Elin Decompiled Documentation EA 23.102 Nightly
Classes | |
class | PressedAction |
Public Member Functions | |
override bool | HighlightWall (Point p) |
override void | OnActivate () |
override void | OnDeactivate () |
override void | OnRenderTile (Point point, HitResult result, int dir) |
override int | GetDefaultTile (Point p) |
override void | OnBeforeUpdate () |
override void | OnAfterUpdate () |
override void | OnUpdateCursor () |
void | UpdatePlans () |
void | UpdateLangWheel () |
void | ClearPlans () |
void | OnBecomeNoGoal () |
override void | _OnUpdateInput () |
void | ShowAllAction () |
void | SetTurbo (int mtp=-1) |
void | EndTurbo () |
void | ToggleZoom () |
bool | TryCancelInteraction (bool sound=true) |
bool | CanAct () |
void | AxisMove () |
void | SetManualMove () |
void | SetPressedAction (ButtonState button) |
bool | PressedActionMove (Point pos) |
virtual void | RefreshArrow () |
![]() | |
override void | OnUpdateInput () |
override string | GetHintText () |
virtual void | _OnUpdateInput () |
override void | OnCancel () |
override HitResult | HitTest (Point point, Point start) |
![]() | |
virtual int | TopHeight (Point p) |
virtual void | SEExecuteSummary () |
virtual bool | HighlightWall (Point p) |
virtual void | OnClickSubMenu (int a) |
virtual string | OnSetSubMenuButton (int a, UIButton b) |
virtual bool | IsRoofEditMode (Card c=null) |
virtual bool | IsFillMode () |
virtual int | GetDefaultTile (Point p) |
virtual void | OnShowExtraHint (UINote n) |
void | Activate (bool toggle=true, bool forceActivate=false) |
virtual void | OnActivate () |
void | RefreshTexts () |
virtual string | GetSimpleText (Card c) |
void | ClearSimpleTexts () |
void | Deactivate () |
virtual void | OnDeactivate () |
virtual void | OnCancel () |
virtual void | OnBeforeUpdate () |
virtual void | OnAfterUpdate () |
virtual void | OnUpdateCursor () |
void | OnRotate () |
void | SetCursorOnMap (CursorInfo cursor) |
void | UpdateInput () |
void | InputMovement () |
virtual void | InputWheel (int wheel) |
virtual void | OnUpdateInput () |
void | DoFunc (CoreConfig.GameFuncBuild func) |
bool | IsFuncPressed (CoreConfig.GameFunc func) |
void | DoFunc (CoreConfig.GameFunc func) |
virtual void | OnScroll () |
void | TryRightClickCloseWidget () |
bool | TryShowWidgetMenu () |
HitResult | _HitTest (Point point, Point start) |
virtual HitResult | HitTest (Point point, Point start) |
virtual void | OnSelectStart (Point point) |
virtual void | OnSelectEnd (bool cancel) |
virtual MeshPass | GetGuidePass (Point point) |
virtual void | OnRenderTile (Point point, HitResult result, int dir) |
void | OnRenderTileFloor (Point point, HitResult result) |
virtual bool | CanProcessTiles () |
virtual void | OnBeforeProcessTiles () |
virtual void | OnProcessTiles (Point point, int dir) |
virtual void | OnAfterProcessTiles (Point start, Point end) |
virtual void | OnFinishProcessTiles () |
virtual void | OnRefreshSummary (Point point, HitResult result, HitSummary summary) |
void | ShowLayer () |
virtual Layer | OnShowLayer () |
void | HideLayer () |
virtual void | OnHideLayer () |
virtual string | GetHintText () |
virtual void | RotateUnderMouse () |
virtual ref string | SetMouseInfo (ref string s) |
void | TogglePause () |
void | Pause (bool sound=false) |
void | UnPause (bool sound=false) |
void | ChangeGameSpeed (int a, bool sound=false) |
Public Attributes | |
bool | zoomOut |
bool | zoomOut2 |
bool | movedByKey |
int | itemLost |
PressedAction | pressedAction = new PressedAction() |
PointTarget | axisTarget |
ActPlan | planLeft |
ActPlan | planRight |
ActPlan | planKeyboard |
ActPlan | planAll |
string | textWheel |
string | textMiddle |
bool | updatePlans |
bool | isMoving |
float | rightMouseTimer |
![]() | |
bool | isMouseOnMap |
![]() | |
Layer | layer |
int | brushRadius = 4 |
Protected Attributes | |
int | arrowIndex |
float | timerStartRunning |
bool | cursorMove |
bool | keepWalking |
Vector3 | posOrigin |
