (this.cell.sourceObj.snowTile > 0)
925 {
927 floorDir = this.cell.sourceObj.snowTile - 1;
928 }
929 else if (index % 3 == 0 && Rand.bytes[index % Rand.MaxBytes] < 8 && !this.cell.HasObj && this.cell.FirstThing == null)
930 {
933 }
934 else
935 {
937 }
939 }
940 }
941 else
942 {
943 sourceFloor = this.cell.sourceFloor;
944 matFloor = this.cell.matFloor;
945 }
946 bool isWater = sourceFloor.tileType.IsWater;
947 light = (this.cell.pcSync ? this.cell.light : (this.cell.light / 3 * 2));
949 height = this.cell.height;
950 hasBridge = this.cell._bridge != 0;
952 if (hasBridge)
953 {
954 if (this.cell.bridgeHeight < currentHeight)
955 {
956 blockLight -= heightLightMod * (float)(currentHeight - this.cell.bridgeHeight);
957 }
958 if (snowed && !this.cell.sourceBridge.ignoreSnow)
959 {
960 if (this.cell.IsBridgeWater)
961 {
963 matBridge = this.cell.matBridge;
964 }
965 else
966 {
969 }
970 }
971 else
972 {
973 sourceBridge = this.cell.sourceBridge;
974 matBridge = this.cell.matBridge;
975 }
976 }
977 else if (height < currentHeight)
978 {
980 }
981 liquidLv = (param.liquidLv = ((!flag) ? (((this.cell.liquidLv + this.cell._bridge != 0) ? this.cell.sourceBridge.tileType.LiquidLV : sourceFloor.tileType.LiquidLV) * 10) : 0));
982 if (this.cell.shore != 0 && liquidLv > 20)
983 {
984 liquidLv = (param.liquidLv = 20);
985 }
986 if (liquidLv > 99)
987 {
988 liquidLv = (param.liquidLv = 99);
989 }
990 CellEffect effect = this.cell.effect;
991 if (effect != null && effect.IsFire)
992 {
993 blockLight += 0.2f;
994 totalFire++;
995 }
997 {
999 }
1000 blockLight += shadowModStrength * (float)(int)this.cell.shadowMod * _heightMod.x * _shadowStrength;
1001 if (this.room != null)
1002 {
1003 this.room.lot.sync = true;
1004 if (this.room.lot.light < blockLight)
1005 {
1006 this.room.lot.light = blockLight;
1007 }
1008 }
1009 if (currentLot != null && currentLot.idRoofStyle != 0)
1010 {
1011 bool flag2 = this.cell.IsRoomEdge && (this.cell.Front.room?.lot == currentLot || this.cell.Right.room?.lot == currentLot || this.cell.FrontRight.room?.lot == currentLot);
1012 if (!buildMode)
1013 {
1014 if ((this.room != null && this.room.lot == currentLot) || flag2)
1015 {
1017 }
1018 else
1019 {
1020 blockLight += (isSnowCovered ? (-0.02f) : lotLight2);
1021 }
1022 }
1023 }
1024 if (this.cell.outOfBounds && !cinemaMode)
1025 {
1026 blockLight -= 0.1f;
1027 if (fogBounds)
1028 {
1029 isSeen = false;
1030 }
1031 }
1033 param.color = (blockLight = (int)(blockLight * 50f) * 262144 + ((this.cell.lightR >= 64) ? 63 : this.cell.lightR) * 4096 + ((this.cell.lightG >= 64) ? 63 : this.cell.lightG) * 64 + ((this.cell.lightB >= 64) ? 63 : this.cell.lightB));
1034 if (snowed)
1035 {
1038 {
1040 }
1041 floorLight = (int)(floorLight * 50f) * 262144 + (int)((float)((this.cell.lightR >= 50) ? 50 : this.cell.lightR) * snowColor) * 4096 + (int)((float)((this.cell.lightG >= 50) ? 50 : this.cell.lightG) * snowColor) * 64 + (int)((float)((this.cell.lightB >= 50) ? 50 : this.cell.lightB) * snowColor) + snowColorToken;
1042 }
1043 else if (isSnowCovered && !roof)
1044 {
1045 floorLight = (int)(floorLight * 50f) * 262144 + (int)((float)((this.cell.lightR >= 50) ? 50 : this.cell.lightR) * snowColor2) * 4096 + (int)((float)((this.cell.lightG >= 50) ? 50 : this.cell.lightG) * snowColor2) * 64 + (int)((float)((this.cell.lightB >= 50) ? 50 : this.cell.lightB) * snowColor2) + snowColorToken;
1046 }
1047 else
1048 {
1050 }
1051 bool num = this.room != null && sourceBlock.tileType.CastShadowSelf && !this.cell.hasDoor;
1052 bool flag3 = this.room != null && showRoof && this.room.lot.idRoofStyle != 0 && !this.room.data.atrium && !sourceBlock.tileType.Invisible;
1053 if (flag3 && this.cell.hasDoor && this.cell.IsLotEdge)
1054 {
1055 flag3 = false;
1056 }
1057 if (num || !isSeen || flag3)
1058 {
1059 floorLight += -3145728f;
1060 }
1061 if (this.cell.isWatered && !snowed)
1062 {
1063 floorLight += -2359296f;
1064 }
1065 param.snow = false;
1066 param.x = (float)(cx + cz) * screen.tileAlign.x;
1067 param.y = (float)(cz - cx) * screen.tileAlign.y + (float)height * _heightMod.y;
1068 param.z = 1000f + param.x * screen.tileWeight.x + param.y * screen.tileWeight.z + (float)height * _heightMod.z;
1069 if (flag)
1070 {
1071 param.y += 0.01f * floatY;
1072 }
1073 if (detail != null)
1074 {
1075 TransAnime anime = detail.anime;
1076 if (anime != null && anime.animeBlock)
1077 {
1078 TransAnime anime2 = detail.anime;
1079 param.x += anime2.v.x;
1080 param.y += anime2.v.y;
1081 param.z += anime2.v.z;
1082 }
1083 if (detail.designation != null)
1084 {
1086 }
1087 }
1088 if (screenHighlight != 0 && screenHighlight == ScreenHighlight.SunMap && Map.sunMap.Contains(index))
1089 {
1091 }
1092 if (this.cell._roofBlock != 0 && (isSeen || !EMono._zone.UseFog) && showRoof && !lowBlock)
1093 {
1094 SourceBlock.Row row = Cell.blockList[this.cell._roofBlock];
1095 SourceMaterial.Row row2 = Cell.matList[this.cell._roofBlockMat];
1096 this.tileType = row.tileType;
1097 param.mat = row2;
1098 param.dir = this.cell._roofBlockDir % 4;
1099 param.snow = isSnowCovered;
1100 orgX = param.x;
1101 orgY = param.y;
1102 orgZ = param.z;
1103 SetRoofHeight(param, this.cell, cx, cz, 0, this.cell._roofBlockDir / 4, this.tileType.IsWallOrFence ? param.dir : (-1));
1104 switch (this.tileType.blockRenderMode)
1105 {
1106 case BlockRenderMode.FullBlock:
1107 param.color -= (int)(_shadowStrength * 50f) * 262144;
1108 param.tile = row._tiles[param.dir % row._tiles.Length];
1109 param.matColor = ((row.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref row2.matColor, row.colorMod));
1110 row.renderData.Draw(param);
1111 break;
1112 case BlockRenderMode.WallOrFence:
1113 {
1114 _lowblock = true;
1115 int dir = param.dir;
1116 if (dir == 0 || dir == 2)
1117 {
1118 param.dir = 0;
1119 _sourceBlock = row;
1120 this.tileType = _sourceBlock.tileType;
1121 if (_sourceBlock.useAltColor)
1122 {
1123 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref param.mat.altColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
1124 }
1125 else
1126 {
1127 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref param.mat.matColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
1128 }
1129 param.tile = (tile = _sourceBlock._tiles[0] + ((_lowblock && !this.tileType.IsFence) ? 32 : 0));
1130 _sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
1131 param.z -= 0.01f;
1132 }
1133 if (dir == 1 || dir == 2)
1134 {
1135 param.dir = 1;
1136 _sourceBlock = row;
1137 this.tileType = _sourceBlock.tileType;
1138 if (_sourceBlock.useAltColor)
1139 {
1140 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref param.mat.altColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
1141 }
1142 else
1143 {
1144 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref param.mat.matColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
1145 }
1146 param.tile = (tile = -_sourceBlock._tiles[0] + ((_lowblock && !this.tileType.IsFence) ? (-32) : 0));
1147 _sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
1148 }
1149 break;
1150 }
1151 case BlockRenderMode.HalfBlock:
1152 _sourceBlock = ((row.id == 5) ? EMono.sources.blocks.rows[row2.defBlock] : row);
1153 param.tile = _sourceBlock._tiles[0];
1154 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref row2.matColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
1155 param.tile2 = _sourceBlock.sourceAutoFloor._tiles[0];
1156 param.halfBlockColor = ((_sourceBlock.sourceAutoFloor.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref row2.matColor, _sourceBlock.sourceAutoFloor.colorMod));
1157 row.renderData.Draw(param);
1158 break;
1159 case BlockRenderMode.Pillar:
1160 {
1161 RenderData renderData = row.renderData;
1162 param.tile = row._tiles[param.dir % row._tiles.Length];
1163 param.matColor = ((row.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref row2.matColor, row.colorMod));
1164 renderData.Draw(param);
1165 param.tile = renderData.idShadow;
1166 SourcePref shadowPref = renderData.shadowPref;
1167 int shadow2 = shadowPref.shadow;
1168 passShadow.AddShadow(param.x + renderData.offsetShadow.x, param.y + renderData.offsetShadow.y, param.z + renderData.offsetShadow.z, ShadowData.Instance.items[shadow2], shadowPref, 0, param.snow);
1169 break;
1170 }
1171 default:
1172 param.tile = row._tiles[param.dir % row._tiles.Length];
1173 param.matColor = ((row.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref row2.matColor, row.colorMod));
1174 row.renderData.Draw(param);
1175 break;
1176 }
1177 param.x = orgX;
1178 param.y = orgY;
1179 param.z = orgZ;
1180 param.color = blockLight;
1181 }
1182 fogged = false;
1183 bool flag4 = this.cell.isSurrounded && innerMode != 0 && sourceBlock.tileType.IsFullBlock;
1184 if (!(!isSeen || flag4))
1185 {
1186 goto IL_1668;
1187 }
1188 bool isRoomEdge = this.cell.IsRoomEdge;
1189 orgY = param.y;
1190 orgZ = param.z;
1191 param.color = (int)(50f * (_baseBrightness + fogBrightness)) * 262144;
1192 param.matColor = 104025f;
1193 if (hasBridge)
1194 {
1195 param.y = (float)(cz - cx) * screen.tileAlign.y + (float)(int)this.cell.bridgeHeight * _heightMod.y + ugFixBridgeBottom.x;
1196 param.z = 1000f + param.x * screen.tileWeight.x + param.y * screen.tileWeight.z + (float)(int)this.cell.bridgeHeight * _heightMod.z;
1197 }
1198 bool flag5 = (!isSeen && EMono._zone.UseFog) || flag4;
1199 if (flag5)
1200 {
1201 param.tile = 7f;
1203 param.tile = 0f;
1205 }
1206 else if (this.cell.HasFloodBlock && isRoomEdge)
1207 {
1208 param.tile = 9f;
1210 }
1211 else
1212 {
1213 param.tile = 8f;
1215 }
1216 if ((this.cell.isSlopeEdge || hasBridge) && (flag5 || !isRoomEdge))
1217 {
1218 float num2 = (float)(int)this.cell.TopHeight * _heightMod.y;
1219 param.tile = 0f;
1220 for (int i = 0; (float)i < num2 / heightBlockSize; i++)
1221 {
1222 param.y += ugFix.y;
1223 param.z += ugFix.z + slopeFixZ * (float)i;
1224 if (flag5)
1225 {
1227 }
1228 else
1229 {
1231 }
1232 }
1233 }
1234 param.y = orgY;
1235 param.z = orgZ;
1236 param.color = blockLight;
1237 if (flag5)
1238 {
1239 if (detail == null || !EMono.pc.hasTelepathy)
1240 {
1241 return;
1242 }
1243 }
1244 else
1245 {
1246 if (isRoomEdge)
1247 {
1248 goto IL_1668;
1249 }
1250 if (detail == null || !EMono.pc.hasTelepathy)
1251 {
1252 if (noRoofMode || detail == null)
1253 {
1254 return;
1255 }
1256 fogged = true;
1257 }
1258 }
1259 goto IL_7b6a;
1260 IL_6faf:
1261 if (isSnowCovered && (sourceBlock.id != 0 || this.cell.hasDoor) && !snowed && !this.cell.isClearSnow && ((!this.cell.Front.HasRoof && !this.cell.Front.HasBlock) || (!this.cell.Right.HasRoof && !this.cell.Right.HasBlock)))
1262 {
1263 snowed = true;
1264 }
1265 if (this.cell.effect != null)
1266 {
1267 if (this.cell.effect.IsLiquid)
1268 {
1269 SourceCellEffect.Row sourceEffect = this.cell.sourceEffect;
1270 SourceMaterial.Row defaultMaterial = sourceEffect.DefaultMaterial;
1271 tile = 4 + Rand.bytes[index % Rand.MaxBytes] % 4;
1272 param.tile = tile + this.cell.sourceEffect._tiles[0];
1273 param.mat = defaultMaterial;
1274 param.matColor = ((this.cell.effect.color == 0) ? GetColorInt(ref defaultMaterial.matColor, sourceEffect.colorMod) : this.cell.effect.color);
1275 sourceEffect.renderData.Draw(param);
1276 }
1277 else
1278 {
1279 param.tile = this.cell.effect.source._tiles[0];
1280 SourceCellEffect.Row sourceEffect2 = this.cell.sourceEffect;
1281 if (sourceEffect2.anime.Length != 0)
1282 {
1283 if (sourceEffect2.anime.Length > 2)
1284 {
1285 float num3 = Time.realtimeSinceStartup * 1000f / (float)sourceEffect2.anime[1] % (float)sourceEffect2.anime[2];
1286 if (!(num3 >= (float)sourceEffect2.anime[0]))
1287 {
1288 param.tile += num3;
1289 }
1290 }
1291 else
1292 {
1293 float num4 = Time.realtimeSinceStartup * 1000f / (float)sourceEffect2.anime[1] % (float)sourceEffect2.anime[0];
1294 param.tile += num4;
1295 }
1296 }
1297 if (this.cell.effect.IsFire)
1298 {
1300 }
1301 else
1302 {
1303 this.cell.effect.source.renderData.Draw(param);
1304 }
1305 }
1306 }
1307 param.color = floorLight;
1308 if (this.cell.critter != null)
1309 {
1310 Critter critter = this.cell.critter;
1311 int snowTile = critter.tile;
1312 if (snowed && critter.SnowTile != 0)
1313 {
1314 critter.x = 0.06f;
1315 critter.y = -0.06f;
1316 snowTile = critter.SnowTile;
1317 }
1318 else
1319 {
1320 critter.Update();
1321 }
1322 pass = passObjSS;
1324 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m03 = param.x + (float)(int)(critter.x * 100f) * 0.01f;
1325 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m13 = param.y + (float)(int)(critter.y * 100f) * 0.01f;
1326 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m23 = param.z;
1327 batch.tiles[pass.idx] = snowTile * ((!critter.reverse) ? 1 : (-1));
1329 pass.idx++;
1330 if (pass.idx == pass.batchSize)
1331 {
1332 pass.NextBatch();
1333 }
1334 }
1335 if (detail != null)
1336 {
1337 TransAnime anime3 = detail.anime;
1338 if (anime3 != null && !anime3.animeBlock)
1339 {
1340 TransAnime anime4 = detail.anime;
1341 param.x += anime4.v.x;
1342 param.y += anime4.v.y;
1343 param.z += anime4.v.z;
1344 }
1345 }
1346 if (this.cell.obj != 0 && !this.cell.sourceObj.renderData.SkipOnMap)
1347 {
1348 SourceObj.Row sourceObj = this.cell.sourceObj;
1349 if (!snowed || sourceObj.snowTile <= 0)
1350 {
1351 param.snow = snowed;
1352 param.mat = this.cell.matObj;
1353 orgY = param.y;
1354 if (param.liquidLv > 0)
1355 {
1356 if (sourceObj.pref.Float)
1357 {
1358 param.y += 0.01f * floatY;
1359 if (liquidLv > 10)
1360 {
1361 liquidLv = TileType.FloorWaterShallow.LiquidLV * 10;
1362 }
1363 liquidLv -= (int)(floatY * 0.5f);
1364 param.liquidLv = liquidLv;
1365 }
1366 if (sourceObj.tileType.IsWaterTop)
1367 {
1368 param.liquidLv = 0;
1369 }
1370 else
1371 {
1372 param.liquidLv += sourceObj.pref.liquidMod;
1373 if (param.liquidLv < 1)
1374 {
1375 param.liquid = 1f;
1376 }
1377 else if (param.liquidLv > 99 + sourceObj.pref.liquidModMax)
1378 {
1379 param.liquidLv = 99 + sourceObj.pref.liquidModMax;
1380 }
1381 }
1382 }
1383 if (sourceObj.useAltColor)
1384 {
1385 param.matColor = ((sourceObj.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref param.mat.altColor, sourceObj.colorMod));
1386 }
1387 else
1388 {
1389 param.matColor = ((sourceObj.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref param.mat.matColor, sourceObj.colorMod));
1390 }
1391 if (sourceObj.HasGrowth)
1392 {
1393 this.cell.growth.OnRenderTileMap(param);
1394 if (this.cell.obj == 118 && Core.fixedFrame % 10f == 0f && sourceObj.growth.IsMature)
1395 {
1396 EMono.scene.psFey.transform.position = new Vector3(param.x, param.y, param.z - 2f);
1397 EMono.scene.psFey.Emit(1);
1398 }
1399 }
1400 else
1401 {
1402 if (this.cell.autotileObj != 0)
1403 {
1404 param.tile = sourceObj._tiles[0] + this.cell.autotileObj;
1405 }
1406 else if (sourceObj.tileType.IsUseBlockDir)
1407 {
1408 param.tile = sourceObj._tiles[this.cell.blockDir % sourceObj._tiles.Length];
1409 }
1410 else
1411 {
1412 param.tile = sourceObj._tiles[this.cell.objDir % sourceObj._tiles.Length];
1413 }
1414 if (_lowblock && sourceObj.tileType.IsSkipLowBlock)
1415 {
1416 param.tile += ((param.tile > 0f) ? 1 : (-1)) * 3000000;
1417 }
1418 orgY = param.y;
1419 orgZ = param.z;
1420 param.y += sourceObj.pref.y;
1421 param.z += sourceObj.pref.z;
1422 sourceObj.renderData.Draw(param);
1423 param.y = orgY;
1424 param.z = orgZ;
1425 int shadow3 = sourceObj.pref.shadow;
1426 if (shadow3 > 1 && !this.cell.ignoreObjShadow)
1427 {
1428 passShadow.AddShadow(param.x + sourceObj.renderData.offsetShadow.x, param.y + sourceObj.renderData.offsetShadow.y, param.z + sourceObj.renderData.offsetShadow.z, ShadowData.Instance.items[shadow3], sourceObj.pref, 0, param.snow);
1429 }
1430 param.y = orgY;
1431 }
1432 }
1433 }
1434 if (this.cell.decal != 0 && sourceFloor.tileType.AllowBlood)
1435 {
1436 passDecal.Add(param, (int)this.cell.decal, floorLight);
1437 }
1438 if (highlightCells)
1439 {
1440 switch (ActionMode.FlagCell.mode)
1441 {
1442 case AM_FlagCell.Mode.flagWallPillar:
1443 if (this.cell.isToggleWallPillar)
1444 {
1445 passArea.Add(param, 34f, 0f);
1446 }
1447 break;
1448 case AM_FlagCell.Mode.flagSnow:
1449 if (this.cell.isClearSnow)
1450 {
1451 passArea.Add(param, 34f, 0f);
1452 }
1453 break;
1454 case AM_FlagCell.Mode.flagFloat:
1455 if (this.cell.isForceFloat)
1456 {
1457 passArea.Add(param, 34f, 0f);
1458 }
1459 break;
1460 case AM_FlagCell.Mode.flagClear:
1461 if (this.cell.isClearArea)
1462 {
1463 passArea.Add(param, 34f, 0f);
1464 }
1465 break;
1466 }
1467 }
1468 if (detail == null)
1469 {
1470 return;
1471 }
1472 if (highlightArea && detail.area != null)
1473 {
1474 passArea.Add(param, (int)detail.area.GetTile(index) - ((!subtleHighlightArea) ? 1 : 0), 0f);
1475 }
1476 if (detail.footmark != null && sourceFloor.id != 0)
1477 {
1478 param.tile = detail.footmark.tile;
1479 param.mat = matFloor;
1480 param.matColor = 104025f;
1482 }
1483 goto IL_7b6a;
1484 IL_1668:
1485 if (this.cell.isSlopeEdge)
1486 {
1487 float num5 = (float)height * _heightMod.y;
1488 orgY = param.y;
1489 orgZ = param.z;
1490 param.dir = this.cell.blockDir;
1491 if (snowed)
1492 {
1493 param.color = floorLight;
1494 }
1495 SourceBlock.Row defBlock;
1496 if (sourceBlock.tileType.IsFullBlock)
1497 {
1498 defBlock = sourceBlock;
1499 param.mat = matBlock;
1500 param.tile = sourceBlock._tiles[this.cell.blockDir % sourceBlock._tiles.Length];
1501 param.matColor = ((sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref matBlock.matColor, sourceBlock.colorMod));
1502 }
1503 else
1504 {
1505 defBlock = sourceFloor._defBlock;
1506 param.mat = matFloor;
1507 param.tile = defBlock._tiles[this.cell.blockDir % defBlock._tiles.Length];
1508 if (defBlock.id != 1)
1509 {
1510 param.matColor = ((sourceFloor.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref matFloor.matColor, sourceFloor.colorMod));
1511 }
1512 else
1513 {
1514 param.matColor = 104025f;
1515 }
1516 }
1517 for (int j = 0; (float)j < num5 / heightBlockSize; j++)
1518 {
1519 param.y += ugFix.y;
1520 param.z += ugFix.z + slopeFixZ * (float)j;
1521 defBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
1522 if (this.cell.pcSync && EMono.player.lightPower > 0f)
1523 {
1524 float num6 = param.tile;
1525 param.tile = 0f;
1527 param.tile = num6;
1528 }
1529 }
1530 param.y = orgY;
1531 param.z = orgZ;
1532 }
1533 param.color = floorLight;
1534 if (!isWater && (this.cell.Front.sourceFloor.tileType.IsWater || this.cell.Right.sourceFloor.tileType.IsWater) && this.cell.sourceBlock.tileType.RenderWaterBlock && !flag)
1535 {
1536 orgY = param.y;
1537 orgZ = param.z;
1538 int num7 = 0;
1539 if (sourceBlock.tileType.IsFullBlock)
1540 {
1542 num7 = sourceBlock._tiles[this.cell.blockDir % sourceBlock._tiles.Length];
1543 }
1544 else
1545 {
1546 SourceBlock.Row row3 = sourceFloor._defBlock;
1547 num7 = row3._tiles[this.cell.blockDir % row3._tiles.Length];
1548 }
1549 if (((this.cell.Front.shore / 12) & 1) == 0 && this.cell.Front.sourceFloor.tileType.IsWater && this.cell.Front.height <= height && this.cell.Front.sourceBlock.tileType.RenderWaterBlock)
1550 {
1551 param.y = (float)(cz - cx) * screen.tileAlign.y - (this.cell.Front.sourceFloor.tileType.IsDeepWater ? 0.6f : 0.4f) + (float)(int)this.cell.Front.height * _heightMod.y;
1552 param.z = 1000f + param.x * screen.tileWeight.x + param.y * screen.tileWeight.z;
1553 param.tile = num7 + ((!this.cell.Front.sourceFloor.tileType.IsDeepWater) ? 3000000 : 0);
1555 }
1556 if (((this.cell.Right.shore / 12) & 8) == 0 && this.cell.Right.sourceFloor.tileType.IsWater && this.cell.Right.height <= height && this.cell.Right.sourceBlock.tileType.RenderWaterBlock)
1557 {
1558 param.y = (float)(cz - cx) * screen.tileAlign.y - (this.cell.Right.sourceFloor.tileType.IsDeepWater ? 0.6f : 0.4f) + (float)(int)this.cell.Right.height * _heightMod.y;
1559 param.z = 1000f + param.x * screen.tileWeight.x + param.y * screen.tileWeight.z;
1560 param.tile = num7 + ((!this.cell.Right.sourceFloor.tileType.IsDeepWater) ? 3000000 : 0);
1562 }
1563 param.y = orgY;
1564 param.z = orgZ;
1565 }
1566 if (showBorder && !this.cell.outOfBounds)
1567 {
1568 param.matColor = 104025f;
1569 if (cx == EMono._map.bounds.x)
1570 {
1571 renderBorder.Draw(param, 12 + (EMono.world.date.IsNight ? 4 : 0));
1572 }
1573 else if (cx == EMono._map.bounds.maxX)
1574 {
1575 renderBorder.Draw(param, 13 + (EMono.world.date.IsNight ? 4 : 0));
1576 }
1577 if (cz == EMono._map.bounds.z)
1578 {
1579 renderBorder.Draw(param, 14 + (EMono.world.date.IsNight ? 4 : 0));
1580 }
1581 else if (cz == EMono._map.bounds.maxZ)
1582 {
1583 renderBorder.Draw(param, 15 + (EMono.world.date.IsNight ? 4 : 0));
1584 }
1585 }
1586 if (this.cell.isSkyFloor || (detail != null && detail.anime != null && detail.anime.drawBlock))
1587 {
1588 orgY = param.y;
1589 orgZ = param.z;
1590 SourceBlock.Row defBlock2 = sourceFloor._defBlock;
1591 param.mat = matFloor;
1592 param.tile = defBlock2._tiles[this.cell.blockDir % defBlock2._tiles.Length];
1593 if (defBlock2.id != 1)
1594 {
1595 param.matColor = ((sourceFloor.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref matFloor.matColor, sourceFloor.colorMod));
1596 }
1597 else
1598 {
1599 param.matColor = 104025f;
1600 }
1601 for (int k = 0; k < ((!this.cell.isSkyFloor) ? 1 : EMono._map.config.skyBlockHeight); k++)
1602 {
1603 param.y += ugFix.y;
1604 param.z += ugFix.z + slopeFixZ * (float)k;
1605 defBlock2.renderData.Draw(param);
1606 }
1607 param.y = orgY;
1608 param.z = orgZ;
1609 }
1610 if (!sourceFloor.tileType.IsSkipFloor)
1611 {
1612 if ((hasBridge && sourceBridge.tileType.CastShadowSelf) || this.cell.castFloorShadow)
1613 {
1614 floorLight2 = _lightMod * light * 0.2f + _baseBrightness + _shadowStrength * floorShadowStrength * (isWater ? 0.7f : (hasBridge ? 1f : (0.6f * (1f - nightRatio))));
1615 if (snowed)
1616 {
1617 floorLight2 = (int)((double)floorLight2 * 0.85 * 50.0) * 262144 + snowColorToken;
1618 }
1619 else
1620 {
1621 floorLight2 = (int)(floorLight2 * 50f) * 262144 + ((this.cell.lightR >= 64) ? 63 : this.cell.lightR) * 4096 + ((this.cell.lightG >= 64) ? 63 : this.cell.lightG) * 64 + ((this.cell.lightB >= 64) ? 63 : this.cell.lightB);
1622 }
1623 param.color = floorLight2;
1624 if (this.cell.lotShade)
1625 {
1627 }
1628 }
1629 floorMatColor = ((sourceFloor.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref matFloor.matColor, sourceFloor.colorMod));
1630 if (isWater && flag)
1631 {
1632 param.y -= 0.01f * floatY;
1633 }
1634 if (!sourceBlock.tileType.IsSkipFloor || sourceBlock.transparent || hasBridge || this.cell.hasDoor || this.cell.skipRender)
1635 {
1636 param.mat = matFloor;
1637 param.tile = sourceFloor._tiles[floorDir % sourceFloor._tiles.Length];
1638 param.matColor = floorMatColor;
1639 param.snow = snowed;
1640 if (this.cell.isDeck)
1641 {
1642 param.z += 1f;
1643 if ((bool)sourceFloor.renderData.subData)
1644 {
1645 sourceFloor.renderData.subData.Draw(param);
1646 }
1647 sourceFloor.renderData.Draw(param);
1648 param.z -= 1f;
1649 }
1650 else
1651 {
1652 if ((bool)sourceFloor.renderData.subData)
1653 {
1654 sourceFloor.renderData.subData.Draw(param);
1655 }
1656 sourceFloor.renderData.Draw(param);
1657 }
1658 int num8 = 0;
1659 if (isSnowCovered && sourceFloor == FLOOR.sourceSnow && !this.cell.hasDoor)
1660 {
1661 if (!this.cell.Right.IsSnowTile && this.cell.Right.topHeight == this.cell.topHeight)
1662 {
1663 num8++;
1664 }
1665 if (!this.cell.Front.IsSnowTile && this.cell.Front.topHeight == this.cell.topHeight)
1666 {
1667 num8 += 2;
1668 }
1669 if (num8 != 0)
1670 {
1671 param.tile = 448 + num8 + 12;
1672 param.z -= 0.1f;
1673 sourceFloor.renderData.Draw(param);
1674 param.z += 0.1f;
1675 }
1676 }
1677 if (this.cell.shadow != 0 && !hasBridge && !this.cell.skipRender)
1678 {
1679 if (snowed)
1680 {
1682 {
1683 param.tile = 448 + this.cell.shadow + 8 + (this.cell.HasFence ? 4 : 0);
1684 param.z -= 0.01f;
1685 sourceFloor.renderData.Draw(param);
1686 }
1687 }
1688 else
1689 {
1690 pass = passEdge;
1692 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m03 = param.x + ambientShadowFix[this.cell.shadow].x;
1693 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m13 = param.y + ambientShadowFix[this.cell.shadow].y;
1694 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m23 = param.z + ambientShadowFix[this.cell.shadow].z;
1695 batch.tiles[pass.idx] = 448 + this.cell.shadow;
1697 batch.matColors[pass.idx] = 104025f;
1698 pass.idx++;
1699 if (pass.idx == pass.batchSize)
1700 {
1701 pass.NextBatch();
1702 }
1703 }
1704 if (!sourceFloor.ignoreTransition && !snowed)
1705 {
1706 Cell back = this.cell.Back;
1707 if (back.sourceBlock.transition[0] != -1 && back.isSeen && !back.hasDoor)
1708 {
1709 pass = passFloor;
1711 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m03 = param.x + transitionFix[0].x;
1712 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m13 = param.y + transitionFix[0].y;
1713 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m23 = param.z + transitionFix[0].z;
1714 batch.tiles[pass.idx] = 480 + back.sourceBlock.transition[0] + Rand.bytes[index % Rand.MaxBytes] % back.sourceBlock.transition[1];
1716 batch.matColors[pass.idx] = GetColorInt(ref back.matBlock.matColor, back.sourceBlock.colorMod);
1717 pass.idx++;
1718 if (pass.idx == pass.batchSize)
1719 {
1720 pass.NextBatch();
1721 }
1722 }
1723 back = this.cell.Left;
1724 if (back.sourceBlock.transition[0] != -1 && back.isSeen && !back.hasDoor)
1725 {
1726 pass = passFloor;
1728 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m03 = param.x + transitionFix[1].x;
1729 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m13 = param.y + transitionFix[1].y;
1730 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m23 = param.z + transitionFix[1].z;
1731 batch.tiles[pass.idx] = 512 + back.sourceBlock.transition[0] + Rand.bytes[index % Rand.MaxBytes] % back.sourceBlock.transition[1];
1733 batch.matColors[pass.idx] = GetColorInt(ref back.matBlock.matColor, back.sourceBlock.colorMod);
1734 pass.idx++;
1735 if (pass.idx == pass.batchSize)
1736 {
1737 pass.NextBatch();
1738 }
1739 }
1740 }
1741 }
1742 if (this.cell.autotile != 0 && sourceFloor.autotile != 0 && (!hasBridge || this.cell.bridgeHeight - this.cell.height > 3) && !this.cell.skipRender && num8 == 0)
1743 {
1744 pass = (isWater ? passAutoTileWater : passAutoTile);
1746 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m03 = param.x;
1747 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m13 = param.y;
1748 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m23 = param.z + ((hasBridge || this.cell._block != 0) ? 0.8f : 0f);
1749 batch.tiles[pass.idx] = (26 + sourceFloor.autotile / 2) * 32 + sourceFloor.autotile % 2 * 16 + this.cell.autotile;
1750 batch.colors[pass.idx] = param.color + (float)((int)(sourceFloor.autotileBrightness * 100f) * 262144);
1752 pass.idx++;
1753 if (pass.idx == pass.batchSize)
1754 {
1755 pass.NextBatch();
1756 }
1757 }
1758 }
1759 if (isWater)
1760 {
1761 int num9 = 12;
1762 int num10 = this.cell.shore / num9;
1763 int num11 = this.cell.shore % num9;
1764 bool isShoreSand = this.cell.isShoreSand;
1765 if (this.cell.shore != 0)
1766 {
1767 Cell cell = ((((uint)num10 & (true ? 1u : 0u)) != 0) ? this.cell.Back : ((((uint)num10 & 2u) != 0) ? this.cell.Right : ((((uint)num10 & 4u) != 0) ? this.cell.Front : this.cell.Left)));
1768 if (isShoreSand && !cell.sourceFloor.isBeach)
1769 {
1770 cell = ((((uint)num10 & 8u) != 0) ? this.cell.Left : ((((uint)num10 & 4u) != 0) ? this.cell.Front : ((((uint)num10 & 2u) != 0) ? this.cell.Right : this.cell.Back)));
1771 }
1772 if (!cell.IsSnowTile)
1773 {
1774 param.matColor = GetColorInt(ref cell.matFloor.matColor, cell.sourceFloor.colorMod);
1775 if (isShoreSand)
1776 {
1777 pass = passShore;
1779 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m03 = param.x;
1780 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m13 = param.y;
1781 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m23 = param.z;
1782 batch.tiles[pass.idx] = 768 + this.cell.shore / num9;
1785 pass.idx++;
1786 if (pass.idx == pass.batchSize)
1787 {
1788 pass.NextBatch();
1789 }
1790 num11 = 2;
1791 }
1792 else
1793 {
1794 num11 = cell.sourceFloor.edge;
1795 }
1796 param.tile = (24 + num11 / 2) * 32 + num11 % 2 * 16 + num10;
1798 }
1799 }
1800 if (this.cell.Back.isShoreSand && ((uint)(this.cell.Back.shore / num9) & 8u) != 0 && this.cell.Left.isShoreSand && ((uint)(this.cell.Left.shore / num9) & (true ? 1u : 0u)) != 0)
1801 {
1802 param.tile = 785f;
1803 param.matColor = GetColorInt(ref this.cell.BackLeft.matFloor.matColor, this.cell.BackLeft.sourceFloor.colorMod);
1805 Draw(60);
1806 }
1807 if (this.cell.Back.isShoreSand && ((uint)(this.cell.Back.shore / num9) & 2u) != 0 && this.cell.Right.isShoreSand && ((uint)(this.cell.Right.shore / num9) & (true ? 1u : 0u)) != 0)
1808 {
1809 param.tile = 786f;
1810 param.matColor = GetColorInt(ref this.cell.BackRight.matFloor.matColor, this.cell.BackRight.sourceFloor.colorMod);
1812 Draw(56);
1813 }
1814 if (this.cell.Front.isShoreSand && ((uint)(this.cell.Front.shore / num9) & 2u) != 0 && this.cell.Right.isShoreSand && ((uint)(this.cell.Right.shore / num9) & 4u) != 0)
1815 {
1816 param.tile = 787f;
1817 param.matColor = GetColorInt(ref this.cell.FrontRight.matFloor.matColor, this.cell.FrontRight.sourceFloor.colorMod);
1819 Draw(48);
1820 }
1821 if (this.cell.Front.isShoreSand && ((uint)(this.cell.Front.shore / num9) & 8u) != 0 && this.cell.Left.isShoreSand && ((uint)(this.cell.Left.shore / num9) & 4u) != 0)
1822 {
1823 param.tile = 788f;
1824 param.matColor = GetColorInt(ref this.cell.FrontLeft.matFloor.matColor, this.cell.FrontLeft.sourceFloor.colorMod);
1826 Draw(52);
1827 }
1828 if (this.cell._bridge != 0 && this.cell.isBridgeEdge && this.cell.bridgePillar != byte.MaxValue)
1829 {
1830 pass = passEdge;
1832 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m03 = param.x + waterEdgeBridgeFix.x;
1833 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m13 = param.y + waterEdgeBridgeFix.y;
1834 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m23 = param.z + waterEdgeBridgeFix.z;
1835 batch.tiles[pass.idx] = 616 + waterAnimeIndex % 4;
1837 batch.matColors[pass.idx] = 104025f;
