Customizing Succubus EXP
Say you want to customize the EXP gained from sleeping with others as a succubus, you locate the responsible method:
// Elin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
// AI_Fuck
internal static void <Finish>g__SuccubusExp|21_0(Chara c, Chara tg)
if (!c.HasElement(1216)) {
foreach (Element item in tg.elements.ListBestAttributes()) {
if (c.elements.ValueWithoutLink( < item.ValueWithoutLink) {
c.elements.ModTempPotential(, 1 + EClass.rnd(item.ValueWithoutLink - c.elements.ValueWithoutLink( / 5 + 1));
c.Say("succubus_exp", c, item.Name.ToLower());
The logic here is simple, we go through the target's best attributes and find one that's higher than ours, then gain said attribute's potential accordingly.
The final potential gained is calculated as follow:
1 + EClass.rnd(item.ValueWithoutLink - c.elements.ValueWithoutLink( / 5 + 1)
So how do we multiply this value by an arbitrary amount? One may think to completely rewrite this method and modify the formula, or use one of other aforementioned workarounds.
IL with C#
Let's take a peek at this method's decompiled IL instructions, example with ILSpy:
Now you see a whole bunch of random things, don't worry, follow the comments and locate the following:
// truncated for brevity
call int32 EClass::rnd(int32)
callvirt inst class Element ElementContainer::ModTempPotential(int32, int32, int32)
As you can see, this is the call to c.elements.ModTempPotential(int ele, int v, int threshMsg = 0)
, in this specific use case, the 1st argument will be
, the 2nd will be the actual value gained, the 3rd will be default value 0
Calling Convention
We've found out where to the patch, now let's figure out the how.
For more information about the calling convention, checkout the Transpiler Walkthrough.
In this case, when the call to ModTempPotential(int ele, int v, int threshMsg = 0)
happens, there are 4 arguments on the stack:
index | name | type | value |
3 | threshMsg | int32 | 0 |
2 | v | int32 | calculated |
1 | ele | int32 | |
0 | this | ElementContainer | c.elements |
The IL line above the call is ldc.i4.0
, it means load constant 4-byte-int(int32) of 0, which corresponds to the 3rd argument int threshMsg = 0
call int32 EClass::rnd(int32)
Going up we see a call to EClass.rnd()
and an add
that adds the previous value to the number returned from EClass.rnd()
, and the final result will be left on the stack, serving as our 2nd argument int v
This is our target value, by modifying this value before it gets consumed by the ModTempPotential()
, we can achieve the custom potential gain behaviour.
We now know the calling convention, so the ideal way to solve this is inserting a call to our method that takes the original value, and returns a modified value.
Our modified IL instructions would look like this:
call int32 EClass::rnd(int32)
// now v is on the stack top
// <- insert a call here, v is consumed
// return modified_v on the stack top
With our method looking like this:
static int ModPotential(int original)
return original * 2;
Static Method
Remember to use static methods, so it does not require a hidden this
First we declare a basic Transpiler
// in a patch class
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(AI_Fuck), "<Finish>g__SuccubusExp|21_0")]
internal static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> Transpiler(
IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions)
return new CodeMatcher(instructions)
We already know where in the IL instructions to patch, so we use a CodeMatcher
to locate the line:
return new CodeMatcher(instructions)
new CodeMatch(OpCodes.Call, AccessTools.Method(
new CodeMatch(OpCodes.Add),
new CodeMatch(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0))
This is a match for:
call int32 EClass::rnd(int32)
will set the current IL cursor at the line ldc.i4.0
After matching, we can now insert a call before the line ldc.i4.0
, so we can return the modified value as 2nd argument(int v
) before the 3rd argument gets pushed onto the stack.
return new CodeMatcher(instructions)
new CodeMatch(OpCodes.Call, AccessTools.Method(
new CodeMatch(OpCodes.Add),
new CodeMatch(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0))
// somewhere
internal static int ModPotential(int original)
return original * 2;
is a helper for writing call instruction, and also supports delegates.
Another Way to Write CodeInstruction.Call
new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Call, AccessTools.Method(
The complete patch:
// in a patch class
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(AI_Fuck), "<Finish>g__SuccubusExp|21_0")]
internal static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> Transpiler(
IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions)
return new CodeMatcher(instructions)
new CodeMatch(OpCodes.Call, AccessTools.Method(
new CodeMatch(OpCodes.Add),
new CodeMatch(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0))
internal static int ModPotential(int original)
return original * 2;
That's it! You may now customize succubus exp gained from fucking people.