Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1using System;
2using System.Collections.Generic;
3using System.IO;
4using System.Linq;
5using System.Runtime.Serialization;
6using Algorithms;
7using FloodSpill;
8using Ionic.Zip;
9using Newtonsoft.Json;
10using UnityEngine;
14 public static HashSet<int> sunMap = new HashSet<int>();
16 public static bool isDirtySunMap;
18 [JsonProperty]
19 public int seed;
21 [JsonProperty]
22 public int _bits;
24 [JsonProperty]
27 [JsonProperty]
30 [JsonProperty]
33 [JsonProperty]
36 [JsonProperty]
37 public MapConfig config = new MapConfig();
39 [JsonProperty]
42 [JsonProperty]
43 public List<Chara> serializedCharas = new List<Chara>();
45 [JsonProperty]
46 public List<Chara> deadCharas = new List<Chara>();
48 [JsonProperty]
49 public List<Thing> things = new List<Thing>();
51 [JsonProperty]
52 public MapBounds bounds = new MapBounds();
54 [JsonProperty]
55 public List<int> _plDay = new List<int>();
57 [JsonProperty]
58 public List<int> _plNight = new List<int>();
60 [JsonProperty]
61 public Dictionary<int, int> gatherCounts = new Dictionary<int, int>();
63 [JsonProperty]
64 public Dictionary<int, CellEffect> cellEffects = new Dictionary<int, CellEffect>();
66 [JsonProperty]
67 public Dictionary<int, int> backerObjs = new Dictionary<int, int>();
69 [JsonProperty]
70 public Dictionary<int, PlantData> plants = new Dictionary<int, PlantData>();
72 [JsonProperty]
77 public Playlist plDay;
79 public Playlist plNight;
81 public List<Chara> charas = new List<Chara>();
83 public List<TransAnime> pointAnimes = new List<TransAnime>();
85 public Cell[,] cells;
87 public Zone zone;
93 public FloodSpiller flood = new FloodSpiller();
97 public POIMap poiMap;
99 public List<Footmark> footmarks = new List<Footmark>();
103 public bool revealed;
105 private HashSet<int> roomHash = new HashSet<int>();
107 private List<Thing> _things = new List<Thing>();
109 public bool isBreakerDown
110 {
111 get
112 {
113 return bits[0];
114 }
115 set
116 {
117 bits[0] = value;
118 }
119 }
127 public float sizeModifier => 1f / (16384f / (float)SizeXZ);
129 public bool isGenerated => Size != 0;
131 public bool IsIndoor => config.indoor;
133 public int SizeXZ => Size * Size;
135 public IEnumerable<Card> Cards => ((IEnumerable<Card>)things).Concat((IEnumerable<Card>)charas);
138 private void OnSerializing(StreamingContext context)
139 {
140 _bits = (int)bits.Bits;
141 }
143 protected virtual void OnSerializing()
144 {
145 }
148 private void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext context)
149 {
150 bits.Bits = (uint)_bits;
151 }
153 public void CreateNew(int size, bool setReference = true)
154 {
155 Debug.Log("Map CreateNew:");
156 Size = size;
157 cells = new Cell[Size, Size];
158 bounds = new MapBounds
159 {
160 x = 0,
161 z = 0,
162 maxX = Size - 1,
163 maxZ = Size - 1,
164 Size = Size
165 };
166 SetBounds(0, 0, Size - 1, Size - 1);
167 ForeachXYZ(delegate(int x, int z)
168 {
169 cells[x, z] = new Cell
170 {
171 x = (byte)x,
172 z = (byte)z
173 };
174 });
175 if (setReference)
176 {
177 SetReference();
178 }
179 }
181 public void SetZone(Zone _zone)
182 {
183 zone = _zone;
184 zone.bounds = bounds;
185 bounds.Size = Size;
186 SetReference();
187 props.Init();
188 EClass.scene.profile = SceneProfile.Load(config.idSceneProfile.IsEmpty("default"));
189 if (!config.idFowProfile.IsEmpty())
190 {
192 }
193 }
195 public void SetReference()
196 {
197 Fov.map = (Cell.map = (Wall.map = (Point.map = (CellDetail.map = this))));
198 Cell.Size = Size;
199 Cell.cells = cells;
201 WeightCell[,] weightMap = cells;
202 pathfinder.Init(this, weightMap, Size);
203 }
205 public void OnDeactivate()
206 {
207 charas.ForeachReverse(delegate(Chara c)
208 {
209 c.ai = new NoGoal();
210 if (c.IsGlobal)
211 {
212 zone.RemoveCard(c);
213 c.currentZone = zone;
214 }
215 });
216 foreach (Thing thing in things)
217 {
218 if (thing.renderer.hasActor)
219 {
220 thing.renderer.KillActor();
221 }
222 }
224 }
226 public void Resize(int newSize)
227 {
228 Point p = new Point(0, 0);
229 foreach (Thing thing in EClass._map.things)
230 {
231 if (thing.pos.x >= newSize || thing.pos.z >= newSize)
232 {
233 MoveCard(p, thing);
234 }
235 }
236 foreach (Chara chara in EClass._map.charas)
237 {
238 if (chara.pos.x >= newSize || chara.pos.z >= newSize)
239 {
240 MoveCard(p, chara);
241 }
242 }
243 Size = (bounds.Size = newSize);
244 maxX = (maxZ = Size);
245 cells = Util.ResizeArray(EClass._map.cells, newSize, newSize, (int x, int y) => new Cell
246 {
247 x = (byte)x,
248 z = (byte)y,
249 isSeen = true
250 });
251 Reload();
252 }
254 public void Shift(Vector2Int offset)
255 {
256 TweenUtil.Tween(0.1f, null, delegate
257 {
258 foreach (Card item in ((IEnumerable<Card>)EClass._map.things).Concat((IEnumerable<Card>)EClass._map.charas))
259 {
260 item.pos.x += offset.x;
261 item.pos.z += offset.y;
262 item.pos.Clamp();
263 }
264 Cell[,] array = new Cell[Size, Size];
265 for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
266 {
267 int num = i - offset.y;
268 for (int j = 0; j < Size; j++)
269 {
270 int num2 = j - offset.x;
271 if (num2 >= 0 && num2 < Size && num >= 0 && num < Size)
272 {
273 array[j, i] = cells[num2, num];
274 }
275 else
276 {
277 array[j, i] = new Cell
278 {
279 x = (byte)j,
280 z = (byte)i
281 };
282 }
283 }
284 }
285 cells = array;
286 bounds.x += offset.x;
287 bounds.z += offset.y;
288 bounds.maxX += offset.x;
289 bounds.maxZ += offset.y;
290 if (bounds.x < 0)
291 {
292 bounds.x = 0;
293 }
294 if (bounds.z < 0)
295 {
296 bounds.z = 0;
297 }
298 if (bounds.maxX > Size)
299 {
300 bounds.maxX = Size;
301 }
302 if (bounds.maxZ > Size)
303 {
304 bounds.maxZ = Size;
305 }
306 Reload();
307 });
308 }
310 public void Reload()
311 {
312 rooms = new RoomManager();
313 SetReference();
314 string id = Game.id;
315 EClass.game.Save();
316 EClass.scene.Init(Scene.Mode.None);
318 RevealAll();
319 TweenUtil.Tween(0.1f, null, delegate
320 {
321 ReloadRoom();
322 });
323 }
325 public void ReloadRoom()
326 {
327 List<Thing> list = new List<Thing>();
328 foreach (Thing thing in things)
329 {
330 if (thing.trait.IsDoor)
331 {
332 list.Add(thing);
333 }
334 }
335 foreach (Thing item in list)
336 {
337 Point pos = item.pos;
339 EClass._zone.AddCard(item, pos);
340 item.Install();
341 }
343 }
345 public void Reset()
346 {
347 for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
348 {
349 for (int j = 0; j < Size; j++)
350 {
351 cells[i, j].Reset();
352 }
353 }
354 SetReference();
355 }
357 public void ResetEditorPos()
358 {
360 foreach (Chara chara in charas)
361 {
362 if (chara.isPlayerCreation && chara.orgPos != null)
363 {
364 MoveCard(chara.orgPos, chara);
365 }
366 }
367 foreach (Thing thing in things)
368 {
369 if (thing.trait is TraitDoor)
370 {
371 (thing.trait as TraitDoor).ForceClose();
372 }
373 }
374 }
376 public void Save(string path, ZoneExportData export = null, PartialMap partial = null)
377 {
379 Debug.Log("#io saving map:" + path);
380 IO.CreateDirectory(path);
381 int num = 0;
382 int num2 = 0;
383 int num3 = Size;
384 int num4 = Size;
385 if (partial != null)
386 {
387 num = partial.offsetX;
388 num2 = partial.offsetZ;
389 num3 = partial.w;
390 num4 = partial.h;
391 }
392 int num5 = num3 * num4;
393 byte[] array = new byte[num5];
394 byte[] array2 = new byte[num5];
395 byte[] array3 = new byte[num5];
396 byte[] array4 = new byte[num5];
397 byte[] array5 = new byte[num5];
398 byte[] array6 = new byte[num5];
399 byte[] array7 = new byte[num5];
400 byte[] array8 = new byte[num5];
401 byte[] array9 = new byte[num5];
402 byte[] array10 = new byte[num5];
403 byte[] array11 = new byte[num5];
404 byte[] array12 = new byte[num5];
405 byte[] array13 = new byte[num5];
406 byte[] array14 = new byte[num5];
407 byte[] array15 = new byte[num5];
408 byte[] array16 = new byte[num5];
409 byte[] array17 = new byte[num5];
410 byte[] array18 = new byte[num5];
411 byte[] array19 = new byte[num5];
412 cellEffects.Clear();
413 int num6 = 0;
414 for (int i = num; i < num + num3; i++)
415 {
416 for (int j = num2; j < num2 + num4; j++)
417 {
418 Cell cell = cells[i, j];
419 array[num6] = cell.objVal;
420 array3[num6] = cell._blockMat;
421 array2[num6] = cell._block;
422 array5[num6] = cell._floorMat;
423 array4[num6] = cell._floor;
424 array6[num6] = cell.obj;
425 array7[num6] = cell.objMat;
426 array8[num6] = cell.decal;
427 array9[num6] = cell._dirs;
428 array12[num6] = cell.height;
429 array13[num6] = cell._bridge;
430 array14[num6] = cell._bridgeMat;
431 array15[num6] = cell.bridgeHeight;
432 array17[num6] = cell._roofBlockDir;
433 array18[num6] = cell._roofBlock;
434 array19[num6] = cell._roofBlockMat;
435 array16[num6] = cell.bridgePillar;
436 array10[num6] = array10[num6].SetBit(1, cell.isSeen);
437 array10[num6] = array10[num6].SetBit(2, cell.isHarvested);
438 array10[num6] = array10[num6].SetBit(3, cell.impassable);
439 array10[num6] = array10[num6].SetBit(4, cell.isModified);
440 array10[num6] = array10[num6].SetBit(5, cell.isClearSnow);
441 array10[num6] = array10[num6].SetBit(6, cell.isForceFloat);
442 array10[num6] = array10[num6].SetBit(7, cell.isToggleWallPillar);
443 array11[num6] = array11[num6].SetBit(0, cell.isWatered);
444 array11[num6] = array11[num6].SetBit(1, cell.isObjDyed);
445 array11[num6] = array11[num6].SetBit(2, cell.crossWall);
446 if (cell.effect != null)
447 {
448 cellEffects[j * num4 + i] = cell.effect;
449 }
450 num6++;
451 }
452 }
453 compression = IO.Compression.None;
454 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "objVals", array);
455 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "blocks", array2);
456 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "blockMats", array3);
457 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "floors", array4);
458 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "floorMats", array5);
459 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "objs", array6);
460 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "objMats", array7);
461 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "decal", array8);
462 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "flags", array10);
463 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "flags2", array11);
464 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "dirs", array9);
465 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "heights", array12);
466 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "bridges", array13);
467 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "bridgeMats", array14);
468 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "bridgeHeights", array15);
469 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "bridgePillars", array16);
470 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "roofBlocks", array18);
471 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "roofBlockMats", array19);
472 IO.WriteLZ4(path + "roofBlockDirs", array17);
473 things.Sort((Thing a, Thing b) => a.stackOrder - b.stackOrder);
474 if (export == null)
475 {
476 foreach (Chara chara in charas)
477 {
478 if (!chara.IsGlobal)
479 {
480 serializedCharas.Add(chara);
481 }
482 }
483 GameIO.SaveFile(path + "map", this);
484 }
485 else
486 {
487 export.serializedCards.cards.Clear();
488 if (partial == null)
489 {
490 MapExportSetting mapExportSetting = exportSetting ?? new MapExportSetting();
