Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
No Matches
AIAct Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for AIAct:
Act Element EClass AIProgress AIWork AI_AttackHome AI_Bladder AI_Clean AI_Cook AI_Craft AI_Dance AI_Deconstruct AI_Drink AI_Eat AI_Equip AI_Fish AI_Fuck AI_Goto AI_GotoHearth AI_Grab< T > AI_Haul AI_Idle AI_LeaveMap AI_Massage AI_Offer AI_OpenGambleChest AI_Paint AI_PassTime AI_PlayMusic AI_PracticeDummy AI_Pray AI_Read AI_ReleaseHeld AI_Shopping AI_TargetCard AI_Torture AI_Trolley AI_UseCrafter AI_Wait DynamicAIAct Goal Task

Public Types

enum  Status { Running , Fail , Success }
- Public Types inherited from Act
enum  CostType { None , MP , SP }

Public Member Functions

override string ToString ()
override MultiSprite GetStateIcon ()
virtual bool ShouldAllyAttack (Chara tg)
virtual Point GetDestination ()
AIProgress GetProgress ()
string GetCurrentActionText ()
override bool IsToolValid ()
virtual void OnStart ()
void SetOwner (Chara c)
virtual void OnSetOwner ()
void SetChild (AIAct seq, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
void Start ()
override bool Perform ()
Status Restart ()
Status Success (Action action=null)
virtual void OnSuccess ()
bool TryCancel (Card c)
virtual Status Cancel ()
virtual void OnCancel ()
virtual void OnCancelOrSuccess ()
virtual bool CanManualCancel ()
Status KeepRunning ()
void Reset ()
virtual void OnReset ()
Status Tick ()
virtual IEnumerable< StatusRun ()
Status TickChild ()
Status Do (AIAct _seq, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Status DoGotoInteraction (Point pos, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Status DoGoto (Point pos, int dist=0, bool ignoreConnection=false, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Status DoGoto (Card card, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Status DoGoto (Card card, int dist, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Status DoGotoSpot (Card card, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Status DoGoto< T > (Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Status DoGotoSpot< T > (Func< Status > _onChildFail=null, bool ignoreAccessType=false)
Status DoGrab (Card card, int num=-1, bool pickHeld=false, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Status DoGrab< T > ()
Status DoProgress ()
Status DoIdle (int repeat=3)
Status DoWait (int count=1)
virtual AIProgress CreateProgress ()
virtual void OnCreateProgress (Progress_Custom p)
virtual bool CanProgress ()
virtual void OnBeforeProgress ()
virtual void OnProgress ()
virtual void OnProgressComplete ()
void SimulateZone (int days)
virtual void OnSimulateZone (int days)
virtual void OnSimulatePosition ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Act
virtual CursorInfo GetCursorIcon (Card c)
virtual MultiSprite GetStateIcon ()
override Sprite GetSprite ()
virtual bool ShowMouseHint (Card c)
virtual bool IsValidTC (Card c)
virtual string GetHintText (string str="")
virtual string GetText (string str="")
virtual string GetTextSmall (Card c)
bool IsTargetHostileParty ()
virtual Color GetActPlanColor ()
virtual bool Perform ()
virtual bool CanPerform ()
bool Perform (Chara _cc, Card _tc=null, Point _tp=null)
bool CanPerform (Chara _cc, Card _tc=null, Point _tp=null)
virtual bool IsToolValid ()
new void SetImage (Image image)
virtual void OnMarkMapHighlights ()
virtual bool ShouldMapHighlight (Point p)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Element
virtual SourceElement.Row GetSource ()
virtual int GetSourcePotential (int v)
virtual Sprite GetSprite ()
int GetMaterialSourceValue (Thing t, int v)
virtual int GetSourceValue (int v, int lv, SourceValueType type)
virtual Sprite GetIcon (string suffix="")
bool IsActive (Card c)
int SortVal (bool charaSheet=false)
virtual bool CanLink (ElementContainer owner)
bool HasTag (string tag)
void SetImage (Image i)
virtual string GetDetail ()
bool IsFactionElement (Chara c)
Element GetParent (Card c)
void WriteNote (UINote n, ElementContainer owner=null, Action< UINote > onWriteNote=null)
void WriteNoteWithRef (UINote n, ElementContainer owner, Action< UINote > onWriteNote, Element refEle)
void _WriteNote (UINote n, Chara c, Act act)
void AddHeaderAbility (UINote n)
void _WriteNote (UINote n, ElementContainer owner, Action< UINote > onWriteNote, bool isRef, bool addHeader=true)
virtual void OnWriteNote (UINote n, ElementContainer owner)
virtual void OnChangeValue ()
void CheckLevelBonus (ElementContainer owner, UINote n=null)
int GetSortVal (UIList.SortMode m)
virtual Act.Cost GetCost (Chara c)
virtual int GetPower (Card c)
virtual void SetTextValue (UIText text)
virtual bool IsPurchaseFeatReqMet (ElementContainer owner, int lv=-1)
virtual void WritePurchaseReq (UINote n, int lv=1)

Public Attributes

new Chara owner
Status status
IEnumerator< StatusEnumerator
AIAct child
AIAct parent
byte restartCount
Func< StatusonChildFail
Func< bool > isFail
- Public Attributes inherited from Element
SourceElement.Row _source
int id
int vBase
int vExp
int vPotential
int vTempPotential
int vLink
int vSource
int vSourcePotential
ElementContainer owner