1838 pass.idx++;
1839 if (pass.idx == pass.batchSize)
1840 {
1841 pass.NextBatch();
1842 }
1843 }
1844 bool flag6 = false;
1845 if (isShoreSand)
1846 {
1847 if (((uint)num10 & (true ? 1u : 0u)) != 0)
1848 {
1849 if (((uint)num10 & 8u) != 0)
1850 {
1851 if ((num10 & 2) == 0 && (num10 & 4) == 0)
1852 {
1853 Draw(16);
1854 }
1855 flag6 = true;
1856 }
1857 if (((uint)num10 & 2u) != 0)
1858 {
1859 if ((num10 & 8) == 0 && (num10 & 4) == 0)
1860 {
1861 Draw(20);
1862 }
1863 flag6 = true;
1864 }
1865 }
1866 if (((uint)num10 & 4u) != 0)
1867 {
1868 if (((uint)num10 & 8u) != 0)
1869 {
1870 if ((num10 & 2) == 0 && (num10 & 1) == 0)
1871 {
1872 Draw(24);
1873 }
1874 flag6 = true;
1875 }
1876 if (((uint)num10 & 2u) != 0)
1877 {
1878 if ((num10 & 8) == 0 && (num10 & 1) == 0)
1879 {
1880 Draw(28);
1881 }
1882 flag6 = true;
1883 }
1884 }
1885 if (!flag6)
1886 {
1887 if (!this.cell.Front.sourceFloor.tileType.IsWater && !this.cell.Front.isDeck)
1888 {
1889 Draw(8);
1890 }
1891 if (!this.cell.Right.sourceFloor.tileType.IsWater && !this.cell.Right.isDeck)
1892 {
1893 Draw(12);
1894 }
1895 }
1896 }
1897 if (!flag6)
1898 {
1899 if (!this.cell.Back.sourceFloor.tileType.IsWater && !this.cell.Back.isDeck)
1900 {
1901 pass = passEdge;
1903 batch.tiles[pass.idx] = 608 + waterAnimeIndex % 4;
1904 batch.matColors[pass.idx] = 104025f;
1905 if (((uint)(this.cell.shore / num9) & (true ? 1u : 0u)) != 0)
1906 {
1907 if (isShoreSand)
1908 {
1909 param.matColor = GetColorInt(ref this.cell.Back.matFloor.matColor, this.cell.Back.sourceFloor.colorMod);
1910 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m03 = param.x + waterEdgeFixShoreSand.x;
1911 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m13 = param.y + waterEdgeFixShoreSand.y;
1912 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m23 = param.z + waterEdgeFixShoreSand.z;
1915 }
1916 else
1917 {
1918 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m03 = param.x;
1919 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m13 = param.y;
1920 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m23 = param.z + waterEdgeFixShore.z;
1921 }
1922 }
1923 else
1924 {
1925 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m03 = param.x;
1926 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m13 = param.y;
1927 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m23 = param.z + waterEdgeFix.z;
1928 batch.tiles[pass.idx] += 12f;
1929 }
1931 pass.idx++;
1932 if (pass.idx == pass.batchSize)
1933 {
1934 pass.NextBatch();
1935 }
1936 }
1937 if (!this.cell.Left.sourceFloor.tileType.IsWater && !this.cell.Left.isDeck)
1938 {
1939 pass = passEdge;
1941 batch.tiles[pass.idx] = 612 + waterAnimeIndex % 4;
1942 batch.matColors[pass.idx] = 104025f;
1943 if (((uint)(this.cell.shore / num9) & 8u) != 0)
1944 {
1945 if (isShoreSand)
1946 {
1947 param.matColor = GetColorInt(ref this.cell.Left.matFloor.matColor, this.cell.Left.sourceFloor.colorMod);
1948 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m03 = param.x + waterEdgeFixShoreSand.x;
1949 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m13 = param.y + waterEdgeFixShoreSand.y;
1950 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m23 = param.z + waterEdgeFixShoreSand.z;
1953 }
1954 else
1955 {
1956 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m03 = param.x;
1957 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m13 = param.y;
1958 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m23 = param.z + waterEdgeFixShore.z;
1959 }
1960 }
1961 else
1962 {
1963 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m03 = param.x;
1964 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m13 = param.y;
1965 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m23 = param.z + waterEdgeFix.z;
1966 batch.tiles[pass.idx] += 12f;
1967 }
1969 pass.idx++;
1970 if (pass.idx == pass.batchSize)
1971 {
1972 pass.NextBatch();
1973 }
1974 }
1975 }
1976 if (flag)
1977 {
1978 param.y += 0.01f * floatY;
1979 }
1980 }
1981 if (flag)
1982 {
1983 param.z -= 1f;
1984 }
1985 }
1986 if (this.cell.skipRender)
1987 {
1988 if (this.cell.pcSync)
1989 {
1990 param.tile = 0f;
1992 }
1993 return;
1994 }
1995 if (hasBridge)
1996 {
1997 param.y = (float)(cz - cx) * screen.tileAlign.y + (float)(int)this.cell.bridgeHeight * _heightMod.y;
1998 param.z = 1000f + param.x * screen.tileWeight.x + param.y * screen.tileWeight.z + (float)(int)this.cell.bridgeHeight * _heightMod.z;
1999 if (flag)
2000 {
2001 param.y += 0.01f * floatY;
2002 }
2003 param.color = floorLight;
2004 param.mat = matBridge;
2005 floorMatColor = ((sourceBridge.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref matBridge.matColor, sourceBridge.colorMod));
2006 param.dir = this.cell.floorDir;
2007 param.tile = sourceBridge._tiles[this.cell.floorDir % sourceBridge._tiles.Length];
2008 param.matColor = floorMatColor;
2009 sourceBridge.renderData.Draw(param);
2010 if (this.cell.autotileBridge != 0 && sourceBridge.autotile != 0)
2011 {
2014 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m03 = param.x;
2015 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m13 = param.y;
2016 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m23 = param.z + ((this.cell._block != 0) ? 0.8f : 0f);
2017 batch.tiles[pass.idx] = (26 + sourceBridge.autotile / 2) * 32 + sourceBridge.autotile % 2 * 16 + this.cell.autotileBridge;
2018 batch.colors[pass.idx] = param.color + (float)((int)(sourceBridge.autotileBrightness * 100f) * 262144);
2020 pass.idx++;
2021 if (pass.idx == pass.batchSize)
2022 {
2023 pass.NextBatch();
2024 }
2025 }
2026 if (this.cell.shadow != 0)
2027 {
2029 {
2030 param.tile = 448 + this.cell.shadow + 8 + (this.cell.HasFence ? 4 : 0);
2031 param.z -= 0.01f;
2032 sourceBridge.renderData.Draw(param);
2033 }
2034 else
2035 {
2036 pass = passEdge;
2038 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m03 = param.x + ambientShadowFix[this.cell.shadow].x;
2039 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m13 = param.y + ambientShadowFix[this.cell.shadow].y;
2040 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m23 = param.z + ambientShadowFix[this.cell.shadow].z;
2041 batch.tiles[pass.idx] = 448 + this.cell.shadow;
2043 batch.matColors[pass.idx] = 104025f;
2044 pass.idx++;
2045 if (pass.idx == pass.batchSize)
2046 {
2047 pass.NextBatch();
2048 }
2049 }
2050 }
2051 if (this.cell.isBridgeEdge && this.cell.bridgeHeight - this.cell.height >= 3 && this.cell.bridgePillar != byte.MaxValue && !noSlopMode)
2052 {
2053 orgY = param.y;
2054 orgZ = param.z;
2055 param.y += bridgeFix.y;
2056 param.z += bridgeFix.z;
2057 param.dir = 0;
2058 SourceBlock.Row row4 = sourceBridge._bridgeBlock;
2059 float num12 = (float)(this.cell.bridgeHeight - this.cell.height) * _heightMod.y;
2060 if (this.cell.sourceFloor.tileType == TileType.Sky)
2061 {
2062 num12 += (float)EMono._map.config.skyBlockHeight;
2063 }
2064 int num13 = (int)(num12 / heightBlockSize) + 2;
2065 if (this.cell.bridgePillar != 0)
2066 {
2067 row4 = EMono.sources.blocks.rows[this.cell.bridgePillar];
2068 param.tile = row4._tiles[0] + ((num13 == 2) ? 32 : 0);
2069 param.mat = ((sourceBridge.DefaultMaterial == row4.DefaultMaterial) ? sourceBridge.DefaultMaterial : row4.DefaultMaterial);
2070 param.matColor = ((row4.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref param.mat.matColor, row4.colorMod));
2071 }
2072 else
2073 {
2074 param.mat = matBlock;
2075 param.tile = row4._tiles[0] + 32;
2076 param.matColor = ((row4.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref matBridge.matColor, row4.colorMod));
2077 }
2078 param.y += ugFixBridgeTop.y;
2079 param.z += ugFixBridgeTop.z;
2080 for (int l = 0; l < num13; l++)
2081 {
2082 if (l == num13 - 1)
2083 {
2084 param.y = (float)(cz - cx) * screen.tileAlign.y + (float)height * _heightMod.y + ugFixBridgeBottom.y;
2085 param.z = 1000f + param.x * screen.tileWeight.x + param.y * screen.tileWeight.z + (float)height * _heightMod.z + ugFixBridgeBottom.z;
2086 }
2087 else
2088 {
2089 param.y += ugFixBridge.y;
2090 param.z += ugFixBridge.z;
2091 }
2092 row4.renderData.Draw(param);
2093 }
2094 param.y = orgY;
2095 param.z = orgZ;
2096 }
2097 }
2098 if (!buildMode && this.cell.highlight != 0)
2099 {
2100 if (this.cell._block != 0 && !this.cell.hasDoor)
2101 {
2102 screen.guide.DrawWall(this.cell.GetPoint(), EMono.Colors.blockColors.MapHighlight, useMarkerPass: true);
2103 }
2104 else
2105 {
2106 passGuideFloor.Add(this.cell.GetPoint(), (int)this.cell.highlight);
2107 }
2108 }
2109 param.color = blockLight;
2110 if (isSnowCovered && (sourceBlock.id != 0 || this.cell.hasDoor) && (snowed || this.cell.isClearSnow) && (this.cell.Front.HasRoof || this.cell.Right.HasRoof))
2111 {
2112 snowed = false;
2113 }
2114 int num14 = 0;
2115 if (sourceBlock.id != 0)
2116 {
2117 this.tileType = sourceBlock.tileType;
2118 roomHeight = 0f;
2119 int blockDir = this.cell.blockDir;
2120 bool flag7 = false;
2121 switch (wallClipMode)
2122 {
2123 case WallClipMode.ByRoom:
2124 if (!this.tileType.RepeatBlock)
2125 {
2126 break;
2127 }
2128 if (currentRoom == null || showFullWall)
2129 {
2130 this.room = this.room ?? this.cell.Front.room ?? this.cell.Right.room ?? this.cell.FrontRight.room;
2132 }
2133 else if (this.room != this.cell.Front.room && (this.cell.Front.room == currentRoom || (this.room?.lot != currentLot && this.cell.Front.room?.lot == currentLot)))
2134 {
2135 this.room = this.cell.Front.room;
2136 _lowblock = !this.cell.Front.lotWall && !this.cell.Front.fullWall;
2137 }
2138 else if (this.room != this.cell.Right.room && (this.cell.Right.room == currentRoom || (this.room?.lot != currentLot && this.cell.Right.room?.lot == currentLot)))
2139 {
2140 this.room = this.cell.Right.room;
2141 _lowblock = !this.cell.Right.lotWall && !this.cell.Right.fullWall;
2142 }
2143 else if (this.tileType.IsFullBlock && this.room != this.cell.FrontRight.room && (this.cell.FrontRight.room == currentRoom || (this.room?.lot != currentLot && this.cell.FrontRight.room?.lot == currentLot)))
2144 {
2145 this.room = this.cell.FrontRight.room;
2146 _lowblock = !this.cell.FrontRight.lotWall && !this.cell.FrontRight.fullWall;
2147 }
2148 else
2149 {
2150 this.room = this.room ?? this.cell.Front.room ?? this.cell.Right.room ?? this.cell.FrontRight.room;
2151 _lowblock = true;
2152 if (!this.tileType.IsFullBlock)
2153 {
2154 if (this.cell.lotWall)
2155 {
2156 _lowblock = false;
2157 }
2158 else if (this.room == currentRoom)
2159 {
2160 _lowblock = !this.cell.fullWall;
2161 }
2162 }
2163 }
2164 flag7 = (this.room != null && this.room.data.atrium) || (this.cell.room != null && this.cell.room.data.atrium);
2165 if (flag7)
2166 {
2167 _lowblock = false;
2168 }
2169 if (this.room == null && alwaysLowblock)
2170 {
2171 _lowblock = true;
2172 roomHeight = 0f;
2173 }
2174 if (this.room != null)
2175 {
2176 maxHeight = (float)(cz - cx) * screen.tileAlign.y + (float)this.room.lot.mh * _heightMod.y;
2177 if (showRoof)
2178 {
2179 roomHeight = this.room.lot.realHeight;
2180 break;
2181 }
2182 if ((noRoofMode && currentRoom == null) || (_lowblock && !this.tileType.ForceRpeatBlock))
2183 {
2184 roomHeight = 0f;
2185 break;
2186 }
2187 int num15 = ((this.room.data.maxHeight == 0) ? 2 : this.room.data.maxHeight);
2188 roomHeight = EMono.setting.render.roomHeightMod * (float)((this.room.lot.height < num15) ? this.room.lot.height : num15) + 0.01f * (float)this.room.lot.heightFix;
2189 }
2190 break;
2191 case WallClipMode.ByLot:
2192 if (defaultBlockHeight > 0f || isIndoor)
2193 {
2194 _lowblock = cx != 0 && cz != Size - 1 && ((!this.cell.Back.HasBlock && !this.cell.Back.isWallEdge) || (!this.cell.Left.HasBlock && !this.cell.Left.isWallEdge) || !this.cell.Back.Left.HasBlock);
2195 if (!_lowblock)
2196 {
2198 maxHeight = (float)(cz - cx) * screen.tileAlign.y + (float)(int)this.cell.TopHeight * _heightMod.y;
2199 }
2200 break;
2201 }
2202 if (showFullWall)
2203 {
2204 _lowblock = this.room != null;
2205 if (_lowblock)
2206 {
2207 if (this.cell.Back.IsRoomEdge && this.cell.Right.IsRoomEdge && this.cell.Back.room == null && this.cell.Right.room == null && this.cell.Right.Front.room?.lot == this.room?.lot)
2208 {
2209 _lowblock = false;
2210 }
2211 }
2212 else if (this.cell.Back.room != null && this.cell.Back.room.lot == (this.cell.Front.room ?? this.cell.Right.room)?.lot)
2213 {
2214 _lowblock = true;
2215 }
2216 }
2217 else
2218 {
2220 }
2221 if (this.tileType.RepeatBlock)
2222 {
2223 this.room = this.room ?? this.cell.Front.room ?? this.cell.Right.room ?? this.cell.FrontRight.room;
2224 if (this.room != null && (!noRoofMode || currentRoom != null) && (!showFullWall || currentRoom == null || this.room.lot == currentRoom.lot))
2225 {
2226 roomHeight = ((_lowblock && !this.tileType.ForceRpeatBlock) ? 0f : this.room.lot.realHeight);
2227 maxHeight = (float)(cz - cx) * screen.tileAlign.y + (float)this.room.lot.mh * _heightMod.y;
2228 }
2229 }
2230 break;
2231 }
2232 if (!_lowblock && (double)roomHeight > 1.2 && this.tileType.RepeatBlock)
2233 {
2234 num14 = 1;
2235 }
2236 else if (lowBlock)
2237 {
2238 num14 = 2;
2239 }
2240 param.mat = matBlock;
2241 param.dir = this.cell.blockDir;
2242 param.snow = snowed;
2243 switch (this.tileType.blockRenderMode)
2244 {
2245 case BlockRenderMode.FullBlock:
2246 {
2247 bool invisible = sourceBlock.tileType.Invisible;
2248 if (invisible && !buildMode && !ActionMode.Cinema.IsActive)
2249 {
2250 break;
2251 }
2252 if (this.cell.isSurrounded)
2253 {
2254 switch (innerMode)
2255 {
2256 case InnerMode.InnerBlock:
2257 case InnerMode.BuildMode:
2259 param.color = (int)(50f * blockLight) * 262144;
2260 param.matColor = 104025f;
2261 param.tile = (buildMode ? 1 : 2) + ((_lowblock || defaultBlockHeight > 0f) ? 3000000 : 0);
2263 return;
2264 case InnerMode.None:
2265 case InnerMode.Height:
2266 param.color = blockLight;
2267 break;
2268 }
2269 }
2270 if (snowed)
2271 {
2272 param.color = floorLight;
2273 }
2274 param.color -= (int)(_shadowStrength * 0.8f * 50f) * 262144;
2275 if (currentRoom != null && !showFullWall)
2276 {
2277 _lowblock = true;
2278 roomHeight = 0f;
2279 if (this.cell.room != currentRoom && (this.cell.Front.room == currentRoom || this.cell.Right.room == currentRoom || this.cell.FrontRight.room == currentRoom) && (this.cell.Back.room != currentRoom || this.cell.Right.room != currentRoom) && (this.cell.Front.room != currentRoom || this.cell.Left.room != currentRoom))
2280 {
2281 _lowblock = false;
2282 }
2283 if (!_lowblock)
2284 {
2285 int num16 = ((currentRoom.data.maxHeight == 0) ? 2 : currentRoom.data.maxHeight);
2286 roomHeight = EMono.setting.render.roomHeightMod * (float)((currentRoom.lot.height < num16) ? currentRoom.lot.height : num16) + 0.01f * (float)currentRoom.lot.heightFix;
2287 }
2288 }
2289 if (flag7)
2290 {
2291 _lowblock = (!this.cell.Front.HasFullBlock || !this.cell.Right.HasFullBlock) && (!this.cell.Front.HasFullBlock || !this.cell.Left.HasFullBlock) && (!this.cell.Back.HasFullBlock || !this.cell.Right.HasFullBlock) && (!this.cell.Back.HasFullBlock || !this.cell.Left.HasFullBlock);
2292 if (_lowblock)
2293 {
2294 roomHeight = 0f;
2295 }
2296 }
2297 if (invisible)
2298 {
2299 roomHeight = 0f;
2300 _lowblock = false;
2301 }
2302 if (this.cell.Things.Count > 0)
2303 {
2304 _lowblock = false;
2305 }
2306 param.tile = sourceBlock._tiles[this.cell.blockDir % sourceBlock._tiles.Length] + (_lowblock ? 3000000 : 0);
2307 param.matColor = ((sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref matBlock.matColor, sourceBlock.colorMod));
2308 if (roomHeight == 0f)
2309 {
2310 if (!this.cell.hasDoor)
2311 {
2312 sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
2313 }
2314 }
2315 else
2316 {
2317 sourceBlock.renderData.DrawRepeatTo(param, maxHeight, roomHeight, ref renderSetting.peakFixBlock, this.cell.hasDoor, this.cell.effect?.FireAmount ?? 0, isBlock: true);
2318 }
2319 Room room = this.cell.Front.room ?? this.cell.room;
2320 if (room == null && this.cell.Right.room != null)
2321 {
2322 room = this.cell.Right.room;
2323 }
2324 if (!invisible && room != null)
2325 {
2326 if (room.lot.idDeco != 0 && !this.cell.hasDoor)
2327 {
2328 param.tile = EMono.sources.blocks.rows[0].ConvertTile(1000 + room.lot.idDeco);
2329 param.matColor = room.lot.colDeco;
2330 float y = param.y;
2331 param.y += (float)room.lot.decoFix * 0.01f;
2333 param.y = y;
2334 }
2335 if (room.lot.idDeco2 != 0 && roomHeight != 0f && (float)room.lot.decoFix2 * 0.01f + heightLimitDeco < roomHeight + maxHeight - param.y)
2336 {
2337 param.tile = EMono.sources.blocks.rows[0].ConvertTile(1000 + room.lot.idDeco2);
2338 param.matColor = room.lot.colDeco2;
2339 float y2 = param.y;
2340 float num17 = param.z;
2341 param.y += (float)room.lot.decoFix2 * 0.01f;
2342 param.z += (float)room.lot.decoFix2 * 0.01f * heightModDeco;
2344 param.y = y2;
2345 param.z = num17;
2346 }
2347 }
2348 room = this.cell.Right.room ?? this.cell.room;
2349 if (room == null && this.cell.Front.room != null)
2350 {
2351 room = this.cell.Front.room;
2352 }
2353 if (!invisible && room != null)
2354 {
2355 if (room.lot.idDeco != 0 && !this.cell.hasDoor)
2356 {
2357 param.tile = EMono.sources.blocks.rows[0].ConvertTile(1000 + room.lot.idDeco) * -1;
2358 param.matColor = room.lot.colDeco;
2359 float y3 = param.y;
2360 param.y += (float)room.lot.decoFix * 0.01f;
2362 param.y = y3;
2363 }
2364 if (room.lot.idDeco2 != 0 && roomHeight != 0f && (float)room.lot.decoFix2 * 0.01f + heightLimitDeco < roomHeight + maxHeight - param.y)
2365 {
2366 param.tile = EMono.sources.blocks.rows[0].ConvertTile(1000 + room.lot.idDeco2) * -1;
2367 param.matColor = room.lot.colDeco2;
2368 float y4 = param.y;
2369 float num18 = param.z;
2370 param.y += (float)room.lot.decoFix2 * 0.01f;
2371 param.z += (float)room.lot.decoFix2 * 0.01f * heightModDeco;
2373 param.y = y4;
2374 param.z = num18;
2375 }
2376 }
2377 break;
2378 }
2379 case BlockRenderMode.WallOrFence:
2380 {
2382 {
2383 showFullWall = true;
2384 _lowblock = false;
2385 }
2386 orgY = param.y;
2387 orgZ = param.z;
2388 param.color = (this.tileType.IsFence ? (floorLight - (float)((int)(_shadowStrength * 0.8f * 50f) * 262144)) : blockLight);
2389 bool flag8 = blockDir == 1 || _lowblock || flag7;
2390 bool flag9 = blockDir == 0 || _lowblock || flag7;
2391 if (!showFullWall && currentRoom != null)
2392 {
2393 if (!flag8)
2394 {
2395 if (currentRoom == this.cell.room || (this.cell.lotWall && this.cell.room?.lot == currentLot && this.cell.Front.room != currentRoom))
2396 {
2397 if (!this.cell.IsRoomEdge || (this.cell.Front.room != this.cell.room && this.cell.FrontRight.room != this.cell.room))
2398 {
2399 flag8 = true;
2400 }
2401 }
2402 else if ((!this.cell.Front.lotWall || this.cell.Front.room?.lot != currentLot) && this.cell.Front.room != currentRoom)
2403 {
2404 flag8 = true;
2405 }
2406 }
2407 if (!flag9)
2408 {
2409 if (currentRoom == this.cell.room || (this.cell.lotWall && this.cell.room?.lot == currentLot && this.cell.Right.room != currentRoom))
2410 {
2411 if (!this.cell.IsRoomEdge || (this.cell.Right.room != this.cell.room && this.cell.FrontRight.room != this.cell.room))
2412 {
2413 flag9 = true;
2414 }
2415 }
2416 else if ((!this.cell.Right.lotWall || this.cell.Right.room?.lot != currentLot) && this.cell.Right.room != currentRoom)
2417 {
2418 flag9 = true;
2419 }
2420 }
2421 }
2422 if (blockDir == 0 || blockDir == 2)
2423 {
2424 param.dir = 0;
2425 Room room2 = this.cell.Front.room ?? this.cell.room;
2426 if (room2 != null && this.tileType.IsWall)
2427 {
2428 if (room2.lot.idDeco != 0 && !this.cell.hasDoor)
2429 {
2430 param.tile = EMono.sources.blocks.rows[0].ConvertTile(1000 + room2.lot.idDeco);
2431 param.matColor = room2.lot.colDeco;
2432 param.y += (float)room2.lot.decoFix * 0.01f;
2434 param.y = orgY;
2435 }
2436 if (room2.lot.idDeco2 != 0 && roomHeight != 0f && !flag8 && (float)room2.lot.decoFix2 * 0.01f + heightLimitDeco < roomHeight + maxHeight - param.y)
2437 {
2438 param.tile = EMono.sources.blocks.rows[0].ConvertTile(1000 + room2.lot.idDeco2);
2439 param.matColor = room2.lot.colDeco2;
2440 param.y += (float)room2.lot.decoFix2 * 0.01f;
2441 param.z += (float)room2.lot.decoFix2 * 0.01f * heightModDeco;
2443 param.y = orgY;
2444 param.z = orgZ;
2445 }
2446 }
2447 Cell left = this.cell.Left;
2448 if (blockDir == 2 && left.sourceBlock.tileType.IsWallOrFence && !this.cell.crossWall)
2449 {
2450 _sourceBlock = left.sourceBlock;
2451 param.mat = left.matBlock;
2452 }
2453 else
2454 {
2456 param.mat = matBlock;
2457 }
2458 this.tileType = _sourceBlock.tileType;
2459 param.tile = (tile = _sourceBlock._tiles[0] + ((flag8 && !this.tileType.IsFence) ? 32 : 0));
2460 if (_sourceBlock.useAltColor)
2461 {
2462 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref param.mat.altColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
2463 }
2464 else
2465 {
2466 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref param.mat.matColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
2467 }
2468 if (roomHeight == 0f || flag8 || !this.tileType.RepeatBlock)
2469 {
2470 if (!this.cell.hasDoor)
2471 {
2472 _sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
2473 }
2474 }
2475 else
2476 {
2477 _sourceBlock.renderData.DrawRepeatTo(param, maxHeight, roomHeight, ref renderSetting.peakFix, this.cell.hasDoor, this.cell.effect?.FireAmount ?? 0);
2478 }
2479 param.z += cornerWallFix2.z;
2480 if ((blockDir == 2 || (this.cell.Front.HasWallOrFence && this.cell.Front.blockDir != 0)) != this.cell.isToggleWallPillar)
2481 {
2482 if (this.cell.Back.IsSnowTile && this.cell.Right.IsSnowTile)
2483 {
2484 param.snow = true;
2485 }
2486 param.tile = _sourceBlock._tiles[0] + ((flag8 && flag9 && !this.tileType.IsFence && !flag7) ? 32 : 0) + (this.tileType.IsFence ? 32 : 64);
2487 if (roomHeight == 0f || !this.tileType.RepeatBlock || (flag8 && flag9 && !flag7))
2488 {
2489 _sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
2490 }
2491 else
2492 {
2493 _sourceBlock.renderData.DrawRepeatTo(param, maxHeight, roomHeight, ref renderSetting.peakFix);
2494 }
2495 }
2496 if (!flag8 && !showRoof && this.cell.Left.HasWallOrFence && this.cell.Left.blockDir != 0 && !this.cell.isToggleWallPillar)
2497 {
2498 orgX = param.x;
2499 param.tile = _sourceBlock._tiles[0] + ((flag8 && !this.tileType.IsFence && !flag7) ? 32 : 0) + (this.tileType.IsFence ? 32 : 64);
2500 param.x += cornerWallFix3.x;
2501 param.y += cornerWallFix3.y;
2502 param.z += cornerWallFix3.z;
2503 if (!flag7 && (roomHeight == 0f || flag8))
2504 {
2505 _sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
2506 }
2507 else
2508 {
2509 _sourceBlock.renderData.DrawRepeatTo(param, maxHeight, roomHeight + cornerWallFix.y, ref renderSetting.peakFix);
2510 }
2511 param.x = orgX;
2512 }
2513 else if (this.cell.FrontLeft.HasWallOrFence && this.cell.FrontLeft.blockDir != 0 && (!flag8 || !this.cell.Left.HasWall) && !this.cell.isToggleWallPillar)
2514 {
2515 orgX = param.x;
2516 param.tile = _sourceBlock._tiles[0] + ((flag8 && !this.tileType.IsFence && !flag7) ? 32 : 0) + (this.tileType.IsFence ? 32 : 64);
2517 param.x += cornerWallFix.x;
2518 param.y += cornerWallFix.y;
2519 param.z += cornerWallFix.z;
2520 if (!flag7 && (roomHeight == 0f || flag8))
2521 {
2522 _sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
2523 }
2524 else
2525 {
2526 _sourceBlock.renderData.DrawRepeatTo(param, maxHeight, roomHeight + cornerWallFix.y, ref renderSetting.peakFix);
2527 }
2528 param.x = orgX;
2529 }
2530 }
2531 if (blockDir == 1 || blockDir == 2)
2532 {
2533 param.y = orgY;
2534 param.z = orgZ;
2535 param.dir = 1;
2536 Room room3 = this.cell.Right.room ?? this.cell.room;
2537 if (room3 != null && this.tileType.IsWall)
2538 {
2539 if (room3.lot.idDeco != 0 && !this.cell.hasDoor)
2540 {
2541 param.tile = -EMono.sources.blocks.rows[0].ConvertTile(1000 + room3.lot.idDeco);
2542 param.matColor = room3.lot.colDeco;
2543 param.y += (float)room3.lot.decoFix * 0.01f;
2545 param.y = orgY;
2546 }
2547 if (room3.lot.idDeco2 != 0 && roomHeight != 0f && !flag9 && (float)room3.lot.decoFix2 * 0.01f + heightLimitDeco < roomHeight + maxHeight - param.y)
2548 {
2549 param.tile = -EMono.sources.blocks.rows[0].ConvertTile(1000 + room3.lot.idDeco2);
2550 param.matColor = room3.lot.colDeco2;
2551 param.y += (float)room3.lot.decoFix2 * 0.01f;
2552 param.z += (float)room3.lot.decoFix2 * 0.01f * heightModDeco;
2554 param.y = orgY;
2555 param.z = orgZ;
2556 }
2557 }
2558 if (blockDir == 2 && this.cell.room == null && this.cell.Right.room != null)
2559 {
2560 Room room4 = this.cell.Right.room;
2561 maxHeight = (float)(cz - cx) * screen.tileAlign.y + (float)room4.lot.mh * _heightMod.y;
2562 if (showRoof)
2563 {
2564 roomHeight = room4.lot.realHeight;
2565 }
2566 else if ((noRoofMode && currentRoom == null) || (_lowblock && !this.tileType.ForceRpeatBlock))
2567 {
2568 roomHeight = 0f;
2569 }
2570 else
2571 {
2572 int num19 = ((room4.data.maxHeight == 0) ? 2 : room4.data.maxHeight);
2573 roomHeight = EMono.setting.render.roomHeightMod * (float)((room4.lot.height < num19) ? room4.lot.height : num19) + 0.01f * (float)room4.lot.heightFix;
2574 }
2575 }
2576 Cell back2 = this.cell.Back;
2577 if (blockDir == 2 && back2.sourceBlock.tileType.IsWallOrFence && !this.cell.crossWall)
2578 {
2579 _sourceBlock = back2.sourceBlock;
2580 param.mat = back2.matBlock;
2581 }
2582 else
2583 {
2585 param.mat = matBlock;
2586 }
2587 this.tileType = _sourceBlock.tileType;
2588 param.tile = (tile = -_sourceBlock._tiles[0] + ((flag9 && !this.tileType.IsFence) ? (-32) : 0));
2589 if (_sourceBlock.useAltColor)
2590 {
2591 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref param.mat.altColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
2592 }
2593 else
2594 {
2595 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref param.mat.matColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
2596 }
2597 param.color += _rightWallShade;
2598 if (roomHeight == 0f || flag9 || !this.tileType.RepeatBlock)
2599 {
2600 if (!this.cell.hasDoor)
2601 {
2602 _sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
2603 }
2604 }
2605 else
2606 {
2607 _sourceBlock.renderData.DrawRepeatTo(param, maxHeight, roomHeight, ref renderSetting.peakFix, this.cell.hasDoor, this.cell.effect?.FireAmount ?? 0);
2608 }
2609 if ((this.cell.Right.HasWallOrFence && this.cell.Right.blockDir != 1) != this.cell.isToggleWallPillar && (blockDir != 2 || !this.cell.isToggleWallPillar))
2610 {
2611 if (this.cell.Left.IsSnowTile && this.cell.Front.IsSnowTile)
2612 {
2613 param.snow = true;
2614 }
2615 orgX = param.x;
2616 param.tile = _sourceBlock._tiles[0] + ((flag9 && !this.tileType.IsFence && !flag7) ? 32 : 0) + (this.tileType.IsFence ? 32 : 64);
2617 if (!flag7 && (roomHeight == 0f || !this.tileType.RepeatBlock || flag9))
2618 {
2619 _sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
2620 }
2621 else
2622 {
2623 _sourceBlock.renderData.DrawRepeatTo(param, maxHeight, roomHeight, ref renderSetting.peakFix);
2624 }
2625 param.x = orgX;
2626 }
2627 }
2628 param.y = orgY;
2629 param.z = orgZ;
2630 break;
2631 }
2632 case BlockRenderMode.HalfBlock:
2633 param.color = floorLight;
2634 _sourceBlock = ((sourceBlock.id == 5) ? EMono.sources.blocks.rows[matBlock.defBlock] : sourceBlock);
2635 param.tile = _sourceBlock._tiles[0];
2636 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref matBlock.matColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
2637 param.tile2 = _sourceBlock.sourceAutoFloor._tiles[0];
2638 param.halfBlockColor = ((_sourceBlock.sourceAutoFloor.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref matBlock.matColor, _sourceBlock.sourceAutoFloor.colorMod));
2639 sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
2640 break;
2641 case BlockRenderMode.Pillar:
2642 {
2643 RenderData renderData2 = sourceBlock.renderData;
2644 param.tile = sourceBlock._tiles[this.cell.blockDir % sourceBlock._tiles.Length];
2645 param.matColor = ((sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref matBlock.matColor, sourceBlock.colorMod));
2646 int num20 = this.cell.objDir + ((this.cell.objDir >= 7) ? this.cell.objDir : 0) + 1;
2647 if (num20 == 0)
2648 {
2649 renderData2.Draw(param);
2650 }
2651 else
2652 {
2653 renderData2.DrawRepeat(param, num20, sourceBlock.tileType.RepeatSize);
2654 }
2655 param.tile = renderData2.idShadow;
2656 SourcePref shadowPref2 = renderData2.shadowPref;
2657 int shadow4 = shadowPref2.shadow;
2658 passShadow.AddShadow(param.x + renderData2.offsetShadow.x, param.y + renderData2.offsetShadow.y, param.z + renderData2.offsetShadow.z, ShadowData.Instance.items[shadow4], shadowPref2, 0, param.snow);
2659 break;
2660 }
2661 default:
2662 param.color = floorLight;
2663 param.tile = sourceBlock._tiles[this.cell.blockDir % sourceBlock._tiles.Length] + ((_lowblock && this.tileType.UseLowWallTiles) ? 3000000 : 0);
2664 param.matColor = ((sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : GetColorInt(ref matBlock.matColor, sourceBlock.colorMod));
2665 if (roomHeight == 0f)
2666 {
2667 sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
2668 }
2669 else
2670 {
2671 sourceBlock.renderData.DrawRepeatTo(param, maxHeight, roomHeight, ref renderSetting.peakFixBlock);
2672 }
2673 break;
2674 }
2675 }
2676 if (this.cell.pcSync && EMono.player.lightPower > 0f && !cinemaMode)
2677 {
2678 if (this.cell.room != null || !this.cell.IsRoomEdge || !showRoof)
2679 {
2680 goto IL_6f4f;
2681 }
2682 if (this.cell._block == 0 || !this.cell.sourceBlock.tileType.RepeatBlock)
2683 {
2684 Room obj = this.cell.FrontRight.room;
2685 if (obj == null || !obj.HasRoof)
2686 {
2687 goto IL_6f4f;
2688 }
2689 }
2690 }
2691 goto IL_6faf;
2692 IL_7b6a:
2693 if (detail.things.Count == 0 && detail.charas.Count == 0)
2694 {
2695 return;
2696 }
2697 int num21 = 0;
2698 thingPos.x = 0f;
2699 thingPos.y = 0f;
2700 thingPos.z = 0f;
2701 freePos.x = (freePos.y = (freePos.z = 0f));
2702 if (this.cell.HasRamp)
2703 {
2704 Vector3 rampFix = sourceBlock.tileType.GetRampFix(this.cell.blockDir);
2705 param.x += rampFix.x;
2706 param.y += rampFix.y;
2707 param.z += rampFix.z;
2708 freePos.x += rampFix.x;
2709 freePos.y += rampFix.y;
2710 freePos.z += rampFix.z;
2711 }
