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Part 5 - Custom trait and Functionality

We are nearing the finish line for our new feature/mod, all that is left is giving our gun the ability to shoot, applying the existing Enchantment that our Gun carries to the target while ensuring the target contains a GrowSystem and finally we will embellish our work a bit by playing sound and visual effects during our actions.

Creating a new Trait

We are going to start off by making ourselves a new Trait. Create a new .cs file with the name of our trait, in this case TraitGeneGun.cs, we'll make a class with the same name and we are going to be deriving it from TraitTool, because we are a tool, and tools can't be stacked.

class TraitGeneGun : TraitTool

That's it, we now have a new trait, we can go to our Thing sheet and add GeneGun to the trait column, yes, without the "Trait" part.


I am recommending creating our trait in a new file not only for organization sake, but most importantly because you have to make sure that this class is on the global namespace otherwise the game will not recognize it and will not load it into the classCache. Thanks to @Ryozu on discord for the tip!

Adding functionality

Before we continue, I'd like to recommend that if you want to have a better understanding of a fair chunk of how the game works, that you take your time to read the base classes of most common things in the game that we've been interacting so far, such as the Card and Thing class and in this case, the Trait class. This is knowledge that we'll be making use right now as we override a very "obvious" function:

public override void TrySetHeldAct(ActPlan p)

This will allow us to execute specific actions while holding our item, the first one we need to do as mentioned earlier is make sure that our target has a GrowSystem, additionally let's also make it so that we can only our gun on our territory.

class TraitGeneGun : TraitTool
    public override void TrySetHeldAct(ActPlan p)
        if (p.pos.cell.growth == null || !EClass._zone.IsPCFaction) return;

Now, we'll add our actual action with TrySetAct() and just so we can go in game to test our trait, we are going to add the disposability part of our item by destroying it on use.


p.TrySetAct("Shoot Gene", delegate
    if (owner.c_charges <= 0) // we've never have any charges to item, so it will be by default 0
        EClass.pc.Say("spellbookCrumble", owner);
    return false;
}, this.owner, CursorSystem.IconRange, 1);

Shoot!Begone Awesome, feels a bit bland right now as it doesn't have any visual or auditory feedback but we'll fix that in a bit. Let's move on to applying the new Enchantments to our target.

But first, a small fix is in order, instead of checking if the growth is null, we will use the TryGetPlant method for our check, since we can't really put our enchantment on a plant that wasn't planted by us, because the enchantments are actually on the seed. Then remove the existing FoodTrait's from our target, and add the ones from our gun.

if (p.pos.cell.TryGetPlant() == null || !EClass._zone.IsPCFaction) return;
Thing targetPlant = p.pos.cell.TryGetPlant()?.seed;
Thing gun = owner.Thing;

p.TrySetAct("Shoot Gene", delegate

    foreach (int k in targetPlant.elements.dict.Keys)
        if (targetPlant.elements.dict[k].IsFoodTraitMain || targetPlant.elements.dict[k].IsFoodTrait)
    foreach (int k in gun.elements.dict.Keys)
        if (gun.elements.dict[k].IsFoodTraitMain || gun.elements.dict[k].IsFoodTrait)
            targetPlant.elements.dict.Add(k, gun.elements.dict[k]);

    if (owner.c_charges <= 0)
        EClass.pc.Say("spellbookCrumble", owner);
    return false;
}, this.owner, CursorSystem.IconRange, 1);

Alright, testing time, we are going to sacrifice this beautiful +20 apple tree to test our gun.

Shameless plug

I'm inspecting the seed of an already planted and grown tree, this is not possible in the base game. It is a feature of FarmDoctor. You should subscribe to it! wink wink

alt textalt text

Look at us, we successfully ruined a perfectly fine apple tree!


It's our victory lap, let's add our finishing touches. Audio and animations, for that head over to your decompiler(or Elin-Decompiled) and search for "play", that should give us the answer on how to play sounds and animations. Knowledge is power, again I already have the answer. Because FarmDoctor patches the TraitFertilizer and it utilizes these guys:


Perfect fit, sound and effect for the plant? Check. Now we need one for the gun.
After a bit of searching, using "gun" as our search term, we also have our sound and effect for the gun. Add them in and head to testing.


Well, you'll excuse me now, but I'm not recording a video nor timing a screenshot with the effect in action, you'll just have to trust me, our sounds and effects work!

We are finally done! Hold on, one more thing, remember how our gun shows its little action tool tip? Shoot! I'd like to make clear to the player what Enchantment the gun he is holding contains, before the shoots that innocent plant.

The final touch

This little detail should be in the Act class, based on the fact that we were fiddling with TrySetAct on our Trait.
A quick little search lands us on GetTextSmall(Card c), quick and easy, awesome, let's postfix this and alter the __result, remember to add ref keyword to it so we can edit it, and replicate the null checks, while also adding ours. Again to make sure we don't affect other mods and the base game itself we'll also return if it's not our gene gun we're dealing with. Everything else you are already familiar with.

[HarmonyPostfix, HarmonyPatch(typeof(Act), "GetTextSmall")]
public static void GetTextSmall(Card c, ref string __result)
    if (c == null || c.trait == null || c.trait is not TraitGeneGun) return;

    foreach (int k in c.elements.dict.Keys)
        Element e = c.elements.dict[k];
        if (e.IsFoodTrait)
            int num3 = e.Value / 10;
            num3 = (e.Value < 0) ? (num3 - 1) : (num3 + 1);
            __result = "<size=28>" + c.Name + ": Lv." + num3 + " " + e.source.GetText("textExtra") + "</size>";


And there we have it, all steps complete and it only took a 5 part guide.

Jokes aside, if you have weathered though this whole guide I truly hope it has been of any educational value to you and that you are moving on with the knowledge you needed to either start, continue or finish your modding project.

Once again, this whole guide is based on FarmDoctor, and you can find the complete finished code for all that was done during this guide on github along with the rest of the code of FarmDoctor and all my other messes projects.