491 foreach (Chara chara2 in charas)
492 {
493 if (export.usermap)
494 {
495 if ((!mapExportSetting.clearLocalCharas || chara2.IsPCFactionOrMinion) && !chara2.trait.IsUnique && !chara2.IsPC)
496 {
497 export.serializedCards.Add(chara2);
498 }
499 }
500 else if (!chara2.IsGlobal && chara2.isPlayerCreation)
501 {
502 export.serializedCards.Add(chara2);
503 }
504 }
505 foreach (Thing thing in things)
506 {
507 if (thing.isPlayerCreation && thing.c_altName != "DebugContainer")
508 {
509 export.serializedCards.Add(thing);
510 }
511 }
512 }
513 else
514 {
515 foreach (Thing thing2 in things)
516 {
517 if ((ActionMode.Copy.IsActive || thing2.trait.CanCopyInBlueprint) && thing2.pos.x >= num && thing2.pos.z >= num2 && thing2.pos.x < num + num3 && thing2.pos.z < num2 + num4)
518 {
519 export.serializedCards.Add(thing2);
520 }
521 }
522 }
523 List<Thing> list = things;
524 things = new List<Thing>();
525 GameIO.SaveFile(path + "map", this);
526 things = list;
527 }
528 serializedCharas.Clear();
529 }
531 public byte[] TryLoadFile(string path, string s, int size)
532 {
533 byte[] array = IO.ReadLZ4(path + s, size, compression);
534 if (array == null)
535 {
536 Debug.Log("Couldn't load:" + s);
537 return new byte[size];
538 }
539 return array;
540 }
542 public void Load(string path, bool import = false, PartialMap partial = null)
543 {
544 if (partial == null)
545 {
546 Debug.Log("Map Load:" + compression.ToString() + ": " + path);
547 }
548 int num = Size;
549 int num2 = Size;
550 if (partial != null)
551 {
552 num = partial.w;
553 num2 = partial.h;
554 Debug.Log(compression.ToString() + ": " + num + "/" + num2);
555 }
556 int size = num * num2;
557 cells = new Cell[num, num2];
558 if (bounds.maxX == 0)
559 {
560 bounds.SetBounds(0, 0, num - 1, num2 - 1);
561 }
562 SetBounds(0, 0, num - 1, num2 - 1);
563 byte[] bytes2 = TryLoad("objVals");
564 byte[] bytes3 = TryLoad("blockMats");
565 byte[] bytes4 = TryLoad("blocks");
566 byte[] bytes5 = TryLoad("floorMats");
567 byte[] bytes6 = TryLoad("floors");
568 byte[] bytes7 = TryLoad("objs");
569 byte[] bytes8 = TryLoad("objMats");
570 byte[] bytes9 = TryLoad("decal");
571 byte[] bytes10 = TryLoad("dirs");
572 byte[] bytes11 = TryLoad("flags");
573 byte[] bytes12 = TryLoad("flags2");
574 byte[] bytes13 = TryLoad("heights");
575 byte[] bytes14 = TryLoad("bridges");
576 byte[] bytes15 = TryLoad("bridgeMats");
577 byte[] bytes16 = TryLoad("bridgeHeights");
578 byte[] bytes17 = TryLoad("bridgePillars");
579 byte[] bytes18 = TryLoad("roofBlocks");
580 byte[] bytes19 = TryLoad("roofBlockMats");
581 byte[] bytes20 = TryLoad("roofBlockDirs");
582 if (bytes17.Length < size)
583 {
584 bytes17 = new byte[size];
585 }
586 if (bytes2.Length < size)
587 {
588 bytes2 = new byte[size];
589 }
590 if (bytes12.Length < size)
591 {
592 bytes12 = new byte[size];
593 }
594 Validate(ref bytes2, "objVals");
595 Validate(ref bytes3, "blockMats");
596 Validate(ref bytes4, "blocks");
597 Validate(ref bytes5, "floorMats");
598 Validate(ref bytes6, "floors");
599 Validate(ref bytes7, "objs");
600 Validate(ref bytes8, "objMats");
601 Validate(ref bytes9, "decal");
602 Validate(ref bytes10, "dirs");
603 Validate(ref bytes11, "flags");
604 Validate(ref bytes12, "flags2");
605 Validate(ref bytes13, "heights");
606 Validate(ref bytes14, "bridges");
607 Validate(ref bytes15, "bridgeMats");
608 Validate(ref bytes16, "bridgeHeights");
609 Validate(ref bytes17, "bridgePillars");
610 Validate(ref bytes18, "roofBlocks");
611 Validate(ref bytes19, "roofBlockMats");
612 Validate(ref bytes20, "roofBlockDirs");
613 int count = EClass.sources.floors.rows.Count;
614 int count2 = EClass.sources.materials.rows.Count;
615 int num3 = 0;
616 for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
617 {
618 for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++)
619 {
620 Cell cell = (cells[i, j] = new Cell
621 {
622 x = (byte)i,
623 z = (byte)j,
624 objVal = bytes2[num3],
625 _blockMat = bytes3[num3],
626 _block = bytes4[num3],
627 _floorMat = bytes5[num3],
628 _floor = bytes6[num3],
629 obj = bytes7[num3],
630 objMat = bytes8[num3],
631 decal = bytes9[num3],
632 _dirs = bytes10[num3],
633 height = bytes13[num3],
634 _bridge = bytes14[num3],
635 _bridgeMat = bytes15[num3],
636 bridgeHeight = bytes16[num3],
637 bridgePillar = bytes17[num3],
638 _roofBlock = bytes18[num3],
639 _roofBlockMat = bytes19[num3],
640 _roofBlockDir = bytes20[num3],
641 isSeen = bytes11[num3].GetBit(1),
642 isHarvested = bytes11[num3].GetBit(2),
643 impassable = bytes11[num3].GetBit(3),
644 isModified = bytes11[num3].GetBit(4),
645 isClearSnow = bytes11[num3].GetBit(5),
646 isForceFloat = bytes11[num3].GetBit(6),
647 isToggleWallPillar = bytes11[num3].GetBit(7),
648 isWatered = bytes12[num3].GetBit(0),
649 isObjDyed = bytes12[num3].GetBit(1),
650 crossWall = bytes12[num3].GetBit(2)
651 });
652 if (cell._bridge >= count)
653 {
654 cell._bridge = 0;
655 }
656 if (cell._bridgeMat >= count2)
657 {
658 cell._bridgeMat = 1;
659 }
661 num3++;
662 }
663 }
664 things.ForeachReverse(delegate(Thing t)
665 {
666 if (t.Num <= 0 || t.isDestroyed)
667 {
668 Debug.Log("[bug] Removing bugged thing:" + t.Num + "/" + t.isDestroyed + "/" + t);
669 things.Remove(t);
670 }
671 });
672 foreach (KeyValuePair<int, CellEffect> cellEffect in cellEffects)
673 {
674 int key = cellEffect.Key;
675 int num4 = key % Size;
676 int num5 = key / Size;
677 cells[num4, num5].effect = cellEffect.Value;
678 if (cellEffect.Value.IsFire)
679 {
680 effectManager.GetOrCreate(new Point(num4, num5));
681 }
682 }
683 cellEffects.Clear();
685 byte[] TryLoad(string s)
686 {
687 return TryLoadFile(path, s, size);
688 }
689 void Validate(ref byte[] bytes, string id)
690 {
691 if (bytes.Length < size)
692 {
693 Debug.LogError("expection: size invalid:" + id + " " + bytes.Length + "/" + size);
694 bytes = new byte[size];
695 }
696 }
697 }
699 public void ValidateVersion()
700 {
702 }
704 public void OnLoad()
705 {
706 rooms.OnLoad();
707 tasks.OnLoad();
708 }
710 public void OnImport(ZoneExportData data)
711 {
712 tasks = new TaskManager();
713 data.serializedCards.Restore(this, data.orgMap, addToZone: false);
714 }
716 public void ExportMetaData(string _path, string id, PartialMap partial = null)
717 {
718 if (custom == null)
719 {
720 custom = new CustomData();
721 }
722 MapMetaData mapMetaData = new MapMetaData
723 {
724 name = EClass._zone.Name,
726 partial = partial
727 };
728 custom.id = (mapMetaData.id = id);
729 IO.SaveFile(_path + "meta", mapMetaData);
730 }
732 public static MapMetaData GetMetaData(string pathZip)
733 {
734 try
735 {
736 using ZipFile zipFile = ZipFile.Read(pathZip);
737 ZipEntry zipEntry = zipFile["meta"];
738 if (zipEntry != null)
739 {
740 using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
741 {
742 zipEntry.Extract(stream);
743 MapMetaData mapMetaData = IO.LoadStreamJson<MapMetaData>(stream);
744 mapMetaData.path = pathZip;
745 return mapMetaData;
746 }
747 }
748 }
749 catch (Exception message)
750 {
751 if (Application.isEditor)
752 {
753 Debug.Log(message);
754 }
755 }
756 return null;
757 }
759 public static void UpdateMetaData(string pathZip, PartialMap partial = null)
760 {
761 IO.CreateTempDirectory();
762 ZipFile zipFile = ZipFile.Read(pathZip);
763 zipFile.ExtractExistingFile = ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently;
764 zipFile.ExtractAll(IO.TempPath);
765 zipFile.Dispose();
766 EClass._map.ExportMetaData(IO.TempPath + "/", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pathZip), partial);
767 using (zipFile = new ZipFile())
768 {
769 zipFile.ExtractExistingFile = ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently;
770 zipFile.AddDirectory(IO.TempPath);
771 zipFile.Save(pathZip);
772 zipFile.Dispose();
773 }
774 IO.DeleteTempDirectory();
775 }
777 public void AddCardOnActivate(Card c)
778 {
779 c.parent = zone;
781 Chara chara = c.Chara;
782 if (chara != null)
783 {
784 chara.currentZone = EClass._zone;
785 }
786 if (c.isChara)
787 {
788 if (!c.pos.IsInBounds)
789 {
791 }
792 }
793 else if (!c.pos.IsValid)
794 {
796 }
797 _AddCard(c.pos.x, c.pos.z, c, onAddToZone: true);
798 }
800 public void OnCardAddedToZone(Card t, int x, int z)
801 {
802 if (t.isChara)
803 {
804 charas.Add(t.Chara);
805 }
806 else
807 {
808 things.Add(t.Thing);
809 }
811 if (t.isChara && new Point(x, z).cell.HasFullBlock)
812 {
813 DestroyBlock(x, z);
814 }
815 _AddCard(x, z, t, onAddToZone: true);
817 }
820 {
823 _RemoveCard(t);
824 t.parent = null;
825 if (t.isChara)
826 {
827 charas.Remove(t.Chara);
828 }
829 else
830 {
831 things.Remove(t.Thing);
832 }
833 }
835 public void MoveCard(Point p, Card t)
836 {
837 _AddCard(p.x, p.z, t, onAddToZone: false);
838 }
840 public void _AddCard(int x, int z, Card t, bool onAddToZone)
841 {
842 if (!onAddToZone)
843 {
844 _RemoveCard(t);
845 }
846 t.pos.Set(x, z);
847 if (t.IsMultisize)
848 {
849 t.ForeachPoint(delegate(Point p, bool main)
850 {
851 p.cell.AddCard(t);
852 });
853 }
854 else
855 {
856 t.Cell.AddCard(t);
857 }
858 t.CalculateFOV();
859 if (t.isThing && !t.trait.IDActorEx.IsEmpty())
860 {
862 }
863 }
865 public void _RemoveCard(Card t)
866 {
867 if (t.IsMultisize)
868 {
869 t.ForeachPoint(delegate(Point p, bool main)
870 {
871 p.cell.RemoveCard(t);
872 });
873 }
874 else
875 {
876 t.Cell.RemoveCard(t);
877 }
878 t.ClearFOV();
879 }
881 public Cell GetCell(int index)
882 {
883 return cells[index % Size, index % SizeXZ / Size];
884 }
886 public void SetSeen(int x, int z, bool seen = true, bool refresh = true)
887 {
888 if (cells[x, z].isSeen != seen)
889 {
890 cells[x, z].isSeen = seen;
891 if (refresh)
892 {
894 }
896 }
897 }
899 public void RevealAll(bool reveal = true)
900 {
901 for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
902 {
903 for (int j = 0; j < Size; j++)
904 {
905 EClass._map.SetSeen(i, j, reveal, refresh: false);
906 }
907 }
910 }
912 public void Reveal(Point center, int power = 100)
913 {
914 ForeachSphere(center.x, center.z, 10 + power / 5, delegate(Point p)
915 {
916 if (EClass.rnd(power) >= Mathf.Min(p.Distance(center) * 10, power - 10))
917 {
918 EClass._map.SetSeen(p.x, p.z);
919 }
920 });
921 }
923 public void RefreshFOV(int x, int z, int radius = 6, bool recalculate = false)
924 {
925 ForeachSphere(x, z, radius, delegate(Point p)
926 {
927 List<Card> list = p.ListCards();
928 if (recalculate)
929 {
930 foreach (Card item in list)
931 {
932 item.RecalculateFOV();
933 }
934 return;
935 }
936 foreach (Card item2 in list)
937 {
938 item2.CalculateFOV();
939 }
940 });
941 }
943 public void RefreshFOVAll()
944 {
945 foreach (Card item in ((IEnumerable<Card>)EClass._map.things).Concat((IEnumerable<Card>)EClass._map.charas))
946 {
947 item.RecalculateFOV();
948 }
949 }
951 public void SetFloor(int x, int z, int idMat = 0, int idFloor = 0)
952 {
953 SetFloor(x, z, idMat, idFloor, 0);
954 }
956 public void SetFloor(int x, int z, int idMat, int idFloor, int dir)
957 {
958 Cell cell = cells[x, z];
959 cell._floorMat = (byte)idMat;
960 cell._floor = (byte)idFloor;
961 cell.floorDir = dir;
964 }
966 public void SetBridge(int x, int z, int height = 0, int idMat = 0, int idBridge = 0, int dir = 0)
967 {
968 Cell cell = cells[x, z];
969 cell.bridgeHeight = (byte)height;
970 cell._bridgeMat = (byte)idMat;
971 cell._bridge = (byte)idBridge;
972 cell.bridgePillar = 0;
973 cell.floorDir = dir;
974 if (cell.room != null)
975 {
