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This article will be ever evolving, so its formatting may be a bit wonky.

Where is...?

Need to know where a specific data from the game is? Here are your answers:

Graphical assets


Object/Character/Blocks/etc Sprites


Access all spritesheets in-game with these steps: Esc > Tools > Texture Viewer.

You can also check their tile number in there



Game Data

Source Game

Contains the sheets for:

Elements, Formulas(Calc), Stats, Checks, Factions, Religions, Zones, Zone Affixes, Quests, Areas, Home Resources, Research and Persons.

Source Chara

Contains the sheets for:

Characters(Chara), Barks (CharaTalk), Tactics, Races, Jobs and Hobbies.

Source Card

Contains the sheets for:

Things, Foods, Recipes, SpawnLists, Categories, Collectables and KeyItems.

How do I...?

Replace a portrait

To replace a portrait:

Create a subfolder called Portrait in your mod folder and add the image you want to replace with the name of the portrait you want to replace Eg.: portrait/UN_adv_gaki.png will replace the portrait of the adventurer Gaki.

You can find the name of the originals here

Add a new portrait

To add a new portrait:

Create a subfolder called Portrait in your mod folder and add your new portrait image. Eg.: portrait/my_portrait.png

Replace a Sprite

To replace a sprite:

Create a subfolder called Texture Replace in your mod folder and add the sprite image you want to replace using the name of the spritesheet and tile of the sprite you want to replace. Eg.: Texture Replace/objC_2115.png will replace the sprite of the adventurer Gaki.

You can find the spritesheet names and tile numbers here