Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
Public Types | |
enum | MixType { None , Food , Resource , Dye , Butcher , Grind , Sculpture , Talisman , Scratch , Incubator , Fortune , RuneMold } |
enum | AnimeType { Default , Microwave , Pot } |
![]() | |
enum | TileMode { Default , Door , Illumination , DefaultNoAnime , SignalAnime } |
enum | CopyShopType { None , Item , Spellbook } |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual string | IDReqEle (RecipeSource r) |
virtual bool | IsCraftIngredient (Card c, int idx) |
bool | IsIngredient (int idx, SourceRecipe.Row r, Card c) |
virtual bool | IsIngredient (string cat, Card c) |
int | GetSortVal (SourceRecipe.Row r) |
virtual int | GetDuration (AI_UseCrafter ai, int costSp) |
virtual int | GetCostSp (AI_UseCrafter ai) |
SourceRecipe.Row | GetSource (AI_UseCrafter ai) |
virtual bool | ShouldConsumeIng (SourceRecipe.Row item, int index) |
virtual Thing | Craft (AI_UseCrafter ai) |
override void | TrySetAct (ActPlan p) |
override bool | CanUse (Chara c) |
override bool | OnUse (Chara c) |
virtual void | OnEndAI (AI_UseCrafter ai) |
![]() | |
string | GetParam (int i, string def=null) |
int | GetParamInt (int i, int def) |
virtual bool | Contains (RecipeSource r) |
virtual int | GetValue () |
virtual bool | CanStackTo (Thing to) |
virtual string | GetHoverText () |
virtual Action | GetHealAction (Chara c) |
virtual bool | CanBlend (Thing t) |
virtual void | OnBlend (Thing t, Chara c) |
virtual int | GetActDuration (Chara c) |
virtual SourceElement.Row | GetRefElement () |
virtual Sprite | GetRefSprite () |
virtual void | OnRenderExtra (RenderParam p) |
virtual Emo2 | GetHeldEmo (Chara c) |
virtual void | SetOwner (Card _owner) |
virtual bool | IdleUse (Chara c, int dist) |
virtual void | OnSetOwner () |
virtual void | OnImportMap () |
virtual void | SetParams (params string[] s) |
virtual void | OnCrafted (Recipe recipe) |
virtual void | OnCreate (int lv) |
virtual void | OnEquip (Chara c, bool onSetOwner) |
virtual void | OnUnequip (Chara c) |
virtual void | OnChangePlaceState (PlaceState state) |
virtual void | OnAddedToZone () |
virtual void | OnRemovedFromZone () |
virtual void | OnSimulateHour (VirtualDate date) |
virtual string | GetName () |
virtual void | SetName (ref string s) |
virtual void | OnRenderTile (Point point, HitResult result, int dir) |
virtual int | CompareTo (Card b) |
virtual bool | CanBuiltAt (Point p) |
virtual void | Update () |
Point | GetPoint () |
Point | GetRandomPoint (Func< Point, bool > func=null, Chara accessChara=null) |
virtual List< Point > | ListPoints (Point center=null, bool onlyPassable=true) |
virtual Recipe | GetRecipe () |
virtual Recipe | GetBuildModeRecipe () |
virtual bool | CanCook (Card c) |
void | CookProgress () |
virtual bool | CanOffer (Card tg) |
void | OfferProcess (Chara cc) |
void | Offer (Chara cc) |
virtual bool | TryProgress (AIProgress p) |
virtual LockOpenState | TryOpenLock (Chara cc, bool msgFail=true) |
virtual void | WriteNote (UINote n, bool identified) |
int | GetSortVal (UIList.SortMode m) |
virtual HotItem | GetHotItem () |
virtual bool | CanRead (Chara c) |
virtual void | OnRead (Chara c) |
virtual bool | CanEat (Chara c) |
virtual void | OnEat (Chara c) |
virtual bool | CanDrink (Chara c) |
virtual void | OnDrink (Chara c) |
virtual void | OnThrowGround (Chara c, Point p) |
virtual bool | CanUse (Chara c) |
virtual bool | CanUse (Chara c, Card tg) |
virtual bool | CanUse (Chara c, Point p) |
virtual bool | OnUse (Chara c) |
virtual bool | OnUse (Chara c, Card tg) |
virtual bool | OnUse (Chara c, Point p) |
virtual void | TrySetAct (ActPlan p) |
virtual void | TrySetHeldAct (ActPlan p) |
virtual void | OnHeld () |
virtual void | OnTickHeld () |
virtual void | OnSetCurrentItem () |
virtual void | OnUnsetCurrentItem () |
virtual bool | OnChildDecay (Card c, bool firstDecay) |
virtual bool | CanChildDecay (Card c) |
virtual void | OnSetCardGrid (ButtonGrid b) |
virtual void | OnStepped (Chara c) |
virtual void | OnSteppedOut (Chara c) |
virtual void | OnOpenDoor (Chara c) |
void | Install (bool byPlayer) |
void | Uninstall () |
virtual void | OnInstall (bool byPlayer) |
virtual void | OnUninstall () |
virtual void | TryToggle () |
virtual void | Toggle (bool on, bool silent=false) |
virtual void | PlayToggleEffect (bool silent) |
virtual void | OnToggle () |
virtual void | TrySetToggleAct (ActPlan p) |
bool | IsFuelEnough (int num=1, List< Thing > excludes=null, bool tryRefuel=true) |
bool | IsFuel (string s) |
bool | IsFuel (Thing t) |
int | GetFuelValue (Thing t) |
int | GetFuelValue (string id) |
void | Refuel (Thing t) |
void | TryRefuel (int dest, List< Thing > excludes) |
virtual void | OnEnterScreen () |
virtual void | RefreshRenderer () |
virtual void | SetMainText (UIText t, bool hotitem) |
virtual bool | CanCopy (Thing t) |
string | GetTextRestock (string lang, bool pet) |
Emo2 | GetRestockedIcon () |
void | OnBarter () |
Thing | CreateStock () |
Properties | |
override bool | ShowFuelWindow [get] |
virtual Emo | Icon [get] |
virtual int | numIng [get] |
virtual string | IdSource [get] |
virtual AnimeType | animeType [get] |
virtual AnimeID | IdAnimeProgress [get] |
virtual string | idSoundProgress [get] |
virtual string | idSoundComplete [get] |
virtual bool | StopSoundProgress [get] |
override bool | IsNightOnlyLight [get] |
virtual bool | CanUseFromInventory [get] |
override bool | HoldAsDefaultInteraction [get] |
virtual string | idSoundBG [get] |
virtual string | CrafterTitle [get] |
virtual bool | CanTriggerFire [get] |
virtual bool | AutoTurnOff [get] |
virtual bool | IsConsumeIng [get] |
virtual bool | CloseOnComplete [get] |
virtual int | CostSP [get] |
![]() | |
string[] | Params [get] |
virtual byte | WeightMod [get] |
virtual int | IdSkin [get] |
virtual string | Name [get] |
virtual TileType | tileType [get] |
virtual RefCardName | RefCardName [get] |
virtual bool | IsBlockPath [get] |
virtual bool | IsBlockSight [get] |
virtual bool | IsDoor [get] |
virtual bool | IsOpenSight [get] |
virtual bool | IsOpenPath [get] |
virtual bool | IsFloating [get] |
virtual bool | IsGround [get] |
virtual bool | InvertHeldSprite [get] |
virtual bool | IsChangeFloorHeight [get] |
virtual bool | ShouldRefreshTile [get] |
virtual bool | ShouldTryRefreshRoom [get] |
virtual int | InstallBottomPriority [get] |
virtual bool | CanHarvest [get] |
virtual int | radius [get] |
virtual TraitRadiusType | radiusType [get] |
virtual bool | CanUseRoomRadius [get] |
virtual int | GuidePriotiy [get] |
virtual int | Electricity [get] |
virtual bool | IgnoreLastStackHeight [get] |
virtual int | Decay [get] |
virtual int | DecaySpeed [get] |
virtual int | DecaySpeedChild [get] |
virtual bool | IsFridge [get] |
virtual int | DefaultStock [get] |
virtual bool | HoldAsDefaultInteraction [get] |
virtual int | CraftNum [get] |
virtual bool | ShowOrbit [get] |
virtual bool | HaveUpdate [get] |
virtual bool | IsSpot [get] |
virtual bool | IsFactory [get] |
virtual bool | CanAutofire [get] |
virtual bool | CanName [get] |
virtual bool | CanPutAway [get] |
virtual bool | CanChangeHeight [get] |
virtual bool | CanStack [get] |
