Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
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Zone_Dungeon Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Zone_Dungeon:
Zone Spatial ICardParent IInspect EClass Zone_CursedManorDungeon Zone_DungeonUnfixed Zone_Lesimas Zone_Lysanas Zone_Nymelle Zone_RandomDungeon Zone_VernisMine Zone_Void

Public Types

enum  RailType { Mine , Factoy }
- Public Types inherited from IInspect
enum  NoteMode { Default , Recipe , Product , Info }

Public Member Functions

override string GetDungenID ()
override void OnGenerateMap ()
void PlaceRail (RailType railType=RailType.Mine)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Zone
int Evalue (int ele)
int Evalue (string alias)
virtual string GetDungenID ()
virtual string GetNewZoneID (int level)
override string ToString ()
string TextLevel (int _lv)
override void OnCreate ()
override void OnAfterCreate ()
void Activate ()
void RefreshHat ()
void OnVisit ()
void Revive ()
virtual void OnRegenerate ()
virtual void OnActivate ()
virtual void OnBeforeDeactivate ()
virtual void OnDeactivate ()
virtual void OnBeforeSimulate ()
virtual void OnVisitNewMapOrRegenerate ()
virtual void OnAfterSimulate ()
virtual void OnAdvanceHour ()
void Simulate ()
Point GetSpawnPos (Chara c, ZoneTransition.EnterState destState=ZoneTransition.EnterState.Auto)
Point GetRandomVisitPos (Chara c)
void AddGlobalCharasOnActivate ()
void Deactivate ()
void OnKillGame ()
void UnloadMap ()
void ClaimZone (bool debug=false)
void AbandonZone ()
bool CanDestroy ()
override void _OnBeforeSave ()
override void OnLoad ()
override void Destroy ()
void ClearZones (Zone current=null)
void OnChildNumChange (Card c)
ICardParent GetRoot ()
Zone GetTopZone ()
Card AddCardSplinkle (Card t, Point center, int radius=4)
Card AddChara (string id, int x, int z)
Card AddThing (string id, int x, int z)
Card AddThing (string id, Point p)
Card AddCard (Card t, Point point)
Card AddCard (Card t)
Card AddCard (Card t, int x, int z)
void RemoveCard (Card t)
GetRandomSpot< T > ()
bool TryAddThingInSpot< T > (Thing t, bool useContainer=true)
List< ThingTryListThingsInSpot< T > (Func< Thing, bool > func=null)
bool TryAddThingInSharedContainer (Thing t, List< Thing > containers=null, bool add=true, bool msg=false, Chara chara=null, bool sharedOnly=true)
bool TryAddThing (Thing target, Point p, bool destroyIfFail=false)
Thing TryGetThingFromSharedContainer (Func< Thing, bool > func)
Thing TryGetRestock< T > (string idCat)
ZoneProfile GetProfile ()
void CreateBP ()
virtual void OnCreateBP ()
void Generate ()
void TrySpawnFollower ()
void SpawnAltar ()
virtual void OnGenerateMap ()
void TryGenerateOre ()
Chara TryGenerateEvolved (bool force=false, Point p=null)
void TryGenerateBigDaddy ()
void TryGenerateShrine ()
void ResetHostility ()
virtual void OnGenerateRooms (BaseMapGen gen)
Point GetSpawnPos (SpawnPosition type, int tries=100)
Chara SpawnMob (Point pos=null, SpawnSetting setting=null)
void RefreshElectricity ()
int GetElectricity (bool cost=false)
void SetBGM (List< int > ids, bool refresh=true)
void SetBGM (int id=-1, bool refresh=true)
void RefreshPlaylist ()
void RefreshBGM ()
Playlist CreatePlaylist (ref List< int > list, Playlist mold=null)
Chara FindChara (string id)
Chara FindChara (int uid)
int GetDeepestLv ()
int GetDeepestLv (ref int max)
List< ElementListLandFeats ()
ZoneExportData Import (string path)
void Export (string path, PartialMap partial=null, bool usermap=false)
void ExportDialog (string dir=null)
void ImportDialog (string dir=null)
void Export ()
void WriteNote (UINote n, Action< UINote > onWriteNote=null, IInspect.NoteMode mode=IInspect.NoteMode.Default, Recipe recipe=null)
void OnInspect ()
int GetSortVal ()
Chara AddRandomVisitor (bool guest=false)
void OnSimulateHour (VirtualDate date)
void OnSimulateDay (VirtualDate date)
void OnSimulateMonth (VirtualDate date)
void RainWater ()
void GrowPlants (VirtualDate date)
Zone GetZoneAt (int _x, int _y)
bool IsCrime (Chara c, Act act)
void RefreshCriminal ()
void RefreshListCitizen ()
void ModInfluence (int a)
void ModDevelopment (int a)
void UpdateQuests (bool force=false)
List< CharaListMinions (Chara c)
int CountMinions (Chara c)
int GetSoilCost ()
void SpawnLostItems ()
void ApplyBackerPet (bool draw)
FortuneRollData GetOrCreateFortuneRollData (bool refresh=true)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Spatial
int GetInt (int id, int? defaultInt=null)
void AddInt (int id, int value)
void SetInt (int id, int value=0)
override string ToString ()
void Create (string _id, int _x, int _y, int _icon)
void Register ()
virtual void OnCreate ()
virtual void OnAfterCreate ()
virtual void SetMainFaction (Faction f)
Zone GetFirstZone ()
void OnBeforeSave ()
virtual void _OnBeforeSave ()
void _OnLoad ()
virtual void OnLoad ()
virtual void Destroy ()
void DeleteMapRecursive ()
virtual void AddChild (Spatial child)
void RemoveChild (Spatial child)
Zone FindDeepestZone ()
Zone FindZone (int lv)
Zone FindZone (string _id)
virtual bool CanKill ()
int Dist (Point p)
int Dist (Spatial s)
void MakeGameObject (GameObject parentGo)
ICardParent GetRoot ()
void RemoveCard (Card c)
void OnChildNumChange (Card c)
void WriteNote (UINote n, Action< UINote > onWriteNote=null, NoteMode mode=NoteMode.Default, Recipe recipe=null)
void OnInspect ()


override string IDGenerator [get]
override bool DisableRooms [get]
override bool UseFog [get]
override bool ShowDangerLv [get]
override float PrespawnRate [get]
override bool IsReturnLocation [get]
override int StartLV [get]
override bool BlockBorderExit [get]
override float EvolvedChance [get]
override float BigDaddyChance [get]
override float ShrineChance [get]
override bool IsSnowCovered [get]
override bool CountDeepestLevel [get]
override ZoneTransition.EnterState RegionEnterState [get]
- Properties inherited from Zone
Chara Boss [get, set]
override int ContentLv [get]
override int DangerLv [get]
virtual bool DisableRooms [get]
int HourSinceLastActive [get]
int MinsSinceLastActive [get]
virtual string pathExport [get]
BiomeProfile biome [get]
virtual string IdBiome [get]
virtual string IDGenerator [get]
virtual string TextWidgetDate [get]
MapGenerator Generator [get]
virtual string IdProfile [get]
virtual string IDPlayList [get]
virtual string IDPlaylistOverwrite [get]
virtual string IDHat [get]
virtual string IDBaseLandFeat [get]
virtual string idExport [get]
string pathTemp [get]
Region Region [get]
Zone ParentZone [get]
virtual ActionMode DefaultActionMode [get]
virtual bool BlockBorderExit [get]
virtual int ExpireDays [get]
virtual ZoneTransition.EnterState RegionEnterState [get]
virtual ZoneFeatureType FeatureType [get]
virtual string IDAmbience [get]
virtual string IDSceneTemplate [get]
virtual bool IsFestival [get]
virtual string IDSubset [get]
virtual bool IsTown [get]
virtual bool CanBeDeliverDestination [get]
virtual bool CountDeepestLevel [get]
virtual bool HasLaw [get]
virtual bool MakeEnemiesNeutral [get]
virtual bool MakeTownProperties [get]
virtual bool AllowCriminal [get]
virtual bool AllowInvest [get]
virtual bool AllowNewZone [get]
virtual bool WillAutoSave [get]
virtual bool RegenerateOnEnter [get]
virtual bool IsSkyLevel [get]
virtual bool IsUserZone [get]
virtual bool CanDigUnderground [get]
virtual bool LockExit [get]
virtual bool CanUnlockExit [get]
virtual int MaxLv [get]
virtual int MinLv [get]
virtual bool AddPrefix [get]
virtual bool IsNefia [get]
virtual bool PetFollow [get]
virtual bool RestrictBuild [get]
virtual bool KeepAllyDistance [get]
virtual int MaxSpawn [get]
int MaxRespawn [get]
virtual float RuinChance [get]
virtual float OreChance [get]
virtual float BigDaddyChance [get]
virtual float EvolvedChance [get]
virtual float ShrineChance [get]
virtual float PrespawnRate [get]
virtual float RespawnRate [get]
bool ShowEnemyOnMinimap [get]
virtual int RespawnPerHour [get]
virtual float ChanceSpawnNeutral [get]
virtual bool GrowPlant [get]
virtual bool GrowWeed [get]
virtual bool IsExplorable [get]
virtual bool IsReturnLocation [get]
virtual bool ShouldMakeExit [get]
virtual bool ShouldRegenerate [get]
virtual bool ShouldAutoRevive [get]
virtual bool UseFog [get]
virtual bool RevealRoom [get]
virtual bool AlwaysLowblock [get]
virtual bool UseLight [get]
virtual int StartLV [get]
virtual bool ScaleMonsterLevel [get]
virtual bool HiddenInRegionMap [get]
virtual FlockController.SpawnType FlockType [get]
override string NameSuffix [get]
string NameWithLevel [get]
string TextDeepestLv [get]
bool CanEnterBuildMode [get]
bool CanEnterBuildModeAnywhere [get]
bool IsPCFaction [get]
bool IsPCFactionOrTent [get]
bool IsStartZone [get]
bool IsInstance [get]
bool IsLoaded [get]
virtual int BaseElectricity [get]
bool IsActiveZone [get]
bool CanInspect [get]
string InspectName [get]
Point InspectPoint [get]
Vector3 InspectPosition [get]
virtual int MaxSoil [get]
- Properties inherited from Spatial
int _bits [get, set]
int uid [get, set]
int icon [get, set]
int x [get, set]
int y [get, set]
int lastActive [get, set]
int idPrefix [get, set]
int lv [get, set]
int visitCount [get, set]
int dateExpire [get, set]
int dateRevive [get, set]
int _dangerLv [get, set]
int dateRegenerate [get, set]
int influence [get, set]
int investment [get, set]
int development [get, set]
int electricity [get, set]
int dateHat [get, set]
int uidBoss [get, set]
int dateQuest [get, set]
int version [get, set]
bool isGenerated [get, set]
bool isShore [get, set]
bool isRandomSite [get, set]
bool isKnown [get, set]
bool isMapSaved [get, set]
bool isExternalZone [get, set]
bool isConquered [get, set]
bool isBeach [get, set]
bool isPeace [get, set]
bool isDeathLocation [get, set]
Faction mainFaction [get, set]
SourceZone.Row source [get]
bool IsPlayerFaction [get]
bool IsClosed [get]
int mapX [get]
int mapY [get]
virtual int ContentLv [get]
virtual int DangerLv [get]
virtual int DangerLvFix [get]
virtual float VolumeSea [get]
virtual bool ShowDangerLv [get]
virtual bool CanSpawnAdv [get]
string pathSave [get]
virtual string Name [get]
string NameWithDangerLevel [get]
virtual string NameSuffix [get]
virtual bool IsRegion [get]
virtual bool CanFastTravel [get]
EloMap.TileInfo Tile [get]
virtual bool IsSnowZone [get]
virtual bool IsSnowCovered [get]
virtual Point RegionPos [get]
virtual bool isClaimable [get]
int Seed [get]
- Properties inherited from EClass
static Game game [get]
static bool AdvMode [get]
static Player player [get]
static Chara pc [get]
static UI ui [get]
static Map _map [get]
static Zone _zone [get]
static FactionBranch Branch [get]
static FactionBranch BranchOrHomeBranch [get]
static Faction Home [get]
static Faction Wilds [get]
static Scene scene [get]
static BaseGameScreen screen [get]
static GameSetting setting [get]
static GameData gamedata [get]
static ColorProfile Colors [get]
static World world [get]
static SourceManager sources [get]
static SourceManager editorSources [get]
static SoundManager Sound [get]
static CoreDebug debug [get]
- Properties inherited from IInspect
bool CanInspect [get]
string InspectName [get]
Point InspectPoint [get]
Vector3 InspectPosition [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Zone
static bool IsImportValid (string path)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from EClass
static int rnd (int a)
static int curve (int a, int start, int step, int rate=75)
static int rndHalf (int a)
static float rndf (float a)
static int rndSqrt (int a)
static void Wait (float a, Card c)
static void Wait (float a, Point p)
static int Bigger (int a, int b)
static int Smaller (int a, int b)
- Public Attributes inherited from Zone
FactionBranch branch
HashSet< int > completedQuests = new HashSet<int>()
ZoneEventManager events = new ZoneEventManager()
ElementContainerZone elements = new ElementContainerZone()
MapBounds bounds
Dictionary< int, string > dictCitizen = new Dictionary<int, string>()
ZoneInstance instance
List< int > landFeats
Map map
MapSubset subset
ZoneBlueprint bp
int fileVariation
bool dirtyElectricity
bool isStarted
bool isSimulating
int tempDist
BiomeProfile _biome
- Public Attributes inherited from Spatial
Spatial parent
string id
string idUser
string name
string idMainFaction
string idProfile
string idCurrentSubset
string idHat
int[] _ints = new int[30]
List< Spatialchildren = new List<Spatial>()
List< Spatialconnections = new List<Spatial>()
Dictionary< int, int > mapInt = new Dictionary<int, int>()
bool destryoed
bool isImported
BitArray32 bits
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Zone
static bool forceRegenerate
static string forceSubset
static CardRow sourceHat
static int okaerinko = 0
static bool ignoreSpawnAnime
static List< ThingSuckers = new List<Thing>()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from EClass
static Core core
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Spatial
Zone _FindZone (string _id)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Spatial
Point _regionPos = new Point()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ RailType


Definition at line 7 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetDungenID()

override string Zone_Dungeon.GetDungenID ( )

Reimplemented from Zone.

Reimplemented in Zone_Gathering, Zone_RandomDungeonNature, and Zone_VernisMine.

Definition at line 81 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

82 {
83 if (EClass.rnd(2) == 0)
84 {
85 return "DungeonRuins";
86 }
87 if (EClass.rnd(4) == 0)
88 {
89 return "Cavern";
90 }
91 if (EClass.rnd(8) == 0)
92 {
93 return "RoundRooms";
94 }
95 return "Dungeon";
96 }
Definition: EClass.cs:5
static int rnd(int a)
Definition: EClass.cs:50

References EClass.rnd().

◆ OnGenerateMap()

override void Zone_Dungeon.OnGenerateMap ( )

Reimplemented from Zone.

Reimplemented in Zone_DungeonPuppy, Zone_RandomDungeon, Zone_RandomDungeonFactory, Zone_VernisMine, and Zone_Void.

Definition at line 98 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

99 {
100 if (idExport.IsEmpty())
101 {
106 }
107 }
virtual string idExport
Definition: Zone.cs:147
Chara TryGenerateEvolved(bool force=false, Point p=null)
Definition: Zone.cs:2436
void TryGenerateShrine()
Definition: Zone.cs:2473
void TryGenerateOre()
Definition: Zone.cs:2409
void TryGenerateBigDaddy()
Definition: Zone.cs:2455

References Zone.idExport, Zone.TryGenerateBigDaddy(), Zone.TryGenerateEvolved(), Zone.TryGenerateOre(), and Zone.TryGenerateShrine().

◆ PlaceRail()

void Zone_Dungeon.PlaceRail ( RailType  railType = RailType::Mine)

Definition at line 109 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

110 {
111 int idRail = 31;
112 string idTrolley = "390";
113 bool placeStopper = true;
114 int num = 8;
115 if (railType == RailType.Factoy)
116 {
117 idRail = 110;
118 placeStopper = false;
119 num = EClass.rnd(4) + 1;
120 }
121 PathManager.Instance._pathfinder.PunishChangeDirection = true;
122 PathManager.Instance._pathfinder.Diagonals = false;
125 if (traitStairsDown != null && traitStairsUp != null)
126 {
127 TryPlaceRail(traitStairsDown.owner.pos, traitStairsUp.owner.pos);
128 }
129 int num2 = 0;
130 for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
131 {
133 {
134 num2++;
135 if (num2 > num)
136 {
137 break;
138 }
139 }
140 }
141 PathManager.Instance._pathfinder.Diagonals = true;
142 bool TryPlaceRail(Point p1, Point p2)
143 {
144 if (p1.Distance(p2) < 20)
145 {
146 return false;
147 }
149 if (!pathProgress.HasPath)
150 {
151 return false;
152 }
153 Point point = new Point();
154 Point point2 = new Point();
155 bool flag = false;
156 int num3 = 0;
157 foreach (PathFinderNode node in pathProgress.nodes)
158 {
159 Point shared = Point.GetShared(node.X, node.Z);
160 for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++)
161 {
162 for (int k = -1; k < 2; k++)
163 {
164 point2.Set(shared.x + k, shared.z + j);
165 if ((Mathf.Abs(k) != 1 || Mathf.Abs(j) != 1) && point2.IsValid && point2.sourceObj.id == 31 && !point2.Equals(point))
166 {
167 flag = true;
168 if (num3 != 0)
169 {
170 break;
171 }
172 return false;
173 }
174 }
175 }
176 if (shared.sourceObj.id == idRail)
177 {
178 break;
179 }
180 shared.SetBlock();
181 shared.SetObj(idRail);
182 shared.Things.ForeachReverse(delegate(Thing t)
183 {
184 if (t.trait.CanBeDestroyed)
185 {
186 t.Destroy();
187 }
188 });
189 if (flag)
190 {
191 break;
192 }
193 num3++;
194 point.Set(shared);
195 }
196 if (!flag && placeStopper)
197 {
198 Point shared2 = Point.GetShared(pathProgress.nodes.LastItem().X, pathProgress.nodes.LastItem().Z);
199 Cell cell = shared2.cell;
200 int dir = ((cell.Front.obj != 31) ? ((cell.Right.obj == 31) ? 1 : ((cell.Back.obj == 31) ? 2 : 3)) : 0);
201 if (!shared2.HasThing)
202 {
203 EClass._zone.AddCard(ThingGen.Create("1208"), shared2).Install().dir = dir;
204 }
205 }
206 if (num3 > 2)
207 {
208 Point shared3 = Point.GetShared(pathProgress.nodes.First().X, pathProgress.nodes.First().Z);
209 if (!shared3.HasThing)
210 {
211 EClass._zone.AddCard(ThingGen.Create(idTrolley), shared3).Install();
212 }
213 }
214 return true;
215 }
216 }
Point pos
Definition: Card.cs:55
Trait trait
Definition: Card.cs:49
int dir
Definition: Card.cs:142
Definition: Cell.cs:7
byte obj
Definition: Cell.cs:38
Cell Right
Definition: Cell.cs:141
static Zone _zone
Definition: EClass.cs:20
static Map _map
Definition: EClass.cs:18
static Chara pc
Definition: EClass.cs:14
Point GetRandomSurface(int x, int z, int radius, bool walkable=true, bool allowWater=false)
Definition: MapBounds.cs:182
Thing FindThing(Func< Thing, bool > func)
Definition: Map.cs:2570
MapBounds bounds
Definition: Map.cs:52
void RequestPathImmediate(PathProgress progress)
Definition: PathManager.cs:41
static PathManager Instance
Definition: PathManager.cs:16
List< PathFinderNode > nodes
Definition: PathProgress.cs:16
Definition: Point.cs:9
static Point GetShared(int x, int z)
Definition: Point.cs:366
void SetObj(int id=0, int value=1, int dir=0)
Definition: Point.cs:892
Point Set(int _x, int _z)
Definition: Point.cs:479
List< Thing > Things
Definition: Point.cs:314
int x
Definition: Point.cs:36
int z
Definition: Point.cs:39
bool HasThing
Definition: Point.cs:239
SourceObj.Row sourceObj
Definition: Point.cs:69
bool Equals(int _x, int _z)
Definition: Point.cs:924
void SetBlock(int idMat=0, int idBlock=0)
Definition: Point.cs:882
bool IsValid
Definition: Point.cs:88
int Distance(Point p)
Definition: Point.cs:953
Cell cell
Definition: Point.cs:51
static Thing Create(string id, int idMat=-1, int lv=-1)
Definition: ThingGen.cs:53
Definition: Thing.cs:8
virtual bool CanBeDestroyed
Definition: Trait.cs:285
Card owner
Definition: Trait.cs:26
Card AddCard(Card t, Point point)
Definition: Zone.cs:1893

References EClass._map, EClass._zone, Zone.AddCard(), Map.bounds, Trait.CanBeDestroyed, Point.cell, ThingGen.Create(), Card.dir, Point.Distance(), Map.FindThing(), MapBounds.GetRandomSurface(), Point.GetShared(), PathProgress.HasPath, Point.HasThing, PathManager.Instance, Cell.obj, Trait.owner, EClass.pc, Card.pos, PathManager.RequestPathImmediate(), Cell.Right, EClass.rnd(), Point.Set(), Point.SetBlock(), Point.SetObj(), Point.sourceObj, Point.Things, Card.trait, Algorithms.PathFinderNode.X, Point.x, Algorithms.PathFinderNode.Z, and Point.z.

Referenced by Zone_RandomDungeonFactory.OnGenerateMap(), and Zone_VernisMine.OnGenerateMap().

Property Documentation

◆ BigDaddyChance

override float Zone_Dungeon.BigDaddyChance

Definition at line 51 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

52 {
53 get
54 {
55 if (!EClass.debug.test)
56 {
57 return 0.08f;
58 }
59 return 1f;
60 }
61 }
bool test
Definition: CoreDebug.cs:169
static CoreDebug debug
Definition: EClass.cs:48

◆ BlockBorderExit

override bool Zone_Dungeon.BlockBorderExit

Definition at line 37 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

◆ CountDeepestLevel

override bool Zone_Dungeon.CountDeepestLevel

Definition at line 77 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

◆ DisableRooms

override bool Zone_Dungeon.DisableRooms

Definition at line 15 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

◆ EvolvedChance

override float Zone_Dungeon.EvolvedChance

Definition at line 39 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

40 {
41 get
42 {
43 if (!EClass.debug.test)
44 {
45 return 0.08f;
46 }
47 return 1f;
48 }
49 }

◆ IDGenerator

override string Zone_Dungeon.IDGenerator

Definition at line 13 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

◆ IsReturnLocation

override bool Zone_Dungeon.IsReturnLocation

Definition at line 33 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

◆ IsSnowCovered

override bool Zone_Dungeon.IsSnowCovered

Definition at line 75 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

◆ PrespawnRate

override float Zone_Dungeon.PrespawnRate

Definition at line 21 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

22 {
23 get
24 {
25 if (!idExport.IsEmpty())
26 {
27 return 0f;
28 }
29 return 1f;
30 }
31 }

◆ RegionEnterState

override ZoneTransition.EnterState Zone_Dungeon.RegionEnterState

Definition at line 79 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

◆ ShowDangerLv

override bool Zone_Dungeon.ShowDangerLv

Definition at line 19 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

◆ ShrineChance

override float Zone_Dungeon.ShrineChance

Definition at line 63 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

64 {
65 get
66 {
67 if (!EClass.debug.test)
68 {
69 return 0.35f;
70 }
71 return 1f;
72 }
73 }

◆ StartLV

override int Zone_Dungeon.StartLV

Definition at line 35 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

◆ UseFog

override bool Zone_Dungeon.UseFog

Definition at line 17 of file Zone_Dungeon.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: