Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
Classes | |
class | PortalReturnData |
Public Member Functions | |
int | Evalue (int ele) |
int | Evalue (string alias) |
virtual string | GetDungenID () |
virtual string | GetNewZoneID (int level) |
override string | ToString () |
string | TextLevel (int _lv) |
override void | OnCreate () |
override void | OnAfterCreate () |
void | Activate () |
void | RefreshHat () |
void | OnVisit () |
void | Revive () |
virtual void | OnRegenerate () |
virtual void | OnActivate () |
virtual void | OnBeforeDeactivate () |
virtual void | OnDeactivate () |
virtual void | OnBeforeSimulate () |
virtual void | OnVisitNewMapOrRegenerate () |
virtual void | OnAfterSimulate () |
virtual void | OnAdvanceHour () |
void | Simulate () |
Point | GetSpawnPos (Chara c, ZoneTransition.EnterState destState=ZoneTransition.EnterState.Auto) |
Point | GetRandomVisitPos (Chara c) |
void | AddGlobalCharasOnActivate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | OnKillGame () |
void | UnloadMap () |
void | ClaimZone (bool debug=false) |
void | AbandonZone () |
bool | CanDestroy () |
override void | _OnBeforeSave () |
override void | OnLoad () |
override void | Destroy () |
void | ClearZones (Zone current=null) |
void | OnChildNumChange (Card c) |
ICardParent | GetRoot () |
Zone | GetTopZone () |
Card | AddCardSplinkle (Card t, Point center, int radius=4) |
Card | AddChara (string id, int x, int z) |
Card | AddThing (string id, int x, int z) |
Card | AddThing (string id, Point p) |
Card | AddCard (Card t, Point point) |
Card | AddCard (Card t) |
Card | AddCard (Card t, int x, int z) |
void | RemoveCard (Card t) |
T | GetRandomSpot< T > () |
bool | TryAddThingInSpot< T > (Thing t, bool useContainer=true) |
List< Thing > | TryListThingsInSpot< T > (Func< Thing, bool > func=null) |
bool | TryAddThingInSharedContainer (Thing t, List< Thing > containers=null, bool add=true, bool msg=false, Chara chara=null, bool sharedOnly=true) |
bool | TryAddThing (Thing target, Point p, bool destroyIfFail=false) |
Thing | TryGetThingFromSharedContainer (Func< Thing, bool > func) |
Thing | TryGetRestock< T > (string idCat) |
ZoneProfile | GetProfile () |
void | CreateBP () |
virtual void | OnCreateBP () |
void | Generate () |
void | TrySpawnFollower () |
void | SpawnAltar () |
virtual void | OnGenerateMap () |
void | TryGenerateOre () |
Chara | TryGenerateEvolved (bool force=false, Point p=null) |
void | TryGenerateBigDaddy () |
void | TryGenerateShrine () |
void | ResetHostility () |
virtual void | OnGenerateRooms (BaseMapGen gen) |
Point | GetSpawnPos (SpawnPosition type, int tries=100) |
Chara | SpawnMob (Point pos=null, SpawnSetting setting=null) |
void | RefreshElectricity () |
int | GetElectricity (bool cost=false) |
void | SetBGM (List< int > ids, bool refresh=true) |
void | SetBGM (int id=-1, bool refresh=true) |
void | RefreshPlaylist () |
void | RefreshBGM () |
Playlist | CreatePlaylist (ref List< int > list, Playlist mold=null) |
Chara | FindChara (string id) |
Chara | FindChara (int uid) |
int | GetDeepestLv () |
int | GetDeepestLv (ref int max) |
List< Element > | ListLandFeats () |
ZoneExportData | Import (string path) |
void | Export (string path, PartialMap partial=null, bool usermap=false) |
void | ExportDialog (string dir=null) |
void | ImportDialog (string dir=null) |
void | Export () |
void | WriteNote (UINote n, Action< UINote > onWriteNote=null, IInspect.NoteMode mode=IInspect.NoteMode.Default, Recipe recipe=null) |
void | OnInspect () |
int | GetSortVal () |
Chara | AddRandomVisitor (bool guest=false) |
void | OnSimulateHour (VirtualDate date) |
void | OnSimulateDay (VirtualDate date) |
void | OnSimulateMonth (VirtualDate date) |
void | RainWater () |
void | GrowPlants (VirtualDate date) |
Zone | GetZoneAt (int _x, int _y) |
bool | IsCrime (Chara c, Act act) |
void | RefreshCriminal () |
void | RefreshListCitizen () |
void | ModInfluence (int a) |
void | ModDevelopment (int a) |
void | UpdateQuests (bool force=false) |
List< Chara > | ListMinions (Chara c) |
int | CountMinions (Chara c) |
int | GetSoilCost () |
void | SpawnLostItems () |
void | ApplyBackerPet (bool draw) |
FortuneRollData | GetOrCreateFortuneRollData (bool refresh=true) |
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int | GetInt (int id, int? defaultInt=null) |
void | AddInt (int id, int value) |
void | SetInt (int id, int value=0) |
override string | ToString () |
void | Create (string _id, int _x, int _y, int _icon) |
void | Register () |
virtual void | OnCreate () |
virtual void | OnAfterCreate () |
virtual void | SetMainFaction (Faction f) |
Zone | GetFirstZone () |
void | OnBeforeSave () |
virtual void | _OnBeforeSave () |
void | _OnLoad () |
virtual void | OnLoad () |
virtual void | Destroy () |
void | DeleteMapRecursive () |
virtual void | AddChild (Spatial child) |
void | RemoveChild (Spatial child) |
Zone | FindDeepestZone () |
Zone | FindZone (int lv) |
Zone | FindZone (string _id) |
virtual bool | CanKill () |
int | Dist (Point p) |
int | Dist (Spatial s) |
void | MakeGameObject (GameObject parentGo) |
ICardParent | GetRoot () |
void | RemoveCard (Card c) |
void | OnChildNumChange (Card c) |
void | WriteNote (UINote n, Action< UINote > onWriteNote=null, NoteMode mode=NoteMode.Default, Recipe recipe=null) |
void | OnInspect () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static bool | IsImportValid (string path) |
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static int | rnd (int a) |
static int | curve (int a, int start, int step, int rate=75) |
static int | rndHalf (int a) |
static float | rndf (float a) |
static int | rndSqrt (int a) |
static void | Wait (float a, Card c) |
static void | Wait (float a, Point p) |
static int | Bigger (int a, int b) |
static int | Smaller (int a, int b) |
Public Attributes | |
FactionBranch | branch |
HashSet< int > | completedQuests = new HashSet<int>() |
ZoneEventManager | events = new ZoneEventManager() |
ElementContainerZone | elements = new ElementContainerZone() |
MapBounds | bounds |
Dictionary< int, string > | dictCitizen = new Dictionary<int, string>() |
ZoneInstance | instance |
List< int > | landFeats |
Map | map |
MapSubset | subset |
ZoneBlueprint | bp |
int | fileVariation |
bool | dirtyElectricity |
bool | isStarted |
bool | isSimulating |
int | tempDist |
BiomeProfile | _biome |
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Spatial | parent |
string | id |
string | idUser |
string | name |
string | idMainFaction |
string | idProfile |
string | idCurrentSubset |
string | idHat |
int[] | _ints = new int[30] |
List< Spatial > | children = new List<Spatial>() |
List< Spatial > | connections = new List<Spatial>() |
Dictionary< int, int > | mapInt = new Dictionary<int, int>() |
bool | destryoed |
bool | isImported |
BitArray32 | bits |
Static Public Attributes | |
static bool | forceRegenerate |
static string | forceSubset |
static CardRow | sourceHat |
static int | okaerinko = 0 |
static bool | ignoreSpawnAnime |
static List< Thing > | Suckers = new List<Thing>() |
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static Core | core |
Properties | |
Chara | Boss [get, set] |
override int | ContentLv [get] |
override int | DangerLv [get] |
virtual bool | DisableRooms [get] |
int | HourSinceLastActive [get] |
int | MinsSinceLastActive [get] |
virtual string | pathExport [get] |
BiomeProfile | biome [get] |
virtual string | IdBiome [get] |
virtual string | IDGenerator [get] |
virtual string | TextWidgetDate [get] |
MapGenerator | Generator [get] |
virtual string | IdProfile [get] |
virtual string | IDPlayList [get] |
virtual string | IDPlaylistOverwrite [get] |
virtual string | IDHat [get] |
virtual string | IDBaseLandFeat [get] |
virtual string | idExport [get] |
