Namespace: Cwl.Helper.FileUtil;
The core functionality used internally by CWL, to relocate files based on current lang code.
Provides utilities for iterating through package resources such as language files, sound files, and relocated files in each active mod's directory.
All methods are static withing class PackageIterator
Mod Folder
IEnumerable<DirectoryInfo> GetLoadedPackages(string? modGuid = null)
Get the root directory of the specified mod package guid, or all loaded packages with null
IEnumerable<DirectoryInfo> GetLangModFilesFromPackage(string? modGuid = null)
Get current language mapped folder of LangMod/**/
from the specified mod package guid, or all loaded packages with null
IEnumerable<DirectoryInfo> GetSoundFilesFromPackage(string? modGuid = null)
Get the Sound
folder of the specified mod package guid, or all loaded packages with null
IEnumerable<FileInfo> GetRelocatedFilesFromPackage(string relativePath)
Get all relocated files from current language mapped folder using relative path from all loaded packages. For example, to get all LangMod/**/Data/custom_data.json
from all active mods, use GetRelocatedFilesFromPackage("Data/custom_data.json")
. Files returned are guaranteed to exist.
FileInfo? GetRelocatedFileFromPackage(string relativePath, string modGuid)
Get a relocated file from specified mod package guid, it might not exist.
IEnumerable<ExcelData> GetRelocatedExcelsFromPackage(string relativePath, int startIndex = 5)
Get all relocated excel sheets akin to GetRelocatedFilesFromPackage
but also instantiate them as ExcelData
with startIndex
ExcelData? GetRelocatedExcelFromPackage(string relativePath, string modGuid, int startIndex = 5)
Get a reloacted excel sheet from specified mod package guid, it might not exist.