Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
Classes | |
class | Option |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual string | GetTextHeader (Window window) |
virtual bool | HeaderIsListOf (int id) |
virtual void | Init () |
virtual void | OnInit () |
virtual void | OnAfterInit () |
virtual void | ApplySkin () |
void | ShowScreenLock (string id) |
void | UpdateInput () |
virtual void | OnUpdateInput () |
virtual void | OnRightClick () |
virtual bool | OnBack () |
virtual void | OnChangeLayer () |
virtual void | OnCreate () |
void | _AddLayer (string id) |
Layer | AddLayer (string id) |
T | AddLayer< T > () |
T | AddLayer< T > (string id) |
T | AddLayerDontCloseOthers< T > () |
Layer | AddLayerDontCloseOthers (Layer l) |
T | GetOrAddLayer< T > () |
virtual void | OnBeforeAddLayer () |
virtual void | OnAfterAddLayer () |
Layer | AddLayer (Layer l) |
void | ToggleLayer (string id) |
T | ToggleLayer< T > (string id=null) |
void | WaitAndClose () |
void | OnClickClose () |
virtual void | Close () |
void | CloseLayers () |
void | RemoveLayers (bool removeImportant=false) |
bool | RemoveLayer< T > () |
void | RemoveLayer (Layer l) |
virtual void | OnKill () |
Layer | SetOnKill (Action action) |
void | DisableClose () |
void | Delay (float duration=0.05f) |
Layer | SetDelay (float d) |
Layer | GetLayer (string id) |
T | GetLayer< T > (bool fromTop=false) |
Layer | GetTopLayer () |
void | SwitchContent (int idWindow, int i) |
virtual void | OnSwitchContent (Window window) |
Layer | SetTitles (string langList, string idHeaderRow=null) |
bool | IsBlockWidgetClick () |
bool | IsHideHud () |
bool | IsAllowGeneralInput () |
bool | IsUseBlur () |
bool | IsPointerOnLayer () |
void | ApplySkin () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static T | Create< T > () |
static T | Create< T > (string path) |
static Layer | Create (string path) |
Public Attributes | |
Option | option |
UnityEvent | onKill |
Anime | animeIn |
Anime | animeOut |
bool | closeOthers |
bool | defaultActionMode = true |
Button | screenLock |
Layer | parent |
string | idLayer |
List< Layer > | layers = new List<Layer>() |
Vector2 | lastParentPos |
List< Window > | windows = new List<Window>() |
string | langHint |
Static Public Attributes | |
static int | skipInput |
static bool | closeOnRightClick |
static bool | rightClicked |
static bool | cancelKeyDown |
static bool | ignoreSounds |
static Transform | blurStopInstance |
static string[] | searchPath = new string[3] { "Layer", "Layer/Dialog", "Layer/LayerHome" } |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | Awake () |
virtual void | _Close () |
virtual void | Kill () |
Protected Attributes | |
RectTransform | _rect |
bool | isDestroyed |
Properties | |
Layer | TopLayer [get] |
string | uid [get] |
virtual RectTransform | rectLayers [get] |
virtual bool | blockWidgetClick [get] |
Private Member Functions | |
void | _RemoveLayer (Layer l) |
inline |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 525 of file Layer.cs.
References Layer.Option.hideOnUnfocus, isDestroyed, Kill(), layers, OnChangeLayer(), and option.
Referenced by RemoveLayer().
Definition at line 383 of file Layer.cs.
References Layer.Option.hideOnUnfocus, Layer.Option.hideOthers, ignoreSounds, Init(), isDestroyed, layers, OnAfterAddLayer(), OnBeforeAddLayer(), OnChangeLayer(), option, Layer.Option.persist, rectLayers, and Layer.Option.soundActivate.
inline |
Definition at line 337 of file Layer.cs.
References AddLayer(), and Create().
Referenced by AddLayer(), AddLayer< T >(), AddLayerDontCloseOthers(), AM_NewZone.OnActivate(), StickyGacha.OnClick(), StickyHomeReport.OnClick(), GridItemCard.OnClick(), TraitBook.OnRead(), TraitNewspaper.OnRead(), TraitBookResident.OnUse(), TraitEditPlaylist.OnUse(), TraitJukeBox.OnUse(), TraitPolicyBoard.OnUse(), TraitVendingMachine.OnUse(), ActQuickCraft.Perform(), ToggleLayer(), TraitDrawingPaper.TrySetAct(), TraitHoard.TrySetAct(), TraitMirror.TrySetAct(), TraitNewspaper.TrySetAct(), TraitQuestBoard.TrySetAct(), and TraitResearchBoard.TrySetAct().
inline |
T | : | Layer |
Definition at line 342 of file Layer.cs.
References AddLayer().
Referenced by GetOrAddLayer< T >(), and ToggleLayer< T >().
inline |
Definition at line 357 of file Layer.cs.
References AddLayer().
Referenced by AddLayerDontCloseOthers< T >(), and LayerHire.Refresh().
inline |
T | : | Layer |
Definition at line 352 of file Layer.cs.
References AddLayerDontCloseOthers(), and Create< T >().
inlinevirtual |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in LayerList, LayerShippingResult, and UI.
Definition at line 146 of file Layer.cs.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 463 of file Layer.cs.
References _Close(), animeOut, Anime.Play(), and rectLayers.
Referenced by Dialog.AddButton(), LayerSleep.Advance(), LayerPeople.Confirm(), ItemGachaResult.Confirm(), MiniGame.Deactivate(), LayerNewZone.Embark(), Dialog.Gift(), Dialog.InputName(), LayerDrama.LateUpdate(), LayerEditPlaylist.ListBGM.List(), Dialog.Ok(), OnBack(), AI_UseCrafter.OnCancel(), LayerFeedback.OnCancel(), BaseListPeople.OnClick(), LayerColorPicker.OnClickCancel(), OnClickClose(), LayerColorPicker.OnClickConfirm(), LayerNewZone.OnClickExit(), Dialog.OnEnterInput(), LayerPixelPaint.OnInit(), InvOwnerDraglet.OnProcess(), LayerInventory.OnRightClick(), LayerFeedback.OnSubmit(), Dialog.OnUpdateInput(), LayerConsole.OnUpdateInput(), LayerInfo.OnUpdateInput(), LayerInventory.OnUpdateInput(), LayerMiniGame.OnUpdateInput(), LayerPause.OnUpdateInput(), LayerSkinDeco.OnUpdateInput(), Dialog.Recipe(), LayerCollectible.Refresh(), LayerTravel.Refresh(), LayerQuestBoard.RefreshQuest(), LayerFaith.RefreshSlots(), LayerPixelPaint.SetCanvas(), LayerList.SetList2< TValue >(), LayerList.SetStringList(), LayerList.Show(), LayerWorldSetting.StartGame(), Dialog.TryWarn(), Dialog.Update(), LayerProgress.Update(), UIBook.Update(), LayerSleep.Wait(), WaitAndClose(), LayerCraft.WaitUntilIdle(), and Dialog.YesNo().
inline |
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 299 of file Layer.cs.
References Debug, OnCreate(), and searchPath.
Referenced by Dialog._Confetti(), LayerInventory._Create(), LayerDrama.Activate(), LayerDrama.ActivateNerun(), AddLayer(), Dialog.Choice(), LayerPeople.Create(), Create< T >(), Dialog.CreateNarration(), Dialog.Gift(), Dialog.InputName(), Dialog.Keymap(), Dialog.List< TValue >(), Dialog.Ok(), LayerGacha.PlayGacha(), Dialog.Recipe(), Dialog.TryWarn(), and Dialog.YesNo().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inline |
Definition at line 597 of file Layer.cs.
References BaseCore.Instance, UIButton.TryShowTip(), BaseCore.WaitForEndOfFrame(), and windows.
Referenced by ActionMode.DoFunc(), and UI.ToggleAbility().
inline |
Definition at line 588 of file Layer.cs.
References Window.buttonClose, and windows.
inline |
Definition at line 632 of file Layer.cs.
References idLayer.
Referenced by InvOwnerHotbar.OnClick(), and ToggleLayer().
inline |
T | : | Layer |
Definition at line 644 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by GetOrAddLayer< T >(), and ToggleLayer< T >().
inline |
T | : | Layer |
Definition at line 365 of file Layer.cs.
References AddLayer< T >(), and GetLayer< T >().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in LayerConfig, and LayerCraft.
Definition at line 131 of file Layer.cs.
References Window.CurrentTab, HeaderIsListOf(), Window.idTab, Window.setting, and Window.Setting.textCaption.
Referenced by ContentFaction.OnSwitchContent(), and Window.SwitchContent().
inline |
Definition at line 670 of file Layer.cs.
References GetTopLayer().
Referenced by GetTopLayer().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in LayerFactions, LayerHome, LayerInventory, LayerJournal, LayerLocation, and LayerPeople.
Definition at line 141 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by GetTextHeader().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in ELayer.
Definition at line 163 of file Layer.cs.
References animeIn, ApplySkin(), Layer.Option.bgm, OnAfterInit(), OnInit(), option, Anime.Play(), Layer.Option.playlist, Layer.Option.rebuildLayout, rectLayers, screenLock, Layer.Option.screenlockType, ShowScreenLock(), Layer.Option.soundActivate, and windows.
Referenced by AddLayer(), and Widget.AddLayer().
inline |
Definition at line 718 of file Layer.cs.
References Layer.Option.allowGeneralInput, and IsAllowGeneralInput().
Referenced by IsAllowGeneralInput().
inline |
Definition at line 694 of file Layer.cs.
References blockWidgetClick.
inline |
Definition at line 706 of file Layer.cs.
References Layer.Option.hideHud, and IsHideHud().
Referenced by IsHideHud().
inline |
Definition at line 746 of file Layer.cs.
References InputModuleEX.GetPointerEventData(), and item.
inline |
Definition at line 730 of file Layer.cs.
References Layer.Option.blur, and IsUseBlur().
Referenced by IsUseBlur(), and UI.OnUpdate().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in ELayer.
Definition at line 544 of file Layer.cs.
References isDestroyed, Kill(), layers, onKill, OnKill(), Window.OnKill(), option, Layer.Option.persist, CursorSystem.SetCursor(), and windows.
Referenced by _Close(), _RemoveLayer(), and Kill().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in ELayer, LayerEditBio, and LayerEmbark.
Definition at line 379 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by AddLayer(), and Widget.AddLayer().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in Dialog, LayerCollectible, LayerConsole, LayerCraft, LayerGacha, LayerHelp, LayerHire, LayerHoard, LayerInfo, LayerInventory, LayerMiniGame, and LayerSleep.
Definition at line 199 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by Init().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in LayerColorPicker, LayerEmbark, and LayerMiniGame.
Definition at line 267 of file Layer.cs.
References Layer.Option.canClose, Close(), layers, option, and parent.
Referenced by OnRightClick(), and UpdateInput().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in ELayer, and LayerConfig.
Definition at line 375 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by AddLayer(), and Widget.AddLayer().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in UI.
Definition at line 285 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by _RemoveLayer(), and AddLayer().
inline |
Definition at line 455 of file Layer.cs.
References BaseCore.BlockInput, and Close().
Referenced by Window.Close().
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in LayerAbility, LayerArea, LayerConfig, LayerCraftFloat, LayerDrama, LayerEditHouse, LayerEditPlaylist, LayerEquip, LayerFeedback, LayerGlobalMap, LayerHelp, LayerHome, LayerHomeReport, LayerInteraction, LayerInventory, LayerList, LayerMapList, LayerMod, LayerNewspaper, LayerNewZone, LayerPeople, LayerPixelPaint, LayerPolicy, LayerQuestBoard, LayerQuickMenu, LayerResource, LayerSkinDeco, LayerTech, LayerTextureViewer, LayerTitle, LayerTravel, LayerUploader, LayerWidget, and LayerWorldSetting.
Definition at line 195 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by Init().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in Dialog, LayerArea, LayerColorPicker, LayerConfig, LayerConsole, LayerCraft, LayerDragGrid, LayerDrama, LayerEditHouse, LayerEditPCC, LayerEditPlaylist, LayerEmbark, LayerGacha, LayerHire, LayerHoard, LayerImage, LayerInfo, LayerInteraction, LayerInventory, LayerList, LayerMiniGame, LayerMod, LayerNewZone, LayerPause, LayerPeople, LayerQuestBoard, LayerRegisterHotbar, LayerResource, LayerSkinDeco, LayerTitle, LayerTravel, LayerUploader, LayerWidget, and LayerWorldSetting.
Definition at line 575 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by Kill().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in ELayer, LayerDragGrid, LayerHelp, and LayerInventory.
Definition at line 259 of file Layer.cs.
References closeOnRightClick, and OnBack().
Referenced by UpdateInput().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in LayerAbility, LayerAdmin, LayerConfig, LayerCraftFloat, LayerDebug, LayerEditPlaylist, LayerFactions, LayerHome, LayerJournal, LayerLocation, LayerPeople, LayerQuestBoard, LayerTextureViewer, and LayerTravel.
Definition at line 684 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by Window.SwitchContent().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in Dialog, LayerAbility, LayerConsole, LayerCover, LayerDragGrid, LayerDrama, LayerImage, LayerInfo, LayerInspect, LayerInteraction, LayerInventory, LayerList, LayerMiniGame, LayerPause, LayerQuickMenu, LayerSkinDeco, and LayerWidget.
Definition at line 255 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by UpdateInput().
inline |
Definition at line 520 of file Layer.cs.
References _RemoveLayer().
Referenced by _Close(), RemoveLayer< T >(), RemoveLayers(), ToggleLayer(), and ToggleLayer< T >().
inline |
Definition at line 507 of file Layer.cs.
References layers, and RemoveLayer().
inline |
Definition at line 496 of file Layer.cs.
References Layer.Option.important, layers, option, and RemoveLayer().
Referenced by UI.OnClickAction(), and UI.OnKillGame().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 579 of file Layer.cs.
References onKill.
Referenced by AM_Adv._OnUpdateInput(), LayerEditPCC.Activate(), MeetingManager.CallNext(), TraitCrafter.Craft(), LayerInventory.CreateBuy(), Dialog.Ok(), ContentConfigInput.OnInstantiate(), DramaManager.ParseLine(), Game.Pause(), LayerGacha.PlayGacha(), Dialog.Recipe(), LayerCraft.SetFactory(), Meeting.Start(), and Dialog.TryWarn().
inline |
Definition at line 688 of file Layer.cs.
References SetTitles().
Referenced by UICharaMaker.ListAlias(), UICharaMaker.ListModes(), and SetTitles().
inline |
Definition at line 207 of file Layer.cs.
References Button, rectLayers, screenLock, and Util.
Referenced by Init(), and DramaManager.ParseLine().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 426 of file Layer.cs.
References AddLayer(), GetLayer(), and RemoveLayer().
Referenced by _AddLayer(), TraitScrollMapTreasure.OnUse(), LayerHelp.Toggle(), TraitHomeBoard.TrySetAct(), and TraitResidentBoard.TrySetAct().
inline |
T | : | Layer |
Definition at line 439 of file Layer.cs.
References AddLayer< T >(), GetLayer< T >(), and RemoveLayer().
inline |
Definition at line 217 of file Layer.cs.
References UIDropdown.activeInstance, cancelKeyDown, ButtonState.down, UIContextMenuManager.Instance, UIContextMenuManager.isActive, InputModuleEX.IsPointerOver(), InputModuleEX.IsPointerOverRoot(), layers, EInput.leftMouse, OnBack(), OnRightClick(), OnUpdateInput(), option, rightClicked, EInput.rightMouse, Layer.Option.screenClickClose, Layer.Option.screenClickCloseRight, screenLock, and skipInput.
inline |
Definition at line 450 of file Layer.cs.
References Close(), BaseCore.Instance, and BaseCore.WaitForEndOfFrame().
static |
Definition at line 78 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by UpdateInput().
static |
Definition at line 74 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by OnRightClick().
bool Layer.closeOthers |
Definition at line 92 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by ELayer.Init().
bool Layer.defaultActionMode = true |
Definition at line 94 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by ELayer.OnBeforeAddLayer().
string Layer.idLayer |
Definition at line 107 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by GetLayer().
static |
Definition at line 80 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by AddLayer().
protected |
Definition at line 98 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by _RemoveLayer(), AddLayer(), ELayer.Kill(), Kill(), LayerDrama.LateUpdate(), LayerNewspaper.RefreshChat(), LayerNewspaper.RefreshVote(), and LayerCraft.SetFactory().
string Layer.langHint |
Definition at line 119 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by LayerPeople.Create< T >(), LayerPeople.CreateSelect(), LayerPeople.OnInit(), and ELayer.TryShowHint().
Definition at line 110 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by _RemoveLayer(), AddLayer(), UI.CheckWindowOrder(), CloseLayers(), Kill(), AM_ViewMap.OnActivate(), OnBack(), UI.OnChangeLayer(), AM_ViewMap.OnDeactivate(), UI.OnUpdate(), RemoveLayer< T >(), RemoveLayers(), TraitContainer.TryOpen(), and UpdateInput().
UnityEvent Layer.onKill |
Definition at line 86 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by Kill(), LayerEditBio.SetChara(), LayerCover.SetDuration(), and SetOnKill().
Option Layer.option |
Definition at line 84 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by ELayer._Close(), _RemoveLayer(), AddLayer(), Init(), Window.Init(), ELayer.Kill(), Kill(), OnBack(), UI.OnChangeLayer(), Dialog.OnUpdateInput(), RemoveLayers(), ELayer.TryShowHint(), Dialog.Update(), and UpdateInput().
Layer Layer.parent |
Definition at line 104 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by _Close(), UIDynamicList.List(), and OnBack().
static |
Definition at line 76 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by UpdateInput().
Button Layer.screenLock |
Definition at line 101 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by Init(), ShowScreenLock(), and UpdateInput().
static |
static |
Definition at line 72 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by _Close(), and UpdateInput().
Definition at line 116 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by LayerEditPortrait.Activate(), LayerEditPCC.Activate(), LayerEditPlaylist.Activate(), Widget.AddLayer(), Awake(), Window.BringToTop(), LayerInventory.CreateBuy(), LayerInventory.CreateContainer(), LayerInventory.CreateContainer< T >(), LayerInventory.CreateContainerAlly(), LayerInventory.CreateContainerPC(), LayerInventory.CreatePCBackpack(), Delay(), DisableClose(), ActionMode.DoFunc(), Init(), LayerLoadGame.Init(), Card.Inspect(), UIInspector.Inspect(), Kill(), Dialog.OnAfterInit(), LayerConfig.OnBeforeAddLayer(), WidgetExp.OnClick(), WidgetExpHome.OnClick(), BaseListPeople.OnClick(), LayerCraft.OnCompleteCraft(), LayerAbility.OnInit(), LayerConfig.OnInit(), LayerEditHouse.OnInit(), LayerEquip.OnInit(), LayerPixelPaint.OnInit(), LayerQuestBoard.OnInit(), LayerResource.OnInit(), LayerTextureViewer.OnInit(), ContentFaction.OnSwitchContent(), LayerAbility.OnSwitchContent(), LayerQuestBoard.OnSwitchContent(), Scene.OnUpdate(), LayerGacha.PlayGacha(), LayerEquip.Rebuild(), LayerTravel.Refresh(), LayerAbility.RefreshConfig(), LayerFactions.RefreshFactions(), LayerLoadGame.RefreshList(), LayerCraftFloat.RefreshSize(), LayerList.RefreshSize(), LayerTech.RefreshTech(), LayerLocation.RefreshZones(), LayerInfo.Resize(), LayerInfo.SetBlock(), LayerInfo.SetElement(), LayerCraft.SetFactory(), LayerInfo.SetFloor(), LayerList.SetHeader(), LayerInventory.SetInv(), LayerInfo.SetLiquid(), LayerInfo.SetObj(), LayerList.SetPivot(), LayerList.SetSize(), LayerInfo.SetThing(), LayerList.Show(), LayerJournal.SwitchPopulation(), UI.ToggleAbility(), ELayer.TryShowHelp(), LayerCraftFloat.Update(), and ActionMode.UpdateInput().
get |
Definition at line 129 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by IsBlockWidgetClick().
get |
Definition at line 127 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by AddLayer(), Close(), Init(), and ShowScreenLock().
get |
Definition at line 123 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by UI.OnChangeLayer().
get |
Definition at line 125 of file Layer.cs.
Referenced by LayerRegisterHotbar.SetItem().