Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1using System;
2using System.Collections.Generic;
3using UnityEngine;
7 public TCOrbit orbit;
9 public Card owner;
13 public bool hasActor;
15 public bool hasText;
17 public bool isChara;
19 public bool skip;
21 public Vector3 position;
25 public List<TC> listTC = new List<TC>();
31 public virtual bool IsMoving => false;
33 public Vector3 PositionCenter()
34 {
35 return new Vector3(position.x + data.size.x + data.offset.x * 0.5f, position.y + data.size.y + data.offset.y, position.z);
36 }
38 public virtual void SetOwner(Card c)
39 {
40 owner = c;
41 if (data == null)
42 {
44 }
45 isChara = c.isChara;
46 usePass = data.pass != null;
47 }
49 public override void Draw(RenderParam p)
50 {
51 Vector3 v = p.NewVector3;
52 Draw(p, ref v, drawShadow: true);
53 }
55 public override void RenderToRenderCam(RenderParam p)
56 {
57 Vector3 v = EClass.scene.camSupport.renderPos;
58 if (data.multiSize)
59 {
60 v.y -= 0.8f;
61 }
62 p.x = v.x;
63 p.y = v.y;
64 p.z = v.z;
65 Draw(p, ref v, drawShadow: false);
66 }
68 public override void Draw(RenderParam p, ref Vector3 v, bool drawShadow)
69 {
70 if (skip)
71 {
72 skip = false;
73 return;
74 }
76 RenderObject.currentParam = p;
77 p.dir = owner.dir;
78 if (!isSynced)
79 {
81 RenderObject.syncList.Add(this);
82 }
83 if ((bool)orbit)
84 {
85 orbit.Refresh();
86 }
87 else
88 {
90 }
92 {
93 if (owner.Chara.bossText && !EClass.ui.IsActive && !SplashText.Instance)
94 {
95 SplashText splashText = Util.Instantiate<SplashText>("Media/Text/SplashText_boss2", EClass.ui.rectDynamic);
96 string text = owner.Chara.Aka.ToTitleCase(wholeText: true);
97 string text2 = owner.Chara.NameSimple.ToTitleCase();
98 if (!Lang.isBuiltin && Lang.langCode != "CN")
99 {
100 text = owner.Chara.source.aka.ToTitleCase(wholeText: true);
101 text2 = owner.Chara.source.name.ToTitleCase();
102 }
103 splashText.textSmall.text = text;
104 splashText.textBig.text = text2;
105 owner.Chara.bossText = false;
106 }
107 if (owner.Chara.host == null)
108 {
109 UpdatePosition(ref v, p);
110 }
111 if (owner.Chara.ai is AI_Trolley { IsRunning: not false } aI_Trolley)
112 {
113 drawShadow = false;
114 if (aI_Trolley.trolley.HideChara)
115 {
116 if (hasActor)
117 {
118 actor.SetActive(enable: false);
119 }
120 return;
121 }
122 }
123 if (hasActor)
124 {
125 actor.SetActive(enable: true);
126 }
127 }
128 else
129 {
130 p.x = (position.x = v.x);
131 p.y = (position.y = v.y);
132 p.z = (position.z = v.z);
133 }
134 if (anime != null)
135 {
136 anime.Update();
137 }
139 {
140 SubPassData.Current = SubPassData.Default;
142 p.tile = rendererObjDummy.tile;
143 p.dir = 0;
144 if (hasActor)
145 {
146 actor.SetActive(enable: false);
147 }
148 rendererObjDummy.Draw(p);
149 if (drawShadow && !owner.pos.cell.ignoreObjShadow)
150 {
151 EClass.scene.screenElin.tileMap.passShadow.AddShadow(position.x + rendererObjDummy.offsetShadow.x, position.y + rendererObjDummy.offsetShadow.y + p.shadowFix, position.z + rendererObjDummy.offsetShadow.z, ShadowData.Instance.items[rendererObjDummy.shadowPref.shadow], rendererObjDummy.shadowPref, 0, p.snow);