virtual bool IsRunning [get]
bool IsChildRunning [get]
bool IsMoveAI [get]
virtual int MaxRestart [get]
virtual new string Name [get]
virtual MultiSprite stateIcon [get]
virtual Sprite actionIcon [get]
virtual bool IsNoGoal [get]
virtual bool IsAutoTurn [get]
virtual bool IsIdle [get]
virtual bool CancelOnAggro [get]
virtual bool PushChara [get]
virtual int MaxProgress [get]
virtual bool ShowProgress [get]
virtual bool UseTurbo [get]
virtual int CurrentProgress [get]
virtual bool ShowCursor [get]
virtual bool CancelWhenDamaged [get]
virtual bool CancelWhenMoved [get]
virtual bool InformCancel [get]
virtual Thing RenderThing [get]
AIAct Current [get]
override bool IsAct [get]
override bool ShowPotential [get]
override bool UsePotential [get]
override bool ShowRelativeAttribute [get]
virtual bool HasProgress [get]
- Properties inherited from Act
override bool ShowPotential [get]
override bool UsePotential [get]
override bool ShowRelativeAttribute [get]
virtual CursorInfo CursorIcon [get]
virtual string ID [get]
virtual bool IsAct [get]
virtual bool WillEndTurn [get]
virtual bool CloseLayers [get]
virtual int LeftHand [get]
virtual int RightHand [get]
virtual int ElementPowerMod [get]
virtual bool ShowMapHighlight [get]
virtual bool ShowMapHighlightBlock [get]
virtual bool PickHeldOnStart [get]
virtual bool DropHeldOnStart [get]
virtual bool CanPressRepeat [get]
virtual bool CanAutofire [get]
virtual bool ResetAxis [get]
virtual bool RequireTool [get]
virtual bool IsHostileAct [get]
virtual bool HideRightInfo [get]
virtual bool HaveLongPressAction [get]
virtual float Radius [get]
virtual int PerformDistance [get]
virtual int MaxRadius [get]
virtual TargetType TargetType [get]
virtual bool LocalAct [get]
virtual bool CanRapidFire [get]
virtual float RapidDelay [get]
virtual bool ShowAuto [get]
virtual bool IsCrime [get]
- Properties inherited from Element
SourceElement.Row source [get]
virtual int DisplayValue [get]
virtual int MinValue [get]
int Value [get]
int ValueWithoutLink [get]
virtual int MinPotential [get]
int Potential [get]
virtual bool CanGainExp [get]
bool IsFlag [get]
virtual string Name [get]
virtual string FullName [get]
virtual int ExpToNext [get]
virtual bool UseExpMod [get]
virtual int CostTrain [get]
virtual int CostLearn [get]
virtual bool ShowXP [get]
virtual bool ShowMsgOnValueChanged [get]
virtual bool ShowValue [get]
virtual bool ShowPotential [get]
virtual bool UsePotential [get]
virtual bool PotentialAsStock [get]
virtual bool ShowRelativeAttribute [get]
virtual bool ShowBonuses [get]
virtual string ShortName [get]
bool IsGlobalElement [get]
bool IsFactionWideElement [get]
bool IsPartyWideElement [get]
virtual bool ShowEncNumber [get]
bool IsTrait [get]
bool IsFoodTrait [get]
bool IsFoodTraitMain [get]
bool IsMainAttribute [get]
Act act [get]
- Properties inherited from EClass
static Game game [get]
static bool AdvMode [get]
static Player player [get]
static Chara pc [get]
static UI ui [get]
static Map _map [get]
static Zone _zone [get]
static FactionBranch Branch [get]
static FactionBranch BranchOrHomeBranch [get]
static Faction Home [get]
static Faction Wilds [get]
static Scene scene [get]
static BaseGameScreen screen [get]
static GameSetting setting [get]
static GameData gamedata [get]
static ColorProfile Colors [get]
static World world [get]
static SourceManager sources [get]
static SourceManager editorSources [get]
static SoundManager Sound [get]
static CoreDebug debug [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Act
static void SetReference (Chara _cc, Card _tc=null, Point _tp=null)
static void SetTool (Thing t)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Element
static string GetName (string alias)
static SourceElement.Row Get (int id)
static Dictionary< int, int > GetElementMap (int[] list)
static Dictionary< int, int > GetElementMap (int[] list, Dictionary< int, int > map)
static SourceElement.Row GetRandomElement (int lv=1)
static Element Create (int id, int v=0)
static Element Create (string id, int v=1)
static int GetId (string alias)
static int GetResistLv (int v)
static int GetResistDamage (int dmg, int v, int power=0)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from EClass
static int rnd (int a)
static int curve (int a, int start, int step, int rate=75)
static int rndHalf (int a)
static float rndf (float a)
static int rndSqrt (int a)
static void Wait (float a, Card c)
static void Wait (float a, Point p)
static int Bigger (int a, int b)
static int Smaller (int a, int b)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Act
static Chara CC
static Card TC
static Point TP = new Point()
static Thing TOOL
static int powerMod = 100
static bool forcePt
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Element
const int Div = 5
static Element Void = new Element()
static int[] List_MainAttributes = new int[9] { 70, 72, 71, 77, 74, 75, 76, 73, 79 }
static int[] List_MainAttributesMajor = new int[8] { 70, 72, 71, 77, 74, 75, 76, 73 }
static int[] List_Body = new int[4] { 70, 72, 71, 77 }
static int[] List_Mind = new int[4] { 74, 75, 76, 73 }
static List< SourceElement.RowListElements = new List<SourceElement.Row>()
static List< SourceElement.RowListAttackElements = new List<SourceElement.Row>()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from EClass
static Core core

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file AIAct.cs.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Status


Definition at line 7 of file AIAct.cs.

8 {
10 Fail,
12 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ Cancel()

virtual Status AIAct.Cancel ( )

Reimplemented in AI_Massage, and Task.

Definition at line 291 of file AIAct.cs.

292 {
293 status = Status.Fail;
294 if (owner != null && owner.held != null && !owner.IsPC)
295 {
296 owner.PickHeld();
297 }
298 OnCancel();
300 Reset();
301 return status;
302 }
virtual void OnCancelOrSuccess()
Definition: AIAct.cs:308
virtual void OnCancel()
Definition: AIAct.cs:304
void Reset()
Definition: AIAct.cs:326
Status status
Definition: AIAct.cs:16
new Chara owner
Definition: AIAct.cs:14
Definition: AIAct.cs:8
Card held
Definition: Chara.cs:67
override bool IsPC
Definition: Chara.cs:597
void PickHeld(bool msg=false)
Definition: Chara.cs:4136

References Chara.held, Chara.IsPC, OnCancel(), OnCancelOrSuccess(), owner, Chara.PickHeld(), Reset(), and status.

Referenced by AM_Adv._OnUpdateInput(), AM_Adv.AxisMove(), QueueManager.Cancel(), AI_OpenLock.CreateProgress(), AI_PracticeDummy.CreateProgress(), DoGoto(), DoGotoInteraction(), DoGotoSpot(), DoGrab(), Chara.IsEnemyOnPath(), Card.MoveImmediate(), TraitNewZone.MoveZone(), AM_Adv.OnActivate(), AI_Torture.OnCancelOrSuccess(), TaskDig.OnCreateProgress(), TaskHarvest.OnCreateProgress(), TaskMine.OnCreateProgress(), TaskPlow.OnCreateProgress(), LayerDragGrid.OnKill(), AI_Fish.ProgressFish.OnProgress(), AM_Adv.PressedActionMove(), Chara.ReleaseMinion(), AI_Bladder.Run(), AI_Cook.Run(), AI_Deconstruct.Run(), AI_Drink.Run(), AI_Eat.Run(), AI_Equip.Run(), AI_Fish.Run(), AI_Fuck.Run(), AI_Goto.Run(), AI_Grab< T >.Run(), AI_Offer.Run(), AI_PlayMusic.Run(), AI_Read.Run(), AI_Shear.Run(), AI_Slaughter.Run(), AI_Steal.Run(), AI_TargetCard.Run(), AI_UseCrafter.Run(), AIProgress.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), GoalManualMove.Run(), GoalSpot.Run(), GoalTask.Run(), Chara.SetAI(), SetChild(), Chara.SetEnemy(), Card.Teleport(), Tick(), Player.TryAbortAutoCombat(), TryCancel(), AM_Adv.TryCancelInteraction(), and AI_Goto.TryGoTo().

◆ CanManualCancel()

virtual bool AIAct.CanManualCancel ( )

Reimplemented in AI_Eat, AI_Fish, AI_Goto, AI_PassTime, AI_PracticeDummy, AI_Slaughter, AI_Torture, AI_Trolley, AI_UseCrafter, GoalCombat, TaskBuild, TaskChopWood, TaskClean, TaskCraft, TaskCullLife, TaskDrawWater, TaskDump, TaskHarvest, TaskPoint, TaskPourWater, and TaskWater.

Definition at line 312 of file AIAct.cs.

313 {
314 if (IsChildRunning)
315 {
316 return child is AI_Goto;
317 }
318 return false;
319 }
AIAct child
Definition: AIAct.cs:20
bool IsChildRunning
Definition: AIAct.cs:43

References child, and IsChildRunning.

Referenced by AM_Adv._OnUpdateInput(), and AM_Adv.TryCancelInteraction().

◆ CanProgress()

virtual bool AIAct.CanProgress ( )

Reimplemented in AI_TargetCard, BaseTaskHarvest, Progress_Custom, Task, TaskChopWood, TaskCraft, TaskDrawWater, TaskHarvest, TaskPlow, and TaskPourWater.

Definition at line 561 of file AIAct.cs.

562 {
563 return true;
564 }

Referenced by CreateProgress(), and AIProgress.Run().

◆ CreateProgress()

virtual AIProgress AIAct.CreateProgress ( )

Reimplemented in AI_Fish, AI_OpenLock, AI_PracticeDummy, and AI_Torture.

Definition at line 541 of file AIAct.cs.

542 {
543 Progress_Custom progress_Custom = new Progress_Custom
544 {
545 onProgress = delegate
546 {
547 OnProgress();
548 },
549 onProgressComplete = OnProgressComplete,
550 canProgress = CanProgress,
551 onBeforeProgress = OnBeforeProgress
552 };
553 OnCreateProgress(progress_Custom);
554 return progress_Custom;
555 }
virtual void OnProgress()
Definition: AIAct.cs:570
virtual void OnBeforeProgress()
Definition: AIAct.cs:566
virtual void OnCreateProgress(Progress_Custom p)
Definition: AIAct.cs:557
virtual void OnProgressComplete()
Definition: AIAct.cs:574
virtual bool CanProgress()
Definition: AIAct.cs:561

References CanProgress(), OnBeforeProgress(), OnCreateProgress(), OnProgress(), and OnProgressComplete().

Referenced by DoProgress(), AIWork_Lumberjack.GetWork(), and AIWork_Research.GetWork().

◆ Do()

Status AIAct.Do ( AIAct  _seq,
Func< Status _onChildFail = null 

◆ DoGoto() [1/3]

Status AIAct.DoGoto ( Card  card,
Func< Status _onChildFail = null 

Definition at line 442 of file AIAct.cs.

443 {
444 return DoGoto(card, (card.isChara || card.pos.cell.blocked) ? 1 : 0, _onChildFail);
445 }
Status DoGoto(Point pos, int dist=0, bool ignoreConnection=false, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null)
Definition: AIAct.cs:432

References card, and DoGoto().

◆ DoGoto() [2/3]

Status AIAct.DoGoto ( Card  card,
int  dist,
Func< Status _onChildFail = null 

Definition at line 447 of file AIAct.cs.

448 {
449 if (card != null && card == owner.held)
450 {
451 return Status.Running;
452 }
453 if (card == null || !card.ExistsOnMap)
454 {
455 return _onChildFail?.Invoke() ?? Cancel();
456 }
457 SetChild(new AI_Goto(card, dist), _onChildFail);
458 return TickChild();
459 }
virtual Status Cancel()
Definition: AIAct.cs:291

References Cancel(), card, Chara.held, owner, SetChild(), and TickChild().

◆ DoGoto() [3/3]

◆ DoGoto< T >()

Status AIAct.DoGoto< T > ( Func< Status _onChildFail = null)
Type Constraints
T :Trait 

Definition at line 477 of file AIAct.cs.

477 : Trait
478 {
479 return DoGoto(EClass._map.Installed.traits.GetTraitSet<T>().GetRandom()?.owner, _onChildFail);
480 }
Definition: EClass.cs:5
static Map _map
Definition: EClass.cs:18
PropsInstalled Installed
Definition: Map.cs:123
TraitManager traits
Definition: Props.cs:18
TraitSet GetTraitSet(Type t)
Definition: TraitManager.cs:94
Trait GetRandom()
Definition: TraitSet.cs:7
Definition: Trait.cs:7
Card owner
Definition: Trait.cs:26

References EClass._map, DoGoto(), TraitSet.GetRandom(), TraitManager.GetTraitSet(), Map.Installed, Trait.owner, and Props.traits.

◆ DoGotoInteraction()

Status AIAct.DoGotoInteraction ( Point  pos,
Func< Status _onChildFail = null 

Definition at line 422 of file AIAct.cs.

423 {
424 if (pos == null || !pos.IsValid)
425 {
426 return _onChildFail?.Invoke() ?? Cancel();
427 }
428 SetChild(new AI_Goto(pos, 0, _ignoreConnection: false, _interaction: true), _onChildFail);
429 return TickChild();
430 }

References Cancel(), Point.IsValid, SetChild(), and TickChild().

Referenced by AI_TargetCard.Run(), and DynamicAIAct.Run().

◆ DoGotoSpot()

Status AIAct.DoGotoSpot ( Card  card,
Func< Status _onChildFail = null 

Definition at line 461 of file AIAct.cs.

462 {
463 if (card != null && card == owner.held)
464 {
465 return Status.Running;
466 }
467 if (card == null || !card.ExistsOnMap)
468 {
469 return _onChildFail?.Invoke() ?? Cancel();
470 }
471 Point randomPoint = card.trait.GetRandomPoint();
472 int dist = (randomPoint.cell.blocked ? 1 : 0);
473 SetChild(new AI_Goto(randomPoint, dist), _onChildFail);
474 return TickChild();
475 }
Definition: Point.cs:9

References Cancel(), card, Chara.held, owner, SetChild(), and TickChild().

Referenced by AI_Idle.Run().

◆ DoGotoSpot< T >()

Status AIAct.DoGotoSpot< T > ( Func< Status _onChildFail = null,
bool  ignoreAccessType = false 
Type Constraints
T :Trait 

Definition at line 482 of file AIAct.cs.

482 : Trait
483 {
484 Trait random = EClass._map.Installed.traits.GetTraitSet<T>().GetRandom(ignoreAccessType ? null : owner);
485 if (random != null)
486 {
487 DoGoto(random.GetRandomPoint(null, ignoreAccessType ? null : owner), 0, ignoreConnection: false, _onChildFail);
488 }
489 return _onChildFail?.Invoke() ?? Status.Fail;
490 }
Point GetRandomPoint(Func< Point, bool > func=null, Chara accessChara=null)
Definition: Trait.cs:689

References EClass._map, DoGoto(), Trait.GetRandomPoint(), TraitManager.GetTraitSet(), Map.Installed, owner, and Props.traits.

◆ DoGrab()

Status AIAct.DoGrab ( Card  card,
int  num = -1,
bool  pickHeld = false,
Func< Status _onChildFail = null 

Definition at line 492 of file AIAct.cs.

493 {
494 if (card != null && card == owner.held)
495 {
496 return Status.Running;
497 }
498 if (card == null || !card.GetRootCard().ExistsOnMap)
499 {
500 return Cancel();
501 }
502 SetChild(new AI_Grab
503 {
504 target = card,
505 num = num,
506 pickHeld = pickHeld
507 }, _onChildFail);
508 return TickChild();
509 }

References Cancel(), card, Chara.held, owner, SetChild(), and TickChild().

Referenced by AI_Drink.Run(), AI_Eat.Run(), AI_HaulResource.Run(), AI_Offer.Run(), AI_Read.Run(), and TaskMoveInstalled.Run().

◆ DoGrab< T >()

Status AIAct.DoGrab< T > ( )
Type Constraints
T :Trait 

Definition at line 511 of file AIAct.cs.

511 : Trait
512 {
513 SetChild(new AI_Grab<T>());
514 return TickChild();
515 }

References SetChild(), and TickChild().

◆ DoIdle()

Status AIAct.DoIdle ( int  repeat = 3)

Definition at line 523 of file AIAct.cs.

524 {
525 SetChild(new AI_Idle
526 {
527 maxRepeat = repeat
528 }, KeepRunning);
529 return TickChild();
530 }
Status KeepRunning()
Definition: AIAct.cs:321

References KeepRunning(), SetChild(), and TickChild().

Referenced by AI_Clean.Run(), AIWork.Run(), AIWork_Explore.Run(), GoalGraze.Run(), GoalIdle.Run(), GoalVisitorGuest.Run(), and GoalWork.Run().

◆ DoProgress()

Status AIAct.DoProgress ( )

Definition at line 517 of file AIAct.cs.

518 {
520 return TickChild();
521 }
virtual AIProgress CreateProgress()
Definition: AIAct.cs:541

References CreateProgress(), SetChild(), and TickChild().

Referenced by AI_Fish.Run(), AI_PracticeDummy.Run(), AI_TargetCard.Run(), AI_Torture.Run(), TaskCraft.Run(), and TaskPoint.Run().

◆ DoWait()

Status AIAct.DoWait ( int  count = 1)

Definition at line 532 of file AIAct.cs.

533 {
534 SetChild(new AI_Wait
535 {
536 count = count
537 }, KeepRunning);
538 return TickChild();
539 }

References KeepRunning(), SetChild(), and TickChild().

Referenced by AI_Dance.Run(), AI_Fish.Run(), and DynamicAIAct.Run().

◆ GetCurrentActionText()

string AIAct.GetCurrentActionText ( )

Definition at line 157 of file AIAct.cs.

158 {
159 if (IsChildRunning && child.source.id != 0 && !child.source.name_JP.IsEmpty())
160 {
162 }
163 return base.source.GetName().IsEmpty("idle".lang());
164 }
string GetCurrentActionText()
Definition: AIAct.cs:157
SourceElement.Row source
Definition: ELEMENT.cs:263

References child, GetCurrentActionText(), IsChildRunning, and Element.source.

Referenced by Chara.GetActionText(), and GetCurrentActionText().

◆ GetDestination()

virtual Point AIAct.GetDestination ( )

Reimplemented in AI_Goto.

Definition at line 139 of file AIAct.cs.

140 {
141 if (!IsChildRunning)
142 {
143 return owner.pos;
144 }
145 return child.GetDestination();
146 }
virtual Point GetDestination()
Definition: AIAct.cs:139
Point pos
Definition: Card.cs:55

References child, GetDestination(), IsChildRunning, owner, and Card.pos.

Referenced by GetDestination(), and Chara.GetDestination().

◆ GetProgress()

AIProgress AIAct.GetProgress ( )

Definition at line 148 of file AIAct.cs.

149 {
150 if (IsChildRunning)
151 {
152 return child.GetProgress();
153 }
154 return this as AIProgress;
155 }
AIProgress GetProgress()
Definition: AIAct.cs:148

References child, GetProgress(), and IsChildRunning.

Referenced by UIAutoTurn._Update(), and GetProgress().

◆ GetStateIcon()

override MultiSprite AIAct.GetStateIcon ( )

Reimplemented from Act.

Definition at line 129 of file AIAct.cs.

130 {
131 return (child ?? this).stateIcon;
132 }

References child.

Referenced by CharaRenderer.RefreshStateIcon().

◆ IsToolValid()

override bool AIAct.IsToolValid ( )

Reimplemented from Act.

Definition at line 166 of file AIAct.cs.

167 {
168 if (owner == EClass.pc && Act.TOOL != null)
169 {
170 return Act.TOOL.parent == EClass.pc;
171 }
172 return false;
173 }
Definition: ACT.cs:62
static Thing TOOL
Definition: ACT.cs:83
static Chara pc
Definition: EClass.cs:14

References owner, EClass.pc, and Act.TOOL.

Referenced by TaskCut.OnProgress().

◆ KeepRunning()

◆ OnBeforeProgress()

virtual void AIAct.OnBeforeProgress ( )

Reimplemented in Progress_Custom, and TaskCraft.

Definition at line 566 of file AIAct.cs.

567 {
568 }

Referenced by CreateProgress(), and AIProgress.Run().

◆ OnCancel()

virtual void AIAct.OnCancel ( )

Reimplemented in AI_PassTime, AI_PlayMusic, AI_Trolley, and AI_UseCrafter.

Definition at line 304 of file AIAct.cs.

305 {
306 }

Referenced by Cancel().

◆ OnCancelOrSuccess()

virtual void AIAct.OnCancelOrSuccess ( )

Reimplemented in AI_Slaughter, AI_Torture, and TaskDump.

Definition at line 308 of file AIAct.cs.

309 {
310 }

Referenced by Cancel(), and Success().

◆ OnCreateProgress()

virtual void AIAct.OnCreateProgress ( Progress_Custom  p)

Reimplemented in AIWork_Lumberjack, AIWork_Research, TaskChopWood, TaskCraft, TaskCut, TaskDig, TaskDrawWater, TaskHarvest, TaskMine, TaskPlow, and TaskPourWater.

Definition at line 557 of file AIAct.cs.

558 {
559 }

Referenced by CreateProgress().

◆ OnProgress()

virtual void AIAct.OnProgress ( )

Reimplemented in AI_Farm, AI_Fish.ProgressFish, AI_Water, Progress_Custom, TaskCraft, and TaskCut.

Definition at line 570 of file AIAct.cs.

571 {
572 }

Referenced by CreateProgress(), and AIProgress.Run().

◆ OnProgressComplete()

virtual void AIAct.OnProgressComplete ( )

◆ OnReset()

virtual void AIAct.OnReset ( )

Reimplemented in AI_Bladder, AI_Goto, and Task.

Definition at line 348 of file AIAct.cs.

349 {
350 }

Referenced by Reset().

◆ OnSetOwner()

virtual void AIAct.OnSetOwner ( )

Reimplemented in AI_Drink, and AI_Read.

Definition at line 186 of file AIAct.cs.

187 {
188 }

Referenced by SetOwner().

◆ OnSimulatePosition()

virtual void AIAct.OnSimulatePosition ( )

Reimplemented in GoalGraze, GoalSleep, and GoalWork.

Definition at line 590 of file AIAct.cs.

591 {
592 }

Referenced by Zone.Simulate().

◆ OnSimulateZone()

virtual void AIAct.OnSimulateZone ( int  days)

Definition at line 586 of file AIAct.cs.

587 {
588 }

Referenced by SimulateZone().

◆ OnStart()

virtual void AIAct.OnStart ( )

Reimplemented in AI_Eat, AI_Fish.ProgressFish, AI_Idle, AI_PassTime, AI_UseCrafter, and TaskCut.

Definition at line 175 of file AIAct.cs.

176 {
177 }

Referenced by Start().

◆ OnSuccess()

virtual void AIAct.OnSuccess ( )

Reimplemented in AI_UseCrafter, and Task.

Definition at line 262 of file AIAct.cs.

263 {
264 }

Referenced by Success().

◆ Perform()

override bool AIAct.Perform ( )

Reimplemented from Act.

Reimplemented in DynamicAIAct.

Definition at line 231 of file AIAct.cs.

232 {
233 Act.CC.SetAIImmediate(this);
234 return false;
235 }
static Chara CC
Definition: ACT.cs:77
void SetAIImmediate(AIAct g)
Definition: Chara.cs:8077

References Act.CC, and Chara.SetAIImmediate().

◆ Reset()

void AIAct.Reset ( )

Definition at line 326 of file AIAct.cs.

327 {
328 if (owner != null)
329 {
330 if (child != null)
331 {
332 child.Reset();
333 }
334 OnReset();
335 if (Enumerator != null)
336 {
337 Enumerator.Dispose();
338 Enumerator = null;
339 }
340 owner = null;
341 child = null;
342 restartCount = 0;
343 onChildFail = null;
344 isFail = null;
345 }
346 }
byte restartCount
Definition: AIAct.cs:24
Func< Status > onChildFail
Definition: AIAct.cs:26
IEnumerator< Status > Enumerator
Definition: AIAct.cs:18
Func< bool > isFail
Definition: AIAct.cs:28
virtual void OnReset()
Definition: AIAct.cs:348

References child, Enumerator, isFail, onChildFail, OnReset(), owner, Reset(), and restartCount.

Referenced by Cancel(), ActPlan.Item.Perform(), Reset(), Restart(), SetChild(), and Success().

◆ Restart()

Status AIAct.Restart ( )

Definition at line 237 of file AIAct.cs.

238 {
239 restartCount++;
241 {
242 return Success();
243 }
244 byte b = restartCount;
245 Chara chara = owner;
246 Reset();
247 SetOwner(chara);
248 restartCount = b;
249 return status = Status.Running;
250 }
void SetOwner(Chara c)
Definition: AIAct.cs:179
virtual int MaxRestart
Definition: AIAct.cs:66
Definition: Chara.cs:10

References MaxRestart, owner, Reset(), restartCount, SetOwner(), status, and Success.

Referenced by AI_Fish.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), AIWork.Run(), GoalVisitorEnemy.Run(), GoalVisitorGuest.Run(), NoGoal.Run(), TaskCraft.Run(), and AI_Goto.TryGoTo().

◆ Run()

◆ SetChild()

void AIAct.SetChild ( AIAct  seq,
Func< Status _onChildFail = null 

Definition at line 190 of file AIAct.cs.

191 {
192 if (child != null)
193 {
194 child.Reset();
195 }
196 child = seq;
197 child.parent = this;
199 onChildFail = _onChildFail ?? new Func<Status>(Cancel);
200 }

References Cancel(), child, onChildFail, owner, Reset(), and SetOwner().

Referenced by Do(), DoGoto(), DoGotoInteraction(), DoGotoSpot(), DoGrab(), DoGrab< T >(), DoIdle(), DoProgress(), and DoWait().

◆ SetOwner()

void AIAct.SetOwner ( Chara  c)

Definition at line 179 of file AIAct.cs.

180 {
181 owner = c;
182 status = Status.Running;
183 OnSetOwner();
184 }
virtual void OnSetOwner()
Definition: AIAct.cs:186

References OnSetOwner(), owner, and status.

Referenced by BaseTaskHarvest.GetBestTool(), Restart(), Chara.SetAI(), and SetChild().

◆ ShouldAllyAttack()

virtual bool AIAct.ShouldAllyAttack ( Chara  tg)

Reimplemented in AI_Shear, and AI_TendAnimal.

Definition at line 134 of file AIAct.cs.

135 {
136 return child?.ShouldAllyAttack(tg) ?? true;
137 }
virtual bool ShouldAllyAttack(Chara tg)
Definition: AIAct.cs:134

References child, and ShouldAllyAttack().

Referenced by Chara.FindNewEnemy(), GoalCombat.Run(), and ShouldAllyAttack().

◆ SimulateZone()

void AIAct.SimulateZone ( int  days)

Definition at line 578 of file AIAct.cs.

579 {
580 if (owner.conSuspend == null)
581 {
582 OnSimulateZone(days);
583 }
584 }
virtual void OnSimulateZone(int days)
Definition: AIAct.cs:586
ConSuspend conSuspend
Definition: Chara.cs:101

References Chara.conSuspend, OnSimulateZone(), and owner.

Referenced by Zone.Simulate().

◆ Start()

void AIAct.Start ( )

Definition at line 202 of file AIAct.cs.

203 {
204 Enumerator = Run().GetEnumerator();
205 OnStart();
206 if (owner == null)
207 {
208 return;
209 }
210 if (owner.held != null)
211 {
212 if (DropHeldOnStart)
213 {
214 owner.DropHeld();
215 }
216 else if (PickHeldOnStart)
217 {
218 owner.PickHeld();
219 }
220 }
221 if (RightHand != 0)
222 {
224 }
225 if (owner.IsPC && UseTurbo)
226 {
228 }
229 }
virtual bool UseTurbo
Definition: AIAct.cs:88
virtual void OnStart()
Definition: AIAct.cs:175
virtual IEnumerable< Status > Run()
Definition: AIAct.cs:393
void SetTurbo(int mtp=-1)
Definition: AM_Adv.cs:1040
virtual bool PickHeldOnStart
Definition: ACT.cs:115
virtual int RightHand
Definition: ACT.cs:107
virtual int LeftHand
Definition: ACT.cs:105
virtual bool DropHeldOnStart
Definition: ACT.cs:117
static AM_Adv Adv
Definition: ActionMode.cs:15
void SetTempHand(int right=0, int left=0)
Definition: Chara.cs:6057
Card DropHeld(Point dropPos=null)
Definition: Chara.cs:4213

References ActionMode.Adv, Chara.DropHeld(), Act.DropHeldOnStart, Enumerator, Chara.held, Chara.IsPC, Act.LeftHand, OnStart(), owner, Chara.PickHeld(), Act.PickHeldOnStart, Act.RightHand, Run(), Chara.SetTempHand(), AM_Adv.SetTurbo(), and UseTurbo.

Referenced by Tick().

◆ Success()

Status AIAct.Success ( Action  action = null)

Definition at line 252 of file AIAct.cs.

253 {
254 status = Status.Success;
255 OnSuccess();
256 action?.Invoke();
258 Reset();
259 return status;
260 }
virtual void OnSuccess()
Definition: AIAct.cs:262

References OnCancelOrSuccess(), OnSuccess(), Reset(), and status.

Referenced by InvOwnerDraglet.OnClick().

◆ Tick()

Status AIAct.Tick ( )

Definition at line 352 of file AIAct.cs.

353 {
354 if (owner == null || (isFail != null && isFail()))
355 {
356 return Cancel();
357 }
358 if (IsChildRunning)
359 {
360 switch (child.Tick())
361 {
362 case Status.Fail:
363 if (onChildFail != null)
364 {
365 return onChildFail();
366 }
367 return Status.Fail;
368 case Status.Running:
369 return Status.Running;
370 case Status.Success:
371 if (owner == null || (isFail != null && isFail()))
372 {
373 return Cancel();
374 }
375 break;
376 }
377 }
378 if (Enumerator == null)
379 {
380 Start();
381 if (status != 0)
382 {
383 return status;
384 }
385 }
386 if (!Enumerator.MoveNext())
387 {
388 return Success();
389 }
390 return status;
391 }
Status Tick()
Definition: AIAct.cs:352
void Start()
Definition: AIAct.cs:202

References Cancel(), child, Enumerator, IsChildRunning, isFail, onChildFail, owner, Start(), status, Success, and Tick().

Referenced by Chara.ChooseNewGoal(), Tick(), Chara.Tick(), and TickChild().

◆ TickChild()

Status AIAct.TickChild ( )

Definition at line 398 of file AIAct.cs.

399 {
400 if (child == null || onChildFail == null)
401 {
402 Debug.Log(child?.ToString() + "/" + onChildFail);
403 return Status.Fail;
404 }
405 if (child.Tick() == Status.Fail)
406 {
407 if (onChildFail != null)
408 {
409 return onChildFail();
410 }
411 return Status.Fail;
412 }
413 return Status.Running;
414 }
override string ToString()
Definition: AIAct.cs:124

References child, Debug, onChildFail, Tick(), and ToString().

Referenced by Do(), DoGoto(), DoGotoInteraction(), DoGotoSpot(), DoGrab(), DoGrab< T >(), DoIdle(), DoProgress(), and DoWait().

◆ ToString()

override string AIAct.ToString ( )

Definition at line 124 of file AIAct.cs.

125 {
126 return GetType().Name;
127 }

Referenced by Card.DamageHP(), Chara.GetHoverText2(), UIQueue.OnAdd(), TickChild(), Chara.ToString(), GoalCombat.TryUseAbility(), and WidgetDebug.UpdateText().

◆ TryCancel()

bool AIAct.TryCancel ( Card  c)

Definition at line 266 of file AIAct.cs.

267 {
268 if (!IsRunning || Enumerator == null)
269 {
270 return false;
271 }
272 if (InformCancel)
273 {
274 if (owner.IsPC)
275 {
276 owner.Say("cancel_act_pc", owner);
277 }
278 else if (c != null)
279 {
280 owner.Say("cancel_act", owner, c);
281 }
282 else
283 {
284 owner.Say("cancel_act2", owner);
285 }
286 }
287 Cancel();
288 return true;
289 }
virtual bool InformCancel
Definition: AIAct.cs:98
virtual bool IsRunning
Definition: AIAct.cs:31
void Say(string lang, string ref1=null, string ref2=null)
Definition: Card.cs:6046

References Cancel(), Enumerator, InformCancel, Chara.IsPC, IsRunning, owner, and Card.Say().

Referenced by Card.DamageHP(), and Chara.MoveByForce().

Member Data Documentation

◆ child

◆ Enumerator

IEnumerator<Status> AIAct.Enumerator

Definition at line 18 of file AIAct.cs.

Referenced by Reset(), Start(), Tick(), and TryCancel().

◆ isFail

◆ onChildFail

Func<Status> AIAct.onChildFail

Definition at line 26 of file AIAct.cs.

Referenced by Reset(), SetChild(), Tick(), and TickChild().

◆ owner

new Chara AIAct.owner

Definition at line 14 of file AIAct.cs.

Referenced by AIWork.AddDeliverable(), Recipe.Build(), RecipeCard.Build(), GoalCombat.BuildAbilityList(), Cancel(), TaskPoint.CanPerform(), AI_TargetCard.CanProgress(), TaskChopWood.CanProgress(), TaskHarvest.CanProgress(), AI_OpenLock.CreateProgress(), AI_PracticeDummy.CreateProgress(), AI_Torture.CreateProgress(), DoGoto(), DoGotoSpot(), DoGotoSpot< T >(), DoGrab(), TaskBuild.DrawMarker(), AI_Fish.ProgressFish.Fail(), GoalWork.FindWork(), AI_Fuck.Finish(), GetDestination(), TaskMine.GetHitResult(), GoalGraze.GetPos(), BaseTaskHarvest.GetText(), GoalHobby.GetWorks(), GoalWork.GetWorks(), TaskHarvest.HarvestThing(), AI_HaulResource.HoldingResource(), AI_Goto.IsDestinationReached(), IsToolValid(), AI_OpenGambleChest.IsValid(), AI_Eat.IsValidTarget(), AI_PassTime.OnCancel(), AIWork_Lumberjack.OnCreateProgress(), AIWork_Research.OnCreateProgress(), TaskChopWood.OnCreateProgress(), TaskDig.OnCreateProgress(), TaskDrawWater.OnCreateProgress(), TaskHarvest.OnCreateProgress(), TaskMine.OnCreateProgress(), TaskPlow.OnCreateProgress(), TaskPourWater.OnCreateProgress(), AI_Farm.OnProgress(), AI_Fish.ProgressFish.OnProgress(), AI_Water.OnProgress(), TaskCraft.OnProgress(), TaskCut.OnProgress(), AI_Fish.ProgressFish.OnProgressComplete(), AI_Sleep.OnProgressComplete(), AI_Water.OnProgressComplete(), TaskCraft.OnProgressComplete(), TaskDig.OnProgressComplete(), TaskMine.OnProgressComplete(), TaskMoveInstalled.OnProgressComplete(), AI_Bladder.OnReset(), AI_Drink.OnSetOwner(), AI_Read.OnSetOwner(), GoalGraze.OnSimulatePosition(), GoalSleep.OnSimulatePosition(), GoalWork.OnSimulatePosition(), AI_Fish.ProgressFish.OnStart(), AI_Idle.OnStart(), AI_UseCrafter.OnStart(), TaskCut.OnStart(), Reset(), Restart(), AI_ArmPillow.Run(), AI_AttackHome.Run(), AI_Bladder.Run(), AI_Clean.Run(), AI_Cook.Run(), AI_Craft_Snowman.Run(), AI_Dance.Run(), AI_Deconstruct.Run(), AI_Drink.Run(), AI_Eat.Run(), AI_Equip.Run(), AI_Fish.Run(), AI_Fuck.Run(), AI_Goto.Run(), AI_GotoHearth.Run(), AI_Grab< T >.Run(), AI_Haul.Run(), AI_HaulResource.Run(), AI_Idle.Run(), AI_Massage.Run(), AI_Offer.Run(), AI_OpenGambleChest.Run(), AI_Paint.Run(), AI_PassTime.Run(), AI_PlayMusic.Run(), AI_Pray.Run(), AI_Read.Run(), AI_ReleaseHeld.Run(), AI_Shear.Run(), AI_Shopping.Run(), AI_Slaughter.Run(), AI_Steal.Run(), AI_TargetCard.Run(), AI_Torture.Run(), AI_Trolley.Run(), AI_UseCrafter.Run(), AIProgress.Run(), AIWork.Run(), DynamicAIAct.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), GoalIdle.Run(), GoalNeeds.Run(), GoalSiege.Run(), GoalSleep.Run(), GoalSpot.Run(), GoalVisitorGuest.Run(), GoalWait.Run(), GoalWork.Run(), NoGoal.Run(), TaskClean.Run(), TaskCullLife.Run(), TaskMoveInstalled.Run(), TaskPoint.Run(), TaskWater.Run(), SetChild(), AIWork.SetDestination(), SetOwner(), SimulateZone(), Start(), AI_Trolley.Stop(), Tick(), GoalTask.TryAssignAreaTask(), GoalTask.TryAssignTask(), TryCancel(), AI_Goto.TryGoTo(), GoalCombat.TryMove(), TraitBaseSpellbook.TryProgress(), TaskManager.Designations.TryRemoveDesignation(), GoalCombat.TryThrow(), GoalCombat.TryUseAbility(), GoalAutoCombat.TryUseRanged(), GoalCombat.TryUseRanged(), GoalWork.TryWork(), and GoalWork.ValidateHobby().

◆ parent

AIAct AIAct.parent

Definition at line 22 of file AIAct.cs.

◆ restartCount

byte AIAct.restartCount

Definition at line 24 of file AIAct.cs.

Referenced by Reset(), and Restart().

◆ status

Property Documentation

◆ actionIcon

virtual Sprite AIAct.actionIcon

Definition at line 72 of file AIAct.cs.

◆ CancelOnAggro

virtual bool AIAct.CancelOnAggro

Definition at line 80 of file AIAct.cs.

Referenced by Chara.Tick().

◆ CancelWhenDamaged

virtual bool AIAct.CancelWhenDamaged

Definition at line 94 of file AIAct.cs.

Referenced by Card.DamageHP().

◆ CancelWhenMoved

virtual bool AIAct.CancelWhenMoved

Definition at line 96 of file AIAct.cs.

Referenced by Chara.MoveByForce().

◆ Current

AIAct AIAct.Current

Definition at line 102 of file AIAct.cs.

103 {
104 get
105 {
106 if (!IsChildRunning)
107 {
108 return this;
109 }
110 return child.Current;
111 }
112 }
AIAct Current
Definition: AIAct.cs:103

Referenced by Chara._Move(), Card.DamageHP(), and Chara.MoveByForce().

◆ CurrentProgress

virtual int AIAct.CurrentProgress

Definition at line 90 of file AIAct.cs.

◆ HasProgress

virtual bool AIAct.HasProgress

Definition at line 122 of file AIAct.cs.

◆ InformCancel

virtual bool AIAct.InformCancel

Definition at line 98 of file AIAct.cs.

Referenced by TryCancel().

◆ IsAct

override bool AIAct.IsAct

Definition at line 114 of file AIAct.cs.

◆ IsAutoTurn

virtual bool AIAct.IsAutoTurn

Definition at line 76 of file AIAct.cs.

Referenced by UIAutoTurn._Update().

◆ IsChildRunning

bool AIAct.IsChildRunning

Definition at line 42 of file AIAct.cs.

43 {
44 get
45 {
46 if (child != null && child.status == Status.Running)
47 {
48 return child.owner != null;
49 }
50 return false;
51 }
52 }

Referenced by CanManualCancel(), GetCurrentActionText(), GetDestination(), GetProgress(), and Tick().

◆ IsIdle

virtual bool AIAct.IsIdle

Definition at line 78 of file AIAct.cs.

◆ IsMoveAI

bool AIAct.IsMoveAI

Definition at line 54 of file AIAct.cs.

55 {
56 get
57 {
58 if (!IsChildRunning)
59 {
60 return this is AI_Goto;
61 }
62 return child.IsMoveAI;
63 }
64 }
bool IsMoveAI
Definition: AIAct.cs:55

Referenced by Chara.TryPush().

◆ IsNoGoal

virtual bool AIAct.IsNoGoal

◆ IsRunning

◆ MaxProgress

virtual int AIAct.MaxProgress

Definition at line 84 of file AIAct.cs.

Referenced by UIAutoTurn._Update().

◆ MaxRestart

virtual int AIAct.MaxRestart

Definition at line 66 of file AIAct.cs.

Referenced by Restart().

◆ Name

◆ PushChara

virtual bool AIAct.PushChara

Definition at line 82 of file AIAct.cs.

Referenced by Chara._Move().

◆ RenderThing

virtual Thing AIAct.RenderThing

Definition at line 100 of file AIAct.cs.

◆ ShowCursor

virtual bool AIAct.ShowCursor

Definition at line 92 of file AIAct.cs.

Referenced by BaseTileSelector.OnUpdate().

◆ ShowPotential

override bool AIAct.ShowPotential

Definition at line 116 of file AIAct.cs.

◆ ShowProgress

virtual bool AIAct.ShowProgress

Definition at line 86 of file AIAct.cs.

◆ ShowRelativeAttribute

override bool AIAct.ShowRelativeAttribute

Definition at line 120 of file AIAct.cs.

◆ stateIcon

virtual MultiSprite AIAct.stateIcon

Definition at line 70 of file AIAct.cs.

◆ UsePotential

override bool AIAct.UsePotential

Definition at line 118 of file AIAct.cs.

◆ UseTurbo

virtual bool AIAct.UseTurbo

Definition at line 88 of file AIAct.cs.

Referenced by ActPlan.Item.Perform(), and Start().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: