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Import Ranged Weapon Data

Sometimes you want to customize some data for your ranged weapon. The guns data is a JSON file located in your LangMod/**/Data/ folder, named EffectSetting.guns.json.

    "biubiu_gun": {
        "Num": 1,
        "Delay": 0.1,
        "IdEffect": "gunfire",
        "IdSound": "attack_gun",
        "SpriteId": "ranged_gun",
        "Eject": true,
        "FirePos": {
            "x": 0.23,
            "y": 0.04

This will import a gun data named biubiu_gun, which should match your ranged weapon ID; otherwise, the game will load the default data of that type for your ranged weapon. You can also use an existing weapon ID in the game to override it.

  • Num is the number of shots in a burst.
  • Delay is the animation frame delay.
  • IdEffect is the ID of the firing effect.
  • IdSound is the ID of the firing sound. If using custom sound, it needs to be put in Sound folder.
  • SpriteId is the name of the projectile texture, which needs to be an existing texture name in the game or a texture name you placed in the Texture folder (without .png).
  • Eject determines whether there is a shell eject animation.
  • FirePos is the position of the firing effect relative to the center of the weapon.

You may add as many gun data as you want in this file, simply separate them by , comma, such as:

    "biubiu_gun": { 
    "rainbow_wand": {