2712 param.y += (flag ? 0f : ((this.cell._bridge != 0) ? this.cell.sourceBridge.tileType.FloorHeight : sourceFloor.tileType.FloorHeight));
2713 orgPos.x = (orgX = param.x);
2714 orgPos.y = (orgY = param.y);
2715 orgPos.z = (orgZ = param.z);
2716 if (flag && liquidLv > 0)
2717 {
2718 if (liquidLv > 10)
2719 {
2720 liquidLv = TileType.FloorWaterShallow.LiquidLV * 10;
2721 }
2722 liquidLv -= (int)(floatY * 0.5f);
2723 param.liquidLv = liquidLv;
2725 }
2726 Thing thing = null;
2727 bool shadow = liquidLv == 0;
2728 float num22 = 0f;
2729 float num23 = 0f;
2730 bool flag10 = false;
2731 float num24 = 0f;
2732 bool flag11 = false;
2733 float num25 = 0f;
2734 if (detail.things.Count > 0 && isSeen)
2735 {
2736 _ = zSetting.max1;
2737 float num26 = 0f;
2738 for (int m = 0; m < detail.things.Count; m++)
2739 {
2740 Thing t = detail.things[m];
2741 if ((fogged && !t.isRoofItem) || ((t.isHidden || t.trait.HideInAdv || t.isMasked) && !EMono.scene.actionMode.ShowMaskedThings) || (t.isRoofItem && ((this.room == null && !sourceBlock.tileType.IsFullBlock && !EMono._zone.IsPCFaction) || (lowBlock && !showFullWall && this.room != null) || (noRoofMode && currentRoom == null))) || (flag3 && !t.isRoofItem))
2742 {
2743 continue;
2744 }
2746 bool isInstalled = t.IsInstalled;
2747 SourcePref pref = t.Pref;
2748 if (!isInstalled && t.category.tileDummy != 0)
2749 {
2751 }
2752 float num27 = ((tileType.UseMountHeight && isInstalled) ? 0f : ((pref.height < 0f) ? 0f : ((pref.height == 0f) ? 0.1f : pref.height)));
2753 if (t.ignoreStackHeight)
2754 {
2755 thingPos.y -= num22;
2756 }
2757 shadow = thingPos.y < 0.16f && num25 < 0.16f;
2758 _ = pref.bypassShadow;
2759 param.shadowFix = 0f - thingPos.y;
2760 param.liquidLv = ((thingPos.y + (float)t.altitude < 0.1f) ? liquidLv : 0);
2761 if (t.isRoofItem)
2762 {
2763 param.snow = isSnowCovered && !this.cell.isClearSnow;
2764 SetRoofHeight(param, this.cell, cx, cz);
2765 _actorPos.x = param.x;
2766 _actorPos.y = param.y;
2767 _actorPos.z = param.z + num26;
2768 if (this.room != null)
2769 {
2770 param.color = GetRoofLight(this.room.lot);
2771 }
2772 shadow = false;
2773 param.liquidLv = 0;
2774 }
2775 else
2776 {
2777 param.snow = snowed;
2778 _actorPos.x = orgX + num23;
2779 _actorPos.y = orgY;
2780 _actorPos.z = orgZ + num26 + thingPos.z;
2781 if (tileType.CanStack || !isInstalled)
2782 {
2783 if (thing?.id != t.id)
2784 {
2785 _actorPos.x += thingPos.x;
2786 }
2787 _actorPos.y += thingPos.y;
2788 if (t.trait.IgnoreLastStackHeight && (thing == null || !thing.trait.IgnoreLastStackHeight))
2789 {
2790 thingPos.y -= num22;
2791 if (thing != null)
2792 {
2793 _actorPos.z -= 0.2f;
2794 thingPos.z -= 0.2f;
2795 }
2796 _actorPos.y -= num22;
2797 }
2798 _actorPos.z += renderSetting.thingZ + (float)m * -0.01f + zSetting.mod1 * thingPos.y;
2799 }
2800 if (isInstalled)
2801 {
2802 if (t.TileType.IsRamp)
2803 {
2804 Vector3 rampFix2 = t.TileType.GetRampFix(t.dir, pref);
2805 orgX += rampFix2.x;
2806 orgY += rampFix2.y;
2807 orgZ += rampFix2.z;
2808 freePos.x += rampFix2.x;
2809 freePos.y += rampFix2.y;
2810 freePos.z += rampFix2.z;
2811 if (!this.cell.IsTopWater || t.altitude > 0)
2812 {
2813 num25 += rampFix2.y;
2814 }
2815 liquidLv -= (int)(rampFix2.y * 150f);
2816 if (liquidLv < 0)
2817 {
2818 liquidLv = 0;
2819 }
2820 }
2821 else if (!flag11 && t.trait.IsChangeFloorHeight && !t.ignoreStackHeight)
2822 {
2823 orgY += num27 + (float)t.altitude * altitudeFix.y;
2824 orgZ += (float)t.altitude * altitudeFix.z;
2825 freePos.y += num27 + (float)t.altitude * altitudeFix.y;
2826 if (!this.cell.IsTopWater || t.altitude > 0)
2827 {
2828 num25 += num27 + (float)t.altitude * altitudeFix.y;
2829 }
2830 _actorPos.x += pref.x * (float)((!t.flipX) ? 1 : (-1));
2831 _actorPos.z += pref.z;
2832 thingPos.z += pref.z;
2833 liquidLv -= (int)(num27 * 150f);
2834 if (liquidLv < 0)
2835 {
2836 liquidLv = 0;
2837 }
2838 }
2839 else
2840 {
2841 thingPos.y += num27;
2842 _actorPos.x += pref.x * (float)((!t.flipX) ? 1 : (-1));
2843 _actorPos.z += pref.z;
2844 if (pref.height >= 0f)
2845 {
2846 thingPos.z += pref.z;
2847 }
2848 }
2849 if (!tileType.UseMountHeight && m > 10)
2850 {
2851 flag11 = true;
2852 }
2853 }
2854 else
2855 {
2856 thingPos.y += num27;
2857 _actorPos.x += pref.x * (float)((!t.flipX) ? 1 : (-1));
2858 _actorPos.z += pref.z;
2859 thingPos.z += pref.z;
2860 }
2861 if (t.isFloating && isWater && !hasBridge && !flag)
2862 {
2863 flag = true;
2864 float num28 = ((this.cell._bridge != 0) ? sourceBridge.tileType.FloorHeight : sourceFloor.tileType.FloorHeight);
2865 orgY += 0.01f * floatY - num28;
2866 num24 = num27;
2867 _actorPos.y += 0.01f * floatY - num28;
2868 if (liquidLv > 10)
2869 {
2870 liquidLv = TileType.FloorWaterShallow.LiquidLV * 10;
2871 }
2872 liquidLv -= (int)(floatY * 0.5f);
2873 if (liquidLv < 0)
2874 {
2875 liquidLv = 0;
2876 }
2877 param.liquidLv = liquidLv;
2878 }
2879 num22 = num27;
2880 if (t.sourceCard.multisize && !t.trait.IsGround)
2881 {
2882 num26 += zSetting.multiZ;
2883 }
2884 orgZ += t.renderer.data.stackZ;
2885 if (param.liquidLv > 0)
2886 {
2887 param.liquidLv += pref.liquidMod;
2888 if (param.liquidLv < 1)
2889 {
2890 param.liquidLv = 1;
2891 }
2892 else if (param.liquidLv > 99 + pref.liquidModMax)
2893 {
2894 param.liquidLv = 99 + pref.liquidModMax;
2895 }
2896 }
2897 }
2898 if (isInstalled && tileType.UseMountHeight)
2899 {
2900 if (tileType != TileType.Illumination || !this.cell.HasObj)
2901 {
2902 if (noRoofMode && currentRoom == null && t.altitude >= lowWallObjAltitude)
2903 {
2904 continue;
2905 }
2906 if (hideHang && (this.cell.room?.lot != currentLot || (!this.cell.lotWall && this.cell.room != currentRoom)))
2907 {
2908 Room room5 = ((t.dir == 0) ? this.cell.Back.room : this.cell.Left.room);
2910 {
2911 if (room5 == null || !room5.data.showWallItem)
2912 {
2913 continue;
2914 }
2915 }
2916 else if (t.altitude >= lowWallObjAltitude)
2917 {
2918 continue;
2919 }
2920 }
2921 }
2923 {
2924 flag10 = true;
2925 }
2927 shadow = false;
2928 param.liquidLv = 0;
2929 if (t.freePos)
2930 {
2931 _actorPos.x += t.fx;
2932 _actorPos.y += t.fy;
2933 }
2934 }
2935 else
2936 {
2937 if (t.altitude != 0)
2938 {
2940 if (t.altitude > 2 && ((this.cell.Back.room != null && this.cell.Back.IsRoomEdge) || (this.cell.Left.room != null && this.cell.Left.IsRoomEdge)) && hideHang && (this.cell.room?.lot != currentLot || (!this.cell.lotWall && this.cell.room != currentRoom)))
2941 {
2942 continue;
2943 }
2944 }
2945 if (t.freePos)
2946 {
2947 _actorPos.x = orgX + t.fx - freePos.x;
2948 _actorPos.y = orgY + t.fy - freePos.y;
2949 }
2950 if (t.trait is TraitDoor && (t.trait as TraitDoor).IsOpen())
2951 {
2952 _actorPos.z += -0.5f;
2953 }
2954 }
2955 if (!t.sourceCard.multisize || (t.pos.x == cx && t.pos.z == cz))
2956 {
2957 if (iconMode != 0)
2958 {
2959 int num29 = 0;
2960 switch (iconMode)
2961 {
2962 case CardIconMode.Visibility:
2963 if (t.isMasked)
2964 {
2965 num29 = 17;
2966 }
2967 break;
2968 case CardIconMode.State:
2969 if (t.placeState == PlaceState.installed)
2970 {
2971 num29 = 18;
2972 }
2973 break;
2974 case CardIconMode.Deconstruct:
2975 if (t.isDeconstructing)
2976 {
2977 num29 = 14;
2978 }
2979 break;
2980 }
2982 {
2983 num29 = 13;
2984 }
2985 if (num29 != 0)
2986 {
2987 passGuideBlock.Add(_actorPos.x, _actorPos.y, _actorPos.z - 10f, num29);
2988 }
2989 }
2991 if (_lowblock && t.trait.UseLowblock && !this.cell.HasFullBlock)
2992 {
2993 param.tile += ((param.tile < 0f) ? (-64) : 64);
2994 }
2995 if (t.trait is TraitTrolley && EMono.pc.ai is AI_Trolley aI_Trolley && aI_Trolley.trolley.owner == t)
2996 {
2997 RenderParam _param = new RenderParam(param);
2998 EMono.core.actionsLateUpdate.Add(delegate
2999 {
3000 t.SetRenderParam(_param);
3001 _actorPos.x = EMono.pc.renderer.position.x;
3002 _actorPos.y = EMono.pc.renderer.position.y - pref.height;
3003 _actorPos.z = EMono.pc.renderer.position.z + 0.02f;
3004 t.renderer.Draw(_param, ref _actorPos, !t.noShadow && (shadow || tileType.AlwaysShowShadow));
3005 });
3006 }
3007 else
3008 {
3009 t.renderer.Draw(param, ref _actorPos, !t.noShadow && (shadow || tileType.AlwaysShowShadow));
3010 }
3011 }
3012 if (isInstalled)
3013 {
3014 num23 += pref.stackX * (float)((!t.flipX) ? 1 : (-1));
3015 }
3016 param.x = orgX;
3017 param.y = orgY;
3018 param.z = orgZ;
3019 param.color = floorLight;
3020 thing = t;
3021 if (pref.Float)
3022 {
3023 liquidLv = 0;
3024 }
3025 }
3026 }
3027 orgY += num24;
3028 if (detail.charas.Count <= 0)
3029 {
3030 return;
3031 }
3032 param.shadowFix = 0f - num25;
3033 param.color += 1310720f;
3034 float max = zSetting.max2;
3035 for (int n = 0; n < detail.charas.Count; n++)
3036 {
3037 Chara chara = detail.charas[n];
3038 if (chara.host != null || (chara != EMono.pc && chara != LayerDrama.alwaysVisible && (flag3 || fogged || (!showAllCards && !EMono.player.CanSee(chara)))))
3039 {
3040 continue;
3041 }
3042 _actorPos.x = orgX;
3043 _actorPos.y = orgY;
3044 _actorPos.z = orgZ;
3045 chara.SetRenderParam(param);
3046 _ = chara.IsAliveInCurrentZone;
3047 if (chara.isRestrained)
3048 {
3049 TraitShackle restrainer = chara.GetRestrainer();
3050 if (restrainer != null)
3051 {
3052 Vector3 getRestrainPos = restrainer.GetRestrainPos;
3053 if (getRestrainPos != default(Vector3))
3054 {
3055 Vector3 position = restrainer.owner.renderer.position;
3056 float defCharaHeight = EMono.setting.render.defCharaHeight;
3057 float num30 = getRestrainPos.y + defCharaHeight - ((chara.Pref.height == 0f) ? defCharaHeight : chara.source.pref.height);
3058 _actorPos.x = position.x + getRestrainPos.x * (float)((restrainer.owner.dir % 2 == 0) ? 1 : (-1));
3059 _actorPos.y = position.y + num30;
3060 _actorPos.z = position.z + getRestrainPos.z;
3061 param.liquidLv = 0;
3062 param.shadowFix = orgY - _actorPos.y;
3063 chara.renderer.SetFirst(first: true);
3064 chara.renderer.Draw(param, ref _actorPos, drawShadow: true);
3065 param.shadowFix = 0f;
3066 continue;
3067 }
3068 }
3069 }
3070 if (!chara.sourceCard.multisize || (chara.pos.x == cx && chara.pos.z == cz))
3071 {
3072 if (chara.IsDeadOrSleeping && chara.IsPCC)
3073 {
3074 float num31 = chara.renderer.data.size.y * 0.3f;
3075 if (thingPos.y > max)
3076 {
3077 thingPos.y = max;
3078 }
3079 float num32 = thingPos.y + num31;
3080 float num33 = (float)n * -0.01f;
3081 if (num32 > zSetting.thresh1)
3082 {
3083 num33 = zSetting.mod1;
3084 }
3085 _actorPos.x += thingPos.x;
3086 _actorPos.y += thingPos.y;
3087 _actorPos.z += renderSetting.laydownZ + num33;
3088 param.liquidLv = ((thingPos.y == 0f && liquidLv > 0) ? 90 : 0);
3089 thingPos.y += num31 * 0.8f;
3090 chara.renderer.Draw(param, ref _actorPos, liquidLv == 0);
3091 }
3092 else
3093 {
3094 param.liquidLv = liquidLv;
3095 if (param.liquidLv > 0)
3096 {
3097 param.liquidLv += chara.Pref.liquidMod;
3098 if (param.liquidLv < 1)
3099 {
3100 param.liquidLv = 1;
3101 }
3102 else if (param.liquidLv > 99 + chara.Pref.liquidModMax)
3103 {
3104 param.liquidLv = 99 + chara.Pref.liquidModMax;
3105 }
3106 }
3107 if (!chara.IsPC && !chara.renderer.IsMoving && detail.charas.Count > 1 && (detail.charas.Count != 2 || !detail.charas[0].IsDeadOrSleeping || !detail.charas[0].IsPCC))
3108 {
3109 _actorPos += renderSetting.charaPos[1 + ((num21 < 4) ? num21 : 3)];
3110 }
3111 _actorPos.z += 0.01f * (float)n + renderSetting.charaZ;
3112 num21++;
3113 if (flag10)
3114 {
3115 _actorPos.z += chara.renderer.data.hangedFixZ;
3116 }
3117 chara.renderer.Draw(param, ref _actorPos, liquidLv == 0);
3118 }
3119 }
3120 param.x = orgX;
3121 param.y = orgY;
3122 param.z = orgZ;
3123 }
3124 return;
3125 IL_6f4f:
3126 if (!showRoof || !roof || this.cell.room == null || this.cell.Front.room == null || this.cell.Right.room == null)
3127 {
3128 param.tile = num14;
3130 }
3131 goto IL_6faf;
3132 void Draw(int tile)
3133 {
3134 pass = passEdge;
3137 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m03 = param.x + waterEdgeFixShoreSand.x;
3138 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m13 = param.y + waterEdgeFixShoreSand.y;
3139 batch.matrices[pass.idx].m23 = param.z + waterEdgeFixShoreSand.z;
3142 pass.idx++;
3143 if (pass.idx == pass.batchSize)
3144 {
3145 pass.NextBatch();
3146 }
3147 }
3148 }
3150 public Vector3 GetThingPosition(Card tg, Point p)
3151 {
3152 Vector3 zero = Vector3.zero;
3153 float num = 0f;
3154 cell = p.cell;
3156 if (!tg.TileType.UseMountHeight)
3157 {
3159 {
3160 zero.z -= 1f;
3161 }
3162 else if (!tg.sourceCard.multisize)
3163 {
3164 float num2 = ((cell._bridge != 0) ? cell.sourceBridge.tileType.FloorHeight : sourceFloor.tileType.FloorHeight);
3165 zero.y += num2;
3166 zero.z -= num2 * heightMod.z;
3167 }
3168 if (cell.HasRamp)
3169 {
3170 Vector3 rampFix = cell.sourceBlock.tileType.GetRampFix(cell.blockDir);
3171 zero.x += rampFix.x;
3172 zero.y += rampFix.y;
3173 zero.z += rampFix.z;
3174 }
3175 }
3176 if (tg.sourceCard.multisize)
3177 {
3178 zero.z -= 1f;
3179 }
3180 zero.x += tg.Pref.x * (float)((!tg.flipX) ? 1 : (-1));
3181 zero.z += tg.Pref.z;
3182 detail = cell.detail;
3183 if (tg.isChara)
3184 {
3185 return zero;
3186 }
3187 bool flag = false;
3189 {
3190 flag = true;
3191 }
3193 {
3194 if (tg.altitude != 0)
3195 {
3196 zero += altitudeFix * tg.altitude;
3197 }
3198 flag = true;
3199 }
3201 {
3202 return zero;
3203 }
3204 float num3 = 0f;
3205 if (detail != null && detail.things.Count > 0)
3206 {
3207 Card card = null;
3208 for (int i = 0; i < detail.things.Count; i++)
3209 {
3210 Thing thing = detail.things[i];
3211 SourcePref pref = thing.Pref;
3213 float num4 = (tileType.UseMountHeight ? 0f : ((pref.height == 0f) ? 0.1f : pref.height));
3214 if (!thing.IsInstalled || thing == ActionMode.Inspect.target)
3215 {
3216 continue;
3217 }
3218 if (thing.TileType.IsRamp)
3219 {
3220 Vector3 rampFix2 = thing.TileType.GetRampFix(thing.dir, pref);
3221 zero.x += rampFix2.x;
3222 zero.y += rampFix2.y;
3223 zero.z += rampFix2.z;
3224 }
3225 if (!flag && tileType.CanStack)
3226 {
3227 if (thing.ignoreStackHeight)
3228 {
3229 zero.y -= num3;
3230 }
3231 zero.y += num4;
3232 zero.x += pref.stackX * (float)((!thing.flipX) ? 1 : (-1));
3233 zero.z += pref.z + thing.renderer.data.stackZ;
3234 if (!tileType.UseMountHeight && thing.altitude != 0)
3235 {
3236 zero += altitudeFix * thing.altitude;
3237 num4 += altitudeFix.y * (float)thing.altitude;
3238 }
3239 if (thing.trait.IgnoreLastStackHeight && (card == null || !card.trait.IgnoreLastStackHeight))
3240 {
3241 zero.y -= num3;
3242 }
3243 num3 = num4;
3244 zero.z += renderSetting.thingZ + num + (float)i * -0.01f + zSetting.mod1 * zero.y;
3245 if (thing.sourceCard.multisize)
3246 {
3247 num += zSetting.multiZ;
3248 }
3249 card = thing;
3250 }
3251 }
3252 }
3253 if (flag)
3254 {
3255 return zero;
3256 }
3257 if (tg.ignoreStackHeight)
3258 {
3259 zero.y -= num3;
3260 }
3261 if (tg.altitude != 0)
3262 {
3263 zero += altitudeFix * tg.altitude;
3264 }
3265 return zero;
3266 }
3269 {
3270 float num = _baseBrightness + 0.05f;
3271 num = ((!cell.IsSnowTile) ? ((float)((int)(num * 50f) * 262144 + ((cell.lightR >= 64) ? 63 : cell.lightR) * 4096 + ((cell.lightG >= 64) ? 63 : cell.lightG) * 64 + ((cell.lightB >= 64) ? 63 : cell.lightB))) : ((float)((int)(num * 50f) * 262144 + (int)((float)((cell.lightR >= 50) ? 50 : cell.lightR) * snowColor) * 4096 + (int)((float)((cell.lightG >= 50) ? 50 : cell.lightG) * snowColor) * 64 + (int)((float)((cell.lightB >= 50) ? 50 : cell.lightB) * snowColor) + snowColorToken)));
3272 return (int)num;
3273 }
3275 public int GetRoofLight(Lot lot)
3276 {
3277 float num = Mathf.Sqrt(lot.light) * roofLightMod;
3278 if (num > lightLimit * roofLightLimitMod)
3279 {
3281 }
3282 if (isSnowCovered)
3283 {
3284 num += roofLightSnow * (1f - nightRatio);
3285 }
3286 int num2 = (int)(num * 50f) * 262144;
3287 if (isSnowCovered)
3288 {
3289 num2 += snowColorToken;
3290 }
3291 return num2;
3292 }
3294 public void DrawRoof(Lot lot)
3295 {
3296 RoofStyle roofStyle = roofStyles[lot.idRoofStyle];
3297 if (roofStyle.type == RoofStyle.Type.None)
3298 {
3299 return;
3300 }
3301 bool reverse = lot.reverse;
3302 int num;
3303 int num2;
3304 int num3;
3305 int num4;
3306 if (reverse)
3307 {
3308 num = lot.z - roofStyle.h;
3309 num2 = lot.x - roofStyle.w;
3310 num3 = lot.mz + 1 + roofStyle.h;
3311 num4 = lot.mx + 1 + roofStyle.w;
3312 if (num2 > 1 && num > 0 && map.cells[num2 - 1, num].HasFullBlock)
3313 {
3314 num2--;
3315 }
3316 if (num3 < Size && num4 < Size && map.cells[num4 - 1, num3].HasFullBlock)
3317 {
3318 num3++;
3319 }
3320 }
3321 else
3322 {
3323 num = lot.x - roofStyle.w;
3324 num2 = lot.z - roofStyle.h;
3325 num3 = lot.mx + 1 + roofStyle.w;
3326 num4 = lot.mz + 1 + roofStyle.h;
3327 if (num2 > 0 && num > 1 && map.cells[num - 1, num2].HasFullBlock)
3328 {
3329 num--;
3330 }
3331 if (num3 < Size && num4 < Size && map.cells[num3 - 1, num4].HasFullBlock)
3332 {
3333 num4++;
3334 }
3335 }
3336 int num5;
3337 if (roofStyle.wing)
3338 {
3339 num5 = ((lot.height > 1) ? 1 : 0);
3340 if (num5 != 0)
3341 {
3342 num2--;
3343 num4++;
3344 }
3345 }
3346 else
3347 {
3348 num5 = 0;
3349 }
3350 int num6 = num4 + (reverse ? roofStyle.w : roofStyle.h) * 2 - num2;
3351 int idRoofTile = lot.idRoofTile;
3352 int num7 = lot.idBlock;
3353 int num8 = num7;
3354 if (num7 >= EMono.sources.blocks.rows.Count)
3355 {
3356 num7 = EMono.sources.blocks.rows.Count - 1;
3357 }
3358 if (num8 >= EMono.sources.floors.rows.Count)
3359 {
3360 num8 = EMono.sources.floors.rows.Count - 1;
3361 }
3362 int num9 = lot.idRamp;
3363 if (num9 >= EMono.sources.blocks.rows.Count)
3364 {
3365 num9 = EMono.sources.blocks.rows.Count - 1;
3366 }
3367 bool flag = false;
3368 int num10 = num6 / 2 - roofStyle.flatW;
3369 int num11 = num6 / 2 + roofStyle.flatW + ((num6 % 2 != 0) ? 1 : 0);
3370 SourceBlock.Row row = (roofStyle.useDefBlock ? cell.sourceFloor._defBlock : EMono.sources.blocks.rows[num7]);
3371 int num12 = 0;
3372 int num13 = ((num5 != 0) ? (-1) : 0);
3373 int num14 = 0;
3374 Vector3 vector = (lot.fullblock ? roofStyle.posFixBlock : roofStyle.posFix);
3375 switch (roofStyle.type)
3376 {
3377 case RoofStyle.Type.Default:
3378 flag = num6 % 2 == 1 && roofStyle.flatW == 0;
3379 break;
3380 case RoofStyle.Type.Flat:
3381 case RoofStyle.Type.FlatFloor:
3382 num10 = roofStyle.flatW;
3383 num11 = num6 - roofStyle.flatW;
3384 if (num10 == 0)
3385 {
3386 num14 = 1;
3387 }
3388 if (roofStyle.type != RoofStyle.Type.FlatFloor)
3389 {
3390 num--;
3391 num3++;
3392 num2--;
3393 num4++;
3394 }
3395 break;
3396 case RoofStyle.Type.Triangle:
3397 num10 = 999;
3398 num11 = 999;
3399 break;
3400 }
3401 for (cz = num2; cz < num4; cz++)
3402 {
3403 for (cx = num; cx < num3; cx++)
3404 {
3405 if (cx < 0 || cz < 0 || cx >= Size || cz >= Size)
3406 {
3407 continue;
3408 }
3409 int num15;
3410 int num16;
3411 if (reverse)
3412 {
3413 num15 = cz;
3414 num16 = cx;
3415 cell = map.cells[num15, num16];
3416 if (roofStyle.wing && cz == num4 - 1 && cell.Right.Right.room != null && cell.Right.Right.room.lot != lot)
3417 {
3418 continue;
3419 }
3420 }
3421 else
3422 {
3423 num15 = cx;
3424 num16 = cz;
3425 cell = map.cells[num15, num16];
3426 if (roofStyle.wing && cz == 0 && cell.Front.Front.room != null && cell.Front.Front.room.lot != lot)
3427 {
3428 continue;
3429 }
3430 }
3431 int num17 = num16 - num15;
3432 room = cell.room;
3433 if (room != null && room.lot != lot)
3434 {
3435 continue;
3436 }
3437 bool flag2 = false;
3438 if (roofStyle.type == RoofStyle.Type.Flat)
3439 {
3440 if (reverse)
3441 {
3442 if (!cell.HasFullBlock || cell.room != null)
3443 {
3444 num14 = ((cell.Left.room != null && cell.Left.room.lot == lot) ? ((cell.Right.room != null && cell.Right.room.lot == lot) ? 1 : ((cell.HasFullBlock && cell.Right.HasFullBlock && cell.Right.room != null) ? 1 : 2)) : (cell.Left.HasFullBlock ? 1 : 0));
3445 }
3446 else if (cell.Left.room?.lot == lot && cell.Right.room != null)
3447 {
3448 num14 = 1;
3449 flag2 = true;
3450 }
3451 else if (cell.Front.room?.lot == lot)
3452 {
3453 num14 = ((cell.FrontRight.room?.lot == lot) ? 1 : 2);
3454 flag2 = true;
3455 }
3456 else if (cell.Right.room?.lot == lot || cell.FrontRight.room?.lot == lot)
3457 {
3458 num14 = 0;
3459 flag2 = true;
3460 }
3461 }
3462 else if (!cell.HasFullBlock || cell.room != null)
3463 {
3464 num14 = ((cell.Front.room != null && cell.Front.room.lot == lot) ? ((cell.Back.room != null && cell.Back.room.lot == lot) ? 1 : (cell.Back.HasFullBlock ? 1 : 2)) : ((cell.HasFullBlock && cell.Front.HasFullBlock && cell.Front.room != null) ? 1 : 0));
3465 }
3466 else if (cell.Right.room?.lot == lot)
3467 {
3468 num14 = ((cell.FrontRight.room?.lot == lot) ? 1 : 0);
3469 flag2 = true;
3470 }
3471 else if (cell.Front.room?.lot == lot || cell.FrontRight.room?.lot == lot)
3472 {
3473 num14 = 2;
3474 flag2 = true;
3475 }
3476 num13 = 0;
3477 }
3478 bool flag3 = isSnowCovered && !cell.isClearSnow;
3479 if (room == null && !roofStyle.coverLot && !flag2 && !(cell.HasFullBlock && cell.IsRoomEdge && flag3))
3480 {
3481 continue;
3482 }
3483 index = cx + cz * Size;
3485 float num18 = (float)num17 * screen.tileAlign.y + (float)lot.mh * _heightMod.y + lot.realHeight + roofFix.y + vector.y;
3486 float num19 = 1000f + param.x * screen.tileWeight.x + (float)lot.mh * _heightMod.z + lot.realHeight * roofFix3.z + roofFix.z + vector.z;
3487 if (lot.height == 1 && lot.heightFix < 20)
3488 {
3489 num18 += roofStyle.lowRoofFix.y;
3490 num19 += roofStyle.lowRoofFix.z;
3491 }
3492 param.x = (float)(cx + cz) * screen.tileAlign.x + roofFix.x + (float)num13 * roofFix2.x + vector.x * (float)(reverse ? 1 : (-1));
3493 param.y = num18 + (float)num13 * roofFix2.y;
3494 param.z = num19 + param.y * screen.tileWeight.z + (float)num13 * roofFix2.z;
3495 param.color = GetRoofLight(lot);
3496 param.snow = idRoofTile == 0 && flag3;
3497 param.shadowFix = 0f;
3498 if (num14 == 1)
3499 {
3501 RenderRow renderRow;
3502 if (roofStyle.type == RoofStyle.Type.FlatFloor)
3503 {
3504 if (cell.HasFullBlock && cell.IsRoomEdge && !flag3)
3505 {
3506 continue;
3507 }
3508 renderRow = EMono.sources.floors.rows[num8];
3509 renderRow.SetRenderParam(param, mat, 0);
3510 param.matColor = lot.colRoof;
3511 }
3512 else
3513 {
3514 renderRow = row;
3515 renderRow.SetRenderParam(param, mat, 0);
3516 param.matColor = lot.colBlock;
3517 }
3518 renderRow.renderData.Draw(param);
3519 if (idRoofTile != 0)
3520 {
3521 renderRow = EMono.sources.blocks.rows[EMono.sources.objs.rows[idRoofTile].idRoof];
3522 int num20 = (reverse ? 1 : 0) + ((!flag) ? 2 : 0);
3523 renderRow.SetRenderParam(param, MATERIAL.sourceGold, num20);
3524 param.matColor = lot.colRoof;
3525 if (roofStyle.type == RoofStyle.Type.FlatFloor)
3526 {
3527 param.x += roofStyle.posFixBlock.x;
3528 param.y += roofStyle.posFixBlock.y;
3529 param.z += roofStyle.posFixBlock.z;
3530 }
3531 if (!flag)
3532 {
3533 param.z += 0.5f;
3534 }
3535 if (flag3)
3536 {
3537 param.matColor = 104025f;
3538 if (roofStyle.type != RoofStyle.Type.FlatFloor)
3539 {
3540 param.z += roofStyle.snowZ;
3541 }
3542 param.tile = renderRow.renderData.ConvertTile(renderRow.snowTile) + num20;
3543 renderRow.renderData.Draw(param);
3544 }
3545 else
3546 {
3547 renderRow.renderData.Draw(param);
3548 }
3549 }
3550 else if (flag3 && roofStyle.type == RoofStyle.Type.FlatFloor)
3551 {
3552 param.matColor = 104025f;
3553 param.tile = 10f;
3554 param.x += roofStyle.snowFix.x;
3555 param.y += roofStyle.snowFix.y;
3556 param.z += roofStyle.snowZ + roofStyle.snowFix.z;
3557 renderRow.renderData.Draw(param);
3558 }
3559 }
3560 else
3561 {
3562 if (idRoofTile != 0)
3563 {
3564 int num21 = ((!reverse) ? ((num14 != 0) ? 2 : 0) : ((num14 != 0) ? 1 : 3));
3565 if (lot.altRoof && !flag && (roofStyle.type == RoofStyle.Type.Default || roofStyle.type == RoofStyle.Type.DefaultNoTop))
3566 {
3567 param.shadowFix = num21 + 1;
3568 }
3569 RenderRow renderRow = EMono.sources.objs.rows[idRoofTile];
3570 renderRow.SetRenderParam(param, MATERIAL.sourceGold, num21);
3571 param.matColor = lot.colRoof;
3572 if (flag3)
3573 {
3574 param.matColor = 104025f;
3575 param.z += roofStyle.snowZ;
3576 param.tile = renderRow.renderData.ConvertTile(renderRow.snowTile) + num21 + (lot.altRoof ? 8 : 0);
3577 renderRow.renderData.Draw(param);
3578 }
3579 else
3580 {
3581 param.tile += (lot.altRoof ? 8 : 0);
3582 renderRow.renderData.Draw(param);
3583 }
3584 param.shadowFix = 0f;
3585 }
3586 if (num13 >= 0)
3587 {
3588 param.y += roofRampFix.y;
3589 param.z += roofRampFix.z;
3590 RenderRow renderRow = EMono.sources.blocks.rows[num9];
3591 renderRow.SetRenderParam(param, MATERIAL.sourceGold, (!reverse) ? ((num14 != 0) ? 2 : 0) : ((num14 != 0) ? 1 : 3));
3592 param.matColor = lot.colBlock;
3593 renderRow.renderData.Draw(param);
3594 }
3595 }
3596 CellEffect effect = cell.effect;
3597 if (effect != null && effect.FireAmount > 0)
3598 {
3600 }
3601 if (num13 < 1)
3602 {
3603 continue;
3604 }
3605 if (roofStyle.type != RoofStyle.Type.Flat)
3606 {
3607 param.snow = false;
3608 }
3609 for (int i = 0; i < num13; i++)
3610 {
3611 param.x = (float)(cx + cz) * screen.tileAlign.x + roofFix.x + (float)i * roofFix2.x + vector.x * (float)(reverse ? 1 : (-1));
3612 param.y = num18 + (float)i * roofFix2.y;
3613 param.z = num19 + param.y * screen.tileWeight.z + (float)i * roofFix2.z;
3614 RenderRow renderRow = row;
3615 renderRow.SetRenderParam(param, MATERIAL.sourceGold, 0);
3616 param.matColor = lot.colBlock;
3617 renderRow.renderData.Draw(param);
3618 index++;
3619 CellEffect effect2 = cell.effect;
3620 if (effect2 != null && effect2.FireAmount > 0 && Rand.bytes[index % Rand.MaxBytes] % 3 == 0)
3621 {
3623 }
3624 }
3625 }
3626 num12++;
3627 if (roofStyle.type != RoofStyle.Type.Flat)
3628 {
3629 if (num12 == num10)
3630 {
3631 num14 = 1;
3632 }
3633 if (num12 == num11)
3634 {
3635 num14 = 2;
3636 num13++;
3637 }
3638 num13 += num14 switch
3639 {
3640 1 => 0,
3641 0 => 1,
3642 _ => -1,
3643 };
3644 }
3645 }
3646 }
3648 public static int GetColorInt(ref Color matColor, int p)
3649 {
3650 if (p == 0)
3651 {
3652 return 104025;
3653 }
3654 return p * 262144 + (int)(matColor.r * 50f) * 4096 + (int)(matColor.g * 50f) * 64 + (int)(matColor.b * 50f);
3655 }
3657 public void SetRoofHeight(MeshPassParam _param, Cell _cell, int _cx, int _cz, int h = 0, int altitude = 0, int dirWall = -1, bool ignoreAltitudeY = false)
3658 {
3659 Room room = _cell.room;
3660 if (room == null && dirWall != -1)
3661 {
3662 if (dirWall == 0 && _cell.Front.room != null)
3663 {
3664 room = _cell.Front.room;
3665 _cell = _cell.Front;
3666 }
3667 else if (_cell.Right.room != null)
3668 {
3669 room = _cell.Right.room;
3670 _cell = _cell.Right;
3671 }
3672 }
3673 if (room != null)
3674 {
3675 Lot lot = room.lot;
3676 RoofStyle roofStyle = roofStyles[lot.idRoofStyle];
3677 float num = (float)(_cz - _cx) * screen.tileAlign.y + (float)lot.mh * _heightMod.y + lot.realHeight + roofFix.y;
3678 float num2 = 1000f + param.x * screen.tileWeight.x + (float)lot.mh * _heightMod.z + lot.realHeight * roofFix3.z + roofFix.z + roofStyle.posFix.z;
3679 if (lot.height == 1)
3680 {
3681 num += roofStyle.lowRoofFix.y;
3682 num2 += roofStyle.lowRoofFix.z;
3683 }
3684 _param.x = (float)(_cx + _cz) * screen.tileAlign.x + roofFix.x + (float)h * roofFix2.x;
3685 _param.y = num + (float)h * roofFix2.y;
3686 _param.z = num2 + _param.y * screen.tileWeight.z + (float)h * roofFix2.z + heightModRoofBlock.y;
3687 }
3688 if (!ignoreAltitudeY || room != null)
3689 {
3690 _param.y += (float)altitude * _heightMod.y;
3691 }
3692 _param.z += (float)altitude * heightModRoofBlock.z;
3693 }
Definition: PlaceState.cs:2
if(item3.idFile==idFirstFile &&item3.id==idFirstTopic)
Definition: UIBook.cs:627
TraitTrolley trolley
Definition: AI_Trolley.cs:23
SceneProfile profile
Definition: AM_Cinema.cs:5
static AM_Inspect Inspect
Definition: ActionMode.cs:23
virtual bool IsRoofEditMode(Card c=null)
Definition: ActionMode.cs:311
static bool IsAdv
Definition: ActionMode.cs:117
static AM_ViewMap ViewMap
Definition: ActionMode.cs:63
virtual BaseTileMap.CardIconMode cardIconMode
Definition: ActionMode.cs:229
virtual bool ShowMaskedThings
Definition: ActionMode.cs:221
bool IsActive
Definition: ActionMode.cs:121
static AM_FlagCell FlagCell
Definition: ActionMode.cs:77
virtual bool IsBuildMode
Definition: ActionMode.cs:181
static AM_Cinema Cinema
Definition: ActionMode.cs:73
static AM_Bird Bird
Definition: ActionMode.cs:31
static AM_Mine Mine
Definition: ActionMode.cs:33
bool showWallItem
Definition: AreaData.cs:54
bool atrium
Definition: AreaData.cs:66
int maxHeight
Definition: AreaData.cs:30
virtual byte GetTile(int index)
Definition: Area.cs:75
AreaData data
Definition: BaseArea.cs:29
List< Action > actionsLateUpdate
Definition: BaseCore.cs:29
ScreenGuide guide
Vector3 tileWeight
BaseTileSelector tileSelector
virtual void RefreshWeather()
MeshPass passArea
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:141
Vector3 roofFix2
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:75
MeshPass passFog
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:169
Vector3 cornerWallFix
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:96
const int BlocklightToken
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:504
float maxHeight
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:396
MeshPass passFloor
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:145
virtual void Draw()
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:533
int GetRoofLight(Lot lot)
MeshPass passIcon
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:185
int floorMatColor
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:438
RenderData rendererInnerBlock
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:203
Vector3[] wallHangFix
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:116
float heightModDeco
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:52
SourceFloor.Row sourceBridge
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:482
Collider2D mouseCollider
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:41
MeshPass passFloorEx
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:163
float blockLight
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:378
MeshPass passObj
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:153
