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custom bio

To add more flavor to your character, you may use tag addBio_ID to define a custom biography. The bio file is (yet another) json file placed in your LangMod/**/Data/ folder, with name bio_ID.json, the ID is the unique ID for this biography file, such as bio_my_chara.json.

You may reuse the same biography file for multiple characters by specifying the same ID.

Within the bio file, it's simply as follows:

    "Birthday": 11,
    "Birthmonth": 4,
    "Birthyear": 514,
    "Birthplace": "Earth",
    "Birthplace_JP": "Earth",
    "Birthlocation": "Nihon",
    "Birthlocation_JP": "Nihon",
    "Mom": "Best Mom@Mommy",
    "Mom_JP": "Best Mom",
    "Dad": "Best Dad",
    "Dad_JP": "Best Dad",
    "Background": "An absolutely normal living been\nBut on ylva...",
    "Background_JP": "An absolutely normal living been\nBut on ylva..."

The entries for Mom and Dad can be overwritten with the @ alias, for example, the Mom Best Mom will be displayed as Mommy Best Mom.

The _JP entries are for Japanese localization, so that you don't have to prepare a LangMod/JP/ folder and resources.