string | pathTemp [get] |
Region | Region [get] |
Zone | ParentZone [get] |
virtual ActionMode | DefaultActionMode [get] |
virtual bool | BlockBorderExit [get] |
virtual int | ExpireDays [get] |
virtual ZoneTransition.EnterState | RegionEnterState [get] |
virtual ZoneFeatureType | FeatureType [get] |
virtual string | IDAmbience [get] |
virtual string | IDSceneTemplate [get] |
virtual bool | IsFestival [get] |
virtual string | IDSubset [get] |
virtual bool | IsTown [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeDeliverDestination [get] |
virtual bool | CountDeepestLevel [get] |
virtual bool | HasLaw [get] |
virtual bool | MakeEnemiesNeutral [get] |
virtual bool | MakeTownProperties [get] |
virtual bool | AllowCriminal [get] |
virtual bool | AllowInvest [get] |
virtual bool | AllowNewZone [get] |
virtual bool | WillAutoSave [get] |
virtual bool | RegenerateOnEnter [get] |
virtual bool | IsSkyLevel [get] |
virtual bool | IsUserZone [get] |
virtual bool | CanDigUnderground [get] |
virtual bool | LockExit [get] |
virtual bool | CanUnlockExit [get] |
virtual int | MaxLv [get] |
virtual int | MinLv [get] |
virtual bool | AddPrefix [get] |
virtual bool | IsNefia [get] |
virtual bool | PetFollow [get] |
virtual bool | RestrictBuild [get] |
virtual bool | KeepAllyDistance [get] |
virtual int | MaxSpawn [get] |
int | MaxRespawn [get] |
virtual float | RuinChance [get] |
virtual float | OreChance [get] |
virtual float | BigDaddyChance [get] |
virtual float | EvolvedChance [get] |
virtual float | ShrineChance [get] |
virtual float | PrespawnRate [get] |
virtual float | RespawnRate [get] |
bool | ShowEnemyOnMinimap [get] |
virtual int | RespawnPerHour [get] |
virtual float | ChanceSpawnNeutral [get] |
virtual bool | GrowPlant [get] |
virtual bool | GrowWeed [get] |
virtual bool | IsExplorable [get] |
virtual bool | IsReturnLocation [get] |
virtual bool | ShouldMakeExit [get] |
virtual bool | ShouldRegenerate [get] |
virtual bool | ShouldAutoRevive [get] |
virtual bool | UseFog [get] |
virtual bool | RevealRoom [get] |
virtual bool | AlwaysLowblock [get] |
virtual bool | UseLight [get] |
virtual int | StartLV [get] |
virtual bool | ScaleMonsterLevel [get] |
virtual bool | HiddenInRegionMap [get] |
virtual FlockController.SpawnType | FlockType [get] |
override string | NameSuffix [get] |
string | NameWithLevel [get] |
string | TextDeepestLv [get] |
bool | CanEnterBuildMode [get] |
bool | CanEnterBuildModeAnywhere [get] |
bool | IsPCFaction [get] |
bool | IsPCFactionOrTent [get] |
bool | IsStartZone [get] |
bool | IsInstance [get] |
bool | IsLoaded [get] |
virtual int | BaseElectricity [get] |
bool | IsActiveZone [get] |
bool | CanInspect [get] |
string | InspectName [get] |
Point | InspectPoint [get] |
Vector3 | InspectPosition [get] |
virtual int | MaxSoil [get] |
![]() | |
int | _bits [get, set] |
int | uid [get, set] |
int | icon [get, set] |
int | x [get, set] |
int | y [get, set] |
int | lastActive [get, set] |
int | idPrefix [get, set] |
int | lv [get, set] |
int | visitCount [get, set] |
int | dateExpire [get, set] |
int | dateRevive [get, set] |
int | _dangerLv [get, set] |
int | dateRegenerate [get, set] |
int | influence [get, set] |
int | investment [get, set] |
int | development [get, set] |
int | electricity [get, set] |
int | dateHat [get, set] |
int | uidBoss [get, set] |
int | dateQuest [get, set] |
int | version [get, set] |
bool | isGenerated [get, set] |
bool | isShore [get, set] |
bool | isRandomSite [get, set] |
bool | isKnown [get, set] |
bool | isMapSaved [get, set] |
bool | isExternalZone [get, set] |
bool | isConquered [get, set] |
bool | isBeach [get, set] |
bool | isPeace [get, set] |
bool | isDeathLocation [get, set] |
Faction | mainFaction [get, set] |
SourceZone.Row | source [get] |
bool | IsPlayerFaction [get] |
bool | IsClosed [get] |
int | mapX [get] |
int | mapY [get] |
virtual int | ContentLv [get] |
virtual int | DangerLv [get] |
virtual int | DangerLvFix [get] |
virtual float | VolumeSea [get] |
virtual bool | ShowDangerLv [get] |
virtual bool | CanSpawnAdv [get] |
string | pathSave [get] |
virtual string | Name [get] |
string | NameWithDangerLevel [get] |
virtual string | NameSuffix [get] |
virtual bool | IsRegion [get] |
virtual bool | CanFastTravel [get] |
EloMap.TileInfo | Tile [get] |
virtual bool | IsSnowZone [get] |
virtual bool | IsSnowCovered [get] |
virtual Point | RegionPos [get] |
virtual bool | isClaimable [get] |
int | Seed [get] |
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static Game | game [get] |
static bool | AdvMode [get] |
static Player | player [get] |
static Chara | pc [get] |
static UI | ui [get] |
static Map | _map [get] |
static Zone | _zone [get] |
static FactionBranch | Branch [get] |
static FactionBranch | BranchOrHomeBranch [get] |
static Faction | Home [get] |
static Faction | Wilds [get] |
static Scene | scene [get] |
static BaseGameScreen | screen [get] |
static GameSetting | setting [get] |
static GameData | gamedata [get] |
static ColorProfile | Colors [get] |
static World | world [get] |
static SourceManager | sources [get] |
static SourceManager | editorSources [get] |
static SoundManager | Sound [get] |
static CoreDebug | debug [get] |
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bool | CanInspect [get] |
string | InspectName [get] |
Point | InspectPoint [get] |
Vector3 | InspectPosition [get] |
Private Attributes | |
FortuneRollData | fortuneRoll |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | NoteMode { Default , Recipe , Product , Info } |
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Zone | _FindZone (string _id) |
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Point | _regionPos = new Point() |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Spatial.
Definition at line 1768 of file Zone.cs.
References Debug, and Map.Save().
inline |
Definition at line 1710 of file Zone.cs.
References FactionBranch.AddMemeber(), EClass.Branch, branch, World.date, EClass.game, Date.GetRaw(), Chara.homeBranch, Chara.IsPCParty, FactionBranch.members, Chara.MoveZone(), FactionBranch.OnUnclaimZone(), FactionBranch.owner, EClass.pc, Game.StartZone, and EClass.world.
inline |
Definition at line 577 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Game.activeZone, ActPlan.List.Add(), Card.AddEditorTag(), AddGlobalCharasOnActivate(), TextureManager.ApplyLocalReplace(), Map.backerObjs, SourceManager.backers, GameSetting.balance, bp, Map.cells, Map.charas, ClearZones(), Core.config, EClass.core, Game.countLoadedMaps, World.date, GameSetting.BalanceSetting.dateRegenerateZone, Deactivate(), Map.deadCharas, Debug, Spatial.destryoed, Player.doneBackers, Region.elomap, Scene.elomapActor, ExpireDays, forceRegenerate, forceSubset, Map.ForeachCell(), EClass.game, Generate(), Map.GetCell(), Date.GetRaw(), GetTopZone(), Chara.global, SourceBacker.Row.id, Spatial.idCurrentSubset, idExport, IDSubset, CoreConfig.Test.ignoreBackerDestoryFlag, Import(), EloMapActor.Initialize(), instance, Date.IsExpired(), Spatial.isImported, IsInstance, IsLoaded, Card.isNPCProperty, IsPCFaction, Spatial.IsRegion, Cell.isSeen, isSimulating, isStarted, Point.IsValid, item, Map.Load(), map, Spatial.Name, NameWithLevel, OnGenerateMap(), ZoneInstance.OnGenerateMap(), Map.OnImport(), ZoneExportData.orgMap, Chara.orgPos, pathExport, pathTemp, EClass.pc, EClass.player, Card.pos, RegenerateOnEnter, RemoveCard(), Msg.Say(), EClass.scene, Map.serializedCharas, Point.Set(), Map.SetReference(), EClass.setting, Map.SetZone(), ShouldRegenerate, Player.simulatingZone, MapBounds.Size, EClass.sources, subset, CoreConfig.test, Core.textures, Card.things, Map.things, Card.trait, GlobalData.transition, Map.TryLoadFile(), EClass.ui, UnloadMap(), UseFog, and EClass.world.
Referenced by Scene.Init(), and HotItemContext.Show().
Definition at line 1903 of file Zone.cs.
References CodexManager.AddSpawn(), Card.Chara, Player.codex, Card.hasSpawned, Card.id, Card.isThing, Map.OnCardAddedToZone(), Card.parent, Card.placeState, Card.PlayAnimeLoot(), EClass.player, ICardParent.RemoveCard(), and Chara.SetAI().
Definition at line 1893 of file Zone.cs.
References Point.x, and Point.z.
Referenced by InvOwnerChaosOffering._OnProcess(), TraitShrine._OnUse(), Game.AddAdventurers(), ZoneUtil.AddMerchant(), Chara.ApplyDeathPenalty(), RecipeCard.Build(), Map.Burn(), AI_Shopping.Buy(), ClaimZone(), TraitCrafter.Craft(), Card.Die(), Chara.Die(), Chara.DropHeld(), Player.DropReward(), Chara.DropThing(), ZonePreEnterBout.Execute(), ZonePreEnterDigStairs.Execute(), ZonePreEnterEncounter.Execute(), DramaOutcome.fiama_pet(), CoreDebug.Fix_LostCore(), Generate(), Zone_SnowGrave.GenerateGrave(), FortuneRollData.GetPrize(), GrowSystem.Grow(), TraitFoodEggFertilized.Incubate(), Chara.MakeGrave(), Map.MineBlock(), Chara.MoveHome(), Chara.MoveZone(), Region.OnAdvanceHour(), Zone_WindRest.OnAfterSimulate(), Zone_Nymelle.OnBeforeSimulate(), QuestIntroInspector.OnComplete(), QuestVernis.OnComplete(), TaskHarvest.OnCreateProgress(), TaskBuild.OnDestroy(), QuestDialog.OnDropReward(), ZoneEventSiege.OnFirstTick(), Zone_DungeonPuppy.OnGenerateMap(), Zone_TestRoom.OnGenerateMap(), MapGenDungen.OnGenerateTerrain(), GrowSystemTree.OnHitFail(), AI_Fish.ProgressFish.OnProgressComplete(), QuestCraft.OnProgressComplete(), TaskMoveInstalled.OnProgressComplete(), TraitDiary.OnRead(), QuestEscort.OnStart(), TraitFarmChest.OnUse(), TraitGiftNewYear.OnUse(), TraitStairsLocked.OnUse(), ZoneEventDefenseGame.OnVisit(), TraitContainer.Open(), DramaManager.ParseLine(), ActRestrain.Perform(), HotItemActionSleep.Perform(), GrowSystem.Perish(), Chara.Pick(), Chara.PickOrDrop(), Zone_Dungeon.PlaceRail(), GenRoom.Populate(), ActEffect.Proc(), ActEffect.ProcAt(), FactionBranch.PutInMailBox(), DramaOutcome.PutOutFire(), TaskCraft.PutOutResources(), DramaOutcome.QuestExploration_AfterCrystal(), CoreDebug.QuickStart(), TraitBaseSpellbook.ReadFailEffect(), FactionBranch.Recruit(), Religion.Reforge(), Map.ReloadRoom(), SerializedCards.Restore(), Revive(), Chara.Revive(), AI_Craft_Snowman.Run(), AI_Slaughter.Run(), AI_UseCrafter.Run(), Meeting.SetChara(), Chara.SetGlobal(), ZoneEventMusic.Spawn(), CoreDebug.Spawn(), SpawnAltar(), Card.SpawnLoot(), SpawnLostItems(), ActThrow.Throw(), TryAddThing(), BiomeProfile.ClusterThing.TryCreate(), Chara.TryDropBossLoot(), TryGenerateBigDaddy(), TryGenerateShrine(), Religion.TryGetGift(), Chara.TryHoldCard(), Chara.TryPutShared(), AI_Shopping.TryRestock(), Map.TryShatter(), Map.TrySmoothPick(), TrySpawnFollower(), DramaOutcome.Tutorial1(), TraitFoodEgg.Update(), CoreDebug.UpdateInput(), and Chara.Vomit().
Definition at line 1863 of file Zone.cs.
References Point.HasChara, Point.IsBlocked, Point.IsValid, and EClass.rnd().
Referenced by ZoneUtil.AddBandits().
inline |
Definition at line 1878 of file Zone.cs.
References CharaGen.Create().
Referenced by DramaOutcome.event_swordkeeper(), Zone_Nymelle.OnBeforeSimulate(), DramaOutcome.QuestDefense_0(), and DramaOutcome.QuestDefense_1().
inline |
Definition at line 1485 of file Zone.cs.
References Map.AddCardOnActivate(), Game.cards, Map.charas, Point.Clamp(), Chara.currentZone, Point.Equals(), Point.FindThing(), EClass.game, MapBounds.GetCenterPos(), Point.GetNearestPoint(), Chara.global, CardManager.globalCharas, Point.HasBlock, Chara.host, PathManager.Instance, Chara.isDead, PathManager.IsPathClear(), Chara.IsPC, Chara.IsPCParty, Card.isRestrained, Point.IsValid, item, Player.listSummon, Card.parent, EClass.pc, EClass.player, Card.pos, Point.Set(), and GlobalData.transition.
Referenced by Activate().
inline |
Definition at line 3011 of file Zone.cs.
References Game.cards, CharaGen.CreateFromFilter(), Spatial.FindZone(), EClass.game, Trait.GetPoint(), TraitManager.GetTraitSet(), guest, Map.Installed, CardManager.ListGlobalChara(), Msg.Say(), Props.traits, and EClass.world.
inline |
Definition at line 1883 of file Zone.cs.
References ThingGen.Create().
Referenced by Zone_SnowGrave.GenerateGrave(), CoreDebug.GetOrCreateDebugContainer(), TaskHarvest.OnCreateProgress(), TaskMine.OnProgressComplete(), DramaOutcome.QuestDefense_0(), DramaOutcome.QuestDefense_1(), and TrySpawnFollower().
inline |
Definition at line 3488 of file Zone.cs.
References SourceManager.backers, Core.config, EClass.core, CoreConfig.Test.ignoreBackerDestoryFlag, SourceBacker.listPet, EClass.sources, and CoreConfig.test.
Referenced by Zone_Field.OnGenerateMap(), and Zone_Yowyn.OnVisitNewMapOrRegenerate().
inline |
Definition at line 1726 of file Zone.cs.
References Chara.currentZone, World.date, SpatialManager.Find(), Spatial.FindDeepestZone(), EClass.game, GetTopZone(), instance, Date.IsExpired(), IsInstance, Player.nextZone, EClass.pc, EClass.player, Player.simulatingZone, Game.spatials, ZoneInstance.uidZone, and EClass.world.
Referenced by Region.OnActivate().
inline |
Definition at line 1659 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, EClass._zone, AddCard(), FactionBranch.AddMemeber(), Map.bounds, EClass.Branch, ThingGen.Create(), CharaGen.CreateFromFilter(), World.date, Scene.elomap, Chara.faction, EClass.game, Effect.Get(), Point.GetNearestPoint(), MapBounds.GetRandomPoint(), Date.GetRaw(), FactionBranch.Log(), FactionBranch.OnClaimZone(), FactionBranch.OnCreate(), EClass.pc, Effect.Play(), Card.PlaySound(), Card.pos, RefreshPlaylist(), Map.RevealAll(), Msg.Say(), EClass.scene, SetBGM(), Card.SetPlaceState(), EloMap.SetZone(), EClass.Sound, Game.StartZone, Map.things, EClass.world, Spatial.x, and Spatial.y.
Referenced by TraitDeed.OnRead(), DramaOutcome.QuestExploration_MeetFarris2(), and CoreDebug.QuickStart().
inline |
Definition at line 1823 of file Zone.cs.
References ClearZones(), and Spatial.Destroy().
Referenced by Activate(), and ClearZones().
inline |
Definition at line 3420 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Card.c_minionType, Card.c_uidMaster, and Map.charas.
Referenced by WidgetStatsBar.Build(), Chara.CanBeTempAlly(), ActEffect.ProcAt(), and GoalCombat.TryUseAbility().
inline |
Definition at line 2262 of file Zone.cs.
References ZoneBlueprint.Create().
inline |
Definition at line 2782 of file Zone.cs.
References item, and EClass.Sound.
inline |
Definition at line 1566 of file Zone.cs.
References Game.activeZone, Card.AddCard(), Scene.Clear(), World.date, EClass.game, Date.GetRaw(), Card.HasTag(), item, FactionBranch.members, Map.OnDeactivate(), EClass.pc, Map.props, Card.rarity, PropsManager.roaming, Msg.Say(), EClass.scene, PropsManager.stocked, Map.things, Props.Things, Card.trait, Chara.ValidateWorks(), and EClass.world.
Referenced by Activate().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Spatial.
Definition at line 1804 of file Zone.cs.
References Spatial.Destroy(), Scene.elomap, EClass.game, SpatialManager.Remove(), EClass.scene, EloMap.SetZone(), and Game.spatials.
inline |
Definition at line 518 of file Zone.cs.
References elements, and ElementContainer.Value().
Referenced by TraitWrench.IsValidTarget().
inline |
Definition at line 523 of file Zone.cs.
References SourceManager.elements, elements, EClass.sources, and ElementContainer.Value().
inline |
Definition at line 2981 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.ResetEditorPos(), Msg.Say(), and CorePath.ZoneSave.
inline |
Definition at line 2898 of file Zone.cs.
References Map.ClearRainAndDecal(), Map.config, Map.ExportMetaData(), MapConfig.retainDecal, Map.Save(), and EClass.ui.
Referenced by ZoneInspector.Export(), LayerUploader.ExportMap(), CoreDebug.InitDebugCommands(), and PartialMap.Save().
inline |
Definition at line 2939 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass.core, if(), SFB.StandaloneFileBrowser.SaveFilePanel(), Msg.SayRaw(), BaseCore.WaitForEndOfFrame(), and CorePath.ZoneSave.
Referenced by CoreDebug.InitDebugCommands().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 2805 of file Zone.cs.
References Map.charas, and Card.id.
Referenced by DramaCustomSequence.Build().
inline |
Definition at line 2274 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Map._plDay, EClass._zone, AddCard(), Map.bounds, Card.ChangeMaterial(), ThingGen.Create(), ZoneBlueprint.GenerateMap(), MapBounds.GetRandomSurface(), Point.HasObj, Card.Install(), ZoneBlueprint.map, BiomeProfile.Style.matDoor, EClass.rnd(), Map.SetZone(), EClass.Sound, and BiomeProfile.style.
Referenced by Activate().
inline |
Definition at line 2815 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by WindowChara.RefreshProfile().
inline |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in Zone_CursedManorDungeon, Zone_Dungeon, Zone_Gathering, Zone_RandomDungeonNature, and Zone_VernisMine.
Definition at line 528 of file Zone.cs.
inline |
Definition at line 2667 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.bounds, Trait.Electricity, MapBounds.ForeachCell(), Cell.growth, Card.IsInstalled, GrowSystem.IsMature, Cell.sourceObj, Map.things, Card.trait, and ElementContainer.Value().
Referenced by UIHomeInfo.RefreshInfo().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in Zone_CursedManor, Zone_Nymelle, and Zone_Vernis.
Definition at line 533 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by TraitNewZone.CreateZone().
inline |
Definition at line 3536 of file Zone.cs.
References FortuneRollData.count, EClass.game, FortuneRollData.Refresh(), and Game.seed.
Referenced by TraitCrafter.Craft(), and UIDragGridInfo.Init().
inline |
Definition at line 2222 of file Zone.cs.
References EloMapActor.elomap, Region.elomap, Scene.elomapActor, Lang.GetList(), EloMap.GetTileInfo(), EloMap.TileInfo.idZoneProfile, EloMapActor.Initialize(), ZoneProfile.Load(), EClass.scene, and ZoneBlueprint.surrounding.
Referenced by ZoneBlueprint.GenerateMap().
inline |
T | : | Trait |
Definition at line 1954 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, PropsManager.installed, Map.props, and Props.traits.
Definition at line 1463 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.bounds, Map.charas, MapBounds.GetCenterPos(), Point.GetNearestPoint(), MapBounds.GetRandomPoint(), Point.GetRandomPoint(), MapBounds.GetRandomSurface(), Point.IsValid, RoomManager.listRoom, Card.pos, EClass.rnd(), Map.rooms, Trait.ShopType, and Chara.trait.
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 3433 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.bounds, MapBounds.ForeachCell(), and Cell.sourceObj.
Referenced by WidgetStatsBar.Build(), FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), Map.MineObj(), GrowSystem.PopHarvest(), UIHomeInfo.RefreshInfo(), and GrowSystem.TryPopSeed().
inline |
Definition at line 2998 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by SpatialManager.ListReturnLocations().
inline |
Definition at line 1282 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.bounds, Map.config, Debug, MapConfig.embarkX, MapConfig.embarkY, Point.Equals(), Props.Find(), MapBounds.GetBottomPos(), MapBounds.GetCenterPos(), MapBounds.GetLeftPos(), Point.GetNearestPoint(), Trait.GetParam(), MapBounds.GetRightPos(), MapBounds.GetTopPos(), GetTopZone(), Chara.global, TraitTeleporter.id, ZoneTransition.idTele, PropsManager.installed, TraitNewZone.IsFor(), Card.IsInstalled, Chara.IsPC, Spatial.IsRegion, Point.IsValid, ZoneTransition.lastZone, Player.lastZonePos, Spatial.lv, Spatial.mapX, Spatial.mapY, EClass.player, Card.pos, Map.props, ZoneTransition.ratePos, Player.simulatingZone, ZoneTransition.state, Map.things, Card.trait, Props.traits, GlobalData.transition, Spatial.uid, MapBounds.x, Spatial.x, ZoneTransition.x, Spatial.y, ZoneTransition.z, and TraitNewZone.zone.
Referenced by Chara.MoveZone().
inline |
Definition at line 2529 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.bounds, Point.cell, MapBounds.GetRandomSurface(), Cell.hasDoor, Cell.HasRoof, Point.IsSync, Point.IsValid, and Cell.light.
inline |
Definition at line 1854 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Activate(), CanDestroy(), SpatialGen.CreateInstance(), Chara.FallFromZone(), MapGen.GenerateTerrain(), GetSpawnPos(), TraitNewZone.MoveZone(), Chara.MoveZone(), OnAfterCreate(), QuestRandom.OnDropReward(), MapGen.OnGenerateTerrain(), TraitTicketFurniture.SetZone(), Simulate(), Chara.TryDropBossLoot(), TraitElevator.TrySetAct(), and TraitTicketFurniture.TrySetHeldAct().
inline |
Definition at line 3237 of file Zone.cs.
References Spatial.x, and Spatial.y.
Referenced by Player.EnterLocalZone(), and RegionPoint.SetRegionPoint().
inline |
Definition at line 3130 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.bounds, EClass.Branch, VirtualDate.BuildSunMap(), Cell.decal, Cell.detail, FactionBranch.Evalue(), MapBounds.ForeachCell(), Cell.growth, GrowSystem.Stage.idx, if(), Cell.index, PolicyManager.IsActive(), Player.isAutoFarming, Card.IsInstalled, Date.IsWinter, item, GrowSystem.NeedSunlight, EClass.player, FactionBranch.policies, EClass.rnd(), GrowSystem.stage, VirtualDate.sunMap, Map.things, Card.trait, and Map.TryGetPlant().
inline |
Definition at line 2889 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Activate(), and PartialMap.Load().
inline |
Definition at line 2952 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass.core, if(), SFB.StandaloneFileBrowser.OpenFilePanel(), BaseCore.WaitForEndOfFrame(), and CorePath.ZoneSave.
Referenced by CoreDebug.InitDebugCommands().
Definition at line 3259 of file Zone.cs.
References Act.IsHostileAct, and Chara.IsPC.
Referenced by TaskDig.OnCreateProgress(), TaskHarvest.OnCreateProgress(), TaskMine.OnCreateProgress(), TaskDig.OnProgressComplete(), TaskMine.OnProgressComplete(), and ActPlan.Item.Perform().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 2968 of file Zone.cs.
References Map.GetMetaData(), MapMetaData.IsValidVersion(), and EClass.ui.
Referenced by TraitMoongate.UseMoongate().
inline |
Definition at line 2834 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._zone, SourceManager.elements, SourceElement.Row.id, Rand.SetSeed(), EClass.sources, and Spatial.uid.
Referenced by WidgetDate._Refresh(), FactionBranch.OnClaimZone(), FactionBranch.OnUnclaimZone(), UIFactionInfo.SetZone(), and FactionBranch.Upgrade().
Definition at line 3407 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Card.c_minionType, Card.c_uidMaster, and Map.charas.
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 3301 of file Zone.cs.
References Tutorial.Reserve(), and Msg.Say().
Referenced by Card.ModCurrency(), QuestRandom.OnDropReward(), and ActThrow.Throw().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in Region, Zone_Casino, Zone_LumiestRuin, Zone_Olvina, Zone_SisterHouse, and Zone_User.
Definition at line 1100 of file Zone.cs.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in Region.
Definition at line 1124 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by GameDate.AdvanceHour().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Spatial.
Definition at line 562 of file Zone.cs.
References AddPrefix, GetTopZone(), Spatial.idPrefix, EClass.sources, and SourceManager.zoneAffixes.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in Zone_DungeonPuppy, and Zone_Nymelle.
Definition at line 1112 of file Zone.cs.
inline |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in Zone_Arena2, and Zone_Harvest.
Definition at line 2270 of file Zone.cs.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in Zone_Arena2, Zone_CursedManor, Zone_CursedManorDungeon, Zone_Dungeon, Zone_DungeonPuppy, Zone_Field, Zone_Harvest, Zone_RandomDungeon, Zone_RandomDungeonFactory, Zone_SnowGrave, Zone_TestRoom, Zone_VernisMine, Zone_Void, and Zone_WindRest.
Definition at line 2383 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.charas, Chara.hostility, Chara.IsGlobal, and Chara.OriginalHostility.
Referenced by Activate().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in Zone_CaveMonster, and Zone_SubTown.
Definition at line 2525 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by MapGenDungen.OnGenerateTerrain().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 1634 of file Zone.cs.
References CardRenderer.hasActor, CardRenderer.KillActor(), Card.renderer, and Map.things.
Referenced by Game.Kill().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Spatial.
Definition at line 1795 of file Zone.cs.
References ZoneEventManager.OnLoad(), and FactionBranch.SetOwner().
inlinevirtual |
inline |
Definition at line 3095 of file Zone.cs.
References FactionBranch.OnSimulateDay().
Referenced by VirtualDate.SimulateDay().
inline |
Definition at line 3040 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.charas, Card.DecayNatural(), Card.Destroy(), Chara.IsGlobal, Card.IsInstalled, VirtualDate.IsRealTime, ZoneEventManager.OnSimulateHour(), Card.OnSimulateHour(), FactionBranch.OnSimulateHour(), EClass.pc, EClass.rnd(), Map.things, Card.trait, and Trait.TryToggle().
Referenced by VirtualDate.SimulateHour().
inline |
Definition at line 3103 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, VirtualDate.IsRealTime, FactionBranch.OnSimulateMonth(), and Map.RefreshAllTiles().
Referenced by VirtualDate.SimulateMonth().
inline |
Definition at line 1021 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, RoomManager.AssignCharas(), EClass.Branch, Map.charas, EClass.core, World.date, Player.Stats.deepest, EClass.game, Version.GetInt(), Date.GetRaw(), Date.IsExpired(), Game.isLoading, Chara.IsPCFaction, FactionBranch.OnAfterSimulate(), ZoneEventManager.OnVisit(), EClass.player, Revive, Map.rooms, Player.stats, Chara.TryRestock(), BaseCore.version, and EClass.world.
inlinevirtual |
inline |
Definition at line 3115 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.bounds, MapBounds.ForeachCell(), Cell.HasRoof, Cell.IsFarmField, and Map.IsIndoor.
Referenced by Weather.SetCondition().
inline |
Definition at line 2742 of file Zone.cs.
References Point.cell, Core.config, EClass.core, CoreRef.dictBGM, Lot.idBGM, Chara.IsInActiveZone, item, LayerDrama.keepBGM, ZoneEventManager.list, Room.lot, EClass.pc, EClass.player, Map.plDay, Card.pos, Core.refs, Cell.room, CoreConfig.SetBGMInterval(), Player.simulatingZone, and EClass.Sound.
Referenced by BuildMenu.Deactivate(), BaseTileMap.Draw(), TileMapElona.Draw(), LayerNewZone.Embark(), ELayer.Kill(), ZoneEventSiege.OnFirstTick(), LayerEditPlaylist.OnKill(), and ZoneEventSiege.OnKill().
inline |
Definition at line 3268 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.charas, Chara.enemy, Chara.IsPCParty, Chara.SetEnemy(), and Chara.trait.
Referenced by Player.ModKarma(), ConIncognito.OnRemoved(), and ConIncognito.OnStart().
inline |
Definition at line 2636 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.bounds, Trait.Electricity, MapBounds.ForeachCell(), Cell.growth, Card.IsInstalled, GrowSystem.IsMature, Card.isOn, Cell.sourceObj, Map.things, Card.trait, Trait.TryToggle(), and ElementContainer.Value().
Referenced by TraitLeverBreaker.OnToggle(), Scene.OnUpdate(), TraitGenerator.Recover(), UIHomeInfo.Refresh(), and TraitGenerator.ShortOut().
inline |
Definition at line 1011 of file Zone.cs.
References SourceManager.cards, World.date, Date.IsExpired(), SourceCard.map, EClass.sources, and EClass.world.
Referenced by TraitHat.OnUse().
inline |
Definition at line 3285 of file Zone.cs.
References Map.charas, Map.deadCharas, and item.
Referenced by Chara.MakeAlly().
inline |
Definition at line 2734 of file Zone.cs.
References Map._plDay, Map.plDay, and EClass.Sound.
Referenced by ClaimZone(), and LayerEditPlaylist.OnKill().
inline |
Implements ICardParent.
Definition at line 1933 of file Zone.cs.
References CardRenderer.hasActor, Trait.IDActorEx, Card.isChara, Card.isThing, Map.OnCardRemovedFromZone(), CardRenderer.OnLeaveScreen(), Scene.RemoveActorEx(), Card.renderer, EClass.scene, and Card.trait.
Referenced by Activate(), Faction.AddReserve(), Chara.MoveZone(), Map.OnDeactivate(), TaskMoveInstalled.OnProgressComplete(), Map.ReloadRoom(), Simulate(), ActThrow.Throw(), Chara.Tick(), and CoreDebug.UpdateInput().
inline |
Definition at line 2509 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.charas, Chara.enemy, Chara.IsPCFaction, Card.IsPCFactionOrMinion, Chara.OriginalHostility, Chara.SetEnemy(), and Chara.source.
Referenced by Chara.Die(), and ConIncognito.OnStart().
inline |
Definition at line 1062 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._zone, AddCard(), GameSetting.balance, Card.c_idBacker, TraitChara.CanAutoRevive, Chara.CanRevive(), Game.cards, Core.config, EClass.core, World.date, GameSetting.BalanceSetting.dateRevive, Map.deadCharas, Player.doneBackers, EClass.game, Point.GetNearestPoint(), Date.GetRaw(), CardManager.globalCharas, Chara.homeZone, CoreConfig.Test.ignoreBackerDestoryFlag, Card.isBackerContent, Chara.isDead, Point.IsInBounds, Chara.orgPos, EClass.player, Card.pos, Card.RemoveBacker(), Chara.Revive(), EClass.setting, CoreConfig.test, Chara.trait, and EClass.world.
Referenced by Map.ResetEditorPos().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 2706 of file Zone.cs.
References Map._plDay, Map.plDay, and EClass.Sound.
Referenced by ZoneEventSubdue.CheckClear(), ClaimZone(), ZonePreEnterBout.Execute(), ZoneEventDefenseGame.OnVisit(), ZoneEventHarvest.OnVisit(), ZoneEventSubdue.OnVisit(), DramaManager.ParseLine(), GoalCombat.Run(), and Chara.TryDropBossLoot().
inline |
Definition at line 1128 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, EClass._zone, Chara.ai, Boss, Map.charas, Chara.ChooseNewGoal(), Chara.conSuspend, CharaGen.Create(), Chara.Cure(), World.date, Debug, Card.DecayNatural(), EClass.game, Chara.GetGoalHobby(), Chara.GetGoalWork(), GetTopZone(), Card.HealHP(), Card.hp, Card.id, Spatial.isConquered, Chara.IsGuest(), Chara.IsHomeMember(), Card.IsInstalled, Game.isLoading, Date.IsNight, Chara.IsPCFaction, Chara.IsPCParty, item, Chara.mana, Stats.max, Chara.MaxHP, Stats.Mod(), Spatial.Name, AIAct.OnSimulatePosition(), Card.pos, Card.rarity, RemoveCard(), EClass.rnd(), Msg.Say(), Chara.SetAI(), VirtualDate.SimulateHour(), AIAct.SimulateZone(), Chara.stamina, Map.things, Card.trait, Stats.value, and EClass.world.
inline |
Definition at line 2344 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._zone, AddCard(), EClass.core, CoreRef.crawlers, Crawler.CrawlUntil(), ThingGen.Create(), CharaGen.Create(), EClass.game, POIMap.Cell.GetCenter(), POIMap.GetCenterCell(), ReligionManager.GetRandomReligion(), item, POIMap.OccyupyPOI(), Map.poiMap, Core.refs, Game.religions, EClass.rnd(), CoreRef.Crawlers.start, and Card.trait.
inline |
Definition at line 3443 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._zone, Card.Add(), AddCard(), bounds, ThingGen.Create(), ThingGen.CreateFromCategory(), ThingContainer.DestroyAll(), MapBounds.GetRandomPoint(), Point.HasBlock, Point.HasObj, Point.HasThing, Point.IsBlocked, EClass.rnd(), EClass.rndHalf(), and Card.things.
inline |
Definition at line 2543 of file Zone.cs.
References SpawnSetting.Default, SpawnListChara.Get(), SpawnList.Get(), and Rand.Range().
Referenced by TraitShrine._OnUse(), ZonePreEnterEncounter.Execute(), Zone_RandomDungeon.OnGenerateMap(), Zone_Void.OnGenerateMap(), ZoneEventHarvest.OnVisit(), ZoneEventQuest.Spawn(), ZoneEventQuest.SpawnBoss(), CoreDebug.SpawnBoss(), GenRoom.SpawnMob(), CoreDebug.TestSpawn(), TraitSpotSpawn.Update(), and CoreDebug.UpdateInput().
inline |
Definition at line 543 of file Zone.cs.
References ToString().
inline |
Definition at line 538 of file Zone.cs.
References Spatial._regionPos, World.date, Date.GetRemainingHours(), IsInstance, Spatial.Name, Point.ToString(), and EClass.world.
Referenced by Game.OnLoad(), and TextLevel().
Definition at line 2133 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._zone, AddCard(), Point.cell, Card.Destroy(), Cell.detail, Card.placeState, CellDetail.things, and Card.TryStackTo().
Referenced by FactionBranch.GenerateGarbage(), and Chara.GiveBirth().
inline |
Definition at line 2036 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Card.AddThing(), Window.SaveData.advDistribution, Card.c_lockLv, ThingContainer.CanStack(), Game.cards, Card.category, Window.SaveData.cats, CardManager.container_shipping, Props.containers, Trait.Decay, Window.SaveData.flag, EClass.game, Thing.GetName(), Card.GetWindowSaveData(), PropsManager.installed, Card.IsDecayed, Window.SaveData.IsFilterPass(), Thing.IsSharedContainer, ThingContainer.MaxCapacity, Window.SaveData.noRotten, Window.SaveData.onlyRottable, Window.SaveData.priority, Map.props, Card.Say(), Card.things, Card.trait, and Window.SaveData.userFilter.
Referenced by FactionBranch.AutoClean(), AI_Haul.GetThingToClean(), AI_Haul.Run(), GrowSystem.TryPick(), Chara.TryPutShared(), and Chara.TryPutSharedItems().
inline |
T | : | Trait |
Definition at line 1959 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.bounds, Trait.GetRandomPoint(), MapBounds.GetRandomSurface(), PropsManager.installed, Card.IsContainer, item, Trait.ListPoints(), Map.props, Card.Thing, Card.things, Card.trait, and Props.traits.
inline |
Definition at line 2455 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._zone, AddCard(), CharaGen.Create(), EClass.rndf(), Msg.Say(), and CardBlueprint.Set().
Referenced by Zone_Dungeon.OnGenerateMap().
Definition at line 2436 of file Zone.cs.
References Chara.ability, CharaAbility.AddRandom(), Card.AddThing(), SpawnSetting.Evolved(), Chara.MakeGene(), EClass.rnd(), and EClass.rndf().
Referenced by Zone_Dungeon.OnGenerateMap(), and ZoneEventQuest.SpawnBoss().
inline |
Definition at line 2409 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Map.bounds, Crawler.CrawlUntil(), Crawler.Create(), MATERIAL.GetRandomMaterial(), MapBounds.GetRandomPoint(), MapBounds.Height, EClass.rnd(), and MapBounds.Width.
Referenced by Zone_Dungeon.OnGenerateMap().
inline |
Definition at line 2473 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, EClass._zone, AddCard(), GodStatueData.chance, ThingGen.Create(), EClass.debug, EClass.gamedata, MapBounds.GetRandomSpace(), GameData.godStatues, Point.HasChara, Point.HasThing, Card.Install(), EClass.player, EClass.rnd(), EClass.rndf(), Player.seedShrine, Point.SetObj(), Card.SetRandomDir(), Rand.SetSeed(), CoreDebug.test, Point.x, and Point.z.
Referenced by Zone_Dungeon.OnGenerateMap().
inline |
T | : | TraitSpot |
Definition at line 2175 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, TraitSalesTag.CanTagSale(), Card.category, ThingContainer.Find(), Card.IsInstalled, Card.isSale, item, Card.things, Map.things, Point.Things, and Card.trait.
Definition at line 2159 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Props.containers, ThingContainer.Find(), PropsManager.installed, Thing.IsSharedContainer, Map.props, and Card.things.
Referenced by FactionBranch.DailyOutcome(), and FactionBranch.GetMeal().
T | : | TraitSpot |
Definition at line 1989 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, Card.IsInstalled, item, ThingContainer.List(), Card.things, Map.things, Point.Things, and Card.trait.
inline |
Definition at line 2310 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._map, EClass._zone, AddCard(), AddThing(), Card.ApplyBacker(), SourceManager.backers, Map.bounds, CharaGen.Create(), EClass.debug, ReligionManager.dictAll, CoreDebug.enable, Chara.faith, faith, EClass.game, Point.GetNearestPoint(), Point.GetRandomPoint(), MapBounds.GetRandomSurface(), Chara.HasCondition(), SourceBacker.Row.id, BackerContent.indexFollower, Card.Install(), Point.IsValid, SourceBacker.listFollower, EClass.pc, Game.religions, EClass.rnd(), Chara.SetFaith(), EClass.sources, and Card.trait.
inline |
Definition at line 1645 of file Zone.cs.
References Debug, and FactionBranch.OnUnloadMap().
Referenced by Activate().
inline |
Definition at line 3320 of file Zone.cs.
References EClass._zone, TraitChara.CanGiveRandomQuest, Map.charas, Quest.Create(), World.date, Spatial.dateQuest, Player.Stats.days, Map.deadCharas, EClass.debug, Debug, CoreDebug.enable, Player.fame, EClass.game, Date.GetRaw(), Chara.homeZone, SourceQuest.Row.id, Chara.IsGuest(), IsPCFaction, Card.isSubsetCard, item, QuestManager.list, Quest.ListDeliver(), SourceQuest.Row.minFame, EClass.player, Game.quests, SourceManager.quests, Spatial.source, EClass.sources, Player.stats, SourceQuest.Row.tags, Chara.trait, Rand.UseSeed(), and EClass.world.
Referenced by LayerQuestBoard.OnSwitchContent(), and LayerQuestBoard.RefreshQuest().
inline |
BiomeProfile Zone._biome |
MapBounds Zone.bounds |
Definition at line 46 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by CoreDebug.Fix_LostCore(), FactionBranch.GenerateGarbage(), Zone_SnowGrave.GenerateGrave(), MapGen.GenerateTerrain(), MapGen.OnGenerateTerrain(), and SpawnLostItems().
ZoneBlueprint Zone.bp |
Definition at line 64 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Activate().
FactionBranch Zone.branch |
Definition at line 34 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by AbandonZone(), DramaCustomSequence.Build(), Faction.CountWealth(), ActEffect.DamageEle(), Hobby.GetEfficiency(), RankedZoneManager.GetIncome(), Quest.Init(), LayerQuestBoard.OnInit(), ContentHomeReport.OnSwitchContent(), ItemCulture.Refresh(), UIHomeInfo.Refresh(), TraitGeneratorWheel.Refresh(), AI_Idle.Run(), UIFactionInfo.SetZone(), GameDate.ShipGoods(), LayerShippingResult.Show(), TraitTeleporter.TryTeleport(), and TraitBed.ValidateOwners().
HashSet<int> Zone.completedQuests = new HashSet<int>() |
Definition at line 37 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Quest.Complete(), and Quest.Fail().
Dictionary<int, string> Zone.dictCitizen = new Dictionary<int, string>() |
Definition at line 49 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by DramaCustomSequence.Build(), Quest.Create(), and Quest.ListDeliver().
bool Zone.dirtyElectricity |
Definition at line 68 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Scene.OnUpdate().
ElementContainerZone Zone.elements = new ElementContainerZone() |
Definition at line 43 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by CoreDebug.COM_MaxConstruction(), Evalue(), BuildMenu.OnActivate(), Policy.OnAdvanceHour(), Game.OnLoad(), TraitGeneratorWheel.Refresh(), LayerHome.RefreshFeat(), AI_PassTime.Run(), TraitFoodEgg.Update(), and Policy.WriteNote().
ZoneEventManager Zone.events = new ZoneEventManager() |
Definition at line 40 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by WidgetDate._Refresh(), WidgetMascot._Update(), GameDate.AdvanceMin(), Chara.CanSleep(), QuestInstance.CreateInstanceZone(), Chara.Die(), Player.EnterLocalZone(), QuestSubdue.GetTextProgress(), ZoneEvent.Kill(), TraitNewZone.MoveZone(), AI_Sleep.OnProgressComplete(), TraitPhone.OnSimulateHour(), QuestFiamaLock.OnStart(), DramaManager.ParseLine(), HotItemActionSleep.Perform(), UIHomeInfo.RefreshReport(), Card.SpawnLoot(), CoreDebug.Test_Siege(), CoreDebug.Test_SiegeGuard(), TraitCoreDefense.TrySetAct(), GameUpdater.Update(), and WidgetDebug.UpdateText().
static |
Definition at line 25 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Activate().
static |
Definition at line 27 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Activate().
private |
ZoneInstance Zone.instance |
Definition at line 52 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), Activate(), CanDestroy(), ZoneEventSubdue.CheckClear(), Chara.Die(), Player.ExitBorder(), Chara.IsHostile(), Chara.MoveZone(), ZoneEventHarvest.OnLeaveZone(), TraitDeed.OnRead(), DramaManager.ParseLine(), and ActEffect.Proc().
bool Zone.isSimulating |
Definition at line 72 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Activate(), and Chara.GetGoalFromTimeTable().
bool Zone.isStarted |
Definition at line 70 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Activate(), Card.CalculateFOV(), ActorEx.GetVolume(), Trait.Install(), WidgetCodex.OnActivate(), TextureManager.RefreshTextures(), ConSleep.Tick(), and Trait.Toggle().
Map Zone.map |
Definition at line 60 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Chara._Move(), Activate(), Party.AddMemeber(), GenBounds.Create(), LayerPeople.CreateSelectEmbarkMembers(), BaseTileMap.Draw(), TileMapElona.Draw(), Region.GetRandomPoint(), Zone_Field.OnGenerateMap(), and FactionBranch.RemoveMemeber().
static |
Definition at line 31 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by AI_Idle.Run().
static |
Definition at line 29 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by CharaRenderer.Draw().
MapSubset Zone.subset |
Definition at line 62 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Activate(), and MapSubset.Save().
Definition at line 80 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by TraitSeed.TrySprout().
int Zone.tempDist |
Definition at line 74 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by LayerTravel.GetTravelFood(), and LayerTravel.Refresh().
get |
Definition at line 276 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by OnAfterCreate().
get |
Definition at line 244 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by DramaCustomSequence.Build().
get |
Definition at line 256 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by TraitNewZone.CanAutoEnter(), and TraitNewZone.TrySetAct().
get |
Definition at line 388 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.Draw().
get |
Definition at line 126 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by PartialMap.Apply(), ZonePreEnterDigStairs.Execute(), Region.OnAdvanceHour(), MapGenDungen.OnGenerateTerrain(), TraitStairsLocked.OnUse(), GenRoom.Populate(), SerializedCards.Restore(), GenBounds.TryAddMapPiece(), and BaseGameScreen.UpdateShaders().
get |
Definition at line 166 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Player.CanExitBorder().
getset |
Definition at line 82 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Scene.Init(), TraitNewZone.MoveZone(), ActEffect.Proc(), AI_Idle.Run(), and Chara.TryDropBossLoot().
get |
Definition at line 222 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Quest.ListDeliver().
get |
Definition at line 266 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by TaskMine.GetHitResult().
get |
get |
Definition at line 448 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by WidgetMenuPanel._OnChangeMode(), ActionMode.DoFunc(), and HotbarManager.ResetHotbar().
get |
get |
Definition at line 270 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by TraitStairsLocked.OnUse().
get |
Definition at line 94 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by DNA.GenerateRandomGene(), and AI_Fish.Makefish().
get |
Definition at line 106 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Chara._Move(), RecipeCard.Build(), ZonePreEnterEncounter.Execute(), Map.MineBlock(), ZoneEventDefenseGame.NextWave(), Zone_RandomDungeon.OnGenerateMap(), Zone_Void.OnGenerateMap(), MapGenDungen.OnGenerateTerrain(), TraitNote.OnImportMap(), ActEffect.ProcAt(), TraitBaseSpellbook.ReadFailEffect(), SerializedCards.Restore(), Map.SetObj(), ZoneEventQuest.Spawn(), ZoneEventQuest.SpawnBoss(), GenRoom.SpawnMob(), Chara.TryDropBossLoot(), and Card.TryMakeRandomItem().
get |
get |
Definition at line 118 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Map.TryAddRoom().
get |
Definition at line 168 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Activate().
get |
get |
Definition at line 408 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Scene.Init().
get |
Definition at line 134 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by MapGenDungen.OnGenerateTerrain().
get |
Definition at line 226 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Chara.Die(), and QuestManager.HasFarAwayEscort().
get |
Definition at line 406 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Chara._Move().
get |
get |
Definition at line 146 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Activate(), MapSubset.Exist(), Zone_Dungeon.OnGenerateMap(), and MapSubset.Save().
get |
Definition at line 130 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by ZoneBlueprint.GenerateMap(), and TraitNewZone.MoveZone().
get |
Definition at line 190 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by BaseGameScreen.RefreshGrading().
get |
Definition at line 208 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Activate().
get |
Definition at line 486 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by ZoneEventManager.AddPreEnter(), Chara.MoveHome(), Chara.MoveZone(), AM_BaseGameMode.OnUpdateInput(), WidgetMinimap.UpdateMap(), and FactionBranch.Upgrade().
get |
Definition at line 206 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by GameLang.ConvertDrama(), Trait.CreateStock(), Trait.OnBarter(), TraitSpecialLantern.OnCreate(), and Chara.ShowDialog().
get |
Definition at line 480 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by WidgetDate._Refresh(), Activate(), LayerSleep.Advance(), DramaCustomSequence.Build(), CanDestroy(), TraitMoongate.CanUse(), QuestManager.HasFarAwayEscort(), EloMap.Init(), TraitToolBrush.IsTamePossible(), Region.ListTravelZones(), Region.OnActivate(), Scene.OnUpdate(), ToString(), TraitNewZone.TrySetAct(), and TraitWaystone.TrySetAct().
get |
Definition at line 482 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Activate().
get |
Definition at line 278 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by TraitNewZone.MoveZone(), AI_Idle.Run(), and Chara.TryDropBossLoot().
get |
Definition at line 464 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Chara._Move(), WidgetDate._Refresh(), Map._ValidateInstalled(), Activate(), LayerSleep.Advance(), WidgetStatsBar.Build(), DramaCustomSequence.Build(), Chara.CanDestroyPath(), ActRestrain.CanPerform(), QuestVernis.CanUpdateOnTalk(), TraitGeneratorWheel.CanUse(), TraitLoytelMart.CanUse(), TraitMannequin.CanUse(), TraitShackle.CanUse(), GameLang.ConvertDrama(), Faction.CountWealth(), Card.Create(), ActEffect.DamageEle(), Card.DamageHP(), Chara.DoHostileAction(), BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), CoreDebug.Fix_LostCore(), RankedZone.GetFactionName(), TaskBuild.GetHitResult(), TaskDig.GetHitResult(), Card.GetPrice(), Chara.GetRevived(), Chara.HasAccess(), QuestManager.HasFarAwayEscort(), TraitFoodEggFertilized.Incubate(), Quest.IsVisibleOnQuestBoard(), Quest.ListDeliver(), QuestDeliver.ListDestThing(), Props.ListThingStack(), Chara.MoveZone(), Region.OnActivate(), TraitHitchingPost.OnActivateTrap(), QuestRandom.OnDropReward(), Player.Flags.OnEnterZone(), LayerQuestBoard.OnInit(), ElementContainerZone.OnLevelUp(), TraitBlueprint.OnRead(), TraitBookSkill.OnRead(), TraitDeedRelocate.OnRead(), AM_Adv.OnRenderTile(), GoalSleep.OnSimulatePosition(), TraitFloorSwitch.OnStepped(), TraitBookResident.OnUse(), TraitFarmChest.OnUse(), TraitPolicyBoard.OnUse(), ActRestrain.Perform(), ActEffect.Proc(), Map.PutAway(), TraitBaseSpellbook.ReadFailEffect(), ContentHomeRanking.Refresh(), UIInventory.RefreshMenu(), AI_Eat.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), WidgetSearch.Search(), Card.SetPlaceState(), TraitTicketFurniture.SetZone(), TraitGeneratorWheel.ShouldWork(), Card.SpawnLoot(), Chara.Tick(), TaskDump.TryPerform(), TraitBed.TrySetAct(), TraitBuildBoard.TrySetAct(), TraitCoreZone.TrySetAct(), TraitCrafter.TrySetAct(), TraitFactionBoard.TrySetAct(), TraitHomeBoard.TrySetAct(), TraitHouseBoard.TrySetAct(), TraitMapBoard.TrySetAct(), TraitPaintBoard.TrySetAct(), TraitResearchBoard.TrySetAct(), TraitResidentBoard.TrySetAct(), TraitRoomPlate.TrySetAct(), TraitSwitch.TrySetAct(), TraitWaystone.TrySetAct(), TraitSalesTag.TrySetHeldAct(), Trait.TrySetToggleAct(), Map.TryShatter(), AI_Shopping.TryShop(), TraitTeleporter.TryTeleport(), GoalCombat.TryUseAbility(), TraitGeneratorWheel.Update(), GameUpdater.Update100ms(), UpdateQuests(), and Chara.Vomit().
get |
Definition at line 466 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by HotItemHeld.CanRotate(), TaskBuild.CanRotateBlock(), and TaskBuild.GetHitResult().
get |
get |
Definition at line 262 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.Draw(), ZonePreEnterDigStairs.Execute(), TaskDig.GetHitResult(), Map.MineFloor(), and TaskDig.OnProgressComplete().
get |
Definition at line 220 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by QuestManager.HasFarAwayEscort(), Quest.ListDeliver(), Chara.MakeAlly(), QuestRandom.OnDropReward(), TraitLeverBreaker.OnToggle(), FortuneRollData.RefreshPrize(), AI_Idle.Run(), GoalIdle.Run(), WidgetSearch.Search(), TraitTicketFurniture.SetZone(), TraitWaystone.TrySetAct(), and GoalCombat.TryUseAbility().
get |
Definition at line 264 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by ActPlan._Update(), GrowSystem.ApplySeed(), DramaCustomSequence.Build(), Card.CanBeSheared(), TraitScroll.CanRead(), TraitFoodPreparedPackage.CanUse(), TraitItem.CanUse(), TraitPowerStatue.CanUse(), Card.Die(), Map.DropBlockComponent(), GrowSystemTree.GetPlantBonus(), AI_Steal.IsValidTC(), ActEffect.LoveMiracle(), Chara.MakeMilk(), TraitSeed.MakeSeed(), Map.MineBlock(), Map.MineObj(), TaskHarvest.OnCreateProgress(), GrowSystemPasture.OnMineObj(), TraitGeneMachine.OnUse(), GrowSystem.PopMineObj(), SerializedCards.Restore(), AI_PlayMusic.Run(), ActWait.SearchMedal(), Card.SpawnLoot(), ActThrow.Throw(), AI_PlayMusic.ThrowReward(), ConChampagne.Tick(), GrowSystem.TryPopSeed(), TraitCanvas.TrySetAct(), TraitCoreZone.TrySetAct(), and TraitWaystone.TrySetAct().
get |
Definition at line 294 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Chara._Move(), and ConfigTactics.AllyDistance().
get |
Definition at line 268 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by MapGenDungen.OnGenerateTerrain().
get |
get |
Definition at line 506 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by WidgetStatsBar.Build(), Map.MineObj(), GrowSystem.PopHarvest(), and GrowSystem.TryPopSeed().
get |
get |
Definition at line 422 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by WidgetDate._Refresh(), Activate(), TraitDeedRelocate.OnRead(), and TraitElevator.TrySetAct().
get |
Definition at line 162 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Player.ExitBorder(), Player.OnExitBorder(), TraitWaystone.OnUse(), TraitCoreZone.TrySetAct(), and TraitWaystone.TrySetAct().
get |
Definition at line 124 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Activate().
get |
Definition at line 158 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by PartialMap._Load(), and Activate().
get |
Definition at line 280 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Chara._Move(), and AI_Idle.Run().
get |
Definition at line 260 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Activate(), and TraitNewZone.TrySetAct().
get |
Definition at line 160 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by LayerSleep.Advance(), GameDate.AdvanceHour(), SpatialGen.CreateInstance(), Player.EnterLocalZone(), MapGenRegion.OnGenerateTerrain(), LayerTravel.Refresh(), LayerGlobalMap.RefreshSummary(), ContentFaction.RefreshZones(), LayerFactions.RefreshZones(), LayerLocation.RefreshZones(), and RegionPoint.SetRegionPoint().
get |
Definition at line 170 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Player.EnterLocalZone(), and LayerTravel.Refresh().
get |
Definition at line 282 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by HotItemHeld.CanRotate(), TaskBuild.CanRotateBlock(), and TaskBuild.GetHitResult().
get |
Definition at line 310 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by GenBounds.TryAddMapPiece().
get |
get |
Definition at line 358 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by MapGenDungen.OnGenerateTerrain().
get |
Definition at line 370 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Activate().
get |
Definition at line 324 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by WidgetMinimap.RefreshMarkers().
get |
Definition at line 402 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by OnCreate().
get |
Definition at line 424 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by AM_Adv._OnUpdateInput().
get |
Definition at line 132 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by WidgetDate._Refresh().
get |
Definition at line 384 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Activate(), BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), and Fov.Perform().
get |
Definition at line 390 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by EloMap.Init(), and EloMap.SetZone().
get |
Definition at line 258 of file Zone.cs.
Referenced by Chara.MoveZone().