Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
Public Member Functions | |
bool | CanAutoFire (Chara c, Card tg, bool reloading=false) |
int | GetEfficiency () |
override void | SetSource () |
override void | OnCreate (int genLv) |
override void | ApplyMaterialElements (bool remove) |
override void | ApplyMaterial (bool remove=false) |
override string | GetName (NameStyle style, int _num=-1) |
override string | GetHoverText () |
override string | GetExtraName () |
List< Element > | ListLimitedValidTraits (bool limit) |
List< Element > | ListValidTraits (bool isCraft, bool limit) |
override void | WriteNote (UINote n, Action< UINote > onWriteNote=null, IInspect.NoteMode mode=IInspect.NoteMode.Default, Recipe recipe=null) |
override void | SetRenderParam (RenderParam p) |
override SubPassData | GetSubPassData () |
override bool | CanStackTo (Thing to) |
void | GetIngredients (Recipe.Ingredient ing, List< Thing > list) |
bool | IsValidIngredient (Recipe.Ingredient ing) |
void | GetRecipes (HashSet< Recipe > recipes) |
void | GetDisassembles (List< Thing > list) |
void | Disassemble () |
void | ShowSplitMenu (ButtonGrid button, InvOwner.Transaction trans=null) |
void | ShowSplitMenu2 (ButtonGrid button, string lang, Action< int > onSplit=null) |
void | DoAct (Act act) |
void | TryLickEnchant (Chara c, bool msg=true, Chara tg=null, BodySlot slot=null) |
Element | AddEnchant (int lv=-1) |
void | RemoveEnchant () |
Thing | Identify (bool show=true, IDTSource idtSource=IDTSource.Identify) |
override bool | MatchEncSearch (string s) |
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override string | ToString () |
bool | CanReserve (AIAct act) |
bool | TryReserve (AIAct act) |
void | Mod () |
Window.SaveData | GetWindowSaveData () |
bool | IsExcludeFromCraft () |
void | SetDirtyWeight () |
void | ChangeWeight (int a) |
int | Evalue (int ele) |
int | Evalue (int ele, bool ignoreGlobalElement) |
int | EvalueMax (int ele, int min=0) |
int | Evalue (string alias) |
bool | HasTag (CTAG tag) |
bool | HasEditorTag (EditorTag tag) |
void | AddEditorTag (EditorTag tag) |
void | RemoveEditorTag (EditorTag tag) |
virtual string | GetName (NameStyle style, int num=-1) |
virtual string | GetExtraName () |
virtual string | GetDetail () |
int | GetBestAttribute () |
void | ModExp (string alias, int a) |
void | ModExp (int ele, int a) |
bool | IsChildOf (Card c) |
string | ReferenceId () |
void | Create (string _id, int _idMat=-1, int genLv=-1) |
virtual void | OnBeforeCreate () |
virtual void | OnCreate (int genLv) |
virtual void | SetSource () |
virtual void | ApplyEditorTags (EditorTag tag) |
void | ApplyTrait () |
Card | SetLv (int a) |
void | AddExp (int a) |
void | LevelUp () |
virtual void | ApplyMaterialElements (bool remove) |
virtual void | ApplyMaterial (bool remove=false) |
Card | ChangeMaterial (int idNew, bool ignoreFixedMaterial=false) |
Card | ChangeMaterial (string idNew, bool ignoreFixedMaterial=false) |
Card | ChangeMaterial (SourceMaterial.Row row, bool ignoreFixedMaterial=false) |
void | SetReplica (bool on) |
Thing | Add (string id, int num=1, int lv=1) |
Card | AddCard (Card c) |
void | RemoveCard (Card c) |
void | NotifyAddThing (Thing t, int num) |
Thing | AddThing (string id, int lv=-1) |
Thing | AddThing (Thing t, bool tryStack=true, int destInvX=-1, int destInvY=-1) |
void | PurgeDuplicateArtifact (Thing af) |
void | RemoveThings () |
void | RemoveThing (Thing thing) |
bool | ShouldTrySetDirtyInventory () |
virtual bool | CanStackTo (Thing to) |
bool | TryStackTo (Thing to) |
ICardParent | GetRoot () |
Card | GetRootCard () |
bool | IsStackable (Thing tg) |
Thing | Duplicate (int num) |
Thing | Split (int a) |
Thing | SetNum (int a) |
Thing | SetNoSell () |
void | ModNum (int a, bool notify=true) |
void | AddSocket () |
void | ApplySocket (Thing t) |
void | ApplySocket (int id, int lv, Card mod=null) |
void | EjectSockets () |
SocketData | AddRune (Card rune) |
SocketData | AddRune (int idEle, int v) |
SocketData | GetRuneEnc (int idEle) |
int | CountRune () |
int | MaxRune () |
bool | CanAddRune (SourceElement.Row row) |
bool | HasRune () |
void | OnChildNumChange (Card c) |
Card | Install () |
void | SetPlaceState (PlaceState newState, bool byPlayer=false) |
int | GetTotalQuality (bool applyBonus=true) |
void | ModEncLv (int a) |
void | SetEncLv (int a) |
virtual void | SetBlessedState (BlessedState s) |
virtual void | ChangeRarity (Rarity q) |
bool | TryPay (int a, string id="money") |
void | SetCharge (int a) |
void | ModCharge (int a, bool destroy=false) |
void | ModCurrency (int a, string id="money") |
int | GetCurrency (string id="money") |
virtual void | HealHPHost (int a, HealSource origin=HealSource.None) |
virtual void | HealHP (int a, HealSource origin=HealSource.None) |
virtual int | GetArmorSkill () |
virtual int | ApplyProtection (int dmg, int mod=100) |
void | DamageHP (int dmg, AttackSource attackSource=AttackSource.None, Card origin=null) |
void | DamageHP (int dmg, int ele, int eleP=100, AttackSource attackSource=AttackSource.None, Card origin=null, bool showEffect=true, Thing weapon=null) |
virtual void | Die (Element e=null, Card origin=null, AttackSource attackSource=AttackSource.None) |
void | Explode (Point p, Card origin) |
void | Deconstruct () |
void | Destroy () |
void | SpawnLoot (Card origin) |
Thing | TryMakeRandomItem (int lv=-1) |
Card | MakeFoodFrom (string _id) |
Card | MakeFoodFrom (Card c) |
void | MakeFoodRef (Card c1, Card c2=null) |
string | TryGetFoodName (Card c) |
string | GetFoodName (string s) |
void | MakeFigureFrom (string id) |
void | MakeRefFrom (string id) |
void | MakeRefFrom (Card c1, Card c2=null) |
void | SetHidden (bool hide=true) |
virtual MoveResult | _Move (Point p, MoveType type=MoveType.Walk) |
void | MoveImmediate (Point p, bool focus=true, bool cancelAI=true) |
void | Teleport (Point point, bool silent=false, bool force=false) |
virtual void | OnLand () |
int | ResistLvFrom (int ele) |
int | ResistLv (int res) |
bool | HasElement (int ele, int req=1) |
bool | HasElement (string id, int req=1) |
bool | HasGlobalElement (int ele) |
virtual CardRenderer | _CreateRenderer () |
void | AddBlood (int a=1, int id=-1) |
RenderParam | GetRenderParam () |
virtual void | SetRenderParam (RenderParam p) |
void | DyeRandom () |
void | Dye (string idMat) |
void | Dye (SourceMaterial.Row mat) |
void | RefreshColor () |
ref Color | GetRandomColor () |
virtual Sprite | GetSprite (int dir=0) |
virtual Sprite | GetImageSprite () |
void | SetImage (Image image, int dir, int idSkin=0) |
virtual void | SetImage (Image image) |
void | ShowEmo (Emo _emo=Emo.none, float duration=0f, bool skipSame=true) |
void | PlaySoundHold (bool spatial=true) |
void | PlaySoundDrop (bool spatial=true) |
void | PlaySoundImpact (bool spatial=true) |
void | PlaySoundDead (bool spatial=true) |
SoundSource | PlaySound (string id, float v=1f, bool spatial=true) |
void | KillAnime () |
void | PlayAnime (AnimeID id, bool force=false) |
void | PlayAnime (AnimeID id, Point dest, bool force=false) |
void | PlayAnimeLoot () |
Effect | PlayEffect (string id, bool useRenderPos=true, float range=0f, Vector3 fix=default(Vector3)) |
void | PlayEffect (int ele, bool useRenderPos=true, float range=0f) |
virtual void | SetDir (int d) |
void | SetRandomDir () |
virtual void | LookAt (Card c) |
virtual void | LookAt (Point p) |
virtual void | Rotate (bool reverse=false) |
void | ChangeAltitude (int a) |
virtual SubPassData | GetSubPassData () |
void | SetFreePos (Point point) |
void | RenderMarker (Point point, bool active, HitResult result, bool main, int dir, bool useCurrentPosition=false) |
void | RecalculateFOV () |
bool | HasLight () |
float | GetLightPower () |
int | GetSightRadius () |
int | GetLightRadius () |
void | CalculateFOV () |
void | SetRandomLightColors () |
Fov | CreateFov () |
void | ClearFOV () |
virtual void | OnSimulateHour (VirtualDate date) |
void | DecayNatural (int hour=1) |
void | CheckJustCooked () |
void | Decay (int a=10) |
void | Talk (string idTopic, string ref1=null, string ref2=null, bool forceSync=false) |
void | TalkRaw (string text, string ref1=null, string ref2=null, bool forceSync=false) |
string | ApplyNewLine (string text) |
void | SayRaw (string text, string ref1=null, string ref2=null) |
void | SayNothingHappans () |
void | Say (string lang, string ref1=null, string ref2=null) |
void | Say (string lang, Card c1, Card c2, string ref1=null, string ref2=null) |
void | Say (string lang, Card c1, string ref1=null, string ref2=null) |
string | GetTalkText (string idTopic, bool stripPun=false, bool useDefault=true) |
string | ApplyTone (string text, bool stripPun=false) |
void | SetRandomTalk () |
void | SetRandomTone () |
void | TryStack (Thing t) |
void | ApplyBacker (int bid) |
void | RemoveBacker () |
void | SetPaintData () |
byte[] | GetPaintData () |
void | ClearPaintSprite () |
Sprite | GetPaintSprite () |
void | TryUnrestrain (bool force=false, Chara c=null) |
TraitShackle | GetRestrainer () |
virtual void | Tick () |
Thing | SetPriceFix (int a) |
int | GetEquipValue () |
void | SetSale (bool sale) |
int | GetValue (bool sell=false) |
virtual int | GetPrice (CurrencyType currency=CurrencyType.Money, bool sell=false, PriceType priceType=PriceType.Default, Chara c=null) |
virtual string | GetHoverText () |
virtual string | GetHoverText2 () |
int | Dist (Card c) |
int | Dist (Point p) |
bool | IsInMutterDistance (int d=10) |
void | SetCensored (bool enable) |
void | SetDeconstruct (bool deconstruct) |
virtual bool | MatchEncSearch (string s) |
virtual void | SetSortVal (UIList.SortMode m, CurrencyType currency=CurrencyType.Money) |
virtual int | SecondaryCompare (UIList.SortMode m, Card c) |
void | ForeachFOV (Func< Point, bool > func) |
void | ForeachPoint (Action< Point, bool > action) |
void | OnInspect () |
virtual void | WriteNote (UINote n, Action< UINote > onWriteNote=null, IInspect.NoteMode mode=IInspect.NoteMode.Default, Recipe recipe=null) |
void | Inspect () |
virtual bool | HasCondition< T > () |
bool | HaveFur () |
bool | CanBeSheared () |
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bool | GetBool (int id) |
void | SetBool (int id, bool enable) |
int | GetInt (int id, int? defaultInt=null) |
void | AddInt (int id, int value) |
void | SetInt (int id, int value=0) |
string | GetStr (int id, string defaultStr=null) |
void | SetStr (int id, string value=null) |
T | GetObj< T > (int id) |
void | SetObj (int id, object o) |
T | SetObj< T > (int id, object o) |
ICardParent | GetRoot () |
void | RemoveCard (Card c) |
void | OnChildNumChange (Card c) |
string | ReferenceId () |
void | WriteNote (UINote n, Action< UINote > onWriteNote=null, NoteMode mode=NoteMode.Default, Recipe recipe=null) |
void | OnInspect () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | AddAttackEvaluation (UINote n, Chara chara, Thing current=null) |
static Tuple< SourceElement.Row, int > | GetEnchant (int lv, Func< SourceElement.Row, bool > func, bool neg) |
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static string | ApplyTone (Chara c, ref string text, string _tones, int gender, bool stripPun=false) |
static int | GetTilePrice (TileRow row, SourceMaterial.Row mat) |
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static int | rnd (int a) |
static int | curve (int a, int start, int step, int rate=75) |
static int | rndHalf (int a) |
static float | rndf (float a) |
static int | rndSqrt (int a) |
static void | Wait (float a, Card c) |
static void | Wait (float a, Point p) |
static int | Bigger (int a, int b) |
static int | Smaller (int a, int b) |
Public Attributes | |
SourceThing.Row | source |
int | stackOrder |
string | tempName |
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int[] | _ints = new int[30] |
string | id = "" |
ThingContainer | things = new ThingContainer() |
ElementContainerCard | elements = new ElementContainerCard() |
Biography | bio |
List< int > | sockets |
AIAct | reservedAct |
Props | props |
Trait | trait |
ICardParent | parent |
Fov | fov |
Point | pos = new Point() |
CardRenderer | renderer |
CardRow | hat |
int | turn |
int | _colorInt |
float | roundTimer |
float | angle = 180f |
float | animeCounter |
bool | isDestroyed |
CardBlueprint | bp |
BitArray32 | _bits1 |
BitArray32 | _bits2 |
PlaceState | placeState |
bool | dirtyWeight = true |
SourceMaterial.Row | _material |
Emo | lastEmo |
int | sortVal |
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Dictionary< int, object > | mapObj = new Dictionary<int, object>() |
Dictionary< int, int > | mapInt = new Dictionary<int, int>() |
Dictionary< int, string > | mapStr = new Dictionary<int, string>() |
Static Public Attributes | |
const int | MaxFurnitureEnc = 12 |
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const int | MaxWeight = 10000000 |
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static Core | core |
Properties | |
bool | isEquipped [get] |
bool | IsMeleeWithAmmo [get] |
int | range [get] |
int | Penetration [get] |
override bool | isThing [get] |
override CardRow | sourceCard [get] |
override SourcePref | Pref [get] |
override int | SelfWeight [get] |
override int[] | Tiles [get] |
bool | CanSearchContents [get] |
bool | IsSharedContainer [get] |
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Card | parentCard [get] |
Thing | parentThing [get] |
int | colorInt [get] |
bool | IsHotItem [get] |
int | uid [get, set] |
int | idMaterial [get, set] |
int | dir [get, set] |
int | Num [get, set] |
int | _x [get, set] |
int | _z [get, set] |
int | refVal [get, set] |
int | decay [get, set] |
int | altitude [get, set] |
int | hp [get, set] |
float | fx [get, set] |
float | fy [get, set] |
BlessedState | blessedState [get, set] |
PlaceState | _placeState [get, set] |
int | rarityLv [get, set] |
Rarity | rarity [get, set] |
int | encLV [get, set] |
int | posInvX [get, set] |
int | posInvY [get, set] |
int | idSkin [get, set] |
int | feat [get, set] |
int | LV [get, set] |
int | exp [get, set] |
int | qualityTier [get, set] |
bool | isCensored [get, set] |
bool | isDeconstructing [get, set] |
bool | isDyed [get, set] |
bool | isModified [get, set] |
bool | isNew [get, set] |
bool | isPlayerCreation [get, set] |
bool | ignoreAutoPick [get, set] |
bool | freePos [get, set] |
bool | isHidden [get, set] |
bool | isOn [get, set] |
bool | isNPCProperty [get, set] |
bool | isRestrained [get, set] |
bool | isRoofItem [get, set] |
bool | isMasked [get, set] |
bool | disableAutoToggle [get, set] |
bool | isImported [get, set] |
bool | autoRefuel [get, set] |
bool | ignoreStackHeight [get, set] |
bool | isFloating [get, set] |
bool | isWeightChanged [get, set] |
bool | isFireproof [get, set] |
bool | isAcidproof [get, set] |
bool | isReplica [get, set] |
bool | isSummon [get, set] |
bool | isElemental [get, set] |
bool | isBroken [get, set] |
bool | isSubsetCard [get, set] |
bool | noSnow [get, set] |
bool | noMove [get, set] |
bool | isGifted [get, set] |
bool | isCrafted [get, set] |
bool | isLostProperty [get, set] |
bool | noShadow [get, set] |
bool | noSell [get, set] |
bool | isLeashed [get, set] |
bool | isStolen [get, set] |
bool | isSale [get, set] |
bool | isCopy [get, set] |
bool | isRestocking [get, set] |
bool | hasSpawned [get, set] |
bool | isBackerContent [get] |
SourceBacker.Row | sourceBacker [get] |
BedType | c_bedType [get, set] |
int | c_equippedSlot [get, set] |
int | c_lockLv [get, set] |
Hostility | c_originalHostility [get, set] |
MinionType | c_minionType [get, set] |
int | c_vomit [get, set] |
bool | c_wasInPcParty [get, set] |
bool | c_isImportant [get, set] |
bool | c_lockedHard [get, set] |
bool | c_revealLock [get, set] |
bool | c_isTrained [get, set] |
bool | c_isPrayed [get, set] |
bool | c_isDisableStockUse [get, set] |
int | c_lightColor [get, set] |
Color | LightColor [get] |
int | c_uidZone [get, set] |
int | c_uidRefCard [get, set] |
int | c_priceFix [get, set] |
int | c_priceAdd [get, set] |
int | c_dyeMat [get, set] |
VisitorState | visitorState [get, set] |
RescueState | c_rescueState [get, set] |
BossType | c_bossType [get, set] |
int | c_dateStockExpire [get, set] |
int | c_dateDeathLock [get, set] |
int | c_IDTState [get, set] |
int | c_charges [get, set] |
int | c_bill [get, set] |
int | c_invest [get, set] |
int | c_seed [get, set] |
int | c_allowance [get, set] |
int | c_fur [get, set] |
int | c_dateCooked [get, set] |
int | c_containerSize [get, set] |
int | c_weight [get, set] |
int | c_diceDim [get, set] |
int | c_indexContainerIcon [get, set] |
int | c_idMainElement [get, set] |
int | c_summonDuration [get, set] |
int | c_idBacker [get, set] |
int | c_uidMaster [get, set] |
int | c_ammo [get, set] |
int | c_daysWithGod [get, set] |
string | c_idPortrait [get, set] |
string | c_idRace [get, set] |
string | c_idJob [get, set] |
string | c_idTone [get, set] |
string | c_color [get, set] |
string | c_idTalk [get, set] |
string | c_idDeity [get, set] |
string | c_altName [get, set] |
string | c_altName2 [get, set] |
string | c_extraNameRef [get, set] |
string | c_refText [get, set] |
string | c_idRefName [get, set] |
string | c_idRidePCC [get, set] |
string | c_idAbility [get, set] |
string | c_context [get, set] |
string | c_idEditor [get, set] |
string | c_editorTags [get, set] |
string | c_editorTraitVal [get, set] |
string | c_idTrait [get, set] |
string | c_idRefCard [get, set] |
string | c_idRefCard2 [get, set] |
string | c_note [get, set] |
UniqueData | c_uniqueData [get, set] |
Thing | ammoData [get, set] |
List< SocketData > | socketList [get, set] |
Thing | c_copyContainer [get, set] |
Window.SaveData | c_windowSaveData [get, set] |
CharaUpgrade | c_upgrades [get, set] |
CharaGenes | c_genes [get, set] |
List< int > | c_corruptionHistory [get, set] |
ContainerUpgrade | c_containerUpgrade [get, set] |
DNA | c_DNA [get, set] |
CharaList | c_charaList [get, set] |
byte[] | c_textureData [get, set] |
SourceMaterial.Row | DyeMat [get] |
int | invX [get, set] |
int | invY [get, set] |
CardRow | refCard [get] |
CardRow | refCard2 [get] |
int | ExpToNext [get] |
int | DefaultLV [get] |
int | ChildrenWeight [get] |
int | ChildrenAndSelfWeight [get] |
int | ChildrenAndSelfWeightSingle [get] |
virtual int | SelfWeight [get] |
virtual int | WeightLimit [get] |
SourceCategory.Row | category [get] |
SourceMaterial.Row | material [get] |
virtual string | AliasMaterialOnCreate [get] |
Cell | Cell [get] |
virtual Thing | Thing [get] |
virtual Chara | Chara [get] |
virtual bool | isThing [get] |
virtual bool | isChara [get] |
bool | ExistsOnMap [get] |
virtual bool | isSynced [get] |
bool | IsContainer [get] |
bool | IsUnique [get] |
bool | IsPowerful [get] |
bool | IsImportant [get] |
virtual SourcePref | Pref [get] |
virtual bool | IsDeadOrSleeping [get] |
virtual bool | IsDisabled [get] |
virtual bool | IsMoving [get] |
virtual bool | flipX [get] |
virtual bool | IsAliveInCurrentZone [get] |
virtual string | actorPrefab [get] |
virtual CardRow | sourceCard [get] |
virtual CardRow | sourceRenderCard [get] |
TileType | TileType [get] |
string | Name [get] |
string | NameSimple [get] |
string | NameOne [get] |
virtual bool | IsPC [get] |
bool | _IsPC [get] |
virtual bool | IsPCC [get] |
virtual bool | IsPCParty [get] |
virtual bool | IsMinion [get] |
virtual bool | IsPCPartyMinion [get] |
virtual bool | IsPCFactionMinion [get] |
virtual bool | IsMultisize [get] |
bool | IsToolbelt [get] |
bool | IsLightsource [get] |
bool | IsEquipment [get] |
bool | IsFood [get] |
bool | ShowFoodEnc [get] |
bool | IsWeapon [get] |
bool | IsEquipmentOrRanged [get] |
bool | IsEquipmentOrRangedOrAmmo [get] |
bool | IsMeleeWeapon [get] |
bool | IsRangedWeapon [get] |
bool | IsThrownWeapon [get] |
bool | IsAmmo [get] |
bool | IsAgent [get] |
bool | IsFurniture [get] |
bool | IsBlessed [get] |
bool | IsCursed [get] |
bool | IsRestrainedResident [get] |
virtual bool | IsPCFaction [get] |
bool | IsPCFactionOrMinion [get] |
virtual bool | IsGlobal [get] |
virtual int | MaxDecay [get] |
bool | IsDecayed [get] |
bool | IsRotting [get] |
bool | IsFresn [get] |
virtual int | MaxHP [get] |
virtual int | Power [get] |
int | FameLv [get] |
virtual int[] | Tiles [get] |
virtual int | PrefIndex [get] |
bool | IsVariation [get] |
virtual int | DV [get] |
virtual int | PV [get] |
int | HIT [get] |
int | DMG [get] |
int | STR [get] |
int | DEX [get] |
int | END [get] |
int | PER [get] |
int | LER [get] |
int | WIL [get] |
int | MAG [get] |
int | CHA [get] |
int | INT [get] |
int | LUC [get] |
int | W [get] |
int | H [get] |
bool | IsIdentified [get] |
string | TextRarity [get] |
bool | IsInstalled [get] |
bool | IsMale [get] |
bool | IsNegativeGift [get] |
bool | HasContainerSize [get] |
Thing | Tool [get] |
virtual SourceMaterial.Row | DefaultMaterial [get] |
virtual bool | HasHost [get] |
int | Quality [get] |
int | QualityLv [get] |
LightData | LightData [get] |
CardRenderer | HostRenderer [get] |
bool | ShouldShowMsg [get] |
bool | CanInspect [get] |
string | InspectName [get] |
Point | InspectPoint [get] |
Vector3 | InspectPosition [get] |
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static Game | game [get] |
static bool | AdvMode [get] |
static Player | player [get] |
static Chara | pc [get] |
static UI | ui [get] |
static Map | _map [get] |
static Zone | _zone [get] |
static FactionBranch | Branch [get] |
static FactionBranch | BranchOrHomeBranch [get] |
static Faction | Home [get] |
static Faction | Wilds [get] |
static Scene | scene [get] |
static BaseGameScreen | screen [get] |
static GameSetting | setting [get] |
static GameData | gamedata [get] |
static ColorProfile | Colors [get] |
static World | world [get] |
static SourceManager | sources [get] |
static SourceManager | editorSources [get] |
static SoundManager | Sound [get] |
static CoreDebug | debug [get] |
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bool | CanInspect [get] |
string | InspectName [get] |
Point | InspectPoint [get] |
Vector3 | InspectPosition [get] |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
enum | MoveResult { Fail , Success , Door } |
enum | MoveType { Walk , Force } |
![]() | |
enum | NoteMode { Default , Recipe , Product , Info } |
![]() | |
virtual void | OnSerializing () |
virtual void | OnDeserialized () |
Definition at line 1373 of file Thing.cs.
References UINote.AddHeader(), Chara.body, AttackProcess.Current, BodySlot.elementId, AttackProcess.GetText(), AttackProcess.Prepare(), CharaBody.slots, source, and BodySlot.thing.
Referenced by InvOwnerEquip.OnWriteNote(), WindowCharaMini.RefreshEquipment(), and WindowChara.RefreshEquipment().
inline |
Definition at line 1941 of file Thing.cs.
Referenced by OnCreate().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 317 of file Thing.cs.
References Card._colorInt, ApplyMaterialElements(), Debug, Card.elements, ElementContainer.ModBase(), CardRow.quality, EClass.rnd(), ElementContainer.SetBase(), Card.sockets, source, and sourceCard.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 299 of file Thing.cs.
References ElementContainer.ApplyMaterialElementMap(), Card.Chara, EClass.core, Card.elements, Card.GetRootCard(), isEquipped, Core.IsGameStarted, and ElementContainer.SetParent().
Referenced by ApplyMaterial().
Definition at line 108 of file Thing.cs.
References Chara.body, Trait.CanAutofire, Card.elements, ElementContainer.GetElement(), Card.GetRootCard(), Card.HasTag(), Element.id, Chara.IsPC, Chara.IsPCFaction, CharaBody.IsTooHeavyToEquip(), Card.trait, and Element.vPotential.
Referenced by AM_Adv._OnUpdateInput().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 1542 of file Thing.cs.
References Card.blessedState, Card.c_altName, Card.c_charges, Card.c_dyeMat, Card.c_idRefCard, Card.c_idRefCard2, Card.c_IDTState, Card.c_priceAdd, Card.c_priceFix, Card.ChildrenAndSelfWeight, Window.SaveData.compress, ElementContainer.dict, Card.elements, Card.encLV, ElementContainer.GetElement(), Card.id, Element.id, Card.idMaterial, Card.idSkin, Card.isCopy, Card.isCrafted, Card.IsDecayed, Card.isDyed, isEquipped, Card.isGifted, Card.isModified, Card.isStolen, Card.isWeightChanged, Card.noSell, Card.Num, Card.parent, Card.qualityTier, Card.rarityLv, Card.refVal, SelfWeight, and Element.vBase.
Referenced by ThingContainer.CanStack(), InvOwner.OnDrag(), and DragItemCard.OnDragSpecial().
inline |
Definition at line 1691 of file Thing.cs.
Referenced by LayerCraftFloat.RefreshDisassemble().
inline |
Definition at line 1836 of file Thing.cs.
References EClass._zone, ActionMode.Adv, Player.currentHotItem, Chara.HasNoGoal, Act.IsAct, Spatial.IsRegion, Act.LocalAct, EClass.pc, Act.Perform(), EClass.player, Chara.SetAI(), and AM_Adv.SetTurbo().
inline |
Definition at line 1687 of file Thing.cs.
Referenced by RecipeUpdater.RunDisassemble().
inline |
Definition at line 141 of file Thing.cs.
Referenced by AIWork.GetSession().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 1854 of file Thing.cs.
References SourceManager.elements, item, neg, EClass.rnd(), EClass.rndSqrt(), and EClass.sources.
Referenced by OnCreate(), and TraitMod.OnCreate().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 762 of file Thing.cs.
References BaseArea.data, EClass.debug, CoreDebug.enable, and AreaData.group.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 745 of file Thing.cs.
References Lang._weight(), EClass.debug, CoreDebug.showExtra, and RenderRow.tiles.
inline |
Definition at line 1654 of file Thing.cs.
References GetIngredients().
Referenced by GetIngredients(), and LayerCraftFloat.ShowContextMenu().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 494 of file Thing.cs.
References Lang._currency(), SourceData< T, T2 >.BaseRow._index, CoreConfig.backer, Trait.CanStack, TraitSalesTag.CanTagSale(), SourceManager.categories, Core.config, EClass.core, Card.DV, Player.eqBait, EClass.game, BaseCard.GetInt(), Lang.GetList(), Trait.GetName(), Card.GetPrice(), Card.GetRootCard(), BaseCard.GetStr(), Trait.HasCharges, Card.id, Lang.Note, EClass.pc, EClass.player, Card.PV, Game.seed, Trait.SetName(), CoreConfig.BackerContentConfig.Show(), Trait.ShowCharges, source, sourceCard, EClass.sources, Card.trait, and Rand.UseSeed().
Referenced by WidgetPopText._SayPick(), DramaCustomSequence.Build(), QuestDeliver.IsDestThing(), ThingContainer.RefreshGrid(), AI_OpenGambleChest.Run(), UIMagicChest.Search(), CoreExtension.Sort(), ActThrow.Throw(), Zone.TryAddThingInSharedContainer(), and Chara.TryUse().
inline |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 1528 of file Thing.cs.
References SubPassData.Default, HotItemHeld.disableTool, Chara.held, GameSetting.pass, EClass.pc, EClass.setting, and GameSetting.PassSetting.subCrate.
Definition at line 1959 of file Thing.cs.
References Msg.Say(), and LayerInventory.SetDirty().
Referenced by RecipeCard.Craft(), TraitAltar.OnOffer(), TraitBaseSpellbook.OnRead(), AI_Read.OnSetOwner(), QuestDeliver.OnStart(), ActZap.Perform(), ActEffect.Proc(), InvOwner.Transaction.Process(), DramaOutcome.QuestExploration_AfterCrystal(), AI_UseCrafter.Run(), and Chara.TryIdentify().
inline |
Definition at line 1670 of file Thing.cs.
References EClass.pc.
Referenced by DropdownGrid.BuildIngredients().
inline |
Definition at line 787 of file Thing.cs.
References ElementContainer.GetSortVal(), Element.IsFoodTraitMain, and Element.Value.
inline |
Definition at line 812 of file Thing.cs.
References Card.HasElement(), Element.IsFoodTrait, Element.IsFoodTraitMain, Element.IsTrait, EClass.pc, and Element.Value.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 2009 of file Thing.cs.
References SourceManager.elements, SourceElement.Row.GetName(), SourceElement.Row.name, Element.source, EClass.sources, DNA.type, DNA.vals, and Element.Value.
Referenced by ThingContainer.RefreshGrid(), and WidgetSearch.Search().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 162 of file Thing.cs.
References AddEnchant(), Card.AddSocket(), Card.ApplySocket(), CoreDebug.autoIdentify, CardBlueprint.blesstedState, Card.bp, EClass.debug, GetEnchant(), Card.HasTag(), Card.id, IsMeleeWithAmmo, InvOwnerMod.IsValidRangedMod(), neg, CardBlueprint.qualityBonus, CardBlueprint.rarity, EClass.rnd(), Card.SetBlessedState(), Card.SetEncLv(), and source.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 1401 of file Thing.cs.
References SourceThing.Row._altTiles, RenderRow._tiles, SourceThing.Row.anime, TraitDoorSwing.IsOpen(), and RenderRow.skins.
Referenced by BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), TileMapElona.DrawTile(), and CharaActorPCC.OnRender().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 146 of file Thing.cs.
References SourceManager.cards, Debug, SourceCard.firstVariations, Card.id, source, EClass.sources, and SourceManager.things.
inline |
Definition at line 1695 of file Thing.cs.
References Lang._weight(), UIContextMenu.AddButton(), UIContextMenu.AddSlider(), Card.AddThing(), ButtonGrid.card, InvOwner.Container, EClass.core, Debug, DragItemCard.from, ButtonGrid.invOwner, DragItemCard.DragInfo.invX, DragItemCard.DragInfo.invY, Chara.isDead, Card.isDestroyed, Core.IsGameStarted, Card.Num, EClass.pc, Card.posInvX, Card.posInvY, UIContextMenu.Show(), Card.Split(), Card.Thing, EClass.ui, and UIContextMenu.wasCanceled.
Referenced by InvOwner.OnCtrlClick().
inline |
Definition at line 1782 of file Thing.cs.
References Lang._weight(), UIContextMenu.AddButton(), UIContextMenu.AddSlider(), ButtonGrid.card, EClass.core, Debug, Chara.isDead, Card.isDestroyed, Core.IsGameStarted, UIButton.mainText, Card.Num, EClass.pc, UIText.SetText(), UIContextMenu.Show(), and EClass.ui.
Referenced by UIDragGridIngredients.Update().
inline |
Definition at line 1892 of file Thing.cs.
References SourceData< T, T2 >.BaseRow._index, World.date, Date.day, Element.id, BodySlot.name, EClass.rnd(), Card.Say(), Rand.SetSeed(), Card.uid, Element.vBase, and EClass.world.
Referenced by Card.SpawnLoot(), and ThingGen.TryLickChest().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Card.
Definition at line 837 of file Thing.cs.
References CardRow._origin, Element._WriteNote(), UINote.AddHeader(), UINote.AddHeaderCard(), ElementContainer.AddNote(), UINote.AddText(), UINote.Clear(), Trait.Contains(), EClass.core, TraitAbility.CreateAct(), EClass.debug, Card.elements, SourceManager.elements, CoreRef.Icons.enc, Card.ExistsOnMap, Element.ExpToNext, ReligionManager.Eyth, Card.FameLv, ReligionManager.Find(), EClass.game, Element.Get(), ElementContainer.GetOrCreateElement(), Lang.Has(), Card.HasElement(), Element.HasTag(), CoreRef.icons, Element.id, if(), UIItem.image2, LayerCraft.Instance, Element.IsFoodTraitMain, FoodEffect.IsHumanFlesh(), Element.IsTrait, FoodEffect.IsUndeadFlesh(), CoreRef.Icons.Enc.mat, CardRow.model, EClass.pc, Core.refs, religion, Game.religions, CoreRef.Icons.Enc.rune, UIText.SetText(), CoreDebug.showExtra, Element.source, TraitBookSkill.source, EClass.sources, UINote.Space(), UIItem.text2, RenderRow.tiles, Element.Value, Element.vBase, and Element.vExp.
Referenced by DramaCustomSequence.Build(), WindowCharaMini.RefreshEquipment(), WindowChara.RefreshEquipment(), LayerCraft.RefreshProduct(), GridItemCardSource.SetButton(), and UICardInfo.SetThing().
SourceThing.Row Thing.source |
Definition at line 11 of file Thing.cs.
Referenced by BuildMenu._Search(), AddAttackEvaluation(), ElementContainer.AddNote(), ApplyMaterial(), ActMelee.Attack(), CharaBody.GetAttackIndex(), TaskHarvest.GetBaseText(), TaskHarvest.GetIdDismantled(), GetName(), Religion.GetOfferingValue(), ThingContainer.GetThingStack(), QuestDeliver.IsDestThing(), Recipe.Ingredient.IsValidIngredient(), BaseArea.ListRoomNames(), Props.ListThingStack(), Props.ListThingStacksInCategory(), OnCreate(), TaskHarvest.OnCreateProgress(), Props.OnNumChange(), AI_Fish.ProgressFish.OnProgressComplete(), CharaActorPCC.OnRender(), AttackProcess.Prepare(), ActEffect.Proc(), ThingContainer.RefreshGrid(), WidgetSearch.Search(), Trait.SetMainText(), SetSource(), TaskHarvest.ShouldGenerateDismantled(), InvOwnerChangeMaterial.ShouldShowGuide(), LayerResource.ShowThings(), Card.SpawnLoot(), Chara.TryPoisonPotion(), TraitFactionBoard.TrySetAct(), TraitTicketFurniture.TrySetHeldAct(), Chara.TryUse(), and CoreDebug.UpdateInput().
int Thing.stackOrder |
Definition at line 13 of file Thing.cs.
Referenced by Map.Save().
string Thing.tempName |
Definition at line 15 of file Thing.cs.
Referenced by ThingContainer.RefreshGrid().
get |
Definition at line 79 of file Thing.cs.
Referenced by ThingContainer._ListCurrency(), ThingContainer.AddFactory(), Card.AddThing(), ThingContainer.Find(), ThingContainer.Find< T >(), ThingContainer.Foreach(), ThingContainer.GetCurrency(), ThingContainer.GetDest(), ThingContainer.GetThingStack(), TaskDump.IsValidContainer(), LayerInventory.TryShowGuide(), and ThingContainer.TryStack().
get |
Definition at line 17 of file Thing.cs.
Referenced by InvOwner.AllowHold(), ApplyMaterialElements(), Chara.CanEat(), CanStackTo(), DragItemCard.DragInfo.DragInfo(), ZonePreEnterBoutWin.Execute(), ZonePreEnterEncounter.Execute(), Card.GetLightRadius(), InvOwner.Grab(), QuestDeliver.IsDestThing(), QuestSupplyCat.IsDestThing(), ThingContainer.IsOverflowing(), Props.ListThingStack(), HotItemEQSet.Perform(), ActEffect.Proc(), AI_Steal.Run(), CharaBody.SetOwner(), Chara.ShouldEquip(), ThingContainer.ShouldShowOnGrid(), Chara.ShouldThrowAway(), InvOwner.TryHold(), Chara.TryPutSharedItems(), CharaBody.Unequip(), and CharaBody.UnqeuipIfTooHeavy().
get |
Definition at line 19 of file Thing.cs.
Referenced by ActMelee.Attack(), and OnCreate().
get |
Definition at line 91 of file Thing.cs.
Referenced by AI_Shopping.Buy(), QuestSharedContainer.CanUpdateOnTalk(), AI_Idle.Run(), TraitBaseContainer.SetName(), Zone.TryAddThingInSharedContainer(), Zone.TryGetThingFromSharedContainer(), and Chara.TryTakeSharedItems().
get |
Definition at line 33 of file Thing.cs.
Referenced by AttackProcess.Prepare().
get |
Definition at line 49 of file Thing.cs.
Referenced by Chara._Move(), BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), Cell.GetSurfaceHeight(), BaseTileMap.GetThingPosition(), and CoreDebug.UpdateInput().
get |
Definition at line 31 of file Thing.cs.
Referenced by TraitTrainingDummy.IdleUse().
get |
Definition at line 61 of file Thing.cs.
Referenced by InvOwnerDeliver._OnProcess(), CanStackTo(), ThingGen.CreateTreasureContent(), Religion.GetOfferingValue(), CraftUtil.MixIngredients(), TraitBrewery.OnChildDecay(), AttackProcess.Prepare(), and Chara.Revive().
get |
Definition at line 47 of file Thing.cs.
Referenced by Card.AddThing(), ApplyMaterial(), TraitCatalyst.CreateAct(), UIInspector.DrawHighlight(), BaseTileMap.DrawTile(), TileMapElona.DrawTile(), GetName(), BaseTileMap.GetThingPosition(), DragItemCard.OnDragSpecial(), CharaActorPCC.OnRender(), ActEffect.Proc(), WidgetSearch.Search(), and AM_Picker.TestThing().