bool showAllCards
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:454
Vector3 roofFix3
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:77
bool highlightArea
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:275
int maxColliderCheck
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:45
float slopeFixZ
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:50
InnerMode defaultInnerMode
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:90
Point HitPoint
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:508
Vector3 cornerWallFix2
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:98
ScreenHighlight screenHighlight
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:332
SourceMaterial.Row matBridge
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:376
MeshPass passFloorMarker
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:181
byte[] groundLights
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:266
RenderData rendererFogRoomSolid
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:217
float snowLight
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:398
const int BlocklightMTP
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:506
InnerMode innerMode
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:233
MeshPass passChara
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:187
float modSublight2
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:410
MeshPass passRamp
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:143
RenderData rendererWaterBlock
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:225
Vector3 waterEdgeFixShoreSand
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:110
int GetApproximateBlocklight(Cell cell)
MeshPass passGuideBlock
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:137
float waterAnimeTimer
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:400
MeshPass passShadow
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:133
bool showBorder
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:468
bool isSnowCovered
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:460
float floatY
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:323
int lowWallObjAltitude
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:370
RenderData renderBorder
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:211
bool cinemaMode
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:464
bool alwaysLowblock
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:466
Vector3 waterEdgeFixShore
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:108
bool hideRoomFog
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:281
static int GetColorInt(ref Color matColor, int p)
float _lightMod
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:305
Vector3 roofRampFix
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:71
float[] lightLookUp
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:302
TileType tileType
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:494
float lightLimit
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:406
int snowColorToken
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:366
float modSublight1
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:408
bool showFullWall
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:287
SceneLightProfile lightSetting
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:496
const int DefColor
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:502
void OnActivate(BaseGameScreen _screen)
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:510
bool fogBounds
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:456
RenderParam param
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:428
Vector3 ugFix
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:58
float floorLight
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:380
MeshPass passWaterBlock
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:183
float lotLight2
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:83
bool noRoofMode
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:296
MeshPass passAutoTileWater
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:177
new BaseGameScreen screen
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:348
RenderData rendererFov
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:205
WallClipMode wallClipMode
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:88
Vector3 edgeBlockFix
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:92
MeshPass passFov
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:171
Vector3 heightMod
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:56
bool usingHouseBoard
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:293
Vector3 altitudeFix
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:102
Vector3 thingPos
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:470
MeshPass passDecal
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:157
float floorShadowStrength
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:326
RenderData rendererFov2
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:207
Vector3[] transitionFix
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:114
float _baseBrightness
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:308
Vector3 waterEdgeFix
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:104
virtual void DrawTile()
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:900
void RefreshHeight()
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:888
Room currentRoom
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:484
bool noSlopMode
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:498
MeshPass passFloorWater
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:165
float rightWallShade
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:69
RenderData rendererFloorMarker
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:201
float lotLight
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:81
Vector3 _actorPos
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:432
GameSetting.RenderSetting renderSetting
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:356
MeshPass passAutoTile
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:175
Vector3 _heightMod
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:329
float _shadowStrength
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:414
float floatTimer
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:402
float pcMaxLight
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:386
float lowblockTimer
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:311
RenderData rendererShore
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:209
Vector3 bridgeFix
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:94
Vector3 orgPos
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:472
void DrawRoof(Lot lot)
float _rightWallShade
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:317
float snowLimit
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:420
float fogBrightness
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:416
float floatSpeed
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:122
Vector3 ugFixBridgeBottom
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:62
SourceMaterial.Row matBlock
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:372
RenderDataEffect rendererEffect
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:229
bool hasBridge
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:342
float nightRatio
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:426
SourceBlock.Row _sourceBlock
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:492
float heightBlockSize
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:48
float destBrightness
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:404
bool buildMode
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:340
RenderData renderFootmark
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:197
Vector3[] waterEdgeBlockFix
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:118
Vector3 roofFix
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:73
Vector3 freePos
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:434
float defaultBlockHeight
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:418
bool subtleHighlightArea
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:278
MeshPass passGuideFloor
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:139
MeshBatch batch
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:430
MeshPass passEdge
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:173
Vector3 ugFixBridgeTop
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:64
RenderData rendererBlockMarker
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:199
Point TestPoint
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:231
MeshPass passCharaL
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:189
MeshPass passLiquid
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:135
float snowColor2
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:424
Vector3[] ambientShadowFix
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:112
float heightLimitDeco
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:54
float heightLightMod
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:314
MeshPass passObjSS
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:151
float shadowModStrength
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:124
RenderData rendererFogRoomBlockSolid
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:219
MeshPass passShore
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:195
float snowColor
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:422
SourceMaterial.Row matFloor
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:374
bool highlightCells
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:462
float roofLightSnow
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:85
Vector3 ugFixBridge
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:60
Vector3 cornerWallFix3
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:100
RenderData rendererWallDeco
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:223
MeshPass passRoof
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:159
CellDetail detail
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:476
RaycastHit2D[] rays
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:334
MeshPass passCharaLL
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:193
SourceBlock.Row sourceBlock
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:478
int[] seaAnimeIndexes
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:128
MeshPass passCharaLW
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:191
Vector3 waterEdgeBridgeFix
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:106
float roofLightMod
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:79
RenderData rendererFogRoomWallSolid
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:221
RoofStyle[] roofStyles
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:500
MeshPass passObjL
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:155
RenderData rendererFogFloorSolid
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:215
int waterAnimeIndex
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:368
float roomHeight
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:394
MeshPass passBlockMarker
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:179
Vector3 colliderFix
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:43
void SetRoofHeight(MeshPassParam _param, Cell _cell, int _cx, int _cz, int h=0, int altitude=0, int dirWall=-1, bool ignoreAltitudeY=false)
static bool forceShowHang
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:36
RenderDataObjDummy rendererObjDummy
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:227
BaseTileSelector selector
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:354
MeshPass passObjS
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:149
Vector3 heightModRoofBlock
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:66
NoiseLayer layerGroundLights
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:131
RenderData rendererFogBlockSolid
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:213
float roofLightLimitMod
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:320
GameSetting.RenderSetting.ZSetting zSetting
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:358
MeshPass pass
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:352
float shadowStrength
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:412
bool _lowblock
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:344
MeshPass passInner
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:167
MeshPass passBlockEx
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:161
SourceFloor.Row sourceFloor
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:480
MeshPass passBlock
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:147
CardIconMode iconMode
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:336
float floorLight2
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:382
Vector3 GetThingPosition(Card tg, Point p)
int currentHeight
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:442
bool pressing
Definition: ButtonState.cs:35
ScreenGrading grading
override void Draw(RenderParam p)
Definition: CardRenderer.cs:49
Vector3 position
Definition: CardRenderer.cs:21
virtual bool IsMoving
Definition: CardRenderer.cs:31
virtual void SetFirst(bool first, Vector3 pos)
Definition: Card.cs:11
bool isMasked
Definition: Card.cs:562
string id
Definition: Card.cs:31
bool isNPCProperty
Definition: Card.cs:526
bool isFloating
Definition: Card.cs:622
bool isRoofItem
Definition: Card.cs:550
bool isRestrained
Definition: Card.cs:538
float fy
Definition: Card.cs:250
float fx
Definition: Card.cs:238
PlaceState placeState
Definition: Card.cs:79
TileType TileType
Definition: Card.cs:2011
virtual SourcePref Pref
Definition: Card.cs:1983
Point pos
Definition: Card.cs:55
Trait trait
Definition: Card.cs:49
int altitude
Definition: Card.cs:214
bool isDeconstructing
Definition: Card.cs:418
bool IsInstalled
Definition: Card.cs:2241
virtual bool isChara
Definition: Card.cs:1959
TraitShackle GetRestrainer()
Definition: Card.cs:6329
int dir
Definition: Card.cs:142
virtual CardRow sourceCard
Definition: Card.cs:2007
bool noShadow
Definition: Card.cs:790
SourceCategory.Row category
Definition: Card.cs:1925
bool freePos
Definition: Card.cs:490
CardRenderer renderer
Definition: Card.cs:57
virtual bool flipX
Definition: Card.cs:1992
bool ignoreStackHeight
Definition: Card.cs:610
TaskDesignation designation
Definition: CellDetail.cs:19
List< Thing > things
Definition: CellDetail.cs:11
TransAnime anime
Definition: CellDetail.cs:21
List< Chara > charas
Definition: CellDetail.cs:13
Area area
Definition: CellDetail.cs:15
Footmark footmark
Definition: CellDetail.cs:17
int FireAmount
Definition: CellEffect.cs:150
bool IsFire
Definition: CellEffect.cs:135
bool IsLiquid
Definition: CellEffect.cs:138
SourceCellEffect.Row source
Definition: CellEffect.cs:133
Definition: Cell.cs:7
byte _block
Definition: Cell.cs:30
Room room
Definition: Cell.cs:102
byte TopHeight
Definition: Cell.cs:117
bool HasWallOrFence
Definition: Cell.cs:831
static List< SourceBlock.Row > blockList
Definition: Cell.cs:14
SourceBlock.Row sourceBlock
Definition: Cell.cs:1052
Cell BackRight
Definition: Cell.cs:201
bool lotShade
Definition: Cell.cs:534
bool IsSnowTile
Definition: Cell.cs:782
bool castFloorShadow
Definition: Cell.cs:522
SourceMaterial.Row matBlock
Definition: Cell.cs:1030
byte autotile
Definition: Cell.cs:62
bool HasBlock
Definition: Cell.cs:643
byte shadow
Definition: Cell.cs:70
SourceFloor.Row sourceFloor
Definition: Cell.cs:1054
CellEffect effect
Definition: Cell.cs:94
byte _bridge
Definition: Cell.cs:46
bool isDeck
Definition: Cell.cs:510
Cell Back
Definition: Cell.cs:153
bool lotWall
Definition: Cell.cs:486
bool IsBridgeWater
Definition: Cell.cs:770
byte decal
Definition: Cell.cs:44
Critter critter
Definition: Cell.cs:96
bool isClearSnow
Definition: Cell.cs:450
bool isFloating
Definition: Cell.cs:474
Cell Front
Definition: Cell.cs:129
SourceMaterial.Row matObj
Definition: Cell.cs:1036
List< Thing > Things
Definition: Cell.cs:986
SourceMaterial.Row matBridge
Definition: Cell.cs:1034
bool IsFloorWater
Definition: Cell.cs:727
bool pcSync
Definition: Cell.cs:104
bool UseLowBlock
Definition: Cell.cs:861
byte shore
Definition: Cell.cs:68
bool skipRender
Definition: Cell.cs:270
ushort lightG
Definition: Cell.cs:88
byte _roofBlock
Definition: Cell.cs:50
bool IsTopWater
Definition: Cell.cs:700
byte height
Definition: Cell.cs:72
byte autotileObj
Definition: Cell.cs:66
GrowSystem growth
Definition: Cell.cs:225
ushort lightB
Definition: Cell.cs:90
bool isWatered
Definition: Cell.cs:342
SourceFloor.Row sourceBridge
Definition: Cell.cs:1056
bool isClearArea
Definition: Cell.cs:606
CellDetail detail
Definition: Cell.cs:92
bool isShadowed
Definition: Cell.cs:246
byte _roofBlockDir
Definition: Cell.cs:54
bool HasFloodBlock
Definition: Cell.cs:1017
byte autotileBridge
Definition: Cell.cs:64
bool isToggleWallPillar
Definition: Cell.cs:558
bool HasRoof
Definition: Cell.cs:648
Cell Left
Definition: Cell.cs:165
bool isSkyFloor
Definition: Cell.cs:594
SourceMaterial.Row matFloor
Definition: Cell.cs:1032
int floorDir
Definition: Cell.cs:922
byte _roofBlockMat
Definition: Cell.cs:52
bool isSeen
Definition: Cell.cs:282
byte obj
Definition: Cell.cs:38
bool isSlopeEdge
Definition: Cell.cs:354
bool isShoreSand
Definition: Cell.cs:546
SourceObj.Row sourceObj
Definition: Cell.cs:1072
byte highlight
Definition: Cell.cs:84
int objDir
Definition: Cell.cs:910
Cell BackLeft
Definition: Cell.cs:213
bool isForceFloat
Definition: Cell.cs:306
SourceCellEffect.Row sourceEffect
Definition: Cell.cs:1070
bool isSurrounded
Definition: Cell.cs:234
bool isWallEdge
Definition: Cell.cs:426
bool outOfBounds
Definition: Cell.cs:414
Point GetPoint()
Definition: Cell.cs:1101
Cell Right
Definition: Cell.cs:141
Cell FrontLeft
Definition: Cell.cs:189
bool HasRamp
Definition: Cell.cs:837
bool ignoreObjShadow
Definition: Cell.cs:378
byte bridgeHeight
Definition: Cell.cs:74
bool fullWall
Definition: Cell.cs:462
int liquidLv
Definition: Cell.cs:946
bool isBridgeEdge
Definition: Cell.cs:366
bool hasDoor
Definition: Cell.cs:258
int blockDir
Definition: Cell.cs:898
static List< SourceMaterial.Row > matList
Definition: Cell.cs:12
bool IsRoomEdge
Definition: Cell.cs:868
bool HasFullBlock
Definition: Cell.cs:817
Cell FrontRight
Definition: Cell.cs:177
ushort lightR
Definition: Cell.cs:86
byte bridgePillar
Definition: Cell.cs:82
Definition: Chara.cs:10
override bool IsAliveInCurrentZone
Definition: Chara.cs:546
AIAct ai
Definition: Chara.cs:187
override bool IsPC
Definition: Chara.cs:597
Chara host
Definition: Chara.cs:33
override bool IsDeadOrSleeping
Definition: Chara.cs:558
SourceChara.Row source
Definition: Chara.cs:143
override bool IsMoving
Definition: Chara.cs:593
override CardRow sourceCard
Definition: Chara.cs:435
bool IsInActiveZone
Definition: Chara.cs:791
override void SetRenderParam(RenderParam p)
Definition: Chara.cs:6082
override bool IsPCC
Definition: Chara.cs:667
bool hasTelepathy
Definition: Chara.cs:135
BlockColors blockColors
new GameConfig game
Definition: CoreConfig.cs:596
bool godBuild
Definition: CoreDebug.cs:303
Definition: Core.cs:14
static float fixedFrame
Definition: Core.cs:25
static float delta
Definition: Core.cs:17
CoreConfig config
Definition: Core.cs:70
bool reverse
Definition: Critter.cs:23
void Update()
Definition: Critter.cs:102
virtual int SnowTile
Definition: Critter.cs:33
int tile
Definition: Critter.cs:7
bool IsNight
Definition: Date.cs:112
Definition: EInput.cs:8
static bool isAltDown
Definition: EInput.cs:265
static bool isShiftDown
Definition: EInput.cs:261
static ButtonState rightMouse
Definition: EInput.cs:351
static Vector3 mposWorld
Definition: EInput.cs:339
Definition: EMono.cs:4
static GameSetting setting
Definition: EMono.cs:31
static ColorProfile Colors
Definition: EMono.cs:35
static Core core
Definition: EMono.cs:5
static Chara pc
Definition: EMono.cs:13
static World world
Definition: EMono.cs:37
static Player player
Definition: EMono.cs:11
static Zone _zone
Definition: EMono.cs:19
static Game game
Definition: EMono.cs:7
static Scene scene
Definition: EMono.cs:27
static SoundManager Sound
Definition: EMono.cs:39
static Map _map
Definition: EMono.cs:17
static CoreDebug debug
Definition: EMono.cs:45
static SourceManager sources
Definition: EMono.cs:41
Definition: FLOOR.cs:2
static SourceFloor.Row sourceSnow
Definition: FLOOR.cs:31
static SourceFloor.Row sourceSnow2
Definition: FLOOR.cs:33
static SourceFloor.Row sourceIce
Definition: FLOOR.cs:35
int tile
Definition: Footmark.cs:7
EffectSetting effect
Definition: GameSetting.cs:299
RenderSetting render
Definition: GameSetting.cs:301
int slopeMod
Definition: Game.cs:60
bool buildLight
Definition: Game.cs:36
int animeSpeed
Definition: Game.cs:84
bool showRoof
Definition: Game.cs:12
bool showWall
Definition: Game.cs:15
int lowWallObjAltitude
Definition: Game.cs:87
bool reverseSnow
Definition: Game.cs:48
bool slope
Definition: Game.cs:24
Config config
Definition: Game.cs:215
virtual bool IsMature
Definition: GrowSystem.cs:99
virtual void OnRenderTileMap(RenderParam p)
Definition: GrowSystem.cs:189
static Card alwaysVisible
Definition: LayerDrama.cs:22
Definition: Lot.cs:5
int colDeco2
Definition: Lot.cs:36
bool altRoof
Definition: Lot.cs:46
int colBlock
Definition: Lot.cs:32
int decoFix
Definition: Lot.cs:38
int idRamp
Definition: Lot.cs:24
int decoFix2
Definition: Lot.cs:40
int colRoof
Definition: Lot.cs:30
int mh
Definition: Lot.cs:58
int colDeco
Definition: Lot.cs:34
int idRoofStyle
Definition: Lot.cs:14
int heightFix
Definition: Lot.cs:18
float realHeight
Definition: Lot.cs:64
float light
Definition: Lot.cs:66
int idBlock
Definition: Lot.cs:22
int height
Definition: Lot.cs:12
int idDeco2
Definition: Lot.cs:28
int idDeco
Definition: Lot.cs:26
int idRoofTile
Definition: Lot.cs:20
bool reverse
Definition: Lot.cs:42
int idBGM
Definition: Lot.cs:16
static SourceMaterial.Row sourceSnow
Definition: MATERIAL.cs:33
static SourceMaterial.Row sourceGold
Definition: MATERIAL.cs:37
int Size
Definition: MapBounds.cs:20
int maxZ
Definition: MapBounds.cs:17
int maxX
Definition: MapBounds.cs:14
int x
Definition: MapBounds.cs:8
float heightLightMod
Definition: MapConfig.cs:53
bool fullWallHeight
Definition: MapConfig.cs:32
int skyBlockHeight
Definition: MapConfig.cs:89
float blockHeight
Definition: MapConfig.cs:68
Definition: Map.cs:13
bool IsIndoor
Definition: Map.cs:131
int SizeXZ
Definition: Map.cs:133
RoomManager rooms
Definition: Map.cs:31
Cell[,] cells
Definition: Map.cs:85
MapConfig config
Definition: Map.cs:37
static HashSet< int > sunMap
Definition: Map.cs:14
MapBounds bounds
Definition: Map.cs:52
float[] matColors
Definition: MeshBatch.cs:11
Matrix4x4[] matrices
Definition: MeshBatch.cs:5
float[] tiles
Definition: MeshBatch.cs:7
float[] colors
Definition: MeshBatch.cs:9
int batchIdx
Definition: MeshPass.cs:60
void Add(Point point, float tile=0f, float color=0f)
Definition: MeshPass.cs:122
void NextBatch()
Definition: MeshPass.cs:417
int batchSize
Definition: MeshPass.cs:63
void AddShadow(MeshPassParam p, ref Vector3 fix)
Definition: MeshPass.cs:195
List< MeshBatch > batches
Definition: MeshPass.cs:66
int idx
Definition: MeshPass.cs:57
bool CanSee(Chara c)
Definition: Player.cs:2221
CinemaConfig cinemaConfig
Definition: Player.cs:913
float lightPower
Definition: Player.cs:998
int lightRadius
Definition: Player.cs:990
Definition: Point.cs:9
static Point shared
Definition: Point.cs:20
ref Vector3 Position(int height)
Definition: Point.cs:524
Point Set(int _x, int _z)
Definition: Point.cs:479
int x
Definition: Point.cs:36
int z
Definition: Point.cs:39
bool IsValid
Definition: Point.cs:88
Point Clamp(bool useBounds=false)
Definition: Point.cs:972
Cell cell
Definition: Point.cs:51
Definition: Rand.cs:4
static int MaxBytes
Definition: Rand.cs:5
static byte[] bytes
Definition: Rand.cs:9
static void InitBytes(int a)
Definition: Rand.cs:11
new void Draw(RenderParam p, int tile=0)
void Draw(RenderParam p, int tile)
Definition: RenderData.cs:128
Vector3 offsetShadow
Definition: RenderData.cs:22
void DrawRepeat(RenderParam p, int count, float size, bool skipFirst=false)
Definition: RenderData.cs:214
float stackZ
Definition: RenderData.cs:44
int ConvertTile(int tile)
Definition: RenderData.cs:110
SourcePref shadowPref
Definition: RenderData.cs:48
int idShadow
Definition: RenderData.cs:14
float hangedFixZ
Definition: RenderData.cs:42
RenderData data
Definition: RenderObject.cs:34
SourceMaterial.Row mat
Definition: RenderParam.cs:17
int liquidLv
Definition: RenderParam.cs:7
void SetRenderParam(RenderParam p, SourceMaterial.Row mat, int dir)
Definition: RenderRow.cs:371
bool multisize
Definition: RenderRow.cs:64
RenderData renderData
Definition: RenderRow.cs:71
SourcePref pref
Definition: RenderRow.cs:68
bool useAltColor
Definition: RenderRow.cs:80
TileType tileType
Definition: RenderRow.cs:77
int[] _tiles
Definition: RenderRow.cs:12
SourceMaterial.Row DefaultMaterial
Definition: RenderRow.cs:86
int colorMod
Definition: RenderRow.cs:16
int snowTile
Definition: RenderRow.cs:28
Vector3 lowRoofFix
Definition: RoofStyle.cs:39
Vector3 posFix
Definition: RoofStyle.cs:35
int flatW
Definition: RoofStyle.cs:23
float snowZ
Definition: RoofStyle.cs:43
bool coverLot
Definition: RoofStyle.cs:33
Vector3 posFixBlock
Definition: RoofStyle.cs:37
bool wing
Definition: RoofStyle.cs:29
Vector3 snowFix
Definition: RoofStyle.cs:41
Type type
Definition: RoofStyle.cs:17
List< Lot > listLot
Definition: RoomManager.cs:20
void Refresh()
Definition: RoomManager.cs:52
Definition: Room.cs:4
bool HasRoof
Definition: Room.cs:29
Lot lot
Definition: Room.cs:21
AnimationCurve baseBrightnessCurve
AnimationCurve shadowCurveFloor
AnimationCurve dynamicBrightnessCurve2
float dynamicBrightnessLightBonus
AnimationCurve lightLimit
AnimationCurve fogBrightness
AnimationCurve dynamicBrightnessCurve
AnimationCurve shadowCurve
AnimationCurve nightRatioCurve
AnimationCurve lightModCurve
SceneGlobalProfile global
Definition: SceneProfile.cs:6
SceneLightProfile light
Definition: SceneProfile.cs:10
Definition: Scene.cs:8
List< ISyncScreen > syncList
Definition: Scene.cs:131
static Point HitPoint
Definition: Scene.cs:21
float timeRatio
Definition: Scene.cs:124
CameraSupport camSupport
Definition: Scene.cs:41
ParticleSystem psFey
Definition: Scene.cs:113
GameSetting.RenderSetting.MapBGSetting bg
Definition: Scene.cs:118
SoundSource sfxFire
Definition: Scene.cs:85
ActionMode actionMode
Definition: Scene.cs:77
SceneProfile profile
Definition: Scene.cs:73
void DrawWall(Point point, int color, bool useMarkerPass=false, float offsetZ=0f)
Definition: ScreenGuide.cs:42
MeshPass passGuideFloor
Definition: ScreenGuide.cs:7
List< Item > items
Definition: ShadowData.cs:101
static ShadowData Instance
Definition: ShadowData.cs:99
SourceObj objs
SourceBlock blocks
SourceFloor floors
bool HasGrowth
Definition: SourceObj.cs:26
GrowSystem growth
Definition: SourceObj.cs:31
bool bypassShadow
Definition: SourcePref.cs:299
int liquidModMax
Definition: SourcePref.cs:71
float height
Definition: SourcePref.cs:47
int liquidMod
Definition: SourcePref.cs:59
bool Float
Definition: SourcePref.cs:312
int shadow
Definition: SourcePref.cs:35
bool IsPlayerFaction
Definition: Spatial.cs:443
virtual bool IsRegion
Definition: Spatial.cs:501
virtual bool IsSnowCovered
Definition: Spatial.cs:531
virtual void Draw(int x, int z, RenderParam p)
Definition: Thing.cs:8
override void SetRenderParam(RenderParam p)
Definition: Thing.cs:1401
override SourcePref Pref
Definition: Thing.cs:50
override CardRow sourceCard
Definition: Thing.cs:47
int id
Definition: TileRow.cs:8
virtual bool IsUseBlockDir
Definition: TileType.cs:129
virtual bool UseHangZFix
Definition: TileType.cs:211
static TileTypeSky Sky
Definition: TileType.cs:67
virtual bool CanStack
Definition: TileType.cs:121
virtual void GetMountHeight(ref Vector3 v, Point p, int d, Card target=null)
Definition: TileType.cs:367
static TileTypeIllumination Illumination
Definition: TileType.cs:83
static TileTypeWaterShallow FloorWaterShallow
Definition: TileType.cs:57
bool IsRamp
Definition: TileType.cs:143
virtual bool AlwaysShowShadow
Definition: TileType.cs:241
virtual bool UseLowWallTiles
Definition: TileType.cs:207
virtual bool IsFullBlock
Definition: TileType.cs:165
virtual bool IsWall
Definition: TileType.cs:133
virtual bool ForceRpeatBlock
Definition: TileType.cs:245
virtual bool IsSkipLowBlock
Definition: TileType.cs:125
virtual bool UseMountHeight
Definition: TileType.cs:209
virtual bool IsFence
Definition: TileType.cs:167
virtual BlockRenderMode blockRenderMode
Definition: TileType.cs:265
Vector3 GetRampFix(int dir, SourcePref pref=null)
Definition: TileType.cs:372
virtual bool IsWaterTop
Definition: TileType.cs:175
virtual bool RepeatBlock
Definition: TileType.cs:243
virtual bool IsOpen()
Definition: TraitDoor.cs:97
virtual Vector3 GetRestrainPos
Definition: TraitShackle.cs:5
virtual bool IgnoreLastStackHeight
Definition: Trait.cs:113
virtual bool AlwaysHideOnLowWall
Definition: Trait.cs:341
virtual bool UseLowblock
Definition: Trait.cs:427
virtual TileType tileType
Definition: Trait.cs:48
virtual bool IsChangeFloorHeight
Definition: Trait.cs:68
virtual bool IsGround
Definition: Trait.cs:64
Card owner
Definition: Trait.cs:26
Vector3 v
Definition: TransAnime.cs:5
bool animeBlock
Definition: TransAnime.cs:21
bool drawBlock
Definition: TransAnime.cs:25
GameDate date
Definition: World.cs:6
Definition: Zone.cs:12
virtual bool IsSkyLevel
Definition: Zone.cs:262
void RefreshBGM()
Definition: Zone.cs:2742
virtual bool UseFog
Definition: Zone.cs:384
virtual bool AlwaysLowblock
Definition: Zone.cs:388
bool IsPCFaction
Definition: Zone.cs:464
Map map
Definition: Zone.cs:60