Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
No Matches
BaseCondition Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for BaseCondition:
BaseStats EClass Condition BadCondition BaseDebuff BaseStance ConBuffStats ConFreeze ConReload ConSuffocation ConWait ConWet

Public Member Functions

virtual bool CanStack (Condition c)
virtual bool TryMove (Point p)
void SetElement (int id)
void SetRefVal (int a, int b)
virtual Color GetSpriteColor ()
override string ToString ()
override string GetText ()
override int GetValue ()
override Color GetColor (Gradient g)
virtual void SetOwner (Chara _owner, bool onDeserialize=false)
SourceElement.Row GetElementSource (int i)
void Start ()
bool TryNullify (Condition c)
virtual void OnBeforeStart ()
virtual void OnStart ()
virtual void OnStartOrStack ()
virtual void PlayEffect ()
virtual void PlayEndEffect ()
virtual void OnRefresh ()
void SetPhase ()
bool IsNullPhase ()
override int GetPhase ()
void PhaseMsg (bool inc)
override string GetPhaseStr ()
virtual void Tick ()
void Mod (int a, bool force=false)
virtual void OnValueChanged ()
virtual void OnChangePhase (int lastPhase, int newPhase)
virtual void OnRemoved ()
virtual int EvaluatePower (int p)
virtual int EvaluateTurn (int p)
virtual BaseNotification CreateNotification ()
Element GetDefenseAttribute (Chara c=null)
override void _WriteNote (UINote n, bool asChild=false)
virtual void OnWriteNote (List< string > list)
virtual RendererReplacer GetRendererReplacer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseStats
virtual Color GetColor (Gradient gradient)
virtual Color GetColor (SkinColorProfile c)
Color GetColor ()
virtual string GetText ()
virtual string GetPhaseStr ()
virtual int GetValue ()
virtual Sprite GetSprite ()
virtual void SetText (UIText t, SkinColorProfile cols=null)
virtual int GetPhase ()
void PopText ()
virtual void WriteNote (UINote n, Action< UINote > onWriteNote=null)
virtual void _WriteNote (UINote n, bool asChild=false)

Public Attributes

int[] _ints = new int[5]
int phase = -1
ElementContainer elements
Chara owner
- Public Attributes inherited from BaseStats
int id
SourceStat.Row _source


int value [get, set]
int power [get, set]
int refVal [get, set]
int refVal2 [get, set]
bool givenByPcParty [get, set]
bool isPerfume [get, set]
override Chara Owner [get]
virtual string Name [get]
virtual bool IsToggle [get]
virtual bool WillOverride [get]
virtual bool AllowMultipleInstance [get]
virtual bool ConsumeTurn [get]
virtual bool PreventRegen [get]
virtual bool ShouldRefresh [get]
virtual bool CancelAI [get]
virtual bool TimeBased [get]
virtual bool SyncRide [get]
virtual bool UseElements [get]
virtual int GainResistFactor [get]
virtual int P2 [get]
SourceElement.Row sourceElement [get]
virtual bool IsElemental [get]
virtual string RefString1 [get]
virtual bool CanManualRemove [get]
- Properties inherited from BaseStats
SourceStat.Row source [get]
virtual Emo2 EmoIcon [get]
virtual ConditionType Type [get]
virtual string idSprite [get]
virtual bool ShowInWidget [get]
virtual Chara Owner [get]
- Properties inherited from EClass
static Game game [get]
static bool AdvMode [get]
static Player player [get]
static Chara pc [get]
static UI ui [get]
static Map _map [get]
static Zone _zone [get]
static FactionBranch Branch [get]
static FactionBranch BranchOrHomeBranch [get]
static Faction Home [get]
static Faction Wilds [get]
static Scene scene [get]
static BaseGameScreen screen [get]
static GameSetting setting [get]
static GameData gamedata [get]
static ColorProfile Colors [get]
static World world [get]
static SourceManager sources [get]
static SourceManager editorSources [get]
static SoundManager Sound [get]
static CoreDebug debug [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from EClass
static int rnd (int a)
static int curve (int a, int start, int step, int rate=75)
static int rndHalf (int a)
static float rndf (float a)
static int rndSqrt (int a)
static void Wait (float a, Card c)
static void Wait (float a, Point p)
static int Bigger (int a, int b)
static int Smaller (int a, int b)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BaseStats
static Chara CC
- Static Public Attributes inherited from EClass
static Core core

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file BaseCondition.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _WriteNote()

override void BaseCondition._WriteNote ( UINote  n,
bool  asChild = false 

Reimplemented from BaseStats.

Definition at line 421 of file BaseCondition.cs.

422 {
423 List<string> list = new List<string>();
424 Element defenseAttribute = GetDefenseAttribute();
425 if (defenseAttribute != null)
426 {
427 list.Add("hintDefenseAttb".lang(defenseAttribute.Name.ToTitleCase()));
428 }
429 OnWriteNote(list);
430 string[] nullify = base.source.nullify;
431 foreach (string key in nullify)
432 {
433 list.Add("hintNullify".lang(EClass.sources.stats.alias[key].GetName()));
434 }
435 for (int j = 0; j < base.source.elements.Length; j += 2)
436 {
437 Element element = Element.Create(GetElementSource(j).id, base.source.elements[j + 1].Calc(power, 0, P2));
438 if (elements != null && elements.Has(element.id) && elements.Value(element.id) != element.Value)
439 {
440 list.Add("modValue".lang(element.Name, ((element.Value < 0) ? "" : "+") + elements.Value(element.id) + " (" + element.Value + ")"));
441 }
442 else
443 {
444 list.Add("modValue".lang(element.Name, ((element.Value < 0) ? "" : "+") + element.Value));
445 }
446 }
447 if (list.Count <= 0)
448 {
449 return;
450 }
451 if (!asChild)
452 {
453 n.Space(8);
454 }
455 foreach (string item in list)
456 {
457 n.AddText("_bullet".lang() + item);
458 }
459 }
virtual void OnWriteNote(List< string > list)
SourceElement.Row GetElementSource(int i)
Element GetDefenseAttribute(Chara c=null)
virtual int P2
ElementContainer elements
Definition: EClass.cs:5
static SourceManager sources
Definition: EClass.cs:42
bool Has(int ele)
int Value(int ele)
int id
Definition: ELEMENT.cs:240
int Value
Definition: ELEMENT.cs:282
virtual string Name
Definition: ELEMENT.cs:294
static Element Create(int id, int v=0)
Definition: ELEMENT.cs:913
SourceStat stats
UIItem AddText(string text, FontColor color=FontColor.DontChange)
Definition: UINote.cs:113
void Space(int sizeY=0, int sizeX=1)
Definition: UINote.cs:62

References Element.Create(), elements, GetDefenseAttribute(), GetElementSource(), ElementContainer.Has(), Element.id, item, Element.Name, OnWriteNote(), P2, power, EClass.sources, SourceManager.stats, Element.Value, and ElementContainer.Value().

Referenced by Element._WriteNote().

◆ CanStack()

virtual bool BaseCondition.CanStack ( Condition  c)

Reimplemented in BaseBuff, ConBuffStats, ConStrife, ConWeapon, ConWrath, and TimeDebuff.

Definition at line 135 of file BaseCondition.cs.

136 {
137 return true;
138 }

◆ CreateNotification()

virtual BaseNotification BaseCondition.CreateNotification ( )

Reimplemented in BaseDebuff, BaseStance, Condition, and ConSupress.

Definition at line 403 of file BaseCondition.cs.

404 {
405 return new BaseNotification();
406 }

◆ EvaluatePower()

virtual int BaseCondition.EvaluatePower ( int  p)

Definition at line 393 of file BaseCondition.cs.

394 {
395 return p;
396 }

Referenced by Chara.AddCondition().

◆ EvaluateTurn()

virtual int BaseCondition.EvaluateTurn ( int  p)

Reimplemented in ConBuffStats.

Definition at line 398 of file BaseCondition.cs.

399 {
400 return Mathf.Max(1, base.source.duration.Calc(p, 0, P2));
401 }

References P2.

Referenced by Element._WriteNote(), and Condition.OnStacked().

◆ GetColor()

override Color BaseCondition.GetColor ( Gradient  g)

Reimplemented from BaseStats.

Definition at line 184 of file BaseCondition.cs.

185 {
186 return g.Evaluate((base.source.phase.LastItem() == 0) ? 0f : ((float)phase / (float)base.source.phase.LastItem()));
187 }

References phase.

Referenced by NotificationCondition.OnRefresh().

◆ GetDefenseAttribute()

Element BaseCondition.GetDefenseAttribute ( Chara  c = null)

Definition at line 408 of file BaseCondition.cs.

409 {
410 if (base.source.defenseAttb.IsEmpty())
411 {
412 return null;
413 }
414 if (c == null)
415 {
416 return Element.Create(base.source.defenseAttb[0]);
417 }
418 return c.elements.GetOrCreateElement(base.source.defenseAttb[0]);
419 }
ElementContainerCard elements
Definition: Card.cs:37
Element GetOrCreateElement(Element ele)

References Element.Create().

Referenced by _WriteNote(), and Chara.AddCondition().

◆ GetElementSource()

SourceElement.Row BaseCondition.GetElementSource ( int  i)

Definition at line 215 of file BaseCondition.cs.

216 {
217 string text = base.source.elements[i];
218 if (text == "res")
219 {
220 text = sourceElement.aliasRef;
221 }
222 else if (text == "ele")
223 {
224 text = sourceElement.alias;
225 }
226 return EClass.sources.elements.alias[text];
227 }
SourceElement.Row sourceElement
SourceElement elements

References SourceManager.elements, sourceElement, and EClass.sources.

Referenced by _WriteNote(), and SetOwner().

◆ GetPhase()

override int BaseCondition.GetPhase ( )

Reimplemented from BaseStats.

Reimplemented in BaseDebuff, BaseStance, ConAnorexia, ConBlind, ConBuffStats, ConBurning, ConConfuse, ConDrug, ConDrunk, ConEntangle, ConFaint, ConFear, ConGravity, ConParalyze, ConReload, ConSleep, ConSuffocation, ConSuspend, ConWait, ConWet, and ConWrath.

Definition at line 329 of file BaseCondition.cs.

330 {
331 return base.source.phase[Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 99) / 10];
332 }

References value.

Referenced by IsNullPhase(), SetOwner(), and SetPhase().

◆ GetPhaseStr()

override string BaseCondition.GetPhaseStr ( )

Reimplemented from BaseStats.

Reimplemented in ConBuffStats.

Definition at line 357 of file BaseCondition.cs.

358 {
359 string[] textArray = base.source.GetTextArray("strPhase");
360 if (textArray.Length == 0)
361 {
362 return Name;
363 }
364 return textArray[phase].IsEmpty("");
365 }
virtual string Name

References Name, and phase.

Referenced by GetText().

◆ GetRendererReplacer()

virtual RendererReplacer BaseCondition.GetRendererReplacer ( )

Reimplemented in ConBoost, ConTransmuteBroom, and ConTransmutePutit.

Definition at line 465 of file BaseCondition.cs.

466 {
467 return null;
468 }

Referenced by Chara._CreateRenderer().

◆ GetSpriteColor()

virtual Color BaseCondition.GetSpriteColor ( )

Definition at line 156 of file BaseCondition.cs.

157 {
158 if (!IsElemental)
159 {
160 return Color.white;
161 }
162 return EClass.setting.elements[EClass.sources.elements.map[refVal].alias].colorSprite;
163 }
virtual bool IsElemental
static GameSetting setting
Definition: EClass.cs:34
UD_String_ElementRef elements
Definition: GameSetting.cs:315

References Color, GameSetting.elements, SourceManager.elements, IsElemental, refVal, EClass.setting, and EClass.sources.

Referenced by NotificationBuff.OnInstantiate().

◆ GetText()

override string BaseCondition.GetText ( )

Reimplemented from BaseStats.

Reimplemented in ConBuffStats.

Definition at line 170 of file BaseCondition.cs.

171 {
172 if (!IsNullPhase())
173 {
174 return GetPhaseStr();
175 }
176 return "";
177 }
bool IsNullPhase()
override string GetPhaseStr()

References GetPhaseStr(), and IsNullPhase().

Referenced by NotificationBuff.OnRefresh(), and NotificationCondition.OnRefresh().

◆ GetValue()

override int BaseCondition.GetValue ( )

Reimplemented from BaseStats.

Definition at line 179 of file BaseCondition.cs.

180 {
181 return value;
182 }

References value.

◆ IsNullPhase()

bool BaseCondition.IsNullPhase ( )

Definition at line 320 of file BaseCondition.cs.

321 {
322 if (base.source.strPhase.Length == 0)
323 {
324 return false;
325 }
326 return base.source.strPhase[GetPhase()] == "#";
327 }
override int GetPhase()

References GetPhase().

Referenced by GetText().

◆ Mod()

void BaseCondition.Mod ( int  a,
bool  force = false 

◆ OnBeforeStart()

virtual void BaseCondition.OnBeforeStart ( )

Reimplemented in ConSleep.

Definition at line 268 of file BaseCondition.cs.

269 {
270 }

Referenced by Start().

◆ OnChangePhase()

virtual void BaseCondition.OnChangePhase ( int  lastPhase,
int  newPhase 

Reimplemented in ConFreeze, and ConPoison.

Definition at line 385 of file BaseCondition.cs.

386 {
387 }

Referenced by SetOwner(), and SetPhase().

◆ OnRefresh()

virtual void BaseCondition.OnRefresh ( )

Reimplemented in ConExcommunication, ConGravity, ConInvisibility, ConLevitate, ConSeeInvisible, ConTelepathy, and ConWet.

Definition at line 304 of file BaseCondition.cs.

305 {
306 }

Referenced by Chara.Refresh().

◆ OnRemoved()

virtual void BaseCondition.OnRemoved ( )

◆ OnStart()

virtual void BaseCondition.OnStart ( )

Reimplemented in ConBandage, ConBlind, ConBoost, ConDrunk, ConIncognito, ConInvisibility, ConSuffocation, ConTorch, and ConTransmute.

Definition at line 272 of file BaseCondition.cs.

273 {
274 }

Referenced by Start().

◆ OnStartOrStack()

virtual void BaseCondition.OnStartOrStack ( )

Reimplemented in ConNightVision.

Definition at line 276 of file BaseCondition.cs.

277 {
278 }

Referenced by Start().

◆ OnValueChanged()

virtual void BaseCondition.OnValueChanged ( )

Reimplemented in Condition.

Definition at line 381 of file BaseCondition.cs.

382 {
383 }

Referenced by Mod().

◆ OnWriteNote()

virtual void BaseCondition.OnWriteNote ( List< string >  list)

Reimplemented in ConBuffStats, ConHOT, ConMiasma, and ConStrife.

Definition at line 461 of file BaseCondition.cs.

462 {
463 }

Referenced by _WriteNote().

◆ PhaseMsg()

void BaseCondition.PhaseMsg ( bool  inc)

Definition at line 334 of file BaseCondition.cs.

335 {
336 bool flag = (base.source.invert ? (!inc) : inc);
337 string[] array = (inc ? base.source.GetText("textPhase") : base.source.GetText("textPhase2")).Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray());
338 if (array.Length > phase && !array[phase].IsEmpty())
339 {
340 if (Type == ConditionType.Stance)
341 {
342 Msg.SetColor("ono");
343 }
344 else if (!base.source.invert && flag)
345 {
346 Msg.SetColor("negative");
347 }
348 else if (base.source.invert && !flag)
349 {
350 Msg.SetColor("positive");
351 }
352 PopText();
353 owner.Say(array[phase].Split('|').RandomItem(), owner, RefString1);
354 }
355 }
Definition: ConditionType.cs:2
virtual string RefString1
virtual ConditionType Type
Definition: BaseStats.cs:19
void PopText()
Definition: BaseStats.cs:76
void Say(string lang, string ref1=null, string ref2=null)
Definition: Card.cs:6046
Definition: Msg.cs:5
static void SetColor()
Definition: Msg.cs:22

References owner, phase, BaseStats.PopText(), RefString1, Card.Say(), Msg.SetColor(), and BaseStats.Type.

