Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
Public Member Functions | |
override string | ToString () |
bool | IsCriticallyWounded (bool includeRide=false) |
bool | HasHigherGround (Card c) |
bool | CanSeeSimple (Point p) |
bool | CanSee (Card c) |
bool | CanSeeLos (Card c, int dist=-1) |
bool | CanSeeLos (Point p, int dist=-1) |
bool | HasAccess (Card c) |
bool | HasAccess (Point p) |
bool | CanSleep () |
override string | GetName (NameStyle style, int num=-1) |
override void | ChangeRarity (Rarity r) |
void | SetFaction (Faction f) |
void | SetHomeZone (Zone zone) |
void | OnBanish () |
Chara | SetGlobal (Zone _home, int x, int z) |
Chara | SetGlobal () |
void | RemoveGlobal () |
override void | OnBeforeCreate () |
override void | OnCreate (int genLv) |
void | SetFaith (string id) |
void | SetFaith (Religion r) |
void | HealAll () |
void | Refresh (bool calledRecursive=false) |
Chara | Duplicate () |
int | GetBurden (Card t=null, int num=-1) |
void | CalcBurden () |
void | Stumble (int mtp=100) |
void | SetDirtySpeed () |
void | RefreshSpeed (Element.BonusInfo info=null) |
void | CalculateMaxStamina () |
override void | ApplyEditorTags (EditorTag tag) |
override void | SetSource () |
void | SetMainElement (string id, int v=0, bool elemental=false) |
void | SetMainElement (int id, int v=0, bool elemental=false) |
void | ApplyJob (bool remove=false) |
void | ChangeJob (string idNew) |
void | AddRandomBodyPart (bool msg=false) |
void | RemoveLastBodyPart (bool msg=false) |
void | ResetBody () |
void | ApplyRace (bool remove=false) |
void | ChangeRace (string idNew) |
void | MakePartyMemeber () |
void | MakeAlly (bool msg=true) |
void | _MakeAlly () |
bool | CanBeTempAlly (Chara c) |
void | MakeMinion (Chara _master, MinionType type=MinionType.Default) |
void | ReleaseMinion () |
void | SetSummon (int duration) |
Chara | FindMaster () |
bool | IsEscorted () |
bool | CanDestroyPath () |
bool | CanMoveTo (Point p, bool allowDestroyPath=true) |
bool | IsEnemyOnPath (Point p, bool cancelAI=true) |
bool | CanInteractTo (Card c) |
bool | CanInteractTo (Point p) |
Point | GetFirstStep (Point newPoint, PathManager.MoveType moveType=PathManager.MoveType.Default) |
bool | MoveRandom () |
bool | MoveNeighborDefinitely () |
void | MoveByForce (Point newPoint, Card c=null, bool checkWall=false) |
MoveResult | TryMoveTowards (Point p) |
MoveResult | TryMoveFrom (Point p) |
MoveResult | TryMove (Point newPoint, bool allowDestroyPath=true) |
override MoveResult | _Move (Point newPoint, MoveType type=MoveType.Walk) |
void | DestroyPath (Point pos) |
void | TryPush (Point point) |
bool | CanReplace (Chara c) |
void | MoveZone (string alias) |
void | MoveZone (Zone z, ZoneTransition.EnterState state=ZoneTransition.EnterState.Auto) |
void | MoveZone (Zone z, ZoneTransition transition) |
void | MoveHome (string id, int x=-1, int z=-1) |
void | MoveHome (Zone zone, int x=-1, int z=-1) |
void | FallFromZone () |
override void | SetDir (int d) |
override void | Rotate (bool reverse=false) |
override void | LookAt (Card c) |
override void | LookAt (Point p) |
void | UpdateAngle () |
int | GetCurrentDir () |
void | UpdateSight () |
bool | WillConsumeTurn () |
void | TickConditions () |
void | SyncRide () |
void | SyncRide (Chara c) |
override void | Tick () |
bool | CanLift (Card c) |
bool | CanAutoPick (Card c) |
bool | CanPick (Card c) |
void | PickOrDrop (Point p, string idThing, int idMat=-1, int num=1, bool msg=true) |
void | PickOrDrop (Point p, Thing t, bool msg=true) |
Thing | Pick (Thing t, bool msg=true, bool tryStack=true) |
Thing | TryPoisonPotion (Thing t) |
void | TryAbsorbRod (Thing t) |
void | TryReservePickupTutorial (Thing t) |
void | TryPickGroundItem () |
void | TryPutShared (Thing t, List< Thing > containers=null, bool dropIfFail=true) |
bool | TryHoldCard (Card t, int num=-1, bool pickHeld=false) |
void | HoldCard (Card t, int num=-1) |
void | PickHeld (bool msg=false) |
Card | SplitHeld (int a) |
void | TryDropCarryOnly () |
Card | DropHeld (Point dropPos=null) |
void | DropThing (Thing t, int num=-1) |
AttackStyle | GetFavAttackStyle () |
Element | GetFavWeaponSkill () |
Element | GetFavArmorSkill () |
void | TryRestock (bool onCreate) |
void | RestockEquip (bool onCreate) |
void | RestockInventory (bool onCreate) |
Thing | EQ_ID (string s, int mat=-1, Rarity r=Rarity.Random) |
void | EQ_CAT (string s) |
void | EQ_Item (string s, int num=1) |
void | Drink (Card t) |
bool | CanRevive () |
void | GetRevived () |
void | Revive (Point p=null, bool msg=false) |
void | MakeGrave (string lastword) |
void | ApplyDeathPenalty () |
void | Vomit () |
override void | Die (Element e=null, Card origin=null, AttackSource attackSource=AttackSource.None) |
void | TryDropBossLoot () |
void | Kick (Point p, bool ignoreSelf=false) |
void | Kick (Chara t, bool ignoreSelf=false, bool karmaLoss=true, bool show=true) |
bool | UseAbility (string idAct, Card tc=null, Point pos=null, bool pt=false) |
bool | UseAbility (Act a, Card tc=null, Point pos=null, bool pt=false) |
int | EvalueRiding () |
int | CalcCastingChance (Element e, int num=1) |
void | DoAI (int wait, Action onPerform) |
void | Cuddle (Chara c, bool headpat=false) |
Chara | SetEnemy (Chara c=null) |
void | TrySetEnemy (Chara c) |
void | DoHostileAction (Card _tg, bool immediate=false) |
void | CallHelp (Chara tg, bool fanatic=false) |
bool | FindNewEnemy () |
bool | FindNearestNewEnemy () |
bool | IsHostile () |
bool | IsHostile (Chara c) |
bool | IsNeutral () |
bool | IsNeutralOrAbove () |
bool | IsBranchMember () |
bool | IsHomeMember () |
bool | IsInHomeZone () |
bool | IsInSpot< T > () |
bool | IsGuest () |
bool | IsFriendOrAbove () |
bool | IsFriendOrAbove (Chara c) |
override CardRenderer | _CreateRenderer () |
void | SetPCCState (PCCState state) |
override Sprite | GetSprite (int dir=0) |
void | SetTempHand (int right=0, int left=0) |
override SubPassData | GetSubPassData () |
override void | SetRenderParam (RenderParam p) |
override string | GetHoverText () |
override string | GetHoverText2 () |
string | GetTopicText (string topic="calm") |
string | TalkTopic (string topic="calm") |
override Sprite | GetImageSprite () |
void | ChangeMemberType (FactionMemberType type) |
void | ShowDialog () |
LayerDrama | ShowDialog (string book, string step="main", string tag="") |
Point | GetDestination () |
int | GetHireCost () |
int | GetHappiness () |
string | GetTextHappiness () |
string | GetActionText () |
override void | WriteNote (UINote n, Action< UINote > onWriteNote=null, IInspect.NoteMode mode=IInspect.NoteMode.Default, Recipe recipe=null) |
override void | SetSortVal (UIList.SortMode m, CurrencyType currency=CurrencyType.Money) |
void | ClearBed (Map map=null) |
TraitBed | FindBed () |
TraitBed | TryAssignBed () |
void | TryPutSharedItems (IEnumerable< Thing > containers, bool msg=true) |
void | TryPutSharedItems (bool msg=true) |
void | TryTakeSharedItems (bool msg=true) |
void | TryTakeSharedItems (IEnumerable< Thing > containers, bool msg=true, bool shouldEat=true) |
void | InstantEat (Thing t=null, bool sound=true) |
bool | CanEat (Thing t, bool shouldEat=false) |
bool | ShouldEquip (Thing t, bool useFav=false) |
bool | TryEquip (Thing t, bool useFav=false) |
bool | CanEquipRanged (Thing t) |
Thing | TryGetThrowable () |
Thing | FindAmmo (Thing weapon) |
Thing | GetBestRangedWeapon () |
bool | TryEquipRanged () |
override int | GetArmorSkill () |
bool | TryUse (Thing t) |
Room | FindRoom () |
void | ModAffinity (Chara c, int a, bool show=true, bool showOnlyEmo=false) |
bool | TryIdentify (Thing t, int count=1, bool show=true) |
Chara | CreateReplacement () |
SourceThing.Row | GetFavFood () |
SourceCategory.Row | GetFavCat () |
int | GetTotalFeat () |
bool | CanInsult () |
string | GetIdPortraitCat () |
string | GetIdPortrait () |
Thing | GiveBirth (Thing t, bool effect) |
Thing | MakeGene (DNA.Type? type=null) |
Thing | MakeBraineCell () |
Thing | MakeMilk (bool effect=true, int num=1, bool addToZone=true) |
Thing | MakeEgg (bool effect=true, int num=1, bool addToZone=true) |
void | OnInsulted () |
bool | IsValidGiftWeight (Card t, int num=-1) |
bool | CanAcceptItem (Card t, int num=-1) |
bool | CanAcceptGift (Chara c, Card t) |
void | GiveGift (Chara c, Thing t) |
void | OnGiveErohon (Thing t) |
void | GiveLovePotion (Chara c, Thing t) |
void | RequestProtection (Chara attacker, Action< Chara > action) |
bool | ShouldThrowAway (Thing t, ClearInventoryType type) |
void | ClearInventory (ClearInventoryType type) |
void | ResetUpgrade () |
void | TryUpgrade (bool msg=true) |
void | AddCooldown (int idEle, int turns=0) |
bool | HasCooldown (int idEle) |
void | TickCooldown () |
void | ChooseNewGoal () |
Goal | GetGoalFromTimeTable (int hour) |
Goal | GetGoalWork () |
Goal | GetGoalHobby () |
void | SetAIIdle () |
void | SetAIAggro () |
AIAct | SetNoGoal () |
AIAct | SetAI (AIAct g) |
void | SetAIImmediate (AIAct g) |
BaseArea | GetRoomWork () |
List< Hobby > | ListWorks (bool useMemberType=true) |
List< Hobby > | ListHobbies (bool useMemberType=true) |
Hobby | GetWork (string id) |
void | RefreshWorkElements (ElementContainer parent=null) |
string | GetTextHobby (bool simple=false) |
string | GetTextWork (bool simple=false) |
void | AddHobby (int id) |
void | AddWork (int id) |
void | RerollHobby (bool extraSlotChance=true) |
WorkSummary | GetWorkSummary () |
void | TickWork (VirtualDate date) |
bool | TryWorkOutside (SourceHobby.Row sourceWork) |
void | PerformWork (WorkSession session, bool isHobby=false, bool IsRealTime=false) |
void | ValidateWorks () |
void | InitStats (bool onDeserialize=false) |
Condition | AddCondition< T > (int p=100, bool force=false) |
Condition | AddCondition (string id, int p=100, bool force=false) |
Condition | AddCondition (Condition c, bool force=false) |
override bool | HasCondition< T > () |
bool | HasCondition (string alias) |
Element | GetBuffStats (string alias) |
Element | GetBuffStats (int ele) |
void | CureCondition< T > (int v=99999) |
T | GetCondition< T > () |
void | RemoveCondition< T > () |
void | CureHost (CureType type, int p=100, BlessedState state=BlessedState.Normal) |
void | Cure (CureType type, int p=100, BlessedState state=BlessedState.Normal) |
bool | TryNeckHunt (Chara TC, int power, bool harvest=false) |
void | AddResistCon (Condition con) |
void | ResistCon (Condition con) |
void | Sleep (Thing bed=null, Thing pillow=null, bool pickup=false, ItemPosition posBed=null, ItemPosition posPillow=null) |
void | OnSleep (Thing bed=null, int days=1) |
void | OnSleep (int power, int days=1) |
void | ModHeight (int a) |
void | ModWeight (int a, bool ignoreLimit=false) |
void | ModCorruption (int a) |
List< Element > | ListAvailabeFeats (bool pet=false, bool showAll=false) |
void | SetFeat (int id, int value=1, bool msg=false) |
bool | MutateRandom (int vec=0, int tries=100, bool ether=false, BlessedState state=BlessedState.Normal) |
void | GainAbility (int ele, int mtp=100) |
bool | TryNullifyCurse () |
int | GetPietyValue () |
void | RefreshFaithElement () |
void | ModTempElement (int ele, int a, bool naturalDecay=false) |
void | DamageTempElements (int p, bool body, bool mind) |
void | DamageTempElement (int ele, int p) |
void | EnhanceTempElements (int p, bool body, bool mind) |
void | EnhanceTempElement (int ele, int p) |
void | DiminishTempElements (int a=1) |
void | CureTempElements (int p, bool body, bool mind) |
![]() | |
override string | ToString () |
bool | CanReserve (AIAct act) |
bool | TryReserve (AIAct act) |
void | Mod () |
Window.SaveData | GetWindowSaveData () |
bool | IsExcludeFromCraft () |
void | SetDirtyWeight () |
void | ChangeWeight (int a) |
int | Evalue (int ele) |
int | Evalue (int ele, bool ignoreGlobalElement) |
int | EvalueMax (int ele, int min=0) |
int | Evalue (string alias) |
bool | HasTag (CTAG tag) |
bool | HasEditorTag (EditorTag tag) |
void | AddEditorTag (EditorTag tag) |
void | RemoveEditorTag (EditorTag tag) |
virtual string | GetName (NameStyle style, int num=-1) |
virtual string | GetExtraName () |
virtual string | GetDetail () |
int | GetBestAttribute () |
void | ModExp (string alias, int a) |
void | ModExp (int ele, int a) |
bool | IsChildOf (Card c) |
string | ReferenceId () |
void | Create (string _id, int _idMat=-1, int genLv=-1) |
virtual void | OnBeforeCreate () |
virtual void | OnCreate (int genLv) |
virtual void | SetSource () |
virtual void | ApplyEditorTags (EditorTag tag) |
void | ApplyTrait () |
Card | SetLv (int a) |
void | AddExp (int a) |
void | LevelUp () |
virtual void | ApplyMaterialElements (bool remove) |
virtual void | ApplyMaterial (bool remove=false) |
Card | ChangeMaterial (int idNew, bool ignoreFixedMaterial=false) |
Card | ChangeMaterial (string idNew, bool ignoreFixedMaterial=false) |
Card | ChangeMaterial (SourceMaterial.Row row, bool ignoreFixedMaterial=false) |
void | SetReplica (bool on) |
Thing | Add (string id, int num=1, int lv=1) |
Card | AddCard (Card c) |
void | RemoveCard (Card c) |
void | NotifyAddThing (Thing t, int num) |
Thing | AddThing (string id, int lv=-1) |
Thing | AddThing (Thing t, bool tryStack=true, int destInvX=-1, int destInvY=-1) |
void | PurgeDuplicateArtifact (Thing af) |
void | RemoveThings () |
void | RemoveThing (Thing thing) |
bool | ShouldTrySetDirtyInventory () |
virtual bool | CanStackTo (Thing to) |
bool | TryStackTo (Thing to) |
ICardParent | GetRoot () |
Card | GetRootCard () |
bool | IsStackable (Thing tg) |
Thing | Duplicate (int num) |
Thing | Split (int a) |
Thing | SetNum (int a) |
Thing | SetNoSell () |
void | ModNum (int a, bool notify=true) |
void | AddSocket () |
void | ApplySocket (Thing t) |
void | ApplySocket (int id, int lv, Card mod=null) |
void | EjectSockets () |
SocketData | AddRune (Card rune) |
SocketData | AddRune (int idEle, int v) |
SocketData | GetRuneEnc (int idEle) |
int | CountRune () |
int | MaxRune () |
bool | CanAddRune (SourceElement.Row row) |
bool | HasRune () |
void | OnChildNumChange (Card c) |
Card | Install () |
void | SetPlaceState (PlaceState newState, bool byPlayer=false) |
int | GetTotalQuality (bool applyBonus=true) |
void | ModEncLv (int a) |
void | SetEncLv (int a) |
virtual void | SetBlessedState (BlessedState s) |
virtual void | ChangeRarity (Rarity q) |
bool | TryPay (int a, string id="money") |
void | SetCharge (int a) |
void | ModCharge (int a, bool destroy=false) |
void | ModCurrency (int a, string id="money") |
int | GetCurrency (string id="money") |
virtual void | HealHPHost (int a, HealSource origin=HealSource.None) |
virtual void | HealHP (int a, HealSource origin=HealSource.None) |
virtual int | GetArmorSkill () |
virtual int | ApplyProtection (int dmg, int mod=100) |
void | DamageHP (int dmg, AttackSource attackSource=AttackSource.None, Card origin=null) |
void | DamageHP (int dmg, int ele, int eleP=100, AttackSource attackSource=AttackSource.None, Card origin=null, bool showEffect=true, Thing weapon=null) |
virtual void | Die (Element e=null, Card origin=null, AttackSource attackSource=AttackSource.None) |
void | Explode (Point p, Card origin) |
void | Deconstruct () |
void | Destroy () |
void | SpawnLoot (Card origin) |
Thing | TryMakeRandomItem (int lv=-1) |
Card | MakeFoodFrom (string _id) |
Card | MakeFoodFrom (Card c) |
void | MakeFoodRef (Card c1, Card c2=null) |
string | TryGetFoodName (Card c) |
string | GetFoodName (string s) |
void | MakeFigureFrom (string id) |
void | MakeRefFrom (string id) |
void | MakeRefFrom (Card c1, Card c2=null) |
void | SetHidden (bool hide=true) |
virtual MoveResult | _Move (Point p, MoveType type=MoveType.Walk) |
void | MoveImmediate (Point p, bool focus=true, bool cancelAI=true) |
void | Teleport (Point point, bool silent=false, bool force=false) |
virtual void | OnLand () |
int | ResistLvFrom (int ele) |
int | ResistLv (int res) |
bool | HasElement (int ele, int req=1) |
bool | HasElement (string id, int req=1) |
bool | HasGlobalElement (int ele) |
virtual CardRenderer | _CreateRenderer () |
void | AddBlood (int a=1, int id=-1) |
RenderParam | GetRenderParam () |
virtual void | SetRenderParam (RenderParam p) |
void | DyeRandom () |
void | Dye (string idMat) |
void | Dye (SourceMaterial.Row mat) |
void | RefreshColor () |
ref Color | GetRandomColor () |
virtual Sprite | GetSprite (int dir=0) |
virtual Sprite | GetImageSprite () |
void | SetImage (Image image, int dir, int idSkin=0) |
virtual void | SetImage (Image image) |
void | ShowEmo (Emo _emo=Emo.none, float duration=0f, bool skipSame=true) |
void | PlaySoundHold (bool spatial=true) |
void | PlaySoundDrop (bool spatial=true) |
void | PlaySoundImpact (bool spatial=true) |
void | PlaySoundDead (bool spatial=true) |
SoundSource | PlaySound (string id, float v=1f, bool spatial=true) |
void | KillAnime () |
void | PlayAnime (AnimeID id, bool force=false) |
void | PlayAnime (AnimeID id, Point dest, bool force=false) |
void | PlayAnimeLoot () |
Effect | PlayEffect (string id, bool useRenderPos=true, float range=0f, Vector3 fix=default(Vector3)) |
void | PlayEffect (int ele, bool useRenderPos=true, float range=0f) |
virtual void | SetDir (int d) |
void | SetRandomDir () |
virtual void | LookAt (Card c) |
virtual void | LookAt (Point p) |
virtual void | Rotate (bool reverse=false) |
void | ChangeAltitude (int a) |
virtual SubPassData | GetSubPassData () |
void | SetFreePos (Point point) |
void | RenderMarker (Point point, bool active, HitResult result, bool main, int dir, bool useCurrentPosition=false) |
void | RecalculateFOV () |
bool | HasLight () |
float | GetLightPower () |
int | GetSightRadius () |
int | GetLightRadius () |
void | CalculateFOV () |
void | SetRandomLightColors () |
Fov | CreateFov () |
void | ClearFOV () |
virtual void | OnSimulateHour (VirtualDate date) |
void | DecayNatural (int hour=1) |
void | CheckJustCooked () |
void | Decay (int a=10) |
void | Talk (string idTopic, string ref1=null, string ref2=null, bool forceSync=false) |
void | TalkRaw (string text, string ref1=null, string ref2=null, bool forceSync=false) |
string | ApplyNewLine (string text) |
void | SayRaw (string text, string ref1=null, string ref2=null) |
void | SayNothingHappans () |
void | Say (string lang, string ref1=null, string ref2=null) |
void | Say (string lang, Card c1, Card c2, string ref1=null, string ref2=null) |
void | Say (string lang, Card c1, string ref1=null, string ref2=null) |
string | GetTalkText (string idTopic, bool stripPun=false, bool useDefault=true) |
string | ApplyTone (string text, bool stripPun=false) |
void | SetRandomTalk () |
void | SetRandomTone () |
void | TryStack (Thing t) |
void | ApplyBacker (int bid) |
void | RemoveBacker () |
void | SetPaintData () |
byte[] | GetPaintData () |
void | ClearPaintSprite () |
Sprite | GetPaintSprite () |
void | TryUnrestrain (bool force=false, Chara c=null) |
TraitShackle | GetRestrainer () |
virtual void | Tick () |
Thing | SetPriceFix (int a) |
int | GetEquipValue () |
void | SetSale (bool sale) |
int | GetValue (bool sell=false) |
virtual int | GetPrice (CurrencyType currency=CurrencyType.Money, bool sell=false, PriceType priceType=PriceType.Default, Chara c=null) |
virtual string | GetHoverText () |
virtual string | GetHoverText2 () |
int | Dist (Card c) |
int | Dist (Point p) |
bool | IsInMutterDistance (int d=10) |
void | SetCensored (bool enable) |
void | SetDeconstruct (bool deconstruct) |
virtual bool | MatchEncSearch (string s) |
virtual void | SetSortVal (UIList.SortMode m, CurrencyType currency=CurrencyType.Money) |
virtual int | SecondaryCompare (UIList.SortMode m, Card c) |
void | ForeachFOV (Func< Point, bool > func) |
void | ForeachPoint (Action< Point, bool > action) |
void | OnInspect () |
virtual void | WriteNote (UINote n, Action< UINote > onWriteNote=null, IInspect.NoteMode mode=IInspect.NoteMode.Default, Recipe recipe=null) |
void | Inspect () |
virtual bool | HasCondition< T > () |
bool | HaveFur () |
bool | CanBeSheared () |
![]() | |
bool | GetBool (int id) |
void | SetBool (int id, bool enable) |
int | GetInt (int id, int? defaultInt=null) |
void | AddInt (int id, int value) |
void | SetInt (int id, int value=0) |
string | GetStr (int id, string defaultStr=null) |
void | SetStr (int id, string value=null) |
T | GetObj< T > (int id) |
void | SetObj (int id, object o) |
T | SetObj< T > (int id, object o) |
ICardParent | GetRoot () |
void | RemoveCard (Card c) |
void | OnChildNumChange (Card c) |
string | ReferenceId () |
void | WriteNote (UINote n, Action< UINote > onWriteNote=null, NoteMode mode=NoteMode.Default, Recipe recipe=null) |
void | OnInspect () |
Static Public Attributes | |
static string[] | IDTimeTable = new string[2] { "default", "owl" } |
static List< SourceRace.Row > | ListAdvRace = new List<SourceRace.Row>() |
static List< SourceJob.Row > | ListAdvJob = new List<SourceJob.Row>() |
static bool | consumeTurn |
static bool | preventRegen |
static bool | isOnCreate |
static NoGoal | _NoGoalPC = new NoGoal() |
static NoGoal | _NoGoalRepeat = new NoGoal() |
![]() | |
const int | MaxWeight = 10000000 |
![]() | |
static Core | core |
Protected Member Functions | |
override void | OnSerializing () |
override void | OnDeserialized () |
virtual void | OnSerializing () |
virtual void | OnDeserialized () |
Properties | |
string | Aka [get] |
string | _alias [get, set] |
string | idFaith [get, set] |
string | idFaction [get, set] |
Zone | currentZone [get, set] |
Zone | homeZone [get, set] |
GoalListType | goalListType [get, set] |
Hostility | hostility [get, set] |
int | _affinity [get, set] |
Affinity | affinity [get] |
int | interest [get, set] |
int | daysStarved [get, set] |
int | _idTimeTable [get, set] |
int | uidEditor [get, set] |
int | _maxStamina [get, set] |
int | corruption [get, set] |
bool | isDead [get, set] |
bool | isAlawysVisible [get, set] |
bool | knowFav [get, set] |
CharaAbility | ability [get] |
Faction | faction [get, set] |
Religion | faith [get, set] |
override CardRow | sourceCard [get] |
override CardRow | sourceRenderCard [get] |
SourceRace.Row | race [get] |
SourceJob.Row | job [get] |
string | idTimeTable [get] |
Hostility | OriginalHostility [get] |
string | IDPCCBodySet [get] |
new TraitChara | trait [get, set] |
string | NameBraced [get] |
string | NameTitled [get] |
override string | actorPrefab [get] |
override int | PrefIndex [get] |
override bool | flipX [get] |
override string | AliasMaterialOnCreate [get] |
override bool | IsAliveInCurrentZone [get] |
override bool | IsDeadOrSleeping [get] |
override bool | IsDisabled [get] |
bool | IsLevitating [get] |
override bool | IsMoving [get] |
override bool | IsGlobal [get] |
override bool | IsPC [get] |
override bool | IsPCParty [get] |
override bool | IsMinion [get] |
override bool | IsPCPartyMinion [get] |
override bool | IsPCFactionMinion [get] |
override bool | IsPCFaction [get] |
override bool | IsPCC [get] |
override bool | isThing [get] |
override bool | isChara [get] |
override bool | HasHost [get] |
override bool | isSynced [get] |
override bool | IsMultisize [get] |
override int | MaxHP [get] |
override int | WeightLimit [get] |
override int | SelfWeight [get] |
int | MaxSummon [get] |
Element | MainElement [get] |
override int | DV [get] |
override int | PV [get] |
bool | CanOpenDoor [get] |
Tactics | tactics [get] |
TimeTable.Span | CurrentSpan [get] |
bool | IsInActiveZone [get] |
bool | IsLocalChara [get] |
bool | IsIdle [get] |
bool | IsInCombat [get] |
int | DestDist [get] |
bool | HasNoGoal [get] |
bool | CanWitness [get] |
bool | IsHuman [get] |
bool | IsHumanSpeak [get] |
bool | IsMaid [get] |
bool | IsPrisoner [get] |
bool | IsAdventurer [get] |
bool | IsEyth [get] |
bool | IsWealthy [get] |
FactionBranch | homeBranch [get] |
int | MaxGeneSlot [get] |
int | CurrentGeneSlot [get] |
int | Speed [get] |
bool | IsMofuable [get] |
ElementContainer | baseWorkElements [get] |
Stats | hunger [get] |
Stats | burden [get] |
Stats | stamina [get] |
Stats | depression [get] |
Stats | bladder [get] |
Stats | hygiene [get] |
Stats | mana [get] |
Stats | sleepiness [get] |
Stats | SAN [get] |
bool | CanGainConResist [get] |
![]() | |
Card | parentCard [get] |
Thing | parentThing [get] |
int | colorInt [get] |
bool | IsHotItem [get] |
int | uid [get, set] |
int | idMaterial [get, set] |
int | dir [get, set] |
int | Num [get, set] |
int | _x [get, set] |
int | _z [get, set] |
int | refVal [get, set] |
int | decay [get, set] |
int | altitude [get, set] |
int | hp [get, set] |
float | fx [get, set] |
float | fy [get, set] |
BlessedState | blessedState [get, set] |
PlaceState | _placeState [get, set] |
int | rarityLv [get, set] |
Rarity | rarity [get, set] |
int | encLV [get, set] |
int | posInvX [get, set] |
int | posInvY [get, set] |
int | idSkin [get, set] |
int | feat [get, set] |
int | LV [get, set] |
int | exp [get, set] |
int | qualityTier [get, set] |
bool | isCensored [get, set] |
bool | isDeconstructing [get, set] |
bool | isDyed [get, set] |
bool | isModified [get, set] |
bool | isNew [get, set] |
bool | isPlayerCreation [get, set] |
bool | ignoreAutoPick [get, set] |
bool | freePos [get, set] |
bool | isHidden [get, set] |
bool | isOn [get, set] |
bool | isNPCProperty [get, set] |
bool | isRestrained [get, set] |
bool | isRoofItem [get, set] |
bool | isMasked [get, set] |
bool | disableAutoToggle [get, set] |
bool | isImported [get, set] |
bool | autoRefuel [get, set] |
bool | ignoreStackHeight [get, set] |
bool | isFloating [get, set] |
bool | isWeightChanged [get, set] |
bool | isFireproof [get, set] |
bool | isAcidproof [get, set] |
bool | isReplica [get, set] |
bool | isSummon [get, set] |
bool | isElemental [get, set] |
bool | isBroken [get, set] |
bool | isSubsetCard [get, set] |
bool | noSnow [get, set] |
bool | noMove [get, set] |
bool | isGifted [get, set] |
bool | isCrafted [get, set] |
bool | isLostProperty [get, set] |
bool | noShadow [get, set] |
bool | noSell [get, set] |
bool | isLeashed [get, set] |
bool | isStolen [get, set] |
bool | isSale [get, set] |
bool | isCopy [get, set] |
bool | isRestocking [get, set] |
bool | hasSpawned [get, set] |
bool | isBackerContent [get] |
SourceBacker.Row | sourceBacker [get] |
BedType | c_bedType [get, set] |
int | c_equippedSlot [get, set] |
int | c_lockLv [get, set] |
Hostility | c_originalHostility [get, set] |
MinionType | c_minionType [get, set] |
int | c_vomit [get, set] |
bool | c_wasInPcParty [get, set] |
bool | c_isImportant [get, set] |
bool | c_lockedHard [get, set] |
bool | c_revealLock [get, set] |
bool | c_isTrained [get, set] |
bool | c_isPrayed [get, set] |
bool | c_isDisableStockUse [get, set] |
int | c_lightColor [get, set] |
Color | LightColor [get] |
int | c_uidZone [get, set] |
int | c_uidRefCard [get, set] |
int | c_priceFix [get, set] |
int | c_priceAdd [get, set] |
int | c_dyeMat [get, set] |
VisitorState | visitorState [get, set] |
RescueState | c_rescueState [get, set] |
BossType | c_bossType [get, set] |
int | c_dateStockExpire [get, set] |
int | c_dateDeathLock [get, set] |
int | c_IDTState [get, set] |
int | c_charges [get, set] |
int | c_bill [get, set] |
int | c_invest [get, set] |
int | c_seed [get, set] |
int | c_allowance [get, set] |
int | c_fur [get, set] |
int | c_dateCooked [get, set] |
int | c_containerSize [get, set] |
int | c_weight [get, set] |
int | c_diceDim [get, set] |
int | c_indexContainerIcon [get, set] |
int | c_idMainElement [get, set] |
int | c_summonDuration [get, set] |
int | c_idBacker [get, set] |
int | c_uidMaster [get, set] |
int | c_ammo [get, set] |
int | c_daysWithGod [get, set] |
string | c_idPortrait [get, set] |
string | c_idRace [get, set] |
string | c_idJob [get, set] |
string | c_idTone [get, set] |
string | c_color [get, set] |
string | c_idTalk [get, set] |
string | c_idDeity [get, set] |
string | c_altName [get, set] |
string | c_altName2 [get, set] |
string | c_extraNameRef [get, set] |
string | c_refText [get, set] |
string | c_idRefName [get, set] |
string | c_idRidePCC [get, set] |
string | c_idAbility [get, set] |
string | c_context [get, set] |
string | c_idEditor [get, set] |
string | c_editorTags [get, set] |
string | c_editorTraitVal [get, set] |
string | c_idTrait [get, set] |
string | c_idRefCard [get, set] |
string | c_idRefCard2 [get, set] |
string | c_note [get, set] |
UniqueData | c_uniqueData [get, set] |
Thing | ammoData [get, set] |
List< SocketData > | socketList [get, set] |
Thing | c_copyContainer [get, set] |
Window.SaveData | c_windowSaveData [get, set] |
CharaUpgrade | c_upgrades [get, set] |
CharaGenes | c_genes [get, set] |
List< int > | c_corruptionHistory [get, set] |
ContainerUpgrade | c_containerUpgrade [get, set] |
DNA | c_DNA [get, set] |
CharaList | c_charaList [get, set] |
byte[] | c_textureData [get, set] |
SourceMaterial.Row | DyeMat [get] |
int | invX [get, set] |
int | invY [get, set] |
CardRow | refCard [get] |
CardRow | refCard2 [get] |
int | ExpToNext [get] |
int | DefaultLV [get] |
int | ChildrenWeight [get] |
int | ChildrenAndSelfWeight [get] |
int | ChildrenAndSelfWeightSingle [get] |
virtual int | SelfWeight [get] |
virtual int | WeightLimit [get] |
SourceCategory.Row | category [get] |
SourceMaterial.Row | material [get] |
virtual string | AliasMaterialOnCreate [get] |
Cell | Cell [get] |
virtual Thing | Thing [get] |
virtual Chara | Chara [get] |
virtual bool | isThing [get] |
virtual bool | isChara [get] |
bool | ExistsOnMap [get] |
virtual bool | isSynced [get] |
bool | IsContainer [get] |
bool | IsUnique [get] |
bool | IsPowerful [get] |
bool | IsImportant [get] |
virtual SourcePref | Pref [get] |
virtual bool | IsDeadOrSleeping [get] |
virtual bool | IsDisabled [get] |
virtual bool | IsMoving [get] |
virtual bool | flipX [get] |
virtual bool | IsAliveInCurrentZone [get] |
virtual string | actorPrefab [get] |
virtual CardRow | sourceCard [get] |
virtual CardRow | sourceRenderCard [get] |
TileType | TileType [get] |
string | Name [get] |
string | NameSimple [get] |
string | NameOne [get] |
virtual bool | IsPC [get] |
bool | _IsPC [get] |
virtual bool | IsPCC [get] |
virtual bool | IsPCParty [get] |
virtual bool | IsMinion [get] |
virtual bool | IsPCPartyMinion [get] |
virtual bool | IsPCFactionMinion [get] |
virtual bool | IsMultisize [get] |
bool | IsToolbelt [get] |
bool | IsLightsource [get] |
bool | IsEquipment [get] |
bool | IsFood [get] |
bool | ShowFoodEnc [get] |
bool | IsWeapon [get] |
bool | IsEquipmentOrRanged [get] |
bool | IsEquipmentOrRangedOrAmmo [get] |
bool | IsMeleeWeapon [get] |
bool | IsRangedWeapon [get] |
bool | IsThrownWeapon [get] |
bool | IsAmmo [get] |
bool | IsAgent [get] |
bool | IsFurniture [get] |
bool | IsBlessed [get] |
bool | IsCursed [get] |
bool | IsRestrainedResident [get] |
virtual bool | IsPCFaction [get] |
bool | IsPCFactionOrMinion [get] |
virtual bool | IsGlobal [get] |
virtual int | MaxDecay [get] |
bool | IsDecayed [get] |
bool | IsRotting [get] |
bool | IsFresn [get] |
virtual int | MaxHP [get] |
virtual int | Power [get] |
int | FameLv [get] |
virtual int[] | Tiles [get] |
virtual int | PrefIndex [get] |
bool | IsVariation [get] |
virtual int | DV [get] |
virtual int | PV [get] |
int | HIT [get] |
int | DMG [get] |
int | STR [get] |
int | DEX [get] |
int | END [get] |
int | PER [get] |
int | LER [get] |
int | WIL [get] |
int | MAG [get] |
int | CHA [get] |
int | INT [get] |
int | LUC [get] |
int | W [get] |
int | H [get] |
bool | IsIdentified [get] |
string | TextRarity [get] |
bool | IsInstalled [get] |
bool | IsMale [get] |
bool | IsNegativeGift [get] |
bool | HasContainerSize [get] |
Thing | Tool [get] |
virtual SourceMaterial.Row | DefaultMaterial [get] |
virtual bool | HasHost [get] |
int | Quality [get] |
int | QualityLv [get] |
LightData | LightData [get] |
CardRenderer | HostRenderer [get] |
bool | ShouldShowMsg [get] |
bool | CanInspect [get] |
string | InspectName [get] |
Point | InspectPoint [get] |
Vector3 | InspectPosition [get] |
![]() | |
static Game | game [get] |
static bool | AdvMode [get] |
static Player | player [get] |
static Chara | pc [get] |
static UI | ui [get] |
static Map | _map [get] |
static Zone | _zone [get] |
static FactionBranch | Branch [get] |
static FactionBranch | BranchOrHomeBranch [get] |
static Faction | Home [get] |
static Faction | Wilds [get] |
static Scene | scene [get] |
static BaseGameScreen | screen [get] |
static GameSetting | setting [get] |
static GameData | gamedata [get] |
static ColorProfile | Colors [get] |
static World | world [get] |
static SourceManager | sources [get] |
static SourceManager | editorSources [get] |
static SoundManager | Sound [get] |
static CoreDebug | debug [get] |
![]() | |
bool | CanInspect [get] |
string | InspectName [get] |
Point | InspectPoint [get] |
Vector3 | InspectPosition [get] |
Private Member Functions | |
int | ParseBodySlot (string s) |
void | SetEQQuality () |
void | GoHostile (Card _tg) |
LayerDrama | _ShowDialog (string book, string sheet, string step="main", string tag="") |
Private Attributes | |
Faction | _faction |
int | _Speed |
bool | hasMovedThisTurn |
Static Private Attributes | |
static Point | shared = new Point() |
static List< Hobby > | listHobby = new List<Hobby>() |
static Point | _sharedPos = new Point() |
static List< Chara > | _pts = new List<Chara>() |
static List< Thing > | _ListItems = new List<Thing>() |
static List< SourceThing.Row > | _listFavFood = new List<SourceThing.Row>() |
static List< SourceCategory.Row > | _listFavCat = new List<SourceCategory.Row>() |
static GoalWork | _goalWork = new GoalWork() |
static GoalHobby | _goalHobby = new GoalHobby() |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
enum | MoveResult { Fail , Success , Door } |
enum | MoveType { Walk , Force } |
![]() | |
enum | NoteMode { Default , Recipe , Product , Info } |
![]() | |
static string | ApplyTone (Chara c, ref string text, string _tones, int gender, bool stripPun=false) |
static int | GetTilePrice (TileRow row, SourceMaterial.Row mat) |
![]() | |
static int | rnd (int a) |
static int | curve (int a, int start, int step, int rate=75) |
static int | rndHalf (int a) |
static float | rndf (float a) |
static int | rndSqrt (int a) |
static void | Wait (float a, Card c) |
static void | Wait (float a, Point p) |
static int | Bigger (int a, int b) |
static int | Smaller (int a, int b) |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 5993 of file Chara.cs.
References GameSetting.RenderSetting.anime, EClass.core, RendererReplacer.data, BaseCondition.GetRendererReplacer(), GameSetting.RenderSetting.AnimeSetting.hop, SourceRace.Row.id, SourceChara.Row.moveAnime, CharaRenderer.pccData, Core.pccs, CardRenderer.position, GameSetting.render, CardRenderer.replacer, CharaRenderer.SetOwner(), EClass.setting, and RenderRow.tiles.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), BaseListPeople.OnClick(), Player.OnCreateGame(), ConBoost.OnRemoved(), ConTransmute.OnRemoved(), ConBoost.OnStart(), ConTransmute.OnStart(), ActRide.Ride(), and ActRide.Unride().
inline |
Definition at line 2024 of file Chara.cs.
References FactionBranch.AddMemeber(), EClass.Home, homeBranch, orgPos, EClass.pc, Refresh(), ReleaseMinion(), SetFaction(), SetGlobal(), and BaseCard.SetInt().
Referenced by MakeAlly(), and MakePartyMemeber().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 2446 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, EClass._zone, Scene.actionMode, CardRenderer.actor, actTime, CoreConfig.GameConfig.advancedMenu, GameDate.AdvanceMin(), Window.SaveData.advDistribution, ai, ConfigTactics.allyKeepDistance, CardRenderer.anime, GameSetting.RenderSetting.anime, CoreConfig.Test.animeFramePCC, burden, Card.c_lockLv, CanDestroyPath(), CanMoveTo(), CanReplace(), Cell.CanSuffocate(), Window.SaveData.cats, Point.cell, Point.Charas, Spatial.children, Msg.colors, Core.config, Game.config, EInput.Consume(), EClass.core, AIAct.Current, Weather.CurrentCondition, currentZone, Card.DamageHP(), Zone.DangerLv, Player.dataPick, World.date, GameSetting.defaultActPace, DestroyPath(), GameSetting.RenderSetting.AnimeSetting.diagonalSpeed, Card.Dist(), Point.Distance(), Player.distanceTravel, Scene.elomap, PCOrbit.emitFoot, PCOrbit.emitSmoke, Card.Evalue(), Card.EvalueMax(), Window.SaveData.flag, Player.flags, PCOrbit.footPos, CoreConfig.game, EClass.game, ActionMode.gameSpeed, Effect.Get(), EloMap.GetCell(), Lang.GetList(), Stats.GetPhase(), Point.GetRandomNeighbor(), Cell.GetSurfaceHeight(), CardRenderer.hasActor, Cell.HasBridge, Point.HasChara, HasCondition(), Cell.hasDoor, Cell.hasDoorBoat, Card.HasElement(), hasMovedThisTurn, Point.HasObj, Cell.HasRamp, Point.HasThing, Zone.HiddenInRegionMap, host, CellEffect.id, TileRow.ignoreSnow, Trait.IsChangeFloorHeight, Cell.isClearSnow, isConfused, isDead, IsDisabled, isDrunk, Window.SaveData.IsFilterPass(), Cell.isFloating, IsIdle, IsInCombat, Card.IsInstalled, Card.isLeashed, IsLevitating, IsPC, CardActor.isPCC, IsPCC, Zone.IsPCFaction, Spatial.IsRegion, Player.Flags.isShoesOff, Cell.IsSnowTile, isSynced, FLOOR.IsTatami(), TileType.IsWater, item, Zone.KeepAllyDistance, lastPos, Point.ListCards(), LookAt(), Zone.map, SourceMaterial.Row.matColor, Card.material, Cell.matFloor, Point.matFloor, Cell.matObj, MaxHP, Party.members, Card.ModExp(), MoveByForce(), Map.MoveCard(), Spatial.Name, CardRenderer.NextFrame(), Window.SaveData.noRotten, Cell.obj, MsgColors.Ono, Trait.OnStepped(), Trait.OnSteppedOut(), Trait.owner, party, EClass.pc, BaseGameScreen.pcOrbit, Zone.PetFollow, Pick, Effect.Play(), CardRenderer.PlayAnime(), EClass.player, Card.PlaySound(), Card.pos, CellEffect.power, Thing.Pref, Scene.psFoot, Scene.psSmoke, AIAct.PushChara, race, Player.regionMoveWarned, GameSetting.RenderSetting.AnimeSetting.regionSpeed, GameSetting.render, Card.renderer, CardRenderer.replacer, ride, EClass.rnd(), EClass.rndHalf(), Cell.room, Msg.Say(), Card.Say(), EClass.scene, EClass.screen, ActWait.Search(), Point.Set(), SetAI(), Msg.SetColor(), Map.SetEffect(), Map.SetFoormark(), SetPCCState(), EClass.setting, Spatial.ShowDangerLv, PCOrbit.smokePos, SourceMaterial.Row.soundFoot, TileRow.soundFoot, Spatial.source, Cell.sourceBlock, Point.sourceBlock, Cell.sourceBridge, Cell.sourceFloor, Point.sourceFloor, FLOOR.sourceIce, MATERIAL.sourceIce, MATERIAL.sourceOak, Cell.sourceObj, FLOOR.sourceSnow, MATERIAL.sourceSnow, Cell.sourceSurface, FLOOR.sourceWood, SourcePref.Surface, SyncRide(), Game.Config.tactics, Card.Talk(), CoreConfig.test, Point.Things, TickConditions(), RenderRow.tileType, Cell.topHeight, Card.trait, TryMoveTowards(), TryPush(), Window.SaveData.userFilter, Util, World.weather, EClass.world, Point.x, Point.z, and EloMap.Cell.zone.
Referenced by MoveByForce(), AI_Sleep.OnProgressComplete(), and TryMove().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 6538 of file Chara.cs.
References LayerDrama.Activate(), book, and EClass.Sound.
Definition at line 8420 of file Chara.cs.
References AddCondition(), Condition.Create(), SourceManager.elements, Player.EndTurn(), BaseCondition.EvaluatePower(), BaseCondition.GainResistFactor, BaseCondition.GetDefenseAttribute(), BaseStats.id, Card.isRestrained, BaseCondition.IsToggle, EClass.pc, EClass.player, BaseCondition.power, Refresh(), BaseStats.source, EClass.sources, BaseCondition.TryNullify(), BaseStats.Type, and Element.Value.
inline |
Definition at line 8415 of file Chara.cs.
References Condition.Create().
Referenced by AddCondition(), ActMelee.Attack(), Cuddle(), Card.DamageHP(), AI_Fuck.Finish(), CoreDebug.FlyMode(), GiveGift(), AI_Torture.OnCancelOrSuccess(), Zone_CursedManor.OnGenerateMap(), TraitBaseSpellbook.OnRead(), GoalSleep.OnSimulatePosition(), TraitGeneMachine.OnUse(), ActWater.Perform(), FoodEffect.Proc(), ActEffect.Proc(), ActEffect.ProcAt(), Religion.PunishTakeOver(), TraitBaseSpellbook.ReadFailEffect(), AI_Fuck.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_Massage.Run(), AI_PassTime.Run(), AI_Slaughter.Run(), GoalSleep.Run(), Game.StartNewGame(), ActThrow.Throw(), ConChampagne.Tick(), ConInsane.Tick(), ConMiasma.Tick(), ConSleep.Tick(), TraitToolTorch.ToggleOn(), ActRanged.TryReload(), and CoreDebug.UpdateInput().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 7889 of file Chara.cs.
References SourceElement.Row.cooldown, SourceManager.elements, and EClass.sources.
Referenced by Card.DamageHP(), ActEffect.Proc(), and RequestProtection().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 1920 of file Chara.cs.
References CharaBody.AddBodyPart(), body, Element.Get(), Card.PlaySound(), and Card.Say().
Referenced by Feat.Apply().
inline |
Definition at line 8772 of file Chara.cs.
References BaseCondition.GainResistFactor, BaseStats.id, and BaseCondition.power.
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 4737 of file Chara.cs.
References Lang._currency(), EClass._zone, Zone.AddCard(), ThingGen.CreateCurrency(), currency, ElementContainer.dict, Card.elements, Element.id, Element.IsMainAttribute, ElementContainer.ModExp(), EClass.pc, Card.pos, EClass.rnd(), and Msg.Say().
Referenced by Revive().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 1755 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.bio, GetIdPortraitCat(), Portrait.GetRandomPortrait(), SetFeat(), and Biography.SetGender().
inline |
Definition at line 1882 of file Chara.cs.
References ElementContainer.ApplyElementMap(), Card.elements, EClass.game, IsPCC, job, pccData, and Game.uniforms.
Referenced by ChangeJob(), and OnCreate().
inline |
Definition at line 1968 of file Chara.cs.
References CharaBody.AddBodyPart(), ElementContainer.ApplyElementMap(), body, Card.elements, ParseBodySlot(), race, and CharaBody.RemoveBodyPart().
Referenced by ChangeRace(), and OnCreate().
inline |
Definition at line 1573 of file Chara.cs.
References burden, EClass.debug, CoreDebug.ignoreWeight, IsPC, Stats.Set(), SetDirtySpeed(), and WeightLimit.
Referenced by Scene.OnUpdate().
inline |
Definition at line 5535 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.Evalue(), EvalueRiding(), CharaBody.GetAttackStyle(), parasite, ride, Element.source, and Element.Value.
Referenced by Element._WriteNote().
inline |
Definition at line 1736 of file Chara.cs.
References _maxStamina, EClass.curve(), ElementContainer.dict, Card.elements, IsPC, Element.source, Element.ValueWithoutLink, and Element.vBase.
Referenced by OnCreate(), ElementContainerCard.OnLevelDown(), ElementContainerCard.OnLevelUp(), Player.OnStartNewGame(), and Card.SetLv().
inline |
Definition at line 5789 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.charas, GoHostile(), IsPCFaction, OriginalHostility, and EClass.rnd().
Referenced by DoHostileAction().
Definition at line 7455 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.c_isImportant, Trait.CanBeDestroyed, Trait.CanExtendBuild, Trait.CanOnlyCarry, Card.id, Card.IsContainer, Card.rarity, and Card.trait.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), and HotItemHeld.TrySetAct().
inline |
Definition at line 7434 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.c_isImportant, Card.category, EClass.debug, and CoreDebug.enable.
Referenced by InvOwner.CanShiftClick(), and InvOwner.Transaction.Process().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 2045 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, Zone.CountMinions(), Card.HasElement(), IsGlobal, IsMinion, IsMultisize, IsPCFaction, and MaxSummon.
Referenced by GoalCombat.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 2118 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, ai, IsMultisize, and Zone.IsPCFaction.
Referenced by _Move(), CanMoveTo(), and TryMoveTowards().
inline |
Definition at line 6862 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.c_isImportant, Trait.CanEat(), Card.HasTag(), Card.IsDecayed, Thing.isEquipped, Card.IsNegativeGift, and Card.trait.
Referenced by FactionBranch.GetMeal(), and AI_Idle.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 7000 of file Chara.cs.
References CharaBody.IsTooHeavyToEquip().
Referenced by GoalAutoCombat.TryUseRanged().
inline |
Definition at line 7308 of file Chara.cs.
References item, ActList.items, and CharaAbility.list.
inline |
Definition at line 2225 of file Chara.cs.
References CanInteractTo(), and Card.pos.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), CanInteractTo(), ActMelee.CanPerform(), AI_Goto.IsDestinationReached(), and ActPlan.Item.Perform().
inline |
Definition at line 2230 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, Algorithms.WeightCell.blocked, Map.cells, IsMultisize, Point.IsValid, Card.pos, Algorithms.WeightCell.weights, Point.x, and Point.z.
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 2131 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, Algorithms.WeightCell.blocked, CanDestroyPath(), CanReplace(), Map.cells, Point.FirstChara, Point.HasChara, IsEnemyOnPath(), Point.IsInBounds, IsMultisize, IsPC, Point.IsValid, Card.pos, Algorithms.WeightCell.weights, Point.x, and Point.z.
Referenced by _Move(), MoveByForce(), TryMove(), and TryMoveTowards().
inline |
Definition at line 3882 of file Chara.cs.
References Point.Distance(), Card.ExistsOnMap, Card.GetRootCard(), Card.isDestroyed, Card.pos, and Card.Thing.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update().
inline |
Definition at line 2974 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, Card.c_uidMaster, TraitChara.CanBePushed, DestDist, Point.Equals(), host, IsMultisize, IsPC, Card.IsPCFactionOrMinion, IsPCParty, Spatial.IsRegion, Card.isRestrained, Card.isSummon, Card.noMove, EClass.pc, Card.pos, and trait.
Referenced by _Move(), and CanMoveTo().
inline |
Definition at line 4623 of file Chara.cs.
References World.date, Date.IsExpired(), and EClass.world.
Referenced by FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), and Zone.Revive().
inline |
Definition at line 1027 of file Chara.cs.
References canSeeInvisible, Card.Chara, Card.fov, hasTelepathy, Point.index, Card.isChara, Card.isHidden, IsPC, Point.IsValid, Fov.lastPoints, Card.pos, and race.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), Act.CanPerform(), DoHostileAction(), AI_Idle.DoSomethingToCharaInRadius(), AI_Idle.DoSomethingToNearChara(), Point.FirstVisibleChara(), Msg.GetName(), Player.HasValidRangedTarget(), ActMelee.HideHint(), Point.ListVisibleCards(), Point.ListVisibleCharas(), TCExtra.OnDraw(), TCOrbitChara.Refresh(), TCOrbitThing.Refresh(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_Steal.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), ThirstPersonInfo.Set(), Player.TargetRanged(), HotItemAct.TrySetAct(), TraitCatalyst.TrySetHeldAct(), TraitLeash.TrySetHeldAct(), TraitStethoscope.TrySetHeldAct(), and TraitWhipLove.TrySetHeldAct().
inline |
Definition at line 1059 of file Chara.cs.
References canSeeInvisible, CanSeeLos(), Card.Chara, hasTelepathy, Card.isHidden, Card.pos, and race.
Referenced by ActMelee.CanPerform(), ActRanged.CanPerform(), ActThrow.CanPerform(), CanSeeLos(), FindNewEnemy(), CharaRenderer.OnEnterScreen(), ConInvisibility.OnStart(), ActEffect.Proc(), RequestProtection(), AI_Idle.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), Player.TargetRanged(), and GoalCombat.TryUseAbility().
inline |
Definition at line 1068 of file Chara.cs.
References Point.Distance(), Card.fov, Card.GetSightRadius(), Point.index, IsPC, Los.IsVisible(), Fov.lastPoints, and Card.pos.
inline |
Definition at line 1010 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.fov, Point.index, Point.IsHidden, IsPC, Point.IsValid, and Fov.lastPoints.
Referenced by ActWait.Search(), ActWait.SearchMedal(), and HotItemHeld.TrySetToolAct().
inline |
Definition at line 1108 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, EClass.debug, Zone.events, Stats.GetPhase(), CoreDebug.godMode, sleepiness, and stamina.
Referenced by AI_Sleep.OnProgressComplete(), HotItemActionSleep.Perform(), and AI_PassTime.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 1891 of file Chara.cs.
References _job, ApplyJob(), IsPCC, and pccData.
Referenced by CoreDebug.ChangeJob(), CoreDebug.Fix_EtherDisease(), UICharaMaker.ListJob(), CoreDebug.QuickStart(), and UICharaMaker.RerollJob().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 1989 of file Chara.cs.
References _race, ApplyRace(), ChangeMaterial, and race.
Referenced by CoreDebug.ChangeRace(), CoreDebug.Fix_EtherDisease(), UICharaMaker.ListRace(), CoreDebug.QuickStart(), and UICharaMaker.RerollRace().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 1214 of file Chara.cs.
References RenderObject.isSynced, MaxHP, CardRenderer.RefreshExtra(), and Card.renderer.
Referenced by ZonePreEnterBout.Execute().
inline |
Definition at line 7941 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass.AdvMode, World.date, Date.hour, GoalList.index, GoalList.Next(), GoalList.Refresh(), AIAct.Tick(), and EClass.world.
Referenced by Zone.Simulate().
inline |
Definition at line 6614 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, TraitBed.IsHolder(), and item.
Referenced by FactionBranch.ChangeMemberType(), and FactionBranch.RemoveMemeber().
inline |
Definition at line 7768 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.Destroy(), Card.GetPrice(), Card.Num, and Msg.Say().
Referenced by AI_Fish.Run(), and AI_Idle.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 7233 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.c_originalHostility, Point.Copy(), and CharaGen.Create().
Referenced by MakeAlly(), and ActThrow.Throw().
inline |
Definition at line 5627 of file Chara.cs.
References AddCondition(), faith, EClass.game, interest, IsPC, IsPCParty, MakeEgg(), Party.members, ModAffinity(), ReligionManager.MoonShadow, EClass.pc, Game.religions, EClass.rnd(), and Card.ShowEmo().
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), and AI_Idle.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 8647 of file Chara.cs.
References BaseCondition.isPerfume, Condition.Kill(), Stats.Mod(), BaseCondition.Mod(), EClass.rnd(), and BaseStats.Type.
Referenced by CureHost(), Card.DamageHP(), HealAll(), ActPray.Pray(), and Zone.Simulate().
inline |
T | : | Condition |
Definition at line 8597 of file Chara.cs.
inline |
Definition at line 8634 of file Chara.cs.
References Cure().
Referenced by FactionBranch.DailyOutcome().
inline |
Definition at line 9284 of file Chara.cs.
References ElementContainer.GetElement(), Element.List_Body, Element.List_Mind, EClass.rnd(), and Element.vBase.
inline |
Definition at line 9247 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass.rnd().
inline |
Definition at line 9235 of file Chara.cs.
References Element.List_Body, and Element.List_Mind.
inline |
Definition at line 2863 of file Chara.cs.
References Point.ForeachMultiSize(), Point.HasObj, if(), Point.IsBlocked, Trait.IsBlockPath, Trait.IsDoor, Card.IsInstalled, Point.IsValid, Card.pos, Point.Things, and Card.trait.
Referenced by _Move().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 4800 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, EClass._zone, ConfigAutoCombat.abortOnAllyDead, ConfigAutoCombat.abortOnEnemyDead, Zone.AddCard(), Player.Stats.allyDeath, Game.Config.autoCombat, Game.cards, Card.Chara, Map.charas, EClass.Colors, Game.config, CharaGen.Create(), CharaGen.CreateFromFilter(), Map.deadCharas, Player.deathMsg, Debug, Player.doneBackers, enemy, Zone.events, faith, ThingContainer.Find(), CardManager.GlobalCharaList.Find(), EClass.game, Effect.Get(), CardManager.globalCharas, LangGame.Has(), Party.HasElement(), Zone.HasLaw, SourceRace.Row.id, Zone.instance, IsHostile(), IsPCParty, Card.IsUnique, item, ZoneEventManager.list, Player.little_dead, FactionBranch.Log(), Card.LV, MakeMinion(), ColorProfile.matColors, ModAffinity(), Player.ModKarma(), Spatial.Name, NameBraced, Religion.NameShort, OriginalHostility, GameLang.Parse(), party, EClass.pc, Effect.Play(), EClass.player, ActEffect.ProcAt(), Map.props, Religion.recentWrath, Party.RemoveMember(), Tutorial.Reserve(), Zone.ResetHostility(), Religion.Revelation(), EClass.rnd(), PropsManager.sales, Msg.Say(), Card.Say(), WidgetPopText.Say(), ThirstPersonInfo.Set(), Msg.SetColor(), Card.SetLv(), AI_Slaughter.slaughtering, Player.stats, Card.things, Msg.thirdPerson1, Player.TryAbortAutoCombat(), and Element.Void.
Referenced by ActEffect.ProcAt(), TaskCullLife.Run(), and ConDeathSentense.Tick().
inline |
Definition at line 9269 of file Chara.cs.
References ElementContainer.dict, and item.
inline |
Definition at line 5615 of file Chara.cs.
inline |
Definition at line 5707 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, CallHelp(), calmCheckTurn, CanSee(), Card.Chara, ThingGen.Create(), enemy, GoHostile(), hostility, IsAliveInCurrentZone, Card.isChara, IsDisabled, IsFriendOrAbove(), IsPC, IsPCFaction, Zone.IsPCFaction, IsPCFactionMinion, IsPCParty, IsPCPartyMinion, Spatial.IsRegion, Party.members, party, EClass.pc, EClass.rnd(), Card.Say(), SetEnemy(), Card.ShowEmo(), and ActThrow.Throw().
Referenced by ActMelee.Attack(), Point.CallGuard(), ActEffect.DamageEle(), DramaOutcome.fiama_starter_gift(), AI_Fuck.Finish(), ActRanged.Perform(), ActSummonGuard.Perform(), ActWater.Perform(), AI_AttackHome.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), GoalSiege.Run(), and ActThrow.Throw().
inline |
Definition at line 4612 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.Duplicate(), Stats.Mod(), Card.ModNum(), Trait.OnDrink(), and Card.trait.
Referenced by TraitDrink.GetHealAction(), AM_Adv.OnBecomeNoGoal(), AI_Drink.OnSetOwner(), AI_Drink.Run(), and AI_Idle.Run().
Definition at line 4213 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, Zone.AddCard(), card, LayerInventory.SetDirty(), and Card.Thing.
Referenced by Card.Destroy(), TaskMoveInstalled.OnProgressComplete(), AI_Cook.Run(), AI_Offer.Run(), AI_ReleaseHeld.Run(), and AIAct.Start().
inline |
Definition at line 4233 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, Zone.AddCard(), Card.c_isImportant, Trait.CanBeDropped, Trait.CanOnlyCarry, Card.Destroy(), Card.Install(), Card.Name, Msg.Say(), and Card.trait.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), InvOwner.OnAltClick(), and InvOwner.OnDrag().
inline |
Definition at line 1530 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.bio, CharaGen.Create(), ElementContainer.dict, Card.elements, faith, Card.HaveFur(), item, mana, MaxHP, stamina, Stats.value, and Element.vSource.
Referenced by ActEffect.Proc().
inline |
Definition at line 9264 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass.rnd().
inline |
Definition at line 9252 of file Chara.cs.
References Element.List_Body, and Element.List_Mind.
inline |
Definition at line 4589 of file Chara.cs.
References SourceManager.categories, ThingGen.CreateFromCategory(), Card.Destroy(), CharaBody.Equip(), CharaBody.GetSlot(), and EClass.sources.
Referenced by ZonePreEnterBoutWin.Execute(), and CoreDebug.QuickStart().
Definition at line 4569 of file Chara.cs.
References ThingGen.Create(), Card.Destroy(), CharaBody.Equip(), and CharaBody.GetSlot().
Referenced by Card.ApplyBacker(), and Player.CreateEquip().
inline |
Definition at line 4605 of file Chara.cs.
References ThingGen.Create(), and Card.SetNum().
inline |
Definition at line 5526 of file Chara.cs.
References HasCondition().
Referenced by CalcCastingChance(), AttackProcess.Prepare(), and RefreshSpeed().
inline |
Definition at line 3185 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, Spatial.FindZone(), Zone.GetTopZone(), Spatial.lv, Spatial.Name, EClass.pc, World.region, Msg.Say(), and EClass.world.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), and TaskDig.OnProgressComplete().
Definition at line 7051 of file Chara.cs.
References ThingContainer.Find(), TraitToolRange.IsAmmo(), EClass.pc, and Card.things.
Referenced by ActRanged.TryReload(), and GoalAutoCombat.TryUseRanged().
inline |
Definition at line 6629 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, Props.all, PropsManager.installed, TraitBed.IsHolder(), item, and Map.props.
Referenced by Hobby.GetEfficiency(), ListPeopleBed.OnClick(), BaseListPeople.OnInstantiate(), ListPeopleBed.OnInstantiate(), GoalSleep.OnSimulatePosition(), AI_Idle.Run(), GoalSleep.Run(), and GoalVisitorGuest.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 2093 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.FindChara(), IsMinion, and master.
Referenced by MoveZone(), and AI_Idle.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 5869 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.charas, and Card.pos.
Referenced by AI_Trolley.Run(), and GoalCombat.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 5800 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, EClass._zone, ai, CanSeeLos(), Map.charas, Game.config, ConfigTactics.dontWander, Card.Evalue(), EClass.game, IsAliveInCurrentZone, Card.isHidden, Spatial.isPeace, Card.ModExp(), EClass.pc, EClass.rnd(), AIAct.ShouldAllyAttack(), and Game.Config.tactics.
Referenced by GoalCombat.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 7161 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by GoalWork.FindWork(), BaseListPeople.OnInstantiate(), GoalWork.OnSimulatePosition(), AI_Idle.Run(), and GoalWork.ValidateHobby().
inline |
Definition at line 9111 of file Chara.cs.
References Element.id, Element.Name, EClass.rnd(), LayerAbility.SetDirty(), Element.source, and Element.ValueWithoutLink.
Referenced by Player.DreamSpell(), and TraitBaseSpellbook.OnRead().
inline |
Definition at line 6573 of file Chara.cs.
References AIAct.GetCurrentActionText().
Referenced by ListPeopleEmbark.OnInstantiate().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 7101 of file Chara.cs.
References CharaBody.GetWeight().
Referenced by WindowCharaMini.Refresh(), and WindowChara.RefreshProfile().
inline |
Definition at line 7066 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.GetEquipValue(), and Card.IsRangedWeapon.
inline |
Definition at line 8585 of file Chara.cs.
References BaseCondition.refVal.
inline |
Definition at line 8580 of file Chara.cs.
References SourceManager.elements, and EClass.sources.
Referenced by GoalCombat.TryUseAbility().
inline |
Definition at line 1554 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass.debug, CoreDebug.ignoreWeight, IsPC, and WeightLimit.
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 3305 of file Chara.cs.
References Debug.
Referenced by Player.EnterLocalZone(), and LayerTravel.Refresh().
inline |
Definition at line 6548 of file Chara.cs.
References Point.Copy(), AIAct.GetDestination(), and AIAct.IsRunning.
Referenced by AI_Idle.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 4286 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by WindowChara.RefreshEquipment(), and WindowChara.RefreshNote().
inline |
Definition at line 4261 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by WindowChara.RefreshNote().
inline |
Definition at line 7274 of file Chara.cs.
References SourceManager.categories, EClass.game, Game.seed, EClass.sources, and Rand.UseSeed().
Referenced by DramaCustomSequence.Build(), Affinity.OnGift(), WindowChara.RefreshNote(), DramaActor.Talk(), and ConSleep.Tick().
inline |
Definition at line 7254 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass.game, Game.seed, EClass.sources, SourceManager.things, and Rand.UseSeed().
Referenced by DramaCustomSequence.Build(), Affinity.OnGift(), WindowChara.RefreshNote(), DramaActor.Talk(), and ConSleep.Tick().
inline |
Definition at line 4281 of file Chara.cs.
References Element.HasTag(), Element.ListElements, Element.source, and Element.Value.
Referenced by WindowChara.RefreshEquipment(), and WindowChara.RefreshNote().
inline |
Definition at line 2279 of file Chara.cs.
References PathManager.GetFirstStep(), PathManager.Instance, IsMultisize, IsPC, and Card.pos.
Referenced by GoalManualMove.CanMove(), GoalCombat.Run(), GoalManualMove.Run(), and GoalManualMove.TryMove().
inline |
Definition at line 7973 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, TimeTable.GetSpan(), Zone.isSimulating, and Stats.value.
inline |
Definition at line 8018 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Zone.Simulate().
inline |
Definition at line 8005 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Zone.Simulate().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 6553 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by CalcGold.Hire().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 6118 of file Chara.cs.
References ColorProfile.colorFriend, ColorProfile.colorHostile, EClass.Colors, Guild.Fighter, Lang.GetList(), ColorProfile.gradientLVComparison, GuildFighter.HasBounty(), Card.HasElement(), HasHigherGround(), IsMoving, Card.LV, EClass.pc, and GuildFighter.ShowBounty().
Referenced by WidgetMouseover.Refresh().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 6186 of file Chara.cs.
References Color, ColorProfile.colorBuff, ColorProfile.colorDebuff, EClass.Colors, EClass.debug, SourceJob.Row.id, Card.idSkin, item, ActList.items, CharaAbility.list, CoreDebug.showExtra, EClass.sources, SourceChara.Row.tactics, SourceManager.tactics, AIAct.ToString(), and Stats.value.
Referenced by WidgetMouseover.Refresh().
inline |
Definition at line 7334 of file Chara.cs.
References Portrait.allIds.
Referenced by ButtonRoster.SetChara(), Person.SetChara(), and Portrait.SetChara().
inline |
Definition at line 7320 of file Chara.cs.
References SourceRace.Row.id, and EClass.rnd().
Referenced by ApplyEditorTags(), UICharaMaker.ListGender(), and Biography.SetPortrait().
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 1166 of file Chara.cs.
References _alias, Lang._currency(), Aka, CoreConfig.backer, SourceManager.backers, Core.config, EClass.core, faith, Card.GetPrice(), IsGlobal, MainElement, Religion.Name, Trait.SetName(), CoreConfig.BackerContentConfig.Show(), source, Element.source, EClass.sources, and trait.
Referenced by TraitStoryBookHome.OnRead().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 4628 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, Party.AddMemeber(), EClass.Branch, Point.GetNearestPoint(), Zone.IsPCFaction, party, EClass.pc, Card.pos, Revive, and Msg.Say().
Referenced by ListPeopleRevive.OnClick(), and DramaOutcome.revive_pet().
inline |
Definition at line 8087 of file Chara.cs.
References Point.cell, AIWork.destArea, AIWork.destThing, item, Card.pos, Cell.room, and AIWork.SetDestination().
Referenced by BaseListPeople.AddSubButtonWork(), and ListPeopleBed.OnInstantiate().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 6046 of file Chara.cs.
References RenderRow._tiles, RenderRow.GetSprite(), and SourceChara.Row.staticSkin.
Referenced by HotItemChara.GetSprite(), HotItemFocusChara.GetSprite(), CharaActor.OnSetOwner(), Portrait.SetChara(), Person.SetImage(), and ItemPopulation.SetTopic().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 6066 of file Chara.cs.
References Player.altHeldPos, SubPassData.Default, GameSetting.pass, EClass.pc, EClass.player, Card.pos, EClass.setting, GameSetting.PassSetting.subDead, and GameSetting.PassSetting.subDeadPCC.
inline |
Definition at line 8225 of file Chara.cs.
References item.
Referenced by LayerQuestBoard.RefreshHire(), WindowChara.RefreshNote(), and BaseListPeople.SetSubText().
inline |
Definition at line 8235 of file Chara.cs.
References item.
Referenced by LayerQuestBoard.RefreshHire(), WindowChara.RefreshNote(), and BaseListPeople.SetSubText().
inline |
Definition at line 6264 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, SourceManager.charaText, SourceChara.Row.idText, and EClass.sources.
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 8156 of file Chara.cs.
References item, and Hobby.source.
Referenced by FactionBranch.AutoClean(), FactionBranch.GenerateGarbage(), and FactionBranch.OnAdvanceDay().
inline |
Definition at line 8308 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by AIWork.AddDeliverable(), Expedition.End(), GoalWork.FindWork(), UIHomeInfo.RefreshReport(), GoalWork.TryWork(), and GoalWork.ValidateHobby().
Definition at line 7351 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, and Zone.TryAddThing().
Definition at line 7480 of file Chara.cs.
References AddCondition(), Card.AddExp(), affinity, Card.c_idRefName, Card.CHA, Card.Destroy(), ElementContainer.dict, Card.elements, Card.ExpToNext, ThingContainer.Find(), EClass.game, Card.HasElement(), Card.id, Element.id, Card.IsAmmo, Card.isCopy, Card.IsCursed, IsDeadOrSleeping, Card.isDestroyed, Card.IsEquipmentOrRanged, IsHostile(), QuestManager.list, Stats.Mod(), ModAffinity(), Card.ModExp(), Card.ModNum(), Element.Name, Affinity.OnGift(), OnGiveErohon(), Quest.OnGiveItem(), EClass.pc, Card.PlayEffect(), Card.PlaySound(), Game.quests, Card.rarity, EClass.rnd(), Msg.Say(), Card.Say(), Card.SayNothingHappans(), SetAI(), Card.Talk(), Card.things, Card.trait, and TryEquip().
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), ActThrow.Throw(), and HotItemHeld.TrySetAct().
Definition at line 7613 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.Destroy(), Card.material, ModAffinity(), EClass.pc, Card.PlaySound(), Card.Say(), Card.ShowEmo(), and Card.Talk().
Referenced by InvOwner.Transaction.Process().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 5683 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.Chara, Card.IsPCFaction, and Card.IsPCFactionMinion.
Referenced by CallHelp(), DoHostileAction(), and RequestProtection().
inline |
Definition at line 1089 of file Chara.cs.
References HasAccess(), and Card.pos.
Referenced by AI_Pray.GetAltar(), TraitSet.GetRandom(), HasAccess(), MoveRandom(), and AI_Idle.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 1094 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, Point.cell, IsPC, Zone.IsPCFaction, memberType, and Cell.room.
inline |
Definition at line 8568 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), AM_Adv._OnUpdateInput(), ActPlan._Update(), ActMelee.Attack(), ActRanged.CanPerform(), Card.DamageHP(), EvalueRiding(), ZonePreEnterEncounter.Execute(), TraitItemProc.GetHealAction(), AttackProcess.GetRawDamage(), Point.ListWitnesses(), FactionBranch.OnAfterSimulate(), Zone_Field.OnGenerateMap(), TraitScrollStatic.OnRead(), TraitAmmo.OnUse(), Zone_Yowyn.OnVisitNewMapOrRegenerate(), ActRanged.Perform(), ActWater.Perform(), AttackProcess.Perform(), AttackProcess.Prepare(), FoodEffect.Proc(), ActEffect.Proc(), Religion.Punish(), Religion.PunishTakeOver(), RequestProtection(), ActRide.Ride(), AI_ArmPillow.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), Card.Teleport(), Tick(), ConMiasma.Tick(), ConSleep.Tick(), UI.ToggleFeedback(), GoalCombat.TryMove(), ActPray.TryPray(), TraitBaseSpellbook.TryProgress(), Zone.TrySpawnFollower(), and GoalCombat.TryUseAbility().
inlinevirtual |
inline |
Definition at line 7907 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Card.DamageHP(), and RequestProtection().
inline |
Definition at line 999 of file Chara.cs.
References _isLevitating, Card.Chara, Card.pos, and Point.Position().
Referenced by GetHoverText(), and AttackProcess.Prepare().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 4084 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.GetLightRadius(), Card.GetRootCard(), Card.IsAliveInCurrentZone, Card.isChara, Card.isDestroyed, Card.isNPCProperty, Player.ModKarma(), Card.Num, Pick, EClass.player, EClass.rnd(), LayerInventory.SetDirty(), Card.ShowEmo(), Card.Split(), and Card.Thing.
Referenced by HotItemNoItem._TrySetAct(), Recipe.Craft(), RecipeCard.Craft(), HotItemHeld.OnSetCurrentItem(), UIInventory.RefreshList(), AI_Drink.Run(), AI_Eat.Run(), AI_Read.Run(), Player.SetCurrentHotItem(), and InvOwner.TryHold().
inline |
Definition at line 8392 of file Chara.cs.
References BaseCondition.SetOwner().
Referenced by OnCreate(), and OnDeserialized().
inline |
Definition at line 6840 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.c_isImportant, and FoodEffect.Proc().
Referenced by InvOwner.OnClick(), ActEffect.Proc(), AI_Idle.Run(), and Tick().
inline |
Definition at line 5933 of file Chara.cs.
References Game.activeZone, EClass.game, and EClass.Home.
inline |
Definition at line 986 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.Evalue(), host, mana, Stats.max, and MaxHP.
Referenced by AM_Adv._OnUpdateInput(), GoalAutoCombat.GetActPlanColor(), GoalAutoCombat.GoalAutoCombat(), and Party.IsCriticallyWounded().
inline |
Definition at line 2202 of file Chara.cs.
References ai, TraitChara.CanBePushed, AIAct.Cancel(), CellDetail.charas, currentZone, Point.detail, IsHostile(), Spatial.IsRegion, Point.IsValid, EClass.pc, and trait.
Referenced by GoalManualMove.CanMove(), CanMoveTo(), and AM_Adv.PressedActionMove().
inline |
Definition at line 2102 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass.game, IsPCPartyMinion, item, QuestManager.list, Game.quests, and QuestEscort.uidChara.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), and QuestManager.HasFarAwayEscort().
inline |
Definition at line 5972 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Card.DamageHP(), DoHostileAction(), IsFriendOrAbove(), Kick(), RequestProtection(), Player.TargetRanged(), ConMiasma.Tick(), GoalCombat.TryUseAbility(), and UseAbility().
inline |
Definition at line 5977 of file Chara.cs.
References IsFriendOrAbove(), IsHostile(), and Card.IsPCFactionOrMinion.
inline |
Definition at line 5967 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Map.CountGuest(), NotificationGuest.OnClick(), BaseListPeople.OnClick(), BaseListPeople.OnList(), WidgetNotice.OnRefresh(), GoalList.Refresh(), AI_Idle.Run(), Zone.Simulate(), and Zone.UpdateQuests().
inline |
Definition at line 5942 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass.Home.
Referenced by Faction.AddReserve(), LayerPeople.CreateSelectEmbarkMembers(), LayerInteraction.GetPage(), Faction.HasMember(), Faction.IsWearingPanty(), NotificationBattle.OnClick(), BaseListPeople.OnClick(), WidgetNotice.OnRefresh(), InspectGroupChara.OnSetActions(), GoalList.Refresh(), CardRenderer.RefreshExtra(), AI_Fuck.Run(), LayerInteraction.ShowPage(), Zone.Simulate(), and WidgetInspector.SwitchPage().
inline |
Definition at line 5884 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by TileType._HitTest(), ActPlan._Update(), ActMelee.Attack(), Act.CanPerform(), ZoneEventSubdue.CheckClear(), Map.CountHostile(), Map.CountNonHostile(), Card.DamageHP(), Die(), TaskBuild.GetHitResult(), GiveGift(), IsEnemyOnPath(), IsFriendOrAbove(), Kick(), CharaRenderer.OnEnterScreen(), Zone_RandomDungeon.OnGenerateMap(), Zone_Void.OnGenerateMap(), AM_Adv.OnRenderTile(), TraitFloorSwitch.OnStepped(), ActRanged.Perform(), ActRestrain.Perform(), ActWater.Perform(), AttackProcess.Perform(), ActEffect.Proc(), TCOrbitChara.RefreshAll(), WidgetMinimap.RefreshMarkers(), AI_Idle.Run(), GoalCombat.TryUseAbility(), CoreDebug.UpdateInput(), UseAbility(), and ElementContainerCard.ValueBonus().
inline |
Definition at line 5889 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, enemy, hostility, Zone.instance, Player.IsCriminal, Card.IsPCFactionOrMinion, IsPCParty, OriginalHostility, EClass.pc, and EClass.player.
inline |
Definition at line 5947 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by BaseListPeople.IsDisabled().
inline |
T | : | TraitSpot |
Definition at line 5952 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, PropsManager.installed, item, Map.props, and Props.traits.
inline |
Definition at line 5923 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update().
inline |
Definition at line 5928 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by GoalCombat.Run(), WidgetSearch.Search(), Player.TargetRanged(), ConChampagne.Tick(), HotItemHeld.TrySetAct(), and GoalCombat.TryUseAbility().
inline |
Definition at line 7424 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), and HotItemHeld.TrySetAct().
inline |
Definition at line 5182 of file Chara.cs.
References ActionMode.Adv, TraitChara.CanBePushed, AM_Adv.ClearPlans(), conSleep, conSuspend, Debug, Point.GetNearestPoint(), host, Point.IsBlocked, IsFriendOrAbove(), IsHostile(), IsPC, Card.IsPCFactionOrMinion, Card.isRestrained, Condition.Kill(), Player.ModKarma(), MoveByForce(), Card.MoveImmediate(), Card.noMove, Card.PlayEffect(), EClass.player, Card.pos, EClass.rnd(), trait, and ConSuspend.uidMachine.
inline |
Definition at line 5174 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Recipe.Build(), RecipeCard.Build(), Map.MineFloor(), TaskBuild.OnProgressComplete(), TraitGeneMachine.OnUse(), ActKick.Perform(), AI_Bladder.Run(), and AI_Trolley.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 8949 of file Chara.cs.
References Element.Create(), SourceManager.elements, Element.HasTag(), Element.id, Feat.IsPurchaseFeatReqMet(), item, Element.source, EClass.sources, and Element.ValueWithoutLink.
inline |
Definition at line 8136 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by DramaCustomSequence.Build(), FactionBranch.GetResidentTax(), GoalHobby.GetWorks(), FactionBranch.RefreshEfficiency(), TraitWhipLove.TrySetHeldAct(), and GoalWork.ValidateHobby().
inline |
Definition at line 8109 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), FactionBranch.GetResidentTax(), GoalWork.GetWorks(), FactionBranch.RefreshEfficiency(), UIHomeInfo.RefreshReport(), and TraitWhipLove.TrySetHeldAct().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 3219 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.pos.
Referenced by _Move(), AM_Adv._OnUpdateInput(), ActMelee.Attack(), TaskHarvest.OnCreateProgress(), TaskMine.OnCreateProgress(), TaskCut.OnProgress(), TaskBuild.OnProgressComplete(), ActBash.Perform(), ActRanged.Perform(), AI_ArmPillow.Run(), AI_Cook.Run(), AI_Craft_Snowman.Run(), AI_Fish.Run(), AI_Fuck.Run(), AI_Massage.Run(), AI_OpenGambleChest.Run(), AI_Paint.Run(), AI_PlayMusic.Run(), AI_Shear.Run(), AI_Slaughter.Run(), AI_Steal.Run(), AI_TargetCard.Run(), AI_UseCrafter.Run(), DynamicAIAct.Run(), TaskClean.Run(), and Meeting.Start().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 3224 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, Spatial.IsRegion, Util, Point.x, and Point.z.
inline |
Definition at line 2004 of file Chara.cs.
References _MakeAlly(), EClass._map, EClass._zone, Party.AddMemeber(), CreateReplacement(), Map.deadCharas, Debug, IsLocalChara, Zone.IsTown, party, EClass.pc, Zone.RefreshListCitizen(), Card.Say(), and EClass.Sound.
Referenced by DramaOutcome.fiama_pet(), AI_Fuck.Finish(), DramaOutcome.melilith_friend(), TraitDiary.OnRead(), TraitGiftNewYear.OnUse(), DramaOutcome.poppy_found(), ActRide.Ride(), DramaOutcome.sister_friend(), ActThrow.Throw(), and Religion.TryGetGift().
inline |
Definition at line 7371 of file Chara.cs.
References DNA.GenerateGene().
Referenced by CoreDebug.UpdateInput().
inline |
Definition at line 7396 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.c_idMainElement, ThingGen.Create(), EClass.debug, CoreDebug.enable, Card.MakeFoodFrom(), EClass.rnd(), and Card.SetNum().
Referenced by Cuddle(), FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), ActEffect.LoveMiracle(), and CoreDebug.UpdateInput().
Definition at line 7366 of file Chara.cs.
References DNA.GenerateGene().
Referenced by Card.SpawnLoot(), Zone.TryGenerateEvolved(), and CoreDebug.UpdateInput().
inline |
Definition at line 4717 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, Zone.AddCard(), ThingGen.Create(), ThingContainer.Find(), Card.Install(), Spatial.IsRegion, Card.MakeRefFrom(), EClass.pc, EClass.rnd(), and Card.things.
inline |
Definition at line 7376 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, ThingGen.Create(), Zone.IsUserZone, RenderRow.LV, Card.MakeRefFrom(), Card.SetEncLv(), and Card.SetNum().
Referenced by FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), ActEffect.LoveMiracle(), and CoreDebug.UpdateInput().
inline |
Definition at line 2058 of file Chara.cs.
References hostility, master, Refresh(), ReleaseMinion(), and Card.uid.
Referenced by Die(), QuestEscort.OnStart(), ActEffect.ProcAt(), and GoalCombat.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 1998 of file Chara.cs.
References _MakeAlly(), Party.AddMemeber(), party, and EClass.pc.
inline |
Definition at line 7166 of file Chara.cs.
References FactionBranch.Evalue(), StatsHygiene.GetAffinityMod(), Stats.GetPhase(), hygiene, IsPC, Affinity.Mod(), ModAffinity(), EClass.pc, and Card.ShowEmo().
Referenced by Quest.Complete(), Cuddle(), Card.DamageHP(), Die(), AI_Fuck.Finish(), GiveGift(), GiveLovePotion(), ActEffect.LoveMiracle(), ModAffinity(), InvOwner.OnClick(), Affinity.OnGift(), Affinity.OnTalkRumor(), DramaOutcome.revive_pet(), AI_Fuck.Run(), AI_Shear.Run(), and AI_Slaughter.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 8906 of file Chara.cs.
References Tutorial.Reserve(), EClass.rnd(), EClass.rndf(), Element.source, and Element.Value.
Referenced by Card.DamageHP(), and CoreDebug.Fix_EtherDisease().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 9209 of file Chara.cs.
References ElementContainer.Base(), ElementContainer.dict, SourceManager.elements, Element.id, ElementContainer.ModBase(), ElementContainer.Remove(), ElementContainer.SetParent(), EClass.sources, and Element.vBase.
inline |
Definition at line 8881 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by FoodEffect.Proc().
Definition at line 2312 of file Chara.cs.
References _Move(), ai, AIAct.CancelWhenMoved, CanMoveTo(), AIAct.Current, Card.Dist(), Point.sourceBlock, and AIAct.TryCancel().
inline |
Definition at line 3135 of file Chara.cs.
References Spatial.FindZone(), EClass.game, and Game.world.
Referenced by OnBanish(), Zone_Nymelle.OnBeforeSimulate(), QuestVernis.OnChangePhase(), QuestDialog.OnDropReward(), and DramaOutcome.QuestExploration_AfterComplete().
inline |
Definition at line 3140 of file Chara.cs.
References Zone.AddCard(), Point.GetNearestPoint(), Zone.IsActiveZone, party, EClass.pc, FactionBranch.policies, Party.RemoveMember(), Revive, PolicyManager.Validate(), and Point.x.
inline |
Definition at line 2294 of file Chara.cs.
References Point.Copy(), Point.ForeachNeighbor(), item, Card.pos, and TryMove().
Referenced by AI_Idle.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 2284 of file Chara.cs.
References Point.Equals(), Point.GetRandomNeighbor(), HasAccess(), Point.HasChara, Card.pos, and TryMove().
Referenced by GoalSleep.Run(), NoGoal.Run(), and GoalCombat.TryMove().
inline |
Definition at line 3010 of file Chara.cs.
References SpatialManager.Find(), EClass.game, and Game.spatials.
Referenced by Zone.AbandonZone(), Expedition.End(), Player.EnterLocalZone(), ZonePreEnterBout.Execute(), Player.ExitBorder(), TraitNewZone.MoveZone(), MoveZone(), TraitMoongate.MoveZone(), GlobalGoalAdv.OnAdvanceHour(), GlobalGoalVisitAndStay.OnAdvanceHour(), OnBanish(), Meeting.OnEndDrama(), Player.OnExitBorder(), ZoneInstanceBout.OnLeaveZone(), Game.OnLoad(), ZoneEventQuest.OnTickRound(), TraitWaystone.OnUse(), DramaManager.ParseLine(), DramaOutcome.QuestExploration_AfterCrystal(), DramaOutcome.QuestExploration_MeetFarris(), LayerTravel.Refresh(), Meeting.SetChara(), Player.SimulateFaction(), Expedition.Start(), DramaOutcome.StartNewGame2(), Tick(), TraitCoreZone.TrySetAct(), TraitWaystone.TrySetAct(), and TraitTeleporter.TryTeleport().
inline |
Definition at line 3023 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, EClass._zone, Zone.AddCard(), RoomManager.AssignCharas(), Card.c_minionType, Card.c_uidMaster, Map.charas, EInput.Consume(), Player.deathZoneMove, EClass.debug, Debug, SpatialManager.Find(), FindMaster(), EClass.game, Zone.GetSpawnPos(), Zone.GetTopZone(), homeZone, Spatial.id, CoreDebug.ignoreAutoSave, Zone.instance, Zone.IsActiveZone, isDead, Zone.IsPCFaction, IsPCPartyMinion, Spatial.IsRegion, item, Party.leader, Player.listSummon, master, Party.members, MoveZone(), Spatial.Name, ZoneInstance.OnLeaveZone(), Card.parent, EClass.pc, EClass.player, Zone.RemoveCard(), Player.returnInfo, ZoneInstance.ReturnState, Map.rooms, Game.Save(), Msg.Say(), Player.simulatingZone, Game.spatials, ZoneInstance.uidZone, Zone.WillAutoSave, and ZoneInstance.x.
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 9015 of file Chara.cs.
References SourceElement.Row.alias, SourceElement.Row.aliasParent, Msg.colors, EClass.core, ThingGen.Create(), ThingGen.CreateParcel(), SourceManager.elements, Player.flags, Player.Flags.gotEtherDisease, SourceElement.Row.id, Core.IsGameStarted, SourceElement.Row.max, MsgColors.MutateBad, MsgColors.MutateGood, Element.Name, EClass.player, EClass.rnd(), WidgetPopText.Say(), World.SendPackage(), Card.SetBlessedState(), Msg.SetColor(), BaseCard.SetStr(), Element.source, EClass.sources, SourceElement.Row.tag, Element.Value, and EClass.world.
inline |
Definition at line 1240 of file Chara.cs.
References Debug, SpatialManager.Find(), EClass.game, IsGlobal, Region.ListTowns(), SpatialManager.map, memberType, MoveHome(), MoveZone(), World.region, SetHomeZone(), Game.spatials, trait, UniqueData.uidZone, EClass.world, UniqueData.x, and UniqueData.y.
Referenced by FactionBranch.BanishMember().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 1303 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.bp, CardBlueprint.idJob, CardBlueprint.idRace, SourceManager.jobs, source, and EClass.sources.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 1319 of file Chara.cs.
References _affinity, _alias, _idTimeTable, _job, _race, Game.activeZone, TraitChara.AdvType, Card.ApplyBacker(), ApplyJob(), ApplyRace(), SourceManager.backers, Card.bio, body, bossText, Card.bp, CalculateMaxStamina(), ChangeMaterial, Core.config, contribution, EClass.core, EClass.debug, Player.doneBackers, Card.DyeRandom(), SourceManager.elements, CoreDebug.enable, EClass.game, Biography.Generate(), ReligionManager.GetRandomReligion(), happiness, Card.HasTag(), hostility, SourceBacker.Row.id, Spatial.id, CardBlueprint.idEle, IDPCCBodySet, CoreConfig.Test.ignoreBackerDestoryFlag, BackerContent.indexSister, InitStats(), interest, isCreated, SourceManager.jobs, ListAdvJob, ListAdvRace, SourceBacker.listSister, CardBlueprint.lv, mana, Stats.max, ReligionManager.MoonShadow, OriginalHostility, pccData, EClass.player, race, SourceManager.races, Refresh(), Game.religions, RerollHobby(), EClass.rnd(), SetAI(), SetFaith(), SetFeat(), Card.SetLv(), SetMainElement(), CharaBody.SetOwner(), source, sourceCard, EClass.sources, stamina, CoreConfig.test, RenderRow.tiles, trait, ReligionManager.Trickery, TryRestock(), and TraitChara.UseRandomAlias.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 1136 of file Chara.cs.
References _cints, ElementContainer.ApplyElementMap(), body, bossText, Card.elements, global, GlobalData.goal, InitStats(), isCreated, IsPCC, job, race, Refresh(), RefreshFaithElement(), EClass.rnd(), GlobalGoal.SetOwner(), CharaBody.SetOwner(), ElementContainer.SetParent(), sharedCheckTurn, source, tempElements, and UpdateAngle().
inline |
Definition at line 7602 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.Destroy(), and EClass.pc.
Referenced by GiveGift(), and ActThrow.Throw().
inline |
Definition at line 7408 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass.rnd().
Referenced by DramaManager.ParseLine(), and AI_Idle.Run().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 1121 of file Chara.cs.
References _cbits1, _cints, BitArray32.Bits, body, enemy, rawSlots, BaseCard.SetInt(), CharaBody.slots, and Card.uid.
inline |
Definition at line 8840 of file Chara.cs.
References Stats.Mod(), Stats.Set(), and Stats.value.
inline |
Definition at line 8825 of file Chara.cs.
References bed.
Referenced by LayerSleep.Advance().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 1903 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ApplyRace(), and ResetBody().
inline |
Definition at line 8350 of file Chara.cs.
References WorkSession.efficiency, Hobby.GetAI(), WorkSession.id, if(), AIWork.OnPerformWork(), Rand.Range(), EClass.rnd(), and Hobby.source.
Definition at line 3920 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, Zone.AddCard(), Card.AddThing(), Game.Config.autoCollectCard, Card.c_idRefCard, ContentCodex.Collect(), Game.config, ThingContainer.DestData.container, EClass.game, Card.isNew, ThingContainer.DestData.IsValid, Card.parent, ThingContainer.DestData.stack, Card.Thing, Card.trait, and Card.TryStackTo().
Referenced by InvOwnerRecycle._OnProcess(), TraitGodStatue._OnUse(), ActPlan._Update(), TraitDrink.BlendLove(), TraitDrink.BlendPoison(), TraitCrafter.Craft(), QuestDeliver.Deliver(), CoreDebug.Fix_LoytelDebt(), FactionBranch.GetDailyIncome(), FortuneRollData.GetPrize(), TraitDrink.OnBlend(), InvOwner.OnClick(), ContentCodex.OnClickGetCard(), AI_UseCrafter.OnEnd(), AI_Fish.ProgressFish.OnProgressComplete(), ConSleep.OnRemoved(), AM_Blueprint.OnSave(), InvOwner.OnShiftClick(), QuestDebt.OnStart(), QuestDeliver.OnStart(), TraitGiftJure.OnUse(), TraitGiftNewYear.OnUse(), TraitGiftPack.OnUse(), TraitParcel.OnUse(), TraitPlamoBox.OnUse(), TraitPotionEmpty.OnUse(), InvOwnerDeliver.PayBill(), ActDreamBug.Perform(), ActPick.Perform(), GrowSystem.PopHarvest(), ActEffect.Proc(), InvOwner.Transaction.Process(), Map.PutAway(), InvOwner.PutBack(), AI_Equip.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_OpenGambleChest.Run(), AI_Shear.Run(), AI_Steal.Run(), AI_UseCrafter.Run(), TaskCullLife.Run(), GameDate.ShipGoods(), ActThrow.Throw(), Recipe.TryGetFirstTimeBonus(), ActRanged.TryReload(), Map.TryShatter(), UIDragGridIngredients.Update(), and CoreDebug.UpdateInput().
inline |
Definition at line 4136 of file Chara.cs.
References Trait.CanOnlyCarry, card, Card.GetRootCard(), Card.invY, Card.isChara, Card.IsHotItem, EClass.pc, Pick, LayerInventory.SetDirty(), Card.Thing, Card.trait, and Card.TryStack().
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), AIAct.Cancel(), HotItemHeld.OnUnselect(), Player.ResetCurrentHotItem(), AI_Idle.Run(), Player.SetCurrentHotItem(), AIAct.Start(), and InvOwner.TryHold().
inline |
Definition at line 3900 of file Chara.cs.
References ThingGen.Create(), and Card.SetNum().
Referenced by Map.MineObj(), ConSuspend.OnRemoved(), TraitMannequin.OnUse(), FoodEffect.Proc(), TraitCanvas.TrySetAct(), and Map.TrySmoothPick().
inline |
Definition at line 1504 of file Chara.cs.
References _isLevitating, canSeeInvisible, conditions, Card.HasElement(), hasTelepathy, host, isWet, BaseCondition.OnRefresh(), Refresh(), ride, and SetDirtySpeed().
Referenced by ElementContainerFaction.CheckDirty(), CharaBody.Equip(), Condition.Kill(), Game.OnLoad(), Player.OnLoad(), Player.OnStartNewGame(), Refresh(), CharaGenes.Remove(), ActRide.Ride(), CharaBody.Unequip(), and ActRide.Unride().
inline |
Definition at line 9166 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass.curve(), SourceManager.elements, SourceReligion.Row.elements, SourceElement.Row.id, SourceReligion.Row.id, SourceManager.religions, ElementContainer.SetBase(), ElementContainer.SetParent(), and EClass.sources.
Referenced by TraitAltar._OnOffer(), Religion.JoinFaith(), Religion.LeaveFaith(), Player.OnAdvanceDay(), Skill.OnChangeValue(), Player.OnCreateGame(), OnDeserialized(), ConExcommunication.OnRefresh(), ConExcommunication.OnRemoved(), and SetFaith().
inline |
Definition at line 1614 of file Chara.cs.
References _Speed, body, burden, EClass.curve(), dirtySpeed, GamePrincipal.disableVoidBlessing, Card.elements, SourceManager.elements, Card.Evalue(), EvalueRiding(), EClass.game, Stats.GetPhase(), BaseStats.GetPhaseStr(), CharaBody.GetSlot(), Card.HasElement(), host, hunger, IsDeadOrSleeping, IsPC, IsPCFaction, IsPCParty, Player.lastEmptyAlly, Card.LV, Card.Name, parasite, EClass.player, Game.principal, race, RefreshSpeed(), ride, sleepiness, EClass.sources, stamina, BodySlot.thing, ToString(), and ElementContainer.ValueWithoutLink().
Referenced by ConGravity.OnRefresh(), Player.RefreshEmptyAlly(), RefreshSpeed(), and Element.BonusInfo.WriteNote().
inline |
Definition at line 8175 of file Chara.cs.
References Hobby.GetEfficiency(), item, ElementContainer.ModBase(), FactionBranch.owner, ElementContainer.SetParent(), and Hobby.source.
Referenced by FactionBranch.AddMemeber(), Party.AddMemeber(), FactionBranch.ChangeMemberType(), FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), FactionBranch.OnActivateZone(), Game.OnLoad(), FactionBranch.Recruit(), TraitGeneratorWheel.Refresh(), Party.RemoveMember(), and FactionBranch.RemoveMemeber().
inline |
Definition at line 2069 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, ai, AIAct.Cancel(), Map.charas, Debug, enemy, master, Refresh(), and SetEnemy().
Referenced by _MakeAlly(), MakeMinion(), and QuestEscort.ReleaseEscort().
inline |
T | : | Condition |
Definition at line 8622 of file Chara.cs.
References Condition.Kill().
inline |
Definition at line 1294 of file Chara.cs.
References Game.cards, EClass.game, global, CardManager.globalCharas, IsGlobal, CardManager.listAdv, CardManager.GlobalCharaList.Remove(), and trait.
Referenced by FactionBranch.RemoveMemeber().
inline |
Definition at line 1931 of file Chara.cs.
References body, BodySlot.elementId, Element.Get(), Card.PlaySound(), CharaBody.RemoveBodyPartAt(), Card.Say(), and CharaBody.slots.
Referenced by TraitFoodEggFertilized.Incubate().
Definition at line 7623 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, AddCooldown(), CanSeeLos(), Map.charas, conSuspend, enemy, Card.Evalue(), Point.GetNearestPoint(), GoHostile(), HasCondition(), HasCooldown(), Card.HasElement(), host, IsDisabled, IsFriendOrAbove(), IsPC, IsPCFaction, IsPCParty, Card.isRestrained, Point.IsValid, EClass.rnd(), SetEnemy(), Card.Talk(), and Card.Teleport().
Referenced by ActMelee.Attack(), ActEffect.DamageEle(), and ActRanged.Perform().
inline |
Definition at line 8269 of file Chara.cs.
References SourceChara.Row.hobbies, SourceManager.hobbies, SourceHobby.listHobbies, SourceHobby.listWorks, EClass.sources, and SourceChara.Row.works.
Referenced by OnCreate().
inline |
Definition at line 1945 of file Chara.cs.
References CharaBody.AddBodyPart(), body, BodySlot.elementId, ParseBodySlot(), race, CharaBody.RefreshBodyParts(), CharaBody.RemoveBodyPart(), and CharaBody.slots.
inline |
Definition at line 7791 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by CoreDebug.ResetPetUpgrades().
inline |
Definition at line 8792 of file Chara.cs.
References BaseStats.id, BaseCondition.power, and EClass.rnd().
inline |
Definition at line 4305 of file Chara.cs.
References RenderRow.ContainsTag(), ThingGen.Create(), ThingGen.CreateFromCategory(), ThingGen.CreateSpellbook(), SourceChara.Row.equip, SourceJob.Row.equip, SourceRace.Row.id, EClass.rnd(), CharaBody.slotMainHand, BodySlot.thing, and SourceJob.Row.weapon.
Referenced by CoreDebug.QuickStart().
inline |
Definition at line 4507 of file Chara.cs.
References ThingGen.Create(), EClass.rnd(), and Card.SetNum().
inline |
Definition at line 4649 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, EClass._zone, Zone.AddCard(), ApplyDeathPenalty(), Card.c_lockLv, Trait.CanBeDropped, Player.Stats.days, GamePrincipal.disableDeathPenaltyProtection, ThingContainer.Foreach(), EClass.game, MapBounds.GetCenterPos(), Point.GetNearestPoint(), Card.IsContainer, item, FactionBranch.Log(), Card.parentCard, EClass.pc, EClass.player, Card.pos, Player.preventDeathPenalty, Game.principal, Msg.Say(), Thing.SelfWeight, Player.stats, Card.things, Card.trait, Stats.value, and WeightLimit.
Referenced by FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), ZonePreEnterOnCompleteQuestInstance.Execute(), CoreDebug.GodMode(), ZoneInstanceBout.OnLeaveZone(), and Zone.Revive().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 3205 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by AI_Dance.Run().
Definition at line 8045 of file Chara.cs.
References AIAct.Cancel(), Debug, AIAct.IsNoGoal, AIAct.IsRunning, QueueManager.OnSetGoal(), EClass.player, Player.queues, and AIAct.SetOwner().
Referenced by _Move(), Zone.AddCard(), Thing.DoAct(), UIInventory.DoAct(), Player.EndTurn(), GiveGift(), TraitTrolley.OnActivateTrap(), BaseListPeople.OnClick(), LayerCraft.OnClickCraft(), OnCreate(), ZoneInstanceBout.OnLeaveZone(), ZoneEventSiege.OnTickRound(), AM_Paint.OnUpdateInput(), ActNTR.Perform(), ActRanged.Perform(), ActRestrain.Perform(), ActPlan.Item.Perform(), LayerCraftFloat.RefreshCraft(), AI_Idle.Run(), GoalSpot.Run(), Zone.Simulate(), ConSleep.SuccubusVisit(), ActThrow.Throw(), TaskManager.Designations.TryRemoveDesignation(), InvOwnerCraft.TryStartCraft(), and GoalWork.TryWork().
inline |
Definition at line 8035 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ZoneEventQuest.AggroEnemy().
inline |
Definition at line 8077 of file Chara.cs.
References Scene.actionMode, Scene.paused, EClass.scene, and ActionMode.Sim.
Referenced by AM_Adv._OnUpdateInput(), WidgetMinimap.OnPointerDown(), TraitGambleChest.OnUse(), AIAct.Perform(), HotItemFocusPos.Perform(), ActPlan.Item.Perform(), AM_Adv.PressedActionMove(), WidgetSearch.RefreshList(), AM_Adv.SetManualMove(), TraitContainer.TryOpen(), TaskDump.TryPerform(), and TraitToolButcher.TrySetHeldAct().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 3198 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by AI_Trolley.Run(), and ConSleep.Tick().
inline |
Definition at line 1605 of file Chara.cs.
References dirtySpeed, host, and SetDirtySpeed().
Referenced by CalcBurden(), Condition.Kill(), AttbMain.OnChangeValue(), Refresh(), Party.RemoveMember(), ActRide.Ride(), SetDirtySpeed(), and ActRide.Unride().
Definition at line 5658 of file Chara.cs.
References AIAct.Cancel(), and EClass.rnd().
Referenced by ZoneEventQuest.AggroEnemy(), DoHostileAction(), AI_Torture.OnCancelOrSuccess(), ZoneInstanceBout.OnLeaveZone(), ConInvisibility.OnStart(), Zone.RefreshCriminal(), ReleaseMinion(), RequestProtection(), Zone.ResetHostility(), AI_Idle.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), and Card.Teleport().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 4536 of file Chara.cs.
References CardBlueprint.CharaGenEQ, EClass.rnd(), and CardBlueprint.Set().
inline |
Definition at line 1227 of file Chara.cs.
References _faction, faction, Faction.GetHostility(), and hostility.
Referenced by _MakeAlly(), FactionBranch.AddMemeber(), Player.OnCreateGame(), CoreDebug.QuickStart(), and FactionBranch.RemoveMemeber().
inline |
Definition at line 1489 of file Chara.cs.
References faith, and RefreshFaithElement().
inline |
Definition at line 1484 of file Chara.cs.
References ReligionManager.dictAll, EClass.game, Game.religions, and SetFaith().
Referenced by OnCreate(), Zone_SubTown.OnGenerateRooms(), Player.OnStartNewGame(), SetFaith(), and Zone.TrySpawnFollower().
inline |
Definition at line 8964 of file Chara.cs.
References Feat.Apply(), Msg.colors, EClass.core, MsgColors.Ding, Feat.FullName, Core.IsGameStarted, MsgColors.Negative, Refresh(), Msg.SetColor(), Element.source, and Element.Value.
Referenced by LayerWorldSetting.Apply(), DNA.Apply(), ApplyEditorTags(), Card.LevelUp(), TraitFoodEggFertilized.MakeBaby(), Zone_Casino.OnActivate(), OnCreate(), TraitDrinkMilkMother.OnDrink(), FoodEffect.Proc(), and CoreDebug.SetElement().
inline |
Definition at line 1281 of file Chara.cs.
References CardManager.GlobalCharaList.Add(), Game.cards, enemy, EClass.game, global, CardManager.globalCharas, and IsGlobal.
Referenced by _MakeAlly(), SetGlobal(), and SetHomeZone().
Definition at line 1266 of file Chara.cs.
References Zone.AddCard(), homeZone, orgPos, and SetGlobal().
Referenced by FactionBranch.AddMemeber(), Zone_Nymelle.OnBeforeSimulate(), Meeting.SetChara(), Game.StartNewGame(), and CoreDebug.UpdateInput().
inline |
Definition at line 1234 of file Chara.cs.
References homeZone, and SetGlobal().
Referenced by Game.AddAdventurers(), FactionBranch.AddMemeber(), OnBanish(), and CoreDebug.QuickStart().
inline |
Definition at line 1813 of file Chara.cs.
References _ability, Card._colorInt, Color, Card.elements, GameSetting.elements, SourceManager.elements, Card.id, MainElement, ElementContainer.ModBase(), ElementContainer.SetBase(), EClass.setting, Element.source, and EClass.sources.
inline |
Definition at line 1804 of file Chara.cs.
References SourceManager.elements, Card.id, SetMainElement(), and EClass.sources.
Referenced by TraitFoodEggFertilized.Incubate(), OnCreate(), ActEffect.ProcAt(), SerializedCards.Restore(), and SetMainElement().
inline |
Definition at line 8040 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by LayerMiniGame.OnAfterInit(), and Player.TryAbortAutoCombat().
inline |
Definition at line 6038 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), TraitChangingRoom.OnActivateTrap(), AI_Bladder.OnReset(), TraitMiniPool.OnStepped(), and AI_Bladder.Run().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 6082 of file Chara.cs.
References RenderRow._tiles, SourceChara.Row._tiles_snow, EClass._zone, Spatial.IsSnowCovered, and SourceChara.Row.staticSkin.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), and TileMapElona.DrawTile().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 6593 of file Chara.cs.
References SourceData< T, T2 >.BaseRow._index.
Referenced by BaseListPeople.List(), and LayerDragGrid.SetInv().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 1792 of file Chara.cs.
References SourceManager.charas, Debug, Card.id, source, and EClass.sources.
inline |
Definition at line 2087 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ActEffect.ProcAt(), and QuestEscort.ReleaseEscort().
inline |
Definition at line 6057 of file Chara.cs.
References RenderData.ConvertTile(), left, GameScreen.renderTempEQ, right, EClass.scene, and Scene.screenElin.
Referenced by CharaBody.Equip(), ContentConfigGame.OnInstantiate(), AI_Water.OnProgress(), TaskCut.OnProgress(), AI_Idle.OnStart(), AI_Bladder.Run(), AI_Fuck.Run(), AI_UseCrafter.Run(), and AIAct.Start().
inline |
Definition at line 6879 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.blessedState, Card.category, BodySlot.elementId, Card.GetEquipValue(), CharaBody.GetSlot(), Card.HasTag(), CharaBody.IsEquippable(), Thing.isEquipped, Card.IsMeleeWeapon, Card.IsRangedWeapon, CharaBody.slotMainHand, and BodySlot.thing.
inline |
Definition at line 7693 of file Chara.cs.
References Trait.CanBeDestroyed, Card.category, Trait.GetHealAction(), Card.id, Card.IsAmmo, Card.IsDecayed, Thing.isEquipped, Card.IsFood, Card.isGifted, Card.isNPCProperty, Card.IsRangedWeapon, Card.IsThrownWeapon, Card.rarity, EClass.rnd(), and Card.trait.
inline |
Definition at line 6368 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, LayerDrama.ActivateMain(), QuestManager.Add(), Quest.Complete(), ThingGen.Create(), CorePath.DramaData, Player.DropReward(), Player.EnableDreamStory, faith, Player.Flags.fiamaFirstDream, Player.Flags.fiamaStoryBookGiven, Player.flags, LayerDrama.forceJump, EClass.game, QuestManager.Get(), ReligionManager.Healing, Spatial.id, Zone_Nymelle.IsCrystalLv, Zone.IsFestival, Card.isHidden, Player.Flags.little_killed, Player.Flags.little_saved, Player.Flags.loytelEscaped, QuestManager.OnShowDialog(), QuestDebt.paid, EClass.pc, EClass.player, Game.quests, Game.religions, QuestDebt.stage, and Player.Flags.storyFiama.
Referenced by Card.DamageHP(), ZonePreEnterEncounter.Execute(), ZonePreEnterOnCompleteQuestInstance.Execute(), LayerInteraction.GetPage(), Quest.OnClickQuest(), InspectGroupChara.OnSetActions(), ActChat.Perform(), MeetingMerchant.PlayDrama(), LayerHire.Refresh(), and LayerQuestBoard.RefreshHire().
inline |
Definition at line 6533 of file Chara.cs.
References book.
inline |
Definition at line 8812 of file Chara.cs.
References bed, and Condition.Create().
Referenced by AI_Sleep.OnProgressComplete(), HotItemActionSleep.Perform(), and AI_PassTime.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 4196 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.Split().
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), AI_HaulResource.Run(), and HotItemHeld.TrySetAct().
inline |
Definition at line 1588 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, Card.DamageHP(), Point.Equals(), Card.Evalue(), Map.FindThing(), Card.IsInstalled, mana, Stats.max, MaxHP, EClass.pc, Card.pos, Card.Say(), Card.trait, and WeightLimit.
Referenced by TraitTrap.OnActivateTrap(), and Scene.OnUpdate().
inline |
Definition at line 3559 of file Chara.cs.
References SyncRide().
Referenced by _Move(), Card._Move(), Card.MoveImmediate(), ActRide.Ride(), and SyncRide().
inline |
Definition at line 3575 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, Debug, Point.Equals(), Map.MoveCard(), and Card.pos.
inline |
Definition at line 6297 of file Chara.cs.
References Color, Msg.colors, isSynced, MsgColors.Ono, GameSetting.render, EClass.rnd(), Msg.Say(), Msg.SetColor(), EClass.setting, MsgColors.Talk, GameSetting.RenderSetting.tc, GameSetting.RenderSetting.TCSetting.textPosDead, MsgColors.Thinking, and EClass.ui.
Referenced by AI_Idle.Run().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 3588 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, EClass._zone, Game.activeZone, ActionMode.Adv, CoreConfig.GameConfig.alwaysUpdateRecipe, ConfigPreference.autoEat, Player.baseActTime, burden, AIAct.CancelOnAggro, Cell.CanSuffocate(), Map.charas, Core.config, Game.config, EInput.Consume(), EClass.core, Player.currentHotItem, EClass.debug, Spatial.destryoed, Cell.effect, Scene.elomap, Point.eloX, Point.eloY, Player.EnterLocalZone(), Point.Equals(), Card.Evalue(), CoreConfig.game, EClass.game, QuestManager.Get(), EloMap.GetCell(), Stats.GetPhase(), EloMap.GetTileInfo(), Player.haltMove, HasCondition(), hasMovedThisTurn, hunger, CellEffect.id, CellEffect.idEffect, CoreDebug.ignoreEncounter, CoreDebug.ignoreWeight, InstantEat(), IsAliveInCurrentZone, CellEffect.isBlessed, CellEffect.isCursed, Cell.isFloating, IsGlobal, CellEffect.isHostileAct, Zone.IsPCFaction, Card.IsPCFactionOrMinion, Spatial.IsRegion, AIAct.IsRunning, Cell.IsTopWaterAndNoSnow, SpatialManager.map, Party.members, Stats.Mod(), MoveZone(), BaseGameScreen.OnEndPlayerTurn(), Trait.OnStepped(), Trait.OnTickHeld(), parasite, party, EClass.pc, EClass.player, Card.pos, CellEffect.power, Game.Config.preference, ActEffect.ProcAt(), Game.quests, World.region, Zone.RemoveCard(), Player.returnInfo, ride, EClass.rnd(), Player.safeTravel, Msg.Say(), EClass.scene, EClass.screen, Map.SetLiquid(), AM_Adv.SetTurbo(), EloMap.TileInfo.shore, Game.spatials, Speed, Player.stats, HotItem.Thing, AIAct.Tick(), Card.trait, AM_Adv.TryCancelInteraction(), Player.ReturnInfo.turns, Player.Stats.turns, Player.ReturnInfo.uidDest, Stats.value, EClass.world, Cell.x, Cell.z, and EloMap.Cell.zone.
inline |
Definition at line 3355 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, EClass._zone, BaseCondition.ConsumeTurn, Weather.CurrentCondition, EClass.debug, BaseStats.EmoIcon, Stats.GetPhase(), CoreDebug.godMode, Card.HasElement(), Map.IsIndoor, Condition.IsKilled, Weather.IsRaining, Spatial.IsRegion, Card.LV, Stats.max, Stats.Mod(), EClass.pc, Tutorial.Play(), BaseCondition.PreventRegen, EClass.rnd(), Msg.Say(), Condition.Tick(), BaseCondition.TimeBased, Stats.value, World.weather, and EClass.world.
Referenced by _Move().
inline |
Definition at line 7922 of file Chara.cs.
inline |
Definition at line 8317 of file Chara.cs.
References TimeTable.GetSpan(), WorkSummary.hobbies, Date.hour, VirtualDate.IsRealTime, and WorkSummary.work.
inline |
Definition at line 981 of file Chara.cs.
References ai, isDead, Card.pos, AIAct.ToString(), and Point.ToString().
Referenced by Card.DamageHP(), RefreshSpeed(), ContentQuest.SelectQuest(), and GoalCombat.TryUseAbility().
inline |
Definition at line 3984 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.c_charges, SourceManager.elements, SourceElement.Row.id, Stats.Mod(), rod, LayerInventory.SetDirty(), EClass.sources, and Card.trait.
Referenced by ActZap.Perform().
inline |
Definition at line 6641 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, TraitBed.AddHolder(), Props.all, TraitBed.CanAssign(), PropsManager.installed, item, Map.props, and Msg.Say().
Referenced by GoalSleep.OnSimulatePosition(), AI_Idle.Run(), GoalSleep.Run(), and GoalVisitorGuest.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 5082 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, LayerDrama.Activate(), Zone.AddCard(), Zone.Boss, Quest.ChangePhase(), ThingGen.CreateScroll(), ThingGen.CreateTreasure(), Zone.DangerLv, EClass.debug, CoreDebug.enable, Player.flags, EClass.game, QuestManager.Get(), Point.GetNearestPoint(), Zone.GetTopZone(), Card.Install(), Spatial.isConquered, Zone.IsNefia, Player.Flags.KilledBossInVoid, Player.ModFame(), Player.ModKarma(), Spatial.Name, EClass.player, Game.quests, EClass.rnd(), EClass.rndHalf(), Msg.Say(), Zone.SetBGM(), Point.SetBlock(), Point.SetObj(), EClass.Sound, and ThingGen.TryLickChest().
Referenced by ActEffect.Proc().
inline |
Definition at line 4201 of file Chara.cs.
References Trait.CanOnlyCarry, item, and Card.trait.
inline |
Definition at line 6961 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.category, CharaBody.Equip(), CharaBody.GetSlot(), Card.IsMeleeWeapon, and CharaBody.slotMainHand.
Referenced by GiveGift(), ActEffect.Proc(), InvOwner.Transaction.Process(), and CharaBody.UnqeuipIfTooHeavy().
inline |
Definition at line 7081 of file Chara.cs.
References Player.currentHotItem, Card.parent, EClass.player, and HotItem.Thing.
Referenced by TraitTrainingDummy.IdleUse(), ActRanged.Perform(), GoalCombat.TryMove(), and GoalCombat.TryUseRanged().
inline |
Definition at line 7005 of file Chara.cs.
References Game.Config.autoCombat, ConfigAutoCombat.bUseHotBar, Game.config, EClass.game, Card.HasTag(), and Card.IsHotItem.
Referenced by AI_PlayMusic.ThrowReward(), and GoalCombat.TryThrow().
inline |
Definition at line 4062 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, Zone.AddCard(), Card.isDestroyed, Card.Num, and Card.parent.
Referenced by Trait.OnUse(), AI_Grab< T >.Run(), and AI_Paint.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 7211 of file Chara.cs.
References Thing.Identify(), Card.LV, Card.ModExp(), and EClass.rnd().
Referenced by Player.OnAdvanceHour().
inline |
Definition at line 2422 of file Chara.cs.
References _Move(), CanMoveTo(), conditions, IsPC, and BaseCondition.TryMove().
Referenced by MoveNeighborDefinitely(), MoveRandom(), GoalManualMove.Run(), AI_Goto.TryGoTo(), TryMoveFrom(), and TryMoveTowards().
inline |
Definition at line 2382 of file Chara.cs.
References Point.Copy(), Point.HasChara, IsPC, Point.IsValid, EClass.player, Card.pos, EClass.rnd(), Point.Set(), Player.TooHeavyToMove(), TryMove(), Point.x, and Point.z.
Referenced by GoalCombat.Run(), ConFear.Tick(), and GoalCombat.TryMove().
inline |
Definition at line 2320 of file Chara.cs.
References _sharedPos, CanDestroyPath(), CanMoveTo(), Debug, Point.Distance(), Point.Equals(), Point.GetPointTowards(), PathProgress.HasPath, PathManager.Instance, IsPC, PathProgress.nodes, EClass.player, Card.pos, PathManager.RequestPathImmediate(), Point.Set(), Player.TooHeavyToMove(), TryMove(), Algorithms.PathFinderNode.X, and Algorithms.PathFinderNode.Z.
Referenced by _Move(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_Shear.Run(), AI_Slaughter.Run(), AI_Steal.Run(), and GoalCombat.TryMove().
inline |
Definition at line 8747 of file Chara.cs.
References harvest, Player.invlunerable, and EClass.player.
Referenced by ActEffect.Proc().
inline |
Definition at line 9131 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.HasElement(), Party.members, party, EClass.pc, EClass.rnd(), and Msg.Say().
inline |
Definition at line 4038 of file Chara.cs.
References ai, item, EClass.pc, and Pick.
Referenced by AI_Fish.Run().
Definition at line 3970 of file Chara.cs.
References ThingGen.Create(), Card.Destroy(), Card.id, Card.Num, EClass.rnd(), Card.SetNum(), Thing.source, EClass.sources, SourceManager.things, and Card.trait.
inline |
Definition at line 2907 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, ai, TraitChara.CanBePushed, if(), IsHuman, AIAct.IsMoveAI, IsPC, Card.IsPCFactionOrMinion, IsPCParty, Spatial.IsRegion, isSynced, Card.IsUnique, Point.ListCharas(), Card.ModCurrency(), MoveByForce(), Card.noMove, Card.PlayEffect(), Card.PlaySound(), EClass.rnd(), EClass.rndHalf(), Card.Talk(), and trait.
Referenced by _Move().
Definition at line 4054 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, Zone.AddCard(), and Zone.TryAddThingInSharedContainer().
Referenced by FactionBranch.DailyOutcome().
inline |
Definition at line 6692 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, Props.containers, PropsManager.installed, and Map.props.
inline |
Definition at line 6659 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, Card.category, Card.HasTag(), Card.IsAmmo, Thing.isEquipped, Card.IsRangedWeapon, and Zone.TryAddThingInSharedContainer().
Referenced by AI_Idle.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 4014 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.category, Card.id, and Tutorial.Reserve().
inline |
Definition at line 4295 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, EClass.core, and Core.IsGameStarted.
Referenced by OnCreate(), and Zone.OnVisit().
inline |
Definition at line 5675 of file Chara.cs.
References Game.Config.autoCombat, ConfigAutoCombat.bDontChangeTarget, Game.config, EClass.game, hostility, IsPC, IsPCFaction, IsPCFactionMinion, and EClass.rnd().
Referenced by Card.DamageHP(), and GoalCombat.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 6697 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, Props.containers, PropsManager.installed, and Map.props.
Referenced by AI_Idle.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 6702 of file Chara.cs.
References Card.c_isImportant, Trait.GetHealAction(), FactionBranch.HasItemProtection, Card.HasTag(), Card.id, if(), PolicyManager.IsActive(), Card.IsEquipmentOrRanged, Thing.IsSharedContainer, Card.Num, FactionBranch.policies, Card.things, and Card.trait.
inline |
Definition at line 7796 of file Chara.cs.
References SourceElement.Row.category, Element.CostLearn, EClass.debug, SourceManager.elements, CoreDebug.enable, Element.id, SourceElement.Row.id, item, Element.List_MainAttributesMajor, EClass.rnd(), Rand.SetSeed(), and EClass.sources.
Referenced by Card.LevelUp(), and WindowCharaMini.Refresh().
inline |
Definition at line 7110 of file Chara.cs.
References Trait.CanDrink(), Trait.CanEat(), Trait.CanRead(), Drink, Trait.GetHealAction(), Thing.GetName(), Stats.GetPhase(), Card.id, Card.isAcidproof, Card.IsEquipmentOrRanged, Card.IsNegativeGift, Trait.OnBlend(), Thing.source, and Card.trait.
Referenced by AI_Shopping.Buy(), and AI_Idle.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 8338 of file Chara.cs.
References ExpeditionManager.Add(), Expedition.Create(), World.date, FactionBranch.expeditions, Date.GetRaw(), Expedition.hours, Date.IsExpired(), and EClass.world.
inline |
Definition at line 3266 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by OnDeserialized().
inline |
Definition at line 3327 of file Chara.cs.
References Point.cell, Cell.isSeen, Point.IsValid, and Point.Set().
Definition at line 5233 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._map, Act.CanRapidFire, SourceRace.Row.castStyle, Map.charas, EInput.Consume(), Act.Cost.cost, EClass.debug, Player.EndTurn(), TargetType.ForceParty, Element.GetCost(), Lang.GetList(), Element.GetPower(), CoreDebug.godMode, host, Element.id, IsFriendOrAbove(), IsHostile(), Act.IsTargetHostileParty(), SourceRace.Row.meleeStyle, Party.members, Stats.Mod(), party, EClass.pc, Act.Perform(), EClass.player, Card.pos, Act.RapidDelay, EClass.rnd(), Msg.Say(), Msg.SayNothingHappen(), TargetType.SelfParty, LayerAbility.SetDirty(), Element.source, Act.TargetType, Dialog.TryWarnMana(), Act.Cost.type, EClass.ui, Element.Value, Stats.value, Element.vPotential, and Dialog.warned.
Definition at line 5228 of file Chara.cs.
References ACT.Create().
Referenced by AM_Adv._OnUpdateInput(), AI_Idle.Run(), ButtonAbility.SpecialHoldAction(), HotItemAct.TrySetAct(), TraitCatalyst.TrySetHeldAct(), ButtonAbility.TryUse(), and GoalCombat.TryUseAbility().
inline |
Definition at line 8386 of file Chara.cs.
References GoalWork.FindWork(), and GoalWork.ValidateHobby().
Referenced by Zone.Deactivate().
inline |
Definition at line 4764 of file Chara.cs.
References EClass._zone, Zone.AddCard(), ThingGen.Create(), Stats.GetPhase(), Zone.IsPCFaction, Spatial.IsRegion, Card.MakeRefFrom(), Stats.Mod(), and EClass.rnd().
Referenced by FoodEffect.Proc(), and ConDrunk.Tick().
inline |
Definition at line 3343 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by AM_Adv._OnUpdateInput(), UIAutoTurn._Update(), and Player.CanAcceptInput().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 6583 of file Chara.cs.
References UINote.AddHeaderCard(), UINote.AddText(), UINote.Build(), UINote.Clear(), UIItem.image2, UIText.SetText(), and UIItem.text2.
CharaAbility Chara._ability |
Definition at line 93 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by SetMainElement().
ElementContainer Chara._baseWorkElements |
BitArray32 Chara._cbits1 |
Definition at line 81 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by OnSerializing().
int [] Chara._cints = new int[30] |
Definition at line 79 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by OnDeserialized(), and OnSerializing().
private |
Definition at line 141 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by SetFaction().
bool Chara._isLevitating |
Definition at line 129 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by HasHigherGround(), and Refresh().
SourceJob.Row Chara._job |
Definition at line 147 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ChangeJob(), and OnCreate().
List<int> Chara._listAbility |
Definition at line 61 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by CharaAbility.Add(), CharaAbility.AddRandom(), CharaAbility.Refresh(), and CharaAbility.Remove().
staticprivate |
staticprivate |
Definition at line 183 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ActPlan.Item.Perform().
SourceRace.Row Chara._race |
Definition at line 145 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ChangeRace(), and OnCreate().
Definition at line 159 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by TryMoveTowards().
private |
Definition at line 157 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by RefreshSpeed().
WorkSummary Chara._workSummary |
float Chara.actTime = 0.3f |
Definition at line 163 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), and CharaRenderer.UpdatePosition().
Definition at line 187 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), AM_Adv._OnUpdateInput(), UIAutoTurn._Update(), AM_Adv.AxisMove(), TraitTrolley.CanActivate(), CanDestroyPath(), Card.DamageHP(), CardRenderer.Draw(), BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), FindNewEnemy(), IsEnemyOnPath(), MoveByForce(), Card.MoveImmediate(), TraitNewZone.MoveZone(), AM_Adv.OnActivate(), AI_Torture.OnCancelOrSuccess(), InvOwnerDraglet.OnClick(), LayerDragGrid.OnKill(), TraitNewZone.OnStepped(), ZoneEventSiege.OnTickRound(), BaseTileSelector.OnUpdate(), AM_Adv.OnUpdateCursor(), ActRanged.Perform(), ActPlan.Item.Perform(), AM_Adv.PressedActionMove(), TCOrbitChara.RefreshAll(), WidgetSearch.RefreshList(), CharaRenderer.RefreshStateIcon(), ReleaseMinion(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_Trolley.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), GoalManualMove.Run(), Zone.Simulate(), ConSleep.SuccubusSleep(), Card.Teleport(), ConSleep.Tick(), ToString(), Player.TryAbortAutoCombat(), AM_Adv.TryCancelInteraction(), TryPickGroundItem(), TryPush(), UIDragGridIngredients.Update(), UISong.Update(), CharaRenderer.UpdatePosition(), WidgetDebug.UpdateText(), and ButtonAbility.Use().
Definition at line 91 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Thing.AddAttackEvaluation(), AddRandomBodyPart(), DNA.Apply(), Feat.Apply(), ApplyRace(), ActMelee.Attack(), Thing.CanAutoFire(), QuestCrafter.CanUpdateOnTalk(), CoreDebug.ChangeRace(), Player.CreateEquip(), Card.DamageHP(), DragItemCard.DragInfo.DragInfo(), Card.GetLightRadius(), CharaBody.GetSortVal(), InvOwner.Grab(), TraitFoodEggFertilized.Incubate(), InvOwner.ListInteractions(), OnCreate(), OnDeserialized(), InvOwner.OnDrag(), CharaActorPCC.OnRender(), OnSerializing(), Player.OnStartNewGame(), TraitAmmo.OnUse(), TraitMannequin.OnUse(), ActRanged.Perform(), HotItemEQSet.Perform(), AttackProcess.Perform(), AttackProcess.Prepare(), ActEffect.Proc(), InvOwner.PutBack(), CoreDebug.QuickStart(), WindowCharaMini.Refresh(), WindowCharaMini.RefreshEquipment(), LayerEquip.RefreshEquipment(), WidgetEquip.RefreshEquipment(), WindowChara.RefreshEquipment(), WindowChara.RefreshProfile(), RefreshSpeed(), HotItemEQSet.Register(), RemoveLastBodyPart(), Card.RemoveThing(), ResetBody(), AI_Equip.Run(), ButtonGrid.SetBodySlot(), ButtonElement.SetGrid(), GoalCombat.TryUseAbility(), and Element.BonusInfo.WriteNote().
bool Chara.bossText |
Definition at line 139 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by CardRenderer.Draw(), OnCreate(), and OnDeserialized().
int Chara.calmCheckTurn |
Definition at line 113 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by DoHostileAction(), and GoalCombat.Run().
bool Chara.canSeeInvisible |
Definition at line 133 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by CanSee(), CanSeeLos(), Refresh(), and PointTarget.ShouldIgnore().
Definition at line 196 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by TraitShrine._OnUse(), UIAutoTurn._Update(), Card.CalculateFOV(), Card.CreateFov(), Card.DamageHP(), Condition.Kill(), WidgetStats.OnRefresh(), Refresh(), WindowChara.RefreshStatus(), AI_PassTime.Run(), NotificationCondition.ShouldRemove(), BaseCondition.Start(), ConFear.Tick(), TryMove(), GoalCombat.TryUseAbility(), and Element.BonusInfo.WriteNote().
ConSleep Chara.conSleep |
Definition at line 99 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ActNTR.CanPerform(), Card.DamageHP(), Kick(), TraitBaseSpellbook.OnRead(), and ConTransmute.Tick().
ConSuspend Chara.conSuspend |
Definition at line 101 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Quest.IsVisibleOnQuestBoard(), Kick(), Point.ListWitnesses(), RequestProtection(), Zone.Simulate(), AIAct.SimulateZone(), and ConSleep.Tick().
int Chara.contribution |
Definition at line 18 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by OnCreate().
bool Chara.dirtySpeed = true |
Definition at line 155 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by RefreshSpeed(), and SetDirtySpeed().
Emo2 Chara.emoIcon |
Definition at line 103 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by TCOrbitChara.RefreshAll(), and BaseCondition.SetOwner().
Chara Chara.enemy |
Definition at line 83 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Die(), DoHostileAction(), IsHostile(), AI_Torture.OnCancelOrSuccess(), NotificationBattle.OnClick(), WidgetNotice.OnRefresh(), OnSerializing(), ConInvisibility.OnStart(), TCOrbitChara.RefreshAll(), Zone.RefreshCriminal(), ReleaseMinion(), RequestProtection(), Zone.ResetHostility(), AI_Idle.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), SetGlobal(), Card.Teleport(), and ConFear.Tick().
ElementContainer Chara.faithElements |
Definition at line 38 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Feat.Apply(), Element.IsFactionElement(), ElementContainer.ListElements(), and Element.BonusInfo.WriteNote().
GlobalData Chara.global |
Definition at line 73 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Zone.Activate(), Zone.AddGlobalCharasOnActivate(), GameDate.AdvanceHour(), Zone.GetSpawnPos(), OnDeserialized(), Scene.OnUpdate(), RemoveGlobal(), and SetGlobal().
int Chara.happiness |
Definition at line 105 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by FactionBranch.GetHappiness(), and OnCreate().
private |
bool Chara.hasTelepathy |
Definition at line 135 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by CanSee(), Player.CanSee(), CanSeeLos(), BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), Refresh(), and PointTarget.ShouldIgnore().
Card Chara.held |
Definition at line 67 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by TaskBuild._GetHitResult(), HotItemNoItem._TrySetAct(), ActPlan._Update(), Card.CalculateFOV(), TraitNewZone.CanAutoEnter(), AIAct.Cancel(), HotItemHeld.CanChangeHeightByWheel(), Player.CanExitBorder(), HotItemHeld.CanRotate(), TaskBuild.CanRotateBlock(), RecipeCard.Craft(), Card.CreateFov(), AIAct.DoGoto(), AIAct.DoGotoSpot(), AIAct.DoGrab(), CardRenderer.Draw(), CharaRenderer.Draw(), CharaRenderer.DrawHeld(), TaskBuild.GetHitResult(), Card.GetLightRadius(), Thing.GetSubPassData(), TaskBuild.GetText(), AM_Adv.HighlightWall(), AI_HaulResource.HoldingResource(), TaskBuild.OnProgressComplete(), CardActor.OnRender(), CharaActorPCC.OnRender(), TraitPaintBoard.OnRenderExtra(), HotItemHeld.OnSetCurrentItem(), HotItemHeld.OnUnselect(), Trait.OnUse(), Player.RefreshCurrentHotItem(), AI_Cook.Run(), AI_Drink.Run(), AI_Eat.Run(), AI_Grab< T >.Run(), AI_HaulResource.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_Offer.Run(), AI_Read.Run(), TaskMoveInstalled.Run(), ButtonGrid.SetCard(), LayerInventory.SetDirty(), AIAct.Start(), InvOwner.TryHold(), HotItemHeld.TrySetAct(), and TraitNewZone.TrySetAct().
Chara Chara.host |
Definition at line 33 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), ActPlan._Update(), Zone.AddGlobalCharasOnActivate(), TraitTrolley.CanActivate(), ActRestrain.CanPerform(), ActRush.CanPerform(), CanReplace(), AI_Torture.CreateProgress(), ActEffect.DamageEle(), Card.DamageHP(), CardRenderer.Draw(), CharaRenderer.Draw(), BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), TileMapElona.DrawTile(), CardRenderer.GetPref(), IsCriticallyWounded(), Kick(), BaseListPeople.OnClick(), ActRestrain.Perform(), AttackProcess.Prepare(), Refresh(), TCOrbitChara.RefreshAll(), RefreshSpeed(), Party.RemoveMember(), RequestProtection(), AI_Goto.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_Slaughter.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), SetDirtySpeed(), PointTarget.ShouldIgnore(), Card.ShowEmo(), ActThrow.Throw(), ConSleep.Tick(), ConTransmute.Tick(), GoalCombat.TryMove(), GoalCombat.TryUseAbility(), and UseAbility().
int Chara.idleActTimer |
Definition at line 109 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by AI_Idle.Run().
float Chara.idleTimer |
Definition at line 117 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by CharaRenderer.UpdatePosition().
static |
bool Chara.isBlind |
Definition at line 125 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), TraitBaseSpellbook.CanRead(), TraitBookSecret.CanRead(), TraitBookSkill.CanRead(), TraitScroll.CanRead(), TraitScrollStatic.CanRead(), Player.CanSee(), Card.GetLightRadius(), Msg.GetName(), ActMelee.HideHint(), Point.ListWitnesses(), AttackProcess.Prepare(), BaseGameScreen.RefreshGrading(), GoalCombat.Run(), ActWait.Search(), ActWait.SearchMedal(), ThirstPersonInfo.Set(), GoalCombat.TryMove(), TraitBaseSpellbook.TryProgress(), and GoalCombat.TryUseAbility().
bool Chara.isConfused |
Definition at line 121 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), Point.ListWitnesses(), TraitScrollStatic.OnRead(), AttackProcess.Prepare(), TraitBaseSpellbook.TryProgress(), and GoalCombat.TryUseAbility().
bool Chara.isCreated |
Definition at line 131 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by CharaBody.Equip(), OnCreate(), OnDeserialized(), and CharaBody.Unequip().
bool Chara.isDrunk |
Definition at line 119 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), and AI_Idle.Run().
bool Chara.isParalyzed |
Definition at line 127 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Point.ListWitnesses().
bool Chara.isWet |
Definition at line 137 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Card.DamageHP(), Refresh(), and GoalCombat.TryUseAbility().
static |
Definition at line 153 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by OnCreate().
static |
Definition at line 151 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by OnCreate().
Chara Chara.master |
Definition at line 85 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by FindMaster(), MakeMinion(), MoveZone(), ReleaseMinion(), and AI_Idle.Run().
FactionMemberType Chara.memberType |
Definition at line 46 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by FactionBranch.AddMemeber(), Faction.AddReserve(), FactionBranch.AutoClean(), TraitBed.CanAssign(), FactionBranch.CountGuests(), Happiness.CountMembers(), FactionBranch.CountMembers(), FactionBranch.CountWealthyGuests(), FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), AI_Fuck.Finish(), FactionBranch.GenerateGarbage(), Hobby.GetEfficiency(), FactionBranch.GetProductBonus(), FactionBranch.GetResidentTax(), HasAccess(), BaseListPeople.IsDisabled(), FactionBranch.OnAdvanceDay(), OnBanish(), BaseListPeople.OnClick(), BaseListPeople.OnInstantiate(), BaseListPeople.OnList(), ListPeopleBed.OnList(), Game.OnLoad(), FactionBranch.OnSimulateDay(), FactionBranch.OnSimulateHour(), TraitBaseSpellbook.ReadFailEffect(), FactionBranch.RefreshEfficiency(), UIHomeInfo.RefreshReport(), AI_Eat.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), GoalSleep.Run(), TraitGeneratorWheel.ShouldWork(), and AI_Shopping.TryShop().
Thing Chara.nextUse |
Definition at line 97 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by AI_Idle.Run().
Point Chara.orgPos |
Definition at line 21 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _MakeAlly(), Zone.Activate(), SerializedCards.Add(), AM_MoveInstalled.OnProcessTiles(), Map.ResetEditorPos(), Zone.Revive(), AI_Idle.Run(), and SetGlobal().
Chara Chara.parasite |
Definition at line 30 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by CalcCastingChance(), ActEffect.DamageEle(), CardRenderer.Draw(), Card.HealHPHost(), AI_Torture.OnCancelOrSuccess(), ActRide.Perform(), AttackProcess.Prepare(), WidgetMouseover.Refresh(), TCOrbitChara.RefreshAll(), WindowChara.RefreshNote(), RefreshSpeed(), Party.RemoveMember(), ActRide.Ride(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_Slaughter.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), Tick(), ConSleep.Tick(), and ActRide.Unride().
Party Chara.party |
Definition at line 43 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), AM_Adv._OnUpdateInput(), TraitShrine._OnUse(), ActPlan._Update(), Party.AddMemeber(), LayerSleep.Advance(), ZoneEventQuest.AggroEnemy(), WidgetRoster.Build(), WidgetStatsBar.Build(), FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), Card.DamageHP(), Card.Destroy(), Die(), DoHostileAction(), TileMapElona.DrawTile(), ZonePreEnterEncounter.Execute(), GoalAutoCombat.GetActPlanColor(), GetRevived(), GoalAutoCombat.GoalAutoCombat(), TraitFoodEggFertilized.Incubate(), MakeAlly(), MakePartyMemeber(), MoveHome(), Player.MoveZone(), TraitHitchingPost.OnActivateTrap(), Player.OnAdvanceHour(), FactionBranch.OnAfterSimulate(), Zone_RandomDungeon.OnGenerateMap(), Zone_Void.OnGenerateMap(), ZoneEventHarvest.OnLeaveZone(), ElementContainerCard.OnLevelUp(), Game.OnLoad(), ConSleep.OnRemoved(), WidgetRoster.OnSetContextMenu(), QuestDebt.OnStart(), Scene.OnUpdate(), TraitGeneMachine.OnUse(), ZoneEventMusic.OnVisit(), ActPray.Pray(), CoreDebug.QuickStart(), Player.RefreshEmptyAlly(), ActRide.Ride(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_PassTime.Run(), AI_Slaughter.Run(), Weather.SetCondition(), LayerDragGrid.SetInv(), Tick(), ConSleep.Tick(), TryNullifyCurse(), ActPray.TryPray(), GoalCombat.TryUseAbility(), CoreDebug.UpdateInput(), UseAbility(), ElementContainerCard.ValueBonus(), and TraitBookSkill.WriteNote().
PathProgress Chara.path = new PathProgress() |
Definition at line 89 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by AI_Goto.Run(), and AI_Goto.TryGoTo().
PCCData Chara.pccData |
Definition at line 64 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by LayerEditPCC.Activate(), LayerEditPCC.Apply(), ApplyJob(), ChangeJob(), GameIndex.Create(), BaseListPeople.OnClick(), UICharaMaker.OnClickChangePortrait(), OnCreate(), TraitMiniPool.OnStepped(), UICharaMaker.RerollHair(), UICharaMaker.RerollPCC(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_PassTime.Run(), UICharaMaker.SetChara(), and Portrait.SetChara().
Quest Chara.quest |
Definition at line 24 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), QuestCraft.CanDeliverToClient(), QuestDeliver.CanDeliverToClient(), Quest.Complete(), QuestInstance.CreateInstanceZone(), ZonePreEnterOnCompleteQuestInstance.Execute(), Quest.Fail(), QuestDeliver.IsDeliverTarget(), TCOrbitChara.RefreshAll(), and LayerQuestBoard.RefreshQuest().
Thing Chara.ranged |
Definition at line 95 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by TraitTrainingDummy.IdleUse(), ActRanged.Perform(), GoalCombat.TryUseAbility(), and GoalAutoCombat.TryUseRanged().
int [] Chara.rawSlots |
Definition at line 70 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by OnSerializing().
Chara Chara.ride |
Definition at line 27 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), CalcCastingChance(), ActEffect.DamageEle(), CardRenderer.Draw(), CardRenderer.GetPref(), Card.HealHPHost(), TraitHitchingPost.OnActivateTrap(), AI_Torture.OnCancelOrSuccess(), ActRide.Perform(), AttackProcess.Prepare(), WidgetMouseover.Refresh(), Refresh(), TCOrbitChara.RefreshAll(), WindowChara.RefreshNote(), RefreshSpeed(), ActRide.Ride(), GoalCombat.Run(), Tick(), ConSleep.Tick(), and ActRide.Unride().
int Chara.sharedCheckTurn |
Definition at line 115 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by OnDeserialized(), and AI_Idle.Run().
SourceChara.Row Chara.source |
Definition at line 143 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Act.CanPerform(), CardRenderer.Draw(), BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), Biography.Generate(), GetName(), Biography.GetOriginalAge(), OnBeforeCreate(), OnCreate(), OnDeserialized(), TraitBaseSpellbook.OnRead(), CharaAbility.Refresh(), CoreDebug.RegenerateNames(), Zone.ResetHostility(), AI_Idle.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), Card.SetLv(), SetSource(), and Tactics.Tactics().
ElementContainer Chara.tempElements |
Definition at line 36 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Card.GetBestAttribute(), OnDeserialized(), WidgetStatsBar.Refresh(), and Element.BonusInfo.WriteNote().
int Chara.turnLastSeen = -100 |
Definition at line 107 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by AI_Idle.Run().
ElementContainer Chara.workElements |
getset |
Definition at line 287 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by TraitToolBrush.GetHeldEmo(), Affinity.GetIcon(), Affinity.Mod(), OnCreate(), and DramaActor.Talk().
getset |
Definition at line 203 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by GetName(), OnCreate(), and CoreDebug.RegenerateNames().
getset |
Definition at line 325 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by OnCreate().
getset |
Definition at line 349 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by CalculateMaxStamina().
get |
Definition at line 409 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by DNA.Apply(), GoalCombat.BuildAbilityList(), DNA.GetInvalidAction(), AI_Idle.Run(), and Zone.TryGenerateEvolved().
get |
get |
Definition at line 299 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Card.AddExp(), InvOwner.AllowHold(), DramaCustomSequence.Build(), AI_Fuck.Finish(), Hobby.GetEfficiency(), TraitToolBrush.GetHeldEmo(), GiveGift(), BaseListPeople.OnInstantiate(), AI_Fuck.Run(), and DramaActor.Talk().
get |
Definition at line 201 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by GameLang.ConvertDrama(), GameIndex.Create(), CardRenderer.Draw(), Player.GetBackgroundText(), GetName(), LayerFeedback.OnInit(), UICharaMaker.Refresh(), WindowChara.RefreshProfile(), and ButtonChara.SetChara().
get |
get |
Definition at line 959 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by WidgetStats._OnActivate(), WindowChara.RefreshStatus(), and GoalNeeds.Run().
get |
Definition at line 953 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), WidgetStats._OnActivate(), CalcBurden(), StatsBurden.GetPhase(), TraitMoongate.LoadMap(), Scene.OnUpdate(), LayerTravel.Refresh(), RefreshSpeed(), WindowChara.RefreshStatus(), Tick(), and Player.TooHeavyToMove().
get |
get |
get |
getset |
Definition at line 361 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ActEffect.Proc().
get |
Definition at line 893 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by InvOwnerGene._OnProcess(), InvOwnerGene.OnWriteNote(), and WindowCharaMini.Refresh().
get |
Definition at line 789 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ConSleep.Tick().
getset |
Definition at line 239 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), AM_ViewZone._OnUpdateInput(), Zone.AddGlobalCharasOnActivate(), Faction.AddReserve(), GameDate.AdvanceDay(), GameDate.AdvanceHour(), Zone.CanDestroy(), BaseGameScreen.Draw(), CoreDebug.Fix_RemoveDemitas(), BaseGameScreen.FocusPC(), GlobalGoalExplore.GetDestZone(), GlobalGoalVisitTown.GetDestZone(), Hobby.GetEfficiency(), IsEnemyOnPath(), Quest.IsVisibleOnQuestBoard(), CardManager.ListGlobalChara(), Region.ListTravelZones(), Player.MoveZone(), GlobalGoalAdv.OnAdvanceHour(), GlobalGoalVisitAndStay.OnAdvanceHour(), BaseListPeople.OnClick(), LayerNewZone.OnClickExit(), QuestDialog.OnDropReward(), Game.OnLoad(), Player.OnStartNewGame(), Scene.OnUpdate(), AM_BaseGameMode.OnUpdateInput(), AttackProcess.PlayRangedAnime(), CoreDebug.QuickStart(), FactionBranch.Recruit(), ActorEx.Refresh(), ItemCulture.Refresh(), BaseGameScreen.RefreshPosition(), GameScreenElona.RefreshPosition(), WindowChara.RefreshProfile(), LayerGlobalMap.RefreshSummary(), ContentFaction.RefreshZones(), LayerFactions.RefreshZones(), LayerLocation.RefreshZones(), FactionBranch.RemoveMemeber(), ItemGeneral.SetChara(), ButtonChara.SetChara(), Meeting.SetChara(), Quest.SetClient(), ListPeopleExpedition.SetSubText(), UIZoneInfo.SetZone(), Player.SimulateFaction(), and EloPos.WriteNote().
getset |
get |
Definition at line 957 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by WidgetStats._OnActivate(), and WindowChara.RefreshStatus().
get |
Definition at line 819 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ConfigTactics.AllyDistance(), and CanReplace().
get |
Definition at line 713 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by WidgetStatsBar.Build(), WindowCharaMini.Refresh(), and WindowChara.RefreshProfile().
getset |
Definition at line 411 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by WidgetMenuPanel._OnChangeMode(), Element._WriteNote(), FactionBranch.AddMemeber(), PolicyManager.AddPolicy(), GameDate.AdvanceDay(), GameDate.AdvanceMonth(), ActMelee.Attack(), QuestDialog.CanStartQuest(), Zone.ClaimZone(), Map.CountChara(), Faction.CountMembers(), FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), CharaBody.Equip(), FactionBranch.Evalue(), GoalSiege.GetDestCard(), RankedZone.GetFactionName(), RankedZoneManager.GetIncome(), FortuneRollData.GetPrizeList(), Element.IsFactionElement(), Religion.JoinFaith(), Religion.LeaveFaith(), Map.ListChara(), ElementContainer.ListElements(), FactionBranch.OnClaimZone(), ListPeopleRevive.OnList(), Game.OnLoad(), TraitBookSkill.OnRead(), TraitDeed.OnRead(), TraitDeedRelocate.OnRead(), ContentHomeReport.OnSwitchContent(), FactionBranch.OnUnclaimZone(), ActRanged.Perform(), AttackProcess.Perform(), Card.PurgeDuplicateArtifact(), UIHomeInfo.Refresh(), UIHomeInfo.RefreshInfo(), WindowChara.RefreshInfo(), ContentPolicy.RefreshPolicyList(), WindowChara.RefreshProfile(), ContentFaction.RefreshZones(), FactionBranch.RemoveMemeber(), AI_Idle.Run(), SetFaction(), FactionBranch.SetOwner(), GameDate.ShipPackages(), Player.SimulateFaction(), ContentRanking.SwitchRanking(), CharaBody.Unequip(), FactionBranch.Upgrade(), FactionBranch.ValidateUpgradePolicies(), ElementContainer.Value(), ElementContainerCard.ValueBonus(), Element.BonusInfo.WriteNote(), and TraitBookPlan.WriteNote().
getset |
Definition at line 423 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by TraitAltar._OnOffer(), WidgetStatsBar.Build(), TraitAltar.CanOffer(), Die(), Duplicate(), AI_Pray.GetAltar(), GetName(), FactionBranch.GetResidentTax(), Scene.Init(), Religion.JoinFaith(), Player.OnAdvanceHour(), TraitAltar.OnOffer(), TraitBaseSpellbook.OnRead(), FactionBranch.OnSimulateDay(), ActPray.Pray(), AI_Pray.Pray(), ContentPopulation.Refresh(), WindowChara.RefreshInfo(), WindowChara.RefreshNote(), Portrait.SetChara(), SetFaith(), ButtonElement.SetGrid(), ShowDialog(), LayerSleep.Sleep(), TraitAltar.TakeOver(), ActPray.TryPray(), TraitAltar.TrySetAct(), Zone.TrySpawnFollower(), Card.TryUnrestrain(), and Element.BonusInfo.WriteNote().
get |
Definition at line 531 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by CharaActor.RefreshSprite().
getset |
get |
Definition at line 673 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ActEffect.Proc().
get |
Definition at line 821 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by AM_Adv._OnUpdateInput(), UIAutoTurn._Update(), InvOwner.AutoUse(), AM_Adv.AxisMove(), Player.CanAcceptInput(), AM_Adv.CanAct(), InvOwner.CanAltClick(), InvOwner.CanCtrlClick(), InvOwner.CanShiftClick(), Thing.DoAct(), UIInventory.DoAct(), ActionMode.DoFunc(), WidgetMinimap.OnPointerDown(), AM_Adv.OnUpdateCursor(), ActPlan.Item.Perform(), AM_Adv.PressedActionMove(), ButtonRoster.Refresh(), ItemQuestTracker.Refresh(), LayerDragGrid.SetInv(), InvOwner.ShowContextMenu(), AM_Adv.TryCancelInteraction(), TraitContainer.TryOpen(), TaskDump.TryPerform(), ButtonAbility.Use(), and LayerCraft.WaitUntilIdle().
get |
Definition at line 889 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _MakeAlly(), Zone.AbandonZone(), Party.AddMemeber(), Faction.AddReserve(), Player.CanExitBorder(), CoreDebug.COM_MaxConstruction(), Expedition.Create(), CoreDebug.Fix_RemoveDemitas(), Hobby.GetEfficiency(), QuestCompanion.GetTextProgress(), TraitFoodEggFertilized.Incubate(), Faction.OnAdvanceMonth(), QuestDialog.OnDropReward(), ElementContainerCard.OnLevelUp(), Game.OnLoad(), QuestDebt.OnStart(), TraitGeneratorWheel.Refresh(), TCOrbitChara.RefreshAll(), FactionBranch.RefreshEfficiency(), Party.RemoveMember(), DramaOutcome.revive_pet(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_Slaughter.Run(), AI_Shopping.SellChara(), TraitBookSkill.SetName(), UIFactionInfo.SetZone(), GameDate.ShipGoods(), GameDate.ShipRandomPackages(), TraitWhipLove.TrySetHeldAct(), and TraitBed.ValidateOwners().
getset |
Definition at line 251 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by GameDate.AdvanceDay(), Expedition.End(), GlobalGoalVisitAndStay.GetDestZone(), LayerTravel.GetSortVal(), Scene.Init(), MoveZone(), ZoneInstanceRandomQuest.OnLeaveZone(), Game.OnLoad(), ContentHomeReport.OnSwitchContent(), LayerShippingResult.Refresh(), LayerTravel.Refresh(), UIHomeInfo.Refresh(), WindowChara.RefreshProfile(), Zone.Revive(), SetGlobal(), SetHomeZone(), FactionBranch.SetOwner(), GameDate.ShipGoods(), LayerShippingResult.Show(), TraitCoreZone.TrySetAct(), TraitWaystone.TrySetAct(), and Zone.UpdateQuests().
getset |
Definition at line 275 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by AM_Adv._OnUpdateInput(), ActPlan._Update(), AM_MoveInstalled.CheckEnemyNearBy(), ActionMode.DoFunc(), DoHostileAction(), IsHostile(), Point.ListWitnesses(), MakeMinion(), OnCreate(), Zone.OnGenerateMap(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_Steal.Run(), SetFaction(), ZoneEventMusic.Spawn(), TrySetEnemy(), and PointTarget.Update().
get |
Definition at line 951 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by WidgetStats._OnActivate(), FoodEffect.Proc(), ActEffect.Proc(), RefreshSpeed(), WindowChara.RefreshStatus(), AI_Eat.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), GoalNeeds.Run(), and Tick().
get |
Definition at line 961 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by WidgetStats._OnActivate(), AI_Fuck.Finish(), ModAffinity(), and AI_Bladder.Run().
getset |
getset |
Definition at line 215 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Element.IsActive(), and ElementContainerFaction.IsEffective().
get |
Definition at line 475 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by BaseListPeople.OnClick(), and OnCreate().
get |
Definition at line 453 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by LayerQuestBoard.RefreshHire().
getset |
Definition at line 301 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Cuddle(), TraitToolBrush.GetHeldEmo(), DramaCustomSequence.GetRumor(), OnCreate(), AI_PlayMusic.Run(), DramaActor.Talk(), and TraitToolBrush.TrySetHeldAct().
get |
getset |
get |
Definition at line 545 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), ActMelee.Attack(), DramaCustomSequence.Build(), ZoneEventSubdue.CheckClear(), Quest.Complete(), ActEffect.DamageEle(), DoHostileAction(), BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), TileMapElona.DrawTile(), ZonePreEnterOnCompleteQuestInstance.Execute(), FindNewEnemy(), RefChara.GetAndCache(), Party.GetBestSkill(), GoalSiege.GetDestCard(), FactionBranch.GetMaid(), Player.HasValidRangedTarget(), Scene.Init(), Quest.IsVisibleOnQuestBoard(), StatsMana.Mod(), FactionBranch.OnActivateZone(), NotificationBattle.OnClick(), NotificationGuest.OnClick(), BaseListPeople.OnClick(), ListPeopleExpedition.OnClick(), TaskDig.OnProgressComplete(), WidgetNotice.OnRefresh(), FactionBranch.OnSimulateHour(), TraitNewZone.OnStepped(), ZoneEventSiege.OnTickRound(), AttackProcess.Perform(), AttackProcess.PlayRangedAnime(), ActEffect.ProcAt(), AI_ArmPillow.Run(), AI_Fuck.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_Massage.Run(), TaskCullLife.Run(), ListPeopleExpedition.SetSubText(), Player.TargetRanged(), Tick(), ConDeathSentense.Tick(), ConMiasma.Tick(), and ConSuffocation.Tick().
get |
Definition at line 671 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by TraitShackle.IsRestraining(), and Portrait.SetChara().
getset |
Definition at line 373 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), ActPlan._Update(), SerializedCards.Add(), Zone.AddGlobalCharasOnActivate(), Player.CanSee(), Party.Count(), FactionBranch.CountMembers(), FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), TileMapElona.DrawTile(), Player.EndTurn(), AI_Fuck.Finish(), FactionBranch.GetProductBonus(), CharaActorPCC.IdleFrame(), FactionBranch.IsAllDead(), BaseListPeople.IsDisabled(), TraitToolBrush.IsTamePossible(), AI_OpenGambleChest.IsValid(), Condition.Kill(), ElementContainer.ModExp(), MoveZone(), FactionBranch.OnAdvanceDay(), GlobalGoalAdv.OnAdvanceHour(), TraitRollingFortune.OnEndAI(), QuestEscort.OnEnterZone(), ZoneInstanceBout.OnLeaveZone(), Game.OnLoad(), MiniGame.OnPlay(), ConSleep.OnRemoved(), Scene.OnUpdate(), LayerMiniGame.OnUpdateInput(), ActRanged.Perform(), ActEffect.Poison(), FoodEffect.Proc(), FactionBranch.Recruit(), TCOrbitChara.RefreshAll(), UIHomeInfo.RefreshReport(), Zone.Revive(), DramaOutcome.revive_pet(), AI_Slaughter.Run(), AI_UseCrafter.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), ItemGeneral.SetChara(), ListPeopleExpedition.SetSubText(), Thing.ShowSplitMenu(), Thing.ShowSplitMenu2(), ConSleep.Tick(), and ToString().
get |
Definition at line 557 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by CharaRenderer.Draw(), CharaRenderer.DrawHat(), BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), TileMapElona.DrawTile(), GiveGift(), Player.OnAdvanceHour(), CharaActorPCC.OnRender(), RefreshSpeed(), AI_Fuck.Run(), and CharaRenderer.UpdatePosition().
get |
Definition at line 569 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), ActPlan._Update(), AI_Torture.CreateProgress(), DoHostileAction(), Point.ListWitnesses(), MiniGame.OnPlay(), AM_Adv.OnUpdateCursor(), LayerMiniGame.OnUpdateInput(), ButtonRoster.Refresh(), RequestProtection(), ConSleep.SuccubusVisit(), and HotItemHeld.TrySetAct().
get |
Definition at line 875 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by TraitAltar.OnOffer().
get |
Definition at line 595 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Party.AddMemeber(), FactionBranch.BanishMember(), DramaCustomSequence.Build(), CanBeTempAlly(), RefChara.GetAndCache(), GetName(), Region.ListMobs(), Zone_Casino.OnActivate(), OnBanish(), Map.OnDeactivate(), Meeting.OnEndDrama(), Zone.OnGenerateMap(), Zone.OnSimulateHour(), RemoveGlobal(), Map.Save(), SetGlobal(), Tick(), and FactionBranch.UpdateReqruits().
get |
Definition at line 835 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by AI_Fuck.Finish(), Biography.Generate(), Card.GetTalkText(), FoodEffect.Proc(), AI_Idle.Run(), and TryPush().
get |
Definition at line 837 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ConEntangle.Tick().
get |
Definition at line 805 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), AI_Idle.Run(), and ConSleep.SuccubusVisit().
get |
Definition at line 791 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by WidgetDate._Refresh(), BaseTileMap.Draw(), Expedition.End(), Scene.Init(), ElementContainerCard.OnLevelUp(), Zone.RefreshBGM(), and Expedition.Start().
get |
Definition at line 817 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), ZoneEventQuest.AggroEnemy(), Point.CallGuard(), TraitTrolley.CanActivate(), AI_Torture.CreateProgress(), AI_Shear.GetFur(), AI_Fuck.Run(), and AI_Idle.Run().
get |
Definition at line 581 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), ActEffect.DamageEle(), TraitTrap.OnActivateTrap(), TraitFloorSwitch.OnStepped(), Scene.OnUpdate(), and ConWet.Tick().
get |
Definition at line 793 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by MakeAlly(), and ActThrow.Throw().
get |
Definition at line 849 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by FactionBranch.GetMaid().
get |
Definition at line 611 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), ConStrife.AddKill(), CanBeTempAlly(), FindMaster(), AI_Shear.GetFur(), Zone_Casino.OnActivate(), Zone_CursedManor.OnGenerateMap(), ZoneInstanceRandomQuest.OnLeaveZone(), AI_PlayMusic.Run(), and GoalCombat.Run().
get |
Definition at line 917 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), and AI_Idle.Run().
get |
Definition at line 593 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.Draw(), TileMapElona.Draw(), and GetHoverText().
get |
Definition at line 691 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by CanBeTempAlly(), CanDestroyPath(), CanInteractTo(), CanMoveTo(), Act.CanPerform(), CanReplace(), Player.CanSee(), GetFirstStep(), and AM_Adv.OnRenderTile().
get |
Definition at line 597 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), TraitShrine._OnUse(), ActPlan._Update(), TraitSwitch.ActivateTrap(), Zone.AddGlobalCharasOnActivate(), Feat.Apply(), ActMelee.Attack(), CalcBurden(), CalculateMaxStamina(), TraitTrolley.CanActivate(), Thing.CanAutoFire(), AIAct.Cancel(), TraitFoodPreparedPackage.CanEat(), CanMoveTo(), Act.CanPerform(), TraitScroll.CanRead(), CanReplace(), CanSee(), Player.CanSee(), CanSeeLos(), CanSeeSimple(), ActThrow.CanThrow(), AI_Torture.CreateProgress(), Cuddle(), FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), ActionMode.DoFunc(), DoHostileAction(), CharaRenderer.Draw(), BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), CharaBody.Equip(), AI_Fish.ProgressFish.Fail(), AI_Fuck.Finish(), GetBurden(), Element.GetCost(), GetFirstStep(), TraitToolBrush.GetHeldEmo(), FactionBranch.GetResidentTax(), Zone.GetSpawnPos(), HasAccess(), TraitGamble.IdleUse(), Zone.IsCrime(), Party.IsCriticallyWounded(), CharaBody.IsEquippable(), Religion.JoinFaith(), Kick(), Religion.LeaveFaith(), Point.ListWitnesses(), AI_Fish.Makefish(), StatsMana.Mod(), StatsStamina.Mod(), ModAffinity(), TraitBasketGame.OnActivateTrap(), TraitHitchingPost.OnActivateTrap(), FactionBranch.OnAdvanceDay(), BaseListPeople.OnClick(), WindowChara.OnClickPortrait(), TaskHarvest.OnCreateProgress(), TraitFortuneCookie.OnEat(), AI_Fish.ProgressFish.OnProgress(), AI_Fish.ProgressFish.OnProgressComplete(), TaskDig.OnProgressComplete(), TaskMine.OnProgressComplete(), TraitBaseSpellbook.OnRead(), TraitBookSecret.OnRead(), TraitBookSkill.OnRead(), TraitDiary.OnRead(), TraitIndulgence.OnRead(), TraitScrollStatic.OnRead(), ConBlind.OnRemoved(), ConFaint.OnRemoved(), ConReload.OnRemoved(), ConBlind.OnStart(), ConSuffocation.OnStart(), TraitCurrencyMedal.OnStepped(), TraitMiniPool.OnStepped(), TraitNewZone.OnStepped(), WindowChara.OnSwitchContent(), ActRanged.Perform(), ActWait.Perform(), ActZap.Perform(), AttackProcess.Perform(), ActEffect.Poison(), ActPray.Pray(), FoodEffect.Proc(), ActEffect.Proc(), InvOwner.Transaction.Process(), TraitBaseSpellbook.ReadFailEffect(), ButtonRoster.Refresh(), WindowChara.RefreshNote(), WindowChara.RefreshProfile(), RefreshSpeed(), CoreDebug.RegenerateNames(), Card.RemoveThing(), RequestProtection(), AI_Eat.Run(), AI_Fish.Run(), AI_Goto.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_PassTime.Run(), AI_PlayMusic.Run(), AI_Torture.Run(), AI_Trolley.Run(), AIProgress.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), TaskPoint.Run(), Map.Save(), WindowChara.SetChara(), CharaRenderer.SetFirst(), LayerDragGrid.SetInv(), AIAct.Start(), ConSleep.SuccubusVisit(), Player.TargetRanged(), ConFear.Tick(), ConSleep.Tick(), AIAct.TryCancel(), AI_Goto.TryGoTo(), GoalCombat.TryMove(), TryMove(), TryMoveFrom(), TryMoveTowards(), Trait.TryOpenLock(), LayerDragGrid.TryProc(), TraitBaseSpellbook.TryProgress(), TryPush(), ActRanged.TryReload(), TrySetEnemy(), TraitLeash.TrySetHeldAct(), TraitToolButcher.TrySetHeldAct(), GoalCombat.TryUseAbility(), CharaBody.Unequip(), CharaBody.UnqeuipIfTooHeavy(), and CharaRenderer.UpdatePosition().
get |
Definition at line 667 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), ApplyJob(), ChangeJob(), BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), TileMapElona.DrawTile(), TraitChangingRoom.OnActivateTrap(), OnDeserialized(), LayerEmbark.RefreshMembers(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_PassTime.Run(), ItemGachaResult.SetChara(), and ConSleep.Tick().
get |
Definition at line 655 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), Element._WriteNote(), GameDate.AdvanceHour(), DramaCustomSequence.Build(), CallHelp(), TraitTrolley.CanActivate(), Thing.CanAutoFire(), CanBeTempAlly(), InvOwner.CanShiftClick(), TraitSalesTag.CanTagSale(), ElementContainerFaction.CheckDirty(), Map.CountHostile(), Map.CountNonHostile(), Map.CountWildAnimal(), AI_Torture.CreateProgress(), ActionMode.DoFunc(), DoHostileAction(), AI_Fuck.Finish(), Element.IsFactionElement(), Quest.IsVisibleOnQuestBoard(), ElementContainer.ListElements(), Point.ListWitnesses(), ActEffect.LoveMiracle(), StatsMana.Mod(), TraitHitchingPost.OnActivateTrap(), GlobalGoalAdv.OnAdvanceHour(), ElementContainerFaction.OnEquip(), Zone_SubTown.OnGenerateRooms(), BaseListPeople.OnInstantiate(), ElementContainerFaction.OnJoinFaith(), QuestTaskHunt.OnKillChara(), ElementContainerFaction.OnLeaveFaith(), ElementContainerCard.OnLevelDown(), ElementContainerCard.OnLevelUp(), ListPeopleBed.OnList(), Game.OnLoad(), ElementContainerFaction.OnUnequip(), Zone.OnVisit(), AttackProcess.Perform(), ActEffect.Proc(), InvOwner.Transaction.Process(), TraitBaseSpellbook.ReadFailEffect(), TraitGeneratorWheel.Refresh(), WindowChara.RefreshProfile(), LayerQuestBoard.RefreshRanking(), RefreshSpeed(), RequestProtection(), Zone.ResetHostility(), CoreDebug.ResetPetUpgrades(), ActRide.Ride(), AI_Fish.Run(), AI_Fuck.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_PlayMusic.Run(), AI_Steal.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), TraitGeneratorWheel.ShouldWork(), Zone.Simulate(), ConMiasma.Tick(), ConSleep.Tick(), TraitSwitch.TryDisarmTrap(), TrySetEnemy(), TraitStethoscope.TrySetHeldAct(), TraitToolButcher.TrySetHeldAct(), TraitWhipLove.TrySetHeldAct(), Map.TryShatter(), GoalCombat.TryUseAbility(), TraitBed.ValidateOwners(), and Element.BonusInfo.WriteNote().
get |
Definition at line 639 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ElementContainerFaction.CheckDirty(), DoHostileAction(), Point.ListWitnesses(), AI_PlayMusic.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), and TrySetEnemy().
get |
Definition at line 599 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), Zone.AbandonZone(), Zone.AddGlobalCharasOnActivate(), GameDate.AdvanceHour(), FactionBranch.AutoClean(), CanReplace(), Player.CanSee(), TraitSalesTag.CanTagSale(), Cuddle(), FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), Die(), DoHostileAction(), AI_Fuck.Finish(), FactionBranch.GenerateGarbage(), DramaCustomSequence.GetListGuide(), FactionBranch.GetProductBonus(), IsHostile(), TraitHitchingPost.OnActivateTrap(), FactionBranch.OnAfterSimulate(), ZoneEventDefenseGame.OnCharaDie(), BaseListPeople.OnClick(), Zone_CursedManor.OnGenerateMap(), ListPeopleExpedition.OnList(), TraitBaseSpellbook.OnRead(), AI_Read.OnSetOwner(), FactionBranch.OnSimulateDay(), FactionBranch.OnSimulateHour(), TraitGeneMachine.OnUse(), ActWait.Perform(), ActWater.Perform(), ActZap.Perform(), AttackProcess.Perform(), AttackProcess.Prepare(), FoodEffect.Proc(), ActEffect.Proc(), ActEffect.ProcAt(), TCOrbitChara.RefreshAll(), Zone.RefreshCriminal(), FactionBranch.RefreshEfficiency(), UIHomeInfo.RefreshReport(), RefreshSpeed(), RequestProtection(), AI_Eat.Run(), AI_Fish.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_PlayMusic.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), ItemGeneral.SetChara(), Zone.Simulate(), TraitSwitch.TryDisarmTrap(), TryPush(), TraitLeash.TrySetHeldAct(), GoalCombat.TryUseAbility(), CharaRenderer.UpdatePosition(), and TraitBed.ValidateOwners().
get |
Definition at line 623 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), DoHostileAction(), IsEscorted(), MoveZone(), ZoneEventDefenseGame.OnCharaDie(), and ActEffect.Proc().
get |
Definition at line 675 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), ActPlan._Update(), BaseGameScreen.Draw(), Player.HasValidRangedTarget(), Point.ListInspectorTargets(), BaseListPeople.OnClick(), AM_Adv.OnRenderTile(), Scene.OnUpdate(), AttackProcess.Perform(), AttackProcess.PlayRangedAnime(), AI_Idle.Run(), TalkTopic(), Player.TargetRanged(), ConSleep.Tick(), and TryPush().
get |
Definition at line 877 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by FactionBranch.CountWealthyGuests(), FactionBranch.GetResidentTax(), and CalcMoney.Whore().
get |
Definition at line 451 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by LayerEditPCC.Apply(), ApplyJob(), GameIndex.Create(), Player.CreateEquip(), CoreDebug.Fix_EtherDisease(), Player.GetBackgroundText(), OnDeserialized(), ListPeopleCallReserve.OnInstantiate(), ListPeopleSelect.OnInstantiate(), UICharaMaker.Refresh(), Player.RefreshDomain(), WindowChara.RefreshNote(), WindowChara.RefreshProfile(), UICharaMaker.RerollJob(), AI_PlayMusic.Run(), Player.SelectDomain(), ItemGachaResult.SetChara(), ButtonChara.SetChara(), Card.SetLv(), BaseListPeople.SetSubText(), and Tactics.Tactics().
getset |
Definition at line 397 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by DramaActor.Talk(), and ConSleep.Tick().
get |
Definition at line 701 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Card.DamageHP(), ZonePreEnterEncounter.Execute(), CardRow.GetName(), GetName(), Act.Perform(), AttackProcess.Perform(), ActEffect.ProcAt(), CharaAbility.Refresh(), Card.RefreshColor(), SetMainElement(), and GoalCombat.TryUseAbility().
get |
Definition at line 963 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by AM_Adv._OnUpdateInput(), TraitShrine._OnUse(), FactionBranch.AddMemeber(), ActEffect.DamageEle(), Card.DamageHP(), Duplicate(), GoalAutoCombat.GoalAutoCombat(), HealAll(), IsCriticallyWounded(), OnCreate(), ActRanged.Perform(), ActPray.Pray(), Religion.PunishTakeOver(), CoreDebug.QuickStart(), TraitBaseSpellbook.ReadFailEffect(), WidgetHP.Refresh(), WindowChara.RefreshStatic(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_PassTime.Run(), Card.SetLv(), Zone.Simulate(), ButtonAbility.SpecialHoldAction(), Game.StartNewGame(), Stumble(), ConSleep.Tick(), and GoalCombat.TryUseAbility().
get |
Definition at line 891 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by InvOwnerGene._OnProcess(), InvOwnerGene.OnWriteNote(), and WindowCharaMini.Refresh().
get |
Definition at line 693 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), TraitShrine._OnUse(), FactionBranch.AddMemeber(), ActItem.BuildAct(), AttackProcess.CalcHit(), ChangeRarity(), Duplicate(), CoreDebug.GodMode(), HealAll(), IsCriticallyWounded(), Player.OnStartNewGame(), DramaManager.ParseLine(), CoreDebug.QuickStart(), ButtonRoster.Refresh(), WidgetHP.Refresh(), TCOrbitChara.RefreshAll(), WindowChara.RefreshStatic(), AI_Idle.Run(), ItemGeneral.SetChara(), Zone.Simulate(), Game.StartNewGame(), Stumble(), ActThrow.Throw(), ConBleed.Tick(), ConBurning.Tick(), ConSuffocation.Tick(), and GoalCombat.TryUseAbility().
get |
Definition at line 699 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by WidgetStatsBar.Build(), CanBeTempAlly(), ActEffect.ProcAt(), and GoalCombat.TryUseAbility().
get |
Definition at line 499 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Die(), Scene.Init(), WindowChara.RefreshNote(), WindowChara.RefreshStatic(), ItemGachaResult.SetChara(), and LayerUploader.Upload().
get |
Definition at line 455 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by FactionBranch.AddMemeber(), CallHelp(), GuildFighter.CanGiveContribution(), Die(), IsHostile(), Point.ListWitnesses(), OnCreate(), Zone.OnGenerateMap(), QuestTaskHunt.OnKillChara(), Zone.ResetHostility(), AI_Steal.Run(), and GoalCombat.Run().
get |
get |
Definition at line 742 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by WidgetStatsBar.Build(), WindowCharaMini.Refresh(), and WindowChara.RefreshProfile().
get |
Definition at line 449 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by _Move(), Props.Add(), Card.AddBlood(), ApplyRace(), CanSee(), Player.CanSee(), CanSeeLos(), ChangeRace(), GameLang.Convert(), Map.CountWildAnimal(), GameIndex.Create(), FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), CardRenderer.Draw(), CoreDebug.Fix_EtherDisease(), Biography.Generate(), Biography.GenerateAppearance(), Biography.GenerateBirthday(), Person.GetDramaTitle(), Hobby.GetEfficiency(), AI_Shear.GetFur(), Card.HaveFur(), FoodEffect.IsHumanFlesh(), FoodEffect.IsUndeadFlesh(), Faction.IsWearingPanty(), Card.LevelUp(), Card.MakeFoodFrom(), OnCreate(), OnDeserialized(), QuestTaskHunt.OnKillChara(), AttackProcess.Prepare(), FoodEffect.Proc(), UICharaMaker.Refresh(), RefreshSpeed(), Props.Remove(), UICharaMaker.RerollRace(), ResetBody(), ActRide.Ride(), AI_Fuck.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), ButtonChara.SetChara(), Card.SetLv(), BaseListPeople.SetSubText(), PointTarget.ShouldIgnore(), Card.SpawnLoot(), Biography.TextBio(), ConSleep.Tick(), Card.TryMakeRandomItem(), ElementContainerCard.ValueBonus(), and Element.BonusInfo.WriteNote().
get |
Definition at line 967 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by Card.DamageHP(), TraitBaseSpellbook.OnRead(), ConSleep.OnRemoved(), FoodEffect.Proc(), and WindowChara.RefreshProfile().
get |
Definition at line 965 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by WidgetStats._OnActivate(), CanSleep(), RefreshSpeed(), and ConSleep.Tick().
get |
Definition at line 435 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), BaseListPeople.OnClick(), OnCreate(), and WidgetSearch.Search().
get |
Definition at line 437 of file Chara.cs.
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Definition at line 905 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by GameUpdater.ConditionUpdater.FixedUpdate(), and Tick().
get |
Definition at line 955 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by WidgetStats._OnActivate(), TraitShrine._OnUse(), Element._WriteNote(), FactionBranch.AddMemeber(), CanSleep(), AI_PracticeDummy.CreateProgress(), Card.DamageHP(), Duplicate(), AI_Fish.ProgressFish.Fail(), AI_Fuck.Finish(), AI_Massage.Finish(), HealAll(), OnCreate(), TaskChopWood.OnCreateProgress(), TaskDrawWater.OnCreateProgress(), TaskHarvest.OnCreateProgress(), TaskPlow.OnCreateProgress(), TaskPourWater.OnCreateProgress(), MiniGame.OnPlay(), AI_Fish.ProgressFish.OnProgressComplete(), TaskCraft.OnProgressComplete(), TaskDig.OnProgressComplete(), TaskMine.OnProgressComplete(), Player.OnStartNewGame(), LayerMiniGame.OnUpdateInput(), Religion.PunishTakeOver(), CoreDebug.QuickStart(), WidgetHP.Refresh(), UIRecipeInfo.RefreshBalance(), RefreshSpeed(), WindowChara.RefreshStatus(), AI_Craft_Snowman.Run(), AI_Fuck.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_OpenGambleChest.Run(), AI_PlayMusic.Run(), AI_Shear.Run(), AI_Slaughter.Run(), AI_Steal.Run(), AI_Torture.Run(), AI_UseCrafter.Run(), TaskClean.Run(), Zone.Simulate(), Game.StartNewGame(), ActThrow.Throw(), ConSleep.Tick(), Trait.TryOpenLock(), and GoalCombat.TryUseAbility().
getset |
Definition at line 487 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by GameDate.AdvanceHour(), Card.ApplyTone(), DramaCustomSequence.Build(), CharaAbility.BuildRandomAbilityList(), Point.CallGuard(), CanReplace(), TraitSalesTag.CanTagSale(), FactionBranch.CountMembers(), Biography.Generate(), ThingContainer.GetDest(), Person.GetDramaTitle(), DramaCustomSequence.GetListGuide(), GetName(), CharaAbility.GetRandomAbilityList(), Zone.GetRandomVisitPos(), DramaCustomSequence.GetRumor(), IsEnemyOnPath(), TraitToolBrush.IsTamePossible(), Quest.IsVisibleOnQuestBoard(), Faction.IsWearingPanty(), Kick(), TraitHitchingPost.OnActivateTrap(), Region.OnAdvanceHour(), OnBanish(), OnCreate(), ListPeopleCallReserve.OnInstantiate(), TraitVendingMachine.OnUse(), ActSummonGuard.Perform(), CharaAbility.Refresh(), TCOrbitChara.RefreshAll(), Zone.RefreshCriminal(), LayerQuestBoard.RefreshRanking(), RemoveGlobal(), Zone.Revive(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_Slaughter.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), Map.Save(), DramaActor.Talk(), ActThrow.Throw(), TryPush(), and Zone.UpdateQuests().
getset |
Definition at line 337 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by SerializedCards.Add().
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Definition at line 695 of file Chara.cs.
Referenced by CalcBurden(), GetBurden(), AI_Fish.ProgressFish.OnProgressComplete(), Religion.Punish(), Revive(), and Stumble().