Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1using System;
2using System.Collections.Generic;
3using System.Reflection;
4using DG.Tweening;
5using Steamworks;
6using UnityEngine;
7using UnityEngine.UI;
9public class UI : ELayer
11 private static float blurSize;
13 public Canvas canvas;
15 public HUD hud;
27 public RectTransform rectDynamic;
29 public RectTransform rectDynamicEssential;
31 public RectTransform _rectLayers;
33 public ReflexConsole console;
35 public GameObject blur;
39 public LayoutGroup layoutLang;
41 public CanvasScaler canvasScaler;
43 public Image light;
45 public CanvasGroup cg;
47 public int minWidth;
57 public float blurSpeed;
59 public Texture2D texFreeze;
61 public RawImage imageFreeze;
67 private bool hidingCover;
69 [NonSerialized]
70 public float lightContrast;
72 [NonSerialized]
73 public float dragDuration;
75 private Tween tweenCover;
77 [NonSerialized]
78 public bool wasActive;
80 [NonSerialized]
81 public bool isPointerOverUI;
83 private float durationHideMouseHint;
87 public bool IsActive
88 {
89 get
90 {
91 if (layers.Count <= 0)
92 {
93 return contextMenu.isActive;
94 }
95 return true;
96 }
97 }
100 {
101 get
102 {
103 if (!contextMenu.isActive)
104 {
105 if (layers.Count != 0)
106 {
107 return base.TopLayer.option.allowInventoryInteraction;
108 }
109 return true;
110 }
111 return false;
112 }
113 }
115 public bool BlockActions
116 {
117 get
118 {
119 if (!wasActive || ((bool)base.TopLayer && base.TopLayer.option.passive))
120 {
122 }
123 return true;
124 }
125 }
127 public bool BlockMouseOverUpdate => wasActive;
129 public bool BlockInput
130 {
131 get
132 {
134 {
135 return contextMenu.isActive;
136 }
137 return true;
138 }
139 }
141 public bool IsPauseGame
142 {
143 get
144 {
145 if (layers.Count > 0)
146 {
147 return base.TopLayer.option.pauseGame;
148 }
149 return false;
150 }
151 }
153 public bool IsInventoryOpen => layerFloat.GetLayer<LayerInventory>();
155 public bool IsAbilityOpen => layerFloat.GetLayer<LayerAbility>();
157 public override bool blockWidgetClick => false;
159 public override RectTransform rectLayers => _rectLayers;
161 public bool IsDragging => currentDrag != null;
163 protected override void Awake()
164 {
165 base.Awake();
166 InvokeRepeating("CheckWindowOrder", 1f, 0.5f);
167 }
169 public void OnCoreStart()
170 {
171 mouseInfo.SetActive(enable: false);
172 }
174 public void OnActivateZone()
175 {
176 widgets.OnActivateZone();
178 if ((bool)hud.hangCorner && hud.hangCorner.isActiveAndEnabled)
179 {
180 hud.hangCorner.Refresh();
181 }
182 }
184 public void ShowFloats()
185 {
186 layerFloat.SetActive(enable: true);
187 }
189 public void HideFloats()
190 {
191 layerFloat.SetActive(enable: false);
192 }
194 public void OnKillGame()
195 {
196 widgets.OnKillGame();
197 ShowBalloon(enable: true);
198 layerFloat.RemoveLayers(removeImportant: true);
199 currentDrag = null;
200 }
202 public void OnClickAction(string _mode)
203 {
204 RemoveLayers();
205 ((ActionMode)typeof(ActionMode).GetField(_mode, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public).GetValue(null)).Activate();
206 }
208 public void RefreshActiveState()
209 {
210 isPointerOverUI = false;
211 foreach (GameObject item in InputModuleEX.GetPointerEventData().hovered)
212 {
213 if ((bool)item && item.layer == 5)
214 {
215 isPointerOverUI = true;
216 break;
217 }
218 }
219 wasActive = IsActive;
220 if (wasActive)
221 {
223 }
224 }
226 public override void OnChangeLayer()
227 {
230 hud.HideMouseInfo();
232 {
234 }
236 Layer topLayer = base.TopLayer;
237 if ((object)topLayer != null && topLayer.option.dontShowHint)
238 {
239 return;
240 }
241 if (layers.Count == 0)
242 {
243 hud.hint.Refresh();
244 return;
245 }
246 if (base.TopLayer.option.hideFloatUI)
247 {
248 HideFloats();
249 }
250 if (base.TopLayer.option.hideWidgets)
251 {
252 widgets.Hide();
253 }
254 (base.TopLayer as ELayer)?.TryShowHint();
255 }
257 public void FlashCover(float durationOut = 1f, float duration = 1f, float durationIn = 1f, Action onFadeOut = null, Action onComplete = null, Color color = default(Color))
258 {
259 ShowCover(durationOut, 1f, null, color);
260 TweenUtil.Tween(durationOut + duration, null, delegate
261 {
262 if (onFadeOut != null)
263 {
264 onFadeOut();
265 }
266 HideCover(durationIn, onComplete);
267 });
268 }
270 public void ShowCover(float duration = 0f, float dest = 1f, Action onComplete = null, Color color = default(Color))
271 {
272 TweenUtil.KillTween(ref tweenCover);
273 float a = hud.imageCover.color.a;
274 hud.imageCover.color = ((color == default(Color)) ? Color.black : color).SetAlpha(a);
275 hud.imageCover.SetActive(enable: true);
276 hidingCover = false;
277 tweenCover = hud.imageCover.DOFade(dest, duration).OnComplete(delegate
278 {
279 onComplete?.Invoke();
280 });
281 }
283 public void HideCover(float duration = 0f, Action onComplete = null)
284 {
285 if (!hidingCover)
286 {
287 hidingCover = true;
288 TweenUtil.KillTween(ref tweenCover);
289 tweenCover = hud.imageCover.DOFade(0f, duration).OnComplete(delegate
290 {
291 hud.imageCover.SetActive(enable: false);
292 onComplete?.Invoke();
293 hidingCover = false;
294 });
295 }
296 }
298 public bool IsCovered()
299 {
300 return !hidingCover;
301 }
303 public void ShowBalloon(bool enable)
304 {
305 ELayer.ui.rectDynamic.SetActive(enable);
307 }
309 public void Show(float duration = 1f)
310 {
311 ELayer.scene.elomapActor.selector.srHighlight.SetActive(enable: true);
312 cg.DOKill();
313 if (duration == 0f)
314 {
315 cg.alpha = 1f;
316 }
317 else
318 {
319 cg.DOFade(1f, duration);
320 }
321 }
323 public void Hide(float duration = 1f)
324 {
325 ELayer.scene.elomapActor.selector.srHighlight.SetActive(enable: false);
326 if (duration == 0f)
327 {
328 cg.alpha = 0f;
329 }
330 else
331 {
332 cg.DOFade(0f, duration);
333 }
334 }
336 public void ToggleCanvas()
337 {
338 canvas.enabled = !canvas.enabled;
339 if ((bool)WidgetSideScreen.Instance)
340 {
341 WidgetSideScreen.Instance.SetActive(canvas.enabled);
342 }
343 }
345 public void OnUpdate()
346 {
347 if (hud.imageDrag.gameObject.activeSelf)
348 {
349 hud.imageDrag.transform.position = EInput.mpos + (ELayer.game.UseGrid ? hud.imageDragFix2 : hud.imageDragFix2);
350 Util.ClampToScreen(hud.imageDrag.Rect(), hud.marginImageDrag);
351 }
352 if (ELayer.config.ui.blur && layers.Count > 0 && IsUseBlur())
353 {
354 blurSize += Time.unscaledDeltaTime * blurSpeed;
355 if (blurSize > ELayer.config.ui.blurSize)
356 {
357 blurSize = ELayer.config.ui.blurSize;
358 }
359 if (!blur.activeSelf)
360 {
361 blur.SetActive(value: true);
362 }
363 int siblingIndex = blur.transform.GetSiblingIndex();
364 int num = 0;
365 for (int num2 = layers.Count - 1; num2 >= 0; num2--)
366 {
367 if (layers[num2].IsUseBlur())
368 {
369 num = layers[num2].transform.GetSiblingIndex() - 1;
370 break;
371 }
372 }
373 if (siblingIndex != num)
374 {
375 blur.transform.SetSiblingIndex(num);
376 }
377 }
378 else
379 {
380 blurSize -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime * blurSpeed;
381 if (blurSize < 0f)
382 {
383 blurSize = 0f;
384 }
385 if (blur.activeSelf && blurSize == 0f)
386 {
387 blur.SetActive(value: false);
388 }
389 }
390 matBlur.SetFloat("_Size", blurSize);
391 if (!EInput.isShiftDown)
392 {
393 LayerInventory.highlightInv = null;
394 }
396 }
398 public void ShowMouseHint()
399 {
400 if (durationHideMouseHint > 0f)
401 {
402 durationHideMouseHint -= Core.delta;
403 hud.textMouseHintLeft.SetActive(enable: false);
404 hud.textMouseHintRight.SetActive(enable: false);
405 return;
406 }
407 IMouseHint mouseHint = UIButton.currentHighlight as IMouseHint;
408 bool flag = mouseHint != null && !IsDragging && isPointerOverUI && (bool)UIButton.currentHighlight && InputModuleEX.IsPointerOver(UIButton.currentHighlight) && LayerAbility.hotElement == null;
409 bool flag2 = flag;
410 if (flag2)
411 {
412 if (mouseHint.ShowMouseHintLeft())
413 {
414 hud.textMouseHintLeft.text = mouseHint.GetTextMouseHintLeft();
415 if (hud.textMouseHintLeft.text == "")
416 {
417 flag2 = false;
418 }
419 }
420 else
421 {
422 flag2 = false;
423 }
424 }
425 if (flag)
426 {
427 if (mouseHint.ShowMouseHintRight())
428 {
429 hud.textMouseHintRight.text = mouseHint.GetTextMouseHintRight();
430 if (hud.textMouseHintRight.text == "")
431 {
432 flag = false;
433 }
434 }
435 else
436 {
437 flag = false;
438 }
439 }
440 hud.textMouseHintLeft.SetActive(flag2);
441 hud.textMouseHintRight.SetActive(flag);
442 if (flag || flag2)
443 {
444 hud.textMouseHintLeft.transform.position = UIButton.currentHighlight.transform.position + hud.textMouseHintFixLeft;
445 hud.textMouseHintRight.transform.position = UIButton.currentHighlight.transform.position + hud.textMouseHintFix;
446 Util.ClampToScreen(hud.textMouseHintRight.Rect(), 10);
447 }
448 }
450 public void HideMouseHint(float duration = 0.2f)
451 {
452 durationHideMouseHint = duration;
453 hud.textMouseHintLeft.SetActive(enable: false);
454 hud.textMouseHintRight.SetActive(enable: false);
455 }
457 public void CheckWindowOrder()
458 {
459 if (layers.Count > 0)
460 {
461 return;
462 }
463 foreach (GameObject item in InputModuleEX.GetPointerEventData().hovered)
464 {
465 if ((bool)item)
466 {
467 Widget component = item.GetComponent<Widget>();
468 if ((bool)component && !component.AlwaysBottom && widgets.transform.GetChild(widgets.transform.childCount - 1) != item.transform)
469 {
470 item.transform.SetAsLastSibling();
471 break;
472 }
473 }
474 }
475 if ((bool)WidgetFeed.Instance)
476 {
477 WidgetFeed.Instance.transform.SetAsLastSibling();
478 }
479 }
481 public void ShowSceneSelector()
482 {
483 canvasScaler.scaleFactor = 1f;
484 Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_UIBrightness", 1f);
485 Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_UIContrast", 1f);
486 layoutLang.SetActive(enable: true);
487 List<CoreDebug.StartScene> list = Util.EnumToList<CoreDebug.StartScene>();
488 Button t = layoutLang.CreateMold<Button>();
489 foreach (CoreDebug.StartScene item in list)
490 {
491 Button button = Util.Instantiate(t, layoutLang);
493 button.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = item.ToString();
494 button.onClick.AddListener(delegate
495 {
496 layoutLang.SetActive(enable: false);
497 ELayer.debug.startScene = _l;
498 ELayer.core.Init();
499 });
500 }
501 layoutLang.RebuildLayout();
502 }
504 public void ShowLang()
505 {
506 canvasScaler.scaleFactor = 1f;
507 Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_UIBrightness", 1f);
508 Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_UIContrast", 1f);
509 layoutLang.SetActive(enable: true);
510 Button t = layoutLang.CreateMold<Button>();
511 foreach (LangSetting value in MOD.langs.Values)
512 {
513 Button button = Util.Instantiate(t, layoutLang);
514 LangSetting _l = value;
515 button.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = value.name + " (" + value.name_en + ")";
516 button.onClick.AddListener(delegate
517 {
518 layoutLang.SetActive(enable: false);
519 ELayer.core.langCode = _l.id;
520 if (ELayer.debug.showSceneSelector || (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) && ELayer.debug.enable))
521 {
523 }
524 else
525 {
526 ELayer.core.Init();
527 }
528 });
529 }
530 layoutLang.RebuildLayout();
531 }
533 public void SetLight(bool enable)
534 {
535 }
537 public UIContextMenu CreateContextMenu(string cid = "ContextMenu")
538 {
539 return contextMenu.Create(cid);
540 }
543 {
544 return contextMenu.Create("ContextInteraction");
545 }
547 public void Say(string text, Sprite sprite = null)
548 {
549 popSystem.PopText(text.lang(), sprite, "PopAchievement");
550 Debug.Log(text);
551 }
553 public void FreezeScreen(float duration, bool highlight = true)
554 {
555 if ((bool)texFreeze)
556 {
557 UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(texFreeze);
558 }
559 texFreeze = ScreenCapture.CaptureScreenshotAsTexture();
560 imageFreeze.SetActive(enable: true);
561 imageFreeze.texture = texFreeze;
562 if (duration == 0f)
563 {
564 return;
565 }
566 TweenUtil.Tween(duration, null, delegate
567 {
568 UnfreezeScreen();
569 if (highlight)
570 {
572 }
573 });
574 }
576 public void UnfreezeScreen()
577 {
578 if ((bool)texFreeze)
579 {
580 UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(texFreeze);
581 }
582 imageFreeze.SetActive(enable: false);
583 }
585 public void ToggleAbility(bool delay = false)
586 {
588 {
589 if ((bool)ELayer.ui.layerFloat.GetLayer<LayerAbility>())
590 {
591 ELayer.ui.layerFloat.RemoveLayer<LayerAbility>();
592 ELayer.player.pref.layerAbility = false;
593 SE.Play("pop_ability_deactivate");
594 }
595 else
596 {
597 ELayer.ui.layerFloat.AddLayer<LayerAbility>("LayerAbility/LayerAbilityFloat");
598 ELayer.player.pref.layerAbility = true;
599 }
600 }
601 else if (!ELayer.ui.RemoveLayer<LayerAbility>())
602 {
603 LayerAbility layerAbility = ELayer.ui.AddLayer<LayerAbility>();
604 if (delay)
605 {
606 layerAbility.windows[0].SetRect(ELayer.core.refs.rects.center);
607 layerAbility.Delay();
608 }
609 }
610 }
612 public void ToggleInventory(bool delay = false)
613 {
614 if (IsInventoryOpen)
615 {
617 {
618 SE.Beep();
619 return;
620 }
621 List<Card> list = new List<Card>();
623 {
624 if (item.IsPlayerContainer())
625 {
626 list.Add(item.invs[0].owner.Container);
627 }
628 }
629 LayerInventory.listInv.ForeachReverse(delegate(LayerInventory l)
630 {
631 if (l.IsPlayerContainer(includePlayer: true))
632 {
633 ELayer.ui.layerFloat.RemoveLayer(l);
634 }
635 });
636 ELayer.ui.widgets.DeactivateWidget("Equip");
637 foreach (Card item2 in list)
638 {
639 item2.c_windowSaveData.open = true;
640 }
641 SE.Play("pop_inventory_deactivate");
642 }
643 else
644 {
645 OpenFloatInv();
646 }
647 }
649 public void OpenFloatInv(bool ignoreSound = false)
650 {
651 TooltipManager.Instance.disableTimer = 0.1f;
652 if (ignoreSound)
653 {
654 SoundManager.ignoreSounds = true;
655 }
656 ELayer.ui.layerFloat.AddLayer(LayerInventory.CreatePCBackpack());
657 SoundManager.ignoreSounds = true;
658 ELayer.ui.widgets.Activate("Equip");
659 foreach (Thing item in ELayer.pc.things.List((Thing a) => a.trait.IsContainer))
660 {
661 Window.SaveData c_windowSaveData = item.c_windowSaveData;
662 if (!(item.trait is TraitToolBelt) && c_windowSaveData != null && c_windowSaveData.open)
663 {
665 }
666 }
667 SoundManager.ignoreSounds = false;
668 TooltipManager.Instance.disableTimer = 0f;
669 }
671 public void ToggleFeedback()
672 {
673 string text = "";
674 if (Application.isEditor)
675 {
676 text = "Debug";
677 }
678 else
679 {
680 try
681 {
682 if (SteamAPI.IsSteamRunning())
683 {
684 text = SteamFriends.GetPersonaName();
685 if (text.IsEmpty())
686 {
687 text = "NULL";
688 }
689 }
690 }
691 catch
692 {
693 }
694 }
695 if (text.IsEmpty())
696 {
697 Dialog.Ok("dialog_needToLogOn");
698 return;
699 }
700 string backerId = "";
701 try
702 {
703 if (!ELayer.config.rewardCode.IsEmpty())
704 {
705 backerId = "backer";
707 }
708 }
709 catch (Exception message)
710 {
711 backerId = "";
712 Debug.Log(message);
713 }
714 bool flag = false;
715 if (!Application.isEditor)
716 {
717 string pchName = "public";
718 try
719 {
720 if (!SteamApps.GetCurrentBetaName(out pchName, 128) || !(pchName == "nightly"))
721 {
722 Dialog.Ok("dialog_feedbackTooMany");
723 return;
724 }
725 flag = true;
726 Debug.Log(pchName);
727 }
728 catch
729 {
730 Dialog.Ok("dialog_feedbackTooMany");
731 return;
732 }
733 }
735 {
736 SE.Play("wow");
737 Msg.Say("bug_hal");
738 return;
739 }
740 if (!Application.isEditor && (ELayer.debug.enable || ELayer.core.version.demo || (ELayer.core.IsGameStarted && ELayer.player.flags.debugEnabled)))
741 {
742 Dialog.Ok("dialog_debugFeedback");
743 return;
744 }
745 string userName = "Unknown";
746 string[] array = Application.persistentDataPath.Split('/');
747 if (array.Length > 2)
748 {
749 userName = array[2];
750 }
751 LayerFeedback.header = (flag ? "" : "(!?)");
752 LayerFeedback.userName = userName;
753 LayerFeedback.playedHours = ELayer.config.maxPlayedHours;
754 LayerFeedback.backerId = backerId;
755 LayerFeedback.steamName = text;
756 ELayer.ui.ToggleLayer<LayerFeedback>();
757 SE.Tab();
758 }
761 {
762 dragDuration = 0f;
763 if (currentDrag != null)
764 {
765 EndDrag(canceled: true);
766 if (currentDrag != null)
767 {
768 return;
769 }
770 }
771 currentDrag = item;
772 item.OnStartDrag();
773 OnDrag();
774 ELayer.core.actionsNextFrame.Add(delegate
775 {
776 TooltipManager.Instance.HideTooltips(immediate: true);
777 });
778 }
780 public void OnDrag()
781 {
782 dragDuration += Core.delta;
783 currentDrag.OnDrag(execute: false);
784 }
786 public void OnDragSpecial()
787 {
788 if (currentDrag != null && !currentDrag.OnDragSpecial())
789 {
790 EndDrag(canceled: true);
791 }
792 }
794 public void EndDrag(bool canceled = false)
795 {
796 if (currentDrag == null)
797 {
798 return;
799 }
800 bool num = currentDrag.OnDrag(execute: true, canceled);
801 EInput.Consume();
802 EInput.dragHack = 0f;
803 if (num)
804 {
805 ELayer.ui.RemoveLayer<LayerRegisterHotbar>();
806 currentDrag.OnEndDrag();
807 currentDrag = null;
808 if (nextDrag != null)
809 {
810 StartDrag(nextDrag);
811 nextDrag = null;
812 }
813 else
814 {
815 hud.SetDragImage(null);
816 }
818 }
819 else
820 {
821 SE.BeepSmall();
822 }
823 }
void Refresh()
Definition: ActionHint.cs:50
virtual void OnUpdateCursor()
Definition: ActionMode.cs:554
List< Action > actionsNextFrame
Definition: BaseCore.cs:31
Version version
Definition: BaseCore.cs:17
Definition: Card.cs:11
Trait trait
Definition: Card.cs:49
ThingContainer things
Definition: Card.cs:34
bool HasCondition(string alias)
Definition: Chara.cs:8568
int maxPlayedHours
Definition: CoreConfig.cs:578
string rewardCode
Definition: CoreConfig.cs:576
new UISetting ui
Definition: CoreConfig.cs:588
bool showSceneSelector
Definition: CoreDebug.cs:108
bool enable
Definition: CoreDebug.cs:285
RectData center
Definition: CoreRef.cs:162
Rects rects
Definition: CoreRef.cs:345
Definition: Core.cs:14
CoreRef refs
Definition: Core.cs:51
void Init()
Definition: Core.cs:523
SkinManager skins
Definition: Core.cs:43
bool IsGameStarted
Definition: Core.cs:84
static float delta
Definition: Core.cs:17
static void SetCursor(CursorInfo info=null, int _priority=0)
static CursorSystem Instance
Definition: CursorSystem.cs:6
Definition: Dialog.cs:7
static Dialog Ok(string langDetail, Action action=null)
Definition: Dialog.cs:222
virtual bool OnDragSpecial()
Definition: DragItem.cs:25
virtual void OnEndDrag()
Definition: DragItem.cs:16
virtual bool OnDrag(bool execute, bool cancel=false)
Definition: DragItem.cs:20
Definition: EInput.cs:8
static void Consume(int _skipFrame)
Definition: EInput.cs:656
static bool isInputFieldActive
Definition: EInput.cs:277
static bool isShiftDown
Definition: EInput.cs:261
Definition: ELayer.cs:4
static Scene scene
Definition: ELayer.cs:27
static Chara pc
Definition: ELayer.cs:15
static Player player
Definition: ELayer.cs:13
static Core core
Definition: ELayer.cs:7
static Game game
Definition: ELayer.cs:9
static CoreDebug debug
Definition: ELayer.cs:43
static CoreConfig config
Definition: ELayer.cs:31
static UI ui
Definition: ELayer.cs:21
void TryShowHint(string _langHint=null)
Definition: ELayer.cs:152
static string GetID(string code)
Definition: ElinEncoder.cs:43
EloMapTileSelector selector
Definition: EloMapActor.cs:17
SpriteRenderer srHighlight
bool altAbility
Definition: Game.cs:267
Definition: HUD.cs:7
Vector3 textMouseHintFix
Definition: HUD.cs:32
Image imageCover
Definition: HUD.cs:16
UIText textMouseHintRight
Definition: HUD.cs:24
Image imageDrag
Definition: HUD.cs:14
void SetDragImage(Image i, string text=null, UIText uiText=null)
Definition: HUD.cs:65
void HideMouseInfo()
Definition: HUD.cs:60
Vector3 textMouseHintFixLeft
Definition: HUD.cs:34
int marginImageDrag
Definition: HUD.cs:36
UIHangIcon hangCorner
Definition: HUD.cs:12
UIText textMouseHintLeft
Definition: HUD.cs:26
Vector3 imageDragFix2
Definition: HUD.cs:30
ActionHint hint
Definition: HUD.cs:8
static bool IsPointerOver(Component c)
static PointerEventData GetPointerEventData(int pointerId=-1)
static bool HasTrader
Definition: InvOwner.cs:544
string name
Definition: LangSetting.cs:24
string id
Definition: LangSetting.cs:22
string name_en
Definition: LangSetting.cs:26
static ButtonAbility hotElement
Definition: LayerAbility.cs:23
static LayerInventory CreateContainer(Card owner)
static LayerInventory CreatePCBackpack(bool mousePos=false)
static List< LayerInventory > listInv
bool IsPlayerContainer(bool includePlayer=false)
bool dontShowHint
Definition: Layer.cs:63
Definition: Layer.cs:9
List< Layer > layers
Definition: Layer.cs:110
Option option
Definition: Layer.cs:84
Layer GetLayer(string id)
Definition: Layer.cs:632
bool IsBlockWidgetClick()
Definition: Layer.cs:694
bool IsUseBlur()
Definition: Layer.cs:730
List< Window > windows
Definition: Layer.cs:116
Layer TopLayer
Definition: Layer.cs:123
void RemoveLayers(bool removeImportant=false)
Definition: Layer.cs:496
void Delay(float duration=0.05f)
Definition: Layer.cs:597
Definition: MOD.cs:7
static Dictionary< string, LangSetting > langs
Definition: MOD.cs:8
Definition: Msg.cs:5
static string Say(string idLang, string ref1, string ref2=null, string ref3=null, string ref4=null)
Definition: Msg.cs:58
bool debugEnabled
Definition: Player.cs:390
Flags flags
Definition: Player.cs:895
QueueManager queues
Definition: Player.cs:1010
PopItemText PopText(string text, Sprite sprite=null, string id="PopText", Color c=default(Color), Vector3 destPos=default(Vector3), float duration=0f)
Definition: PopManager.cs:41
void SetOwner(Chara _owner)
Definition: QueueManager.cs:80
EloMapActor elomapActor
Definition: Scene.cs:97
ActionMode actionMode
Definition: Scene.cs:77
List< Thing > List(Func< Thing, bool > func, bool onlyAccessible=false)
Definition: Thing.cs:8
static TooltipManager Instance
void HideTooltips(bool immediate=false)
virtual bool IsContainer
Definition: Trait.cs:205
static UIButton currentHighlight
Definition: UIButton.cs:90
static void TryHihlight()
Definition: UIButton.cs:768
static void TryShowTip(Transform root=null, bool highlight=true, bool ignoreWhenRightClick=true)
Definition: UIButton.cs:778
UIContextMenu Create(string menuName="ContextMenu", bool destroyOnHide=true)
void Refresh()
Definition: UIHangIcon.cs:68
Definition: UI.cs:10
InputModuleEX inputModule
Definition: UI.cs:19
void ShowFloats()
Definition: UI.cs:184
Layer layerFloat
Definition: UI.cs:49
UIContextMenu CreateContextMenuInteraction()
Definition: UI.cs:542
SkinManager skins
Definition: UI.cs:85
ReflexConsole console
Definition: UI.cs:33
PopManager popSystem
Definition: UI.cs:55
void UnfreezeScreen()
Definition: UI.cs:576
CanvasGroup cg
Definition: UI.cs:45
UIAutoTurn autoTurn
Definition: UI.cs:51
bool BlockMouseOverUpdate
Definition: UI.cs:127
bool BlockInput
Definition: UI.cs:130
bool wasActive
Definition: UI.cs:78
HUD hud
Definition: UI.cs:15
RectTransform _rectLayers
Definition: UI.cs:31
override bool blockWidgetClick
Definition: UI.cs:157
bool IsPauseGame
Definition: UI.cs:142
void OnDragSpecial()
Definition: UI.cs:786
RectTransform rectDynamicEssential
Definition: UI.cs:29
void OpenFloatInv(bool ignoreSound=false)
Definition: UI.cs:649
RectTransform rectDynamic
Definition: UI.cs:27
bool IsActive
Definition: UI.cs:88
void OnUpdate()
Definition: UI.cs:345
bool BlockActions
Definition: UI.cs:116
void CheckWindowOrder()
Definition: UI.cs:457
void ToggleAbility(bool delay=false)
Definition: UI.cs:585
WidgetManager widgets
Definition: UI.cs:23
void OnKillGame()
Definition: UI.cs:194
void EndDrag(bool canceled=false)
Definition: UI.cs:794
void ToggleCanvas()
Definition: UI.cs:336
Texture2D texFreeze
Definition: UI.cs:59
Canvas canvas
Definition: UI.cs:13
void FlashCover(float durationOut=1f, float duration=1f, float durationIn=1f, Action onFadeOut=null, Action onComplete=null, Color color=default(Color))
Definition: UI.cs:257
bool hidingCover
Definition: UI.cs:67
void ToggleInventory(bool delay=false)
Definition: UI.cs:612
void OnActivateZone()
Definition: UI.cs:174
GameObject blur
Definition: UI.cs:35
void ShowSceneSelector()
Definition: UI.cs:481
void RefreshActiveState()
Definition: UI.cs:208
bool IsCovered()
Definition: UI.cs:298
void HideFloats()
Definition: UI.cs:189
void HideCover(float duration=0f, Action onComplete=null)
Definition: UI.cs:283
static float blurSize
Definition: UI.cs:11
Image light
Definition: UI.cs:43
void HideMouseHint(float duration=0.2f)
Definition: UI.cs:450
DragItem currentDrag
Definition: UI.cs:63
float blurSpeed
Definition: UI.cs:57
void SetLight(bool enable)
Definition: UI.cs:533
CanvasScaler canvasScaler
Definition: UI.cs:41
void ShowBalloon(bool enable)
Definition: UI.cs:303
UIContextMenuManager contextMenu
Definition: UI.cs:21
void OnDrag()
Definition: UI.cs:780
void OnCoreStart()
Definition: UI.cs:169
PopManager popGame
Definition: UI.cs:53
DragItem nextDrag
Definition: UI.cs:65
override RectTransform rectLayers
Definition: UI.cs:159
int minWidth
Definition: UI.cs:47
Tween tweenCover
Definition: UI.cs:75
override void Awake()
Definition: UI.cs:163
void OnClickAction(string _mode)
Definition: UI.cs:202
RawImage imageFreeze
Definition: UI.cs:61
void ToggleFeedback()
Definition: UI.cs:671
bool isPointerOverUI
Definition: UI.cs:81
UIContextMenu CreateContextMenu(string cid="ContextMenu")
Definition: UI.cs:537
float durationHideMouseHint
Definition: UI.cs:83
LayoutGroup layoutLang
Definition: UI.cs:39
bool AllowInventoryInteractions
Definition: UI.cs:100
bool IsDragging
Definition: UI.cs:161
bool IsAbilityOpen
Definition: UI.cs:155
void Hide(float duration=1f)
Definition: UI.cs:323
void FreezeScreen(float duration, bool highlight=true)
Definition: UI.cs:553
void Say(string text, Sprite sprite=null)
Definition: UI.cs:547
ExtraHint extraHint
Definition: UI.cs:17
void ShowCover(float duration=0f, float dest=1f, Action onComplete=null, Color color=default(Color))
Definition: UI.cs:270
float dragDuration
Definition: UI.cs:73
void ShowMouseHint()
Definition: UI.cs:398
void ShowLang()
Definition: UI.cs:504
void StartDrag(DragItem item)
Definition: UI.cs:760
float lightContrast
Definition: UI.cs:70
Material matBlur
Definition: UI.cs:37
UIMouseInfo mouseInfo
Definition: UI.cs:25
override void OnChangeLayer()
Definition: UI.cs:226
void Show(float duration=1f)
Definition: UI.cs:309
bool IsInventoryOpen
Definition: UI.cs:153
static WidgetFeed Instance
Definition: WidgetFeed.cs:14
void OnActivateZone()
static WidgetSideScreen Instance
Definition: Widget.cs:7
bool ShowMouseHintLeft()
string GetTextMouseHintLeft()
bool ShowMouseHintRight()
string GetTextMouseHintRight()
bool demo
Definition: Version.cs:14