Referenced by SetPhase().

◆ PlayEffect()

virtual void BaseCondition.PlayEffect ( )

Reimplemented in ConBuffStats.

Definition at line 280 of file BaseCondition.cs.

281 {
282 if (!Condition.ignoreEffect && base.source.effect.Length != 0)
283 {
284 if (!base.source.effect[0].IsEmpty())
285 {
286 owner.PlayEffect(base.source.effect[0]);
287 }
288 owner.PlaySound((base.source.effect.Length >= 2) ? base.source.effect[1] : base.source.effect[0]);
289 }
290 }
SoundSource PlaySound(string id, float v=1f, bool spatial=true)
Definition: Card.cs:5404
Effect PlayEffect(string id, bool useRenderPos=true, float range=0f, Vector3 fix=default(Vector3))
Definition: Card.cs:5438
static bool ignoreEffect
Definition: Condition.cs:5

References Condition.ignoreEffect, owner, Card.PlayEffect(), and Card.PlaySound().

Referenced by Start().

◆ PlayEndEffect()

virtual void BaseCondition.PlayEndEffect ( )

Definition at line 292 of file BaseCondition.cs.

293 {
294 if (base.source.effect.Length >= 3)
295 {
296 if (!base.source.effect[2].IsEmpty())
297 {
298 owner.PlayEffect(base.source.effect[2]);
299 }
300 owner.PlaySound((base.source.effect.Length >= 4) ? base.source.effect[3] : base.source.effect[2]);
301 }
302 }

References owner, Card.PlayEffect(), and Card.PlaySound().

Referenced by Condition.Kill().

◆ SetElement()

void BaseCondition.SetElement ( int  id)

Definition at line 145 of file BaseCondition.cs.

146 {
147 refVal = id;
148 }
int id
Definition: BaseStats.cs:11

References BaseStats.id, and refVal.

Referenced by Element._WriteNote(), and ConMiasma.Tick().

◆ SetOwner()

virtual void BaseCondition.SetOwner ( Chara  _owner,
bool  onDeserialize = false 

Reimplemented in ConBlind, ConBuffStats, ConConfuse, ConDisease, ConDrunk, ConFaint, ConHallucination, ConParalyze, ConSleep, and ConSuspend.

Definition at line 189 of file BaseCondition.cs.

190 {
191 owner = _owner;
192 phase = GetPhase();
193 if (EmoIcon > owner.emoIcon)
194 {
195 owner.emoIcon = EmoIcon;
196 }
197 if (UseElements)
198 {
200 if (base.source.elements.Length != 0)
201 {
202 for (int i = 0; i < base.source.elements.Length; i += 2)
203 {
204 elements.SetBase(GetElementSource(i).id, base.source.elements[i + 1].Calc(power, 0, P2));
205 }
206 }
208 }
209 if (onDeserialize)
210 {
212 }
213 }
virtual void OnChangePhase(int lastPhase, int newPhase)
virtual bool UseElements
virtual Emo2 EmoIcon
Definition: BaseStats.cs:17
Emo2 emoIcon
Definition: Chara.cs:103
void SetParent(Card c)
Element SetBase(string alias, int v, int potential=0)

References elements, BaseStats.EmoIcon, Chara.emoIcon, GetElementSource(), GetPhase(), OnChangePhase(), owner, P2, phase, power, ElementContainer.SetBase(), ElementContainer.SetParent(), and UseElements.

Referenced by Chara.InitStats().

◆ SetPhase()

void BaseCondition.SetPhase ( )

Definition at line 308 of file BaseCondition.cs.

309 {
310 int num = GetPhase();
311 if (phase != num)
312 {
313 int num2 = phase;
314 phase = num;
315 PhaseMsg(num > num2);
316 OnChangePhase(num2, num);
317 }
318 }
void PhaseMsg(bool inc)

References GetPhase(), OnChangePhase(), phase, and PhaseMsg().

Referenced by Mod(), Condition.OnStacked(), and Start().

◆ SetRefVal()

void BaseCondition.SetRefVal ( int  a,
int  b 

Definition at line 150 of file BaseCondition.cs.

151 {
152 refVal = a;
153 refVal2 = b;
154 }

References refVal, and refVal2.

Referenced by Element._WriteNote().

◆ Start()

void BaseCondition.Start ( )

Definition at line 229 of file BaseCondition.cs.

230 {
232 phase = -1;
233 SetPhase();
234 OnStart();
236 PlayEffect();
237 if (base.source.nullify.Length == 0)
238 {
239 return;
240 }
241 for (int num = owner.conditions.Count - 1; num >= 0; num--)
242 {
243 if (TryNullify(owner.conditions[num]))
244 {
245 owner.conditions[num].Kill();
246 }
247 }
248 }
virtual void OnStartOrStack()
virtual void PlayEffect()
virtual void OnStart()
bool TryNullify(Condition c)
virtual void OnBeforeStart()
List< Condition > conditions
Definition: Chara.cs:196

References Chara.conditions, OnBeforeStart(), OnStart(), OnStartOrStack(), owner, phase, PlayEffect(), SetPhase(), and TryNullify().

◆ Tick()

virtual void BaseCondition.Tick ( )

◆ ToString()

override string BaseCondition.ToString ( )

Definition at line 165 of file BaseCondition.cs.

166 {
167 return Name + " " + value + " " + phase;
168 }

References Name, phase, and value.

Referenced by ConBuffStats.OnWriteNote(), and ConStrife.OnWriteNote().

◆ TryMove()

virtual bool BaseCondition.TryMove ( Point  p)

Reimplemented in ConEntangle.

Definition at line 140 of file BaseCondition.cs.

141 {
142 return true;
143 }

Referenced by Chara.TryMove().

◆ TryNullify()

bool BaseCondition.TryNullify ( Condition  c)

Definition at line 250 of file BaseCondition.cs.

251 {
252 if (base.source.nullify.Length == 0)
253 {
254 return false;
255 }
256 string[] nullify = base.source.nullify;
257 foreach (string text in nullify)
258 {
259 if (c.source.alias == text)
260 {
261 owner.Say("nullify", owner, Name.ToLower(), c.Name.ToLower());
262 return true;
263 }
264 }
265 return false;
266 }
SourceStat.Row source
Definition: BaseStats.cs:15

References Name, owner, and Card.Say().

Referenced by Chara.AddCondition(), and Start().

Member Data Documentation

◆ _ints

int [] BaseCondition._ints = new int[5]

Definition at line 9 of file BaseCondition.cs.

◆ elements

◆ owner

◆ phase

int BaseCondition.phase = -1

Property Documentation

◆ AllowMultipleInstance

virtual bool BaseCondition.AllowMultipleInstance

Definition at line 97 of file BaseCondition.cs.

◆ CancelAI

virtual bool BaseCondition.CancelAI

Definition at line 105 of file BaseCondition.cs.

◆ CanManualRemove

virtual bool BaseCondition.CanManualRemove

Definition at line 133 of file BaseCondition.cs.

Referenced by NotificationCondition.OnClick().

◆ ConsumeTurn

virtual bool BaseCondition.ConsumeTurn

Definition at line 99 of file BaseCondition.cs.

Referenced by ConFear.Tick(), and Chara.TickConditions().

◆ GainResistFactor

virtual int BaseCondition.GainResistFactor

Definition at line 113 of file BaseCondition.cs.

Referenced by Chara.AddCondition(), and Chara.AddResistCon().

◆ givenByPcParty

bool BaseCondition.givenByPcParty

Definition at line 65 of file BaseCondition.cs.

66 {
67 get
68 {
69 return (_ints[4] & 2) != 0;
70 }
71 set
72 {
73 _ints[4] = (value ? (_ints[4] | 2) : (_ints[4] & -3));
74 }
75 }

Referenced by TimeDebuff.CanStack().

◆ IsElemental

virtual bool BaseCondition.IsElemental

Definition at line 119 of file BaseCondition.cs.

Referenced by GetSpriteColor().

◆ isPerfume

bool BaseCondition.isPerfume

Definition at line 77 of file BaseCondition.cs.

78 {
79 get
80 {
81 return (_ints[4] & 4) != 0;
82 }
83 set
84 {
85 _ints[4] = (value ? (_ints[4] | 4) : (_ints[4] & -5));
86 }
87 }

Referenced by Chara.Cure(), and Mod().

◆ IsToggle

virtual bool BaseCondition.IsToggle

Definition at line 93 of file BaseCondition.cs.

Referenced by Chara.AddCondition().

◆ Name

virtual string BaseCondition.Name

◆ Owner

override Chara BaseCondition.Owner

Definition at line 89 of file BaseCondition.cs.

◆ P2

virtual int BaseCondition.P2

Definition at line 115 of file BaseCondition.cs.

Referenced by _WriteNote(), EvaluateTurn(), and SetOwner().

◆ power

int BaseCondition.power

◆ PreventRegen

virtual bool BaseCondition.PreventRegen

Definition at line 101 of file BaseCondition.cs.

Referenced by AI_PassTime.Run(), and Chara.TickConditions().

◆ RefString1

virtual string BaseCondition.RefString1

Definition at line 121 of file BaseCondition.cs.

122 {
123 get
124 {
125 if (!IsElemental)
126 {
127 return "";
128 }
129 return sourceElement.GetName().ToLower();
130 }
131 }

Referenced by Condition.Kill(), and PhaseMsg().

◆ refVal

int BaseCondition.refVal

Definition at line 41 of file BaseCondition.cs.

42 {
43 get
44 {
45 return _ints[2];
46 }
47 set
48 {
49 _ints[2] = value;
50 }
51 }

Referenced by Chara.GetBuffStats(), GetSpriteColor(), SetElement(), and SetRefVal().

◆ refVal2

int BaseCondition.refVal2

Definition at line 53 of file BaseCondition.cs.

54 {
55 get
56 {
57 return _ints[3];
58 }
59 set
60 {
61 _ints[3] = value;
62 }
63 }

Referenced by SetRefVal().

◆ ShouldRefresh

virtual bool BaseCondition.ShouldRefresh

Definition at line 103 of file BaseCondition.cs.

Referenced by Condition.Kill().

◆ sourceElement

SourceElement.Row BaseCondition.sourceElement

Definition at line 117 of file BaseCondition.cs.

Referenced by Card.DamageHP(), GetElementSource(), and AttackProcess.Perform().

◆ SyncRide

virtual bool BaseCondition.SyncRide

Definition at line 109 of file BaseCondition.cs.

◆ TimeBased

virtual bool BaseCondition.TimeBased

Definition at line 107 of file BaseCondition.cs.

Referenced by Chara.TickConditions().

◆ UseElements

virtual bool BaseCondition.UseElements

Definition at line 111 of file BaseCondition.cs.

Referenced by SetOwner().

◆ value

int BaseCondition.value

Definition at line 17 of file BaseCondition.cs.

18 {
19 get
20 {
21 return _ints[0];
22 }
23 set
24 {
25 _ints[0] = value;
26 }
27 }

Referenced by GetPhase(), GetValue(), Mod(), NotificationBuff.OnRefresh(), NotificationCondition.OnRefresh(), and ToString().

◆ WillOverride

virtual bool BaseCondition.WillOverride

Definition at line 95 of file BaseCondition.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: