Custom Religion
Custom Whatever Loader can import the Religion source sheet and patch it into the game. However, your custom religion ID must begin with cwl_, for example: cwl_spaghettigod.
By default the religion is joinable and not minor. You can append optional tags to the ID:
- To make it a minor god, append #minor
- To make it unjoinable, append #cannot
For example: cwl_spaghettigod#minor#cannot will make it a minor god religion and unjoinable. However, do note that the actual ID of your religion is still cwl_spaghettigod, the tags will be removed upon importing.
To create an optional custom portrait for your religion, put a .png image in the Texture folder using the same religion ID as the file name, such as cwl_spaghettigod.png.
God Talks
Custom Whatever Loader will merge your custom god_talk.xlsx into base game, this is necessary for the religion to function. You may reference the base game sheet at Elin/Package/_Elona/Lang/EN/Data/god_talk.xlsx.
Your custom god_talk.xlsx should only contain the talks of your own religion ID, and be placed under LangMod/*/Data folder.
God Ability
To make an ability as god ability of your custom religion, add tag godAbility,religion_id to that ability. For example, to make your ability trigger god talks upon using for custom religion cwl_spaghettigod, use tag godAbility,cwl_spaghettigod.
God Artifact
To make your custom item a god artifact and wish-able, add tag godArtifact,religion_id to the item.
Faction Elements
You may also define a list of faction elements that is only applied when your custom religion is active. This is done by providing a simple JSON file located in your LangMod/**/Data/
folder, named religion_elements.json
"cwl_spaghettigod": [
"cwl_example_religion2": [
When the faction elements are defined for your custom religion, the matching elements on your custom god artifact item will turn into faction elements and are only activated when the custom religion is active.