Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
No Matches
TileTypeWallOpen Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for TileTypeWallOpen:
TileTypeWall TileTypeBlock TileTypeBaseBlock TileType EClass


override bool CastAmbientShadowBack [get]
override bool CastAmbientShadow [get]
override bool CastShadowSelf [get]
override bool IsBlockSight [get]
override bool IsOpenSight [get]
- Properties inherited from TileTypeWall
override bool CastAmbientShadowBack [get]
override bool CastShadowBack [get]
override bool IsFullBlock [get]
override bool IsWallOrFence [get]
override bool IsWall [get]
override float MountHeight [get]
override bool IsSkipFloor [get]
override BaseTileSelector.BoxType BoxType [get]
override BlockRenderMode blockRenderMode [get]
- Properties inherited from TileTypeBlock
override bool CanBuiltOnThing [get]
override bool CastShadowSelf [get]
override bool CastShadowBack [get]
override bool CastAmbientShadow [get]
override bool IsBlockPass [get]
override bool IsBlockSight [get]
override bool IsFullBlock [get]
override bool IsWallOrFullBlock [get]
override bool IsFloodBlock [get]
override bool IsPlayFootSound [get]
override bool CanBuiltOnArea [get]
override bool RepeatBlock [get]
override bool UseLowBlock [get]
override float MountHeight [get]
override bool IsSkipFloor [get]
override BaseTileSelector.SelectType SelectType [get]
override BlockRenderMode blockRenderMode [get]
- Properties inherited from TileTypeBaseBlock
override string LangPlaceType [get]
override bool CanBuiltOnWater [get]
- Properties inherited from TileType
virtual string LangPlaceType [get]
virtual bool CanStack [get]
virtual bool ChangeBlockDir [get]
virtual bool IsSkipLowBlock [get]
virtual bool IsSkipFloor [get]
virtual bool IsUseBlockDir [get]
virtual bool IsFloorOrBridge [get]
virtual bool IsWall [get]
virtual bool IsFloor [get]
virtual bool IsBridge [get]
virtual bool IsWallOrFence [get]
virtual bool IsWallOrFullBlock [get]
bool IsRamp [get]
virtual RampType Ramp [get]
virtual bool IsLadder [get]
virtual bool IsBlockPass [get]
virtual bool IsOccupyCell [get]
virtual bool IsBlockSight [get]
virtual bool IsOpenSight [get]
virtual bool IsBlockLiquid [get]
virtual bool IsWater [get]
virtual bool IsDeepWater [get]
virtual bool IsBlockMount [get]
virtual bool IsFullBlock [get]
virtual bool IsFence [get]
virtual bool IsFloodBlock [get]
virtual bool IsPlayFootSound [get]
virtual bool CanSpawnOnWater [get]
virtual bool IsWaterTop [get]
virtual bool CastShadowSelf [get]
virtual bool CastShadowBack [get]
virtual bool CastAmbientShadow [get]
virtual bool CastAmbientShadowBack [get]
virtual bool CanBuiltOnArea [get]
virtual bool CanBuiltOnWater [get]
virtual bool CanBuiltOnThing [get]
virtual bool CanBuiltOnBlock [get]
virtual bool IsDoor [get]
virtual bool CanBuiltOnFloor [get]
virtual bool CanBuiltOnBridge [get]
virtual bool CanInstaComplete [get]
virtual int MinAltitude [get]
virtual int MaxAltitude [get]
virtual bool AltitudeAsDir [get]
virtual bool UseLowWallTiles [get]
virtual bool UseMountHeight [get]
virtual bool UseHangZFix [get]
virtual bool UseLowBlock [get]
virtual bool RemoveOnFloorChange [get]
virtual bool AllowObj [get]
virtual bool AllowMultiInstall [get]
virtual bool FreeStyle [get]
virtual byte slopeHeight [get]
virtual float MountHeight [get]
virtual float FloorHeight [get]
virtual float RepeatSize [get]
virtual int FloorAltitude [get]
virtual int LiquidLV [get]
virtual bool AllowLitter [get]
virtual bool AllowBlood [get]
virtual bool ShowPillar [get]
virtual bool AlwaysShowShadow [get]
virtual bool RepeatBlock [get]
virtual bool ForceRpeatBlock [get]
virtual bool CanBeHeld [get]
virtual bool EditorTile [get]
virtual bool IsFloodDoor [get]
virtual bool Invisible [get]
virtual bool IgnoreBuildRule [get]
virtual bool RenderWaterBlock [get]
virtual BaseTileSelector.SelectType SelectType [get]
virtual BaseTileSelector.BoxType BoxType [get]
virtual BaseTileSelector.HitType HitType [get]
virtual BlockRenderMode blockRenderMode [get]
bool IsMountBlock [get]
- Properties inherited from EClass
static Game game [get]
static bool AdvMode [get]
static Player player [get]
static Chara pc [get]
static UI ui [get]
static Map _map [get]
static Zone _zone [get]
static FactionBranch Branch [get]
static FactionBranch BranchOrHomeBranch [get]
static Faction Home [get]
static Faction Wilds [get]
static Scene scene [get]
static BaseGameScreen screen [get]
static GameSetting setting [get]
static GameData gamedata [get]
static ColorProfile Colors [get]
static World world [get]
static SourceManager sources [get]
static SourceManager editorSources [get]
static SoundManager Sound [get]
static CoreDebug debug [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from TileType
enum  RampType { None , Full , Half , Flat }
- Public Member Functions inherited from TileType
virtual bool CanRotate (bool buildMode)
HitResult _HitTest (Point pos, Card target, bool canIgnore=true)
virtual int GetDesiredDir (Point p, int d)
virtual void GetMountHeight (ref Vector3 v, Point p, int d, Card target=null)
Vector3 GetRampFix (int dir, SourcePref pref=null)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TileType
static void Init ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from EClass
static int rnd (int a)
static int curve (int a, int start, int step, int rate=75)
static int rndHalf (int a)
static float rndf (float a)
static int rndSqrt (int a)
static void Wait (float a, Card c)
static void Wait (float a, Point p)
static int Bigger (int a, int b)
static int Smaller (int a, int b)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from TileType
static TileTypeNone None = new TileTypeNone()
static TileTypeInvisibleBlock InvisiBlock = new TileTypeInvisibleBlock()
static TileTypeBlock Block = new TileTypeBlock()
static TileTypeBlockShip BlockShip = new TileTypeBlockShip()
static TileTypeSlope Slope = new TileTypeSlope()
static TileTypeSlopeFlat SlopeFlat = new TileTypeSlopeFlat()
static TileTypeHalfBlock HalfBlock = new TileTypeHalfBlock()
static TileTypeStairs Stairs = new TileTypeStairs()
static TileTypeStairs StairsHalf = new TileTypeStairsHalf()
static TileTypeRooftop Rooftop = new TileTypeRooftop()
static TileTypeScaffold Scaffold = new TileTypeScaffold()
static TileTypeLadder Ladder = new TileTypeLadder()
static TileTypePillar Pillar = new TileTypePillar()
static TileTypeWaterfall Waterfall = new TileTypeWaterfall()
static TileTypeWall Wall = new TileTypeWall()
static TileTypeWallOpen WallOpen = new TileTypeWallOpen()
static TileTypeFence Fence = new TileTypeFence()
static TileTypeFenceClosed FenceClosed = new TileTypeFenceClosed()
static TileTypeFloor Floor = new TileTypeFloor()
static TileTypeFloorScaffold FloorScaffold = new TileTypeFloorScaffold()
static TileTypeWater FloorWater = new TileTypeWater()
static TileTypeWaterShallow FloorWaterShallow = new TileTypeWaterShallow()
static TileTypeWaterDeep FloorWaterDeep = new TileTypeWaterDeep()
static TileTypeBridge Bridge = new TileTypeBridge()
static TileTypeBridgeDeco BridgeDeco = new TileTypeBridgeDeco()
static TileTypeBridgePillar BridgePillar = new TileTypeBridgePillar()
static TileTypeSky Sky = new TileTypeSky()
static TileTypeObj Obj = new TileTypeObj()
static TileTypeObjBig ObjBig = new TileTypeObjBig()
static TileTypeObjHuge ObjHuge = new TileTypeObjHuge()
static TileTypeObjCeil ObjCeil = new TileTypeObjCeil()
static TileTypeObjFloat ObjFloat = new TileTypeObjFloat()
static TileTypeObjWater ObjWater = new TileTypeObjWater()
static TileTypeObjWaterTop ObjWaterTop = new TileTypeObjWaterTop()
static TileTypeIllumination Illumination = new TileTypeIllumination()
static TileTypeTent Tent = new TileTypeTent()
static TileTypeSeed Seed = new TileTypeSeed()
static TileTypeTree Tree = new TileTypeTree()
static TileTypeDoor Door = new TileTypeDoor()
static TileTypeWallHang WallHang = new TileTypeWallHang()
static TileTypeWallHangSign WallHangSign = new TileTypeWallHangSign()
static TileTypeVine Vine = new TileTypeVine()
static TileTypeWallMount WallMount = new TileTypeWallMount()
static TileTypePaint Paint = new TileTypePaint()
static TileTypeWindow Window = new TileTypeWindow()
static TileTypeRoof Roof = new TileTypeRoof()
static TileTypeRoad Road = new TileTypeRoad()
static TileTypeChasm Chasm = new TileTypeChasm()
static TileTypeBoat Boat = new TileTypeBoat()
static TileTypeLiquid Liquid = new TileTypeLiquid()
static TileTypeMarker Marker = new TileTypeMarker()
static Dictionary< string, TileTypedict = new Dictionary<string, TileType>()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from EClass
static Core core
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TileType
virtual HitResult HitTest (Point pos)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 1 of file TileTypeWallOpen.cs.

Property Documentation

◆ CastAmbientShadow

override bool TileTypeWallOpen.CastAmbientShadow

Definition at line 5 of file TileTypeWallOpen.cs.

◆ CastAmbientShadowBack

override bool TileTypeWallOpen.CastAmbientShadowBack

Definition at line 3 of file TileTypeWallOpen.cs.

◆ CastShadowSelf

override bool TileTypeWallOpen.CastShadowSelf

Definition at line 7 of file TileTypeWallOpen.cs.

◆ IsBlockSight

override bool TileTypeWallOpen.IsBlockSight

Definition at line 9 of file TileTypeWallOpen.cs.

◆ IsOpenSight

override bool TileTypeWallOpen.IsOpenSight

Definition at line 11 of file TileTypeWallOpen.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: