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How to Create Custom Element

Assumes you have setup your element in an Element sheet already, the following entries are important:

id: this should be a unique number, this is the ability id.
alias: the actual string id of your element.
type: this C# type name corresponding to this ability.
group: be it FEAT, ABILITY or SPELL.
tag: add addEleOnLoad if you want your ability to be applied to player on game load.

The rest are up to you to define. You may take references from Elin Modding Wiki or Elin Sources.


For example, we want to add an ability ActLionDance, it should look like this:



Your alias and type does not need to be the same, however, the texture of the ability icon will be using the alias, and the element object will be linked to type.

In your script dll, you should have the following code:

internal class ActLionDance : Act
    public override bool Perform()
        pc.Say("Lion Dance!!");
        return true;

The class must derive from Element, common ones are Act, AIAct`, Ability, Spell for ability types, depending on the usage and intention.

You can declare your class in any namespace, CWL will qualify the type name, so the element type only needs to be the class name itself.

Your element icon needs to be placed within Texture folder, using the same alias as the file name, such as ActLionDance.png. You may also use pattern matching to assign a single icon to multiple elements, such as for all elements that have alias starting with my_ele, the file name should be @my_ele.png, and it will match my_ele_1, my_ele_2, my_ele_fire, my_ele_cold, my_ele_error, my_ele_xxx etc. Full name matching happens before pattern matching.

If the texture size is not 48x48, CWL will resize it for you.

With the tag addEleOnLoad, player will gain this ability automatically upon loading.

If you do not need to utilize CWL API, then no need to reference CustomWhateverLoader.dll.

God Ability

To make an ability as god ability of your custom religion, add tag godAbility,religion_id. For example, to make your ability trigger god talks upon using for custom religion cwl_spaghettigod, use tag godAbility,cwl_spaghettigod.