A convenient way to invoke a delegate or a coroutine, in any scope or context, regardless of being a MonoBehaviour
instance or not.
static void MyTask();
CoroutineHelper.Immediate(() => {
// some other stuff
Invoke the delegate after the next immediate Unity Update
static IEnumerator MyCoroutineTask();
Invoke the coroutine after the next immediate Unity Update
Condition Defer
The bread and butter of conditional triggers.
static void CleanupTask();
CoroutineHelper.Deferred(CleanupTask, () => SomeCheck.ShouldClean);
static void AddStuffToPlayer(int id);
() => AddStuffToPlayer(114514),
() => EMono.core.IsGameStarted);
Invoke the delegate when the condition is true.
Frame Defer
Sometimes you want to delay your action by certain frames. For example, in UI related code, you may want to let UI refresh first then draw your own stuff 1 frame afterwards to accomodate the new position/data etc.
static void AdjustPosition();
// default 1 frame
// specify frames
CoroutineHelper.Deferred(AdjustPosition, 5);
// anonymous lambda works too
() => {
// some other stuff
Time Defer
Sometimes you want an effect to linger for a certain amount of time, then do actions afterwards.
static void ClearEffects();
// wait 1.5s
CoroutineHelper.Deferred(ClearEffects, 1.5f);
() => {
// some other stuff
Quick attribute to register a method to system context menu.
[CwlContextMenu("SubmenuA/SubmenuB/Btn C", "LangGeneral_id_or_text_or_omit")]
private static void MyTestMethod()
// ...
The registered method's return value will be displayed on screen, if any.
Helper to display a progress tracker for async operations on screen top right corner.
static string currentLoading = "";
static bool shouldClose;
IEnumerator MyAsyncTask()
var progress = ProgressIndicator.CreateProgress(
onUpdate: () => new UpdateInfo(Text: currentLoading, Sprite: null, Color: null),
shouldKill: () => shouldClose
foreach (var file in BunchOfFiles) {
currentLoading = file.Name;
yield return new SomeTask();
currentLoading = "finished loading";
shouldClose = true;
You may also use the scope-exit overload which closes when disposed:
static string currentLoading = "";
IEnumerator MyAsyncTask()
using var progress = ProgressIndicator.CreateProgressScoped(
() => new UpdateInfo(Text: currentLoading, Sprite: null, Color: null)
foreach (var file in BunchOfFiles) {
currentLoading = file.Name;
yield return new SomeTask();
currentLoading = "finished loading";
Helper to load a png as a sprite with caching and resizer option.
Sprite? LoadSprite(this string path, Vector2? pivot = null, string? name = null, int resizeWidth = 0, int resizeHeight = 0);
var filePath = "X:/someimage.png";
var sprite = filePath.LoadSprite(name: "SpriteNewName", resizeWidth: 900, resizeHeight: 600);
By default, the pivot will be at center (0.5, 0.5
) and sprite name will be an internal cache name. If resizeWidth
and/or resizeHeight
is not 0
, then sprite will be resized.
Helper to find a nested child of a gameobject with name. Say you want to find the text object of an element of a list of a panel of a layout group of a composite page, you can do:
var text = page.transform.GetFirstNestedChildWithName("Content View/Scroll View/Viewport/Content/Profile List/Entry (1)/text");
For non nested access, use GetFirstChildWithName
Returns null
if not found.
Other Stuff
Some helpers and random stuff that you won't need:
- PixelRaycast
- ColorParser
- TextureResizer
- ComponentFetch