Vector3 | posArrow |
Vector2 | vArrow |
Vector3 | clickPos |
Properties | |
PointTarget | mouseTarget [get] |
bool | autorun [get] |
bool | ShouldHideTile [get] |
override float | gameSpeed [get] |
override bool | FixFocus [get] |
override bool | ShouldPauseGame [get] |
override bool | AllowWheelZoom [get] |
override float | TargetZoom [get] |
![]() | |
override AreaHighlightMode | AreaHihlight [get] |
override bool | ShowActionHint [get] |
override bool | HideSubWidgets [get] |
override BaseTileSelector.HitType | hitType [get] |
override BaseTileSelector.SelectType | selectType [get] |
override BaseGameScreen | TargetGameScreen [get] |
Point | hit [get] |
![]() | |
static AM_Adv | AdvOrRegion [get] |
static bool | IsAdv [get] |
virtual float | gameSpeed [get] |
bool | IsActive [get] |
virtual BaseTileSelector.HitType | hitType [get] |
virtual BaseTileSelector.SelectType | selectType [get] |
virtual BaseTileSelector.BoxType | boxType [get] |
virtual bool | ContinuousClick [get] |
virtual int | hitW [get] |
virtual int | hitH [get] |
HitSummary | Summary [get] |
bool | Multisize [get] |
virtual string | id [get] |
virtual CursorInfo | DefaultCursor [get] |
virtual string | idHelpTopic [get] |
virtual string | idSound [get] |
virtual bool | enableMouseInfo [get] |
virtual bool | hideBalloon [get] |
virtual string | textHintTitle [get] |
virtual bool | AllowAutoClick [get] |
virtual bool | ShowActionHint [get] |
virtual bool | ShowMouseoverTarget [get] |
virtual AreaHighlightMode | AreaHihlight [get] |
virtual bool | CanSelectTile [get] |
virtual bool | CanTargetOutsideBounds [get] |
virtual bool | ShouldPauseGame [get] |
virtual bool | FixFocus [get] |
virtual bool | HideSubWidgets [get] |
virtual bool | IsBuildMode [get] |
virtual bool | ShowBuildWidgets [get] |
virtual BuildMenu.Mode | buildMenuMode [get] |
virtual bool | ShouldHideBuildMenu [get] |
virtual bool | CanTargetFog [get] |
virtual int | CostMoney [get] |
virtual bool | AllowBuildModeShortcuts [get] |
virtual bool | AllowMiddleClickFunc [get] |
virtual bool | AllowHotbar [get] |
virtual bool | AllowGeneralInput [get] |
virtual bool | ShowMaskedThings [get] |
virtual int | SelectorHeight [get] |
virtual bool | AllowWheelZoom [get] |
virtual float | TargetZoom [get] |
virtual BaseTileMap.CardIconMode | cardIconMode [get] |
virtual BaseGameScreen | TargetGameScreen [get] |
virtual bool | IsNoMap [get] |
virtual bool | UseSubMenu [get] |
virtual bool | UseSubMenuSlider [get] |
virtual bool | SubMenuAsGroup [get] |
virtual int | SubMenuModeIndex [get] |
virtual bool | ShowExtraHint [get] |
BaseTileSelector | tileSelector [get] |
![]() | |
static Game | game [get] |
static bool | AdvMode [get] |
static Player | player [get] |
static Chara | pc [get] |
static UI | ui [get] |
static Map | _map [get] |
static Zone | _zone [get] |
static FactionBranch | Branch [get] |
static FactionBranch | BranchOrHomeBranch [get] |
static Faction | Home [get] |
static Faction | Wilds [get] |
static Scene | scene [get] |
static BaseGameScreen | screen [get] |
static GameSetting | setting [get] |
static GameData | gamedata [get] |
static ColorProfile | Colors [get] |
static World | world [get] |
static SourceManager | sources [get] |
static SourceManager | editorSources [get] |
static SoundManager | Sound [get] |
static CoreDebug | debug [get] |
Private Attributes | |
float | gearAngle |
Vector3 | lastCamPos |
bool | startedRun |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static void | OnGameInstantiated () |
![]() | |
static int | rnd (int a) |
static int | curve (int a, int start, int step, int rate=75) |
static int | rndHalf (int a) |
static float | rndf (float a) |
static int | rndSqrt (int a) |
static void | Wait (float a, Card c) |
static void | Wait (float a, Point p) |
static int | Bigger (int a, int b) |
static int | Smaller (int a, int b) |
![]() | |
static Vector3 | mpos |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from AM_BaseGameMode.
