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Namespace: Cwl.Helper.Runtime;

A collection of helpers CWL uses internally to help with plugin development.


Finds all of a method's implementations in derived types including itself from Elin and plugins.

internal class PatchAllActPerforms
    internal static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> TargetMethods()
        return OverrideMethodComparer.FindAllOverrides(typeof(Act), nameof(Act.Perform));

    internal static void OnPerform(Act __instance)
        // ...

You can also use the IEqualityComparer interface from OverrideMethodComparer.Default.


Queries all methods/types with certain attribute data from plugins.

var methods = AttributeQuery.MethodsWith<CustomAttribute>();
var types = AttributeQuery.TypesWith<CustomAttribute>();


Copies field values between two objects with matching field names.

TypeA glue = new();
TypeB nails = new();


Dispatch method calls to an object. This is what CWL uses to raise events.

var instance = some object;
instance.InstanceDispatch("_ReceiveEvent", arg1, arg2);

You may use the return value of DispatchResult to check if it's invoked and/or return value with exceptions.


Generate stub wrappers for any method, and any method calls inside a method.

static MethodStubHelper CreateStub(MethodInfo targetMethod, MethodStub stub, string? alias = null);
static IEnumerable<MethodStubHelper> CreateNestedStubs(MethodInfo targetMethod, Func<MethodStub> stub);

A MethodStub is a class that implements the following method:

public abstract class MethodStub
    public virtual void OnEnable()

    public virtual void OnDisable()

    public abstract void Begin();
    public abstract void End();

OnEnable and OnDisable will be called when stub is attached/detached, when a method call is stubbed, it will call Begin before execution and End after execution.


A specialization of MethodStub that allows you to view any method's execution time in game. Use console command cwl.stub.attach typeName methodName [true/false] to add sampler, 3rd parameter denoting whether to stub all method calls inside the target method or just the target method itself.

Use cwl.stub.detach to clear and detach all samplers, and cwl.stub.clear to reset the sampled data for all samplers.

When done sampling, use cwl.stub.dump to output the metrics csv for graph generation.