Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
No Matches
TileMapElona Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for TileMapElona:
BaseTileMap EMono

Public Member Functions

override void Draw ()
override void DrawTile ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseTileMap
void OnActivate (BaseGameScreen _screen)
virtual void Draw ()
void RefreshHeight ()
virtual void DrawTile ()
Vector3 GetThingPosition (Card tg, Point p)
int GetApproximateBlocklight (Cell cell)
int GetRoofLight (Lot lot)
void DrawRoof (Lot lot)
void SetRoofHeight (MeshPassParam _param, Cell _cell, int _cx, int _cz, int h=0, int altitude=0, int dirWall=-1, bool ignoreAltitudeY=false)


EloMap elomap [get]
- Properties inherited from BaseTileMap
Point HitPoint [get]
- Properties inherited from EMono
static Game game [get]
static bool AdvMode [get]
static Player player [get]
static Chara pc [get]
static UI ui [get]
static Map _map [get]
static Zone _zone [get]
static FactionBranch Branch [get]
static FactionBranch BranchOrHomeBranch [get]
static Faction Home [get]
static Scene scene [get]
static BaseGameScreen screen [get]
static GameSetting setting [get]
static GameData gamedata [get]
static ColorProfile Colors [get]
static World world [get]
static SoundManager Sound [get]
static SourceManager sources [get]
static SourceManager editorSources [get]
static CoreDebug debug [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from BaseTileMap
enum  WallClipMode { ByRoom , ByLot }
enum  InnerMode { None , InnerBlock , Height , BuildMode }
enum  CardIconMode {
  None , Inspect , Deconstruct , State ,
enum  ScreenHighlight { None , SunMap }
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BaseTileMap
static int GetColorInt (ref Color matColor, int p)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from EMono
static int rnd (int a)
- Public Attributes inherited from BaseTileMap
int count
Collider2D mouseCollider
Vector3 colliderFix
int maxColliderCheck
float heightBlockSize
float slopeFixZ
float heightModDeco
float heightLimitDeco
Vector3 heightMod
Vector3 ugFix
Vector3 ugFixBridge
Vector3 ugFixBridgeBottom
Vector3 ugFixBridgeTop
Vector3 heightModRoofBlock
float rightWallShade
Vector3 roofRampFix
Vector3 roofFix
Vector3 roofFix2
Vector3 roofFix3
float roofLightMod
float lotLight
float lotLight2
float roofLightSnow
WallClipMode wallClipMode
InnerMode defaultInnerMode
Vector3 edgeBlockFix
Vector3 bridgeFix
Vector3 cornerWallFix
Vector3 cornerWallFix2
Vector3 cornerWallFix3
Vector3 altitudeFix
Vector3 waterEdgeFix
Vector3 waterEdgeBridgeFix
Vector3 waterEdgeFixShore
Vector3 waterEdgeFixShoreSand
Vector3[] ambientShadowFix
Vector3[] transitionFix
Vector3[] wallHangFix
Vector3[] waterEdgeBlockFix
int fogTile
float floatSpeed
float shadowModStrength
int maxFloat
int[] seaAnimeIndexes
NoiseLayer layerGroundLights
MeshPass passShadow
MeshPass passLiquid
MeshPass passGuideBlock
MeshPass passGuideFloor
MeshPass passArea
MeshPass passRamp
MeshPass passFloor
MeshPass passBlock
MeshPass passObjS
MeshPass passObjSS
MeshPass passObj
MeshPass passObjL
MeshPass passDecal
MeshPass passRoof
MeshPass passBlockEx
MeshPass passFloorEx
MeshPass passFloorWater
MeshPass passInner
MeshPass passFog
MeshPass passFov
MeshPass passEdge
MeshPass passAutoTile
MeshPass passAutoTileWater
MeshPass passBlockMarker
MeshPass passFloorMarker
MeshPass passWaterBlock
MeshPass passIcon
MeshPass passChara
MeshPass passCharaL
MeshPass passCharaLW
MeshPass passCharaLL
MeshPass passShore
RenderData renderFootmark
RenderData rendererBlockMarker
RenderData rendererFloorMarker
RenderData rendererInnerBlock
RenderData rendererFov
RenderData rendererFov2
RenderData rendererShore
RenderData renderBorder
RenderData rendererFogBlockSolid
RenderData rendererFogFloorSolid
RenderData rendererFogRoomSolid
RenderData rendererFogRoomBlockSolid
RenderData rendererFogRoomWallSolid
RenderData rendererWallDeco
RenderData rendererWaterBlock
RenderDataObjDummy rendererObjDummy
RenderDataEffect rendererEffect
Point TestPoint = new Point()
int Size
int SizeXZ
int mx
int mz
int x
int z
int cx
int cz
int activeCount
int floatV = 1
byte[] groundLights
bool lowBlock
bool lowObj
bool highlightArea
bool subtleHighlightArea
bool hideRoomFog
bool showRoof
bool showFullWall
bool hideHang
bool usingHouseBoard
bool noRoofMode
bool fogged
float[] lightLookUp
float _lightMod
float _baseBrightness
float lowblockTimer
float heightLightMod
float _rightWallShade
float roofLightLimitMod
float floatY
float floorShadowStrength
Vector3 _heightMod
ScreenHighlight screenHighlight
new BaseGameScreen screen
RoofStyle[] roofStyles
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BaseTileMap
static bool forceShowHang
const int DefColor = 104025
const int BlocklightToken = 262144
const int BlocklightMTP = 50
- Static Public Attributes inherited from EMono
static Core core
- Protected Attributes inherited from BaseTileMap
InnerMode innerMode
RaycastHit2D[] rays = new RaycastHit2D[1]
CardIconMode iconMode
bool isMining
bool buildMode
bool hasBridge
bool _lowblock
bool isIndoor
Map map
MeshPass pass
BaseTileSelector selector
GameSetting.RenderSetting renderSetting
GameSetting.RenderSetting.ZSetting zSetting
int liquidLv
int index
int totalFire
int snowColorToken
int waterAnimeIndex
int lowWallObjAltitude
SourceMaterial.Row matBlock
SourceMaterial.Row matFloor
SourceMaterial.Row matBridge
float blockLight
float floorLight
float floorLight2
float light
float pcMaxLight
float orgX
float orgY
float orgZ
float roomHeight
float maxHeight
float snowLight
float waterAnimeTimer
float floatTimer
float destBrightness
float lightLimit
float modSublight1
float modSublight2
float shadowStrength
float _shadowStrength
float fogBrightness
float defaultBlockHeight
float snowLimit
float snowColor
float snowColor2
float nightRatio
RenderParam param = new RenderParam()
MeshBatch batch
Vector3 _actorPos
Vector3 freePos
int tile
int floorMatColor
int height
int currentHeight
int pcX
int pcZ
int floorDir
bool roof
bool isSeen
bool showAllCards
bool fogBounds
bool snowed
bool isSnowCovered
bool highlightCells
bool cinemaMode
bool alwaysLowblock
bool showBorder
Vector3 thingPos
Vector3 orgPos
Cell cell
CellDetail detail
SourceBlock.Row sourceBlock
SourceFloor.Row sourceFloor
SourceFloor.Row sourceBridge
Room currentRoom
Room lastRoom
Room room
Lot currentLot
SourceBlock.Row _sourceBlock
TileType tileType
SceneLightProfile lightSetting

Detailed Description

Definition at line 4 of file TileMapElona.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Draw()

override void TileMapElona.Draw ( )

Reimplemented from BaseTileMap.

Definition at line 8 of file TileMapElona.cs.

9 {
10 Zone zone = EMono._zone;
14 map = zone.map;
15 Size = map.Size;
17 isMining = EMono.scene.actionMode == ActionMode.Mine;
19 count = 0;
20 totalFire = 0;
21 pcX = EMono.pc.pos.x;
22 pcZ = EMono.pc.pos.z;
23 float num = lightSetting.nightRatioCurve.Evaluate(EMono.scene.timeRatio);
24 modSublight1 = profile.global.modSublight1 * num;
25 modSublight2 = profile.global.modSublight2 * num;
26 pcMaxLight = EMono.player.lightPower * profile.global.fovModNonGradient * 0.8f;
28 subtleHighlightArea = EMono.scene.actionMode.AreaHihlight == AreaHighlightMode.Build || EMono.scene.actionMode.AreaHihlight != AreaHighlightMode.Edit;
29 highlightArea = EMono.scene.actionMode.AreaHihlight == AreaHighlightMode.Edit || subtleHighlightArea;
31 _lightMod = lightSetting.lightMod * lightSetting.lightModCurve.Evaluate(EMono.scene.timeRatio);
32 _baseBrightness = lightSetting.baseBrightness * lightSetting.baseBrightnessCurve.Evaluate(EMono.scene.timeRatio);
33 Fov.nonGradientMod = profile.global.fovModNonGradient;
40 lowObj = false;
42 {
43 lowBlock = (hideRoomFog = (showFullWall = (hideHang = false)));
44 showRoof = true;
45 }
46 else if (buildMode)
47 {
51 hideRoomFog = true;
53 }
54 else if (ActionMode.IsAdv)
55 {
57 {
58 if (!EMono.pc.IsMoving)
59 {
60 lowblockTimer = 0.1f;
61 }
62 }
63 else
64 {
65 lowblockTimer = 0f;
66 }
68 hideRoomFog = currentRoom != null && currentRoom.lot.idRoofStyle != 0;
69 x = EMono.pc.pos.x;
70 z = EMono.pc.pos.z;
74 EMono.game.config.showRoof = !hideRoomFog;
75 }
76 else
77 {
78 lowBlock = (hideRoomFog = (showFullWall = (hideHang = false)));
79 showRoof = true;
80 }
81 if (map.config.indoor)
82 {
83 showRoof = false;
84 }
85 int num2 = TilemapUtils.GetMouseGridX(elomap.fogmap, EMono.scene.cam) - elomap.minX;
86 int num3 = TilemapUtils.GetMouseGridY(elomap.fogmap, EMono.scene.cam) - elomap.minY;
87 WidgetDebug.output = num2 + "/" + num3 + "\n";
88 base.HitPoint.Set(num2, num3);
89 base.HitPoint.Clamp();
90 for (z = 0; z < screen.height; z++)
91 {
92 for (x = 0; x < screen.width; x++)
93 {
94 cx = screen.scrollX + x;
95 cz = screen.scrollY + z;
96 if (cx >= 0 && cz >= 0 && cx < Size && cz < Size)
97 {
98 DrawTile();
99 }
100 }
101 }
102 EMono.scene.sfxFire.SetVolume(Mathf.Clamp(0.1f * (float)totalFire + ((totalFire != 0) ? 0.2f : 0f), 0f, 1f));
103 int valueOrDefault = (currentRoom?.lot?.idBGM).GetValueOrDefault();
104 if ((valueOrDefault != 0 && (EMono.Sound.currentPlaylist != EMono.Sound.plLot || EMono.Sound.plLot.list[0].data.id != valueOrDefault)) || (valueOrDefault == 0 && EMono.Sound.currentPlaylist == EMono.Sound.plLot))
105 {
107 }
108 if (currentRoom != lastRoom)
109 {
112 }
113 }
bool ForceInnerBlockMode()
Definition: AM_Select.cs:8
static AM_Select Select
Definition: ActionMode.cs:59
static bool IsAdv
Definition: ActionMode.cs:117
virtual BaseTileMap.CardIconMode cardIconMode
Definition: ActionMode.cs:229
bool IsActive
Definition: ActionMode.cs:121
virtual bool IsBuildMode
Definition: ActionMode.cs:181
static AM_Bird Bird
Definition: ActionMode.cs:31
static AM_Mine Mine
Definition: ActionMode.cs:33
virtual void RefreshWeather()
bool highlightArea
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:275
InnerMode defaultInnerMode
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:90
InnerMode innerMode
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:233
float modSublight2
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:410
bool hideRoomFog
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:281
float _lightMod
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:305
float lightLimit
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:406
float modSublight1
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:408
bool showFullWall
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:287
SceneLightProfile lightSetting
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:496
new BaseGameScreen screen
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:348
bool usingHouseBoard
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:293
float _baseBrightness
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:308
void RefreshHeight()
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:888
Room currentRoom
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:484
float pcMaxLight
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:386
float lowblockTimer
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:311
bool buildMode
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:340
bool subtleHighlightArea
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:278
float shadowStrength
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:412
CardIconMode iconMode
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:336
int currentHeight
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:442
Point pos
Definition: Card.cs:55
Room room
Definition: Cell.cs:102
byte TopHeight
Definition: Cell.cs:117
Cell Front
Definition: Cell.cs:129
bool UseLowBlock
Definition: Cell.cs:861
Cell Right
Definition: Cell.cs:141
override bool IsMoving
Definition: Chara.cs:593
Definition: EMono.cs:4
static Chara pc
Definition: EMono.cs:13
static Zone _zone
Definition: EMono.cs:19
static Game game
Definition: EMono.cs:7
static Scene scene
Definition: EMono.cs:27
static SoundManager Sound
Definition: EMono.cs:39
int minX
Definition: EloMap.cs:112
STETilemap fogmap
Definition: EloMap.cs:96
int minY
Definition: EloMap.cs:114
bool showRoof
Definition: Game.cs:12
bool showWall
Definition: Game.cs:15
bool noRoof
Definition: Game.cs:27
Config config
Definition: Game.cs:215
int idBGM
Definition: Lot.cs:16
int Size
Definition: MapBounds.cs:20
bool indoor
Definition: MapConfig.cs:29
int SizeXZ
Definition: Map.cs:133
RoomManager rooms
Definition: Map.cs:31
MapConfig config
Definition: Map.cs:37
int x
Definition: Point.cs:36
int z
Definition: Point.cs:39
Cell cell
Definition: Point.cs:51
void Refresh()
Definition: RoomManager.cs:52
Lot lot
Definition: Room.cs:21
AnimationCurve baseBrightnessCurve
AnimationCurve lightLimit
AnimationCurve shadowCurve
AnimationCurve nightRatioCurve
AnimationCurve lightModCurve
SceneGlobalProfile global
Definition: SceneProfile.cs:6
SceneLightProfile light
Definition: SceneProfile.cs:10
float timeRatio
Definition: Scene.cs:124
CameraSupport camSupport
Definition: Scene.cs:41
SoundSource sfxFire
Definition: Scene.cs:85
ActionMode actionMode
Definition: Scene.cs:77
Camera cam
Definition: Scene.cs:37
SceneProfile profile
Definition: Scene.cs:73
EloMap elomap
Definition: TileMapElona.cs:6
override void DrawTile()
Definition: Zone.cs:12
void RefreshBGM()
Definition: Zone.cs:2742
Map map
Definition: Zone.cs:60

References BaseTileMap._baseBrightness, BaseTileMap._lightMod, EMono._zone, Scene.actionMode, SceneLightProfile.baseBrightnessCurve, ActionMode.Bird, BaseTileMap.buildMode, Scene.cam, Scene.camSupport, ActionMode.cardIconMode, Point.cell, Game.config, Map.config, BaseTileMap.count, BaseTileMap.currentHeight, BaseTileMap.currentRoom, BaseTileMap.cx, BaseTileMap.cz, BaseTileMap.defaultInnerMode, DrawTile(), elomap, EloMap.fogmap, AM_Select.ForceInnerBlockMode(), Cell.Front, EMono.game, SceneProfile.global, BaseGameScreen.height, BaseTileMap.hideHang, BaseTileMap.hideRoomFog, BaseTileMap.highlightArea, BaseTileMap.iconMode, Lot.idBGM, MapConfig.indoor, BaseTileMap.innerMode, ActionMode.IsActive, ActionMode.IsAdv, ActionMode.IsBuildMode, BaseTileMap.isMining, Chara.IsMoving, BaseTileMap.lastRoom, SceneProfile.light, BaseTileMap.lightLimit, SceneLightProfile.lightLimit, SceneLightProfile.lightModCurve, BaseTileMap.lightSetting, Room.lot, BaseTileMap.lowBlock, BaseTileMap.lowblockTimer, BaseTileMap.lowObj, BaseTileMap.map, Zone.map, ActionMode.Mine, EloMap.minX, EloMap.minY, BaseTileMap.modSublight1, BaseTileMap.modSublight2, SceneLightProfile.nightRatioCurve, Game.Config.noRoof, EMono.pc, BaseTileMap.pcMaxLight, BaseTileMap.pcX, BaseTileMap.pcZ, Card.pos, Scene.profile, RoomManager.Refresh(), Zone.RefreshBGM(), BaseTileMap.RefreshHeight(), BaseGameScreen.RefreshWeather(), Cell.Right, Cell.room, Map.rooms, EMono.scene, BaseTileMap.screen, ActionMode.Select, Scene.sfxFire, SceneLightProfile.shadowCurve, BaseTileMap.shadowStrength, BaseTileMap.showFullWall, BaseTileMap.showRoof, Game.Config.showRoof, Game.Config.showWall, BaseTileMap.Size, MapBounds.Size, BaseTileMap.SizeXZ, Map.SizeXZ, EMono.Sound, BaseTileMap.subtleHighlightArea, Scene.timeRatio, Cell.TopHeight, BaseTileMap.totalFire, Cell.UseLowBlock, BaseTileMap.usingHouseBoard, BaseGameScreen.width, BaseTileMap.x, Point.x, BaseTileMap.z, Point.z, and CameraSupport.Zoom.

◆ DrawTile()

override void TileMapElona.DrawTile ( )

Reimplemented from BaseTileMap.

Definition at line 115 of file TileMapElona.cs.

116 {
117 count++;
118 index = cx + cz * Size;
119 cell = (param.cell = map.cells[cx, cz]);
122 roof = cell.HasRoof;
127 light = (int)cell.light;
128 float num = Fov.DistanceFloat(cx, cz, pcX, pcZ);
129 if (num < 4f)
130 {
131 num = 4f;
132 }
133 if (light < pcMaxLight && num < (float)(EMono.player.lightRadius - 1))
134 {
135 float num2 = (light + pcMaxLight) / 2f * modSublight1 / num;
136 if (num2 > light)
137 {
138 light = num2;
139 }
140 }
142 liquidLv = (param.liquidLv = ((cell.liquidLv + cell._bridge != 0) ? cell.sourceBridge.tileType.LiquidLV : sourceFloor.tileType.LiquidLV) * 10);
143 if (liquidLv > 99)
144 {
145 liquidLv = (param.liquidLv = 99);
146 }
148 hasBridge = cell._bridge != 0;
149 if (cell.room != null)
150 {
151 cell.room.lot.sync = true;
152 }
154 CellEffect effect = cell.effect;
155 if (effect != null && effect.FireAmount > 0)
156 {
157 blockLight += 0.2f;
158 totalFire++;
159 }
161 {
163 }
164 blockLight -= 0.025f * (float)(int)cell.shadowMod * _heightMod.x;
165 param.color = (blockLight = (int)(blockLight * 50f) * 262144 + ((cell.lightR >= 64) ? 63 : cell.lightR) * 4096 + ((cell.lightG >= 64) ? 63 : cell.lightG) * 64 + ((cell.lightB >= 64) ? 63 : cell.lightB));
166 param.x = (float)cx * screen.tileAlign.x;
167 param.y = (float)cz * screen.tileAlign.y + (float)height * _heightMod.y;
168 param.z = 1000f + param.x * screen.tileWeight.x + param.y * screen.tileWeight.z + (float)height * _heightMod.z;
169 if (detail != null)
170 {
171 TransAnime anime = detail.anime;
172 if (anime != null && anime.animeBlock)
173 {
174 TransAnime anime2 = detail.anime;
175 param.x += anime2.v.x;
176 param.y += anime2.v.y;
177 param.z += anime2.v.z;
178 }
179 if (detail.designation != null)
180 {
182 }
183 }
184 if (cell.isSlopeEdge)
185 {
186 float num3 = (float)height * _heightMod.y;
187 orgY = param.y;
188 orgZ = param.z;
191 {
192 param.matColor = 0f;
193 param.color = 262144 * (int)((_baseBrightness + fogBrightness) * 50f);
194 param.tile = 0f;
195 for (int i = 0; (float)i < num3 / heightBlockSize; i++)
196 {
197 param.y += ugFix.y;
198 param.z += ugFix.z + slopeFixZ * (float)i;
200 }
201 }
202 else
203 {
204 SourceBlock.Row defBlock;
205 if (sourceBlock.tileType.IsFullBlock)
206 {
207 defBlock = sourceBlock;
208 param.mat = matBlock;
209 param.tile = sourceBlock._tiles[cell.blockDir % sourceBlock._tiles.Length];
210 param.matColor = ((sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref matBlock.matColor, sourceBlock.colorMod));
211 }
212 else
213 {
214 defBlock = sourceFloor._defBlock;
215 param.mat = matFloor;
216 param.tile = defBlock._tiles[cell.blockDir % defBlock._tiles.Length];
217 if (defBlock.id != 1)
218 {
219 param.matColor = ((sourceFloor.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref matFloor.matColor, sourceFloor.colorMod));
220 }
221 else
222 {
223 param.matColor = 104025f;
224 }
225 }
226 for (int j = 0; (float)j < num3 / heightBlockSize; j++)
227 {
228 param.y += ugFix.y;
229 param.z += ugFix.z + slopeFixZ * (float)j;
230 defBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
231 }
232 }
233 param.y = orgY;
234 param.z = orgZ;
235 }
236 if (sourceBlock.id != 0)
237 {
238 base.tileType = sourceBlock.tileType;
239 room = cell.room;
240 _lowblock = (showFullWall ? (room != null) : lowBlock);
241 if (base.tileType.RepeatBlock)
242 {
243 room = room ?? cell.Front.room ?? cell.Right.room ?? cell.FrontRight.room;
244 if (room != null)
245 {
246 roomHeight = ((_lowblock && !base.tileType.ForceRpeatBlock) ? 0f : room.lot.realHeight);
247 maxHeight = (float)(cz - cx) * screen.tileAlign.y + (float)room.lot.mh * _heightMod.y;
248 }
249 else
250 {
251 roomHeight = 0f;
252 }
253 }
254 else
255 {
256 roomHeight = 0f;
257 }
258 param.mat = matBlock;
259 param.dir = cell.blockDir;
260 switch (base.tileType.blockRenderMode)
261 {
262 case BlockRenderMode.FullBlock:
263 if (cell.isSurrounded)
264 {
265 switch (innerMode)
266 {
267 case InnerMode.InnerBlock:
268 case InnerMode.BuildMode:
269 param.matColor = 104025f;
270 param.color = 262144 * (int)((_baseBrightness + fogBrightness) * 50f);
271 param.tile = (_lowblock ? 3000000 : 0);
273 return;
274 case InnerMode.None:
275 case InnerMode.Height:
276 param.color = blockLight;
277 break;
278 }
279 }
280 param.tile = sourceBlock._tiles[cell.blockDir % sourceBlock._tiles.Length] + (_lowblock ? 3000000 : 0);
281 param.matColor = ((sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref matBlock.matColor, sourceBlock.colorMod));
282 if (roomHeight == 0f)
283 {
284 if (!cell.hasDoor)
285 {
286 sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
287 }
288 }
289 else
290 {
291 sourceBlock.renderData.DrawRepeatTo(param, maxHeight, roomHeight, ref renderSetting.peakFixBlock, cell.hasDoor, cell.effect?.FireAmount ?? 0);
292 }
293 break;
294 case BlockRenderMode.WallOrFence:
295 {
296 orgY = param.y;
297 orgZ = param.z;
298 int blockDir = cell.blockDir;
299 if (blockDir == 0 || blockDir == 2)
300 {
301 param.dir = 0;
302 if (blockDir == 2 && cell.Left.sourceBlock.tileType.IsWallOrFence)
303 {
304 Cell left = cell.Left;
305 _sourceBlock = left.sourceBlock;
306 if (_sourceBlock.useAltColor)
307 {
308 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref param.mat.altColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
309 }
310 else
311 {
312 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref param.mat.matColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
313 }
314 }
315 else
316 {
318 if (_sourceBlock.useAltColor)
319 {
320 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref param.mat.altColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
321 }
322 else
323 {
324 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref param.mat.matColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
325 }
326 }
327 param.tile = (tile = _sourceBlock._tiles[0] + (_lowblock ? 1000000 : 0));
328 if (roomHeight == 0f || !base.tileType.RepeatBlock)
329 {
330 if (!cell.hasDoor)
331 {
332 _sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
333 }
334 }
335 else
336 {
337 _sourceBlock.renderData.DrawRepeatTo(param, maxHeight, roomHeight, ref renderSetting.peakFix, cell.hasDoor, cell.effect?.FireAmount ?? 0);
338 }
339 param.z -= 0.01f;
340 if (blockDir == 2 || (cell.Front.HasWallOrFence && cell.Front.blockDir != 0))
341 {
342 param.tile = tile + 16;
343 if (roomHeight == 0f || !base.tileType.RepeatBlock)
344 {
345 _sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
346 }
347 else
348 {
349 _sourceBlock.renderData.DrawRepeatTo(param, maxHeight, roomHeight, ref renderSetting.peakFix);
350 }
351 }
353 {
354 orgX = param.x;
355 param.tile = tile + 16;
356 param.x += cornerWallFix.x;
357 param.y += cornerWallFix.y;
358 param.z += cornerWallFix.z;
359 if (roomHeight == 0f || !base.tileType.RepeatBlock)
360 {
361 _sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
362 }
363 else
364 {
365 _sourceBlock.renderData.DrawRepeatTo(param, maxHeight, roomHeight + cornerWallFix.y, ref renderSetting.peakFix);
366 }
367 param.x = orgX;
368 }
369 }
370 if (blockDir == 1 || blockDir == 2)
371 {
372 param.y = orgY;
373 param.z = orgZ;
374 param.dir = 1;
375 if (blockDir == 2 && cell.Back.sourceBlock.tileType.IsWallOrFence)
376 {
377 Cell back = cell.Back;
378 _sourceBlock = back.sourceBlock;
379 if (_sourceBlock.useAltColor)
380 {
381 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref param.mat.altColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
382 }
383 else
384 {
385 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref param.mat.matColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
386 }
387 }
388 else
389 {
391 if (_sourceBlock.useAltColor)
392 {
393 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref param.mat.altColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
394 }
395 else
396 {
397 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref param.mat.matColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
398 }
399 }
400 param.tile = (tile = -_sourceBlock._tiles[0] + (_lowblock ? (-1000000) : 0));
401 if (roomHeight == 0f || !base.tileType.RepeatBlock)
402 {
403 if (!cell.hasDoor)
404 {
405 _sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
406 }
407 }
408 else
409 {
410 _sourceBlock.renderData.DrawRepeatTo(param, maxHeight, roomHeight, ref renderSetting.peakFix, cell.hasDoor, cell.effect?.FireAmount ?? 0);
411 }
413 {
414 orgX = param.x;
415 param.tile = -tile + 16;
416 if (roomHeight == 0f || !base.tileType.RepeatBlock)
417 {
418 _sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
419 }
420 else
421 {
422 _sourceBlock.renderData.DrawRepeatTo(param, maxHeight, roomHeight, ref renderSetting.peakFix);
423 }
424 param.x = orgX;
425 }
426 }
427 if (cell.room != null && !hideRoomFog && !cell.hasDoor)
428 {
429 return;
430 }
431 param.y = orgY;
432 param.z = orgZ;
433 break;
434 }
435 case BlockRenderMode.HalfBlock:
436 _sourceBlock = ((sourceBlock.id == 5) ? EMono.sources.blocks.rows[matBlock.defBlock] : sourceBlock);
437 param.tile = _sourceBlock._tiles[0];
438 param.matColor = ((_sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref matBlock.matColor, _sourceBlock.colorMod));
439 param.tile2 = _sourceBlock.sourceAutoFloor._tiles[0];
440 param.halfBlockColor = ((_sourceBlock.sourceAutoFloor.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref matBlock.matColor, _sourceBlock.sourceAutoFloor.colorMod));
441 sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
442 break;
443 case BlockRenderMode.Pillar:
444 {
445 RenderData renderData = sourceBlock.renderData;
446 param.tile = sourceBlock._tiles[cell.blockDir % sourceBlock._tiles.Length];
447 param.matColor = ((sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref matBlock.matColor, sourceBlock.colorMod));
448 int num4 = cell.objDir * 2 + 1;
449 if (num4 == 0)
450 {
451 renderData.Draw(param);
452 }
453 else
454 {
455 renderData.DrawRepeat(param, num4, sourceBlock.tileType.RepeatSize);
456 }
457 param.tile = renderData.idShadow;
458 SourcePref shadowPref = renderData.shadowPref;
459 int shadow = shadowPref.shadow;
460 passShadow.AddShadow(param.x + renderData.offsetShadow.x, param.y + renderData.offsetShadow.y, param.z + renderData.offsetShadow.z, ShadowData.Instance.items[shadow], shadowPref);
461 break;
462 }
463 default:
464 param.tile = sourceBlock._tiles[cell.blockDir % sourceBlock._tiles.Length] + ((_lowblock && base.tileType.UseLowWallTiles) ? 3000000 : 0);
465 param.matColor = ((sourceBlock.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref matBlock.matColor, sourceBlock.colorMod));
466 if (roomHeight == 0f)
467 {
468 sourceBlock.renderData.Draw(param);
469 }
470 else
471 {
472 sourceBlock.renderData.DrawRepeatTo(param, maxHeight, roomHeight, ref renderSetting.peakFixBlock);
473 }
474 break;
475 }
476 }
477 if (cell.effect != null)
478 {
479 if (cell.effect.IsLiquid)
480 {
482 SourceMaterial.Row defaultMaterial = sourceEffect.DefaultMaterial;
483 tile = 4 + Rand.bytes[index % Rand.MaxBytes] % 4;
484 param.tile = tile + cell.sourceEffect._tiles[0];
485 param.mat = defaultMaterial;
486 param.matColor = BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref defaultMaterial.matColor, sourceEffect.colorMod);
487 sourceEffect.renderData.Draw(param);
488 }
489 else
490 {
491 param.tile = cell.effect.source._tiles[0];
492 if (cell.effect.IsFire)
493 {
495 }
496 else
497 {
498 cell.effect.source.renderData.Draw(param);
499 }
500 }
501 }
502 if (detail != null)
503 {
504 TransAnime anime3 = detail.anime;
505 if (anime3 != null && !anime3.animeBlock)
506 {
507 TransAnime anime4 = detail.anime;
508 param.x += anime4.v.x;
509 param.y += anime4.v.y;
510 param.z += anime4.v.z;
511 }
512 }
513 if (cell.obj != 0)
514 {
515 SourceObj.Row sourceObj = cell.sourceObj;
516 param.mat = cell.matObj;
517 if (sourceObj.useAltColor)
518 {
519 param.matColor = ((sourceObj.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref param.mat.altColor, sourceObj.colorMod));
520 }
521 else
522 {
523 param.matColor = ((sourceObj.colorMod == 0) ? 104025 : BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(ref param.mat.matColor, sourceObj.colorMod));
524 }
525 if (sourceObj.HasGrowth)
526 {
528 }
529 else
530 {
531 if (sourceObj.tileType.IsUseBlockDir)
532 {
533 param.tile = sourceObj._tiles[cell.blockDir % sourceObj._tiles.Length];
534 }
535 else
536 {
537 param.tile = sourceObj._tiles[cell.objDir % sourceObj._tiles.Length];
538 }
539 if (_lowblock && sourceObj.tileType.IsSkipLowBlock)
540 {
541 param.tile += ((param.tile > 0f) ? 1 : (-1)) * 3000000;
542 }
543 sourceObj.renderData.Draw(param);
544 int shadow2 = sourceObj.pref.shadow;
545 if (shadow2 > 1 && !cell.ignoreObjShadow)
546 {
547 passShadow.AddShadow(param.x + sourceObj.renderData.offsetShadow.x, param.y + sourceObj.renderData.offsetShadow.y, param.z + sourceObj.renderData.offsetShadow.z, ShadowData.Instance.items[shadow2], sourceObj.pref);
548 }
549 }
550 }
551 if (cell.decal != 0)
552 {
554 }
555 if (detail == null)
556 {
557 return;
558 }
559 if (highlightArea && detail.area != null)
560 {
561 passArea.Add(param, (int)detail.area.GetTile(index) - ((!subtleHighlightArea) ? 1 : 0), 0f);
562 }
563 if (detail.footmark != null && sourceFloor.id != 0)
564 {
565 param.tile = detail.footmark.tile;
566 param.mat = matFloor;
567 param.matColor = floorMatColor;
569 }
570 if (detail.things.Count == 0 && detail.charas.Count == 0)
571 {
572 return;
573 }
574 int num5 = 0;
575 thingPos.x = 0f;
576 thingPos.y = 0f;
577 param.y += ((cell._bridge != 0) ? cell.sourceBridge.tileType.FloorHeight : sourceFloor.tileType.FloorHeight);
578 orgX = param.x;
579 orgY = param.y;
580 orgZ = param.z;
581 Thing thing = null;
582 bool flag = liquidLv == 0;
583 if (detail.things.Count > 0)
584 {
585 _ = zSetting.max1;
586 for (int k = 0; k < detail.things.Count; k++)
587 {
588 Thing thing2 = detail.things[k];
589 _actorPos.x = orgX;
590 _actorPos.y = orgY;
591 _actorPos.z = orgZ;
592 SourcePref pref = thing2.sourceCard.pref;
594 float num6 = (tileType.UseMountHeight ? 0f : ((pref.height == 0f) ? 0.1f : pref.height));
595 if (tileType.CanStack || !thing2.IsInstalled)
596 {
597 if (thing?.id != thing2.id)
598 {
599 _actorPos.x += thingPos.x;
600 }
601 _actorPos.y += thingPos.y;
602 _actorPos.z += renderSetting.thingZ + (float)k * -0.01f + zSetting.mod1 * thingPos.y;
603 }
604 if (thing2.IsInstalled && tileType.UseMountHeight)
605 {
606 if (hideHang && cell.room == null && thing2.altitude > 3)
607 {
608 continue;
609 }
610 thing2.TileType.GetMountHeight(ref _actorPos, Point.shared.Set(index), thing2.dir, thing2);
611 flag = false;
612 }
613 else
614 {
615 flag = thingPos.y == 0f && liquidLv == 0;
616 }
617 param.liquidLv = ((k == 0) ? liquidLv : 0);
618 thingPos.y += num6;
619 if (!thing2.sourceCard.multisize || (thing2.pos.x == cx && thing2.pos.z == cz))
620 {
621 if (iconMode != 0)
622 {
623 int num7 = 0;
624 switch (iconMode)
625 {
626 case CardIconMode.State:
627 if (thing2.placeState == PlaceState.installed)
628 {
629 num7 = 18;
630 }
631 break;
632 case CardIconMode.Deconstruct:
633 if (thing2.isDeconstructing)
634 {
635 num7 = 14;
636 }
637 break;
638 }
639 if (thing2.isNPCProperty)
640 {
641 num7 = 13;
642 }
643 if (num7 != 0)
644 {
645 passGuideBlock.Add(_actorPos.x, _actorPos.y, _actorPos.z - 10f, num7);
646 }
647 }
648 thing2.SetRenderParam(param);
649 thing2.renderer.Draw(param, ref _actorPos, flag);
650 }
651 param.x = orgX;
652 param.y = orgY;
653 param.z = orgZ;
654 thing = thing2;
655 }
656 }
657 if (detail.charas.Count <= 0)
658 {
659 return;
660 }
661 param.shadowFix = 0f;
662 param.color += 1310720f;
663 float max = zSetting.max2;
664 bool flag2 = EMono.pc.fov != null && EMono.pc.fov.lastPoints.ContainsKey(index);
665 for (int l = 0; l < detail.charas.Count; l++)
666 {
667 Chara chara = detail.charas[l];
668 if (chara.host != null || (!flag2 && chara.party?.leader != EMono.pc && !chara.isDead))
669 {
670 continue;
671 }
672 _actorPos.x = orgX;
673 _actorPos.y = orgY;
674 _actorPos.z = orgZ;
675 chara.SetRenderParam(param);
676 _ = chara.IsAliveInCurrentZone;
677 if (chara.IsDeadOrSleeping && chara.IsPCC)
678 {
679 float num8 = chara.renderer.data.size.y * 0.3f;
680 if (thingPos.y > max)
681 {
682 thingPos.y = max;
683 }
684 float num9 = thingPos.y + num8;
685 float num10 = (float)l * -0.01f;
686 if (num9 > zSetting.thresh1)
687 {
688 num10 = zSetting.mod1;
689 }
690 _actorPos.x += thingPos.x;
691 _actorPos.y += thingPos.y;
692 _actorPos.z += renderSetting.laydownZ + num10;
693 param.liquidLv = ((thingPos.y == 0f && liquidLv > 0) ? 90 : 0);
694 thingPos.y += num8 * 0.8f;
695 chara.renderer.Draw(param, ref _actorPos, liquidLv == 0);
696 }
697 else
698 {
699 param.liquidLv = liquidLv;
700 _actorPos.z += 0.01f * (float)l + renderSetting.charaZ;
701 num5++;
702 chara.renderer.Draw(param, ref _actorPos, liquidLv == 0);
703 }
704 param.x = orgX;
705 param.y = orgY;
706 param.z = orgZ;
707 }
708 }
Definition: PlaceState.cs:2
if(item3.idFile==idFirstFile &&item3.id==idFirstTopic)
Definition: UIBook.cs:627
virtual byte GetTile(int index)
Definition: Area.cs:75
Vector3 tileWeight
MeshPass passArea
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:141
Vector3 cornerWallFix
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:96
float maxHeight
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:396
int floorMatColor
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:438
RenderData rendererInnerBlock
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:203
float blockLight
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:378
float slopeFixZ
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:50
MeshPass passGuideBlock
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:137
MeshPass passShadow
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:133
static int GetColorInt(ref Color matColor, int p)
float[] lightLookUp
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:302
TileType tileType
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:494
RenderParam param
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:428
Vector3 ugFix
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:58
Vector3 thingPos
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:470
MeshPass passDecal
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:157
Vector3 _actorPos
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:432
GameSetting.RenderSetting renderSetting
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:356
Vector3 _heightMod
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:329
float fogBrightness
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:416
SourceMaterial.Row matBlock
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:372
RenderDataEffect rendererEffect
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:229
bool hasBridge
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:342
SourceBlock.Row _sourceBlock
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:492
float heightBlockSize
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:48
RenderData renderFootmark
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:197
SourceMaterial.Row matFloor
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:374
CellDetail detail
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:476
SourceBlock.Row sourceBlock
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:478
float roomHeight
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:394
GameSetting.RenderSetting.ZSetting zSetting
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:358
bool _lowblock
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:344
SourceFloor.Row sourceFloor
Definition: BaseTileMap.cs:480
override void Draw(RenderParam p)
Definition: CardRenderer.cs:49
string id
Definition: Card.cs:31
bool isNPCProperty
Definition: Card.cs:526
Fov fov
Definition: Card.cs:53
PlaceState placeState
Definition: Card.cs:79
TileType TileType
Definition: Card.cs:2011
Trait trait
Definition: Card.cs:49
int altitude
Definition: Card.cs:214
bool isDeconstructing
Definition: Card.cs:418
bool IsInstalled
Definition: Card.cs:2241
int dir
Definition: Card.cs:142
CardRenderer renderer
Definition: Card.cs:57
TaskDesignation designation
Definition: CellDetail.cs:19
List< Thing > things
Definition: CellDetail.cs:11
TransAnime anime
Definition: CellDetail.cs:21
List< Chara > charas
Definition: CellDetail.cs:13
Area area
Definition: CellDetail.cs:15
Footmark footmark
Definition: CellDetail.cs:17
int FireAmount
Definition: CellEffect.cs:150
bool IsFire
Definition: CellEffect.cs:135
bool IsLiquid
Definition: CellEffect.cs:138
SourceCellEffect.Row source
Definition: CellEffect.cs:133
Definition: Cell.cs:7
bool HasWallOrFence
Definition: Cell.cs:831
SourceBlock.Row sourceBlock
Definition: Cell.cs:1052
SourceMaterial.Row matBlock
Definition: Cell.cs:1030
SourceFloor.Row sourceFloor
Definition: Cell.cs:1054
CellEffect effect
Definition: Cell.cs:94
Cell Back
Definition: Cell.cs:153
byte decal
Definition: Cell.cs:44
SourceMaterial.Row matObj
Definition: Cell.cs:1036
ushort lightG
Definition: Cell.cs:88
byte light
Definition: Cell.cs:60
byte height
Definition: Cell.cs:72
GrowSystem growth
Definition: Cell.cs:225
ushort lightB
Definition: Cell.cs:90
SourceFloor.Row sourceBridge
Definition: Cell.cs:1056
CellDetail detail
Definition: Cell.cs:92
bool isShadowed
Definition: Cell.cs:246
bool HasRoof
Definition: Cell.cs:648
Cell Left
Definition: Cell.cs:165
SourceMaterial.Row matFloor
Definition: Cell.cs:1032
bool isSeen
Definition: Cell.cs:282
byte obj
Definition: Cell.cs:38
bool isSlopeEdge
Definition: Cell.cs:354
SourceObj.Row sourceObj
Definition: Cell.cs:1072
SourceCellEffect.Row sourceEffect
Definition: Cell.cs:1070
bool isSurrounded
Definition: Cell.cs:234
bool ignoreObjShadow
Definition: Cell.cs:378
bool hasDoor
Definition: Cell.cs:258
int blockDir
Definition: Cell.cs:898
Cell FrontRight
Definition: Cell.cs:177
ushort lightR
Definition: Cell.cs:86
Definition: Chara.cs:10
override bool IsAliveInCurrentZone
Definition: Chara.cs:546
Chara host
Definition: Chara.cs:33
Party party
Definition: Chara.cs:43
override bool IsDeadOrSleeping
Definition: Chara.cs:558
override void SetRenderParam(RenderParam p)
Definition: Chara.cs:6082
bool isDead
Definition: Chara.cs:374
override bool IsPCC
Definition: Chara.cs:667
static SourceManager sources
Definition: EMono.cs:41
int tile
Definition: Footmark.cs:7
Definition: Fov.cs:6
static float DistanceFloat(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
Definition: Fov.cs:129
Dictionary< int, byte > lastPoints
Definition: Fov.cs:36
virtual void OnRenderTileMap(RenderParam p)
Definition: GrowSystem.cs:189
int mh
Definition: Lot.cs:58
float realHeight
Definition: Lot.cs:64
Cell[,] cells
Definition: Map.cs:85
void Add(Point point, float tile=0f, float color=0f)
Definition: MeshPass.cs:122
void AddShadow(MeshPassParam p, ref Vector3 fix)
Definition: MeshPass.cs:195
Chara leader
Definition: Party.cs:30
Definition: Point.cs:9
static Point shared
Definition: Point.cs:20
Point Set(int _x, int _z)
Definition: Point.cs:479
Definition: Rand.cs:4
static int MaxBytes
Definition: Rand.cs:5
static byte[] bytes
Definition: Rand.cs:9
new void Draw(RenderParam p, int tile=0)
void Draw(RenderParam p, int tile)
Definition: RenderData.cs:128
Vector3 offsetShadow
Definition: RenderData.cs:22
void DrawRepeat(RenderParam p, int count, float size, bool skipFirst=false)
Definition: RenderData.cs:214
SourcePref shadowPref
Definition: RenderData.cs:48
int idShadow
Definition: RenderData.cs:14
SourceMaterial.Row mat
Definition: RenderParam.cs:17
bool multisize
Definition: RenderRow.cs:64
RenderData renderData
Definition: RenderRow.cs:71
SourcePref pref
Definition: RenderRow.cs:68
bool useAltColor
Definition: RenderRow.cs:80
TileType tileType
Definition: RenderRow.cs:77
int[] _tiles
Definition: RenderRow.cs:12
SourceMaterial.Row DefaultMaterial
Definition: RenderRow.cs:86
int colorMod
Definition: RenderRow.cs:16
List< Item > items
Definition: ShadowData.cs:101
static ShadowData Instance
Definition: ShadowData.cs:99
SourceBlock blocks
bool HasGrowth
Definition: SourceObj.cs:26
float height
Definition: SourcePref.cs:47
int shadow
Definition: SourcePref.cs:35
virtual void Draw(int x, int z, RenderParam p)
Definition: Thing.cs:8
override void SetRenderParam(RenderParam p)
Definition: Thing.cs:1401
override CardRow sourceCard
Definition: Thing.cs:47
int id
Definition: TileRow.cs:8
virtual bool IsUseBlockDir
Definition: TileType.cs:129
virtual bool CanStack
Definition: TileType.cs:121
virtual void GetMountHeight(ref Vector3 v, Point p, int d, Card target=null)
Definition: TileType.cs:367
virtual bool IsSkipLowBlock
Definition: TileType.cs:125
virtual bool UseMountHeight
Definition: TileType.cs:209
virtual TileType tileType
Definition: Trait.cs:48
Vector3 v
Definition: TransAnime.cs:5
bool animeBlock
Definition: TransAnime.cs:21

References BaseTileMap._actorPos, BaseTileMap._baseBrightness, BaseTileMap._heightMod, BaseTileMap._lightMod, BaseTileMap._lowblock, BaseTileMap._sourceBlock, RenderRow._tiles, MeshPass.Add(), MeshPass.AddShadow(), Card.altitude, CellDetail.anime, TransAnime.animeBlock, CellDetail.area, Cell.Back, back, Cell.blockDir, BaseTileMap.blockLight, SourceManager.blocks, Rand.bytes, TileType.CanStack, BaseTileMap.cell, Map.cells, CellDetail.charas, RenderRow.colorMod, BaseTileMap.cornerWallFix, BaseTileMap.count, BaseTileMap.cx, BaseTileMap.cz, Cell.decal, RenderRow.DefaultMaterial, CellDetail.designation, BaseTileMap.detail, Cell.detail, Card.dir, RenderParam.dir, Fov.DistanceFloat(), TaskDesignation.Draw(), CardRenderer.Draw(), RenderData.Draw(), RenderDataEffect.Draw(), RenderData.DrawRepeat(), Cell.effect, CellEffect.FireAmount, BaseTileMap.floorMatColor, BaseTileMap.fogBrightness, CellDetail.footmark, Card.fov, Cell.Front, Cell.FrontRight, BaseTileMap.GetColorInt(), TileType.GetMountHeight(), Area.GetTile(), Cell.growth, BaseTileMap.hasBridge, Cell.hasDoor, SourceObj.Row.HasGrowth, Cell.HasRoof, Cell.HasWallOrFence, BaseTileMap.height, Cell.height, SourcePref.height, BaseTileMap.heightBlockSize, BaseTileMap.hideHang, BaseTileMap.hideRoomFog, BaseTileMap.highlightArea, Chara.host, BaseTileMap.iconMode, Card.id, TileRow.id, RenderData.idShadow, if(), Cell.ignoreObjShadow, BaseTileMap.index, BaseTileMap.innerMode, ShadowData.Instance, Chara.IsAliveInCurrentZone, Chara.isDead, Chara.IsDeadOrSleeping, Card.isDeconstructing, CellEffect.IsFire, Card.IsInstalled, CellEffect.IsLiquid, Card.isNPCProperty, Chara.IsPCC, BaseTileMap.isSeen, Cell.isSeen, Cell.isShadowed, TileType.IsSkipLowBlock, Cell.isSlopeEdge, Cell.isSurrounded, TileType.IsUseBlockDir, ShadowData.items, Fov.lastPoints, Party.leader, Cell.Left, left, BaseTileMap.light, Cell.light, Cell.lightB, Cell.lightG, BaseTileMap.lightLimit, BaseTileMap.lightLookUp, Cell.lightR, BaseTileMap.liquidLv, Room.lot, BaseTileMap.lowBlock, BaseTileMap.map, RenderParam.mat, BaseTileMap.matBlock, Cell.matBlock, SourceMaterial.Row.matColor, BaseTileMap.matFloor, Cell.matFloor, Cell.matObj, Rand.MaxBytes, BaseTileMap.maxHeight, Lot.mh, BaseTileMap.modSublight1, RenderRow.multisize, Cell.obj, RenderData.offsetShadow, GrowSystem.OnRenderTileMap(), BaseTileMap.orgX, BaseTileMap.orgY, BaseTileMap.orgZ, BaseTileMap.param, Chara.party, BaseTileMap.passArea, BaseTileMap.passDecal, BaseTileMap.passGuideBlock, BaseTileMap.passShadow, EMono.pc, BaseTileMap.pcMaxLight, BaseTileMap.pcX, BaseTileMap.pcZ, Card.placeState, Card.pos, RenderRow.pref, Lot.realHeight, RenderRow.renderData, Card.renderer, BaseTileMap.rendererEffect, BaseTileMap.rendererInnerBlock, BaseTileMap.renderFootmark, BaseTileMap.renderSetting, Cell.Right, BaseTileMap.roof, BaseTileMap.room, Cell.room, BaseTileMap.roomHeight, BaseTileMap.screen, Point.Set(), Chara.SetRenderParam(), Thing.SetRenderParam(), SourcePref.shadow, RenderData.shadowPref, BaseTileMap.shadowStrength, Point.shared, BaseTileMap.showFullWall, BaseTileMap.Size, BaseTileMap.slopeFixZ, CellEffect.source, BaseTileMap.sourceBlock, Cell.sourceBlock, Cell.sourceBridge, Thing.sourceCard, Cell.sourceEffect, BaseTileMap.sourceFloor, Cell.sourceFloor, Cell.sourceObj, EMono.sources, BaseTileMap.subtleHighlightArea, BaseTileMap.thingPos, CellDetail.things, BaseTileMap.tile, Footmark.tile, BaseGameScreen.tileAlign, BaseTileMap.tileType, Card.TileType, RenderRow.tileType, Trait.tileType, BaseGameScreen.tileWeight, BaseTileMap.totalFire, Card.trait, BaseTileMap.ugFix, RenderRow.useAltColor, TileType.UseMountHeight, TransAnime.v, MeshPassParam.x, Point.x, MeshPassParam.y, MeshPassParam.z, Point.z, and BaseTileMap.zSetting.

Referenced by Draw().

Property Documentation

◆ elomap

EloMap TileMapElona.elomap

Definition at line 6 of file TileMapElona.cs.

Referenced by Draw().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: