A custom feat is kinda similiar, but your custom feat class must derive from Feat.
internal class FeatMyExample: Feat
Since Elin hardcodes its feat effects in the big ol Feat.Apply
non-virtual method, CWL offers you an event OnApply
to apply your own feat effects when that happens, by defining an optional event handler _OnApply
in the feat class:
internal class FeatMyExample : Feat
internal void _OnApply(int add, ElementContainer eleOwner, bool hint)
// mod attributes, set potential, apply effects, etc
This does not require your dll to reference CustomWhateverLoader.dll.
Custom feats may also have custom icons, by placing the texture within Texture folder, using the same alias as the file name, such as featMyExample.png. Then you'll need to override the GetIcon
method to reroute the icon to your own:
internal class FeatMyExample : Feat
public override Sprite GetIcon(string suffix = "")
return SpriteSheet.Get(source.alias);
If the texture size is not 32x32, CWL will resize it for you.
With the tag addEleOnLoad, player will gain this feat automatically upon loading.