976 cell.room.SetDirty();
977 }
979 }
981 public void SetRoofBlock(int x, int z, int idMat, int idBlock, int dir, int height)
982 {
983 Cell cell = cells[x, z];
984 cell._roofBlockMat = (byte)idMat;
985 cell._roofBlock = (byte)idBlock;
986 cell._roofBlockDir = (byte)(dir + height * 4);
988 }
990 public void SetBlock(int x, int z, int idMat = 0, int idBlock = 0)
991 {
992 SetBlock(x, z, idMat, idBlock, 0);
993 }
995 public void SetBlock(int x, int z, int idMat, int idBlock, int dir)
996 {
997 Cell cell = cells[x, z];
998 bool hasFloodBlock = cell.HasFloodBlock;
999 cell._blockMat = (byte)idMat;
1000 cell._block = (byte)idBlock;
1001 cell.blockDir = dir;
1002 if (cell.effect == null || !cell.effect.IsFire)
1003 {
1004 cell.effect = null;
1005 }
1006 cell.isToggleWallPillar = false;
1007 if (cell.room != null)
1008 {
1009 cell.room.SetDirty();
1010 }
1011 if (hasFloodBlock || cell.HasFloodBlock)
1012 {
1014 }
1016 }
1018 public void OnSetBlockOrDoor(int x, int z)
1019 {
1020 new Point(x, z);
1021 TryRemoveRoom(x, z);
1022 if (x > 0)
1023 {
1024 TryRemoveRoom(x - 1, z);
1025 }
1026 if (x < Size - 1)
1027 {
1028 TryRemoveRoom(x + 1, z);
1029 }
1030 if (z > 0)
1031 {
1032 TryRemoveRoom(x, z - 1);
1033 }
1034 if (z < Size - 1)
1035 {
1036 TryRemoveRoom(x, z + 1);
1037 }
1038 if (x > 0 && z < Size - 1)
1039 {
1040 TryRemoveRoom(x - 1, z + 1);
1041 }
1042 roomHash.Clear();
1043 TryAddRoom(x, z);
1044 if (x > 0)
1045 {
1046 TryAddRoom(x - 1, z);
1047 }
1048 if (x < Size - 1)
1049 {
1050 TryAddRoom(x + 1, z);
1051 }
1052 if (z > 0)
1053 {
1054 TryAddRoom(x, z - 1);
1055 }
1056 if (z < Size - 1)
1057 {
1058 TryAddRoom(x, z + 1);
1059 }
1060 if (x > 0 && z < Size - 1)
1061 {
1062 TryAddRoom(x - 1, z + 1);
1063 }
1064 }
1066 public void TryRemoveRoom(int x, int z)
1067 {
1068 if (!cells[x, z].HasFloodBlock)
1069 {
1070 Room room = cells[x, z].room;
1071 if (room != null)
1072 {
1073 rooms.RemoveRoom(room);
1074 }
1075 }
1076 }
1078 public void TryAddRoom(int x, int z)
1079 {
1080 if (EClass._zone.DisableRooms || roomHash.Contains(x + z * Size) || cells[x, z].HasFloodBlock)
1081 {
1082 return;
1083 }
1084 FloodSpiller floodSpiller = flood;
1085 IFloodCell[,] array = cells;
1086 FloodSpiller.Result result = floodSpiller.SpillFlood(array, x, z);
1087 if (!result.IsValid)
1088 {
1089 return;
1090 }
1091 bool flag = false;
1092 foreach (IFloodCell item in result.visited)
1093 {
1094 if (item.hasDoor)
1095 {
1096 flag = true;
1097 break;
1098 }
1099 Cell cell = item as Cell;
1100 if (cell.sourceBlock.tileType.IsFloodDoor || cell.Front.hasDoor || cell.Right.hasDoor || cell.FrontRight.hasDoor || cell.Back.hasDoor || cell.Left.hasDoor || cell.BackLeft.hasDoor)
1101 {
1102 flag = true;
1103 break;
1104 }
1105 }
1106 if (!flag && IsIndoor)
1107 {
1108 foreach (IFloodCell item2 in result.visited)
1109 {
1110 Cell cell2 = item2 as Cell;
1111 if (cell2.detail == null || cell2.detail.things.Count == 0)
1112 {
1113 continue;
1114 }
1115 foreach (Thing thing in cell2.detail.things)
1116 {
1117 if (thing.trait is TraitRoomPlate || thing.trait is TraitHouseBoard)
1118 {
1119 flag = true;
1120 break;
1121 }
1122 }
1123 if (flag)
1124 {
1125 break;
1126 }
1127 }
1128 }
1129 if (!flag)
1130 {
1131 return;
1132 }
1133 Room room = rooms.AddRoom(new Room());
1134 foreach (IFloodCell item3 in result.visited)
1135 {
1136 Cell cell3 = item3 as Cell;
1137 byte b = cell3.x;
1138 byte b2 = cell3.z;
1139 room.AddPoint(new Point(b, b2));
1140 roomHash.Add(b + b2 * Size);
1141 if (b2 > 0 && cell3.Front.HasFloodBlock && cell3.Front.room == null)
1142 {
1143 room.AddPoint(new Point(b, b2 - 1));
1144 roomHash.Add(b + (b2 - 1) * Size);
1145 }
1146 if (b < Size - 1 && cell3.Right.HasFloodBlock && cell3.Right.room == null)
1147 {
1148 room.AddPoint(new Point(b + 1, b2));
1149 roomHash.Add(b + 1 + b2 * Size);
1150 }
1151 if (b2 > 0 && b < Size - 1 && cell3.FrontRight.HasFloodBlock && cell3.FrontRight.room == null)
1152 {
1153 room.AddPoint(new Point(b + 1, b2 - 1));
1154 roomHash.Add(b + 1 + (b2 - 1) * Size);
1155 }
1156 }
1157 }
1159 public void SetBlockDir(int x, int z, int dir)
1160 {
1161 Cell cell = cells[x, z];
1162 cell._block = (byte)cell.sourceBlock.id;
1163 cell.blockDir = dir;
1164 }
1166 public void ModFire(int x, int z, int amount)
1167 {
1168 Cell cell = cells[x, z];
1169 if (amount <= 0 || (!cell.IsTopWaterAndNoSnow && !cell.IsSnowTile))
1170 {
1171 if (cell.effect == null && amount > 0)
1172 {
1173 SE.Play("fire");
1174 }
1175 int num = amount + (cell.effect?.FireAmount ?? 0);
1176 if (num > 20)
1177 {
1178 num = 20;
1179 }
1180 if (num <= 0)
1181 {
1182 cell.effect = null;
1183 return;
1184 }
1185 cell.effect = new CellEffect
1186 {
1187 id = 3,
1188 amount = num
1189 };
1191 }
1192 }
1194 public void TryShatter(Point pos, int ele, int power)
1195 {
1196 Element element = Element.Create(ele);
1197 List<Card> list = new List<Card>();
1198 bool fire = ele == 910;
1199 bool flag = ele == 911;
1200 _ = fire;
1201 List<Card> list2 = pos.ListCards();
1202 if (fire && (pos.cell.IsSnowTile || pos.cell.IsTopWater))
1203 {
1204 return;
1205 }
1206 foreach (Card item in list2)
1207 {
1208 if (item.ResistLvFrom(ele) >= 3 || item.trait is TraitBlanket || (EClass.rnd(3) == 0 && !CanCook(item)) || (item.IsPCFaction && EClass.rnd(3) == 0) || (fire && item.HasCondition<ConWet>()) || (flag && item.HasCondition<ConBurning>()))
1209 {
1210 continue;
1211 }
1213 {
1214 Card rootCard = item.GetRootCard();
1215 if (!rootCard.isChara || rootCard.Chara.IsPCFaction)
1216 {
1217 if (pos.IsSync)
1218 {
1219 Msg.Say("damage_protectCore", item);
1220 }
1221 continue;
1222 }
1223 }
1224 if (item.isThing && item.things.Count == 0)
1225 {
1226 list.Add(item);
1227 }
1228 else
1229 {
1230 if (ele == 911 && item.HasElement(1236))
1231 {
1232 continue;
1233 }
1234 Thing thing = ((ele == 910) ? item.things.FindBest<TraitBlanketFireproof>((Thing t) => -t.c_charges) : item.things.FindBest<TraitBlanketColdproof>((Thing t) => -t.c_charges));
1235 if (thing != null)
1236 {
1237 thing.ModCharge(-1);
1238 Card rootCard2 = item.GetRootCard();
1239 if (pos.IsSync)
1240 {
1241 Msg.Say((item.isChara ? "blanketInv_" : "blanketGround_") + element.source.alias, thing, item);
1242 }
1243 if (thing.c_charges <= 0)
1244 {
1245 thing.Die(element);
1246 if (rootCard2.IsPCParty)
1247 {
1249 }
1250 }
1251 continue;
1252 }
1253 foreach (Thing item2 in item.things.List((Thing a) => a.things.Count == 0))
1254 {
1255 Card parentCard = item2.parentCard;
1256 if (parentCard == null || (!(parentCard.trait is TraitChestMerchant) && !parentCard.HasEditorTag(EditorTag.PreciousContainer)))
1257 {
1258 list.Add(item2);
1259 }
1260 }
1261 }
1262 }
1263 list.Shuffle();
1264 int num = 0;
1265 foreach (Card item3 in list)
1266 {
1267 if (!item3.trait.CanBeDestroyed || item3.category.IsChildOf("currency") || item3.trait is TraitDoor || item3.trait is TraitFigure || item3.trait is TraitTrainingDummy || item3.rarity >= Rarity.Legendary)
1268 {
1269 continue;
1270 }
1271 Card rootCard3 = item3.GetRootCard();
1272 if (item3.IsEquipmentOrRangedOrAmmo && (EClass.rnd(4) != 0 || ((item3.IsRangedWeapon || item3.Thing.isEquipped) && rootCard3.IsPCFaction && EClass.rnd(4) != 0)))
1273 {
1274 continue;
1275 }
1276 switch (ele)
1277 {
1278 case 910:
1279 if (item3.isFireproof || (!item3.category.IsChildOf("book") && EClass.rnd(2) == 0))
1280 {
1281 continue;
1282 }
1283 break;
1284 case 911:
1285 if (!item3.category.IsChildOf("drink") && EClass.rnd(5) == 0)
1286 {
1287 continue;
1288 }
1289 break;
1290 }
1291 if (EClass.rnd(num * num) != 0)
1292 {
1293 continue;
1294 }
1295 bool flag2 = CanCook(item3);
1296 string text = "";
1297 if (flag2)
1298 {
1299 List<SourceThing.Row> list3 = new List<SourceThing.Row>();
1300 foreach (RecipeSource item4 in RecipeManager.list)
1301 {
1302 if (!(item4.row is SourceThing.Row { isOrigin: false } row) || row.components.IsEmpty() || (row.components.Length >= 3 && !row.components[2].StartsWith('+')) || !row.Category.IsChildOf("meal"))
1303 {
1304 continue;
1305 }
1306 if (!row.factory.IsEmpty())
1307 {
1308 switch (row.factory[0])
1309 {
1310 case "chopper":
1311 case "mixer":
1312 case "camppot":
1313 case "cauldron":
1314 continue;
1315 }
1316 }
1317 if (row.components[0] == item3.id || row.components[0] == item3.sourceCard._origin)
1318 {
1319 list3.Add(row);
1320 }
1321 }
1322 if (list3.Count > 0)
1323 {
1324 text = list3.RandomItem().id;
1325 }
1326 }
1327 if (flag2 && !text.IsEmpty())
1328 {
1329 item3.GetRoot();
1330 Thing thing2 = item3.Split(1);
1331 List<Thing> list4 = new List<Thing>();
1332 list4.Add(thing2);
1333 Thing thing3 = ThingGen.Create(text);
1334 CraftUtil.MakeDish(thing3, list4, 999);
1335 thing3.elements.ModBase(2, EClass.curve(power / 10, 50, 10));
1336 if (pos.IsSync)
1337 {
1338 Msg.Say((rootCard3 == item3) ? "cook_groundItem" : "cook_invItem", thing2, rootCard3, thing3.Name);
1339 }
1340 if (rootCard3 == item3)
1341 {
1342 EClass._zone.AddCard(thing3, item3.pos);
1343 }
1344 else if (rootCard3.isChara)
1345 {
1346 rootCard3.Chara.Pick(thing3, msg: false);
1347 }
1348 else
1349 {
1350 rootCard3.AddThing(thing3);
1351 }
1352 thing2.Destroy();
1353 }
1354 else
1355 {
1356 int num2 = EClass.rnd(item3.Num) / 2 + 1;
1357 if (item3.Num > num2)
1358 {
1359 Thing thing4 = item3.Split(num2);
1360 if (pos.IsSync)
1361 {
1362 Msg.Say((rootCard3 == item3) ? "damage_groundItem" : "damage_invItem", thing4, rootCard3);
1363 }
1364 thing4.Destroy();
1365 if (rootCard3.IsPCFaction)
1366 {
1367 WidgetPopText.Say("popDestroy".lang(thing4.Name, rootCard3.Name));
1368 }
1369 }
1370 else
1371 {
1372 item3.Die(element);
1373 if (rootCard3.IsPCFaction)
1374 {
1375 WidgetPopText.Say("popDestroy".lang(item3.Name, rootCard3.Name));
1376 }
1377 }
1378 }
1379 if (rootCard3.IsPCParty)
1380 {
1382 }
1383 num++;
1384 }
1385 _ValidateInstalled(pos.x, pos.z);
1386 bool CanCook(Card c)
1387 {
1388 if (fire && c.IsFood)
1389 {
1390 return c.category.IsChildOf("foodstuff");
1391 }
1392 return false;
1393 }
1394 }
1396 public void Burn(int x, int z, bool instant = false)
1397 {
1398 Cell cell = cells[x, z];
1399 Point sharedPoint = cell.GetSharedPoint();
1400 if ((instant || EClass.rnd(10) == 0) && cell.HasObj)
1401 {
1402 if (cell.sourceObj.tileType is TileTypeTree)
1403 {
1404 SetObj(x, z, cell.matObj_fixed.id, 59, 0, EClass.rnd(4));
1405 }
1406 else
1407 {
1408 SetObj(x, z);
1409 if (EClass.rnd(2) == 0)
1410 {
1411 EClass._zone.AddCard(ThingGen.Create((EClass.rnd(2) == 0) ? "ash" : "ash2"), sharedPoint);
1412 }
1413 }
1414 }
1415 if ((instant || EClass.rnd(5) == 0) && cell._block != 0 && cell._block != 96)
1416 {
1417 if (EClass.rnd(10) == 0 || !cell.sourceBlock.tileType.IsWall)
1418 {
1419 cell._block = 0;
1420 }
1421 else
1422 {
1423 cell._block = 96;
1424 }
1425 SetObj(x, z);
1426 if (cell.room != null)
1427 {
1428 cell.room.SetDirty();
1429 }
1431 }
1432 if (instant || EClass.rnd(10) == 0)
1433 {
1434 if (EClass.rnd(4) != 0)
1435 {
1436 cell._floor = 49;
1437 }
1438 if (cell._bridge != 0 && EClass.rnd(5) != 0)
1439 {
1440 cell._bridge = 49;
1441 }
1442 }
1443 foreach (Card item in sharedPoint.ListCards())
1444 {
1445 if (item.trait.CanBeDestroyed && !item.trait.IsDoor && !item.isFireproof && !item.category.IsChildOf("currency") && item.rarity < Rarity.Legendary && !(item.trait is TraitFigure) && item.isThing)
1446 {
1447 if (instant)
1448 {
1449 item.Destroy();
1450 EClass._zone.AddCard(ThingGen.Create((EClass.rnd(2) == 0) ? "ash" : "ash2"), sharedPoint);
1451 }
1452 else
1453 {
1454 item.DamageHP(30, 910);
1455 }
1456 }
1457 }
1458 if (instant)
1459 {
1460 cell.effect = null;
1461 }
1462 }
1464 public void SetLiquid(int x, int z, CellEffect effect = null)
1465 {
1466 Cell cell = cells[x, z];
1467 if (!cell.IsTopWaterAndNoSnow || effect == null)
1468 {
1469 cell.effect = effect;
1470 }
1471 }
1473 public void SetLiquid(int x, int z, int id, int value = 1)
1474 {
1475 Cell cell = cells[x, z];
1476 if (!cell.IsTopWaterAndNoSnow || value == 0)
1477 {
1478 if (value > 3)
1479 {
1480 value = 3;
1481 }
1482 if (value <= 0)
1483 {
1484 cell.effect = null;
1485 return;
1486 }
1487 cell.effect = new CellEffect
1488 {
1489 id = id,
1490 amount = value
1491 };
1492 }
1493 }
1495 public void SetEffect(int x, int z, CellEffect effect = null)
1496 {
1497 cells[x, z].effect = effect;
1498 }
1500 public void ModLiquid(int x, int z, int amount)
1501 {
1502 Cell cell = cells[x, z];
1503 if (!cell.IsTopWaterAndNoSnow && cell.effect != null)
1504 {
1505 cell.effect.amount += amount;
1506 if (cell.effect.amount <= 0)
1507 {
1508 cell.effect = null;
1509 }
1510 }
1511 }
1513 public void ClearRainAndDecal()
1514 {
1515 ForeachCell(delegate(Cell c)
1516 {
1517 c.effect = null;
1518 c.decal = 0;
1519 });
1520 }
1522 public void SetObj(int x, int z, int id = 0, int value = 1, int dir = 0)
1523 {
1524 SetObj(x, z, (byte)EClass.sources.objs.rows[id].DefaultMaterial.id, id, value, dir);
1525 }
1527 public void SetObj(int x, int z, int idMat, int idObj, int value, int dir, bool ignoreRandomMat = false)
1528 {
1529 Cell cell = cells[x, z];
1530 if (cell.sourceObj.id == 118 || idObj == 118)
1531 {
1532 EClass._zone.dirtyElectricity = true;
1533 }
1534 cell.obj = (byte)idObj;
1535 cell.objVal = (byte)value;
1536 cell.objMat = (byte)idMat;
1537 cell.objDir = dir;
1538 cell.isHarvested = false;
1539 cell.isObjDyed = false;
1540 SourceObj.Row sourceObj = cell.sourceObj;
1541 if (!ignoreRandomMat && !sourceObj.matCategory.IsEmpty())
1542 {
1543 int num = EClass._zone.DangerLv;
1544 if (sourceObj.tag.Contains("spot"))
1545 {
1546 num += EClass.pc.Evalue(1656) * 5;
1547 }
1548 cell.objMat = (byte)MATERIAL.GetRandomMaterialFromCategory(num, sourceObj.matCategory.Split(','), cell.matObj).id;
1549 }
1550 if (backerObjs.ContainsKey(cell.index))
1551 {
1552 backerObjs.Remove(cell.index);
1553 }
1554 if (plants.ContainsKey(cell.index))
1555 {
1556 plants.Remove(cell.index);
1557 }
1558 cell.growth?.OnSetObj();
1559 Critter.RebuildCritter(cell);
1561 }
1563 public void AddBackerTree(bool draw)
1564 {
1566 int num = ((!draw) ? 1 : 2);
1567 EClass._map.bounds.ForeachCell(delegate(Cell c)
1568 {
1569 if (num > 0 && c.growth != null && c.growth.IsTree && c.growth.IsMature && (!EClass.player.doneBackers.Contains(item.id) || EClass.core.config.test.ignoreBackerDestoryFlag) && (c.sourceObj.alias == item.tree || item.tree == "random"))
1570 {
1571 backerObjs[c.index] = item.id;
1572 Debug.Log(c.index + "/" + c.x + "/" + c.z + "/" + item.id + "/" + item.Name + "/" + item.tree);
1573 num--;
1575 }
1576 });
1577 }
1580 {
1581 if (!backerObjs.ContainsKey(p.index))
1582 {
1583 return null;
1584 }
1585 return EClass.sources.backers.map.TryGetValue(backerObjs[p.index]);
1586 }
1588 public void ApplyBackerObj(Point p, int id = -1)
1589 {
1590 if (!p.HasObj)
1591 {
1592 return;
1593 }
1594 bool flag = p.sourceObj.id == 82;
1595 SourceBacker.Row row = ((id != -1) ? EClass.sources.backers.map.TryGetValue(id) : (flag ? EClass.sources.backers.listRemain.NextItem(ref BackerContent.indexRemain) : EClass.sources.backers.listTree.NextItem(ref BackerContent.indexTree)));
1596 if (row == null)
1597 {
1598 return;
1599 }
1601 {
1602 backerObjs[p.index] = row.id;
1603 if (flag)
1604 {
1605 p.cell.objDir = row.skin;
1606 }
1607 }
1608 else
1609 {
1610 backerObjs.Remove(p.index);
1611 }
1612 }
1614 public void DropBlockComponent(Point point, TileRow r, SourceMaterial.Row mat, bool recoverBlock, bool isPlatform = false, Chara c = null)
1615 {
1617 {
1618 return;
1619 }
1620 Thing thing = null;
1621 if (r.components.Length == 0)
1622 {
1623 return;
1624 }
1626 if (recoverBlock)
1627 {
1628 thing = ((!(r is SourceFloor.Row)) ? ThingGen.CreateBlock(r.id, mat.id) : ThingGen.CreateFloor(r.id, mat.id, isPlatform));
1629 }
1630 else
1631 {
1632 RecipeSource recipeSource = RecipeManager.Get(r.RecipeID + (isPlatform ? "-b" : ""));
1633 if (recipeSource == null)
1634 {
1635 return;
1636 }
1637 string iDIngredient = recipeSource.GetIDIngredient();
1638 if (iDIngredient == null)
1639 {
1640 return;
1641 }
1642 thing = ThingGen.Create(iDIngredient);
1643 thing.ChangeMaterial(mat.alias);
1644 }
1646 {
1647 PutAway(thing);
1648 }
1649 else
1650 {
1651 TrySmoothPick(point, thing, c);
1652 }
1653 }
1655 public void MineBlock(Point point, bool recoverBlock = false, Chara c = null, bool mineObj = true)
1656 {
1657 bool flag = ActionMode.Mine.IsRoofEditMode() && point.cell._roofBlock != 0;
1658 if (!point.IsValid || (!flag && !point.cell.HasBlock))
1659 {
1660 return;
1661 }
1662 SourceMaterial.Row row = (flag ? point.matRoofBlock : point.matBlock);
1663 byte b = (flag ? point.cell._roofBlock : point.cell._block);
1664 SourceBlock.Row row2 = EClass.sources.blocks.rows[b];
1665 Effect.Get("smoke").Play(point);
1666 Effect.Get("mine").Play(point).SetParticleColor(row.GetColor())
1667 .Emit(10 + EClass.rnd(10));
1668 point.PlaySound(row.GetSoundDead(row2));
1669 row.AddBlood(point, 8);
1670 bool flag2 = c == null || c.IsAgent || c.IsPCFactionOrMinion;
1672 {
1673 flag2 = false;
1674 }
1675 if (flag)
1676 {
1677 point.cell._roofBlock = 0;
1678 RefreshSingleTile(point.x, point.z);
1679 }
1680 else
1681 {
1682 if (point.cell.HasFullBlock)
1683 {
1684 RemoveLonelyRamps(point.cell);
1685 }
1686 point.SetBlock();
1687 if (flag2 && point.sourceObj.tileType.IsBlockMount && mineObj)
1688 {
1689 MineObj(point, null, c);
1690 }
1691 }
1692 if (flag2)
1693 {
1694 DropBlockComponent(point, row2, row, recoverBlock, isPlatform: false, c);
1695 }
1696 RefreshShadow(point.x, point.z);
1697 RefreshShadow(point.x, point.z - 1);
1698 ValidateInstalled(point);
1699 RefreshFOV(point.x, point.z);
1700 if (flag2 && !point.cell.isModified && !flag)
1701 {
1702 if (b == 17 || EClass.rnd(100) == 0)
1703 {
1704 zone.AddCard(ThingGen.Create("money2"), point);
1705 }
1706 if (EClass._zone.DangerLv >= 10 && EClass.rnd(200) == 0)
1707 {
1708 zone.AddCard(ThingGen.Create("crystal_earth"), point);
1709 }
1710 if (EClass._zone.DangerLv >= 25 && EClass.rnd(200) == 0)
1711 {
1712 zone.AddCard(ThingGen.Create("crystal_sun"), point);
1713 }
1714 if (EClass._zone.DangerLv >= 40 && EClass.rnd(200) == 0)
1715 {
1716 zone.AddCard(ThingGen.Create("crystal_mana"), point);
1717 }
1718 point.cell.isModified = true;
1719 }
1720 }
1722 public void MineRamp(Point point, int ramp, bool recoverBlock = false)
1723 {
1724 if (point.IsValid && point.cell.HasFullBlock)
1725 {
1726 SourceMaterial.Row matBlock = point.matBlock;
1727 byte block = point.cell._block;
1728 Effect.Get("smoke").Play(point);
1729 Effect.Get("mine").Play(point).SetParticleColor(point.matBlock.GetColor())
1730 .Emit(10 + EClass.rnd(10));
1731 MineObj(point);
1732 int rampDir = EClass._map.GetRampDir(point.x, point.z, EClass.sources.blocks.rows[ramp].tileType);
1733 RemoveLonelyRamps(point.cell);
1734 SetBlock(point.x, point.z, point.cell._blockMat, ramp, rampDir);
1735 DropBlockComponent(point, EClass.sources.blocks.rows[block], matBlock, recoverBlock);
1736 }
1737 }
1739 public void MineFloor(Point point, Chara c = null, bool recoverBlock = false, bool removePlatform = true)
1740 {
1741 if (!point.IsValid || (!point.HasFloor && !point.HasBridge))
1742 {
1743 return;
1744 }
1745 SourceMaterial.Row row = (point.cell.HasBridge ? point.matBridge : point.matFloor);
1746 SourceFloor.Row c2 = (point.cell.HasBridge ? point.sourceBridge : point.sourceFloor);
1747 Effect.Get("mine").Play(point).SetParticleColor(row.GetColor())
1748 .Emit(10 + EClass.rnd(10));
1749 point.PlaySound(row.GetSoundDead(c2));
1750 MineObj(point, null, c);
1751 if (point.cell.HasBridge && removePlatform)
1752 {
1753 DropBlockComponent(EClass.pc.pos, point.sourceBridge, point.matBridge, recoverBlock, isPlatform: true, c);
1754 EClass._map.SetBridge(point.x, point.z);
1755 if (point.IsSky)
1756 {
1757 EClass.pc.Kick(point, ignoreSelf: true);
1758 }
1759 return;
1760 }
1762 {
1763 DropBlockComponent(EClass.pc.pos, point.sourceFloor, row, recoverBlock, isPlatform: false, c);
1764 SetFloor(point.x, point.z, 0, 90);
1765 if (point.IsSky)
1766 {
1767 EClass.pc.Kick(point, ignoreSelf: true);
1768 }
1769 return;
1770 }
1771 if (zone.IsRegion || point.cell._floor == 40)
1772 {
1773 Thing thing = ThingGen.CreateRawMaterial(row);
1774 thing.ChangeMaterial(row.alias);
1775 TrySmoothPick(point, thing, c);
1776 }
1777 else
1778 {
1779 DropBlockComponent(point, point.sourceFloor, row, recoverBlock, isPlatform: false, c);
1780 }
1781 if (!EClass._zone.IsRegion && !point.sourceFloor.components[0].Contains("chunk@soil"))
1782 {
1783 point.SetFloor(EClass.sources.floors.rows[1].DefaultMaterial.id, 40);
1784 }
1785 }
1787 public void RefreshShadow(int x, int z)
1788 {
1789 }
1791 public void TrySmoothPick(Cell cell, Thing t, Chara c)
1792 {
1793 TrySmoothPick(cell.GetPoint(), t, c);
1794 }
1796 public void TrySmoothPick(Point p, Thing t, Chara c)
1797 {
1798 if (c != null && c.IsAgent)
1799 {
1800 EClass.pc.PickOrDrop(p, t);
1801 }
1802 else if (c != null && (c.pos.Equals(p) || EClass.core.config.game.smoothPick || EClass._zone.IsRegion))
1803 {
1804 c.PickOrDrop(p, t);
1805 }
1806 else
1807 {
1808 EClass._zone.AddCard(t, p);
1809 }
1810 }
1812 public void DestroyObj(Point point)
1813 {
1814 Cell cell = point.cell;
1815 SourceObj.Row sourceObj = cell.sourceObj;
1816 SourceMaterial.Row matObj = cell.matObj;
1817 if (sourceObj.tileType.IsBlockPass)
1818 {
1819 Effect.Get("smoke").Play(point);
1820 }
1821 Effect.Get("mine").Play(point).SetParticleColor(cell.matObj.GetColor())
1822 .Emit(10 + EClass.rnd(10));
1823 point.PlaySound(matObj.GetSoundDead());
1824 matObj.AddBlood(point, 3);
1825 }
1827 public void MineObj(Point point, Task task = null, Chara c = null)
1828 {
1829 if (!point.IsValid || !point.HasObj)
1830 {
1831 return;
1832 }
1833 Cell cell = point.cell;
1834 SourceObj.Row sourceObj = cell.sourceObj;
1835 if (c == null && task != null)
1836 {
1837 c = task.owner;
1838 }
1839 bool num = c == null || c.IsAgent || c.IsPCFactionOrMinion;
1840 DestroyObj(point);
1841 if (num)
1842 {
1843 SourceMaterial.Row matObj_fixed = cell.matObj_fixed;
1844 if (task is TaskHarvest { IsReapSeed: not false })
1845 {
1846 int num2 = 1 + EClass.rnd(2) + ((EClass.rnd(3) == 0) ? 1 : 0);
1847 int soilCost = EClass._zone.GetSoilCost();
1848 int maxSoil = EClass._zone.MaxSoil;
1849 if (soilCost > maxSoil)
1850 {
1851 num2 -= EClass.rnd(2 + (soilCost - maxSoil) / 10);
1852 }
1853 if (num2 <= 0)
1854 {
1855 Msg.Say("seedSpoiled", cell.GetObjName());
1856 }
1857 else if (!EClass._zone.IsUserZone)
1858 {
1859 Thing t2 = TraitSeed.MakeSeed(sourceObj, TryGetPlant(cell)).SetNum(num2);
1860 EClass.pc.PickOrDrop(point, t2);
1861 }
1862 if (cell.growth.IsTree)
1863 {
1864 cell.isHarvested = true;
1865 return;
1866 }
1867 }
1868 else if (sourceObj.HasGrowth)
1869 {
1870 cell.growth.PopMineObj(c);
1871 }
1872 else
1873 {
1874 if (cell.HasBlock && (sourceObj.id == 18 || sourceObj.id == 19))
1875 {
1876 MineBlock(point, recoverBlock: false, c, mineObj: false);
1877 }
1878 switch (sourceObj.alias)
1879 {
1880 case "nest_bird":
1881 if (EClass.rnd(5) <= 1)
1882 {
1883 Pop(ThingGen.Create((EClass.rnd(10) == 0) ? "egg_fertilized" : "_egg").TryMakeRandomItem());
1884 }
1885 break;
1886 }
1887 int num3 = EClass.rnd(EClass.rnd(sourceObj.components.Length) + 1);
1888 string[] array = sourceObj.components[num3].Split('/');
1889 Thing thing = ThingGen.Create(array[0], matObj_fixed.alias);
1890 if (array.Length > 1)
1891 {
1892 thing.SetNum(EClass.rnd(array[1].ToInt()) + 1);
1893 }
1894 Pop(thing);
1895 }
1896 }
1897 SetObj(point.x, point.z);
1898 cell.gatherCount = 0;
1899 void Pop(Thing t)
1900 {
1902 {
1904 {
1905 EClass._map.PutAway(t);
1906 }
1907 else
1908 {
1909 TrySmoothPick(point, t, c);
1910 }
1911 }
1912 }
1913 }
1915 public void MineObjSound(Point point)
1916 {
1917 point.PlaySound(point.cell.matObj.GetSoundDead(point.cell.sourceObj));
1918 }
1921 {
1922 return plants.TryGetValue(p.index);
1923 }
1926 {
1927 return plants.TryGetValue(c.index);
1928 }
1931 {
1932 PlantData plantData = new PlantData
1933 {
1934 seed = seed
1935 };
1936 plants[pos.index] = plantData;
1937 return plantData;
1938 }
1940 public void RemovePlant(Point pos)
1941 {
1942 plants.Remove(pos.index);
1943 }
1946 {
1947 _ValidateInstalled(p.x, p.z);
1948 _ValidateInstalled(p.x + 1, p.z);
1949 _ValidateInstalled(p.x - 1, p.z);
1950 _ValidateInstalled(p.x, p.z + 1);
1951 _ValidateInstalled(p.x, p.z - 1);
1952 }
1954 public void _ValidateInstalled(int x, int y)
1955 {
1956 Point point = Point.shared.Set(x, y);
1957 if (!point.IsValid)
1958 {
1959 return;
1960 }
1961 List<Card> list = point.ListCards();
1962 CellDetail detail = point.cell.detail;
1963 if (detail == null)
1964 {
1965 return;
1966 }
1967 foreach (Card item in list)
1968 {
1969 if (!item.isThing || !item.trait.CanBeDestroyed || !item.IsInstalled)
1970 {
1971 continue;
1972 }
1973 HitResult hitResult = item.TileType._HitTest(point, item.Thing, canIgnore: false);
1974 if (item.Thing.stackOrder != detail.things.IndexOf(item.Thing) || (hitResult != HitResult.Valid && hitResult != HitResult.Warning))
1975 {
1976 if (EClass._zone.IsPCFaction || (!item.isNPCProperty && !(item.trait is TraitHarvest)))
1977 {
1978 item.SetPlaceState(PlaceState.roaming);
1979 }
1980 else if (item.rarity < Rarity.Legendary)
1981 {
1982 item.Die();
1983 }
1984 }
1985 }
1986 }
1988 public void RemoveLonelyRamps(Cell cell)
1989 {
1990 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
1991 {
1992 Cell dependedRamp = GetDependedRamp(cell);
1993 if (dependedRamp != null)
1994 {
1995 MineBlock(dependedRamp.GetPoint());
1996 continue;
1997 }
1998 break;
1999 }
2000 }
2002 public void DestroyBlock(int x, int z)
2003 {
2004 SetBlock(x, z);
2005 }
2007 public void AddDecal(int x, int z, int id, int amount = 1, bool refresh = true)
2008 {
2009 if (x < 0 || z < 0 || x >= Size || z >= Size)
2010 {
2011 return;
2012 }
2013 Cell cell = cells[x, z];
2014 if (cell.sourceFloor.tileType.AllowBlood && (cell.decal / 8 == id || cell.decal % 8 <= amount))
2015 {
2016 if (cell.decal / 8 != id && cell.decal % 8 == 0)
2017 {
2018 amount--;
2019 }
2020 int num = Mathf.Clamp(((cell.decal / 8 == id) ? (cell.decal % 8) : 0) + amount, 0, 7);
2021 cell.decal = (byte)(id * 8 + num);
2022 if (refresh)
2023 {
2025 }
2026 }
2027 }
2029 public void SetDecal(int x, int z, int id = 0, int amount = 1, bool refresh = true)
2030 {
2031 cells[x, z].decal = (byte)((id != 0 && amount != 0) ? ((uint)(id * 8 + amount)) : 0u);
2032 if (refresh)
2033 {
2035 }
2036 }
2038 public void SetFoormark(Point pos, int id, int angle, int offset = 0)
2039 {
2040 Cell cell = pos.cell;
2041 int tile = AngleToIndex(angle) + offset;
2042 Footmark footmark = new Footmark
2043 {
2044 tile = tile,
2045 remaining = 10
2046 };
2047 footmark.pos.Set(pos);
2048 footmarks.Add(footmark);
2049 cell.GetOrCreateDetail().footmark = footmark;
2050 }
2052 public int AngleToIndex(int a)
2053 {
2054 if (EClass._zone.IsRegion)
2055 {
2056 return a switch
2057 {
2058 135 => 7,
2059 180 => 0,
2060 225 => 1,
2061 -90 => 2,
2062 -45 => 3,
2063 0 => 4,
2064 45 => 5,
2065 _ => 6,
2066 };
2067 }
2068 return a switch
2069 {
2070 135 => 0,
2071 180 => 1,
2072 225 => 2,
2073 -90 => 3,
2074 -45 => 4,
2075 0 => 5,
2076 45 => 6,
2077 _ => 7,
2078 };
2079 }
2081 public void RefreshSingleTile(int x, int z)
2082 {
2083 cells[x, z].Refresh();
2084 }
2086 public void RefreshAllTiles()
2087 {
2088 for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
2089 {
2090 for (int j = 0; j < Size; j++)
2091 {
2092 cells[i, j].Refresh();
2093 }
2094 }
2095 }
2097 public void RefreshNeighborTiles(int x, int z)
2098 {
2099 cells[x, z].Refresh();
2100 for (int i = x - 2; i < x + 3; i++)
2101 {
2102 if (i < 0 || i >= Size)
2103 {
2104 continue;
2105 }
2106 for (int j = z - 2; j < z + 3; j++)
2107 {
2108 if (j >= 0 && j < Size && (x != i || z != j))
2109 {
2110 cells[i, j].Refresh();
2111 }
2112 }
2113 }
2114 }
2116 public void QuickRefreshTile(int x, int z)
2117 {
2118 Cell cell = cells[x, z];
2119 Cell cell2 = ((x > 0) ? cells[x - 1, z] : Cell.Void);
2120 Cell cell3 = ((x + 1 < Size) ? cells[x + 1, z] : Cell.Void);
2121 Cell cell4 = ((z > 0) ? cells[x, z - 1] : Cell.Void);
2122 Cell cell5 = ((z + 1 < Size) ? cells[x, z + 1] : Cell.Void);
2123 Cell cell6 = ((x > 0 && z > 0) ? cells[x - 1, z - 1] : Cell.Void);
2124 Cell cell7 = ((x + 1 < Size && z > 0) ? cells[x + 1, z - 1] : Cell.Void);
2125 Cell cell8 = ((x > 0 && z + 1 < Size) ? cells[x - 1, z + 1] : Cell.Void);
2126 Cell cell9 = ((x + 1 < Size && z + 1 < Size) ? cells[x + 1, z + 1] : Cell.Void);
2127 cell.isSurrounded4d = cell2.HasFullBlock && cell3.HasFullBlock && cell4.HasFullBlock && cell5.HasFullBlock;
2128 cell.isSurrounded = cell.isSurrounded4d && cell6.HasFullBlock && cell7.HasFullBlock && cell8.HasFullBlock && cell9.HasFullBlock;
2129 }
2131 public int GetRampDir(int x, int z, TileType blockType = null)
2132 {
2133 Cell cell = cells[x, z];
2134 if (cell.HasFullBlock)
2135 {
2136 if (blockType == null)
2137 {
2138 blockType = cell.sourceBlock.tileType;
2139 }
2140 Cell right = cell.Right;
2141 Cell front = cell.Front;
2142 Cell left = cell.Left;
2143 Cell back = cell.Back;
2144 if (!right.HasBlock && !right.IsVoid && left.HasFullBlock && front.CanBuildRamp(1) && back.CanBuildRamp(1))
2145 {
2146 return 1;
2147 }
2148 if (!front.HasBlock && !front.IsVoid && back.HasFullBlock && left.CanBuildRamp(0) && right.CanBuildRamp(0))
2149 {
2150 return 0;
2151 }
2152 if (!left.HasBlock && !left.IsVoid && right.HasFullBlock && front.CanBuildRamp(3) && back.CanBuildRamp(3))
2153 {
2154 return 3;
2155 }
2156 if (!back.HasBlock && !back.IsVoid && front.HasFullBlock && left.CanBuildRamp(2) && right.CanBuildRamp(2))
2157 {
2158 return 2;
2159 }
2160 if (!blockType.IsRamp)
2161 {
2162 return 0;
2163 }
2164 }
2165 return -1;
2166 }
2169 {
2170 Cell right = cell.Right;
2171 if (right.HasRamp && !right.HasStairs && right.blockDir == 1)
2172 {
2173 return right;
2174 }
2175 Cell front = cell.Front;
2176 if (front.HasRamp && !front.HasStairs && front.blockDir == 0)
2177 {
2178 return front;
2179 }
2180 Cell left = cell.Left;
2181 if (left.HasRamp && !left.HasStairs && left.blockDir == 3)
2182 {
2183 return left;
2184 }
2185 Cell back = cell.Back;
2186 if (back.HasRamp && !back.HasStairs && back.blockDir == 2)
2187 {
2188 return back;
2189 }
2190 return null;
2191 }
2193 public Point GetRandomPoint(Point center, int radius, int tries = 100, bool mustBeWalkable = true, bool requireLos = true)
2194 {
2195 Point point = new Point();
2196 for (int i = 0; i < tries; i++)
2197 {
2198 point.x = center.x + EClass.rnd(radius * 2 + 1) - radius;
2199 point.z = center.z + EClass.rnd(radius * 2 + 1) - radius;
2200 point.Clamp();
2201 if ((!mustBeWalkable || !point.cell.blocked) && (!requireLos || Los.IsVisible(center, point)))
2202 {
2203 return point;
2204 }
2205 }
2206 Debug.Log("GetRandomPoint failed center:" + center?.ToString() + " rad:" + radius);
2207 point.IsValid = false;
2208 return point;
2209 }
2211 public new Point GetRandomEdge(int r = 3)
2212 {
2213 int num = 0;
2214 int num2 = 0;
2215 for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
2216 {
2217 if (EClass.rnd(2) == 0)
2218 {
2219 num = ((EClass.rnd(2) == 0) ? EClass.rnd(r) : (Size - 1 - EClass.rnd(r)));
2220 num2 = EClass.rnd(Size);
2221 }
2222 else
2223 {
2224 num2 = ((EClass.rnd(2) == 0) ? EClass.rnd(r) : (Size - 1 - EClass.rnd(r)));
2225 num = EClass.rnd(Size);
2226 }
2227 Point surface = GetSurface(num, num2, walkable: false);
2228 if (surface.IsValid)
2229 {
2230 return surface;
2231 }
2232 }
2233 return GetSurface(Size / 2, Size / 2, walkable: false);
2234 }
2237 {
2238 Point point = new Point();
2239 int num = ((EClass.rnd(2) == 0) ? 1 : (-1));
2240 int num2 = ((EClass.rnd(2) == 0) ? 1 : (-1));
2241 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
2242 {
2243 point.x = center.x - num + i * num;
2244 for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
2245 {
2246 point.z = center.z - num2 + j * num2;
2247 if (point.IsValid && point.area == null && point.cell.CanHarvest())
2248 {
2249 return point;
2250 }
2251 }
2252 }
2253 return Point.Invalid;
2254 }
2256 public List<Point> ListPointsInCircle(Point center, float radius, bool mustBeWalkable = true, bool los = true)
2257 {
2258 List<Point> list = new List<Point>();
2259 ForeachSphere(center.x, center.z, radius, delegate(Point p)
2260 {
2261 if ((!mustBeWalkable || !p.cell.blocked) && (!los || Los.IsVisible(center, p)))
2262 {
2263 list.Add(p.Copy());
2264 }
2265 });
2266 return list;
2267 }
2269 public List<Chara> ListCharasInCircle(Point center, float radius, bool los = true)
2270 {
2271 List<Chara> list = new List<Chara>();
2272 foreach (Point item in ListPointsInCircle(center, radius, mustBeWalkable: false, los))
2273 {
2274 CellDetail detail = item.detail;
2275 if (detail == null || detail.charas.Count <= 0)
2276 {
2277 continue;
2278 }
2279 foreach (Chara chara in item.detail.charas)
2280 {
2281 list.Add(chara);
2282 }
2283 }
2284 return list;
2285 }
2287 public List<Point> ListPointsInArc(Point center, Point to, int radius, float angle)
2288 {
2289 Point to2 = new Point((to.x > center.x) ? 1 : ((to.x < center.x) ? (-1) : 0), (to.z > center.z) ? 1 : ((to.z < center.z) ? (-1) : 0));
2290 Point point = new Point(0, 0);
2291 List<Point> list = new List<Point>();
2292 float diff = point.GetAngle2(to2);
2293 ForeachSphere(center.x, center.z, radius, delegate(Point p)
2294 {
2295 float angle2 = center.GetAngle2(p);
2296 if ((Mathf.Abs(diff - angle2) < angle || Mathf.Abs(diff - angle2 + 360f) < angle || Mathf.Abs(360f - diff + angle2) < angle) && Los.IsVisible(center, p) && !p.IsBlocked)
2297 {
2298 list.Add(p.Copy());
2299 }
2300 });
2301 return list;
2302 }
2304 public List<Point> ListPointsInLine(Point center, Point to, int radius)
2305 {
2306 return Los.ListVisible(center, to, radius);
2307 }
2309 public void SetBounds(int size)
2310 {
2311 if (size > Size / 2 + 1)
2312 {
2313 size = Size / 2 - 1;
2314 }
2315 bounds.SetBounds(Size / 2 - size, Size / 2 - size, Size / 2 + size, Size / 2 + size);
2316 }
2318 public void SetBounds(MapBounds b)
2319 {
2320 bounds.SetBounds(b.x, b.z, b.maxX, b.maxZ);
2321 bounds.Size = b.Size;
2322 }
2324 public new void ForeachCell(Action<Cell> action)
2325 {
2326 for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
2327 {
2328 for (int j = 0; j < Size; j++)
2329 {
2330 action(cells[i, j]);
2331 }
2332 }
2333 }
2335 public new void ForeachPoint(Action<Point> action)
2336 {
2337 Point point = new Point();
2338 for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
2339 {
2340 for (int j = 0; j < Size; j++)
2341 {
2342 action(point.Set(i, j));
2343 }
2344 }
2345 }
2347 public new void ForeachXYZ(Action<int, int> action)
2348 {
2349 for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
2350 {
2351 for (int j = 0; j < Size; j++)
2352 {
2353 action(i, j);
2354 }
2355 }
2356 }
2358 public void ForeachSphere(int _x, int _z, float r, Action<Point> action)
2359 {
2360 Point point = new Point();
2361 int num = (int)Mathf.Ceil(r);
2362 for (int i = _x - num; i < _x + num + 1; i++)
2363 {
2364 if (i < 0 || i >= Size)
2365 {
2366 continue;
2367 }
2368 for (int j = _z - num; j < _z + num + 1; j++)
2369 {
2370 if (j >= 0 && j < Size && (float)((i - _x) * (i - _x) + (j - _z) * (j - _z)) < r * r)
2371 {
2372 point.Set(i, j);
2373 action(point);
2374 }
2375 }
2376 }
2377 }
2379 public void ForeachNeighbor(Point center, Action<Point> action)
2380 {
2381 int num = center.x;
2382 int num2 = center.z;
2383 Point point = new Point();
2384 for (int i = num - 1; i < num + 2; i++)
2385 {
2386 if (i < 0 || i >= Size)
2387 {
2388 continue;
2389 }
2390 for (int j = num2 - 1; j < num2 + 2; j++)
2391 {
2392 if (j >= 0 && j < Size)
2393 {
2394 point.Set(i, j);
2395 action(point);
2396 }
2397 }
2398 }
2399 }
2401 public void Quake()
2402 {
2403 Point point = new Point();
2404 int num;
2405 for (num = 0; num < Size; num++)
2406 {
2407 int num2;
2408 for (num2 = 0; num2 < Size; num2++)
2409 {
2410 point.x = num;
2411 point.z = num2;
2412 point.Copy().Animate(AnimeID.Quake, animeBlock: true);
2413 num2 += EClass.rnd(2);
2414 }
2415 num += EClass.rnd(2);
2416 }
2417 }
2419 public int CountChara(Faction faction)
2420 {
2421 int num = 0;
2422 foreach (Chara chara in charas)
2423 {
2424 if (chara.faction == faction)
2425 {
2426 num++;
2427 }
2428 }
2429 return num;
2430 }
2432 public int CountGuest()
2433 {
2434 int num = 0;
2435 foreach (Chara chara in charas)
2436 {
2437 if (chara.IsGuest())
2438 {
2439 num++;
2440 }
2441 }
2442 return num;
2443 }
2445 public int CountHostile()
2446 {
2447 int num = 0;
2448 foreach (Chara chara in charas)
2449 {
2450 if (!chara.IsPCFaction && chara.IsHostile())
2451 {
2452 num++;
2453 }
2454 }
2455 return num;
2456 }
2458 public int CountWildAnimal()
2459 {
2460 int num = 0;
2461 foreach (Chara chara in charas)
2462 {
2463 if (!chara.IsPCFaction && chara.race.IsAnimal)
2464 {
2465 num++;
2466 }
2467 }
2468 return num;
2469 }
2471 public int CountNonHostile()
2472 {
2473 int num = 0;
2474 foreach (Chara chara in charas)
2475 {
2476 if (!chara.IsPCFaction && !chara.IsHostile())
2477 {
2478 num++;
2479 }
2480 }
2481 return num;
2482 }
2484 public List<Chara> ListChara(Faction faction)
2485 {
2486 List<Chara> list = new List<Chara>();
2487 foreach (Chara chara in charas)
2488 {
2489 if (chara.faction == faction)
2490 {
2491 list.Add(chara);
2492 }
2493 }
2494 return list;
2495 }
2497 public List<Thing> ListThing<T>() where T : Trait
2498 {
2499 List<Thing> list = new List<Thing>();
2500 foreach (Thing thing in things)
2501 {
2502 if (thing.IsInstalled && thing.trait is T)
2503 {
2504 list.Add(thing);
2505 }
2506 }
2507 return list;
2508 }
2510 public bool PutAway(Card c)
2511 {
2513 {
2514 return false;
2515 }
2516 if (c.isChara)
2517 {
2519 {
2520 return false;
2521 }
2522 c.Destroy();
2523 return true;
2524 }
2525 Thing thing = c.Thing;
2526 if (thing.parent != null)
2527 {
2528 thing.parent.RemoveCard(thing);
2529 }
2530 thing.isMasked = false;
2531 thing.isRoofItem = false;
2532 if (EClass._zone.IsPCFaction && EClass._map.props.installed.traits.GetRandomThing<TraitSpotStockpile>() != null)
2533 {
2534 EClass._zone.TryAddThingInSpot<TraitSpotStockpile>(thing);
2535 return true;
2536 }
2537 if (EClass.debug.enable)
2538 {
2540 return true;
2541 }
2542 EClass.pc.Pick(thing, msg: false);
2543 return true;
2544 }
2546 public Chara FindChara(string id)
2547 {
2548 foreach (Chara chara in charas)
2549 {
2550 if (chara.id == id)
2551 {
2552 return chara;
2553 }
2554 }
2555 return null;
2556 }
2558 public Chara FindChara(int uid)
2559 {
2560 foreach (Chara chara in charas)
2561 {
2562 if (chara.uid == uid)
2563 {
2564 return chara;
2565 }
2566 }
2567 return null;
2568 }
2570 public Thing FindThing(Func<Thing, bool> func)
2571 {
2572 foreach (Thing thing in things)
2573 {
2574 if (func(thing))
2575 {
2576 return thing;
2577 }
2578 }
2579 return null;
2580 }
2582 public Thing FindThing(int uid)
2583 {
2584 foreach (Thing thing in things)
2585 {
2586 if (thing.uid == uid)
2587 {
2588 return thing;
2589 }
2590 }
2591 return null;
2592 }
2594 public T FindThing<T>() where T : Trait
2595 {
2596 foreach (Thing thing in things)
2597 {
2598 if (thing.trait is T)
2599 {
2600 return thing.trait as T;
2601 }
2602 }
2603 return null;
2604 }
2606 public Thing FindThing(Type type, Chara c = null)
2607 {
2608 _things.Clear();
2609 foreach (Thing thing in EClass._map.props.installed.things)
2610 {
2611 if (type.IsAssignableFrom(thing.trait.GetType()) && thing.pos.IsPublicSpace())
2612 {
2613 _things.Add(thing);
2614 }
2615 }
2616 if (_things.Count <= 0)
2617 {
2618 return null;
2619 }
2620 return _things.RandomItem();
2621 }
2623 public Thing FindThing(Type type, BaseArea area1, BaseArea area2 = null)
2624 {
2625 if (area1 == null && area2 == null)
2626 {
2627 return null;
2628 }
2629 Thing thing = Find(area1);
2630 if (thing == null && area2 != null)
2631 {
2632 thing = Find(area2);
2633 }
2634 return thing;
2635 Thing Find(BaseArea area)
2636 {
2637 _things.Clear();
2638 foreach (Thing thing2 in EClass._map.props.installed.things)
2639 {
2640 if (type.IsAssignableFrom(thing2.trait.GetType()) && thing2.pos.HasRoomOrArea(area))
2641 {
2642 _things.Add(thing2);
2643 }
2644 }
2645 if (_things.Count <= 0)
2646 {
2647 return null;
2648 }
2649 return _things.RandomItem();
2650 }
2651 }
2653 public Thing FindThing(string workTag, BaseArea area1 = null, BaseArea area2 = null)
2654 {
2655 if (area1 == null && area2 == null)
2656 {
2657 return null;
2658 }
2659 Thing thing = null;
2660 PropSet orCreate = EClass._map.Installed.workMap.GetOrCreate(workTag);
2661 if (area1 != null)
2662 {
2663 IEnumerable<Card> enumerable = orCreate.Where((Card a) => a.pos.HasRoomOrArea(area1));
2664 if (enumerable.Count() > 0)
2665 {
2666 thing = enumerable.RandomItem() as Thing;
2667 }
2668 }
2669 if (thing == null && area2 != null)
2670 {
2671 IEnumerable<Card> enumerable2 = orCreate.Where((Card a) => a.pos.HasRoomOrArea(area2));
2672 if (enumerable2.Count() > 0)
2673 {
2674 thing = enumerable2.RandomItem() as Thing;
2675 }
2676 }
2677 return thing;
2678 }
2680 public Thing FindThing(string workTag, Chara c)
2681 {
2682 Thing result = null;
2683 IEnumerable<Card> enumerable = from a in EClass._map.Installed.workMap.GetOrCreate(workTag)
2684 where a.pos.IsPublicSpace()
2685 select a;
2686 if (enumerable.Count() > 0)
2687 {
2688 result = enumerable.RandomItem() as Thing;
2689 }
2690 return result;
2691 }
2694 {
2695 return (from a in ((IEnumerable<BaseArea>)rooms.listArea).Concat((IEnumerable<BaseArea>)rooms.listRoom)
2696 where a.type.IsPublicArea
2697 select a).RandomItem();
2698 }
2700 public void RefreshSunMap()
2701 {
2702 if (!isDirtySunMap)
2703 {
2704 return;
2705 }
2706 sunMap.Clear();
2707 foreach (Card sun in EClass._map.props.installed.traits.suns)
2708 {
2709 foreach (Point item in sun.trait.ListPoints(null, onlyPassable: false))
2710 {
2711 sunMap.Add(item.index);
2712 }
2713 }
2714 isDirtySunMap = false;
2715 }
Definition: AnimeID.cs:2
Definition: EditorTag.cs:2
Definition: HitResult.cs:2
Definition: PlaceState.cs:2
Definition: Rarity.cs:2
int itemLost
Definition: AM_Adv.cs:109
override bool IsRoofEditMode(Card c=null)
Definition: AM_Mine.cs:19
void Add(Act a, string s="")
Definition: ActPlan.cs:11
static AM_Copy Copy
Definition: ActionMode.cs:45
bool IsActive
Definition: ActionMode.cs:121
virtual bool IsBuildMode
Definition: ActionMode.cs:181
static AM_Mine Mine
Definition: ActionMode.cs:33
static AM_Adv Adv
Definition: ActionMode.cs:15
static int indexTree
Definition: BackerContent.cs:3
static int indexRemain
Definition: BackerContent.cs:5
Version version
Definition: BaseCore.cs:17
static BaseCore Instance
Definition: BaseCore.cs:11
void KillActor()
string id
Definition: CardRow.cs:7
Definition: Card.cs:11
bool isDestroyed
Definition: Card.cs:71
bool IsPCFactionOrMinion
Definition: Card.cs:2132
virtual bool IsMultisize
Definition: Card.cs:2034
virtual bool isThing
Definition: Card.cs:1957
virtual Chara Chara
Definition: Card.cs:1946
Thing Split(int a)
Definition: Card.cs:3231
bool IsAgent
Definition: Card.cs:2109
void SetPlaceState(PlaceState newState, bool byPlayer=false)
Definition: Card.cs:3454
ElementContainerCard elements
Definition: Card.cs:37
string id
Definition: Card.cs:31
Card ChangeMaterial(int idNew, bool ignoreFixedMaterial=false)
Definition: Card.cs:2838
string c_altName
Definition: Card.cs:1493
virtual bool IsPCParty
Definition: Card.cs:2025
void CalculateFOV()
Definition: Card.cs:5728
Thing AddThing(string id, int lv=-1)
Definition: Card.cs:2901
string Name
Definition: Card.cs:2013
ICardParent parent
Definition: Card.cs:51
Thing SetNum(int a)
Definition: Card.cs:3242
void ForeachPoint(Action< Point, bool > action)
Definition: Card.cs:6942
virtual void Die(Element e=null, Card origin=null, AttackSource attackSource=AttackSource.None)
Definition: Card.cs:4471
bool IsFood
Definition: Card.cs:2051
Point pos
Definition: Card.cs:55
void ClearFOV()
Definition: Card.cs:5817
int uid
Definition: Card.cs:118
Trait trait
Definition: Card.cs:49
void ModCharge(int a, bool destroy=false)
Definition: Card.cs:3627
void Destroy()
Definition: Card.cs:4538
bool HasEditorTag(EditorTag tag)
Definition: Card.cs:2460
ThingContainer things
Definition: Card.cs:34
bool IsInstalled
Definition: Card.cs:2241
virtual bool IsPC
Definition: Card.cs:2019
virtual bool isChara
Definition: Card.cs:1959
virtual Thing Thing
Definition: Card.cs:1934
Card GetRootCard()
Definition: Card.cs:3173
int Evalue(int ele)
Definition: Card.cs:2431
Thing TryMakeRandomItem(int lv=-1)
Definition: Card.cs:4861
virtual bool IsPCFaction
Definition: Card.cs:2129
Cell Cell
Definition: Card.cs:1931
bool isPlayerCreation
Definition: Card.cs:466
Card parentCard
Definition: Card.cs:99
Thing Add(string id, int num=1, int lv=1)
Definition: Card.cs:2878
int Num
Definition: Card.cs:154
SourceCategory.Row category
Definition: Card.cs:1925
int c_charges
Definition: Card.cs:1205
CardRenderer renderer
Definition: Card.cs:57
List< Thing > things
Definition: CellDetail.cs:11
List< Chara > charas
Definition: CellDetail.cs:13
Footmark footmark
Definition: CellDetail.cs:17
int amount
Definition: CellEffect.cs:26
int FireAmount
Definition: CellEffect.cs:150
bool IsFire
Definition: CellEffect.cs:135
Definition: Cell.cs:7
byte _block
Definition: Cell.cs:30
bool CanHarvest()
Definition: Cell.cs:1660
Room room
Definition: Cell.cs:102
void RemoveCard(Card c)
Definition: Cell.cs:1562
SourceBlock.Row sourceBlock
Definition: Cell.cs:1052
bool IsSnowTile
Definition: Cell.cs:782
bool HasBlock
Definition: Cell.cs:643
byte objMat
Definition: Cell.cs:42
bool CanBuildRamp(int dir)
Definition: Cell.cs:1139
SourceFloor.Row sourceFloor
Definition: Cell.cs:1054
CellEffect effect
Definition: Cell.cs:94
byte _bridge
Definition: Cell.cs:46
byte _floor
Definition: Cell.cs:34
Cell Back
Definition: Cell.cs:153
bool HasStairs
Definition: Cell.cs:855
byte decal
Definition: Cell.cs:44
bool HasBridge
Definition: Cell.cs:671
Point GetSharedPoint()
Definition: Cell.cs:1106
bool isHarvested
Definition: Cell.cs:330
bool IsTopWaterAndNoSnow
Definition: Cell.cs:712
bool isClearSnow
Definition: Cell.cs:450
Cell Front
Definition: Cell.cs:129
SourceMaterial.Row matObj
Definition: Cell.cs:1036
CellDetail GetOrCreateDetail()
Definition: Cell.cs:1529
byte objVal
Definition: Cell.cs:40
byte _floorMat
Definition: Cell.cs:36
byte _blockMat
Definition: Cell.cs:32
void Refresh()
Definition: Cell.cs:1148
void Reset()
Definition: Cell.cs:1522
bool isModified
Definition: Cell.cs:438
byte _roofBlock
Definition: Cell.cs:50
byte _bridgeMat
Definition: Cell.cs:48
bool IsTopWater
Definition: Cell.cs:700
byte height
Definition: Cell.cs:72
GrowSystem growth
Definition: Cell.cs:225
bool isWatered
Definition: Cell.cs:342
CellDetail detail
Definition: Cell.cs:92
byte _roofBlockDir
Definition: Cell.cs:54
bool HasFloodBlock
Definition: Cell.cs:1017
bool isToggleWallPillar
Definition: Cell.cs:558
byte z
Definition: Cell.cs:58
Cell Left
Definition: Cell.cs:165
byte _roofBlockMat
Definition: Cell.cs:52
bool isSeen
Definition: Cell.cs:282
void AddCard(Card c)
Definition: Cell.cs:1546
byte obj
Definition: Cell.cs:38
SourceObj.Row sourceObj
Definition: Cell.cs:1072
Cell BackLeft
Definition: Cell.cs:213
string GetObjName()
Definition: Cell.cs:1600
bool isForceFloat
Definition: Cell.cs:306
byte x
Definition: Cell.cs:56
Point GetPoint()
Definition: Cell.cs:1101
bool impassable
Definition: Cell.cs:402
static Cell Void
Definition: Cell.cs:10
bool HasObj
Definition: Cell.cs:641
Cell Right
Definition: Cell.cs:141
bool crossWall
Definition: Cell.cs:630
bool isObjDyed
Definition: Cell.cs:618
bool HasRamp
Definition: Cell.cs:837
byte bridgeHeight
Definition: Cell.cs:74
int index
Definition: Cell.cs:114
bool hasDoor
Definition: Cell.cs:258
int blockDir
Definition: Cell.cs:898
byte _dirs
Definition: Cell.cs:28
bool HasFullBlock
Definition: Cell.cs:817
bool IsVoid
Definition: Cell.cs:959
SourceMaterial.Row matObj_fixed
Definition: Cell.cs:1039
Cell FrontRight
Definition: Cell.cs:177
byte bridgePillar
Definition: Cell.cs:82
Definition: Chara.cs:10
new TraitChara trait
Definition: Chara.cs:488
Faction faction
Definition: Chara.cs:412
override bool IsPC
Definition: Chara.cs:597
override bool IsGlobal
Definition: Chara.cs:595
Point orgPos
Definition: Chara.cs:21
void PickOrDrop(Point p, string idThing, int idMat=-1, int num=1, bool msg=true)
Definition: Chara.cs:3900
override bool IsPCFaction
Definition: Chara.cs:656
void Kick(Point p, bool ignoreSelf=false)
Definition: Chara.cs:5174
bool IsGuest()
Definition: Chara.cs:5967
bool IsHostile()
Definition: Chara.cs:5884
Thing Pick(Thing t, bool msg=true, bool tryStack=true)
Definition: Chara.cs:3920
SourceRace.Row race
Definition: Chara.cs:449
Definition: ConWet.cs:2
bool ignoreBackerDestoryFlag
Definition: CoreConfig.cs:549
new GameConfig game
Definition: CoreConfig.cs:596
bool enable
Definition: CoreDebug.cs:285
bool godBuild
Definition: CoreDebug.cs:303
Thing GetOrCreateDebugContainer()
Definition: CoreDebug.cs:734
bool ignoreBuildRule
Definition: CoreDebug.cs:184
CoreConfig config
Definition: Core.cs:70
static void MakeDish(Thing food, int lv, Chara crafter=null)
Definition: CraftUtil.cs:54
static void RebuildCritter(Cell cell)
Definition: Critter.cs:93
Definition: EClass.cs:5
static Game game
Definition: EClass.cs:8
static Scene scene
Definition: EClass.cs:30
static int curve(int a, int start, int step, int rate=75)
Definition: EClass.cs:55
static int rnd(int a)
Definition: EClass.cs:50
static Core core
Definition: EClass.cs:6
static Zone _zone
Definition: EClass.cs:20
static Map _map
Definition: EClass.cs:18
static SourceManager sources
Definition: EClass.cs:42
static FactionBranch Branch
Definition: EClass.cs:22
static Player player
Definition: EClass.cs:12
static Chara pc
Definition: EClass.cs:14
static CoreDebug debug
Definition: EClass.cs:48
Definition: Effect.cs:7
static Effect Get(Effect original)
Definition: Effect.cs:85
void Play(float delay, Point from, float fixY=0f, Point to=null, Sprite sprite=null)
Definition: Effect.cs:100
Element ModBase(int ele, int v)
static Element Create(int id, int v=0)
Definition: ELEMENT.cs:913
bool HasItemProtection
Point pos
Definition: Footmark.cs:3
static FowProfile Load(string id)
Definition: FowProfile.cs:9
Definition: GameIO.cs:10
static void SaveFile(string path, object obj)
Definition: GameIO.cs:254
bool disableUsermapBenefit
Definition: Game.cs:8
static void Load(string id, bool cloud)
Definition: Game.cs:313
GamePrincipal principal
Definition: Game.cs:221
static string id
Definition: Game.cs:147
bool Save(bool isAutoSave=false, bool silent=false)
Definition: Game.cs:960
bool isCloud
Definition: Game.cs:239
void PopMineObj(Chara c=null)
Definition: GrowSystem.cs:509
virtual bool IsMature
Definition: GrowSystem.cs:99
virtual void OnSetObj()
Definition: GrowSystem.cs:260
virtual bool IsTree
Definition: GrowSystem.cs:87
Definition: IO.cs:13
LogicalPoint GetOrCreate(Point point)
Definition: Los.cs:5
static List< Point > ListVisible(Point p1, Point p2, int radius, Action< Point, bool > _onVisit=null)
Definition: Los.cs:90
static bool IsVisible(Point p1, Point p2, Action< Point, bool > _onVisit=null)
Definition: Los.cs:167
static SourceMaterial.Row GetRandomMaterialFromCategory(int lv, string cat, SourceMaterial.Row fallback)
Definition: MATERIAL.cs:81
int Size
Definition: MapBounds.cs:20
int maxZ
Definition: MapBounds.cs:17
void SetBounds(int _x, int _z, int _maxX, int _maxZ)
Definition: MapBounds.cs:30
Point GetSurface(int x, int z, bool walkable=true)
Definition: MapBounds.cs:171
int maxX
Definition: MapBounds.cs:14
void ForeachCell(Action< Cell > action)
Definition: MapBounds.cs:279
int x
Definition: MapBounds.cs:8
Point GetCenterPos()
Definition: MapBounds.cs:52
string idSceneProfile
Definition: MapConfig.cs:8
bool indoor
Definition: MapConfig.cs:29
string idFowProfile
Definition: MapConfig.cs:11
Definition: Map.cs:13
bool IsIndoor
Definition: Map.cs:131
new void ForeachXYZ(Action< int, int > action)
Definition: Map.cs:2347
List< int > _plNight
Definition: Map.cs:58
new void ForeachCell(Action< Cell > action)
Definition: Map.cs:2324
void TrySmoothPick(Point p, Thing t, Chara c)
Definition: Map.cs:1796
Thing FindThing(Type type, BaseArea area1, BaseArea area2=null)
Definition: Map.cs:2623
void ResetEditorPos()
Definition: Map.cs:357
void RefreshNeighborTiles(int x, int z)
Definition: Map.cs:2097
Thing FindThing(Func< Thing, bool > func)
Definition: Map.cs:2570
bool isGenerated
Definition: Map.cs:129
Cell GetCell(int index)
Definition: Map.cs:881
PlantData TryGetPlant(Point p)
Definition: Map.cs:1920
void ForeachSphere(int _x, int _z, float r, Action< Point > action)
Definition: Map.cs:2358
Dictionary< int, int > gatherCounts
Definition: Map.cs:61
BitArray32 bits
Definition: Map.cs:75
void Shift(Vector2Int offset)
Definition: Map.cs:254
Thing FindThing(Type type, Chara c=null)
Definition: Map.cs:2606
void ExportMetaData(string _path, string id, PartialMap partial=null)
Definition: Map.cs:716
Chara FindChara(string id)
Definition: Map.cs:2546
IEnumerable< Card > Cards
Definition: Map.cs:135
void RefreshSunMap()
Definition: Map.cs:2700
void RefreshSingleTile(int x, int z)
Definition: Map.cs:2081
void SetBridge(int x, int z, int height=0, int idMat=0, int idBridge=0, int dir=0)
Definition: Map.cs:966
Point GetRandomPoint(Point center, int radius, int tries=100, bool mustBeWalkable=true, bool requireLos=true)
Definition: Map.cs:2193
void RemovePlant(Point pos)
Definition: Map.cs:1940
BaseArea FindPublicArea()
Definition: Map.cs:2693
static void UpdateMetaData(string pathZip, PartialMap partial=null)
Definition: Map.cs:759
void DestroyObj(Point point)
Definition: Map.cs:1812
void Save(string path, ZoneExportData export=null, PartialMap partial=null)
Definition: Map.cs:376
void Reset()
Definition: Map.cs:345
int SizeXZ
Definition: Map.cs:133
PropsInstalled Installed
Definition: Map.cs:123
void TrySmoothPick(Cell cell, Thing t, Chara c)
Definition: Map.cs:1791
void AddCardOnActivate(Card c)
Definition: Map.cs:777
Thing FindThing(int uid)
Definition: Map.cs:2582
Dictionary< int, CellEffect > cellEffects
Definition: Map.cs:64
void TryShatter(Point pos, int ele, int power)
Definition: Map.cs:1194
void RefreshFOV(int x, int z, int radius=6, bool recalculate=false)
Definition: Map.cs:923
List< Point > ListPointsInArc(Point center, Point to, int radius, float angle)
Definition: Map.cs:2287
HashSet< int > roomHash
Definition: Map.cs:105
int CountNonHostile()
Definition: Map.cs:2471
void MoveCard(Point p, Card t)
Definition: Map.cs:835
Thing FindThing(string workTag, Chara c)
Definition: Map.cs:2680
void AddBackerTree(bool draw)
Definition: Map.cs:1563
void Reveal(Point center, int power=100)
Definition: Map.cs:912
FloodSpiller flood
Definition: Map.cs:93
void SetBlockDir(int x, int z, int dir)
Definition: Map.cs:1159
void SetBounds(int size)
Definition: Map.cs:2309
void MineObj(Point point, Task task=null, Chara c=null)
Definition: Map.cs:1827
void OnDeactivate()
Definition: Map.cs:205
void SetLiquid(int x, int z, CellEffect effect=null)
Definition: Map.cs:1464
void OnCardRemovedFromZone(Card t)
Definition: Map.cs:819
void SetZone(Zone _zone)
Definition: Map.cs:181
Point GetNearbyResourcePoint(Point center)
Definition: Map.cs:2236
void SetDecal(int x, int z, int id=0, int amount=1, bool refresh=true)
Definition: Map.cs:2029
PropsRoaming Roaming
Definition: Map.cs:125
PlantData TryGetPlant(Cell c)
Definition: Map.cs:1925
int CountChara(Faction faction)
Definition: Map.cs:2419
void MineBlock(Point point, bool recoverBlock=false, Chara c=null, bool mineObj=true)
Definition: Map.cs:1655
bool revealed
Definition: Map.cs:103
List< Chara > ListCharasInCircle(Point center, float radius, bool los=true)
Definition: Map.cs:2269
int CountHostile()
Definition: Map.cs:2445
void SetFloor(int x, int z, int idMat, int idFloor, int dir)
Definition: Map.cs:956
List< Thing > things
Definition: Map.cs:49
void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext context)
Definition: Map.cs:148
void SetFoormark(Point pos, int id, int angle, int offset=0)
Definition: Map.cs:2038
void RefreshFOVAll()
Definition: Map.cs:943
byte[] TryLoadFile(string path, string s, int size)
Definition: Map.cs:531
void _ValidateInstalled(int x, int y)
Definition: Map.cs:1954
int GetRampDir(int x, int z, TileType blockType=null)
Definition: Map.cs:2131
List< Thing > ListThing< T >()
Definition: Map.cs:2497
Dictionary< int, int > backerObjs
Definition: Map.cs:67
int CountGuest()
Definition: Map.cs:2432
List< Point > ListPointsInLine(Point center, Point to, int radius)
Definition: Map.cs:2304
List< int > _plDay
Definition: Map.cs:55
Playlist plDay
Definition: Map.cs:77
int AngleToIndex(int a)
Definition: Map.cs:2052
CustomData custom
Definition: Map.cs:40
List< Chara > deadCharas
Definition: Map.cs:46
void ModFire(int x, int z, int amount)
Definition: Map.cs:1166
void _AddCard(int x, int z, Card t, bool onAddToZone)
Definition: Map.cs:840
void Burn(int x, int z, bool instant=false)
Definition: Map.cs:1396
void MineObjSound(Point point)
Definition: Map.cs:1915
void OnSerializing(StreamingContext context)
Definition: Map.cs:138
void SetSeen(int x, int z, bool seen=true, bool refresh=true)
Definition: Map.cs:886
PropsManager props
Definition: Map.cs:91
void ModLiquid(int x, int z, int amount)
Definition: Map.cs:1500
void MineFloor(Point point, Chara c=null, bool recoverBlock=false, bool removePlatform=true)
Definition: Map.cs:1739
void SetFloor(int x, int z, int idMat=0, int idFloor=0)
Definition: Map.cs:951
void SetBounds(MapBounds b)
Definition: Map.cs:2318
int seed
Definition: Map.cs:19
void SetBlock(int x, int z, int idMat=0, int idBlock=0)
Definition: Map.cs:990
PlantData AddPlant(Point pos, Thing seed)
Definition: Map.cs:1930
RoomManager rooms
Definition: Map.cs:31
bool PutAway(Card c)
Definition: Map.cs:2510
void TryRemoveRoom(int x, int z)
Definition: Map.cs:1066
void SetReference()
Definition: Map.cs:195
BiomeProfile[,] biomes
Definition: Map.cs:95
List< Footmark > footmarks
Definition: Map.cs:99
POIMap poiMap
Definition: Map.cs:97
void SetRoofBlock(int x, int z, int idMat, int idBlock, int dir, int height)
Definition: Map.cs:981
void ClearRainAndDecal()
Definition: Map.cs:1513
void Reload()
Definition: Map.cs:310
new Point GetRandomEdge(int r=3)
Definition: Map.cs:2211
void OnLoad()
Definition: Map.cs:704
void OnImport(ZoneExportData data)
Definition: Map.cs:710
int CountWildAnimal()
Definition: Map.cs:2458
new void ForeachPoint(Action< Point > action)
Definition: Map.cs:2335
void TryAddRoom(int x, int z)
Definition: Map.cs:1078
void DestroyBlock(int x, int z)
Definition: Map.cs:2002
void QuickRefreshTile(int x, int z)
Definition: Map.cs:2116
List< Chara > serializedCharas
Definition: Map.cs:43
float sizeModifier
Definition: Map.cs:127
Cell[,] cells
Definition: Map.cs:85
static bool isDirtySunMap
Definition: Map.cs:16
static MapMetaData GetMetaData(string pathZip)
Definition: Map.cs:732
virtual void OnSerializing()
Definition: Map.cs:143
List< Thing > _things
Definition: Map.cs:107
void _RemoveCard(Card t)
Definition: Map.cs:865
Zone zone
Definition: Map.cs:87
void RemoveLonelyRamps(Cell cell)
Definition: Map.cs:1988
void SetBlock(int x, int z, int idMat, int idBlock, int dir)
Definition: Map.cs:995
T FindThing< T >()
Definition: Map.cs:2594
int _bits
Definition: Map.cs:22
void SetLiquid(int x, int z, int id, int value=1)
Definition: Map.cs:1473
TaskManager tasks
Definition: Map.cs:34
void ValidateInstalled(Point p)
Definition: Map.cs:1945
void DropBlockComponent(Point point, TileRow r, SourceMaterial.Row mat, bool recoverBlock, bool isPlatform=false, Chara c=null)
Definition: Map.cs:1614
MapExportSetting exportSetting
Definition: Map.cs:73
void SetEffect(int x, int z, CellEffect effect=null)
Definition: Map.cs:1495
void OnCardAddedToZone(Card t, int x, int z)
Definition: Map.cs:800
Version version
Definition: Map.cs:28
Thing FindThing(string workTag, BaseArea area1=null, BaseArea area2=null)
Definition: Map.cs:2653
FowProfile fowProfile
Definition: Map.cs:101
void ForeachNeighbor(Point center, Action< Point > action)
Definition: Map.cs:2379
bool isBreakerDown
Definition: Map.cs:110
MapConfig config
Definition: Map.cs:37
void OnSetBlockOrDoor(int x, int z)
Definition: Map.cs:1018
void Load(string path, bool import=false, PartialMap partial=null)
Definition: Map.cs:542
Chara FindChara(int uid)
Definition: Map.cs:2558
Playlist plNight
Definition: Map.cs:79
CellEffectManager effectManager
Definition: Map.cs:89
void ReloadRoom()
Definition: Map.cs:325
Cell GetDependedRamp(Cell cell)
Definition: Map.cs:2168
PropsStocked Stocked
Definition: Map.cs:121
void MineRamp(Point point, int ramp, bool recoverBlock=false)
Definition: Map.cs:1722
void ValidateVersion()
Definition: Map.cs:699
List< Point > ListPointsInCircle(Point center, float radius, bool mustBeWalkable=true, bool los=true)
Definition: Map.cs:2256
void CreateNew(int size, bool setReference=true)
Definition: Map.cs:153
List< Chara > charas
Definition: Map.cs:81
void AddDecal(int x, int z, int id, int amount=1, bool refresh=true)
Definition: Map.cs:2007
void RevealAll(bool reveal=true)
Definition: Map.cs:899
IO.Compression compression
Definition: Map.cs:25
void SetObj(int x, int z, int idMat, int idObj, int value, int dir, bool ignoreRandomMat=false)
Definition: Map.cs:1527
void Resize(int newSize)
Definition: Map.cs:226
Dictionary< int, PlantData > plants
Definition: Map.cs:70
void RefreshAllTiles()
Definition: Map.cs:2086
void Quake()
Definition: Map.cs:2401
List< Chara > ListChara(Faction faction)
Definition: Map.cs:2484
List< TransAnime > pointAnimes
Definition: Map.cs:83
void RefreshShadow(int x, int z)
Definition: Map.cs:1787
void ApplyBackerObj(Point p, int id=-1)
Definition: Map.cs:1588
void SetObj(int x, int z, int id=0, int value=1, int dir=0)
Definition: Map.cs:1522
SourceBacker.Row GetBackerObj(Point p)
Definition: Map.cs:1579
static HashSet< int > sunMap
Definition: Map.cs:14
MapBounds bounds
Definition: Map.cs:52
Definition: Msg.cs:5
static string Say(string idLang, string ref1, string ref2=null, string ref3=null, string ref4=null)
Definition: Msg.cs:58
Definition: NoGoal.cs:4
Definition: POIMap.cs:4
IPathfinder pathfinder
Definition: PathManager.cs:24
static PathManager Instance
Definition: PathManager.cs:16
HashSet< int > doneBackers
Definition: Player.cs:874
void ClearMapHighlights()
Definition: Player.cs:2197
Definition: Point.cs:9
static Point shared
Definition: Point.cs:20
SourceMaterial.Row matBlock
Definition: Point.cs:55
SourceMaterial.Row matFloor
Definition: Point.cs:57
int index
Definition: Point.cs:49
static Point Invalid
Definition: Point.cs:28
bool HasBridge
Definition: Point.cs:209
List< Card > ListCards(bool includeMasked=false)
Definition: Point.cs:1015
Point Copy()
Definition: Point.cs:467
bool IsSky
Definition: Point.cs:212
Point Set(int _x, int _z)
Definition: Point.cs:479
bool IsBlocked
Definition: Point.cs:339
int x
Definition: Point.cs:36
int z
Definition: Point.cs:39
SourceMaterial.Row matBridge
Definition: Point.cs:59
void SetFloor(int idMat=0, int idFloor=0)
Definition: Point.cs:887
SoundSource PlaySound(string id, bool synced=true, float v=1f, bool spatial=true)
Definition: Point.cs:1217
SourceObj.Row sourceObj
Definition: Point.cs:69
bool Equals(int _x, int _z)
Definition: Point.cs:924
SourceFloor.Row sourceFloor
Definition: Point.cs:65
void SetBlock(int idMat=0, int idBlock=0)
Definition: Point.cs:882
bool IsValid
Definition: Point.cs:88
bool HasObj
Definition: Point.cs:137
bool HasRoomOrArea(BaseArea a)
Definition: Point.cs:397
Area area
Definition: Point.cs:73
bool HasFloor
Definition: Point.cs:207
int Distance(Point p)
Definition: Point.cs:953
Point Clamp(bool useBounds=false)
Definition: Point.cs:972
bool IsInBounds
Definition: Point.cs:104
Cell cell
Definition: Point.cs:51
float GetAngle2(Point to)
Definition: Point.cs:589
void Animate(AnimeID id, bool animeBlock=false)
Definition: Point.cs:1266
SourceFloor.Row sourceBridge
Definition: Point.cs:67
bool IsPublicSpace()
Definition: Point.cs:425
PropsInstalled installed
Definition: PropsManager.cs:8
PropsRoaming roaming
Definition: PropsManager.cs:10
void OnCardAddedToZone(Card c)
Definition: PropsManager.cs:25
PropsStocked stocked
Definition: PropsManager.cs:6
TraitManager traits
Definition: Props.cs:18
List< Thing > things
Definition: Props.cs:20
Dictionary< string, PropSet > workMap
Definition: Props.cs:16
static void BuildList()
static List< RecipeSource > list
Definition: RecipeManager.cs:9
static RecipeSource Get(string id)
RenderRow row
Definition: RecipeSource.cs:5
string GetIDIngredient()
string[] tag
Definition: RenderRow.cs:58
virtual string RecipeID
Definition: RenderRow.cs:105
TileType tileType
Definition: RenderRow.cs:77
string[] components
Definition: RenderRow.cs:52
Room AddRoom(Room r)
Definition: RoomManager.cs:110
void RefreshAll()
Definition: RoomManager.cs:43
void RemoveRoom(Room r)
Definition: RoomManager.cs:119
List< Room > listRoom
Definition: RoomManager.cs:13
List< Area > listArea
Definition: RoomManager.cs:10
void OnLoad()
Definition: RoomManager.cs:26
Definition: Room.cs:4
void SetDirty()
Definition: Room.cs:213
static SceneProfile Load(string id)
Definition: SceneProfile.cs:18
Definition: Scene.cs:8
ActionMode actionMode
Definition: Scene.cs:77
void AddActorEx(Card c, Action< ActorEx > onBeforeSetOwner=null)
Definition: Scene.cs:1003
void Init(Mode newMode)
Definition: Scene.cs:172
Definition: Scene.cs:10
void Restore(Map map, Map orgMap, bool addToZone, PartialMap partial=null)
List< Row > listRemain
Definition: SourceBacker.cs:67
List< Row > listTree
Definition: SourceBacker.cs:73
SourceMaterial materials
SourceObj objs
SourceBlock blocks
SourceBacker backers
SourceFloor floors
void AddBlood(Point p, int a=1)
string GetSoundDead(RenderRow c=null)
bool HasGrowth
Definition: SourceObj.cs:26
string matCategory
Definition: SourceObj.cs:21
virtual bool IsRegion
Definition: Spatial.cs:501
virtual string Name
Definition: Spatial.cs:495
void OnLoad()
Definition: TaskManager.cs:66
Definition: Task.cs:4
static Thing CreateRawMaterial(SourceMaterial.Row m)
Definition: ThingGen.cs:68
static Thing CreateBlock(int id, int idMat)
Definition: ThingGen.cs:101
static Thing CreateFloor(int id, int idMat, bool platform=false)
Definition: ThingGen.cs:108
static Thing Create(string id, int idMat=-1, int lv=-1)
Definition: ThingGen.cs:53
Definition: Thing.cs:8
int stackOrder
Definition: Thing.cs:13
string alias
Definition: TileRow.cs:12
int id
Definition: TileRow.cs:8
virtual bool IsBlockPass
Definition: TileType.cs:149
virtual bool IsUnique
Definition: TraitChara.cs:33
TraitMap suns
Definition: TraitManager.cs:14
static Thing MakeSeed(SourceObj.Row obj, PlantData plant=null)
Definition: TraitSeed.cs:77
Definition: Trait.cs:7
virtual string IDActorEx
Definition: Trait.cs:167
virtual List< Point > ListPoints(Point center=null, bool onlyPassable=true)
Definition: Trait.cs:707
virtual bool IsDoor
Definition: Trait.cs:56
virtual void OnAddedToZone()
Definition: Trait.cs:634
virtual bool CanCopyInBlueprint
Definition: Trait.cs:148
virtual void OnRemovedFromZone()
Definition: Trait.cs:638
virtual bool CanOnlyCarry
Definition: Trait.cs:283
static void UpdateMap(List< Cell > newPoints)
static void Say(string text, FontColor fontColor=FontColor.Default, Sprite sprite=null)
SerializedCards serializedCards
Definition: Zone.cs:12
void Revive()
Definition: Zone.cs:1062
virtual bool IsSkyLevel
Definition: Zone.cs:262
virtual bool DisableRooms
Definition: Zone.cs:118
virtual int MaxSoil
Definition: Zone.cs:507
virtual bool IsUserZone
Definition: Zone.cs:264
void RemoveCard(Card t)
Definition: Zone.cs:1933
override int DangerLv
Definition: Zone.cs:107
bool IsPCFaction
Definition: Zone.cs:464
int GetSoilCost()
Definition: Zone.cs:3433
Card AddCard(Card t, Point point)
Definition: Zone.cs:1893
void RemoveCard(Card c)
void Init(IPathfindGrid _grid, WeightCell[,] _weightMap, int size)
uint Bits
Definition: BitArray32.cs:6
int GetInt()
Definition: Version.cs:21