Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
No Matches
HoardActor Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for HoardActor:


class  BG

Public Member Functions

void Activate ()
void RefreshZoom ()
void MakeSteady (CollectibleActor a)
void MakePair (CollectibleActor a, CollectibleActor b, float dist=0.26f)
void MakePair (CollectibleActor a, CollectibleActor b, Vector3 v)
void RefreshBG ()
void Clear ()

Public Attributes

Camera cam
Vector3 posCenter
float radiusX
float radiusY
float sizeMod
float sizeModCircle
float reflectMod
new bool debug
List< CollectibleActoractors
List< RigidUpdateupdates
MeshPass passShadow
Material matReflection
Material matMani
AnimationCurve curveMani
SpriteRenderer srBG
SpriteRenderer srReflection
ParticleSystem psExplode
BG[] bgs
float groundY = -4f
float shdowLimitY = 1f
float alphaFix1 = 0.3f
float alphaFix2 = 0.5f
float alphaFix4 = 0.15f
float maxAplha = 0.6f
float sizeFixY = -0.1f


Hoard hoard [get]
BG bg [get]
- Properties inherited from EMono
static Game game [get]
static bool AdvMode [get]
static Player player [get]
static Chara pc [get]
static UI ui [get]
static Map _map [get]
static Zone _zone [get]
static FactionBranch Branch [get]
static FactionBranch BranchOrHomeBranch [get]
static Faction Home [get]
static Scene scene [get]
static BaseGameScreen screen [get]
static GameSetting setting [get]
static GameData gamedata [get]
static ColorProfile Colors [get]
static World world [get]
static SoundManager Sound [get]
static SourceManager sources [get]
static SourceManager editorSources [get]
static CoreDebug debug [get]

Private Member Functions

void Update ()
void FixedUpdate ()

Private Attributes

CollectibleActor renton
CollectibleActor ehe
bool angryEhe
float eheTimer = -5f
int eheCount

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from EMono
static int rnd (int a)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from EMono
static Core core

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file HoardActor.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Activate()

void HoardActor.Activate ( )

Definition at line 82 of file HoardActor.cs.

83 {
85 hoard.score = 0;
86 RefreshBG();
88 RigidUpdate.leftX = -5f;
89 RigidUpdate.rightX = 5f;
90 if (actors.Count > 0)
91 {
92 Clear();
93 }
94 angryEhe = EMono.rnd(2) == 0;
95 Vector3 zero = Vector3.zero;
96 int num = 0;
97 foreach (Hoard.Item value in hoard.items.Values)
98 {
99 num += value.show;
100 }
101 IList<Hoard.Item> list = new List<Hoard.Item>(hoard.items.Values).Shuffle();
102 string text = hoard.mode.ToString();
103 foreach (Hoard.Item item in list)
104 {
105 string filter = item.Source.filter;
106 if (hoard.mode != 0 && !filter.IsEmpty() && filter != text)
107 {
108 continue;
109 }
110 bool flag = item.Source.tag.Contains("god");
111 int num2 = item.show;
112 if (item.random)
113 {
114 num2 = Rand.rnd(num2 + 1);
115 if (num2 > 2 && num2 < 50)
116 {
117 num2 = Rand.rnd(num2 + 1) + 1;
118 }
119 }
120 if (num2 == 0)
121 {
122 continue;
123 }
124 GameObject actor = hoard.GetActor(item.id);
125 CollectibleActor component = actor.GetComponent<CollectibleActor>();
126 SpriteRenderer component2 = actor.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
127 Vector3 extents = component2.bounds.extents;
128 int num3 = (int)(extents.x * extents.y * 10f);
129 if (num3 > 5)
130 {
131 num3 = 5;
132 }
133 float y = extents.y;
134 float z = (flag ? (-0.1f) : 0f);
135 bool hasSound = !item.Source.sound.IsEmpty();
136 if (debug)
137 {
138 string id2 = item.id;
139 Vector3 vector = extents;
140 Debug.Log(id2 + "/" + vector.ToString());
141 }
142 float num4 = Mathf.Sqrt(actor.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().mass);
143 if (num4 < 0.7f)
144 {
145 num4 = 0.7f;
146 }
147 BoxCollider2D component3 = actor.GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>();
148 if ((bool)component3)
149 {
150 component3.size = extents * sizeMod;
151 }
152 else
153 {
154 actor.GetComponent<CircleCollider2D>().radius = (extents.x + extents.y) * sizeModCircle * sizeModCircle;
155 }
156 switch (item.id)
157 {
158 case "renton":
159 renton = component;
160 if (!angryEhe)
161 {
162 Util.Instantiate<SpriteRenderer>("UI/Layer/Hoard/Effect/sister", component);
163 component.paired = true;
164 MakeSteady(component);
165 }
166 break;
167 case "ehe":
168 ehe = component;
169 break;
170 case "sis":
171 if (!hoard.voice)
172 {
173 hasSound = false;
174 }
175 break;
176 case "chicken":
177 actor.AddComponent<RigidUpdateSound>();
178 break;
179 case "mine":
180 case "mine_dog":
181 case "mine_rock":
182 actor.AddComponent<RigidExplode>().particle = psExplode;
183 break;
184 case "mani":
185 {
186 if (EMono.rnd(2) == 0)
187 {
188 actor.AddComponent<RigidAngle>();
189 }
190 if (EMono.rnd(2) == 0)
191 {
192 component2.material = matMani;
193 UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(actor.GetComponent<RigidExplode>());
194 break;
195 }
196 RigidExplode rigidExplode2 = actor.AddComponent<RigidExplode>();
197 rigidExplode2.particle = psExplode;
198 rigidExplode2.radius *= 10f;
199 rigidExplode2.force *= 10f;
200 rigidExplode2.chance = 0.1f;
201 rigidExplode2.intervalMin *= 2f;
202 break;
203 }
204 case "pet_mani":
205 {
206 RigidExplode rigidExplode = actor.AddComponent<RigidExplode>();
207 rigidExplode.particle = psExplode;
208 rigidExplode.chance = 0.1f;
209 rigidExplode.intervalMin *= 2f;
210 break;
211 }
212 case "tentacle":
213 case "tentacle2":
214 case "tentacle3":
215 case "tentacle4":
216 z = -0.05f;
217 break;
218 case "hat_feather":
219 case "hat_magic":
220 case "bat":
221 actor.AddComponent<RigidAngle>();
222 break;
223 }
224 if (item.floating)
225 {
226 actor.AddComponent<RigidFloat>();
227 }
228 component.updates = actor.GetComponents<RigidUpdate>();
229 for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++)
230 {
231 GameObject obj = ((i == 0) ? actor : UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(actor));
232 float num5 = radiusX;
233 zero.x = posCenter.x + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f - num5, num5);
234 zero.y = posCenter.y + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, radiusY + 0.1f * (float)num) / num4;
235 zero.z = z;
236 obj.transform.position = zero;
237 CollectibleActor component4 = obj.GetComponent<CollectibleActor>();
238 Rigidbody2D component5 = obj.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
239 component4.item = item;
240 component4.hasSound = hasSound;
241 component4.rb = component5;
242 actors.Add(component4);
243 if (component4.updates.Length != 0)
244 {
245 RigidUpdate[] array = component4.updates;
246 foreach (RigidUpdate rigidUpdate in array)
247 {
248 rigidUpdate.rb = component5;
249 updates.Add(rigidUpdate);
250 }
251 }
252 component4.shadow = num3;
253 component4.shadowY = y;
254 }
255 }
256 actors.Shuffle();
257 IEnumerable<CollectibleActor> enumerable = actors.Where((CollectibleActor a) => a.item.Source.tag.Contains("god"));
258 IEnumerable<CollectibleActor> enumerable2 = actors.Where((CollectibleActor a) => a.item.Source.tag.Contains("chara"));
259 foreach (CollectibleActor actor2 in actors)
260 {
261 if (actor2.paired)
262 {
263 continue;
264 }
265 switch (actor2.item.id)
266 {
267 case "jure":
268 if (FindPair(actor2, "odina", 0.3f))
269 {
270 MakeSteady(actor2);
271 continue;
272 }
273 break;
274 case "itz":
275 if (EMono.rnd(2) == 0)
276 {
277 foreach (CollectibleActor item2 in enumerable2)
278 {
279 if (!item2.paired && !(item2 == actor2) && item2.item.Source.tag.Contains("fem"))
280 {
281 MakePair(actor2, item2, new Vector3(0.02f, 0f, -0.01f));
282 item2.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -90f);
283 item2.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().flipX = true;
284 MakeSteady(actor2);
285 break;
286 }
287 }
288 if (actor2.paired)
289 {
290 continue;
291 }
292 }
293 actor2.GetComponentInChildren<ParticleSystem>().SetActive(enable: false);
294 break;
295 case "qulu":
296 if (FindPair(actor2, "dragon", 0.3f))
297 {
298 MakeSteady(actor2);
299 continue;
300 }
301 break;
302 case "dragon":
303 if (FindPair(actor2, "qulu", 0.3f))
304 {
305 MakeSteady(actor2);
306 continue;
307 }
308 break;
309 case "tentacle":
310 case "tentacle2":
311 case "tentacle3":
312 case "tentacle4":
313 foreach (CollectibleActor item3 in enumerable2)
314 {
315 if (!item3.paired && !(item3 == actor2))
316 {
317 MakePair(actor2, item3, new Vector3(0f, 0.25f, -0.01f));
318 actor2.GetComponent<SpriteAnimation>().link = item3.transform;
319 if (EMono.rnd(2) == 0)
320 {
321 item3.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().flipX = true;
322 }
323 if (EMono.rnd(2) == 0)
324 {
325 actor2.transform.SetLocalScaleX(actor2.transform.localScale.x * -1f);
326 }
327 break;
328 }
329 }
330 continue;
331 case "lar":
332 if (FindPair(actor2, "lomi", 0.15f))
333 {
334 MakeSteady(actor2);
335 }
336 continue;
337 case "lomi":
338 if (FindPair(actor2, "lar", 0.15f))
339 {
340 MakeSteady(actor2);
341 }
342 continue;
343 case "vesda":
344 DisableParticle(actor2, 50);
345 foreach (CollectibleActor item4 in enumerable2)
346 {
347 if (!item4.paired && !(item4 == actor2))
348 {
349 MakePair(actor2, item4, new Vector3(0f, -0.25f, -0.01f));
350 item4.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 90f);
351 item4.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().flipX = false;
352 break;
353 }
354 }
355 continue;
356 case "lulu":
357 DisableParticle(actor2, 50);
358 break;
359 }
360 if (EMono.rnd(2) == 0 || !actor2.item.Source.tag.Contains("pair"))
361 {
362 continue;
363 }
364 foreach (CollectibleActor item5 in enumerable)
365 {
366 if (!item5.paired && !(item5 == actor2))
367 {
368 MakePair(actor2, item5);
369 break;
370 }
371 }
372 }
373 foreach (CollectibleActor actor3 in actors)
374 {
375 if (!actor3.paired && EMono.rnd(3) != 0)
376 {
377 actor3.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().flipX = true;
378 }
379 }
380 static void DisableParticle(CollectibleActor a, int chance)
381 {
382 if (EMono.rnd(100) < chance)
383 {
384 ParticleSystem[] componentsInChildren = a.GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleSystem>();
385 for (int k = 0; k < componentsInChildren.Length; k++)
386 {
387 componentsInChildren[k].SetActive(enable: false);
388 }
389 }
390 }
391 bool FindPair(CollectibleActor taker, string id, float dist)
392 {
393 foreach (CollectibleActor actor4 in actors)
394 {
395 if (actor4.item.id == id && !actor4.paired)
396 {
397 MakePair(taker, actor4, dist);
398 return true;
399 }
400 }
401 return false;
402 }
403 }
if(item3.idFile==idFirstFile &&item3.id==idFirstTopic)
Definition: UIBook.cs:627
RigidUpdate[] updates
Definition: EMono.cs:4
static int rnd(int a)
Definition: EMono.cs:47
MeshPass passShadow
Definition: HoardActor.cs:38
new bool debug
Definition: HoardActor.cs:32
void MakeSteady(CollectibleActor a)
Definition: HoardActor.cs:417
List< CollectibleActor > actors
Definition: HoardActor.cs:34
CollectibleActor ehe
Definition: HoardActor.cs:56
List< RigidUpdate > updates
Definition: HoardActor.cs:36
void RefreshBG()
Definition: HoardActor.cs:442
Hoard hoard
Definition: HoardActor.cs:78
void Clear()
Definition: HoardActor.cs:451
float radiusY
Definition: HoardActor.cs:24
Material matMani
Definition: HoardActor.cs:42
CollectibleActor renton
Definition: HoardActor.cs:54
void RefreshZoom()
Definition: HoardActor.cs:405
float sizeModCircle
Definition: HoardActor.cs:28
float radiusX
Definition: HoardActor.cs:22
bool angryEhe
Definition: HoardActor.cs:58
float sizeMod
Definition: HoardActor.cs:26
void MakePair(CollectibleActor a, CollectibleActor b, float dist=0.26f)
Definition: HoardActor.cs:422
ParticleSystem psExplode
Definition: HoardActor.cs:50
Definition: Hoard.cs:8
GameObject GetActor(string id)
Definition: Hoard.cs:217
Mode mode
Definition: Hoard.cs:112
bool voice
Definition: Hoard.cs:134
Dictionary< string, Item > items
Definition: Hoard.cs:106
void Init()
Definition: MeshPass.cs:98
Definition: Rand.cs:4
static int rnd(int max)
Definition: Rand.cs:52
Definition: Util.cs:10
static Transform Instantiate(string path, Component parent=null)
Definition: Util.cs:67

References actors, angryEhe, Clear(), debug, Debug, ehe, Hoard.GetActor(), hoard, if(), MeshPass.Init(), CollectibleActor.item, item, Hoard.items, MakePair(), MakeSteady(), matMani, Hoard.mode, CollectibleActor.paired, passShadow, psExplode, radiusX, radiusY, RefreshBG(), RefreshZoom(), renton, EMono.rnd(), Rand.rnd(), sizeMod, sizeModCircle, CollectibleActor.updates, updates, Util, and Hoard.voice.

Referenced by LayerHoard.Reset().

◆ Clear()

void HoardActor.Clear ( )

Definition at line 451 of file HoardActor.cs.

452 {
453 foreach (CollectibleActor actor in actors)
454 {
455 if ((bool)actor && (bool)actor.gameObject)
456 {
457 UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(actor.gameObject);
458 }
459 }
460 actors.Clear();
461 updates.Clear();
462 }

References actors, and updates.

Referenced by Activate(), and LayerHoard.OnKill().

◆ FixedUpdate()

void HoardActor.FixedUpdate ( )

Definition at line 502 of file HoardActor.cs.

503 {
504 float num = (RigidUpdate.delta = Time.fixedDeltaTime);
505 if (angryEhe && (bool)renton && (bool)ehe && !ehe.rb.isKinematic && (Mathf.Abs(renton.transform.position.x - ehe.transform.position.x) > 0.6f || renton.transform.position.y > ehe.transform.position.y))
506 {
507 eheTimer += num;
508 if (eheTimer > 2f)
509 {
510 ehe.rb.position = new Vector3(renton.transform.position.x, renton.transform.position.y + 4f, ehe.transform.position.z);
511 ehe.PlaySound("teleport");
512 eheTimer = 0f;
513 eheCount++;
514 if (eheCount > 5)
515 {
516 renton.rb.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints2D.FreezePositionX;
517 renton.rb.gravityScale = 3f;
518 }
519 }
520 }
521 else
522 {
523 eheTimer = 0f;
524 }
525 foreach (RigidUpdate update in updates)
526 {
527 if (update.active)
528 {
529 update.OnFixedUpdate();
530 }
531 }
532 }
void PlaySound(string id=null)
int eheCount
Definition: HoardActor.cs:62
float eheTimer
Definition: HoardActor.cs:60
virtual void OnFixedUpdate()
Definition: RigidUpdate.cs:23

References RigidUpdate.active, angryEhe, ehe, eheCount, eheTimer, RigidUpdate.OnFixedUpdate(), CollectibleActor.PlaySound(), CollectibleActor.rb, renton, and updates.

◆ MakePair() [1/2]

void HoardActor.MakePair ( CollectibleActor  a,
CollectibleActor  b,
float  dist = 0::26f 

Definition at line 422 of file HoardActor.cs.

423 {
424 float z = 0.01f;
425 if (a.item.id != "lulu")
426 {
427 z = ((Rand.rnd(2) == 0) ? 0.01f : (-0.01f));
428 }
429 MakePair(a, b, new Vector3(dist, 0f, z));
430 }

References CollectibleActor.item, MakePair(), and Rand.rnd().

Referenced by Activate(), and MakePair().

◆ MakePair() [2/2]

void HoardActor.MakePair ( CollectibleActor  a,
CollectibleActor  b,
Vector3  v 

Definition at line 432 of file HoardActor.cs.

433 {
434 b.transform.SetParent(a.transform, worldPositionStays: true);
435 b.transform.localPosition = v;
436 b.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().flipX = true;
437 b.rb.isKinematic = true;
438 b.GetComponent<Collider2D>().enabled = false;
439 a.paired = (b.paired = true);
440 }

◆ MakeSteady()

void HoardActor.MakeSteady ( CollectibleActor  a)

Definition at line 417 of file HoardActor.cs.

418 {
419 (a.rb ?? a.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>()).freezeRotation = true;
420 }

Referenced by Activate().

◆ RefreshBG()

void HoardActor.RefreshBG ( )

Definition at line 442 of file HoardActor.cs.

443 {
444 SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = srBG;
445 Sprite sprite2 = (srReflection.sprite = bg.sprite);
446 spriteRenderer.sprite = sprite2;
447 matReflection.SetColor("_GrabColor", new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, bg.reflection * (0.01f * (float)hoard.reflection)));
448 srReflection.SetActive(hoard.reflection > 0);
449 }
Sprite sprite
Definition: HoardActor.cs:11
float reflection
Definition: HoardActor.cs:13
SpriteRenderer srReflection
Definition: HoardActor.cs:48
Material matReflection
Definition: HoardActor.cs:40
SpriteRenderer srBG
Definition: HoardActor.cs:46
int reflection
Definition: Hoard.cs:118

References bg, Color, hoard, matReflection, Hoard.reflection, HoardActor.BG.reflection, HoardActor.BG.sprite, srBG, and srReflection.

Referenced by Activate(), and LayerHoard.OnClickConfig().

◆ RefreshZoom()

void HoardActor.RefreshZoom ( )

Definition at line 405 of file HoardActor.cs.

406 {
408 {
409 cam.orthographicSize = (float)Screen.height * 0.5f * 0.01f * 2f;
410 }
411 else
412 {
413 cam.orthographicSize = 5f;
414 }
415 }
bool pixelPerfect
Definition: Hoard.cs:136

References hoard, and Hoard.pixelPerfect.

Referenced by Activate(), LayerHoard.OnClickConfig(), and Update().

◆ Update()

void HoardActor.Update ( )

Definition at line 464 of file HoardActor.cs.

465 {
466 RefreshZoom();
467 matMani.SetFloat("_Space", curveMani.Evaluate(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad % 10f / 10f));
468 float value = ((cam.orthographicSize <= 5f) ? 0f : ((cam.orthographicSize - 5f) * reflectMod));
469 matReflection.SetFloat("_Offset", value);
470 EMono.scene.transAudio.position = new Vector3(0f, groundY, 0f);
471 if (!hoard.shadow)
472 {
473 return;
474 }
475 float shadow = bg.shadow;
476 foreach (CollectibleActor actor in actors)
477 {
478 if (!actor.active)
479 {
480 continue;
481 }
482 float num = (actor.transform.position.y - alphaFix1) * alphaFix2;
483 num = 1f - num * num * alphaFix4;
484 if (!(num < 0f))
485 {
486 if (num > maxAplha)
487 {
488 num = maxAplha;
489 }
490 num *= shadow;
491 float num2 = (actor.transform.position.y + groundY) * 0.05f;
492 if (num2 > shdowLimitY)
493 {
494 num2 = shdowLimitY;
495 }
496 passShadow.Add(actor.transform.position.x, actor.shadowY * sizeFixY + groundY + num2, 0.8f, (int)(num * 1000f) * 1000 + actor.shadow);
497 }
498 }
500 }
float shadow
Definition: HoardActor.cs:15
float maxAplha
Definition: HoardActor.cs:74
AnimationCurve curveMani
Definition: HoardActor.cs:44
float reflectMod
Definition: HoardActor.cs:30
float groundY
Definition: HoardActor.cs:64
Camera cam
Definition: HoardActor.cs:18
float shdowLimitY
Definition: HoardActor.cs:66
float alphaFix2
Definition: HoardActor.cs:70
float sizeFixY
Definition: HoardActor.cs:76
float alphaFix1
Definition: HoardActor.cs:68
float alphaFix4
Definition: HoardActor.cs:72
bool shadow
Definition: Hoard.cs:132
void Draw()
Definition: MeshPass.cs:350
void Add(Point point, float tile=0f, float color=0f)
Definition: MeshPass.cs:122

References CollectibleActor.active, actors, MeshPass.Add(), alphaFix1, alphaFix2, alphaFix4, bg, cam, curveMani, MeshPass.Draw(), groundY, hoard, matMani, matReflection, maxAplha, passShadow, reflectMod, RefreshZoom(), CollectibleActor.shadow, Hoard.shadow, HoardActor.BG.shadow, CollectibleActor.shadowY, shdowLimitY, and sizeFixY.

Member Data Documentation

◆ actors

List<CollectibleActor> HoardActor.actors

Definition at line 34 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Activate(), Clear(), Update(), and LayerHoard.Update().

◆ alphaFix1

float HoardActor.alphaFix1 = 0.3f

Definition at line 68 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Update().

◆ alphaFix2

float HoardActor.alphaFix2 = 0.5f

Definition at line 70 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Update().

◆ alphaFix4

float HoardActor.alphaFix4 = 0.15f

Definition at line 72 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Update().

◆ angryEhe

bool HoardActor.angryEhe

Definition at line 58 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Activate(), and FixedUpdate().

◆ bgs

BG [] HoardActor.bgs

Definition at line 52 of file HoardActor.cs.

◆ cam

Camera HoardActor.cam

Definition at line 18 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Update().

◆ curveMani

AnimationCurve HoardActor.curveMani

Definition at line 44 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Update().

◆ debug

new bool HoardActor.debug

Definition at line 32 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Activate().

◆ ehe

CollectibleActor HoardActor.ehe

Definition at line 56 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Activate(), and FixedUpdate().

◆ eheCount

int HoardActor.eheCount

Definition at line 62 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by FixedUpdate().

◆ eheTimer

float HoardActor.eheTimer = -5f

Definition at line 60 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by FixedUpdate().

◆ groundY

float HoardActor.groundY = -4f

Definition at line 64 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Update().

◆ matMani

Material HoardActor.matMani

Definition at line 42 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Activate(), and Update().

◆ matReflection

Material HoardActor.matReflection

Definition at line 40 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by RefreshBG(), and Update().

◆ maxAplha

float HoardActor.maxAplha = 0.6f

Definition at line 74 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Update().

◆ passShadow

MeshPass HoardActor.passShadow

Definition at line 38 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Activate(), and Update().

◆ posCenter

Vector3 HoardActor.posCenter

Definition at line 20 of file HoardActor.cs.

◆ psExplode

ParticleSystem HoardActor.psExplode

Definition at line 50 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Activate(), and LayerHoard.Update().

◆ radiusX

float HoardActor.radiusX

Definition at line 22 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Activate().

◆ radiusY

float HoardActor.radiusY

Definition at line 24 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Activate().

◆ reflectMod

float HoardActor.reflectMod

Definition at line 30 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Update().

◆ renton

CollectibleActor HoardActor.renton

Definition at line 54 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Activate(), and FixedUpdate().

◆ shdowLimitY

float HoardActor.shdowLimitY = 1f

Definition at line 66 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Update().

◆ sizeFixY

float HoardActor.sizeFixY = -0.1f

Definition at line 76 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Update().

◆ sizeMod

float HoardActor.sizeMod

Definition at line 26 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Activate().

◆ sizeModCircle

float HoardActor.sizeModCircle

Definition at line 28 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Activate().

◆ srBG

SpriteRenderer HoardActor.srBG

Definition at line 46 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by RefreshBG().

◆ srReflection

SpriteRenderer HoardActor.srReflection

Definition at line 48 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by RefreshBG().

◆ updates

List<RigidUpdate> HoardActor.updates

Definition at line 36 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Activate(), Clear(), FixedUpdate(), and LayerHoard.Update().

Property Documentation

◆ bg

BG HoardActor.bg

Definition at line 80 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by RefreshBG(), and Update().

◆ hoard

Hoard HoardActor.hoard

Definition at line 78 of file HoardActor.cs.

Referenced by Activate(), RefreshBG(), RefreshZoom(), and Update().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: