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Import Custom Character

Assumes you already have your custom character defined in a Chara sheet. You may take reference from existing mods or Elin Sources.

CWL utilizes the tag cell of the Chara row to add features, you may add as many tags as you want. Remember, tags are separated by , (comma) with no spaces in between.

If you need additional features, don't hesitate to ask!

spawn on game load

To let CWL spawn the character to a zone, use tag addZone_* and replace the * (asterisk) with zone type name or keep the asterisk for a random zone.

For example, to spawn the chara in little garden, use addZone_LittleGarden. Check the SourceGame/Zone and reference the type column for a list of valid zone names.

For each addZone tag used, an instance of the Chara will be spawned there. For example, addZone_Lumiest,addZone_LittleGarden,addZone_Specwing,addZone_* will make sure all three selected zones plus a random zone will have this character spawned (as duplicates).

add equipment/thing

When CWL spawns your character, you may also define the starting equipments and things for this character, using tag addEq_ItemID#Rarity and/or addThing_ItemID#Count.

To assign specific equipment to the character, use tag addEq_ItemID#Rarity, where ItemID is replaced by the item's ID, and Rarity being one of the following: Random, Crude, Normal, Superior, Legendary, Mythical, Artifact. If #Rarity is omitted, the default rarity #Random will be used.

For example, to set a legendary BS_Flydragonsword and a random axe_machine as the main weapons for the character: addZone_Palmia,addEq_BS_Flydragonsword#Legendary,addEq_axe_machine

To add starting items to the character, use tag addThing_ItemID#Count. If #Count is omitted, a default of 1 item will be generated.

For example, to add padoru_gift x10 and scroll of ally x5 to the character: addZone_Palmia,addThing_padoru_gift#10,addThing_1174#5

make an adventurer

Credits to 105gun.

If your character has trait Adventurer or AdventurerBacker, CWL will import the character as an adventurer, which will appear on the adventurer ranking list.


Starting from CWL 1.15.0, previous tags addAdvZone/addAdvEq/addAdvThing are now deprecated by the normal tags shown above, but still accepted.

prevent random visiting

Global characters randomly visit other towns if they are not in player's faction. You can use tag addFlag_StayHomeZone to make them stay in the home zone.

This flag can be changed in drama sheet using invoke* action and flag_mod(StayHomeZone, 0) method, with actor cell filled in target character's ID (or tg for drama target).