Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
Public Member Functions | |
override void | OnCreate (int lv) |
override void | OnImportMap () |
void | SetDeity (string id) |
override void | SetName (ref string s) |
override void | TrySetAct (ActPlan p) |
override bool | CanOffer (Card c) |
void | OnOffer (Chara c, Thing t) |
void | _OnOffer (Chara c, Thing t, int takeoverMod=0) |
void | TakeOver () |
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string | GetParam (int i, string def=null) |
int | GetParamInt (int i, int def) |
virtual bool | Contains (RecipeSource r) |
virtual int | GetValue () |
virtual bool | CanStackTo (Thing to) |
virtual string | GetHoverText () |
virtual Action | GetHealAction (Chara c) |
virtual bool | CanBlend (Thing t) |
virtual void | OnBlend (Thing t, Chara c) |
virtual int | GetActDuration (Chara c) |
virtual SourceElement.Row | GetRefElement () |
virtual Sprite | GetRefSprite () |
virtual void | OnRenderExtra (RenderParam p) |
virtual Emo2 | GetHeldEmo (Chara c) |
virtual void | SetOwner (Card _owner) |
virtual bool | IdleUse (Chara c, int dist) |
virtual void | OnSetOwner () |
virtual void | OnImportMap () |
virtual void | SetParams (params string[] s) |
virtual void | OnCrafted (Recipe recipe) |
virtual void | OnCreate (int lv) |
virtual void | OnEquip (Chara c, bool onSetOwner) |
virtual void | OnUnequip (Chara c) |
virtual void | OnChangePlaceState (PlaceState state) |
virtual void | OnAddedToZone () |
virtual void | OnRemovedFromZone () |
virtual void | OnSimulateHour (VirtualDate date) |
virtual string | GetName () |
virtual void | SetName (ref string s) |
virtual void | OnRenderTile (Point point, HitResult result, int dir) |
virtual int | CompareTo (Card b) |
virtual bool | CanBuiltAt (Point p) |
virtual void | Update () |
Point | GetPoint () |
Point | GetRandomPoint (Func< Point, bool > func=null, Chara accessChara=null) |
virtual List< Point > | ListPoints (Point center=null, bool onlyPassable=true) |
virtual Recipe | GetRecipe () |
virtual Recipe | GetBuildModeRecipe () |
virtual bool | CanCook (Card c) |
void | CookProgress () |
virtual bool | CanOffer (Card tg) |
void | OfferProcess (Chara cc) |
void | Offer (Chara cc) |
virtual bool | TryProgress (AIProgress p) |
virtual LockOpenState | TryOpenLock (Chara cc, bool msgFail=true) |
virtual void | WriteNote (UINote n, bool identified) |
int | GetSortVal (UIList.SortMode m) |
virtual HotItem | GetHotItem () |
virtual bool | CanRead (Chara c) |
virtual void | OnRead (Chara c) |
virtual bool | CanEat (Chara c) |
virtual void | OnEat (Chara c) |
virtual bool | CanDrink (Chara c) |
virtual void | OnDrink (Chara c) |
virtual void | OnThrowGround (Chara c, Point p) |
virtual bool | CanUse (Chara c) |
virtual bool | CanUse (Chara c, Card tg) |
virtual bool | CanUse (Chara c, Point p) |
virtual bool | OnUse (Chara c) |
virtual bool | OnUse (Chara c, Card tg) |
virtual bool | OnUse (Chara c, Point p) |
virtual void | TrySetAct (ActPlan p) |
virtual void | TrySetHeldAct (ActPlan p) |
virtual void | OnHeld () |
virtual void | OnTickHeld () |
virtual void | OnSetCurrentItem () |
virtual void | OnUnsetCurrentItem () |
virtual bool | OnChildDecay (Card c, bool firstDecay) |
virtual bool | CanChildDecay (Card c) |
virtual void | OnSetCardGrid (ButtonGrid b) |
virtual void | OnStepped (Chara c) |
virtual void | OnSteppedOut (Chara c) |
virtual void | OnOpenDoor (Chara c) |
void | Install (bool byPlayer) |
void | Uninstall () |
virtual void | OnInstall (bool byPlayer) |
virtual void | OnUninstall () |
virtual void | TryToggle () |
virtual void | Toggle (bool on, bool silent=false) |
virtual void | PlayToggleEffect (bool silent) |
virtual void | OnToggle () |
virtual void | TrySetToggleAct (ActPlan p) |
