Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
Classes | |
class | Words |
Public Types | |
enum | LangCode { None = 0 , JP = 10 , EN = 20 , CN = 30 } |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static bool | IsBuiltin (string id) |
static void | Init (string lang) |
static string | Get (string id) |
static bool | Has (string id) |
static string | TryGet (string id) |
static string[] | GetList (string id) |
static string | ParseRaw (string text, string val1, string val2=null, string val3=null, string val4=null, string val5=null) |
static string | Parse (string idLang, string val1, string val2=null, string val3=null, string val4=null, string val5=null) |
static string | LoadText (string id) |
static string | _Number (int a) |
static string | _currency (object a, string IDCurrency) |
static string | _currency (object a, bool showUnit=false, int unitSize=14) |
static string | _weight (int a, int b, bool showUnit=true, int unitSize=0) |
static string | _gender (int id) |
static string | _weight (int a, bool showUnit=true, int unitSize=0) |
static string | _rarity (int a) |
static string | _ChangeNum (int prev, int now) |
static string[] | GetDialog (string idSheet, string idTopic) |
Static Public Attributes | |
static NaturalStringComparer | comparer = new NaturalStringComparer() |
static bool | runUpdate |
static Words | words = new Words() |
static string | langCode = "" |
static string | suffix = "" |
static string | space = "" |
static List< Dictionary< string, object > > | listName |
static List< Dictionary< string, object > > | listAlias |
static bool | isJP |
static bool | isEN |
static bool | isBuiltin |
static List< char[]> | articlesToRemove |
static LangGeneral | General |
static LangGame | Game |
static LangNote | Note |
static SourceData | List |
static LangSetting | setting |
static ExcelData | alias |
static ExcelData | names |
static ExcelData | excelDialog |
enum Lang.LangCode |
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 200 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by LittlePopper._OnAddStockpile().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 162 of file Lang.cs.
References $.
Referenced by Chara.ApplyDeathPenalty(), AI_Shopping.Buy(), FactionBranch.GetDailyIncome(), Faction.GetFactionSalary(), Thing.GetName(), Chara.GetName(), Faction.GetRankIncome(), Faction.GetResidentTax(), QuestDebt.GetTextProgress(), Faction.OnAdvanceMonth(), InvOwner.OnWriteNote(), InvOwner.Transaction.Process(), LayerShippingResult.Refresh(), PartialMapMenu.Refresh(), LayerDragGrid.RefreshCost(), UIInventory.RefreshList(), WindowChara.RefreshProfile(), AI_Idle.Run(), Faction.SetTaxTooltip(), and TraitSalesTag.TrySetHeldAct().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 177 of file Lang.cs.
References GetList().
Referenced by Person.GetDramaTitle(), UICharaMaker.Refresh(), ButtonChara.SetChara(), and Biography.TextBio().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 187 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by Hoard.Item.Name().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 172 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by InvOwnerDeliver._OnProcess(), UICurrency.Build(), Thing.GetHoverText(), QuestHarvest.GetTextProgress(), ZoneEventHarvest.OnReachTimeLimit(), WindowCharaMini.Refresh(), UIInventory.RefreshGrid(), UIInventory.RefreshList(), WindowChara.RefreshProfile(), ButtonGrid.SetCard(), Thing.ShowSplitMenu(), and Thing.ShowSplitMenu2().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 91 of file Lang.cs.
References General, and SourceLang< T >.Get().
Referenced by Dialog._Confetti(), UIContextMenu.AddButton(), UIContextMenu.AddChild(), LayerNewZone.Embark(), ActionMode.GetHintText(), Act.GetText(), DynamicAct.GetText(), DynamicAIAct.GetText(), Date.GetText(), Dialog.Gift(), Dialog.InputName(), ClassExtension.lang(), ClassExtension.langPlural(), Dialog.Ok(), WidgetSceneCustomizer.OnActivate(), UIText.OnChangeLanguage(), UIText.OnEnable(), LayerWidget.OnInit(), ContentConfigGame.OnInstantiate(), ContentConfigInput.OnInstantiate(), ContentConfigOther.OnInstantiate(), ContentConfigTest.OnInstantiate(), WidgetMouseover.OnManagerActivate(), Parse(), LayerGacha.PlayGacha(), Dialog.Recipe(), LayerConfig.Refresh(), LayerWidget.Refresh(), UITooltip.SetData(), UIText.SetLang(), ItemNumLog.SetLog(), ContentRanking.SwitchRanking(), TryGet(), Dialog.TryWarn(), and Dialog.YesNo().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 205 of file Lang.cs.
References ExcelData.BuildMap(), excelDialog, isBuiltin, langCode, ExcelData.Sheet.map, and ExcelData.sheets.
Referenced by DramaCustomSequence.GetText(), and TraitFortuneCookie.OnEat().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 114 of file Lang.cs.
References SourceData< T, T2 >.GetList(), and List.
Referenced by _gender(), Chara._Move(), FortuneRollData.Prize.AddNote(), GameLang.ConvertDrama(), ActEffect.DamageEle(), AI_PlayMusic.Evaluate(), AttackProcess.GetAttackText(), Chara.GetHoverText(), Thing.GetName(), Cell.GetObjName(), Zone.GetProfile(), RankedZoneManager.GetRankText(), ConBuffStats.GetText(), AI_Shear.GetText(), AI_Slaughter.GetText(), BaseTaskHarvest.GetTextDifficulty(), Religion.GetTextTemper(), Window.Init(), Init(), UICharaMaker.ListAge(), UICharaMaker.ListGender(), BaseArea.ListRoomNames(), WidgetSearch.OnActivate(), TraitBaseSpellbook.OnCreate(), LayerNewspaper.OnInit(), LayerWorldSetting.OnInit(), BaseListPeople.OnRefreshMenu(), ActionMode.OnShowExtraHint(), ListOwner< T1, T2 >.OnSwitchContent(), Scene.OnUpdate(), TraitDaggerGrave.OnUse(), UICharaMaker.Refresh(), UIHomeInfo.RefreshInfo(), AI_Craft_Snowman.Run(), AI_PlayMusic.Run(), UICharaMaker.SetChara(), ButtonElement.SetGrid(), TraitBaseSpellbook.SetName(), Window.SetTitles(), Chara.UseAbility(), BaseListPeople.WriteHobbies(), and FortuneRollData.WriteNote().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 100 of file Lang.cs.
References General.
Referenced by Act.GetText(), LayerWorldSetting.Refresh(), ELayer.TryShowHint(), and Thing.WriteNote().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 71 of file Lang.cs.
References articlesToRemove, Lang.Words.comma, GetList(), isBuiltin, isEN, isJP, langCode, MOD.langs, Lang.Words.period, setting, space, suffix, and words.
Referenced by Core.SetLang().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 62 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by ModManager.ParseExtra().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 147 of file Lang.cs.
References Get(), and ParseRaw().
Referenced by UIBook.Page.BuildNote(), Cell.GetBlockName(), Cell.GetBridgeName(), Person.GetDramaTitle(), Cell.GetFloorName(), Cell.GetLiquidName(), ClassExtension.lang(), ClassExtension.langPlural(), ContentTop.OnSwitchContent(), ContentHallOfFame.Refresh(), ButtonChara.SetChara(), Biography.TextAppearance(), Biography.TextBio(), Biography.TextBio2(), and Biography.TextBirthDate().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 119 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by ZoneEvent.GetText(), Act.GetText(), and Parse().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 105 of file Lang.cs.
References General, and Get().
Referenced by TraitPerfume.GetName(), TraitPotionRandom.GetName(), and TraitScrollRandom.GetName().
static |
Definition at line 44 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by Init(), and GameLang.Parse().
static |
Definition at line 22 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by Card.SecondaryCompare(), and LayerEditPCC.SetPortraitSlider().
static |
Definition at line 60 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by GetDialog().
static |
Definition at line 48 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by LangGame.Has(), AI_Idle.IdleActText(), ClassExtension.langGame(), ZoneEventPhone.OnTickRound(), and Card.Say().
static |
static |
Definition at line 42 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by CardRenderer.Draw(), SourceLang< T >.Get(), GetDialog(), LangList.GetList(), SourceData< T, T2 >.BaseRow.GetText(), SourceData< T, T2 >.BaseRow.GetTextArray(), Core.Init(), Init(), DramaManager.Load(), TraitStoryBook.OnRead(), and DramaManager.ParseLine().
static |
Definition at line 38 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by UIText.ApplySkin(), Card.ApplyTone(), SourceLang< T >.Get(), LangList.GetList(), ToneDataList.GetToneID(), Init(), Scene.TryWarnLinuxMod(), and Scene.TryWarnMacScreen().
static |
Definition at line 28 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by UIBook.Page.BuildNote(), UIBook.BuildPages(), CardRenderer.Draw(), GetDialog(), Init(), SkinManager.InitFont(), BaseModManager.InitLang(), TraitStoryBook.OnRead(), DramaManager.ParseLine(), LayerNewspaper.RefreshChat(), LayerNewspaper.RefreshVote(), Core.SetLang(), CoreConfig.BackerContentConfig.Show(), CoreDebug.UpdateAlways(), LayerUploader.Upload(), TraitMoongate.UseMoongate(), and ActEffect.Wish().
static |
static |
Definition at line 50 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by Thing.GetName().
static |
Definition at line 24 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by ModManager.ParseExtra().
static |
Definition at line 54 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by ClassExtension.AddArticle(), WidgetMainText.Append(), Card.ApplyTone(), Card.DamageHP(), SourceThing.Row.GetName(), UIItem.Hyphenate(), Init(), SkinManager.InitFont(), ClassExtension.langPlural(), GameLang.Parse(), UIText.SetText(), and ClassExtension.ToTitleCase().
static |
Definition at line 32 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by Religion.GetTextBenefit(), Init(), and ActEffect.Wish().
static |
Definition at line 30 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by SourceData< T, T2 >.BaseRow.GetTextArray(), and Init().
Definition at line 26 of file Lang.cs.
Referenced by Init(), ClassExtension.StripLastPun(), and ClassExtension.StripPun().