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custom merchant stock

You can define a custom merchant stock using tag addStock and a stock file.


Trait Change

CWL 1.19.21 has removed the Merchant trait requirement for adding custom stocks, this is mainly an API change. If you are not using CWL API, you should still give your chara a Merchant or MerchantXXX trait so you can trade with them.

The stock file is a simple json file placed in your LangMod/**/Data/ folder, with name stock_ID.json, the ID is the unique ID for this stock file or character ID.

When using tag addStock, the stock ID will default to the character ID. You may also specify and/or combine stock files with multiple addStock tag, such as addStock,addStock_uniqueItems,addStock_Armor.

Within the stock file, it's simply as follows:

  "Items": [
      "Id": "example_item",
      "Material": "",
      "Num": 1,
      "Restock": true,
      "Type": "Item",
      "Rarity": "Random",
      "Identified": true
      "Id": "example_item_limited",
      "Material": "granite",
      "Num": 1,
      "Restock": false,
      "Type": "Item",
      "Rarity": "Artifact",
      "Identified": true
      "Id": "example_item_craftable",
      "Material": "",
      "Num": 1,
      "Restock": false,
      "Type": "Recipe",
      "Rarity": "Random",
      "Identified": true

Items is an array of items in the stock.

  • Id is the id of the Thing. This value is mandatory.
  • Material is the material you want it to be sold as, leave it blank for the default material defined in Thing row. Default value is "".
  • Num is the count of the items in the stack. Default value is 1.
  • Restock defines whether it's a limited time item that can only be bought once when set to false. Default value is true.
  • Type can be Item, Recipe, or Spell. Default value is Item.
  • Rarity can be Random, Crude, Normal, Superior, Legendary, Mythical, Artifact. Default value is Normal.
  • Identified determines the initial identification state of the item. Default value is true.

You can omit any fields that you wish to use the default value for. For example, this is a valid stock item:

  "Id": "example_item"

If you are not using a code editor, you should use JSONLint to validate your json.

For API related usages, see Custom Merchant API.

Spec Change

  • CWL 1.19.21 added Identified entry, to allow unidentified items to be sold. This change is backwards compatible.
  • CWL 1.18.13 removed Owner entry and added Rarity entry, to allow stock ID based indexing instead of chara ID. This change is backwards compatible.