Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
No Matches
TaskDump Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for TaskDump:
Task AIAct Act Element EClass

Public Member Functions

override bool CanManualCancel ()
override IEnumerable< StatusRun ()
override void OnCancelOrSuccess ()
bool IsValidContainer (Thing c)
List< ThingListThingsToPut (Thing c)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Task
virtual HitResult GetHitResult ()
override void OnSuccess ()
void TryLater (int min=30)
Status Destroy ()
virtual void OnDestroy ()
override Status Cancel ()
override void OnReset ()
override bool CanProgress ()
bool CanPerformTask (Chara chara, int radius)
virtual bool _CanPerformTask (Chara chara, int radius)
virtual void OnAdd ()
void ToggleSuspend ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from AIAct
override string ToString ()
override MultiSprite GetStateIcon ()
virtual bool ShouldAllyAttack (Chara tg)
virtual Point GetDestination ()
AIProgress GetProgress ()
string GetCurrentActionText ()
override bool IsToolValid ()
virtual void OnStart ()
void SetOwner (Chara c)
virtual void OnSetOwner ()
void SetChild (AIAct seq, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
void Start ()
override bool Perform ()
Status Restart ()
Status Success (Action action=null)
virtual void OnSuccess ()
bool TryCancel (Card c)
virtual Status Cancel ()
virtual void OnCancel ()
virtual void OnCancelOrSuccess ()
virtual bool CanManualCancel ()
Status KeepRunning ()
void Reset ()
virtual void OnReset ()
Status Tick ()
virtual IEnumerable< StatusRun ()
Status TickChild ()
Status Do (AIAct _seq, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Status DoGotoInteraction (Point pos, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Status DoGoto (Point pos, int dist=0, bool ignoreConnection=false, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Status DoGoto (Card card, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Status DoGoto (Card card, int dist, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Status DoGotoSpot (Card card, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Status DoGoto< T > (Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Status DoGotoSpot< T > (Func< Status > _onChildFail=null, bool ignoreAccessType=false)
Status DoGrab (Card card, int num=-1, bool pickHeld=false, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Status DoGrab< T > ()
Status DoProgress ()
Status DoIdle (int repeat=3)
Status DoWait (int count=1)
virtual AIProgress CreateProgress ()
virtual void OnCreateProgress (Progress_Custom p)
virtual bool CanProgress ()
virtual void OnBeforeProgress ()
virtual void OnProgress ()
virtual void OnProgressComplete ()
void SimulateZone (int days)
virtual void OnSimulateZone (int days)
virtual void OnSimulatePosition ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Act
virtual CursorInfo GetCursorIcon (Card c)
virtual MultiSprite GetStateIcon ()
override Sprite GetSprite ()
virtual bool ShowMouseHint (Card c)
virtual bool IsValidTC (Card c)
virtual string GetHintText (string str="")
virtual string GetText (string str="")
virtual string GetTextSmall (Card c)
bool IsTargetHostileParty ()
virtual Color GetActPlanColor ()
virtual bool Perform ()
virtual bool CanPerform ()
bool Perform (Chara _cc, Card _tc=null, Point _tp=null)
bool CanPerform (Chara _cc, Card _tc=null, Point _tp=null)
virtual bool IsToolValid ()
new void SetImage (Image image)
virtual void OnMarkMapHighlights ()
virtual bool ShouldMapHighlight (Point p)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Element
virtual SourceElement.Row GetSource ()
virtual int GetSourcePotential (int v)
virtual Sprite GetSprite ()
int GetMaterialSourceValue (Thing t, int v)
virtual int GetSourceValue (int v, int lv, SourceValueType type)
virtual Sprite GetIcon (string suffix="")
bool IsActive (Card c)
int SortVal (bool charaSheet=false)
virtual bool CanLink (ElementContainer owner)
bool HasTag (string tag)
void SetImage (Image i)
virtual string GetDetail ()
bool IsFactionElement (Chara c)
Element GetParent (Card c)
void WriteNote (UINote n, ElementContainer owner=null, Action< UINote > onWriteNote=null)
void WriteNoteWithRef (UINote n, ElementContainer owner, Action< UINote > onWriteNote, Element refEle)
void _WriteNote (UINote n, Chara c, Act act)
void AddHeaderAbility (UINote n)
void _WriteNote (UINote n, ElementContainer owner, Action< UINote > onWriteNote, bool isRef, bool addHeader=true)
virtual void OnWriteNote (UINote n, ElementContainer owner)
virtual void OnChangeValue ()
void CheckLevelBonus (ElementContainer owner, UINote n=null)
int GetSortVal (UIList.SortMode m)
virtual Act.Cost GetCost (Chara c)
virtual int GetPower (Card c)
virtual void SetTextValue (UIText text)
virtual bool IsPurchaseFeatReqMet (ElementContainer owner, int lv=-1)
virtual void WritePurchaseReq (UINote n, int lv=1)