152 }
153 }
154 else
155 {
156 SubPassData.Current = owner.GetSubPassData();
157 SourcePref pref = GetPref();
158 RenderData renderData = data;
159 int prefIndex = owner.PrefIndex;
160 if (Player.seedHallucination != 0 && CanBeHallucinated())
161 {
163 CardRow cardRow = null;
164 bool flag = false;
165 for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
166 {
167 if (owner.isChara)
168 {
169 cardRow = EClass.sources.charas.rows.RandomItem();
170 if (cardRow.multisize)
171 {
172 continue;
173 }
174 }
175 else
176 {
177 cardRow = EClass.sources.things.rows.RandomItem();
178 if (cardRow.tileType != owner.TileType)
179 {
180 continue;
181 }
182 }
183 if (cardRow.chance != 0 && cardRow._tiles.Length != 0 && cardRow.idActor.IsEmpty() && cardRow.idExtra.IsEmpty() && SubPassData.Current == SubPassData.Default && !(cardRow._idRenderData != owner.sourceCard._idRenderData))
184 {
185 flag = true;
186 break;
187 }
188 }
189 if (flag)
190 {
191 renderData = cardRow.renderData;
192 pref = cardRow.pref;
193 cardRow.model.dir = owner.dir;
194 cardRow.model.SetRenderParam(p);
195 prefIndex = cardRow.model.PrefIndex;
196 }
197 Rand.SetSeed();
198 }
199 if (owner.trait is TraitFigure)
200 {
202 {
203 TraitFigure traitFigure = owner.trait as TraitFigure;
204 SourceChara.Row row = EClass.sources.charas.map.TryGetValue(owner.c_idRefCard) ?? EClass.sources.charas.map["putty"];
205 renderData = row.renderData;
206 pref = row.pref;
207 if (row._tiles.Length == 0 || data.pass == null)
208 {
209 renderData = owner.sourceCard.renderData;
210 pref = owner.sourceCard.pref;
211 }
212 else
213 {
214 if (EClass.core.config.game.antiSpider && row.race == "spider" && row._tiles.Length > 1)
215 {
216 owner.refVal = 1;
217 }
218 p.tile = row._tiles[owner.refVal % row._tiles.Length] * ((owner.dir % 2 == 0) ? 1 : (-1));
219 p.matColor = traitFigure.GetMatColor();
220 drawShadow = traitFigure.ShowShadow;
221 pref = row.pref;
222 }
223 if (renderData.pass != null && renderData.pass.name == "pass charaL" && EClass.pc.held == owner)
224 {
225 int num = (int)renderData.pass.pmesh.tiling.x;
226 p.tile = (int)p.tile / num * num * 2 + (int)p.tile % num;
227 }
228 }
229 else
230 {
231 renderData = owner.sourceCard.renderData;
232 }
233 }
234 if (replacer != null)
235 {
236 renderData = replacer.data;
237 pref = replacer.pref;
238 SubPassData.Current = SubPassData.Default;
239 }
240 if (isChara)
241 {
242 p.x += pref.x * (float)((!owner.flipX) ? 1 : (-1));
243 }
244 p.y += pref.y;
245 int shadow = pref.shadow;
246 bool flag2 = isChara && owner.isHidden && !EClass.pc.canSeeInvisible && (!EClass.pc.hasTelepathy || !owner.Chara.race.visibleWithTelepathy);
247 if (drawShadow && shadow != 1 && SubPassData.Current.shadow && (!flag2 || owner.IsPC))
248 {
249 bool flag3 = ((!isChara) ? (owner.dir % 2 == 1) : (owner.dir == 1 || owner.dir == 2));
250 EClass.scene.screenElin.tileMap.passShadow.AddShadow(position.x + (flag3 ? (-1f) : 1f) * renderData.offsetShadow.x, position.y + renderData.offsetShadow.y + (owner.TileType.UseMountHeight ? 0f : p.shadowFix) - RenderObject.altitudeFix * (float)owner.altitude, position.z + renderData.offsetShadow.z, ShadowData.Instance.items[shadow], pref, prefIndex, p.snow);
251 }
252 if (usePass)
253 {
254 if (owner.noSnow)
255 {
256 p.snow = false;
257 }
258 if (!flag2)
259 {
260 renderData.Draw(p);
261 }
262 }
263 else if (hasActor)
264 {
266 {
267 Chara ride = owner.Chara.ride;
268 CharaActorPCC charaActorPCC = ride.renderer.actor as CharaActorPCC;
269 CharaActorPCC charaActorPCC2 = actor as CharaActorPCC;
270 ride.angle = owner.angle;
271 if (charaActorPCC != null && charaActorPCC2 != null)
272 {
273 charaActorPCC.provider.currentDir = charaActorPCC2.provider.currentDir;
274 charaActorPCC.provider.currentFrame = charaActorPCC2.provider.currentFrame;
275 charaActorPCC.provider.SetSpriteMain();
276 charaActorPCC.RefreshSprite();
277 }
278 PCCData.RideData ride2 = (ride.renderer as CharaRenderer).pccData.ride;
279 float x = p.x;
280 float y = p.y;
281 float z = p.z;
282 Vector3 v2 = new Vector3(v.x, v.y, v.z);
283 ride.renderer.Draw(p, ref v2, drawShadow: false);
284 int currentDir = actor.currentDir;
285 p.x = x + RenderObject.renderSetting.ridePos[currentDir].x + ride2.x * (float)(currentDir switch
286 {
287 2 => -1,
288 1 => 1,
289 _ => 0,
290 });
291 p.y = y + RenderObject.renderSetting.ridePos[currentDir].y + ride2.y + ride2.jump * (float)((actor.GetFrame() % 2 == 1) ? 1 : 0);
292 p.z = z + RenderObject.renderSetting.ridePos[currentDir].z - ride2.z;
293 }
294 if (flag2)
295 {
296 actor.SetActive(enable: false);
297 }
298 else
299 {
300 actor.SetActive(enable: true);
301 actor.OnRender(p);
302 }
303 }
304 if (isChara)
305 {
306 if (owner.Chara.parasite != null)
307 {
308 owner.Chara.parasite.renderer.position = position;
309 }
310 if (owner.Chara.ride != null)
311 {
312 owner.Chara.ride.renderer.position = position;
313 }
314 }
315 SubPassData.Current = SubPassData.Default;
316 }
317 if (listTC.Count > 0)
318 {
319 RenderObject.tempV = position;
320 RenderObject.tempV.y += data.offset.y + data.size.y;
321 for (int num2 = listTC.Count - 1; num2 >= 0; num2--)
322 {
323 listTC[num2].OnDraw(ref RenderObject.tempV);
324 }
325 }
327 {
329 }
330 bool CanBeHallucinated()
331 {
333 {
334 return false;
335 }
336 if (owner.isThing)
337 {
339 {
340 return false;
341 }
342 if (listTC.Count > 0)
343 {
344 return false;
345 }
346 }
347 return true;
348 }
349 }
351 public virtual void UpdatePosition(ref Vector3 destPos, RenderParam p)
352 {
353 }
355 public virtual void DrawHeld()
356 {
357 }
360 {
361 if (isChara)
362 {
364 {
365 return EClass.core.refs.prefs.pcc;
366 }
367 if (owner.idSkin > 0)
368 {
369 switch (owner.sourceCard.tiles.TryGet(owner.idSkin))
370 {
371 case 2319:
372 case 2619:
373 case 2621:
374 case 2623:
375 case 2625:
377 case 2320:
378 case 2611:
379 case 2620:
380 case 2622:
381 case 2624:
382 case 2626:
384 }
385 }
386 }
387 return owner.Pref;
388 }
390 public void RefreshSprite()
391 {
392 if (hasActor)
393 {
395 }
396 }
398 public override void OnEnterScreen()
399 {
400 if (isSynced)
401 {
402 Debug.LogError("renderer alraedy synced:" + owner);
403 }
404 isSynced = true;
405 if (!usePass)
406 {
407 if (!hasActor)
408 {
410 if (actor == null)
411 {
412 if (owner.sourceCard.idActor.IsEmpty())
413 {
414 actor = PoolManager.Spawn(Resources.Load<CardActor>("Scene/Render/Actor/" + (owner.isChara ? "CharaActor" : "ThingActor")));
415 }
416 else
417 {
418 actor = PoolManager.Spawn(Resources.Load<CardActor>("Scene/Render/Actor/" + owner.sourceCard.idActor[0]));
419 }
420 }
421 hasActor = true;
422 }
424 }
426 RefreshExtra();
427 if (owner.isCensored)
428 {
429 SetCensored(enable: true);
430 }
432 }
434 public void AddExtra(string id)
435 {
436 if (GetTC(id) == null)
437 {
438 TC tC = AddTC<TC>(PoolManager.Spawn<TC>("tcExtra_" + id, "Scene/Render/Actor/Component/Extra/" + id));
439 if (tC.isUI)
440 {
441 tC.transform.SetParent(EClass.ui.rectDynamic, worldPositionStays: false);
442 }
443 tC.name = id;
444 }
445 }
447 public void RefreshExtra()
448 {
449 string idExtra = owner.sourceCard.idExtra;
450 if (!idExtra.IsEmpty())
451 {
452 AddExtra(idExtra);
453 }
454 if (isChara && owner.rarity >= Rarity.Legendary && owner.rarity != Rarity.Artifact && !owner.Chara.IsHomeMember())
455 {
456 if (owner.c_bossType == BossType.Evolved)
457 {
458 AddExtra("c_unique_evolved");
459 }
460 else
461 {
462 AddExtra("c_unique");
463 }
464 }
465 }
467 public void RemoveExtra(string id)
468 {
469 TC tC = GetTC(id);
470 if (tC != null)
471 {
472 RemoveTC(tC);
473 }
474 }
476 public override void OnLeaveScreen()
477 {
478 isSynced = false;
480 {
481 KillActor();
482 }
483 for (int num = listTC.Count - 1; num >= 0; num--)
484 {
485 RemoveTC(num);
486 }
487 if (hasText)
488 {
490 }
491 if ((bool)orbit)
492 {
494 orbit = null;
495 }
496 }
498 public void KillActor()
499 {
500 actor.Kill();
501 hasActor = false;
502 actor = null;
503 }
505 public void PlayAnime(AnimeID id, bool force)
506 {
507 PlayAnime(id, default(Vector3), force);
508 }
510 public void PlayAnime(AnimeID id, Card dest)
511 {
512 PlayAnime(id, (dest.renderer.position - position).normalized);
513 }
515 public void PlayAnime(AnimeID id, Point dest)
516 {
517 PlayAnime(id, (dest.PositionAuto() - position).normalized);
518 }
520 public void PlayAnime(AnimeID id, Vector3 dest = default(Vector3), bool force = false)
521 {
522 if (!force && owner.parent is Zone && (!owner.pos.IsValid || !owner.pos.IsSync))
523 {
524 return;
525 }
526 TransAnimeData transAnimeData = ResourceCache.Load<TransAnimeData>("Scene/Render/Anime/" + id);
527 if (transAnimeData == null)
528 {
529 anime = null;
530 return;
531 }
532 anime = new TransAnime
533 {
534 data = transAnimeData,
535 renderer = this
536 }.Init();
537 if (id == AnimeID.Attack || (uint)(id - 18) <= 1u)
538 {
539 anime.dest = dest;
540 }
541 }
543 public virtual void KillAnime()
544 {
545 anime = null;
546 }
548 public virtual void IdleFrame()
549 {
550 if (hasActor)
551 {
553 }
554 }
556 public virtual void NextFrame()
557 {
558 if (hasActor)
559 {
561 }
562 }
564 public virtual void NextDir()
565 {
566 if (hasActor)
567 {
568 actor.NextDir();
569 }
570 }
572 public T AddTC<T>(TC tc) where T : TC
573 {
574 listTC.Add(tc);
575 tc.SetOwner(this);
576 return tc as T;
577 }
579 public T GetTC<T>() where T : TC
580 {
581 if (listTC.Count == 0)
582 {
583 return null;
584 }
585 for (int num = listTC.Count - 1; num >= 0; num--)
586 {
587 if (listTC[num] is T)
588 {
589 return listTC[num] as T;
590 }
591 }
592 return null;
593 }
595 public TC GetTC(string id)
596 {
597 if (listTC.Count == 0)
598 {
599 return null;
600 }
601 for (int num = listTC.Count - 1; num >= 0; num--)
602 {
603 if (listTC[num].name == id)
604 {
605 return listTC[num];
606 }
607 }
608 return null;
609 }
611 public T GetOrCreateTC<T>(Func<T> func) where T : TC
612 {
613 return GetTC<T>() ?? AddTC<T>(func());
614 }
616 public void RemoveTC<T>() where T : TC
617 {
618 if (listTC.Count == 0)
619 {
620 return;
621 }
622 for (int num = listTC.Count - 1; num >= 0; num--)
623 {
624 if (listTC[num] is T)
625 {
626 listTC[num].Kill();
627 listTC.RemoveAt(num);
628 break;
629 }
630 }
631 }
633 public void RemoveTC(TC tc)
634 {
635 RemoveTC(listTC.IndexOf(tc));
636 }
638 public void RemoveTC(int index)
639 {
640 if (index != -1)
641 {
642 listTC[index].Kill();
643 listTC.RemoveAt(index);
644 }
645 }
647 public void TrySpawnOrbit()
648 {
649 if (owner.isChara)
650 {
651 string text = (owner.IsPC ? "tcOrbitPC" : "tcOrbitChara");
652 orbit = PoolManager.Spawn<TCOrbitChara>(text, "Scene/Render/Actor/Component/" + text);
653 orbit.SetOwner(this);
654 }
655 else if (owner.trait.ShowOrbit)
656 {
657 string text2 = "tcOrbitThing";
658 orbit = PoolManager.Spawn<TCOrbitThing>(text2, "Scene/Render/Actor/Component/" + text2);
659 orbit.SetOwner(this);
660 }
661 }
663 public bool IsTalking()
664 {
665 TCText tC = GetTC<TCText>();
666 if ((bool)tC)
667 {
668 return tC.pop.items.Count > 0;
669 }
670 return false;
671 }
674 {
675 if (!hasText)
676 {
677 hasText = true;
679 }
680 RenderObject.tempV.x = position.x + TC._setting.simpleTextPos.x;
681 RenderObject.tempV.y = position.y + TC._setting.simpleTextPos.y;
682 RenderObject.tempV.z = position.z + TC._setting.simpleTextPos.z;
683 simpleText.transform.position = RenderObject.tempV;
684 return simpleText;
685 }
687 public void DespawnSimpleText()
688 {
689 if (hasText)
690 {
692 hasText = false;
693 }
694 }
696 public void SetCensored(bool enable)
697 {
698 if (!isSynced)
699 {
700 return;
701 }
702 if (enable)
703 {
704 GetOrCreateTC(() => PoolManager.Spawn(EClass.core.refs.tcs.censored));
705 }
706 else
707 {
708 RemoveTC<TCCensored>();
709 }
710 }
712 public virtual void RefreshStateIcon()
713 {
714 }
716 public void Say(string text, Color c = default(Color), float duration = 0f)
717 {
718 (GetTC<TCText>() ?? AddTC<TCText>(PoolManager.Spawn(EClass.core.refs.tcs.text, EClass.ui.rectDynamic))).Say(text, duration);
719 }
721 public void ShowEmo(Emo emo, float duration = 0f)
722 {
723 if (isSynced)
724 {
725 (GetTC<TCText>() ?? AddTC<TCText>(PoolManager.Spawn(EClass.core.refs.tcs.text, EClass.ui.rectDynamic))).ShowEmo(emo, duration);
726 }
727 }
729 public virtual void SetFirst(bool first, Vector3 pos)
730 {
731 }
733 public virtual void SetFirst(bool first)
734 {
735 }
737 public virtual void Refresh()
738 {
739 }
Definition: AnimeID.cs:2
Definition: BossType.cs:2
Definition: Emo.cs:2
Definition: Rarity.cs:2
BaseTileMap tileMap
MeshPass passShadow
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:133
RenderDataObjDummy rendererObjDummy
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:227
Vector3 renderPos
virtual void OnRender(RenderParam p)
Definition: CardActor.cs:103
virtual int currentDir
Definition: CardActor.cs:41
virtual void NextDir()
Definition: CardActor.cs:94
void SetOwner(Card t)
Definition: CardActor.cs:48
virtual void NextFrame()
Definition: CardActor.cs:90
virtual void RefreshSprite()
Definition: CardActor.cs:224
virtual void IdleFrame()
Definition: CardActor.cs:86
virtual void Kill()
Definition: CardActor.cs:286
virtual int GetFrame()
Definition: CardActor.cs:98
void ShowEmo(Emo emo, float duration=0f)
override void RenderToRenderCam(RenderParam p)
Definition: CardRenderer.cs:55
void PlayAnime(AnimeID id, bool force)
void Say(string text, Color c=default(Color), float duration=0f)
virtual void SetFirst(bool first)
virtual void DrawHeld()
T AddTC< T >(TC tc)
virtual void KillAnime()
void PlayAnime(AnimeID id, Vector3 dest=default(Vector3), bool force=false)
override void OnLeaveScreen()
override void Draw(RenderParam p)
Definition: CardRenderer.cs:49
void RemoveTC(int index)
SourcePref GetPref()
virtual void NextDir()
RendererReplacer replacer
Definition: CardRenderer.cs:29
Vector3 position
Definition: CardRenderer.cs:21
void RefreshSprite()
TransAnime anime
Definition: CardRenderer.cs:23
void AddExtra(string id)
TC GetTC(string id)
virtual void NextFrame()
T GetOrCreateTC< T >(Func< T > func)
TCSimpleText SpawnSimpleText()
virtual bool IsMoving
Definition: CardRenderer.cs:31
virtual void RefreshStateIcon()
bool IsTalking()
void RemoveTC< T >()
override void OnEnterScreen()
virtual void SetOwner(Card c)
Definition: CardRenderer.cs:38
List< TC > listTC
Definition: CardRenderer.cs:25
virtual void SetFirst(bool first, Vector3 pos)
void RemoveExtra(string id)
void PlayAnime(AnimeID id, Card dest)
void TrySpawnOrbit()
virtual void UpdatePosition(ref Vector3 destPos, RenderParam p)
virtual void IdleFrame()
TCOrbit orbit
Definition: CardRenderer.cs:7
void RefreshExtra()
CardActor actor
Definition: CardRenderer.cs:11
void KillActor()
void SetCensored(bool enable)
void PlayAnime(AnimeID id, Point dest)
virtual void Refresh()
Vector3 PositionCenter()
Definition: CardRenderer.cs:33
TCSimpleText simpleText
Definition: CardRenderer.cs:27
override void Draw(RenderParam p, ref Vector3 v, bool drawShadow)
Definition: CardRenderer.cs:68
void DespawnSimpleText()
void RemoveTC(TC tc)
string[] idActor
Definition: CardRow.cs:35
Card model
Definition: CardRow.cs:60
string idExtra
Definition: CardRow.cs:9
Definition: Card.cs:11
float angle
Definition: Card.cs:67
virtual bool IsPCC
Definition: Card.cs:2023
virtual bool isThing
Definition: Card.cs:1957
virtual Chara Chara
Definition: Card.cs:1946
bool isRoofItem
Definition: Card.cs:550
bool isCensored
Definition: Card.cs:406
Rarity rarity
Definition: Card.cs:298
ICardParent parent
Definition: Card.cs:51
bool ExistsOnMap
Definition: Card.cs:1961
virtual bool IsDeadOrSleeping
Definition: Card.cs:1985
TileType TileType
Definition: Card.cs:2011
virtual SourcePref Pref
Definition: Card.cs:1983
Point pos
Definition: Card.cs:55
int uid
Definition: Card.cs:118
virtual void SetRenderParam(RenderParam p)
Definition: Card.cs:5258
virtual SubPassData GetSubPassData()
Definition: Card.cs:5523
Trait trait
Definition: Card.cs:49
int altitude
Definition: Card.cs:214
BossType c_bossType
Definition: Card.cs:1157
bool IsInstalled
Definition: Card.cs:2241
virtual bool IsPC
Definition: Card.cs:2019
string NameSimple
Definition: Card.cs:2015
virtual bool isChara
Definition: Card.cs:1959
int idSkin
Definition: Card.cs:346
Cell Cell
Definition: Card.cs:1931
virtual bool HasHost
Definition: Card.cs:2283
virtual int PrefIndex
Definition: Card.cs:2172
int dir
Definition: Card.cs:142
bool noSnow
Definition: Card.cs:730
virtual CardRow sourceCard
Definition: Card.cs:2007
SourceCategory.Row category
Definition: Card.cs:1925
CardRenderer renderer
Definition: Card.cs:57
virtual bool flipX
Definition: Card.cs:1992
string c_idRefCard
Definition: Card.cs:1637
bool HasRoof
Definition: Cell.cs:648
bool ignoreObjShadow
Definition: Cell.cs:378
override void RefreshSprite()
SpriteProvider provider
Definition: CharaActorPCC.cs:9
Definition: Chara.cs:10
Card held
Definition: Chara.cs:67
AIAct ai
Definition: Chara.cs:187
Chara host
Definition: Chara.cs:33
string Aka
Definition: Chara.cs:201
SourceChara.Row source
Definition: Chara.cs:143
bool IsHomeMember()
Definition: Chara.cs:5942
Chara parasite
Definition: Chara.cs:30
Chara ride
Definition: Chara.cs:27
bool bossText
Definition: Chara.cs:139
SourceRace.Row race
Definition: Chara.cs:449
new GameConfig game
Definition: CoreConfig.cs:596
SourcePref snowputit2
Definition: CoreRef.cs:320
SourcePref pcc
Definition: CoreRef.cs:322
SourcePref sonwputit1
Definition: CoreRef.cs:318
TCSimpleText simpleText
Definition: CoreRef.cs:238
TCText text
Definition: CoreRef.cs:232
TCCensored censored
Definition: CoreRef.cs:234
PrefData prefs
Definition: CoreRef.cs:399
TCs tcs
Definition: CoreRef.cs:337
CoreRef refs
Definition: Core.cs:51
CoreConfig config
Definition: Core.cs:70
Definition: EClass.cs:5
static Game game
Definition: EClass.cs:8
static Scene scene
Definition: EClass.cs:30
static Core core
Definition: EClass.cs:6
static Map _map
Definition: EClass.cs:18
static SourceManager sources
Definition: EClass.cs:42
static BaseGameScreen screen
Definition: EClass.cs:32
static Chara pc
Definition: EClass.cs:14
static UI ui
Definition: EClass.cs:16
Zone activeZone
Definition: Game.cs:245
Definition: Lang.cs:6
static string langCode
Definition: Lang.cs:28
static bool isBuiltin
Definition: Lang.cs:42
bool IsIndoor
Definition: Map.cs:131
ProceduralMesh pmesh
Definition: MeshPass.cs:25
void AddShadow(MeshPassParam p, ref Vector3 fix)
Definition: MeshPass.cs:195
Definition: Player.cs:11
static int seedHallucination
Definition: Player.cs:936
Definition: Point.cs:9
ref Vector3 PositionAuto()
Definition: Point.cs:515
Thing LastThing
Definition: Point.cs:290
bool IsSync
Definition: Point.cs:320
bool IsValid
Definition: Point.cs:88
Cell cell
Definition: Point.cs:51
static void Despawn(Component c)
Definition: PoolManager.cs:128
static Transform Spawn(string id, string path, Transform parent)
Definition: PoolManager.cs:86
Definition: Rand.cs:4
static void SetSeed(int a=-1)
Definition: Rand.cs:37
override void Draw(RenderParam p)
Definition: RenderDataObj.cs:3
void Draw(RenderParam p, int tile)
Definition: RenderData.cs:128
Vector3 offsetShadow
Definition: RenderData.cs:22
Vector3 offset
Definition: RenderData.cs:18
bool multiSize
Definition: RenderData.cs:32
virtual CardActor CreateActor()
Definition: RenderData.cs:84
SourcePref shadowPref
Definition: RenderData.cs:48
bool persistActor
Definition: RenderData.cs:38
MeshPass pass
Definition: RenderData.cs:16
Vector2 size
Definition: RenderData.cs:30
static List< ISyncScreen > syncList
Definition: RenderObject.cs:24
static Vector3 tempV
Definition: RenderObject.cs:20
RenderData data
Definition: RenderObject.cs:34
static long syncFrame
Definition: RenderObject.cs:26
static GameSetting.RenderSetting renderSetting
Definition: RenderObject.cs:14
float shadowFix
Definition: RenderParam.cs:21
Vector3 NewVector3
Definition: RenderParam.cs:23
bool multisize
Definition: RenderRow.cs:64
RenderData renderData
Definition: RenderRow.cs:71
SourcePref pref
Definition: RenderRow.cs:68
string _idRenderData
Definition: RenderRow.cs:38
TileType tileType
Definition: RenderRow.cs:77
int[] _tiles
Definition: RenderRow.cs:12
int[] tiles
Definition: RenderRow.cs:10
int chance
Definition: RenderRow.cs:24
GameScreen screenElin
Definition: Scene.cs:89
CameraSupport camSupport
Definition: Scene.cs:41
List< Item > items
Definition: ShadowData.cs:101
static ShadowData Instance
Definition: ShadowData.cs:99
SourceThing things
SourceChara charas
int shadow
Definition: SourcePref.cs:35
static SplashText Instance
Definition: SplashText.cs:10
static SubPassData Default
Definition: SubPassData.cs:7
static SubPassData Current
Definition: SubPassData.cs:9
virtual void Refresh()
Definition: TCOrbit.cs:3
Definition: TCText.cs:6
Definition: TC.cs:4
static GameSetting.RenderSetting.TCSetting _setting
Definition: TC.cs:5
virtual bool isUI
Definition: TC.cs:11
void SetOwner(CardRenderer r)
Definition: TC.cs:15
virtual bool UseMountHeight
Definition: TileType.cs:209
virtual bool ShowShadow
Definition: TraitFigure.cs:10
virtual int GetMatColor()
Definition: TraitFigure.cs:12
virtual bool CanBeHallucinated
Definition: Trait.cs:287
virtual bool ShowOrbit
Definition: Trait.cs:129
virtual bool RenderExtra
Definition: Trait.cs:345
virtual bool UseDummyTile
Definition: Trait.cs:187
virtual void OnRenderExtra(RenderParam p)
Definition: Trait.cs:582
virtual void OnEnterScreen()
Definition: Trait.cs:1374
bool Update()
Definition: TransAnime.cs:40
Definition: Zone.cs:12