bool | IsFuelEnough (int num=1, List< Thing > excludes=null, bool tryRefuel=true) |
bool | IsFuel (string s) |
bool | IsFuel (Thing t) |
int | GetFuelValue (Thing t) |
int | GetFuelValue (string id) |
void | Refuel (Thing t) |
void | TryRefuel (int dest, List< Thing > excludes) |
virtual void | OnEnterScreen () |
virtual void | RefreshRenderer () |
virtual void | SetMainText (UIText t, bool hotitem) |
virtual bool | CanCopy (Thing t) |
string | GetTextRestock (string lang, bool pet) |
Emo2 | GetRestockedIcon () |
void | OnBarter () |
Thing | CreateStock () |
Properties | |
override bool | CanStack [get] |
override bool | IsAltar [get] |
bool | IsBranchAltar [get] |
override bool | CanOnlyCarry [get] |
virtual string | idDeity [get] |
virtual Religion | Deity [get] |
string | StrDeity [get] |
bool | IsEyth [get] |
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string[] | Params [get] |
virtual byte | WeightMod [get] |
virtual int | IdSkin [get] |
virtual string | Name [get] |
virtual TileType | tileType [get] |
virtual RefCardName | RefCardName [get] |
virtual bool | IsBlockPath [get] |
virtual bool | IsBlockSight [get] |
virtual bool | IsDoor [get] |
virtual bool | IsOpenSight [get] |
virtual bool | IsOpenPath [get] |
virtual bool | IsFloating [get] |
virtual bool | IsGround [get] |
virtual bool | InvertHeldSprite [get] |
virtual bool | IsChangeFloorHeight [get] |
virtual bool | ShouldRefreshTile [get] |
virtual bool | ShouldTryRefreshRoom [get] |
virtual int | InstallBottomPriority [get] |
virtual bool | CanHarvest [get] |
virtual int | radius [get] |
virtual TraitRadiusType | radiusType [get] |
virtual bool | CanUseRoomRadius [get] |
virtual int | GuidePriotiy [get] |
virtual int | Electricity [get] |
virtual bool | IgnoreLastStackHeight [get] |
virtual int | Decay [get] |
virtual int | DecaySpeed [get] |
virtual int | DecaySpeedChild [get] |
virtual bool | IsFridge [get] |
virtual int | DefaultStock [get] |
virtual bool | HoldAsDefaultInteraction [get] |
virtual int | CraftNum [get] |
virtual bool | ShowOrbit [get] |
virtual bool | HaveUpdate [get] |
virtual bool | IsSpot [get] |
virtual bool | IsFactory [get] |
virtual bool | CanAutofire [get] |
virtual bool | CanName [get] |
virtual bool | CanPutAway [get] |
virtual bool | CanChangeHeight [get] |
virtual bool | CanStack [get] |
virtual bool | CanCopyInBlueprint [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeAttacked [get] |
virtual bool | CanExtendBuild [get] |
virtual string | langNote [get] |
virtual string | IDInvStyle [get] |
virtual string | IDActorEx [get] |
virtual bool | MaskOnBuild [get] |
virtual bool | ShowContextOnPick [get] |
virtual bool | IsThrowMainAction [get] |
virtual bool | LevelAsQuality [get] |
virtual bool | UseDummyTile [get] |
virtual bool | RequireFullStackCheck [get] |
virtual bool | DisableAutoCombat [get] |
virtual InvGridSize | InvGridSize [get] |
virtual bool | IsContainer [get] |
virtual bool | CanUseContent [get] |
virtual bool | CanSearchContent [get] |
virtual bool | CanOpenContainer [get] |
virtual bool | IsSpecialContainer [get] |
virtual ContainerType | ContainerType [get] |
virtual ThrowType | ThrowType [get] |
virtual EffectDead | EffectDead [get] |
virtual bool | IsHomeItem [get] |
virtual bool | IsAltar [get] |
virtual bool | IsRestSpot [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeMasked [get] |
virtual bool | IsBlendBase [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeOnlyBuiltInHome [get] |
virtual bool | CanBuildInTown [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeHeld [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeStolen [get] |
virtual bool | CanOnlyCarry [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeDestroyed [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeHallucinated [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeDropped [get] |
virtual string | ReqHarvest [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeDisassembled [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeShipped [get] |
virtual bool | HasCharges [get] |
virtual bool | ShowCharges [get] |
virtual bool | ShowChildrenNumber [get] |
virtual bool | ShowAsTool [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeHeldAsFurniture [get] |
virtual bool | HideInAdv [get] |
virtual bool | NoHeldDir [get] |
virtual bool | AlwaysHideOnLowWall [get] |
bool | ExistsOnMap [get] |
virtual bool | RenderExtra [get] |
virtual float | DropChance [get] |
virtual string | IdNoRestock [get] |
virtual int | IdleUseChance [get] |
virtual string | RecipeCat [get] |
virtual bool | IsTool [get] |
virtual string | LangUse [get] |
virtual bool | IsOn [get] |
virtual bool | IsAnimeOn [get] |
bool | IsToggle [get] |
virtual bool | AutoToggle [get] |
bool | IsLighting [get] |
virtual bool | IsLightOn [get] |
virtual bool | IsNightOnlyLight [get] |
virtual TileMode | tileMode [get] |
virtual bool | UseAltTiles [get] |
virtual bool | UseLowblock [get] |
virtual bool | UseExtra [get] |
virtual bool | UseLightColor [get] |
virtual ? Color | ColorExtra [get] |
virtual int | MaxFuel [get] |
virtual int | FuelCost [get] |
virtual bool | ShowFuelWindow [get] |
bool | IsRequireFuel [get] |
string | IdToggleExtra [get] |
virtual ToggleType | ToggleType [get] |
virtual int | ShopLv [get] |
virtual CopyShopType | CopyShop [get] |
virtual int | NumCopyItem [get] |
virtual ShopType | ShopType [get] |
virtual CurrencyType | CurrencyType [get] |
virtual PriceType | PriceType [get] |
virtual bool | AllowSell [get] |
virtual int | CostRerollShop [get] |
virtual bool | AllowCriminal [get] |
virtual int | RestockDay [get] |
virtual SlaverType | SlaverType [get] |
virtual string | LangBarter [get] |
string | TextNextRestock [get] |
string | TextNextRestockPet [get] |
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static Game | game [get] |
static bool | AdvMode [get] |
static Player | player [get] |
static Chara | pc [get] |
static UI | ui [get] |
static Map | _map [get] |
static Zone | _zone [get] |
static FactionBranch | Branch [get] |
static FactionBranch | BranchOrHomeBranch [get] |
static Faction | Home [get] |
static Faction | Wilds [get] |
static Scene | scene [get] |
static BaseGameScreen | screen [get] |
static GameSetting | setting [get] |
static GameData | gamedata [get] |
static ColorProfile | Colors [get] |
static World | world [get] |
static SourceManager | sources [get] |
static SourceManager | editorSources [get] |
static SoundManager | Sound [get] |
static CoreDebug | debug [get] |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | TileMode { Default , Door , Illumination , DefaultNoAnime , SignalAnime } |
enum | CopyShopType { None , Item , Spellbook } |
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static int | rnd (int a) |
static int | curve (int a, int start, int step, int rate=75) |
static int | rndHalf (int a) |
static float | rndf (float a) |
static int | rndSqrt (int a) |
static void | Wait (float a, Card c) |
static void | Wait (float a, Point p) |
static int | Bigger (int a, int b) |
static int | Smaller (int a, int b) |
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Card | owner |
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static TraitSelfFactory | SelfFactory = new TraitSelfFactory() |
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static Core | core |
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static List< Point > | listRadiusPoints = new List<Point>() |
Definition at line 3 of file TraitAltar.cs.
Definition at line 202 of file TraitAltar.cs.
References Debug, Deity, Card.elements, Card.Evalue(), Chara.faith, BaseCard.GetBool(), Religion.GetOfferingValue(), ElementContainer.GetOrCreateElement(), Card.HasElement(), Element.id, ElementContainer.ModExp(), Player.ModKarma(), Card.Num, EClass.pc, EClass.player, Chara.RefreshFaithElement(), Msg.Say(), ElementContainer.SetBase(), Religion.Talk(), Religion.TextGodGender, Element.Value, Element.vBase, and Element.vExp.
Referenced by OnOffer().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Trait.
Definition at line 76 of file TraitAltar.cs.
References Card.c_idDeity, Deity, Chara.faith, Religion.GetOfferingValue(), Card.HasTag(), Card.id, Religion.id, Card.isCopy, and EClass.pc.
Referenced by OnOffer(), and InvOwnerOffering.ShouldShowGuide().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Trait.
Definition at line 21 of file TraitAltar.cs.
References EClass.game, Trait.GetParam(), ReligionManager.GetRandomReligion(), Religion.id, Game.religions, and SetDeity().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Trait.
Definition at line 26 of file TraitAltar.cs.
References Card.c_idDeity, EClass.game, Trait.GetParam(), ReligionManager.GetRandomReligion(), Religion.id, Trait.owner, Game.religions, and SetDeity().
Definition at line 89 of file TraitAltar.cs.
References _OnOffer(), Card.blessedState, Card.c_idDeity, CanOffer(), Deity, Card.Destroy(), Card.encLV, Chara.faith, Effect.Get(), Religion.GetOfferingValue(), Trait.GetParam(), Card.HasTag(), Card.id, Religion.id, Thing.Identify(), IsBranchAltar, Chara.IsEyth, IsEyth, Card.IsIdentified, Religion.Name, Card.Num, Trait.owner, EClass.pc, Effect.Play(), Card.PlayEffect(), Card.PlaySound(), Card.pos, Religion.PunishTakeOver(), Religion.Reforge(), EClass.rnd(), Msg.Say(), Card.Say(), Msg.SayNothingHappen(), Card.SetBlessedState(), Card.SetEncLv(), TakeOver(), and Religion.TextGodGender.
Referenced by InvOwnerOffering._OnProcess().
inline |
Definition at line 34 of file TraitAltar.cs.
References Card.ChangeMaterial(), Deity, Card.id, Trait.owner, and Religion.source.
Referenced by OnCreate(), OnImportMap(), and TakeOver().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Trait.
Definition at line 43 of file TraitAltar.cs.
References Card.c_idDeity, Trait.owner, and StrDeity.
inline |
Definition at line 261 of file TraitAltar.cs.
References Chara.faith, Religion.id, Trait.owner, EClass.pc, Card.PlayEffect(), SetDeity(), and Religion.Talk().
Referenced by OnOffer().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Trait.
Definition at line 51 of file TraitAltar.cs.
References LayerDrama.Activate(), EClass.Branch, Religion.CanJoin, LayerDragGrid.CreateOffering(), Deity, Chara.faith, IsBranchAltar, Trait.owner, EClass.pc, FactionBranch.rank, and ActPlan.TrySetAct().
get |
Definition at line 11 of file TraitAltar.cs.
get |
Definition at line 5 of file TraitAltar.cs.
get |
Definition at line 15 of file TraitAltar.cs.
Referenced by _OnOffer(), CanOffer(), OnOffer(), SetDeity(), and TrySetAct().
get |
Definition at line 13 of file TraitAltar.cs.
Referenced by AI_Pray.GetAltar(), and BranchMap.Refresh().
get |
Definition at line 7 of file TraitAltar.cs.
get |
Definition at line 9 of file TraitAltar.cs.
Referenced by OnOffer(), and TrySetAct().
get |
Definition at line 19 of file TraitAltar.cs.
Referenced by OnOffer().
get |
Definition at line 17 of file TraitAltar.cs.
Referenced by SetName().