override string | GetTextSmall (Card c) |
override void | OnCreateProgress (Progress_Custom p) |
override HitResult | GetHitResult () |
Thing | GetTreasureMap () |
override void | OnProgressComplete () |
virtual string | GetBaseText (string str) |
override string | GetTextSmall (Card c) |
override string | GetText (string str="") |
void | SetTarget (Chara c, Thing _tool=null) |
int | GetToolEfficiency (Thing t, SourceMaterial.Row mat) |
override bool | CanProgress () |
int[] | GetToolEfficiency (SourceMaterial.Row mat) |
string | GetTextDifficulty () |
virtual string | GetTextOrbit () |
bool | PointHasOtherDesignation () |
virtual void | DrawMarker (int x, int z, RenderParam p) |
virtual void | Draw (int x, int z, RenderParam p) |
virtual void | OnEnterScreen () |
virtual void | OnLeaveScreen () |
virtual void | TrySpawnOrbit () |
void | DespawnOrbit () |
override bool | CanManualCancel () |
override bool | CanPerform () |
override bool | _CanPerformTask (Chara chara, int radius) |
override IEnumerable< Status > | Run () |
void | OnInspect () |
void | WriteNote (UINote n, Action< UINote > onWriteNote=null, IInspect.NoteMode mode=IInspect.NoteMode.Default, Recipe recipe=null) |
virtual HitResult | GetHitResult () |
override void | OnSuccess () |
void | TryLater (int min=30) |
Status | Destroy () |
virtual void | OnDestroy () |
override Status | Cancel () |
override void | OnReset () |
override bool | CanProgress () |
bool | CanPerformTask (Chara chara, int radius) |
virtual bool | _CanPerformTask (Chara chara, int radius) |
virtual void | OnAdd () |
void | ToggleSuspend () |
override string | ToString () |
override MultiSprite | GetStateIcon () |
virtual bool | ShouldAllyAttack (Chara tg) |
virtual Point | GetDestination () |
AIProgress | GetProgress () |
string | GetCurrentActionText () |
override bool | IsToolValid () |
virtual void | OnStart () |
void | SetOwner (Chara c) |
virtual void | OnSetOwner () |
void | SetChild (AIAct seq, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null) |
void | Start () |
override bool | Perform () |
Status | Restart () |
Status | Success (Action action=null) |
virtual void | OnSuccess () |
bool | TryCancel (Card c) |
virtual Status | Cancel () |
virtual void | OnCancel () |
virtual void | OnCancelOrSuccess () |
virtual bool | CanManualCancel () |
Status | KeepRunning () |
void | Reset () |
virtual void | OnReset () |
Status | Tick () |
virtual IEnumerable< Status > | Run () |
Status | TickChild () |
Status | Do (AIAct _seq, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null) |
Status | DoGotoInteraction (Point pos, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null) |
Status | DoGoto (Point pos, int dist=0, bool ignoreConnection=false, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null) |
Status | DoGoto (Card card, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null) |
Status | DoGoto (Card card, int dist, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null) |
Status | DoGotoSpot (Card card, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null) |
Status | DoGoto< T > (Func< Status > _onChildFail=null) |
Status | DoGotoSpot< T > (Func< Status > _onChildFail=null, bool ignoreAccessType=false) |
Status | DoGrab (Card card, int num=-1, bool pickHeld=false, Func< Status > _onChildFail=null) |
Status | DoGrab< T > () |
Status | DoProgress () |
Status | DoIdle (int repeat=3) |
Status | DoWait (int count=1) |
virtual AIProgress | CreateProgress () |
virtual void | OnCreateProgress (Progress_Custom p) |
virtual bool | CanProgress () |
virtual void | OnBeforeProgress () |
virtual void | OnProgress () |
virtual void | OnProgressComplete () |
void | SimulateZone (int days) |
virtual void | OnSimulateZone (int days) |
virtual void | OnSimulatePosition () |
virtual CursorInfo | GetCursorIcon (Card c) |
virtual MultiSprite | GetStateIcon () |
override Sprite | GetSprite () |
virtual bool | ShowMouseHint (Card c) |
virtual bool | IsValidTC (Card c) |
virtual string | GetHintText (string str="") |
virtual string | GetText (string str="") |
virtual string | GetTextSmall (Card c) |
bool | IsTargetHostileParty () |
virtual Color | GetActPlanColor () |
virtual bool | Perform () |
virtual bool | CanPerform () |
bool | Perform (Chara _cc, Card _tc=null, Point _tp=null) |
bool | CanPerform (Chara _cc, Card _tc=null, Point _tp=null) |
virtual bool | IsToolValid () |
new void | SetImage (Image image) |
virtual void | OnMarkMapHighlights () |
virtual bool | ShouldMapHighlight (Point p) |
virtual SourceElement.Row | GetSource () |
virtual int | GetSourcePotential (int v) |
virtual Sprite | GetSprite () |
int | GetMaterialSourceValue (Thing t, int v) |
virtual int | GetSourceValue (int v, int lv, SourceValueType type) |
virtual Sprite | GetIcon (string suffix="") |
bool | IsActive (Card c) |
int | SortVal (bool charaSheet=false) |
virtual bool | CanLink (ElementContainer owner) |
bool | HasTag (string tag) |
void | SetImage (Image i) |
virtual string | GetDetail () |
bool | IsFactionElement (Chara c) |
Element | GetParent (Card c) |
void | WriteNote (UINote n, ElementContainer owner=null, Action< UINote > onWriteNote=null) |
void | WriteNoteWithRef (UINote n, ElementContainer owner, Action< UINote > onWriteNote, Element refEle) |
void | _WriteNote (UINote n, Chara c, Act act) |
void | AddHeaderAbility (UINote n) |
void | _WriteNote (UINote n, ElementContainer owner, Action< UINote > onWriteNote, bool isRef, bool addHeader=true) |
virtual void | OnWriteNote (UINote n, ElementContainer owner) |
virtual void | OnChangeValue () |
void | CheckLevelBonus (ElementContainer owner, UINote n=null) |
int | GetSortVal (UIList.SortMode m) |
virtual Act.Cost | GetCost (Chara c) |
virtual int | GetPower (Card c) |
virtual void | SetTextValue (UIText text) |
virtual bool | IsPurchaseFeatReqMet (ElementContainer owner, int lv=-1) |
virtual void | WritePurchaseReq (UINote n, int lv=1) |
void | WriteNote (UINote n, Action< UINote > onWriteNote=null, NoteMode mode=NoteMode.Default, Recipe recipe=null) |
void | OnInspect () |
void | OnEnterScreen () |
void | OnLeaveScreen () |
static Thing | GetBestTool (Chara c, Point p) |
static int | GetReqEle (string _raw) |
static void | SetReference (Chara _cc, Card _tc=null, Point _tp=null) |
static void | SetTool (Thing t) |
static string | GetName (string alias) |
static SourceElement.Row | Get (int id) |
static Dictionary< int, int > | GetElementMap (int[] list) |
static Dictionary< int, int > | GetElementMap (int[] list, Dictionary< int, int > map) |
static SourceElement.Row | GetRandomElement (int lv=1) |
static Element | Create (int id, int v=0) |
static Element | Create (string id, int v=1) |
static int | GetId (string alias) |
static int | GetResistLv (int v) |
static int | GetResistDamage (int dmg, int v, int power=0) |
static int | rnd (int a) |
static int | curve (int a, int start, int step, int rate=75) |
static int | rndHalf (int a) |
static float | rndf (float a) |
static int | rndSqrt (int a) |
static void | Wait (float a, Card c) |
static void | Wait (float a, Point p) |
static int | Bigger (int a, int b) |
static int | Smaller (int a, int b) |
static Chara | CC |
static Card | TC |
static Point | TP = new Point() |
static Thing | TOOL |
static int | powerMod = 100 |
static bool | forcePt |
const int | Div = 5 |
static Element | Void = new Element() |
static int[] | List_MainAttributes = new int[9] { 70, 72, 71, 77, 74, 75, 76, 73, 79 } |
static int[] | List_MainAttributesMajor = new int[8] { 70, 72, 71, 77, 74, 75, 76, 73 } |
static int[] | List_Body = new int[4] { 70, 72, 71, 77 } |
static int[] | List_Mind = new int[4] { 74, 75, 76, 73 } |
static List< SourceElement.Row > | ListElements = new List<SourceElement.Row>() |
static List< SourceElement.Row > | ListAttackElements = new List<SourceElement.Row>() |
static Core | core |
Definition at line 1 of file TaskDig.cs.
Reimplemented from AIAct.
Definition at line 51 of file TaskDig.cs.
52 {
56 p.onProgressBegin = delegate
57 {
58 if (base.IsTooHard)
59 {
62 }
64 {
66 }
67 };
68 p.onProgress = delegate
69 {
77 {
79 }
80 };
81 }
void SetTarget(Chara c, Thing _tool=null)
ElementContainerCard elements
SoundSource PlaySound(string id, float v=1f, bool spatial=true)
void Say(string lang, string ref1=null, string ref2=null)
SourceMaterial.Row matFloor
void ModExp(int ele, int a, bool chain=false)
bool TryWitnessCrime(Chara criminal, Chara target=null, int radius=4, Func< Chara, bool > funcWitness=null)
string GetSoundImpact(RenderRow c=null)
void AddBlood(Point p, int a=1)
void PlayHitEffect(Point p, int emit=2)
bool IsCrime(Chara c, Act act)
References EClass._zone, SourceMaterial.Row.AddBlood(), AIAct.Cancel(), Point.cell, Card.elements, Cell.GetBridgeName(), Cell.GetFloorName(), SourceMaterial.Row.GetSoundImpact(), Cell.HasBridge, Zone.IsCrime(), Cell.matFloor, BaseTaskHarvest.maxProgress, ElementContainer.ModExp(), CardRenderer.NextFrame(), AIAct.owner, SourceMaterial.Row.PlayHitEffect(), Card.PlaySound(), Card.pos, TaskPoint.pos, Card.renderer, Card.Say(), BaseTaskHarvest.SetTarget(), Card.Tool, and Point.TryWitnessCrime().
override void TaskDig.OnProgressComplete |
( |
| ) |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from AIAct.
Definition at line 137 of file TaskDig.cs.
138 {
139 string idRecipe = (pos.HasBridge ? pos.sourceBridge.RecipeID :
140 int num = (pos.HasBridge ? pos.matBridge.hardness :
142 {
145 {
146 if (map == null)
147 {
149 }
150 SE.Play("ding_skill");
153 {
154 Thing thing = ThingGen.CreateTreasure("chest_treasure", map.LV);
155 EClass._zone.AddCard(thing, EClass.pc.pos);
156 ThingGen.TryLickChest(thing);
157 });
159 EClass.player.willAutoSave = true;
160 return;
161 }
162 }
164 {
167 break;
168 case Mode.RemoveFloor:
172 {
174 }
175 break;
178 break;
179 }
181 {
183 }
185 {
187 }
189 {
191 {
193 }
195 {
197 }
198 }
199 }
override bool IsAliveInCurrentZone
void SetBridge(int x, int z, int height=0, int idMat=0, int idBridge=0, int dir=0)
void MineFloor(Point point, Chara c=null, bool recoverBlock=false, bool removePlatform=true)
static string Say(string idLang, string ref1, string ref2=null, string ref3=null, string ref4=null)
void Animate(AnimeID id, bool animeBlock=false)
static void UseSeed(int seed, Action action)
void ComeUpWithRecipe(string idRecipe, int chanceForRandomRecipe=0)
static Thing Create(string id, int idMat=-1, int lv=-1)
References EClass._map, EClass._zone, Point.Animate(), RecipeManager.ComeUpWithRecipe(), ThingGen.Create(), EClass.debug, Card.Destroy(), Card.elements, CoreDebug.enable, Chara.FallFromZone(), GetTreasureMap(), Card.IsAgent, Chara.IsAliveInCurrentZone, Zone.IsCrime(), Chara.IsPC, Spatial.IsRegion, Point.IsSky, Zone.IsSkyLevel, Card.LV, Point.matFloor, Map.MineFloor(), Stats.Mod(), mode, ElementContainer.ModExp(), Player.ModKarma(), AIAct.owner, EClass.pc, EClass.player, Card.pos, TaskPoint.pos, Player.recipes, Card.refVal, EClass.rnd(), Msg.Say(), Map.SetBridge(), Point.sourceFloor, Chara.stamina, Rand.UseSeed(), Point.x, and Point.z.