Reimplemented in AM_ADV_Target.
Definition at line 474 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References EClass._zone, ConfigAutoCombat.abortOnAllyDying, ConfigAutoCombat.abortOnHalfHP, ConfigAutoCombat.abortOnItemLoss, actCount, AM_Adv.PressedAction.action, EInput.action, Chara.ai, Player.ReturnInfo.askDest, Game.Config.autoCombat, Player.autoCombatStartHP, autorun, EInput.axis, AxisMove(), CoreDebug.boradcast, CoreDebug.BroadcastNext(), ActionMode.Build, ItemGeneral.Build(), RecipeUpdater.Build(), AM_Adv.PressedAction.button, UIList.buttons, Player.CanAcceptInput(), CanAct(), TraitNewZone.CanAutoEnter(), Thing.CanAutoFire(), AIAct.Cancel(), AI_PlayMusic.CancelKeepPlaying(), HotItemHeld.CanChangeHeightByWheel(), PointTarget.CanCycle(), AIAct.CanManualCancel(), ActRanged.CanPerform(), HotItemHeld.CanRotate(), ActThrow.CanThrow(), AM_Adv.PressedAction.canTurbo, ButtonState.clickDuration, ButtonState.clicked, Core.config, Game.config, EInput.KeyboardPress.Consume(), EInput.Consume(), EClass.core, AM_Adv.PressedAction.count, Player.currentHotItem, cursorMove, PointTarget.CycleTarget(), EClass.debug, Core.delta, RecipeUpdater.dirty, GamePrincipal.disableManualSave, Card.Dist(), Point.Distance(), ActionMode.DoFunc(), ButtonState.down, CoreDebug.enable, EndTurbo(), Player.EndTurn(), Player.EnterLocalZone(), Card.Evalue(), Card.ExistsOnMap, ThingContainer.Find(), Spatial.FindDeepestZone(), Point.FindThing(), EClass.game, Card.GetRootCard(), Player.haltMove, Chara.HasCondition(), Chara.HasNoGoal, EInput.hasShiftChanged, Card.HasTag(), Player.HasValidRangedTarget(), Chara.hostility, Card.hp, Game.id, AM_Adv.PressedAction.ignoreCount, Scene.Init(), CoreConfig.input, UISong.Instance, WidgetCurrentTool.Instance, CoreDebug.instaReturn, EInput.IsAnyKeyDown(), Game.isCloud, Party.IsCriticallyWounded(), Chara.IsCriticallyWounded(), AM_Adv.PressedAction.IsPressing(), Spatial.IsRegion, TaskPoint.isRepeated, EInput.KeyboardPress.IsRepeating, AIAct.IsRunning, EInput.isShiftDown, PointTarget.isValid, item, itemLost, AI_PlayMusic.keepPlaying, keepWalking, EInput.keyFire, Player.lastTurn, EInput.leftMouse, WidgetCurrentTool.list, Point.ListCharas(), SpatialManager.ListReturnLocations(), Game.Load(), Chara.LookAt(), HotItem.LookAtMouse, Chara.mana, CoreConfig.InputSetting.middleClick, EInput.middleMouse, CoreConfig.InputSetting.middlePressLong, AM_Build.ModAltitude(), WidgetCurrentTool.ModSelected(), EInput.mouse3, CoreConfig.InputSetting.mouse3Click, CoreConfig.InputSetting.mouse3PressLong, EInput.mouse4, CoreConfig.InputSetting.mouse4Click, CoreConfig.InputSetting.mouse4PressLong, Scene.mouseTarget, movedByKey, TraitNewZone.MoveZone(), Spatial.NameWithDangerLevel, OnBecomeNoGoal(), Chara.party, EClass.pc, ActRanged.Perform(), ActThrow.Perform(), ActWait.Perform(), WidgetCurrentTool.placer, planLeft, EClass.player, AI_PlayMusic.playingTool, ActPlan.pos, Card.pos, PointTarget.pos, pressedAction, ButtonState.pressedLong, ButtonState.pressedTimer, ButtonState.pressing, Game.principal, ACT.Ranged, UISong.ratio, GameUpdater.recipe, TaskBuild.recipe, UIPlaceHelper.Refresh(), AM_Adv.PressedAction.repeat, Player.returnInfo, EInput.rightMouse, rightMouseTimer, EClass.rnd(), Recipe.Rotate(), Game.Save(), Msg.Say(), EClass.scene, WidgetCurrentTool.Select(), Chara.SetAIImmediate(), Layer.SetOnKill(), SetPressedAction(), ItemGeneral.SetSubText(), SetTurbo(), Player.showShippingResult, Game.spatials, startedRun, Player.target, Player.TargetRanged(), HotItemHeld.taskBuild, Zone.TextDeepestLv, HotItem.Thing, Card.things, ACT.Throw, AM_Adv.PressedAction.timer, AM_Adv.PressedAction.timerRepeat, timerStartRunning, ToggleZoom(), tool, Card.trait, TryCancelInteraction(), Game.TryLoad(), TaskDump.TryPerform(), Card.turn, EClass.ui, Spatial.uid, updatePlans, UpdatePlans(), Game.updater, Chara.UseAbility(), Stats.value, ACT.Wait, BaseCore.WaitForEndOfFrame(), AM_Adv.PressedAction.waitForTurn, EInput.WaitReleaseKey(), EInput.wheel, Player.willAutoSave, Chara.WillConsumeTurn(), AM_Adv.PressedAction.willEndTurn, Player.willEndTurn, and zoomOut.
inline |
Definition at line 1092 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References EClass._zone, Chara.ai, CoreConfig.Test.alwaysRun, autorun, EInput.axis, axisTarget, AIAct.Cancel(), Player.CanExitBorder(), GoalManualMove.CanMove(), ActPlan.canRepeat, Core.config, Point.Copy(), EClass.core, Core.delta, Player.ExitBorder(), ActPlan.GetAction(), ActPlan.HasAct, Chara.HasNoGoal, AM_Adv.PressedAction.Init(), Spatial.IsRegion, Point.IsValid, ActPlan.list, movedByKey, EClass.pc, planKeyboard, EClass.player, Card.pos, pressedAction, AM_Adv.PressedAction.SetAction(), SetManualMove(), SetTurbo(), startedRun, CoreConfig.test, timerStartRunning, turbo, PointTarget.Update(), ActPlan.Update(), Util, ActPlan.WillEndTurn, Point.x, and Point.z.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput().
inline |
Definition at line 1087 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References Chara.HasNoGoal, and EClass.pc.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput().
inline |
Definition at line 436 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References ActPlan.Clear(), planLeft, planRight, and updatePlans.
Referenced by Chara.Kick(), and ToggleZoom().
inline |
Definition at line 1055 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References turbo.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), OnDeactivate(), and PressedActionMove().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from ActionMode.
Definition at line 318 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References Point.IsSync.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from ActionMode.
Definition at line 252 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References TaskMine.CanMine(), Chara.held, and EClass.pc.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from ActionMode.
Reimplemented in AM_ADV_Target.
Definition at line 261 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References Chara.ai, AIAct.Cancel(), BaseGameScreen.FocusPC(), WidgetMouseover.Hide(), AM_Adv.PressedAction.Init(), WidgetMouseover.Instance, EClass.pc, Card.pos, Point.PositionCenter(), pressedAction, BaseTileMap.RefreshHeight(), BaseGameScreen.RefreshPosition(), Card.renderer, EClass.screen, CardRenderer.SetFirst(), and BaseGameScreen.tileMap.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from ActionMode.
Definition at line 339 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References Player.MarkMapHighlights(), mouseTarget, EClass.pc, EClass.player, Card.pos, PointTarget.pos, Point.PositionAuto(), EClass.screen, and BaseGameScreen.Zoom.
inline |
Definition at line 443 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References CoreConfig.GameConfig.alwaysUpdateRecipe, RecipeUpdater.Build(), Core.config, EClass.core, Player.currentHotItem, Chara.Drink(), Player.EndTurn(), CoreConfig.game, EClass.game, Card.HasElement(), Player.hotItemToRestore, ThingContainer.List(), Player.OnAdvanceRealHour(), EClass.pc, EClass.player, Card.pos, Player.realHour, GameUpdater.recipe, EClass.rnd(), Player.SetCurrentHotItem(), Card.things, Card.trait, Tutorial.TryPlayReserve(), and Game.updater.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from ActionMode.
Definition at line 327 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References isMoving, CardRenderer.IsMoving, EClass.pc, and Card.renderer.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from ActionMode.
Reimplemented in AM_Region.
Definition at line 282 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References EClass._map, EClass._zone, MeshPass.Add(), Map.charas, Core.config, Game.config, EClass.core, Player.currentHotItem, CoreConfig.game, EClass.game, BaseGameScreen.guide, Game.Config.highlightArea, CoreConfig.GameConfig.highlightEnemy, Point.Installed, Chara.IsHostile(), Chara.IsMultisize, Zone.IsPCFaction, Chara.isSynced, item, HotItem.OnRenderTile(), Trait.OnRenderTile(), ScreenGuide.passGuideFloor, EClass.pc, EClass.player, Card.pos, Point.Position(), EClass.screen, ShouldHideTile, and Card.trait.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from ActionMode.
Definition at line 349 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References Chara.ai, arrowIndex, CursorSystem.arrows, EClass.core, ActPlan.CursorIcon, cursorMove, Point.Equals(), gearAngle, ActPlan.HasAct, Chara.HasNoGoal, PointTarget.hasTargetChanged, CursorSystem.IconGear, CursorSystem.ignoreCount, CursorSystem.Instance, Chara.IsDisabled, mouseTarget, EClass.pc, ActPlan.performed, planLeft, planRight, ActPlan.pos, PointTarget.pos, RefreshArrow(), EClass.screen, CursorSystem.SetCursor(), ShouldHideTile, ActPlan.ShowAct, textMiddle, textWheel, turbo, EClass.ui, Core.uiScale, UpdateLangWheel(), updatePlans, UpdatePlans(), and BaseGameScreen.Zoom.
inline |
Definition at line 1205 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References Chara.ai, autorun, CoreConfig.InputSetting.autowalk, AIAct.Cancel(), Player.CanExitBorder(), GoalManualMove.CanMove(), ButtonState.clicked, Core.config, EClass.core, cursorMove, ButtonState.down, EndTurbo(), Point.Equals(), Player.ExitBorder(), CoreConfig.game, Chara.HasNoGoal, CoreConfig.input, PathManager.Instance, Chara.IsEnemyOnPath(), Point.IsInBounds, EInput.isShiftDown, Point.IsValid, CoreConfig.InputSetting.keepRunning, keepWalking, GoalManualMove.lastlastPoint, GoalManualMove.lastPoint, EInput.leftMouse, EClass.pc, EClass.player, Card.pos, posArrow, posOrigin, PathManager.RequestPathImmediate(), EInput.rightMouse, CoreConfig.GameConfig.runDistance, Point.Set(), Chara.SetAIImmediate(), SetTurbo(), Point.shared, Player.TooHeavyToMove(), turbo, vArrow, Point.x, Point.z, and zoomOut.
Referenced by SetPressedAction().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in AM_Region.
Definition at line 1307 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References CoreConfig.GameConfig.angleMargin, arrowIndex, clickPos, Core.config, EClass.core, cursorMove, Point.Distance(), Point.Equals(), CoreConfig.game, WidgetUnityChan.Instance, mouseTarget, EClass.pc, Card.pos, PointTarget.pos, posArrow, CursorSystem.position, Point.PositionCenter(), posOrigin, CursorSystem.posOrigin, ButtonState.pressedLong, WidgetUnityChan.Refresh(), EInput.rightMouse, Util, vArrow, Point.x, Point.z, and zoomOut.
Referenced by Scene.Init(), and OnUpdateCursor().
inline |
Definition at line 1148 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References cursorMove, EInput.isShiftDown, EClass.pc, EClass.player, Chara.SetAIImmediate(), SetTurbo(), and Player.TooHeavyToMove().
Referenced by AxisMove(), and Scene.Init().
inline |
Definition at line 1158 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References Algorithms.WeightCell.blocked, Point.cell, clickPos, Point.Distance(), Point.Equals(), ActPlan.HasAct, AM_Adv.PressedAction.Init(), AM_BaseGameMode.isMouseOnMap, EInput.leftMouse, mouseTarget, EClass.pc, planLeft, planRight, Card.pos, pressedAction, PressedActionMove(), AM_Adv.PressedAction.SetAction(), AM_Adv.PressedAction.SetPlan(), ActPlan.Update(), updatePlans, UpdatePlans(), and zoomOut.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), and Scene.Init().
inline |
Definition at line 1040 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References GameSetting.defaultTurbo, EClass.setting, and turbo.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), AxisMove(), Thing.DoAct(), UIInventory.DoAct(), LayerCraft.OnClickCraft(), HotItemFocusPos.Perform(), ActPlan.Item.Perform(), PressedActionMove(), LayerCraftFloat.RefreshCraft(), WidgetSearch.RefreshList(), AIProgress.Run(), GoalCombat.Run(), SetManualMove(), AIAct.Start(), Chara.Tick(), and AI_Goto.TryGoTo().
inline |
Definition at line 1014 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References EClass._zone, EClass.debug, Point.Distance(), CoreDebug.godBuild, Card.H, ActPlan.HasAct, Spatial.IsRegion, Point.LastThing, mouseTarget, EClass.pc, planAll, ActPlan.pos, Card.pos, Card.Rotate(), ActPlan.ShowContextMenu(), EClass.ui, and ActPlan.Update().
Referenced by ActionMode.DoFunc().
inline |
Definition at line 1060 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References ClearPlans(), EClass.ui, and zoomOut2.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), and ActionMode.DoFunc().
inline |
Definition at line 1069 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References Chara.ai, AIAct.Cancel(), AIAct.CanManualCancel(), EInput.Consume(), Chara.HasNoGoal, AIAct.IsRunning, and EClass.pc.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), and Chara.Tick().
inline |
Definition at line 417 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References HotItemHeld.CanChangeHeightByWheel(), HotItemHeld.CanRotate(), Point.Distance(), ActPlan.HasAct, EInput.KeyMap.key, EInput.keys, EInput.KeyMapManager.mouseMiddle, Scene.mouseTarget, EClass.pc, planRight, Card.pos, PointTarget.pos, EClass.scene, textMiddle, textWheel, and EClass.ui.
Referenced by OnUpdateCursor().
inline |
Definition at line 410 of file AM_Adv.cs.
References mouseTarget, planLeft, planRight, ActPlan.Update(), and updatePlans.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), OnUpdateCursor(), WidgetCurrentTool.Select(), SetPressedAction(), and ActionMode.UpdateInput().
static |
Definition at line 101 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), TaskBuild.GetHitResult(), ActPlan.Item.Perform(), and TaskPoint.Run().
protected |
Definition at line 111 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by OnUpdateCursor(), RefreshArrow(), and AM_Region.RefreshArrow().
PointTarget AM_Adv.axisTarget |
Definition at line 127 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by AxisMove().
protected |
Definition at line 168 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by RefreshArrow(), AM_Region.RefreshArrow(), and SetPressedAction().
protected |
Definition at line 115 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), OnUpdateCursor(), PressedActionMove(), RefreshArrow(), AM_Region.RefreshArrow(), and SetManualMove().
private |
Definition at line 156 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by OnUpdateCursor().
bool AM_Adv.isMoving |
Definition at line 160 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by OnBeforeUpdate().
int AM_Adv.itemLost |
Definition at line 109 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), and Map.TryShatter().
protected |
Definition at line 117 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), and PressedActionMove().
bool AM_Adv.movedByKey |
Definition at line 107 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), and AxisMove().
ActPlan AM_Adv.planAll |
Definition at line 147 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by HotItemHeld.CanRotate(), and ShowAllAction().
ActPlan AM_Adv.planKeyboard |
Definition at line 142 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by AxisMove().
ActPlan AM_Adv.planLeft |
Definition at line 132 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), ClearPlans(), OnUpdateCursor(), SetPressedAction(), and UpdatePlans().
ActPlan AM_Adv.planRight |
Definition at line 137 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by ClearPlans(), OnUpdateCursor(), SetPressedAction(), UpdateLangWheel(), and UpdatePlans().
protected |
Definition at line 121 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by PressedActionMove(), RefreshArrow(), and AM_Region.RefreshArrow().
protected |
Definition at line 119 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by PressedActionMove(), RefreshArrow(), and AM_Region.RefreshArrow().
PressedAction AM_Adv.pressedAction = new PressedAction() |
Definition at line 125 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), AxisMove(), OnActivate(), and SetPressedAction().
float AM_Adv.rightMouseTimer |
Definition at line 164 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), and BaseGameScreen.RefreshPosition().
private |
Definition at line 166 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), and AxisMove().
string AM_Adv.textMiddle |
Definition at line 154 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by OnUpdateCursor(), and UpdateLangWheel().
string AM_Adv.textWheel |
Definition at line 152 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by OnUpdateCursor(), and UpdateLangWheel().
protected |
Definition at line 113 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), and AxisMove().
static |
Definition at line 99 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by AxisMove(), EndTurbo(), OnUpdateCursor(), PressedActionMove(), and SetTurbo().
bool AM_Adv.updatePlans |
Definition at line 158 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), ClearPlans(), OnUpdateCursor(), SetPressedAction(), and UpdatePlans().
protected |
Definition at line 123 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by PressedActionMove(), RefreshArrow(), and AM_Region.RefreshArrow().
bool AM_Adv.zoomOut |
Definition at line 103 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), ActionMode.InputMovement(), Widget.Config.IsInRightMode(), PressedActionMove(), RefreshArrow(), and SetPressedAction().
bool AM_Adv.zoomOut2 |
Definition at line 105 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by HotItemContext.Show(), and ToggleZoom().
get |
Definition at line 172 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by _OnUpdateInput(), AxisMove(), and PressedActionMove().
get |
get |
get |
Definition at line 170 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by OnAfterUpdate(), OnUpdateCursor(), RefreshArrow(), TaskPoint.Run(), SetPressedAction(), ShowAllAction(), and UpdatePlans().
get |
Definition at line 174 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by OnRenderTile(), and OnUpdateCursor().
get |
get |
Definition at line 240 of file AM_Adv.cs.
Referenced by BaseGameScreen.RefreshPosition().