virtual bool | CanCopyInBlueprint [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeAttacked [get] |
virtual bool | CanExtendBuild [get] |
virtual string | langNote [get] |
virtual string | IDInvStyle [get] |
virtual string | IDActorEx [get] |
virtual bool | MaskOnBuild [get] |
virtual bool | ShowContextOnPick [get] |
virtual bool | IsThrowMainAction [get] |
virtual bool | LevelAsQuality [get] |
virtual bool | UseDummyTile [get] |
virtual bool | RequireFullStackCheck [get] |
virtual bool | DisableAutoCombat [get] |
virtual InvGridSize | InvGridSize [get] |
virtual bool | IsContainer [get] |
virtual bool | CanUseContent [get] |
virtual bool | CanSearchContent [get] |
virtual bool | CanOpenContainer [get] |
virtual bool | IsSpecialContainer [get] |
virtual ContainerType | ContainerType [get] |
virtual ThrowType | ThrowType [get] |
virtual EffectDead | EffectDead [get] |
virtual bool | IsHomeItem [get] |
virtual bool | IsAltar [get] |
virtual bool | IsRestSpot [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeMasked [get] |
virtual bool | IsBlendBase [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeOnlyBuiltInHome [get] |
virtual bool | CanBuildInTown [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeHeld [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeStolen [get] |
virtual bool | CanOnlyCarry [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeDestroyed [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeHallucinated [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeDropped [get] |
virtual string | ReqHarvest [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeDisassembled [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeShipped [get] |
virtual bool | HasCharges [get] |
virtual bool | ShowCharges [get] |
virtual bool | ShowChildrenNumber [get] |
virtual bool | ShowAsTool [get] |
virtual bool | CanBeHeldAsFurniture [get] |
virtual bool | HideInAdv [get] |
virtual bool | NoHeldDir [get] |
virtual bool | AlwaysHideOnLowWall [get] |
bool | ExistsOnMap [get] |
virtual bool | RenderExtra [get] |
virtual float | DropChance [get] |
virtual string | IdNoRestock [get] |
virtual int | IdleUseChance [get] |
virtual string | RecipeCat [get] |
virtual bool | IsTool [get] |
virtual string | LangUse [get] |
virtual bool | IsOn [get] |
virtual bool | IsAnimeOn [get] |
bool | IsToggle [get] |
virtual bool | AutoToggle [get] |
bool | IsLighting [get] |
virtual bool | IsLightOn [get] |
virtual bool | IsNightOnlyLight [get] |
virtual TileMode | tileMode [get] |
virtual bool | UseAltTiles [get] |
virtual bool | UseLowblock [get] |
virtual bool | UseExtra [get] |
virtual bool | UseLightColor [get] |
virtual ? Color | ColorExtra [get] |
virtual int | MaxFuel [get] |
virtual int | FuelCost [get] |
virtual bool | ShowFuelWindow [get] |
bool | IsRequireFuel [get] |
string | IdToggleExtra [get] |
virtual ToggleType | ToggleType [get] |
virtual int | ShopLv [get] |
virtual CopyShopType | CopyShop [get] |
virtual int | NumCopyItem [get] |
virtual ShopType | ShopType [get] |
virtual CurrencyType | CurrencyType [get] |
virtual PriceType | PriceType [get] |
virtual bool | AllowSell [get] |
virtual int | CostRerollShop [get] |
virtual bool | AllowCriminal [get] |
virtual int | RestockDay [get] |
virtual SlaverType | SlaverType [get] |
virtual string | LangBarter [get] |
string | TextNextRestock [get] |
string | TextNextRestockPet [get] |
![]() | |
static Game | game [get] |
static bool | AdvMode [get] |
static Player | player [get] |
static Chara | pc [get] |
static UI | ui [get] |
static Map | _map [get] |
static Zone | _zone [get] |
static FactionBranch | Branch [get] |
static FactionBranch | BranchOrHomeBranch [get] |
static Faction | Home [get] |
static Faction | Wilds [get] |
static Scene | scene [get] |
static BaseGameScreen | screen [get] |
static GameSetting | setting [get] |
static GameData | gamedata [get] |
static ColorProfile | Colors [get] |
static World | world [get] |
static SourceManager | sources [get] |
static SourceManager | editorSources [get] |
static SoundManager | Sound [get] |
static CoreDebug | debug [get] |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static int | rnd (int a) |
static int | curve (int a, int start, int step, int rate=75) |
static int | rndHalf (int a) |
static float | rndf (float a) |
static int | rndSqrt (int a) |
static void | Wait (float a, Card c) |
static void | Wait (float a, Point p) |
static int | Bigger (int a, int b) |
static int | Smaller (int a, int b) |
![]() | |
Card | owner |
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static TraitSelfFactory | SelfFactory = new TraitSelfFactory() |
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static Core | core |
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static List< Point > | listRadiusPoints = new List<Point>() |
Definition at line 4 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
Enumerator | |
Default | |
Microwave | |
Pot |
Definition at line 22 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
enum TraitCrafter.MixType |
Enumerator | |
None | |
Food | |
Resource | |
Dye | |
Butcher | |
Grind | |
Sculpture | |
Talisman | |
Scratch | |
Incubator | |
Fortune | |
RuneMold |
Definition at line 6 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Trait.
Definition at line 516 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
References CanUseFromInventory.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 256 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
References EClass._zone, Zone.AddCard(), ItemGeneral.Build(), UIItem.button1, Card.c_DNA, SourceManager.cards, FortuneRollData.chances, Card.ChangeMaterial(), Player.codex, ThingGen.Create(), ThingGen.CreateFromCategory(), EClass.debug, Card.Destroy(), Card.Duplicate(), Card.Dye(), Card.elements, CoreDebug.enable, Card.Evalue(), DNA.GenerateWithGene(), SpawnListThing.Get(), Zone.GetOrCreateFortuneRollData(), FortuneRollData.GetPrize(), GetSource(), Card.HasElement(), Element.HasTag(), CardRow.id, Element.id, SourceElement.Row.id, SourceRecipe.Row.id, SpawnList.id, TraitFoodEggFertilized.Incubate(), LayerDragGrid.info, AI_UseCrafter.ings, LayerDragGrid.Instance, item, Player.knownCraft, CodexManager.ListKills(), ElementContainer.ListRune(), Card.LV, RenderRow.LV, UIButton.mainText, Card.MakeRefFrom(), SourceCard.map, Card.material, SourceManager.materials, FortuneRollData.mats, CraftUtil.MixIngredients(), Card.ModNum(), Element.Name, SourceRecipe.Row.num, numIng, Trait.owner, EClass.pc, Chara.Pick(), Card.PlayEffect(), EClass.player, Card.PlaySound(), Card.pos, UIDragGridInfo.Refresh(), EClass.rnd(), Msg.Say(), Card.Say(), Msg.SayNothingHappen(), seed, Player.seedFortune, Msg.SetColor(), Card.SetEncLv(), Card.SetNum(), Layer.SetOnKill(), Rand.SetSeed(), ItemGeneral.SetSubText(), EClass.sources, Card.Split(), SourceRecipe.Row.tag, Card.Thing, SourceRecipe.Row.thing, SourceRecipe.Row.type, EClass.ui, SocketData.value, Element.vBase, Element.vLink, and Element.vSource.
Referenced by AI_UseCrafter.Run().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in TraitFactory.
Definition at line 205 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
References GetSource().
Referenced by AI_UseCrafter.Run().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in TraitFactory, TraitRollingFortune, and TraitScratchMachine.
Definition at line 200 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
References Card.Evalue(), GetSource(), IDReqEle(), EClass.pc, AI_UseCrafter.recipe, and Recipe.source.
Referenced by AI_UseCrafter.Run().
inline |
Definition at line 186 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
References Trait.Contains().
Referenced by GetSource().
inline |
Definition at line 210 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
References GetSortVal(), IdSource, AI_UseCrafter.ings, IsIngredient(), numIng, SourceManager.recipes, and EClass.sources.
Referenced by Craft(), GetCostSp(), GetDuration(), TraitRollingFortune.GetDuration(), TraitScratchMachine.GetDuration(), and AI_UseCrafter.Run().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in TraitCauldron, TraitDyeMaker, and TraitSelfFactory.
Definition at line 67 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
References Trait.GetParam().
Referenced by GetDuration(), and AI_UseCrafter.Run().
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 72 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
References LayerDragGrid.buttons, card, LayerDragGrid.Instance, IsIngredient(), SourceManager.recipes, and EClass.sources.
Referenced by InvOwnerCraft.ShouldShowGuide().
inline |
Definition at line 92 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
References Card.c_isImportant, Trait.Contains(), IdSource, IsIngredient(), SourceChara.Row.race_row, ShouldConsumeIng(), and Card.sockets.
Referenced by GetSource(), IsCraftIngredient(), and IsIngredient().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in TraitRuneMold, and TraitToolTalisman.
Definition at line 181 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in TraitRollingFortune.
Definition at line 545 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
Referenced by AI_UseCrafter.OnEnd().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Trait.
Definition at line 521 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
References EClass._zone, LayerDragGrid.CreateCraft(), Trait.IsFactory, Spatial.IsRegion, RecipeManager.ListSources(), Trait.owner, EClass.player, Player.recipes, Msg.Say(), Msg.SayCannotUseHere(), Card.Thing, and EClass.ui.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in TraitBarrelMaker, TraitRuneMold, and TraitToolTalisman.
Definition at line 238 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
References Trait.IsFactory, and item.
Referenced by IsIngredient(), and AI_UseCrafter.Run().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from Trait.
Definition at line 488 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
References EClass._zone, CursorSystem.Craft, CrafterTitle, LayerDragGrid.CreateCraft(), Trait.IsFactory, Zone.IsPCFaction, RecipeManager.ListSources(), Trait.owner, EClass.player, Player.recipes, Card.Thing, and ActPlan.TrySetAct().
get |
Definition at line 37 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
Referenced by AI_UseCrafter.Run().
get |
Definition at line 59 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
Referenced by AI_UseCrafter.OnEnd().
get |
Definition at line 57 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
get |
Definition at line 49 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
Referenced by CanUse().
get |
Definition at line 63 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
Referenced by AI_UseCrafter.Run().
get |
Definition at line 65 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
get |
Definition at line 55 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
Referenced by TrySetAct().
get |
Definition at line 51 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
get |
Definition at line 31 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
Referenced by AI_UseCrafter.OnStart().
get |
Definition at line 39 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
Referenced by AI_UseCrafter.Run().
get |
Definition at line 53 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
Referenced by AI_UseCrafter.OnEnd(), and AI_UseCrafter.Run().
get |
Definition at line 43 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
Referenced by AI_UseCrafter.Run().
get |
Definition at line 41 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
Referenced by AI_UseCrafter.Run().
get |
Definition at line 35 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
Referenced by GetSource(), UIDragGridInfo.Init(), and IsIngredient().
get |
Definition at line 61 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
Referenced by AI_UseCrafter.Run().
get |
Definition at line 47 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
get |
Definition at line 33 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
Referenced by Craft(), GetSource(), LayerDragGrid.GetTargets(), and UIDragGridInfo.Init().
get |
Definition at line 29 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
get |
Definition at line 45 of file TraitCrafter.cs.
Referenced by AI_UseCrafter.Run().