Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
Public Member Functions | |
void | CreateNew (int size, bool setReference=true) |
void | SetZone (Zone _zone) |
void | SetReference () |
void | OnDeactivate () |
void | Resize (int newSize) |
void | Shift (Vector2Int offset) |
void | Reload () |
void | ReloadRoom () |
void | Reset () |
void | ResetEditorPos () |
void | Save (string path, ZoneExportData export=null, PartialMap partial=null) |
byte[] | TryLoadFile (string path, string s, int size) |
void | Load (string path, bool import=false, PartialMap partial=null) |
void | ValidateVersion () |
void | OnLoad () |
void | OnImport (ZoneExportData data) |
void | ExportMetaData (string _path, string id, PartialMap partial=null) |
void | AddCardOnActivate (Card c) |
void | OnCardAddedToZone (Card t, int x, int z) |
void | OnCardRemovedFromZone (Card t) |
void | MoveCard (Point p, Card t) |
void | _AddCard (int x, int z, Card t, bool onAddToZone) |
void | _RemoveCard (Card t) |
Cell | GetCell (int index) |
void | SetSeen (int x, int z, bool seen=true, bool refresh=true) |
void | RevealAll (bool reveal=true) |
void | Reveal (Point center, int power=100) |
void | RefreshFOV (int x, int z, int radius=6, bool recalculate=false) |
void | RefreshFOVAll () |
void | SetFloor (int x, int z, int idMat=0, int idFloor=0) |
void | SetFloor (int x, int z, int idMat, int idFloor, int dir) |
void | SetBridge (int x, int z, int height=0, int idMat=0, int idBridge=0, int dir=0) |
void | SetRoofBlock (int x, int z, int idMat, int idBlock, int dir, int height) |
void | SetBlock (int x, int z, int idMat=0, int idBlock=0) |
void | SetBlock (int x, int z, int idMat, int idBlock, int dir) |
void | OnSetBlockOrDoor (int x, int z) |
void | TryRemoveRoom (int x, int z) |
void | TryAddRoom (int x, int z) |
void | SetBlockDir (int x, int z, int dir) |
void | ModFire (int x, int z, int amount) |
void | TryShatter (Point pos, int ele, int power) |
void | Burn (int x, int z, bool instant=false) |
void | SetLiquid (int x, int z, CellEffect effect=null) |
void | SetLiquid (int x, int z, int id, int value=1) |
void | SetEffect (int x, int z, CellEffect effect=null) |
void | ModLiquid (int x, int z, int amount) |
void | ClearRainAndDecal () |
void | SetObj (int x, int z, int id=0, int value=1, int dir=0) |
void | SetObj (int x, int z, int idMat, int idObj, int value, int dir, bool ignoreRandomMat=false) |
void | AddBackerTree (bool draw) |
SourceBacker.Row | GetBackerObj (Point p) |
void | ApplyBackerObj (Point p, int id=-1) |
void | DropBlockComponent (Point point, TileRow r, SourceMaterial.Row mat, bool recoverBlock, bool isPlatform=false, Chara c=null) |
void | MineBlock (Point point, bool recoverBlock=false, Chara c=null, bool mineObj=true) |
void | MineRamp (Point point, int ramp, bool recoverBlock=false) |
void | MineFloor (Point point, Chara c=null, bool recoverBlock=false, bool removePlatform=true) |
void | RefreshShadow (int x, int z) |
void | TrySmoothPick (Cell cell, Thing t, Chara c) |
void | TrySmoothPick (Point p, Thing t, Chara c) |
void | DestroyObj (Point point) |
void | MineObj (Point point, Task task=null, Chara c=null) |
void | MineObjSound (Point point) |
PlantData | TryGetPlant (Point p) |
PlantData | TryGetPlant (Cell c) |
PlantData | AddPlant (Point pos, Thing seed) |
void | RemovePlant (Point pos) |
void | ValidateInstalled (Point p) |
void | _ValidateInstalled (int x, int y) |
void | RemoveLonelyRamps (Cell cell) |
void | DestroyBlock (int x, int z) |
void | AddDecal (int x, int z, int id, int amount=1, bool refresh=true) |
void | SetDecal (int x, int z, int id=0, int amount=1, bool refresh=true) |
void | SetFoormark (Point pos, int id, int angle, int offset=0) |
int | AngleToIndex (int a) |
void | RefreshSingleTile (int x, int z) |
void | RefreshAllTiles () |
void | RefreshNeighborTiles (int x, int z) |
void | QuickRefreshTile (int x, int z) |
int | GetRampDir (int x, int z, TileType blockType=null) |
Cell | GetDependedRamp (Cell cell) |
Point | GetRandomPoint (Point center, int radius, int tries=100, bool mustBeWalkable=true, bool requireLos=true) |
new Point | GetRandomEdge (int r=3) |
Point | GetNearbyResourcePoint (Point center) |
List< Point > | ListPointsInCircle (Point center, float radius, bool mustBeWalkable=true, bool los=true) |
List< Chara > | ListCharasInCircle (Point center, float radius, bool los=true) |
List< Point > | ListPointsInArc (Point center, Point to, int radius, float angle) |
List< Point > | ListPointsInLine (Point center, Point to, int radius) |
void | SetBounds (int size) |
void | SetBounds (MapBounds b) |
new void | ForeachCell (Action< Cell > action) |
new void | ForeachPoint (Action< Point > action) |
new void | ForeachXYZ (Action< int, int > action) |
void | ForeachSphere (int _x, int _z, float r, Action< Point > action) |
void | ForeachNeighbor (Point center, Action< Point > action) |
void | Quake () |
int | CountChara (Faction faction) |
int | CountGuest () |
int | CountHostile () |
int | CountWildAnimal () |
int | CountNonHostile () |
List< Chara > | ListChara (Faction faction) |
List< Thing > | ListThing< T > () |
bool | PutAway (Card c) |
Chara | FindChara (string id) |
Chara | FindChara (int uid) |
Thing | FindThing (Func< Thing, bool > func) |
Thing | FindThing (int uid) |
T | FindThing< T > () |
Thing | FindThing (Type type, Chara c=null) |
Thing | FindThing (Type type, BaseArea area1, BaseArea area2=null) |
Thing | FindThing (string workTag, BaseArea area1=null, BaseArea area2=null) |
Thing | FindThing (string workTag, Chara c) |
BaseArea | FindPublicArea () |
void | RefreshSunMap () |
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void | SetBounds (int _x, int _z, int _maxX, int _maxZ) |
bool | Contains (int dx, int dz) |
bool | Contains (Point p) |
Point | GetCenterPos () |
Point | GetRandomTopPos () |
Point | GetRandomRightPos () |
Point | GetRandomBottomPos () |
Point | GetRandomLeftPos () |
Point | GetTopPos (float rate=-1f) |
Point | GetRightPos (float rate=-1f) |
Point | GetBottomPos (float rate=-1f) |
Point | GetLeftPos (float rate=-1f) |
Point | GetRandomPoint () |
Point | GetSpawnPos (int x, int z, int maxX, int maxZ) |
bool | CanExpand (int a) |
void | Expand (int a) |
Point | GetSurface (int x, int z, bool walkable=true) |
Point | GetRandomSurface (int x, int z, int radius, bool walkable=true, bool allowWater=false) |
Point | GetRandomSurface (bool centered=false, bool walkable=true, bool allowWater=false) |
Point | GetRandomSpawnPos () |
Point | GetRandomEdge (int r=3) |
Point | GetRandomSpace (int width, int height, int tries=100) |
void | ForeachCell (Action< Cell > action) |
void | ForeachPoint (Action< Point > action) |
void | ForeachXYZ (Action< int, int > action) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static MapMetaData | GetMetaData (string pathZip) |
static void | UpdateMetaData (string pathZip, PartialMap partial=null) |
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static int | rnd (int a) |
static int | curve (int a, int start, int step, int rate=75) |
static int | rndHalf (int a) |
static float | rndf (float a) |
static int | rndSqrt (int a) |
static void | Wait (float a, Card c) |
static void | Wait (float a, Point p) |
static int | Bigger (int a, int b) |
static int | Smaller (int a, int b) |
Public Attributes | |
int | seed |
int | _bits |
IO.Compression | compression |
Version | version |
RoomManager | rooms = new RoomManager() |
TaskManager | tasks = new TaskManager() |
MapConfig | config = new MapConfig() |
CustomData | custom |
List< Chara > | serializedCharas = new List<Chara>() |
List< Chara > | deadCharas = new List<Chara>() |
List< Thing > | things = new List<Thing>() |
MapBounds | bounds = new MapBounds() |
List< int > | _plDay = new List<int>() |
List< int > | _plNight = new List<int>() |
Dictionary< int, int > | gatherCounts = new Dictionary<int, int>() |
Dictionary< int, CellEffect > | cellEffects = new Dictionary<int, CellEffect>() |
Dictionary< int, int > | backerObjs = new Dictionary<int, int>() |
Dictionary< int, PlantData > | plants = new Dictionary<int, PlantData>() |
MapExportSetting | exportSetting |
BitArray32 | bits |
Playlist | plDay |
Playlist | plNight |
List< Chara > | charas = new List<Chara>() |
List< TransAnime > | pointAnimes = new List<TransAnime>() |
Cell[,] | cells |
Zone | zone |
CellEffectManager | effectManager = new CellEffectManager() |
PropsManager | props = new PropsManager() |
FloodSpiller | flood = new FloodSpiller() |
BiomeProfile[,] | biomes |
POIMap | poiMap |
List< Footmark > | footmarks = new List<Footmark>() |
FowProfile | fowProfile |
bool | revealed |
![]() | |
int | x |
int | z |
int | maxX |
int | maxZ |
int | Size |
Static Public Attributes | |
static HashSet< int > | sunMap = new HashSet<int>() |
static bool | isDirtySunMap |
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static Core | core |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | OnSerializing () |
Properties | |
bool | isBreakerDown [get, set] |
PropsStocked | Stocked [get] |
PropsInstalled | Installed [get] |
PropsRoaming | Roaming [get] |
float | sizeModifier [get] |
bool | isGenerated [get] |
bool | IsIndoor [get] |
int | SizeXZ [get] |
IEnumerable< Card > | Cards [get] |
![]() | |
int | CenterX [get] |
int | CenterZ [get] |
int | Width [get] |
int | Height [get] |
![]() | |
static Game | game [get] |
static bool | AdvMode [get] |
static Player | player [get] |
static Chara | pc [get] |
static UI | ui [get] |
static Map | _map [get] |
static Zone | _zone [get] |
static FactionBranch | Branch [get] |
static FactionBranch | BranchOrHomeBranch [get] |
static Faction | Home [get] |
static Faction | Wilds [get] |
static Scene | scene [get] |
static BaseGameScreen | screen [get] |
static GameSetting | setting [get] |
static GameData | gamedata [get] |
static ColorProfile | Colors [get] |
static World | world [get] |
static SourceManager | sources [get] |
static SourceManager | editorSources [get] |
static SoundManager | Sound [get] |
static CoreDebug | debug [get] |
Private Member Functions | |
void | OnSerializing (StreamingContext context) |
void | OnDeserialized (StreamingContext context) |
Private Attributes | |
HashSet< int > | roomHash = new HashSet<int>() |
List< Thing > | _things = new List<Thing>() |
inline |
Definition at line 840 of file Map.cs.
References _RemoveCard(), Scene.AddActorEx(), Cell.AddCard(), Card.CalculateFOV(), Card.Cell, Point.cell, Card.ForeachPoint(), Trait.IDActorEx, Card.IsMultisize, Card.isThing, Card.pos, EClass.scene, Point.Set(), Card.trait, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by AddCardOnActivate(), MoveCard(), and OnCardAddedToZone().
inline |
Definition at line 865 of file Map.cs.
References Card.Cell, Point.cell, Card.ClearFOV(), Card.ForeachPoint(), Card.IsMultisize, and Cell.RemoveCard().
Referenced by _AddCard(), and OnCardRemovedFromZone().
inline |
Definition at line 1954 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._zone, Point.cell, Cell.detail, Zone.IsPCFaction, Point.IsValid, item, Point.ListCards(), Point.Set(), Point.shared, and MapBounds.x.
Referenced by TryShatter(), and ValidateInstalled().
inline |
Definition at line 1563 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._map, backerObjs, SourceManager.backers, bounds, Core.config, EClass.core, Debug, Player.doneBackers, MapBounds.ForeachCell(), Cell.growth, CoreConfig.Test.ignoreBackerDestoryFlag, Cell.index, BackerContent.indexTree, GrowSystem.IsMature, GrowSystem.IsTree, item, SourceBacker.listTree, EClass.player, EClass.sources, CoreConfig.test, Cell.x, and Cell.z.
Referenced by Zone_Field.OnGenerateMap().
inline |
Definition at line 777 of file Map.cs.
References _AddCard(), EClass._map, EClass._zone, Card.Chara, MapBounds.GetCenterPos(), Card.isChara, Point.IsInBounds, Point.IsValid, PropsManager.OnCardAddedToZone(), Card.pos, props, Point.Set(), Point.x, Point.z, and zone.
Referenced by Zone.AddGlobalCharasOnActivate().
inline |
Definition at line 2007 of file Map.cs.
References cells, Cell.decal, RefreshNeighborTiles(), MapBounds.Size, Cell.sourceFloor, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by Card.AddBlood(), SourceMaterial.Row.AddBlood(), AM_MoveInstalled.HitTest(), and CoreDebug.UpdateInput().
Definition at line 1930 of file Map.cs.
References Point.index, plants, and seed.
Referenced by TraitFertilizer.OnSimulateHour(), ZoneEventHarvest.OnVisit(), and TraitSeed.TrySprout().
inline |
Definition at line 2052 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._zone, and Spatial.IsRegion.
Referenced by SetFoormark().
inline |
Definition at line 1588 of file Map.cs.
References backerObjs, SourceManager.backers, Core.config, EClass.core, Player.doneBackers, Point.HasObj, SourceBacker.Row.id, CoreConfig.Test.ignoreBackerDestoryFlag, Point.index, BackerContent.indexRemain, BackerContent.indexTree, SourceBacker.listRemain, SourceBacker.listTree, EClass.player, SourceBacker.Row.skin, EClass.sources, and CoreConfig.test.
Referenced by BackerContentInspector.ContentObj.Apply().
inline |
Definition at line 1396 of file Map.cs.
References Cell._block, Cell._bridge, EClass._zone, Zone.AddCard(), cells, ThingGen.Create(), Cell.GetSharedPoint(), Cell.HasObj, item, Cell.matObj_fixed, RefreshNeighborTiles(), EClass.rnd(), Cell.room, Room.SetDirty(), SetObj(), Cell.sourceBlock, Cell.sourceObj, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by LogicalFire.Update().
inline |
Definition at line 1513 of file Map.cs.
References ForeachCell().
Referenced by Zone.Export().
inline |
Definition at line 2419 of file Map.cs.
References charas, and Chara.faction.
inline |
Definition at line 2432 of file Map.cs.
References charas, and Chara.IsGuest().
inline |
Definition at line 2445 of file Map.cs.
References charas, Chara.IsHostile(), and Chara.IsPCFaction.
inline |
Definition at line 2471 of file Map.cs.
References charas, Chara.IsHostile(), and Chara.IsPCFaction.
inline |
Definition at line 2458 of file Map.cs.
References charas, Chara.IsPCFaction, and Chara.race.
inline |
Definition at line 153 of file Map.cs.
References bounds, cells, Debug, ForeachXYZ(), MapBounds.maxX, MapBounds.maxZ, SetBounds(), SetReference(), MapBounds.Size, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by MapGen.OnGenerateTerrain(), MapGenDungen.OnGenerateTerrain(), and MapGenRegion.OnGenerateTerrain().
inline |
Definition at line 2002 of file Map.cs.
References SetBlock(), MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by OnCardAddedToZone().
inline |
Definition at line 1812 of file Map.cs.
References SourceMaterial.Row.AddBlood(), Point.cell, Effect.Get(), SourceMaterial.Row.GetSoundDead(), TileType.IsBlockPass, Cell.matObj, Effect.Play(), Point.PlaySound(), EClass.rnd(), Cell.sourceObj, and RenderRow.tileType.
Referenced by MineObj(), and TaskHarvest.OnCreateProgress().
inline |
Definition at line 1614 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._zone, Scene.actionMode, RecipeManager.BuildList(), Card.ChangeMaterial(), RenderRow.components, ThingGen.Create(), ThingGen.CreateBlock(), ThingGen.CreateFloor(), EClass.debug, GamePrincipal.disableUsermapBenefit, EClass.game, RecipeManager.Get(), RecipeSource.GetIDIngredient(), CoreDebug.godBuild, TileRow.id, ActionMode.IsBuildMode, Zone.IsUserZone, Game.principal, PutAway(), RenderRow.RecipeID, EClass.scene, and TrySmoothPick().
Referenced by MineBlock(), MineFloor(), and MineRamp().
inline |
Definition at line 716 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._zone, custom, Version.GetInt(), BaseCore.Instance, Spatial.Name, version, and BaseCore.version.
Referenced by Zone.Export(), and UpdateMetaData().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 2546 of file Map.cs.
References charas, and Card.id.
Referenced by QuestPuppy.CanUpdateOnTalk(), ZoneEventSubdue.CheckClear(), ActEffect.DamageEle(), Card.DamageHP(), ZonePreEnterOnCompleteQuestInstance.Execute(), Chara.FindMaster(), CharaList.Get(), ConSleep.OnRemoved(), DramaManager.ParseLine(), ItemQuestTracker.Refresh(), and TraitBed.ValidateOwners().
inline |
Definition at line 2693 of file Map.cs.
References RoomManager.listArea, RoomManager.listRoom, and rooms.
Referenced by GoalSleep.OnSimulatePosition(), and GoalSleep.Run().
Definition at line 2570 of file Map.cs.
References things.
Referenced by GoalGraze.GetPos(), ConSleep.OnRemoved(), Zone_Dungeon.PlaceRail(), AIWork.SetDestination(), Chara.Stumble(), CoreDebug.UpdateInput(), FactionBranch.Upgrade(), and BaseListPeople.WriteHobbies().
inline |
Definition at line 2653 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._map, Point.HasRoomOrArea(), Installed, Card.pos, and Props.workMap.
Definition at line 2680 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._map, Installed, and Props.workMap.
Definition at line 2623 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._map, _things, ActPlan.List.Add(), Point.HasRoomOrArea(), PropsManager.installed, Card.pos, props, Props.things, and Card.trait.
Definition at line 2606 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._map, _things, ActPlan.List.Add(), PropsManager.installed, Point.IsPublicSpace(), Card.pos, props, Props.things, and Card.trait.
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 2324 of file Map.cs.
References cells, and MapBounds.Size.
Referenced by Zone.Activate(), ZoneInspector.FillUtil.ClearBlock(), ZoneInspector.FillUtil.ClearBridge(), ZoneInspector.FillUtil.ClearObj(), ClearRainAndDecal(), ZoneInspector.FillUtil.FillBlock(), ZoneInspector.FillUtil.FillFloor(), ZoneInspector.FillUtil.FlattenHeight(), Zone_Field.OnGenerateMap(), Zone_RandomDungeonFactory.OnGenerateMap(), Zone_VernisMine.OnGenerateMap(), MapSubset.OnSave(), and CoreDebug.Test_Grow().
Definition at line 2379 of file Map.cs.
References Point.Set(), MapBounds.Size, Point.x, and Point.z.
inline |
Definition at line 2335 of file Map.cs.
References Point.Set(), and MapBounds.Size.
Referenced by BaseTileSelector.ProcessFillTiles().
inline |
Definition at line 2358 of file Map.cs.
References Point.Set(), and MapBounds.Size.
Referenced by Trait.ListPoints(), TraitLightSun.ListPoints(), ListPointsInArc(), ListPointsInCircle(), Act.OnMarkMapHighlights(), AM_Populate.OnProcessTiles(), AM_Terrain.OnProcessTiles(), AM_BaseTerrain.OnRenderTile(), RefreshFOV(), Reveal(), ActWait.Search(), GameUpdater.Update(), and VirtualRoom.VirtualRoom().
inline |
Definition at line 2347 of file Map.cs.
References MapBounds.Size.
Referenced by CreateNew().
inline |
Definition at line 1579 of file Map.cs.
References backerObjs, SourceManager.backers, Point.index, and EClass.sources.
Referenced by TaskHarvest.OnCreateProgress().
inline |
Definition at line 881 of file Map.cs.
References cells, MapBounds.Size, and SizeXZ.
Referenced by Zone.Activate(), MapSubset.Apply(), Fov.ClearVisible(), Fov.Perform(), and ActionMode.RefreshTexts().
Definition at line 2168 of file Map.cs.
References Cell.Back, back, Cell.blockDir, Cell.Front, Cell.HasRamp, Cell.HasStairs, Cell.Left, left, Cell.Right, and right.
Referenced by RemoveLonelyRamps().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 732 of file Map.cs.
References Debug.
Referenced by Zone.IsImportValid(), TraitMoongate.ListSavedUserMap(), PartialMap.Load(), PartialMapMenu.Refresh(), and TraitMoongate.UseMoongate().
Definition at line 2236 of file Map.cs.
References Point.area, Cell.CanHarvest(), Point.cell, Point.Invalid, Point.IsValid, and EClass.rnd().
inline |
Definition at line 2131 of file Map.cs.
References Cell.Back, back, Cell.CanBuildRamp(), cells, Cell.Front, Cell.HasBlock, Cell.HasFullBlock, Cell.IsVoid, Cell.Left, left, Cell.Right, right, Cell.sourceBlock, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by TaskMine.GetHitResult(), and MineRamp().
inline |
Definition at line 2211 of file Map.cs.
References MapBounds.GetSurface(), Point.IsValid, EClass.rnd(), and MapBounds.Size.
Referenced by MapGen.MakeRiver(), and ZoneEventSiege.OnFirstTick().
inline |
Definition at line 2193 of file Map.cs.
References Algorithms.WeightCell.blocked, Point.cell, Point.Clamp(), Debug, Los.IsVisible(), and EClass.rnd().
Referenced by MapBounds.GetRandomSpawnPos(), MapGenDungen.OnGenerateTerrain(), MapGen.Populate(), and TraitSpotSpawn.Update().
Definition at line 2484 of file Map.cs.
References charas, and Chara.faction.
Referenced by ContentPopulation.Refresh().
Definition at line 2269 of file Map.cs.
References CellDetail.charas, item, and ListPointsInCircle().
Referenced by AI_PlayMusic.Run().
Definition at line 2287 of file Map.cs.
References ForeachSphere(), Point.GetAngle2(), Point.IsBlocked, Los.IsVisible(), Point.x, and Point.z.
Referenced by ActEffect.ProcAt().
inline |
Definition at line 2256 of file Map.cs.
References Algorithms.WeightCell.blocked, Point.cell, ForeachSphere(), Los.IsVisible(), Point.x, and Point.z.
Referenced by TaskClean.GetTarget(), ListCharasInCircle(), Point.ListWitnesses(), and ActEffect.ProcAt().
Definition at line 2304 of file Map.cs.
References Los.ListVisible().
Referenced by ActMelee.Attack(), ActBolt.OnMarkMapHighlights(), ActRanged.Perform(), and ActEffect.ProcAt().
inline |
T | : | Trait |
Definition at line 2497 of file Map.cs.
References Card.IsInstalled, things, and Card.trait.
inline |
Definition at line 542 of file Map.cs.
References Cell._bridge, Cell._bridgeMat, bounds, cellEffects, cells, compression, Debug, Cell.effect, effectManager, SourceManager.floors, LogicalPointManager.GetOrCreate(), Card.isDestroyed, SourceManager.materials, MapBounds.maxX, Card.Num, Critter.RebuildCritter(), MapBounds.SetBounds(), SetBounds(), MapBounds.Size, EClass.sources, things, TryLoadFile(), ValidateVersion(), MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by PartialMap._Load(), and Zone.Activate().
inline |
Definition at line 1655 of file Map.cs.
References Cell._block, EClass._zone, SourceMaterial.Row.AddBlood(), Zone.AddCard(), SourceManager.blocks, Point.cell, ThingGen.Create(), Zone.DangerLv, GamePrincipal.disableUsermapBenefit, DropBlockComponent(), EClass.game, Effect.Get(), SourceMaterial.Row.GetColor(), SourceMaterial.Row.GetSoundDead(), Cell.HasBlock, Cell.HasFullBlock, Cell.isModified, AM_Mine.IsRoofEditMode(), Zone.IsUserZone, Point.IsValid, Point.matBlock, ActionMode.Mine, MineObj(), Effect.Play(), Point.PlaySound(), Game.principal, RefreshFOV(), RefreshShadow(), RefreshSingleTile(), RemoveLonelyRamps(), EClass.rnd(), Point.SetBlock(), Point.sourceObj, EClass.sources, ValidateInstalled(), Point.x, Point.z, and zone.
Referenced by ActEffect.DamageEle(), MineObj(), TaskMine.OnProgressComplete(), and RemoveLonelyRamps().
inline |
Definition at line 1739 of file Map.cs.
References Cell._floor, EClass._map, EClass._zone, SourceMaterial.Row.alias, Point.cell, Card.ChangeMaterial(), ThingGen.CreateRawMaterial(), DropBlockComponent(), SourceManager.floors, Effect.Get(), SourceMaterial.Row.GetColor(), SourceMaterial.Row.GetSoundDead(), Cell.HasBridge, Point.HasBridge, Point.HasFloor, Spatial.IsRegion, Point.IsSky, Zone.IsSkyLevel, Point.IsValid, Chara.Kick(), Point.matBridge, Point.matFloor, MineObj(), EClass.pc, Effect.Play(), Point.PlaySound(), Card.pos, EClass.rnd(), SetBridge(), Point.SetFloor(), SetFloor(), Point.sourceBridge, Point.sourceFloor, EClass.sources, TrySmoothPick(), Point.x, Point.z, and zone.
Referenced by TaskDig.OnProgressComplete().
Definition at line 1827 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._map, EClass._zone, Scene.actionMode, SourceMaterial.Row.alias, TileRow.alias, Point.cell, RenderRow.components, ThingGen.Create(), EClass.debug, DestroyObj(), GamePrincipal.disableUsermapBenefit, EClass.game, Cell.GetObjName(), Zone.GetSoilCost(), CoreDebug.godBuild, Cell.growth, Cell.HasBlock, SourceObj.Row.HasGrowth, Point.HasObj, TileRow.id, ActionMode.IsBuildMode, GrowSystem.IsTree, Zone.IsUserZone, Point.IsValid, TraitSeed.MakeSeed(), Cell.matObj_fixed, Zone.MaxSoil, MineBlock(), EClass.pc, Chara.PickOrDrop(), GrowSystem.PopMineObj(), Game.principal, PutAway(), EClass.rnd(), Msg.Say(), EClass.scene, Card.SetNum(), SetObj(), Cell.sourceObj, TryGetPlant(), Card.TryMakeRandomItem(), TrySmoothPick(), Point.x, and Point.z.
Referenced by ActEffect.DamageEle(), MineBlock(), MineFloor(), MineRamp(), TaskHarvest.OnCreateProgress(), TaskCut.OnProgressComplete(), and GrowSystem.OnProgressComplete().
inline |
Definition at line 1915 of file Map.cs.
References Point.cell, Cell.matObj, Point.PlaySound(), and Cell.sourceObj.
Referenced by Recipe.Build().
inline |
Definition at line 1722 of file Map.cs.
References Cell._block, Cell._blockMat, EClass._map, block, SourceManager.blocks, Point.cell, DropBlockComponent(), Effect.Get(), GetRampDir(), Cell.HasFullBlock, Point.IsValid, Point.matBlock, MineObj(), Effect.Play(), RemoveLonelyRamps(), EClass.rnd(), SetBlock(), EClass.sources, Point.x, and Point.z.
Referenced by TaskMine.OnProgressComplete().
inline |
Definition at line 1166 of file Map.cs.
References cells, Cell.effect, effectManager, CellEffect.FireAmount, LogicalPointManager.GetOrCreate(), Cell.IsSnowTile, Cell.IsTopWaterAndNoSnow, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by RecipeCard.Craft(), and Point.ModFire().
inline |
Definition at line 1500 of file Map.cs.
References CellEffect.amount, cells, Cell.effect, Cell.IsTopWaterAndNoSnow, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by GameUpdater.SurfaceUpdater.FixedUpdate().
Definition at line 835 of file Map.cs.
References _AddCard(), Point.x, and Point.z.
Referenced by Chara._Move(), Card._Move(), Card.MoveImmediate(), ResetEditorPos(), Resize(), AI_Trolley.Run(), and Chara.SyncRide().
inline |
Definition at line 800 of file Map.cs.
References _AddCard(), ActPlan.List.Add(), Card.Chara, charas, DestroyBlock(), Card.isChara, Trait.OnAddedToZone(), PropsManager.OnCardAddedToZone(), props, Card.Thing, things, Card.trait, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by Zone.AddCard().
inline |
Definition at line 819 of file Map.cs.
References _RemoveCard(), Card.Chara, charas, Card.isChara, Trait.OnRemovedFromZone(), Card.SetPlaceState(), Card.Thing, things, and Card.trait.
Referenced by Zone.RemoveCard().
inline |
Definition at line 205 of file Map.cs.
References charas, Player.ClearMapHighlights(), CardRenderer.hasActor, Chara.IsGlobal, CardRenderer.KillActor(), EClass.player, Zone.RemoveCard(), Card.renderer, things, and zone.
Referenced by Zone.Deactivate().
inlineprivate |
inline |
Definition at line 710 of file Map.cs.
References ZoneExportData.orgMap, SerializedCards.Restore(), ZoneExportData.serializedCards, and tasks.
Referenced by Zone.Activate().
inline |
Definition at line 704 of file Map.cs.
References RoomManager.OnLoad(), TaskManager.OnLoad(), rooms, and tasks.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
inlineprivate |
inline |
Definition at line 1018 of file Map.cs.
References roomHash, MapBounds.Size, TryAddRoom(), TryRemoveRoom(), MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by SerializedCards.Restore(), SetBlock(), and Card.SetPlaceState().
inline |
Definition at line 2510 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._map, EClass._zone, Card.AddThing(), Trait.CanOnlyCarry, EClass.debug, Card.Destroy(), CoreDebug.enable, CoreDebug.GetOrCreateDebugContainer(), CoreDebug.ignoreBuildRule, PropsManager.installed, Card.isChara, Card.IsPC, Zone.IsPCFaction, Card.parent, EClass.pc, Chara.Pick(), props, ICardParent.RemoveCard(), Card.Thing, Card.trait, and Props.traits.
Referenced by DropBlockComponent(), MineObj(), AM_Deconstruct.Perform(), and AM_MoveInstalled.TryPutAway().
inline |
Definition at line 2401 of file Map.cs.
References Point.Animate(), Point.Copy(), EClass.rnd(), and MapBounds.Size.
inline |
Definition at line 2116 of file Map.cs.
References cells, Cell.HasFullBlock, MapBounds.Size, Cell.Void, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by MapGen.GenerateTerrain().
inline |
Definition at line 2086 of file Map.cs.
References cells, Cell.Refresh(), and MapBounds.Size.
Referenced by GameDate.AdvanceMonth(), PartialMap.Apply(), ZoneInspector.FillUtil.FlattenHeight(), MapGenDungen.OnGenerateTerrain(), MapGenRegion.OnGenerateTerrain(), Zone.OnSimulateMonth(), MapGen.Populate(), ZoneInspector.RefreshAll(), and HotItemContext.Show().
inline |
Definition at line 923 of file Map.cs.
References Card.CalculateFOV(), ForeachSphere(), item, Point.ListCards(), MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by GrowSystem.Grow(), MineBlock(), WidgetArtTool.OnActivate(), TaskBuild.OnProgressComplete(), TaskMoveInstalled.OnProgressComplete(), TraitDoor.ToggleDoor(), and TraitDoorSwing.ToggleDoor().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 2097 of file Map.cs.
References cells, Cell.Refresh(), MapBounds.Size, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by AddDecal(), Burn(), Point.RefreshNeighborTiles(), SetBlock(), SetBridge(), SetDecal(), SetFloor(), SetObj(), and SetSeen().
inline |
Definition at line 1787 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by MineBlock(), and TaskBuild.OnProgressComplete().
inline |
Definition at line 2081 of file Map.cs.
References cells, Cell.Refresh(), MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by GameUpdater.LogicUpdater.FixedUpdate(), MineBlock(), Point.RefreshTile(), SetRoofBlock(), TraitDoor.ToggleDoor(), and TraitDoorSwing.ToggleDoor().
inline |
Definition at line 2700 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._map, PropsManager.installed, isDirtySunMap, item, Trait.ListPoints(), props, sunMap, TraitManager.suns, Card.trait, and Props.traits.
Referenced by GameUpdater.Update().
inline |
Definition at line 310 of file Map.cs.
References EClass.game, Game.id, Scene.Init(), Game.isCloud, Game.Load(), ReloadRoom(), RevealAll(), rooms, Game.Save(), EClass.scene, and SetReference().
inline |
Definition at line 325 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._zone, Zone.AddCard(), Trait.IsDoor, item, RoomManager.RefreshAll(), Zone.RemoveCard(), rooms, things, and Card.trait.
Referenced by MapGenDungen.OnGenerateTerrain(), and Reload().
inline |
Definition at line 1988 of file Map.cs.
References GetDependedRamp(), Cell.GetPoint(), and MineBlock().
Referenced by MineBlock(), and MineRamp().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 345 of file Map.cs.
References cells, Cell.Reset(), SetReference(), and MapBounds.Size.
Referenced by MapGen.OnGenerateTerrain().
inline |
Definition at line 357 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._zone, charas, Card.isPlayerCreation, MoveCard(), Chara.orgPos, Zone.Revive(), things, and Card.trait.
Referenced by Zone.Export(), and BuildMenu.OnActivate().
inline |
Definition at line 226 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._map, cells, charas, MapBounds.maxX, MapBounds.maxZ, MoveCard(), Card.pos, Reload(), MapBounds.Size, things, Util, MapBounds.x, Point.x, MapBounds.z, and Point.z.
Referenced by ZoneInspector.ResizeUtil.Apply(), and MapGen.OnGenerateTerrain().
inline |
Definition at line 912 of file Map.cs.
References Point.Distance(), ForeachSphere(), EClass.rnd(), Point.x, and Point.z.
Referenced by ActEffect.Proc().
inline |
Definition at line 899 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._map, revealed, SetSeen(), MapBounds.Size, and WidgetMinimap.UpdateMap().
Referenced by BuildMenu.Activate(), Zone.ClaimZone(), ZoneProfile.Generate(), DramaManager.ParseLine(), ActEffect.Proc(), Reload(), and CoreDebug.ToggleRevealMap().
inline |
Definition at line 376 of file Map.cs.
References Cell._block, Cell._blockMat, Cell._bridge, Cell._bridgeMat, Cell._dirs, Cell._floor, Cell._floorMat, Cell._roofBlock, Cell._roofBlockDir, Cell._roofBlockMat, Cell.bridgeHeight, Cell.bridgePillar, Card.c_altName, Trait.CanCopyInBlueprint, cellEffects, cells, charas, compression, ActionMode.Copy, EClass.core, Cell.crossWall, Debug, Cell.decal, Cell.effect, exportSetting, Cell.height, Cell.impassable, ActionMode.IsActive, Cell.isClearSnow, Cell.isForceFloat, Chara.IsGlobal, Cell.isHarvested, Cell.isModified, Cell.isObjDyed, Chara.IsPC, Card.IsPCFactionOrMinion, Card.isPlayerCreation, Cell.isSeen, Cell.isToggleWallPillar, TraitChara.IsUnique, Cell.isWatered, Cell.obj, Cell.objMat, Cell.objVal, Card.pos, GameIO.SaveFile(), serializedCharas, MapBounds.Size, Thing.stackOrder, things, Card.trait, Chara.trait, version, BaseCore.version, Point.x, and Point.z.
Referenced by Zone._OnBeforeSave(), and Zone.Export().
inline |
Definition at line 995 of file Map.cs.
References cells, Cell.effect, Cell.HasFloodBlock, CellEffect.IsFire, OnSetBlockOrDoor(), RefreshNeighborTiles(), Cell.room, Room.SetDirty(), MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
inline |
Definition at line 990 of file Map.cs.
References SetBlock(), MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by Recipe.Build(), ZoneInspector.FillUtil.ClearBlock(), DestroyBlock(), ZoneInspector.FillUtil.FillBlock(), MineRamp(), Point.SetBlock(), and SetBlock().
inline |
Definition at line 1159 of file Map.cs.
References Cell.blockDir, cells, Cell.sourceBlock, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by Recipe.Build().
inline |
Definition at line 2309 of file Map.cs.
References bounds, MapBounds.SetBounds(), and MapBounds.Size.
Referenced by CreateNew(), Load(), and MapGen.OnGenerateTerrain().
inline |
Definition at line 2318 of file Map.cs.
References bounds, MapBounds.maxX, MapBounds.maxZ, MapBounds.SetBounds(), MapBounds.Size, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
inline |
Definition at line 966 of file Map.cs.
References cells, RefreshNeighborTiles(), Cell.room, Room.SetDirty(), MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by Recipe.Build(), MineFloor(), and TaskDig.OnProgressComplete().
inline |
Definition at line 2029 of file Map.cs.
References cells, Cell.decal, RefreshNeighborTiles(), MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), AM_MoveInstalled.HitTest(), AIWork_Clean.OnPerformWork(), TaskCut.OnProgressComplete(), AI_Clean.Run(), and TaskClean.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 1495 of file Map.cs.
References cells, Cell.effect, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by Chara._Move(), GameUpdater.FastSurfaceUpdater.FixedUpdate(), and ActEffect.ProcAt().
inline |
Definition at line 956 of file Map.cs.
References cells, Critter.RebuildCritter(), RefreshNeighborTiles(), MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
inline |
Definition at line 951 of file Map.cs.
References SetFloor(), MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by Recipe.Build(), ZonePreEnterDigStairs.Execute(), ZoneInspector.FillUtil.FillFloor(), MineFloor(), Point.SetFloor(), and SetFloor().
inline |
Definition at line 2038 of file Map.cs.
References AngleToIndex(), Point.cell, CellDetail.footmark, footmarks, Cell.GetOrCreateDetail(), Footmark.pos, and Point.Set().
Referenced by Chara._Move().
inline |
Definition at line 1464 of file Map.cs.
References cells, Cell.IsTopWaterAndNoSnow, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by GameUpdater.SurfaceUpdater.FixedUpdate(), TaskDrawWater.OnCreateProgress(), TaskPourWater.OnCreateProgress(), AI_Water.OnProgressComplete(), TraitDrink.OnThrowGround(), AI_Bladder.Run(), AI_Clean.Run(), TaskClean.Run(), TaskWater.Run(), Chara.Tick(), and CoreDebug.UpdateInput().
inline |
Definition at line 1473 of file Map.cs.
References cells, Cell.IsTopWaterAndNoSnow, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
inline |
Definition at line 1522 of file Map.cs.
References SourceManager.objs, SetObj(), EClass.sources, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by Recipe.Build(), Burn(), ZoneInspector.FillUtil.ClearBridge(), ZoneInspector.FillUtil.ClearObj(), MineObj(), GenRoom.OnPopulate(), TraitFertilizer.OnSimulateHour(), GrowSystem.Perish(), Point.SetObj(), and SetObj().
inline |
Definition at line 1527 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._zone, backerObjs, cells, Zone.DangerLv, Card.Evalue(), MATERIAL.GetRandomMaterialFromCategory(), Cell.growth, Cell.index, SourceObj.Row.matCategory, Cell.matObj, GrowSystem.OnSetObj(), EClass.pc, plants, Critter.RebuildCritter(), RefreshNeighborTiles(), Cell.sourceObj, RenderRow.tag, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
inline |
Definition at line 195 of file Map.cs.
References cells, IPathfinder.Init(), PathManager.Instance, PathManager.pathfinder, and MapBounds.Size.
Referenced by PartialMap._Load(), Zone.Activate(), PartialMap.Apply(), CreateNew(), Reload(), Reset(), and SetZone().
inline |
Definition at line 981 of file Map.cs.
References cells, RefreshSingleTile(), MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by Recipe.Build().
inline |
Definition at line 886 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._map, cells, Cell.isSeen, RefreshNeighborTiles(), WidgetMinimap.UpdateMap(), MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by Fov.Perform(), and RevealAll().
inline |
Definition at line 181 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._zone, bounds, config, fowProfile, MapConfig.idFowProfile, MapConfig.idSceneProfile, PropsManager.Init(), FowProfile.Load(), SceneProfile.Load(), props, SetReference(), MapBounds.Size, and zone.
Referenced by Zone.Activate(), Zone.Generate(), ZoneBlueprint.GenerateMap(), MapGen.GenerateTerrain(), MapGenDungen.OnGenerateTerrain(), and MapGenRegion.OnGenerateTerrain().
inline |
Definition at line 254 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._map, bounds, cells, charas, item, MapBounds.maxX, MapBounds.maxZ, Reload(), MapBounds.Size, things, Cell.x, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by ZoneInspector.ResizeUtil.Apply().
inline |
Definition at line 1078 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._zone, RoomManager.AddRoom(), Cell.Back, Cell.BackLeft, cells, Cell.detail, Zone.DisableRooms, flood, Cell.Front, Cell.FrontRight, Cell.hasDoor, Cell.HasFloodBlock, IsIndoor, item, Cell.Left, Cell.Right, Cell.room, roomHash, rooms, MapBounds.Size, Cell.sourceBlock, Card.things, CellDetail.things, Card.trait, Cell.x, MapBounds.x, Cell.z, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by OnSetBlockOrDoor().
Definition at line 1920 of file Map.cs.
References Point.index, and plants.
Referenced by GrowSystem.ApplySeed(), GrowSystem.EqualizePlants(), Cell.GetObjName(), GrowSystem.Grow(), Zone.GrowPlants(), MineObj(), GrowSystemPasture.OnMineObj(), GrowSystemTree.OnMineObj(), TraitFertilizer.OnSimulateHour(), GrowSystem.PopHarvest(), BaseTaskHarvest.SetTarget(), Cell.TryGetPlant(), and GrowSystem.TryPopSeed().
inline |
Definition at line 531 of file Map.cs.
References compression, and Debug.
Referenced by Zone.Activate(), and Load().
inline |
Definition at line 1066 of file Map.cs.
References cells, RoomManager.RemoveRoom(), Cell.room, rooms, MapBounds.x, and MapBounds.z.
Referenced by OnSetBlockOrDoor().
inline |
Definition at line 1194 of file Map.cs.
References _ValidateInstalled(), EClass._zone, Card.Add(), Zone.AddCard(), Card.AddThing(), ActionMode.Adv, EClass.Branch, Card.c_charges, Card.category, Point.cell, Card.Chara, Element.Create(), ThingGen.Create(), EClass.curve(), Card.Destroy(), Card.Die(), Card.elements, Card.GetRootCard(), Card.HasEditorTag(), FactionBranch.HasItemProtection, CardRow.id, Card.isChara, Card.IsFood, Card.IsPCFaction, Chara.IsPCFaction, Zone.IsPCFaction, Card.IsPCParty, Cell.IsSnowTile, Cell.IsTopWater, item, AM_Adv.itemLost, RecipeManager.list, Point.ListCards(), CraftUtil.MakeDish(), ElementContainer.ModBase(), Card.ModCharge(), Card.Name, Card.parentCard, Chara.Pick(), Card.pos, EClass.rnd(), RecipeSource.row, Msg.Say(), WidgetPopText.Say(), Card.Split(), and Card.trait.
Referenced by ActEffect.DamageEle().
Definition at line 1791 of file Map.cs.
References Cell.GetPoint(), and TrySmoothPick().
Referenced by DropBlockComponent(), Card.EjectSockets(), ZonePreEnterBoutWin.Execute(), DramaOutcome.get_scratch(), TaskHarvest.HarvestThing(), MineFloor(), MineObj(), TaskChopWood.OnCreateProgress(), TaskMine.OnProgressComplete(), TraitSwitch.TryDisarmTrap(), GrowSystem.TryPick(), and TrySmoothPick().
Definition at line 1796 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._zone, Zone.AddCard(), Core.config, EClass.core, Point.Equals(), CoreConfig.game, Card.IsAgent, Spatial.IsRegion, EClass.pc, Chara.PickOrDrop(), Card.pos, and CoreConfig.GameConfig.smoothPick.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 759 of file Map.cs.
References EClass._map, and ExportMetaData().
Referenced by PartialMap.Update().
inline |
Definition at line 1945 of file Map.cs.
References _ValidateInstalled(), Point.x, and Point.z.
Referenced by MineBlock().
inline |
Definition at line 699 of file Map.cs.
References EClass.core, version, and BaseCore.version.
Referenced by Load().
int Map._bits |
Definition at line 22 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by OnDeserialized(), and OnSerializing().
List<int> Map._plDay = new List<int>() |
Definition at line 55 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by LayerEditPlaylist.Activate(), Zone.Generate(), LayerEditPlaylist.OnKill(), Zone.RefreshPlaylist(), and Zone.SetBGM().
List<int> Map._plNight = new List<int>() |
Definition at line 58 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by LayerEditPlaylist.Activate(), and LayerEditPlaylist.OnKill().
Definition at line 107 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by FindThing().
Dictionary<int, int> Map.backerObjs = new Dictionary<int, int>() |
Definition at line 67 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by Zone.Activate(), AddBackerTree(), ApplyBackerObj(), GetBackerObj(), Cell.GetObjName(), ActionMode.RefreshTexts(), BackerContentInspector.ContentObj.Remove(), and SetObj().
BiomeProfile [,] Map.biomes |
BitArray32 Map.bits |
Definition at line 75 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by OnSerializing().
Definition at line 52 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by UIMapPreview._RefreshPoint(), AddBackerTree(), ZoneUtil.AddBandits(), ZoneUtil.AddMerchant(), QuestVernis.CanUpdateOnTalk(), Zone.ClaimZone(), Point.Clamp(), GenBounds.Create(), CreateNew(), FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), BaseGameScreen.FocusPC(), Zone.Generate(), HomeResourceNature.GetDestValue(), Zone.GetElectricity(), Region.GetRandomPoint(), Zone.GetRandomVisitPos(), Zone.GetSoilCost(), Zone.GetSpawnPos(), QuestVernis.GetTextProgress(), Zone.GrowPlants(), AM_MoveInstalled.HitTest(), TaskWater.ListPoints(), Load(), Player.OnExitBorder(), Zone_DungeonPuppy.OnGenerateMap(), Zone_TestRoom.OnGenerateMap(), MapGen.OnGenerateTerrain(), AIWork_Clean.OnPerformWork(), AM_Cinema.OnUpdateInput(), ZoneEventMusic.OnVisit(), Zone_Dungeon.PlaceRail(), ActEffect.Proc(), Zone.RainWater(), Cell.Refresh(), Zone.RefreshElectricity(), SetBounds(), AIWork_Chore.SetDestPos(), UIMapPreview.SetMap(), SetZone(), Shift(), ZoneEventQuest.Spawn(), ZoneEventQuest.SpawnBoss(), Zone.TryAddThingInSpot< T >(), Zone.TryGenerateOre(), AI_Goto.TryGoTo(), and Zone.TrySpawnFollower().
Dictionary<int, CellEffect> Map.cellEffects = new Dictionary<int, CellEffect>() |
Cell [,] Map.cells |
Definition at line 85 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by PartialMap._Load(), Zone.Activate(), AddDecal(), PartialMap.Apply(), Burn(), Chara.CanInteractTo(), Chara.CanMoveTo(), CreateNew(), BaseTileMap.DrawRoof(), BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), TileMapElona.DrawTile(), ForeachCell(), MapBounds.ForeachCell(), GetCell(), GetRampDir(), Los.IsBlocked(), GenBounds.IsEmpty(), GenBounds.ListEmptyPoint(), Load(), ModFire(), MapGen.ModifyHeight(), ModLiquid(), MapGen.OnGenerateTerrain(), MapGenRegion.OnGenerateTerrain(), QuickRefreshTile(), Room.Refresh(), RefreshAllTiles(), RefreshNeighborTiles(), RefreshSingleTile(), Reset(), Resize(), RecipeUpdater.RunRecipe(), PartialMap.Save(), Save(), Lot.SetBaseRoom(), SetBlock(), GenBounds.SetBlock(), SetBlockDir(), SetBridge(), SetDecal(), SetEffect(), SetFloor(), GenBounds.SetFloor(), SetLiquid(), UIMapPreview.SetMap(), SetObj(), SetReference(), SetRoofBlock(), SetSeen(), Fov.SetVisible(), Shift(), LayerCraftFloat.ShowContextMenu(), Fov.TraceLine(), TryAddRoom(), and TryRemoveRoom().
Definition at line 81 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by Zone.Activate(), ActionMode.Activate(), SerializedCards.Add(), Zone.AddGlobalCharasOnActivate(), ZoneEventQuest.AggroEnemy(), Point.CallGuard(), Chara.CallHelp(), TraitTrolley.CanActivate(), QuestDefense.CanUpdateOnTalk(), ElementContainerFaction.CheckDirty(), AM_MoveInstalled.CheckEnemyNearBy(), CountChara(), CountGuest(), FactionBranch.CountGuests(), CountHostile(), Zone.CountMinions(), CountNonHostile(), FactionBranch.CountWealthyGuests(), CountWildAnimal(), AI_Torture.CreateProgress(), LayerPeople.CreateSelectEmbarkMembers(), Card.DamageHP(), Chara.Die(), FindChara(), Zone.FindChara(), Chara.FindNearestNewEnemy(), Chara.FindNewEnemy(), GameUpdater.SensorUpdater.FixedUpdate(), GameUpdater.CharaUpdater.FixedUpdate(), GameUpdater.ConditionUpdater.FixedUpdate(), RefChara.GetAndCache(), GoalSiege.GetDestCard(), DramaCustomSequence.GetListGuide(), Zone.GetRandomVisitPos(), TaskCullLife.GetTarget(), QuestManager.HasFarAwayEscort(), TraitShackle.IsRestraining(), ListChara(), Point.ListCharasInRadius(), Zone.ListMinions(), Region.ListMobs(), Chara.MoveZone(), Zone_Casino.OnActivate(), TraitTrap.OnActivateTrap(), FactionBranch.OnAfterSimulate(), Zone_WindRest.OnAfterSimulate(), AI_Torture.OnCancelOrSuccess(), OnCardAddedToZone(), OnCardRemovedFromZone(), NotificationBattle.OnClick(), NotificationGuest.OnClick(), AM_EditMarker.OnDeactivate(), OnDeactivate(), QuestDeliver.OnEnterZone(), ZoneEventSiege.OnFirstTick(), Zone.OnGenerateMap(), Zone_CursedManor.OnGenerateMap(), Zone_RandomDungeon.OnGenerateMap(), Zone_Void.OnGenerateMap(), Zone_SubTown.OnGenerateRooms(), ZoneInstanceRandomQuest.OnLeaveZone(), BaseListPeople.OnList(), ListPeopleBed.OnList(), WidgetNotice.OnRefresh(), AM_Adv.OnRenderTile(), Zone.OnSimulateHour(), ConInvisibility.OnStart(), Zone.OnVisit(), ActSummonGuard.Perform(), ActEffect.Proc(), Card.PurgeDuplicateArtifact(), Zone.RefreshCriminal(), RefreshFOVAll(), Zone.RefreshListCitizen(), WidgetMinimap.RefreshMarkers(), LayerQuestBoard.RefreshQuest(), ActionMode.RefreshTexts(), CoreDebug.RegenerateNames(), Chara.ReleaseMinion(), Chara.RequestProtection(), ResetEditorPos(), Zone.ResetHostility(), Resize(), AI_Fuck.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_Offer.Run(), Save(), WidgetSearch.Search(), ZoneInspector.SetAllPlayerCreation(), Shift(), Zone.Simulate(), Card.SpawnLoot(), ConSleep.SuccubusSleep(), ConSleep.SuccubusVisit(), ContentRanking.SwitchRanking(), Msg.TalkMaid(), Player.TargetRanged(), Card.Teleport(), CoreDebug.TestSpawn(), Chara.Tick(), ConChampagne.Tick(), ConSleep.Tick(), ThingGen.TryLickChest(), GoalCombat.TryUseAbility(), GameUpdater.Update(), CoreDebug.UpdateInput(), Zone.UpdateQuests(), Chara.UseAbility(), and ElementContainerCard.ValueBonus().
IO.Compression Map.compression |
Definition at line 25 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by Load(), Save(), and TryLoadFile().
Definition at line 37 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by LiquidProfile.Apply(), LiquidProfile.ApplyColor(), Scene.ApplyZoneConfig(), BaseTileMap.Draw(), TileMapElona.Draw(), BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), Zone.Export(), BaseMapGen.Generate(), AI_Clean.GetCleanPoint(), Zone.GetSpawnPos(), GameScreen.OnActivate(), WidgetSceneCustomizer.OnActivate(), WidgetSceneCustomizer.OnClickSave(), BaseGameScreen.RefreshAll(), Scene.RefreshBG(), WidgetSceneCustomizer.RefreshColor(), BaseGameScreen.RefreshGrading(), ZoneInspector.RefreshScreen(), BaseGameScreen.RefreshSky(), CoreConfig.RefreshUIBrightness(), BaseGameScreen.RefreshWeather(), GameScreenElona.RefreshWeather(), SetZone(), WidgetSceneCustomizer.ShowPicker(), TraitMapBoard.TrySetAct(), and Scene.UpdateTimeRatio().
CustomData Map.custom |
Definition at line 40 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by ExportMetaData(), LayerUploader.OnInit(), and LayerUploader.SaveID().
Definition at line 46 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by Zone.Activate(), SerializedCards.Add(), Chara.Die(), ZonePreEnterOnCompleteQuestInstance.Execute(), Chara.MakeAlly(), QuestDeliver.OnEnterZone(), Zone.RefreshListCitizen(), Zone.Revive(), ActThrow.Throw(), CoreDebug.UpdateInput(), and Zone.UpdateQuests().
CellEffectManager Map.effectManager = new CellEffectManager() |
MapExportSetting Map.exportSetting |
Definition at line 73 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by Zone_User.OnActivate(), LayerUploader.OnInit(), and Save().
FloodSpiller Map.flood = new FloodSpiller() |
Definition at line 93 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by TryAddRoom().
Definition at line 99 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by GameDate.AdvanceMin(), and SetFoormark().
FowProfile Map.fowProfile |
Definition at line 101 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by SetZone(), and BaseGameScreen.UpdateShaders().
Dictionary<int, int> Map.gatherCounts = new Dictionary<int, int>() |
static |
Definition at line 16 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by RefreshSunMap().
Definition at line 70 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by AddPlant(), RemovePlant(), SetObj(), and TryGetPlant().
Playlist Map.plDay |
Definition at line 77 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by TraitTape.OnCreate(), LayerEditPlaylist.OnKill(), Zone.RefreshBGM(), Zone.RefreshPlaylist(), GoalCombat.Run(), and Zone.SetBGM().
POIMap Map.poiMap |
Definition at line 97 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by MapGen.OnGenerateTerrain(), MapGenDungen.OnGenerateTerrain(), MapGenRegion.OnGenerateTerrain(), BaseMapGen.SetSize(), and Zone.SpawnAltar().
List<TransAnime> Map.pointAnimes = new List<TransAnime>() |
Definition at line 83 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by Point.Animate(), BaseGameScreen.Draw(), and WidgetDebug.UpdateText().
PropsManager Map.props = new PropsManager() |
Definition at line 91 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by Props.Add(), AddCardOnActivate(), Party.AddMemeber(), VirtualDate.BuildSunMap(), AI_Shopping.Buy(), Zone.Deactivate(), Chara.Die(), Chara.FindBed(), FindThing(), AI_Pray.GetAltar(), FactionBranch.GetMailBox(), FactionBranch.GetMailBoxPos(), Zone.GetRandomSpot< T >(), Zone.GetSpawnPos(), Chara.IsInSpot< T >(), QuestDeliver.ListDestThing(), Zone_Nymelle.OnBeforeSimulate(), OnCardAddedToZone(), PutAway(), DramaOutcome.PutOutFire(), RefreshSunMap(), Props.Remove(), FactionBranch.RemoveMemeber(), Card.RemoveThing(), AI_Deconstruct.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), GoalTask.Run(), WidgetSearch.Search(), Card.SetDeconstruct(), Card.SetPlaceState(), MeetingManager.SetRoom(), Card.SetSale(), SetZone(), Zone.TryAddThingInSharedContainer(), Zone.TryAddThingInSpot< T >(), Chara.TryAssignBed(), Zone.TryGetThingFromSharedContainer(), Chara.TryPutSharedItems(), AI_Shopping.TryShop(), Chara.TryTakeSharedItems(), FactionBranch.TryTrash(), and WidgetDebug.UpdateText().
bool Map.revealed |
Definition at line 103 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by RevealAll().
private |
Definition at line 105 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by OnSetBlockOrDoor(), and TryAddRoom().
RoomManager Map.rooms = new RoomManager() |
Definition at line 31 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by Lot.AddConnectedRooms(), Area.Create(), BaseTileMap.Draw(), TileMapElona.Draw(), FindPublicArea(), GoalWork.FindWork(), GameUpdater.AreaUpdater.FixedUpdate(), RefArea.Get(), AI_Idle.GetRandomAssignedRoom(), Zone.GetRandomVisitPos(), AM_CreateArea.HitTest(), AM_ExpandArea.HitTest(), BaseArea.ListInteractions(), Chara.MoveZone(), OnLoad(), Room.OnLoad(), AM_CreateArea.OnProcessTiles(), AM_EditArea.OnProcessTiles(), InspectGroupArea.OnSetActions(), Zone.OnVisit(), LayerHome.RefreshAreas(), Reload(), ReloadRoom(), Lot.SetBaseRoom(), AIWork_Chore.SetDestPos(), MeetingManager.SetRoom(), TryAddRoom(), GoalTask.TryAssignAreaTask(), TryRemoveRoom(), and GoalWork.ValidateHobby().
int Map.seed |
Definition at line 19 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by AddPlant(), MapGen.Output(), and WidgetDebug.UpdateText().
Definition at line 43 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by Zone.Activate(), SerializedCards.Restore(), and Save().
static |
Definition at line 14 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), and RefreshSunMap().
TaskManager Map.tasks = new TaskManager() |
Definition at line 34 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by BuildMenu.OnActivate(), AM_Designation< T >.OnBeforeProcessTiles(), OnImport(), OnLoad(), AM_Designation< T >.OnProcessTiles(), InspectGroupBlock.OnSetActions(), InspectGroupObj.OnSetActions(), and AM_MoveInstalled.SetTarget().
Definition at line 49 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by Zone.Activate(), ActionMode.Activate(), GameDate.AdvanceMonth(), PartialMap.Apply(), FactionBranch.CalcInnIncome(), QuestSharedContainer.CanUpdateOnTalk(), QuestShippingChest.CanUpdateOnTalk(), Zone.ClaimZone(), Zone.Deactivate(), FindThing(), FindThing< T >(), CoreDebug.Fix_LostCore(), GameUpdater.ThingUpdater.FixedUpdate(), CoreDebug.GetDebugContainer(), Zone.GetElectricity(), DramaCustomSequence.GetListGuide(), CoreDebug.GetOrCreateDebugContainer(), Zone.GetSpawnPos(), AI_Haul.GetThingToClean(), Zone.GrowPlants(), Scene.Init(), Point.IsInSpot< T >(), HomeResourceWorth.ListHeirloom(), ListThing< T >(), Load(), Zone_Tent.OnBeforeDeactivate(), OnCardAddedToZone(), OnCardRemovedFromZone(), AM_EditMarker.OnDeactivate(), OnDeactivate(), Zone_CursedManorDungeon.OnGenerateMap(), Zone_WindRest.OnGenerateMap(), Zone.OnKillGame(), Zone.OnSimulateHour(), ZoneEventHarvest.OnVisit(), ZoneEventMusic.OnVisit(), Scene.RebuildActorEx(), BranchMap.Refresh(), Zone.RefreshElectricity(), RefreshFOVAll(), ActionMode.RefreshTexts(), ReloadRoom(), TraitDaggerGrave.RemainingSword(), ResetEditorPos(), Resize(), SerializedCards.Restore(), TaskDump.Run(), PartialMap.Save(), Save(), TraitDetector.Search(), WidgetSearch.Search(), ZoneInspector.SetAllPlayerCreation(), Shift(), Zone.Simulate(), CoreDebug.Test_Grow(), Zone.TryGetRestock< T >(), Zone.TryListThingsInSpot< T >(), AI_Shopping.TryRestock(), TraitFactionBoard.TrySetAct(), and TraitTeleporter.TryTeleport().
Version Map.version |
Definition at line 28 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by ExportMetaData(), Save(), and ValidateVersion().
Zone Map.zone |
Definition at line 87 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by AddCardOnActivate(), MineBlock(), MineFloor(), OnDeactivate(), SetZone(), and WidgetMinimap.UpdateMap().
get |
Definition at line 135 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by MapSubset.OnSave(), and ActionMode.RefreshTexts().
get |
Definition at line 123 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by Zone.AddRandomVisitor(), QuestCrafter.CanUpdateOnTalk(), FactionBranch.CountPasture(), FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), AIAct.DoGoto< T >(), AIAct.DoGotoSpot< T >(), FindThing(), AI_Grab< T >.GetTarget(), FactionBranch.Recruit(), UIRecipeInfo.Refresh(), LayerHome.RefreshSpots(), AI_Bladder.Run(), AI_Cook.Run(), AI_GotoHearth.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_LeaveMap.Run(), AI_Offer.Run(), GoalSpot.Run(), HitSummary.SetRecipe(), and CoreDebug.ValidateData().
getset |
Definition at line 109 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by TraitLeverBreaker.OnToggle().
get |
Definition at line 129 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by MapGen.OnGenerateTerrain().
get |
Definition at line 131 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by GrowSystem.CanGrow(), BaseTileMap.Draw(), CardRenderer.Draw(), Card.GetLightRadius(), Card.GetSightRadius(), TraitGenerator.OnSimulateHour(), TraitScrollMapTreasure.OnUse(), Zone.RainWater(), BaseGameScreen.RefreshGrading(), BaseGameScreen.RefreshScreenSize(), Weather.RefreshWeather(), Weather.SetCondition(), Chara.TickConditions(), TryAddRoom(), Trait.TryToggle(), and GameUpdater.Update100ms().
get |
Definition at line 125 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by GameUpdater.SurfaceUpdater.FixedUpdate(), Props.GetNumStockedAndRoaming(), CoreDebug.UpdateInput(), and CoreDebug.ValidateData().
get |
Definition at line 127 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by Crawler.Crawl().
get |
Definition at line 133 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.Draw(), TileMapElona.Draw(), GetCell(), and HomeResourceWorth.ListHeirloom().
get |
Definition at line 121 of file Map.cs.
Referenced by TaskBuild._CanPerformTask(), WidgetStockTracker._Refresh(), BuildMenu._Search(), Props.Add(), Card.AddThing(), DropdownGrid.BuildIngredients(), FactionBranch.CountPasture(), FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), QuestTrackCraft.GetDetail(), Props.GetNumStockedAndRoaming(), AI_Grab< T >.GetTarget(), Recipe.IsCraftable(), DropdownGrid.ListIngredients(), LayerResource.OnInit(), UIDragGridIngredients.Refresh(), LayerResource.RefreshCategory(), BuildMenu.RefreshCategory(), UIRecipeInfo.RefreshList(), Recipe.Ingredient.RefreshThing(), ButtonResourceTrack.SetCat(), ButtonResourceTrack.SetProp(), LayerResource.ShowThings(), DropdownGrid.TrySelect(), CoreDebug.ValidateData(), and ButtonGrid.WriteReqMat().