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Make Custom Converters

Game has a few container types that serve as converters, such as brewery barrel, aging shelf, and drying rack. Instead of decaying, they convert their contents into products.

However, they are all hardcoded. You can turn your Thing into a custom converter by using CWL trait CustomConverter and a conversion rule file.

E.g. this row is copied from brewery in SourceThing:

The trait cell has 5 parameters, CustomConverter, width, height, inventory style, inventory ID, conversion rule ID. When you leave the 5th parameter conversion rule ID blank, the Thing ID will be used instead.

Define Conversion Rules

The conversion rule is a simple JSON file located in your LangMod/**/Data/ folder, named converter_ID.json,the ID is the unique ID for this conversion rule, such as converter_fruit_barrel.json.

    "DecaySpeed": 500,
    "IdMsg": "driedFood",
    "Conversions": {
        "origin:fruit": [
                "Id": "dried_fruit",
                "Num": 1,
                "PriceAdd": "base * 0.25"
        "grape": [
                "Id": "raisin",
                "Num": 5,
                "PriceAdd": "base * 0.06 + 5"
        "tomato": [
                "Id": "dried_fruit",
                "Num": 1,
                "PriceAdd": "0"

DecaySpeed is the conversion speed, 500 is the default value for game's brewery barrel, aging shelf, and drying rack.

IdMsg is the LangGame ID that is displayed when conversion completes, you can find the relevant entry in LangGame sheet, or defining your own phrases in Game sheet.

Conversions is a set of conversion rules, each entry should match the initial item's ID, or using origin:originID to include all variations with the same _origin. You can also overwrite specific item from previously included entries, such as grape from origin:fruit.

Each conversion entry has an array of products, each product includes the same fields from StockItem, default fields can be omitted. The PriceAdd field is a mathmatical expression to calculate the extra price added to the product, where base is the price of the initial item.

Test Conversion Rules

You can edit your conversion rules when game is running. After saving your changes, use console command cwl.converter.reload to reload all conversion rules.