Static Public Member Functions

static void TryPerform ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Act
static void SetReference (Chara _cc, Card _tc=null, Point _tp=null)
static void SetTool (Thing t)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Element
static string GetName (string alias)
static SourceElement.Row Get (int id)
static Dictionary< int, int > GetElementMap (int[] list)
static Dictionary< int, int > GetElementMap (int[] list, Dictionary< int, int > map)
static SourceElement.Row GetRandomElement (int lv=1)
static Element Create (int id, int v=0)
static Element Create (string id, int v=1)
static int GetId (string alias)
static int GetResistLv (int v)
static int GetResistDamage (int dmg, int v, int power=0)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from EClass
static int rnd (int a)
static int curve (int a, int start, int step, int rate=75)
static int rndHalf (int a)
static float rndf (float a)
static int rndSqrt (int a)
static void Wait (float a, Card c)
static void Wait (float a, Point p)
static int Bigger (int a, int b)
static int Smaller (int a, int b)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from AIAct
enum  Status { Running , Fail , Success }
- Public Types inherited from Act
enum  CostType { None , MP , SP }
- Public Attributes inherited from Task
TaskList taskList
bool isDestroyed
int nextTry
bool suspended
- Public Attributes inherited from AIAct
new Chara owner
Status status
IEnumerator< StatusEnumerator
AIAct child
AIAct parent
byte restartCount
Func< StatusonChildFail
Func< bool > isFail
- Public Attributes inherited from Element
SourceElement.Row _source
int id
int vBase
int vExp
int vPotential
int vTempPotential
int vLink
int vSource
int vSourcePotential
ElementContainer owner
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Act
static Chara CC
static Card TC
static Point TP = new Point()
static Thing TOOL
static int powerMod = 100
static bool forcePt
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Element
const int Div = 5
static Element Void = new Element()
static int[] List_MainAttributes = new int[9] { 70, 72, 71, 77, 74, 75, 76, 73, 79 }
static int[] List_MainAttributesMajor = new int[8] { 70, 72, 71, 77, 74, 75, 76, 73 }
static int[] List_Body = new int[4] { 70, 72, 71, 77 }
static int[] List_Mind = new int[4] { 74, 75, 76, 73 }
static List< SourceElement.RowListElements = new List<SourceElement.Row>()
static List< SourceElement.RowListAttackElements = new List<SourceElement.Row>()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from EClass
static Core core
- Properties inherited from Task
override TargetType TargetType [get]
- Properties inherited from AIAct
virtual bool IsRunning [get]
bool IsChildRunning [get]
bool IsMoveAI [get]
virtual int MaxRestart [get]
virtual new string Name [get]
virtual MultiSprite stateIcon [get]
virtual Sprite actionIcon [get]
virtual bool IsNoGoal [get]
virtual bool IsAutoTurn [get]
virtual bool IsIdle [get]
virtual bool CancelOnAggro [get]
virtual bool PushChara [get]
virtual int MaxProgress [get]
virtual bool ShowProgress [get]
virtual bool UseTurbo [get]
virtual int CurrentProgress [get]
virtual bool ShowCursor [get]
virtual bool CancelWhenDamaged [get]
virtual bool CancelWhenMoved [get]
virtual bool InformCancel [get]
virtual Thing RenderThing [get]
AIAct Current [get]
override bool IsAct [get]
override bool ShowPotential [get]
override bool UsePotential [get]
override bool ShowRelativeAttribute [get]
virtual bool HasProgress [get]
- Properties inherited from Act
override bool ShowPotential [get]
override bool UsePotential [get]
override bool ShowRelativeAttribute [get]
virtual CursorInfo CursorIcon [get]
virtual string ID [get]
virtual bool IsAct [get]
virtual bool WillEndTurn [get]
virtual bool CloseLayers [get]
virtual int LeftHand [get]
virtual int RightHand [get]
virtual int ElementPowerMod [get]
virtual bool ShowMapHighlight [get]
virtual bool ShowMapHighlightBlock [get]
virtual bool PickHeldOnStart [get]
virtual bool DropHeldOnStart [get]
virtual bool CanPressRepeat [get]
virtual bool CanAutofire [get]
virtual bool ResetAxis [get]
virtual bool RequireTool [get]
virtual bool IsHostileAct [get]
virtual bool HideRightInfo [get]
virtual bool HaveLongPressAction [get]
virtual float Radius [get]
virtual int PerformDistance [get]
virtual int MaxRadius [get]
virtual TargetType TargetType [get]
virtual bool LocalAct [get]
virtual bool CanRapidFire [get]
virtual float RapidDelay [get]
virtual bool ShowAuto [get]
virtual bool IsCrime [get]
- Properties inherited from Element
SourceElement.Row source [get]
virtual int DisplayValue [get]
virtual int MinValue [get]
int Value [get]
int ValueWithoutLink [get]
virtual int MinPotential [get]
int Potential [get]
virtual bool CanGainExp [get]
bool IsFlag [get]
virtual string Name [get]
virtual string FullName [get]
virtual int ExpToNext [get]
virtual bool UseExpMod [get]
virtual int CostTrain [get]
virtual int CostLearn [get]
virtual bool ShowXP [get]
virtual bool ShowMsgOnValueChanged [get]
virtual bool ShowValue [get]
virtual bool ShowPotential [get]
virtual bool UsePotential [get]
virtual bool PotentialAsStock [get]
virtual bool ShowRelativeAttribute [get]
virtual bool ShowBonuses [get]
virtual string ShortName [get]
bool IsGlobalElement [get]
bool IsFactionWideElement [get]
bool IsPartyWideElement [get]
virtual bool ShowEncNumber [get]
bool IsTrait [get]
bool IsFoodTrait [get]
bool IsFoodTraitMain [get]
bool IsMainAttribute [get]
Act act [get]
- Properties inherited from EClass
static Game game [get]
static bool AdvMode [get]
static Player player [get]
static Chara pc [get]
static UI ui [get]
static Map _map [get]
static Zone _zone [get]
static FactionBranch Branch [get]
static FactionBranch BranchOrHomeBranch [get]
static Faction Home [get]
static Faction Wilds [get]
static Scene scene [get]
static BaseGameScreen screen [get]
static GameSetting setting [get]
static GameData gamedata [get]
static ColorProfile Colors [get]
static World world [get]
static SourceManager sources [get]
static SourceManager editorSources [get]
static SoundManager Sound [get]
static CoreDebug debug [get]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 4 of file TaskDump.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CanManualCancel()

override bool TaskDump.CanManualCancel ( )

Reimplemented from AIAct.

Definition at line 25 of file TaskDump.cs.

26 {
27 return true;
28 }

◆ IsValidContainer()

bool TaskDump.IsValidContainer ( Thing  c)

Definition at line 136 of file TaskDump.cs.

137 {
138 if ((!c.ExistsOnMap && !c.IsInstalled) || !c.CanSearchContents)
139 {
140 return false;
141 }
142 if (c.trait is TraitShippingChest)
143 {
145 }
146 if (c.GetWindowSaveData() == null || c.GetWindowSaveData().autodump == AutodumpFlag.none)
147 {
148 return false;
149 }
150 if (ListThingsToPut(c).Count == 0)
151 {
152 return false;
153 }
154 return true;
155 }
Definition: AutodumpFlag.cs:2
Thing container_shipping
Definition: CardManager.cs:52
bool ExistsOnMap
Definition: Card.cs:1961
Trait trait
Definition: Card.cs:49
Window.SaveData GetWindowSaveData()
Definition: Card.cs:2376
bool IsInstalled
Definition: Card.cs:2241
Definition: EClass.cs:5
static Game game
Definition: EClass.cs:8
CardManager cards
Definition: Game.cs:155
List< Thing > ListThingsToPut(Thing c)
Definition: TaskDump.cs:157
bool CanSearchContents
Definition: Thing.cs:80

References Thing.CanSearchContents, Game.cards, CardManager.container_shipping, Card.ExistsOnMap, EClass.game, Card.GetWindowSaveData(), Card.IsInstalled, and Card.trait.

Referenced by Run().

◆ ListThingsToPut()

List< Thing > TaskDump.ListThingsToPut ( Thing  c)

Definition at line 157 of file TaskDump.cs.

158 {
159 List<Thing> list = new List<Thing>();
160 if (c.trait is TraitShippingChest)
161 {
163 }
165 if (data == null)
166 {
167 return list;
168 }
169 switch (data.autodump)
170 {
171 case AutodumpFlag.distribution:
172 EClass.pc.things.Foreach(delegate(Thing t)
173 {
174 if (!ExcludeDump(t))
175 {
176 if (data.userFilter)
177 {
178 switch (data.IsFilterPass(t.GetName(NameStyle.Full, 1)))
179 {
180 case Window.SaveData.FilterResult.Block:
181 return;
182 case Window.SaveData.FilterResult.PassWithoutFurtherTest:
183 list.Add(t);
184 return;
185 }
186 }
187 if (data.advDistribution)
188 {
189 foreach (int cat in data.cats)
190 {
191 if (t.category.uid == cat)
192 {
193 list.Add(t);
194 break;
195 }
196 }
197 return;
198 }
199 ContainerFlag containerFlag = t.category.GetRoot().id.ToEnum<ContainerFlag>();
200 if (containerFlag == ContainerFlag.none)
201 {
202 containerFlag = ContainerFlag.other;
203 }
204 if (!data.flag.HasFlag(containerFlag))
205 {
206 list.Add(t);
207 }
208 }
209 });
210 break;
211 case AutodumpFlag.existing:
212 foreach (Thing ct in c.things)
213 {
214 EClass.pc.things.Foreach(delegate(Thing t)
215 {
216 if (!list.Contains(t) && !ExcludeDump(t) && t.CanStackTo(ct))
217 {
218 if (data.userFilter)
219 {
220 Window.SaveData.FilterResult filterResult = data.IsFilterPass(t.GetName(NameStyle.Full, 1));
221 if (filterResult != Window.SaveData.FilterResult.Block)
222 {
223 _ = 2;
224 list.Add(t);
225 }
226 }
227 else
228 {
229 list.Add(t);
230 }
231 }
232 });
233 }
234 break;
235 case AutodumpFlag.sameCategory:
236 {
237 if (c.things.Count == 0)
238 {
239 break;
240 }
241 HashSet<SourceCategory.Row> cats = new HashSet<SourceCategory.Row>();
242 foreach (Thing thing in c.things)
243 {
244 cats.Add(thing.category);
245 }
246 EClass.pc.things.Foreach(delegate(Thing t)
247 {
248 if (!ExcludeDump(t))
249 {
250 if (data.userFilter)
251 {
252 switch (data.IsFilterPass(t.GetName(NameStyle.Full, 1)))
253 {
254 case Window.SaveData.FilterResult.Block:
255 return;
256 case Window.SaveData.FilterResult.PassWithoutFurtherTest:
257 list.Add(t);
258 return;
259 }
260 }
261 if (cats.Contains(t.category))
262 {
263 list.Add(t);
264 }
265 }
266 });
267 break;
268 }
269 }
270 return list;
271 bool ExcludeDump(Thing t)
272 {
274 {
275 return true;
276 }
277 if (t.IsContainer && t.things.Count > 0)
278 {
279 return true;
280 }
281 if (data.noRotten && t.IsDecayed)
282 {
283 return true;
284 }
285 if (data.onlyRottable && t.trait.Decay == 0)
286 {
287 return true;
288 }
289 if (!(t.parent is Card card))
290 {
291 return false;
292 }
293 return card.GetWindowSaveData()?.excludeDump ?? false;
294 }
295 }
Definition: ContainerFlag.cs:5
Definition: NameStyle.cs:2
if(item3.idFile==idFirstFile &&item3.id==idFirstTopic)
Definition: UIBook.cs:627
Definition: Card.cs:11
bool IsDecayed
Definition: Card.cs:2147
ICardParent parent
Definition: Card.cs:51
bool IsHotItem
Definition: Card.cs:115
bool c_isImportant
Definition: Card.cs:984
ThingContainer things
Definition: Card.cs:34
SourceCategory.Row category
Definition: Card.cs:1925
bool IsContainer
Definition: Card.cs:1965
static Chara pc
Definition: EClass.cs:14
void Foreach(Action< Thing > action, bool onlyAccessible=true)
Definition: Thing.cs:8
bool isEquipped
Definition: Thing.cs:17
override string GetName(NameStyle style, int _num=-1)
Definition: Thing.cs:494
override bool CanStackTo(Thing to)
Definition: Thing.cs:1542
virtual bool CanBeDropped
Definition: Trait.cs:289
virtual int Decay
Definition: Trait.cs:115
virtual bool CanOnlyCarry
Definition: Trait.cs:283
FilterResult IsFilterPass(string text)
Definition: Window.cs:498
ContainerFlag flag
Definition: Window.cs:267
bool userFilter
Definition: Window.cs:132
bool noRotten
Definition: Window.cs:439
bool onlyRottable
Definition: Window.cs:451
bool advDistribution
Definition: Window.cs:427
AutodumpFlag autodump
Definition: Window.cs:207
Definition: Window.cs:13

References Window.SaveData.advDistribution, Window.SaveData.autodump, Game.cards, Card.category, CardManager.container_shipping, Window.SaveData.flag, ThingContainer.Foreach(), EClass.game, Card.GetWindowSaveData(), if(), EClass.pc, Card.things, Card.trait, and Window.SaveData.userFilter.

Referenced by Run().

◆ OnCancelOrSuccess()

override void TaskDump.OnCancelOrSuccess ( )

Reimplemented from AIAct.

Definition at line 130 of file TaskDump.cs.

131 {
132 Msg.Say("dump_end");
133 SE.Play("auto_dump");
134 }
Definition: Msg.cs:5
static string Say(string idLang, string ref1, string ref2=null, string ref3=null, string ref4=null)
Definition: Msg.cs:58

References Msg.Say().

◆ Run()

override IEnumerable< Status > TaskDump.Run ( )

Reimplemented from AIAct.

Definition at line 30 of file TaskDump.cs.

31 {
32 List<Thing> containers = new List<Thing>();
33 EClass._map.things.ForEach(delegate(Thing t)
34 {
35 if (IsValidContainer(t))
36 {
37 containers.Add(t);
38 }
39 });
40 while (containers.Count > 0)
41 {
42 bool flag = true;
43 int num = SortVal(containers.First());
44 foreach (Thing item in containers)
45 {
46 if (SortVal(item) != num)
47 {
48 flag = false;
49 break;
50 }
51 }
52 if (flag)
53 {
54 containers.Sort((Thing a, Thing b) => EClass.pc.Dist(b) - EClass.pc.Dist(a));
55 }
56 else
57 {
58 containers.Sort((Thing a, Thing b) => SortVal(a) - SortVal(b));
59 }
60 Thing c = containers.LastItem();
61 containers.RemoveAt(containers.Count - 1);
62 if (!IsValidContainer(c))
63 {
64 continue;
65 }
66 EClass.ui.CloseLayers();
67 Point pos = c.pos.Copy();
68 if (c.IsMultisize)
69 {
70 int minDist = 999;
71 c.ForeachPoint(delegate(Point p, bool isCenter)
72 {
73 if (p.IsValid && p.IsInBounds)
74 {
75 PathProgress pathProgress = PathManager.Instance.RequestPathImmediate(EClass.pc.pos, p, EClass.pc, PathManager.MoveType.Default, -1, 1);
76 if (pathProgress.HasPath && pathProgress.nodes.Count < minDist)
77 {
78 minDist = pathProgress.nodes.Count;
79 pos = p.Copy();
80 }
81 }
82 });
83 }
84 yield return DoGoto(pos, 1, ignoreConnection: false, () => Status.Running);
85 if (!IsValidContainer(c))
86 {
87 continue;
88 }
89 if (!c.ExistsOnMap)
90 {
91 Msg.Say("dump_noExist", c);
92 continue;
93 }
94 if (EClass.pc.Dist(c) > 1)
95 {
96 Msg.Say("dump_tooFar", c);
97 continue;
98 }
99 List<Thing> list = ListThingsToPut(c);
100 int num2 = 0;
101 if (c.trait is TraitShippingChest)
102 {
104 }
105 foreach (Thing item2 in list)
106 {
107 if (!c.things.IsFull(item2) && !item2.isDestroyed)
108 {
109 item2.PlaySoundDrop(spatial: false);
110 if (c.parent is Card)
111 {
112 (c.parent as Card).SetDirtyWeight();
113 }
114 Msg.Say("dump_item", item2, c);
115 c.AddCard(item2);
116 num2++;
117 }
118 }
119 if (num2 > 0)
120 {
121 Msg.Say("dump_dumped", num2.ToString() ?? "", c.Name);
122 }
123 }
124 static int SortVal(Thing t)
125 {
126 return t.GetWindowSaveData()?.priority ?? 0;
127 }
128 }
Definition: AIAct.cs:8
Status DoGoto(Point pos, int dist=0, bool ignoreConnection=false, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Definition: AIAct.cs:432
bool isDestroyed
Definition: Card.cs:71
virtual bool IsMultisize
Definition: Card.cs:2034
Card AddCard(Card c)
Definition: Card.cs:2887
string Name
Definition: Card.cs:2013
void ForeachPoint(Action< Point, bool > action)
Definition: Card.cs:6942
Point pos
Definition: Card.cs:55
int Dist(Card c)
Definition: Card.cs:6777
void PlaySoundDrop(bool spatial=true)
Definition: Card.cs:5389
static Map _map
Definition: EClass.cs:18
static UI ui
Definition: EClass.cs:16
int SortVal(bool charaSheet=false)
Definition: ELEMENT.cs:452
List< Thing > things
Definition: Map.cs:49
Definition: Point.cs:9
Point Copy()
Definition: Point.cs:467
bool IsValid
Definition: Point.cs:88
bool IsInBounds
Definition: Point.cs:104
bool IsValidContainer(Thing c)
Definition: TaskDump.cs:136
bool IsFull(int y=0)

References EClass._map, Game.cards, CardManager.container_shipping, Point.Copy(), Card.Dist(), AIAct.DoGoto(), Card.ForeachPoint(), EClass.game, Card.isDestroyed, Point.IsInBounds, Card.IsMultisize, Point.IsValid, IsValidContainer(), item, ListThingsToPut(), EClass.pc, Card.PlaySoundDrop(), Card.pos, Msg.Say(), Element.SortVal(), Map.things, and EClass.ui.

◆ TryPerform()

static void TaskDump.TryPerform ( )

Definition at line 6 of file TaskDump.cs.

7 {
8 if (EClass.ui.AllowInventoryInteractions)
9 {
11 {
12 Msg.Say("dump_invalid");
13 }
14 else if (!EClass.pc.HasNoGoal)
15 {
16 SE.Beep();
17 }
18 else
19 {
21 }
22 }
23 }
void SetAIImmediate(AIAct g)
Definition: Chara.cs:8077
bool HasNoGoal
Definition: Chara.cs:821
static Zone _zone
Definition: EClass.cs:20
bool IsPCFaction
Definition: Zone.cs:464

References EClass._zone, Chara.HasNoGoal, Zone.IsPCFaction, EClass.pc, Msg.Say(), Chara.SetAIImmediate(), and EClass.ui.

Referenced by AM_Adv._OnUpdateInput(), LayerInventory.OnUpdateInput(), and HotItemActionAudoDump.Perform().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: